Archiv: des Wahnsinns fette Beute.. / madness takes its toll …

18.12.2024 - 06:01 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Nein zu deutschen Bodentruppen in der Ukraine

(Dezember 5, 2024)

Und ein Wort zur AfD: Wer hier sagt – wie der Redner der AfD -:

(Stephan Brandner (AfD): Das ist aber schon viel mehr als ein Wort jetzt! Ein Wort wollten Sie sagen!)

„Die Bundeswehr ist da, um zu kämpfen und zu siegen“, ist so wenig Friedenspartei wie die Olivgrünen in diesem Haus.

(Beifall beim BSW)

Diese Resteampel erweckt zunehmend den Eindruck, als wolle sie Deutschland vor Moskau verteidigen,

(Britta Haßelmann (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Hören Sie doch auf mit Ihren Fake News! Verschonen Sie uns damit!)

und das ist auch vor dem Hintergrund unserer Geschichte einfach grundfalsch.

(Merle Spellerberg (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Ich glaube, da braucht jemand Geschichtsnachhilfe!)

Nach dem gebrochenen Versprechen, die NATO nicht nach Osten zu erweitern, schicken Sie jetzt auch noch für 11 Milliarden Euro die deutschen Soldaten nach Litauen, an die russische Grenze. Sie verlieren so jede Glaubwürdigkeit.

18.12.2024 - 05:41 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Merz-Union im Geist von Putschpräsident Yoon

(Dezember 8, 2024)

Die Union möchte ja, dass die Bundeswehr rund um die koreanische Halbinsel wie im gesamten Indopazifikraum stärker zum Einsatz kommt. „Aber ist das wirklich die Aufgabe der Bundeswehr?“, frage ich mich. Wollen Sie bei den Konflikten dort jetzt auch noch mitmischen? Und haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob die Koreaner aus Nord und Süd jetzt auf die Bundesmarine gewartet haben, um ihr strahlend vom Ufer zuwinken zu können? Was haben Sie sich dabei nur gedacht?

(Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Es gibt Menschen, die denken sich tatsächlich noch was dabei!)

10.12.2024 - 01:03 [ CNN ]

Haiti gang massacre leaves over 180 dead after Voodoo accusations, say UN and rights groups

Citing sources in the area, Haiti’s Committee for Peace and Development (CPD) also said the attack targeted “all elderly people and Voodoo practitioners who, in (Micanor’s) imagination, would be capable of casting a bad spell on his son,” and left the bodies of victims mutilated in the streets.

At least 184 people were killed in the massacre, including an estimated 127 elderly men and women, the United Nations said.

10.12.2024 - 00:58 [ Miami Herald ]

Haiti gang leader blames witchcraft for his son’s death, kills more than 100 people

The killings were carried out by Micanor Altes, who goes by the names Wa Mikanò” and Monel Felix, between Friday and Saturday in the Wharf Jérémie section of Cité Solei in Port-au-Prince, and on the advice of a local Vodou priest who accused the community’s elderly residents of being responsible for the child’s ailments.

07.12.2024 - 22:33 [ Middle East Eye ]

Inside the Iraqi factions’ decision to keep out of Syria

Assad himself has not formally asked the Iraqi government to send military reinforcements.

01.12.2024 - 23:21 [ ]

Selenskyj: Einladung zum NATO-Beitritt „überlebenswichtig“

Er erklärte laut Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass jede Einladung, dem Bündnis beizutreten, für das gesamte ukrainische Territorium gelten müsse. Selenskyj räumte allerdings ein, dass das wegen der besetzten Gebiete im Krieg aktuell noch nicht möglich sei.

01.12.2024 - 23:14 [ ]

EU-Spitzen in Kiew: Costa für baldige EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Ukraine

Der neue EU-Ratspräsident Costa hat der Ukraine für 2025 den Beginn von Beitrittsverhandlungen versprochen. Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Kallas regte bei dem gemeinsamen Besuch in Kiew die Diskussion über eine NATO-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine an.

30.11.2024 - 03:56 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

Will Washington Destroy the World?

(November 25, 2024)

Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.

Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.

28.11.2024 - 12:25 [ Associated Press ]

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia

(November 28, 2024)

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilization age to 18 from the current age of 25 to expand the pool of fighting-age men available to help a badly outnumbered Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.

The official said “the pure math” of Ukraine’s situation now is that it needs more troops in the fight

28.11.2024 - 12:21 [ ]

White House Pressing Ukraine To Draft 18-Year-Olds for War

(November 27, 2024)

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan recently hinted that the US was pressuring Ukraine to expand conscription, saying Ukraine’s biggest problem in the war was the lack of manpower.

“Our view has been that there’s not one weapon system that makes a difference in this battle. It’s about manpower, and Ukraine needs to do more, in our view, to firm up its lines in terms of the number of forces it has on the front lines,” Sullivan said on PBS News Hour last week.

25.11.2024 - 21:04 [ ]

Selling War: How Raytheon and Boeing Fund the Push for NATO’s Nuclear Expansion

(September 18, 2024)

To “counter Russia’s nuclear blackmail,” the Atlantic Council confidently asserted, “NATO must adapt its nuclear sharing program.” This includes moving B-61 atomic bombs to Eastern Europe and building a network of medium-range missile bases across the continent. The think tank praised Washington’s recent decision to send Tomahawk and SM-6 missiles to Germany as a “good start” but insisted that it “does not impose a high enough price” on Russia.

What the Atlantic Council does not divulge at any time is that not only would this drastically increase the likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear war, but that the weapons they specifically recommend come directly from manufacturers that fund them in the first place.

25.11.2024 - 17:50 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Russland warnt Südkorea vor Lieferung tödlicher Waffen an Ukraine

Südkoreas Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hatte auf einer Pressekonferenz am 7. November gesagt, dass er abhängig vom Ausmaß der Beteiligung der nordkoreanischen Streitkräfte an dem Krieg Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nicht ausschließen wolle.

25.11.2024 - 16:44 [ ]

UK army chief: We’re ready to fight Putin in Eastern Europe

„If the British Army was asked to fight tonight, it would fight tonight,“ Rob Magowan, the deputy chief of the British defense staff, told the House of Commons defense committee. „I don‘t think anybody in this room should be under any illusion that if the Russians invaded Eastern Europe tonight, then we would meet them in that fight.“

The striking comments came as MPs asked Magowan Thursday how many British brigades could get to NATO‘s eastern flank in the event of a major escalation by Russia.

25.11.2024 - 16:31 [ ]

France Says Ukraine Can Fire French Long-Range Missiles Into Russia

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said in an interview published Saturday that Ukraine could fire French-provided long-range missiles into Russian territory following US and British authorization of such strikes.

France has provided Ukraine with its version of the British Storm Shadow missiles, known as SCALP missiles, which have a range of about 155 miles. Barrot told BBC that there are no “red lines” when it comes to France’s support of Ukraine and that Ukrainian forces could fire the missiles into Russia “in the logics of self-defense.”

25.11.2024 - 13:50 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]


(November 19, 2024)

Joe Biden genehmigt der Ukraine, mit amerikanischen Raketen Ziele in Russland zu beschießen. Damit riskiert er einen Weltkrieg.

Kurz vor der Amtsübergabe eskalieren die US-Demokraten nochmal. Ihnen scheint völlig egal zu sein, dass Kamala Harris auch wegen der Ukraine-Politik die Wahl verloren hat.

25.11.2024 - 13:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ach, das bisschen Atomkriegsrisiko …

(November 21, 2024)

Bereits Ende August hatte der Spiegel unter dem Titel „Wladimir Putin und seine Schauermärchen von den roten Linien“ Verniedlichung betrieben. Die Autorin Ann-Dorit Boy, die laut Spiegel auch „Public Information Officer bei UN OCHA in Kiew“ war, schreibt:

„Die Erkenntnis, dass Putins Drohungen leer sind, ist nicht neu. Der Kreml hat in seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine schon viele angeblich rote Linien gezogen. Militärhilfe von Drittstaaten sollte tabu sein, später Angriffe auf die Brücke zur Halbinsel Krim, die Lieferung von weitreichenden Raketen und Marschflugkörpern und F-16-Kampfjets. Alle diese Linien sind überschritten worden. Passiert ist nichts.“

25.11.2024 - 02:15 [ ]

Report: US and European Officials Discussed Giving Ukraine Nuclear Weapons

(November 22, 2024)

Desperate to bolster Ukraine’s standing in the war before the transition of power on January 20, the Biden administration is looking at a range of serious escalations. “US and European officials are discussing deterrence as a possible security guarantee for Ukraine, such as stockpiling a conventional arsenal sufficient to strike a punishing blow if Russia violates a cease-fire.” The article continues, “Several officials even suggested that Mr. Biden could return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the fall of the Soviet Union.”

According to some officials who spoke with the Times, the administration believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t significantly escalate the war until Trump returns to the Oval Office.

25.11.2024 - 02:14 [ ]

Trump’s Vow to End the War Could Leave Ukraine With Few Options

(November 24, 2024)

„Trump’s Vow to End the War Could Leave Ukraine With Few Options​

Several officials even suggested that Mr. Biden could return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the fall of the Soviet Union. That would be an instant and enormous deterrent. But such a step would be complicated and have serious implications.“

23.11.2024 - 15:26 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Ukraine claims Russia launched ICBM at eastern city of Dnipro

(November 21, 2024)

Ukraine’s military has accused Russia of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile in an attack on the city of Dnipro. The air force did not say what kind of ICBM was deployed and CNN has not been able to verify the claim.

23.11.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

NATO and Ukraine to hold emergency talks after Russia‘s hypersonic missile attack

NATO and Ukraine are to hold emergency talks on Tuesday next week, after an attack with intermediate-range Oreshnik missile hit a military facility in central Ukraine. The event was an escalation of the war, which Poland‘s Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said is „entering a decisive phase“ and „taking on very dramatic dimensions“ as it nears 33 months in duration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on Friday that the missile attack was in response to Ukraine using longer-range missiles capable of striking further into Russian territory, which had been provided by the US and Britain.

20.11.2024 - 00:55 [ ]

Experts react to Russia‘s new nuclear doctrine

The new doctrine states that Moscow will have the right to consider the nuclear option if Russia or Belarus come under attackby conventional arms and if such aggression creates a „critical threat“ to their sovereignty or territorial integrity.

Additionally, any act of aggression by a non-nuclear state with the participation of a nuclear state against Russia will now be regarded as a joint attack and could also trigger the new doctrine.

20.11.2024 - 00:31 [ CNBC ]

Russia says Ukraine attacked it using U.S. long-range missiles, signals it’s ready for nuclear response

Moscow signaled to the West that it’s ready for a nuclear confrontation.
Ukrainian news outlets reported early Tuesday that missiles had been used to attack a Russian military facility in the Bryansk border region.
Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed the attack.
Mobile bomb shelters are going into mass production in Russia, a government ministry said.

19.11.2024 - 00:41 [ Pentagon ]

North Korean Troops Enter Kursk Where Ukrainians Are Fighting

(2 hours ago)

It is likely that about 11,000 North Korean troops have moved into Russia‘s Kursk region, said Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, who spoke to the media today.

19.11.2024 - 00:39 [ Fox News ]

Trump allies warn Biden risking ‚World War III‘ by authorizing long-range missiles for Ukraine

„​​No one anticipated that Joe Biden would ESCALATE the war in Ukraine during the transition period. This is as if he is launching a whole new war,“ Ric Grenell, Trump’s former acting director of national intelligence, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

„Everything has changed now – all previous calculations are null and void. And all for politics.“

„The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives. Gotta lock in those $Trillions. Life be damned!!! Imbeciles!“ Donald Trump Jr., the president-elect’s son, wrote on X.

19.11.2024 - 00:31 [ New York Times ]

Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With Long-Range U.S. Missiles

(November 17, 2024)

With two months left in office, the president for the first time authorized the Ukrainian military to use the system known as ATACMS to help defend its forces in the Kursk region of Russia.

10.10.2024 - 22:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Iran: “Revolutionsgarden” kommen wieder mal ihren rechtsradikalen Kumpanen in Washington und Jerusalem zu Hilfe

(9. März, 2016)

Jeder Idiot, wenn auch kein “Linker” heutztage, begreift, dass ein Angriff von außen nur die herrschenden, autoritären und auf Krieg angewiesenen Kräfte stärkt.

Jeder “Politiker”, jeder Militär, jeder Funktionär ist zum Erbrechen, wo man nur hinschaut.


Im Westen nichts Neues.

02.10.2024 - 01:17 [ Middle East Eye ]

One Palestinian man reported killed during Iran strikes

The man was killed when a projectile landed near the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.

Hussein Hamayel, the Palestinian governor of the area, confirmed his death, saying he was killed from falling shrapnel. The man was originally from Gaza.

19.09.2024 - 21:15 [ ]

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 19.09.2024

Hisbollah-Chef Nasrallah droht nach Explosionsserien im Libanon mit Vergeltung, Explosionsserien im Libanon laut Experten wohl aus israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad zurückzuführen, …

14.09.2024 - 18:20 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. concerned about Ukraine strikes on Russian nuclear radar stations

(May 29, 2024)

The drone that targeted the radar station near Orsk, in Russia’s Orenburg region along Kazakhstan’s northern border, traveled more than 1,100 miles, making it one of the deepest attempted strikes into Russian territory. The Ukrainian official declined to say whether the strike, on May 26, caused any damage.

14.09.2024 - 18:11 [ Newsweek ]

Map Shows Ukraine‘s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites

(May 28, 2024)

Ukraine began its nascent campaign against Russia‘s early warning radar network in April, with successive drone strikes on the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovylkino, in the Mordovia Republic around 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

26.08.2024 - 21:22 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel said to push US to present credible military threat or attack Iran’s nuclear sites

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited the Northern Command headquarters earlier today with his American counterpart, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

11.04.2024 - 22:55 [ Forbes ]

To Win, The Ukrainians Must Kill Or Maim 100,000 Russians in 2024


It’s apparent neither Ukraine nor Russia possesses the excess combat power it would need to achieve a major breakthrough that swiftly and radically could alter the course of Russia’s 22-month wider war on Ukraine.

Instead, the ultimate winner might be the country that attrits enough of the enemy’s forces to cause a military-wide collapse.

08.04.2024 - 20:17 [ New York Times ]

Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel


While Israel has used the F-15s it already owns to strike Gaza, its request for the planes appears to reflect longer-term concern about regional threats, including from Lebanon-based Hezbollah, Iran-backed militias in Syria, and Iran itself. The Israel Defense Forces would probably employ F-15s in any potential attack on Iran’s nuclear program.

30.03.2024 - 18:40 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. signs off on more bombs, warplanes for Israel

The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials familiar with the matter. The 2,000-pound bombs have been linked to previous mass-casualty events throughout Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

15.02.2024 - 17:03 [ WMP EuroCom AG / Twitter ]

Die Debatte um eine EU-#Atombombe sorgt für Unruhe, aber ist sie wirklich notwendig? Deutschland ist uneins über Frankreichs Vorschlag für eine europäische nukleare Abschreckung.

Die Debatte um eine EU-Atombombe wirft komplexe Fragen auf, die sorgfältig abgewogen werden müssen, bevor eine endgültige Entscheidung getroffen wird.

15.02.2024 - 16:55 [ ]

As Trump looms, top EU politician calls for European nuclear deterrent


Facing the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the head of the EU‘s biggest political grouping is calling for Europeans to prepare for war without support from the United States and to build its own nuclear umbrella.

Manfred Weber, leader of the center-right European People‘s Party (EPP) — currently tipped to come first in the European Parliament election in June — described Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as „the two who set the framework“ for 2024.

15.02.2024 - 16:49 [ ]

An offer postponed: Berlin’s silence on Macron’s deterrence thinking

(25 August 2020)

Neither the offer to discuss the option of a dissuasion élargie (extended deterrence) that had been floating since 1976 nor the idea of a dissuasion concertée (concerted deterrence), which was brought forward by then-foreign minister Alain Juppé in 1995 and renewed by president Chirac in 2006, were able to capture Berlin’s outspoken interest.

President Macron, however, knows that he must act carefully when reaching out to the Germans, especially if he were to recall how Nicolas Sarkozy carelessly raised nuclear issues in his 2007 visit.

01.02.2024 - 22:55 [ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ]

Preliminary assessment of the economic impact of the destruction in Gaza and prospects for economic recovery

The possibility and speed recovery of Gaza depends on the date of ending of the military operation and subsequent growth performance – both remain unknown.


However, if the 2007–2022 growth trend persists with an average growth rate of 0.4 per cent, it will take Gaza 70 years just to restore the GDP levels of 2022, with GDP per capita continuously and precipitously declining given the population growth rate.

01.02.2024 - 22:36 [ UNCTAD, @UN Conference on Trade and Development / Twitter ]

#Gaza: Unprecedented level of destruction will take tens of billions of dollars and decades to reverse. Even with the end of the military operation and the recent average growth rate of 0.4%, it would take Gaza until 2092 just to restore 2022 GDP levels.

01.02.2024 - 22:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza death tolls surpasses 27,000

At least 27,019 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by Israeli attacks since 7 October, the Palestinian health ministry said on Thursday.

23.01.2024 - 04:21 [ Washington Post ]

Israel is still floating a plan for Gaza island. And now there’s a video.

He has estimated the cost of the project to be around $5 billion and has indicated in the past that Saudi Arabia or the Chinese might be interested in investing in the venture.

All sounds good until one factors in Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States and the European Union.

17.01.2024 - 08:55 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Iran: “Revolutionsgarden” kommen wieder mal ihren rechtsradikalen Kumpanen in Washington und Jerusalem zu Hilfe

(9. März 2016)

U.S. Präsident Joe Biden trifft Benjamin Netanjahu in Israel und Mahmoud Abbas im besetzten Palästina. Zeit für die iranischen Militärs, ebenfalls die Völker von Israel und Palästina zu bedrohen, zu verraten und zu verkaufen, wie alle anderen auch. Und das Volk von Iran natürlich gleich mit.

17.01.2024 - 08:48 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Trampolin-Springer in Teheran

(6, Juni 2010)

Israel und Iran. Kaum ist der asiatische Kirchenstaat am Mittelmeer in der Bredouille, legt sein Pendant am Persischen Golf los. (…)

Man sieht es schon vor Augen: die iranische Marine im Mittelmeer, Volldampf nach Gaza und immer Richtung Kriegsmarine der Atommacht Israel. Also dass wir alle da nicht gleich drauf gekommen sind. So eine gute Idee. Da lacht das Herz. Es gibt ja wahrlich große Unterschiede zwischen Iran und Israel, aber trotzdem scheint man sich dort in der Upper Class das Gleiche in den Tee zu tun.

17.01.2024 - 08:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran hits back

Missiles rain on the headquarters of terrorists in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria’s Idlib and Pakistan’s Balochistan

17.01.2024 - 08:20 [ Washington Post ]

Iran attacks alleged militant bases in Pakistan; Islamabad says ‚unprovoked‘ strikes kill 2 children

Iran launched attacks Tuesday in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl, potentially further raising tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel‘s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Pakistan said the strikes killed two children and wounded three others in an assault it described as an “unprovoked violation” of its airspace.

14.12.2023 - 20:22 [ Bernd Haake / Twitter ]

Der üble Trickser #Scholz hat auf dem #EU Gipfel dafür gesorgt daß der korrupte #Orban nicht an der Abstimmung über Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Restukraine teilnimmt. Orban hat dafür 10 Milliarden € kassiert; das Prinzip der Einstimmigkeit konnte so pro forma gewahrt werden.

14.12.2023 - 20:15 [ mepassistant / Twitter ]

So it seems 10 billion euros will buy you a „constructive abstention“ from Orban, where he maintains his position formally (both to save face and maintain his national narrative) but does not prevent the EU and the other Member States from moving forward.

14.12.2023 - 20:08 [ Jean-Michel Glachant / Twitter ]

European Council of EU states opens ‘’negotiations of entry’’ with Ukraine & Moldova

06.11.2023 - 20:03 [ Ragıp Soylu / Twitter ]

Netanyahu wanted to fire “let’s nuke Gaza” minister Eliyahu, but his extremist coalition partner Ben Gvir refused it, saying that it would be an “excessive” measure

06.11.2023 - 19:59 [ New York Times ]

Netanyahu Suspends Israeli Minister Who Said Dropping a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza Was an Option

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel took the highly unusual step on Sunday of suspending a far-right minister from his government, after the minister said that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas.

06.11.2023 - 19:46 [ Middle East Monitir ]

Rights group: Israel dropped equivalent to 2 nuclear bombs on Gaza

(November 3, 2023)

Euro-Med Monitor highlighted that the weight of the nuclear bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan at the end of World War II in August 1945 was estimated at about 15,000 tonnes, adding that due to technological developments affecting the potency of bombs, the explosives dropped on Gaza may be twice as powerful as a nuclear bomb.

“This means that the destructive power of the explosives dropped on Gaza exceeds that of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima,” Euro-Med Monitor said.

06.11.2023 - 05:02 [ Hindustan Times ]

Israeli minister says dropping atomic bomb on Gaza ‚an option’; PM Netanyahu reacts

During the interview, Eliyahu raised his objection to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza. “We wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid… there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza,” the minister was quoted as saying.

Eliyahu also backed retaking the Gaza Strip’s territory and restoring the settlements there, the report added. Asked about the fate of Palestinian civilians Eliyahu said, “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves.”

06.11.2023 - 04:51 [ Irish Times ]

Palestinians should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ and using nuclear bomb on Gaza an option, says Israeli minister

Heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu of the Otzma Yehudit party is quoted by the Times of Israel as saying in an interview that the Palestinian people “can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves”, adding that those who wave a Palestinian or Hamas flag “shouldn’t continue living on the face of the earth”.

It quotes him saying that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip “is one of the possibilities”, and that humanitarian aid to the population should be restricted, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid. There is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza.”

04.11.2023 - 23:54 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live Tracker

Here are the latest casualty figures as of October November 4, 1:45pm local time (10:45 GMT):


– Killed: At least 9,488
– Including at least:
– 3,900 children
– 2,509 women

Injured: At least 24,158
– Including at least:
– 6,360 children
– 4,891 women

Occupied West Bank

– Killed: At least 145
– Injured: At least 2,100


– Killed: At least 1,430
– Injured: At least 5,600

04.11.2023 - 19:55 [ CNN ]

Palestinian American family mourns 42 relatives killed in a single day in Gaza


Thousands of miles away from the brutality of war in Gaza, Tariq Hamouda and his wife Manal are in disbelief over the loss of three generations of their family.

The Palestinian Americans, who live in Maple Grove, Minnesota, say it’s been over a week since they learned 42 relatives were killed in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and they’re still unable to fully comprehend the news.

27.10.2023 - 21:05 [ Akbar Shahid Ahmed / Huffington Post ]

Biden Cast Doubt On Gaza’s Death Statistics — But Officials Cite Them Internally

(Oct 26, 2023)

The credibility of the ministry’s data is significant because there are few other sources of information about the situation in the blockaded region, and because some defenders of Israel’s actions in Gaza claim the ministry overstates the humanitarian toll of Israeli attacks for political reasons.

Most organizations and analysts tracking Gaza do treat the ministry as a reliable source, however, including the United Nations. The State Department has also publicly cited the ministry’s figures, for example in a report published earlier this year on the human rights situation in Israel-Palestine.

27.10.2023 - 20:56 [ Akbar Shahid Ahmed, Senior foreign affairs reporter @huffpost / Twitter ]

EXCLU: Biden yesterday questioned the death toll from Palestinians. I reviewed ~20 State Dept cables that cited the Gaza Health Ministry to report casualties & rarely included caveats. In one instance that did, the report said the toll was likely higher.


16.10.2023 - 09:46 [ ]

Dad of Palestinian Boy Stabbed 26 Times in Chicago Reveals Last Words

Oday, who has been communicating with his wife in the aftermath of the attack, said that his son never yelled out during the stabbing. His last words to his mother, according to the father, were “I’m fine.”

Speaking of when he first learned of the attack, Oday told The Daily Beast that, “The way I found out wasn’t the right way to tell a parent. I got a call from the police department, and they gave me three sentences exactly: ‘Are you Oday El-Fayoume? Are you Wadea’s father? He has been killed.’ That’s how I found out.”

16.10.2023 - 09:44 [ New York Times ]

6-Year-Old Boy Fatally Stabbed in Anti-Muslim Attack, Authorities Say

The killing in Illinois alarmed Muslim leaders, who called on American politicians and journalists to more fully reflect the humanity of Palestinian people as they address the conflict overseas.

“This was directly connected to dehumanizing of Palestinians,” said Abdelnasser Rashid, a Democratic Illinois state representative who is Palestinian American.

15.10.2023 - 21:22 [ Yaakov Katz / Twitter ]

How Qatar is allowed to provide sanctuary for Hamas leaders like Haniyeh is ridiculous. This is a country that hosted the World Cup last year and continues to host the world’s most violent terrorists. CENTCOM has a base in Qatar. It has elite troops stationed there. They should go capture Haniyeh tonight and extradite him to Israel or the US to stand trial.

06.10.2023 - 09:45 [ ]

Dänischer Geheimdienstchef und Ex-Minister vor Gericht

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft dem derzeit suspendierten Geheimdienstchef Lars Findsen und dem ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister Claus Hjort Frederiksen vor, Staatsgeheimnisse verraten und öffentlich der Presse zugänglich gemacht zu haben.(…)

Die Frankfurter Rundschau berichtet, dass Snowdens Enthüllungen 2013 ans Licht brachten, dass die NSA das globale Datenkreuz Kopenhagen für ihre Zwecke nach Belieben anzapfen konnte. Über die Datenzentrale des dänischen Auslandsgeheimdiensts FE hätten die US-Geheimdienste unter anderem Telefonate von Angela Merkel aus dem Bundeskanzleramt mitgehört.

Findsen und Frederiksen hingegen dürfen die genauen Vorwürfe nicht nennen, obwohl diese bereits öffentlich sind.

05.10.2023 - 11:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Eskalieren, um zu de-eskalieren? – Wie in Russland über die Vermeidung eines 3. Weltkrieges diskutiert wird

Um diese Katastrophe abzuwenden, greift Karaganov zur desaströsen Strategie der „Eskalation zur De-Eskalation“ („escalate to de-escalate“). Diese Strategie besagt vereinfacht, dass in diesem Falle Russland mit dem Nuklearwaffeneinsatz offensiv drohen müsse. Wenn dies nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führe, müsse ein umfassender, aber auf Europa begrenzter Nuklearschlag erfolgen, um dem Westen klar zu machen, dass Russland es sehr ernst meine und bereit sei, weiterzugehen.

15.09.2023 - 16:00 [ Voice of America ]

Washington May Ship Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine

(September 11, 2023)

The Biden administration has for months been mulling over the supply of ATACMS, fearing their shipment to Ukraine would be perceived as an overly aggressive move against Russia.

With Ukraine‘s counteroffensive against Russian forces showing signs of progress, however, Washington is keen to boost the Ukrainian military at a vital moment, two sources told Reuters.

15.09.2023 - 15:21 [ ]

Ukraine war: US and allies may supply longer-range missiles – how this would change the conflict

(September 14, 2023)

Noises from Washington indicate that US president Joe Biden may be about to overcome his reluctance to supply Ukraine with the longer-range missiles it desperately needs.

15.09.2023 - 14:26 [ ZDF ]

„Taurus-Marschflugkörper werden in die Ukraine gehen“

Das Argument, dass mit den Taurus-Raketen russisches Territorium erreicht werden kann, lässt der Grünen-Politiker nicht zu. Man könne etwa von Charkiw aus auch mit weniger reichweitenstarken Waffen „rüber schießen“. Auf die Frage, ob die Taurus-Reichweite minimiert werden solle, sagte Nouripour: „Nicht, dass ich wüsste. Und ich wüsste auch nicht, dass das das Entscheidende st.“

07.09.2023 - 21:55 [ ]

Ukraine ‘has never been closer’ to NATO membership – Stoltenberg

“And these three things, the interoperability, the NATO-Ukraine Council and removal of the requirement for Membership Action Plan for Ukraine, demonstrate that Ukraine has never been closer to a membership in NATO than now,” Stoltenberg declared.

US President Joe Biden said ahead of the July summit that Ukraine would have to meet certain conditions before its bid was accepted. NATO member states have also ruled out Ukraine joining before the conflict with Russia is resolved.

07.09.2023 - 21:47 [ ]

Ukraine‘s front-line forces aren‘t advancing as much as ‚hoped‘ in the face of tough Russian defenses, but they‘re gaining ground, about 300 feet per day, NATO chief says

Since the much-anticipated counteroffensive began in early June, Ukraine has faced waves of criticism — including from officials and experts in Western countries that have provided it with military support — that its forces are not moving fast enough. Kyiv has grown increasingly frustrated with such pessimistic commentary, and Dmytro Kuleba, the country‘s top diplomat, even told critics recently to „shut up“ and try liberating territory themselves.

23.08.2023 - 08:54 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Piraten des Potomac: US-Regierung lässt Tanker mit iranischem Öl im Wert von 56 Millionen US-Dollar entführen und in Texas entladen

Mutmaßlich auf Befehl der US-Regierung wurde am Wochenende ein Tanker mit iranischem Öl im Golf von Mexiko beschlagnahmt. Laut vorliegenden Schiffsverfolgungsdaten wird die Ladung im Wert von weit über 50 Millionen US-Dollar derzeit in der Nähe von Houston (Texas) entladen. Der US-Senat will den Erlös der Kaperung „den Opfern von 9/11“ zukommen lassen. Stützen kann er sich dabei auf ein skandalträchtiges Urteil eines New Yorker Gerichtes, welches mit einer abenteuerlichen Begründung den Iran im März 2016 zu einer zweistelligen Milliardensumme Schadenersatz wegen der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 verurteilt hatte.

10.08.2023 - 14:20 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Okays ‘Sexual Terrorism’ Racist Law


Sponsored by a group of lawmakers led by MK Limor Son Har Melech, from the racist coalition faction Otzma Yehudit, and MK Yulia Malinovsky from right-wing opposition party Yisrael Beytenu, the new law marked a rare case of cross-Knesset alignment and passed 39 to 7 on its final reading.

Sharp criticism of the law quickly came in from Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers and Israel’s rape crisis center umbrella organization, with both alleging the law improperly creates a ranking of the severity of such crimes. Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman, a former head of the Knesset’s Women’s Status Committee, told the Knesset: “Do not punish according to hierarchies and classifications.” “Shame on these laws,” she continued, tweeting after the law passed, “Don’t promote racism on the backs of victims!”