Archiv: the usual (voting) suspects / die üblichen (wählenden) Verdächtigen

15.10.2024 - 04:16 [ Democracy Now ]

Harris Vows to Create Bipartisan Advisory Council as DNC Runs Ad Attacking Jill Stein

In other campaign news, the Democratic National Committee has released an ad attacking Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein, claiming a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. Democrats are planning to run the ad in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. In August, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, published a survey that showed Stein is leading Harris among Muslim voters in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. Stein has criticized Harris for refusing to cut off arms sales to Israel.

22.09.2024 - 21:41 [ Newsweek ]

How Jill Stein‘s Muslim Surge Could Sink Kamala Harris

(September 21, 2024)

Recent polls show Stein ahead of Harris among Muslim voters in several battleground states, including Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin, giving her Green Party a potentially pivotal role in swinging the election away from Harris in favor of former President Donald Trump.

„We‘re grateful for the strong support of Muslim voters who share with us the determination to end genocide in Gaza, and the injustice faced by our Muslim friends,“ Stein told Newsweek in a statement. „We urge all people of conscience to resist the propaganda telling you to hold your nose and vote for genocide.

22.09.2024 - 20:07 [ American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force ]

American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force Calls on Muslim Voters to Turn Out, Support Candidates Who Back Permanent Ceasefire, Arms Embargo, and Other Just Policies

Our message for the American Muslim community

Disagree respectfully: we understand that voting is a personal choice, and our perspectives and personal analysis can lead us all in different directions. Thus, there may not be a definitively right or wrong answer to the question of how American Muslims should vote in 2024. We expect disagreements to occur.

Although healthy debate is valuable, our community members should not disparage each other or assume the worst of each other’s intentions—especially of leaders and groups that have a history of doing good work and acting in good faith.

We must also reject those voices on either side of the 2024 debate who attempt to turn political and strategic disagreement about how to vote into a racial or religious conflict that divides our community.


American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)
Council on American-Islamic Relations Action (CAIR Action)
The Civil Rights Alliance for America
Muslim American Society Action (MAS Action)
Muslim Civic Coalition-Activate
US Council of Muslim Organizations Civic Action Network (USCMO CAN)
Justice America
American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)
Voices of Muslims

22.09.2024 - 19:00 [ Anadolu ]

Muslim-American coalition urges support for pro-Palestine candidates in US presidential election

(September 20, 2024)

A coalition of Muslim-American groups announced Friday that it will not endorse Democratic candidate Kamala Harris in the November presidential election.

Instead, the coalition encouraged Muslim voters to support pro-Palestine candidates such as Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Justice for All nominee Cornel West, or others who back a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.

22.09.2024 - 18:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

US: Muslim groups urge voters to back Jill Stein, Cornel West or other pro-Palestine candidates

(September 20, 2024)

„After extensive consultation, discussion, and deliberation, the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force has decided to encourage American Muslims to vote for any presidential candidate of their choosing who supports a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a US arms embargo on the Israeli government, such as candidates Dr Jill Stein, Dr Cornel West or Chase Oliver,“ read the statement, obtained by Middle East Eye.

The statement was written by the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, an umbrella group formed this year that consists of a number of prominent Muslim organisations including the political arms of Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), Cair, and the US Council of Muslim Organizations.

09.09.2024 - 18:00 [ ]

Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

Demoralized by the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, Palestinian American Samia Assed found in Vice President Kamala Harris’ ascension — and her running mate pick — “a little ray of hope.”

That hope, she said, shattered during last month’s Democratic National Convention, where a request for a Palestinian American speaker was denied and listening to Harris left her feeling like the Democratic presidential nominee will continue the U.S. policies that have outraged many in the anti-war camp.

31.08.2024 - 21:03 [ CodePink ]

Tell the Women of the Senate: Arms Embargo NOW!

During the DNC in Chicago, we made our demand for an arms embargo on Israel clear. Time and time again, we heard politicians — including Sen. Tammy Duckworth who told us back in October that she would continue sending weapons to Israel — posing as advocates for women and reproductive rights while arming Israel. They can’t hide from one undeniable fact: Genocide is not feminist.

Send a letter to the women of the Senate below and tell them: We Need an Arms Embargo on Israel NOW!

15.02.2024 - 17:15 [ ]

Frischer Wind im deutschen Parteiensystem: Welche Chancen haben Bündnis Wagenknecht, Freie Wähler, Werteunion und Dava?

Die Unzufriedenheit mit der deutschen Regierung bringt neue Parteien hervor und macht Alternativen zu den etablierten Kräften stärker. Die Parteienlandschaft wandelt sich stark. Ein Überblick.

09.02.2024 - 20:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden and Starmer will pay a heavy price for supporting Israel‘s war in Gaza

We can be sure of one thing. History is going to be a much harsher judge of those political leaders who justified and tolerated the ethnic cleansing now going on in Gaza.

Biden and Starmer’s refusal to call for a ceasefire and their refusal to back the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel should take steps to comply with the Genocide Convention, will produce an indelible stain on their careers.

Neither man sees the danger they are in over Gaza. But then neither did Bush or Blair when they invaded Iraq.

21.01.2024 - 07:22 [ Washington Post ]

Growing number of Senate Democrats question Biden’s Israel strategy


The growing willingness of establishment Democrats to criticize or push back on Israel — a move that would have come with serious political ramifications just a few months ago — signals a shift in the politics of the party since the war in Gaza began more than 100 days ago. Senators from swing states, including Georgia, Wisconsin and Minnesota, have signed on to some of these measures as polls show a notable drop in support for Biden among young, Muslim and Arab American voters over his handling of the issue.

16.01.2024 - 20:08 [ ]

Gallup: Independent Numbers Dominate; Parties Continue to Slip

Gallup reports that in 2023 the percentage of US voters who self-identified as independent tied a record-high average of 43% — first set in 2014. Meanwhile, party identification continues to slip.

09.12.2023 - 13:05 [ ]

Let‘s Reclaim Our Country

My opponents have Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the defense contractors, but I‘ve got something that‘s more powerful than all these vested interests. I have you.

09.12.2023 - 12:55 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

The latest polls show me ahead of Biden and Trump among voters under age 45. But I need your help getting on the ballot in all 50 states. Let’s break the two-party system and bring real change to America. Go to and donate today!

09.12.2023 - 12:50 [ Vanity Fair ]

A Batshit Number of Young Swing State Voters Think RFK Jr. Should Be President

As you’ve probably heard by now, a very scary poll released on Sunday shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 election to the four-time indicted insurrection enthusiast Donald Trump in five out of six major battleground states. That’s obviously a wildly disturbing prospect; it would be like asking someone if they’d like to catch a movie after work or have a rusty crowbar shoved up their ass, and then seeing them choosing the latter. But possibly even more surprising? How popular anti-vaxxer candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among voters.

29.06.2023 - 21:37 [ Rasmussen Reports ]

RFK Jr.: 35% of Democrats Think He Might Win

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters have a favorable impression of RFK Jr., including 14% with a Very Favorable opinion. Thirty-eight percent (38%) view Kennedy unfavorably, including 18% with a Very Unfavorable impression, while another 14% are not sure.

15.06.2023 - 12:22 [ ]

2C. Favorability of Public Figures — Robert F. Kennedy

Very favorable

Total: 13%
Male: 13%
Female: 12%
White: 10%
Black: 24%
Hispanic: 16%


Somewhat favorable

Total: 36%
Male: 38%
Female: 35%
White: 37%
Black: 38%
Hispanic: 32%

15.06.2023 - 12:17 [ ]

RFK Jr. ranks higher in favorability than other major 2024 candidates: poll

The poll from The Economist and YouGov released Wednesday showed Kennedy was viewed favorably by 49 percent of respondents, giving him the highest net favorability rating of 19 points. He was viewed unfavorably by 30 percent.

President Biden and former President Trump each had the second-highest percentage of respondents viewing them favorably, with 44 percent saying so. But Biden had a minus-9 net favorability rating, while Trump had a minus-10 net favorability rating.

15.06.2023 - 12:15 [ @USA_Polling / Twitter ]

„Would you ever vote for a third party/independent candidate?“ Yes: 44% No: 25% Unsure: 31%

YouGov / June 13, 2023 / n=1500

15.06.2023 - 12:00 [ YouGov America / Twitter ]

NEW: The share of Democrats who say that Biden is the strongest candidate that their party could nominate for president in 2024 has fallen 17 percentage points since late April, to 34% from 51%.

31.05.2023 - 22:49 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Biden Has a Kennedy Problem

Voters seem to have a higher opinion of the challenger than of the president.

03.02.2023 - 20:06 [ CNN / Youtube ]

See Omar‘s fiery speech as GOP votes to remove her from committee

The Republican-led House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to remove Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

19.02.2022 - 11:52 [ Chris Veber ]

Der Überfall auf Das Kronthaler zeugt vom Ende des Rechtsstaates.

Die Gäste von Günther Hlebaina haben ihm geschrieben, wie sehr es sie freute, „wieder Mensch sein zu dürfen“. Hlebaina selbst wird im Moment ein normales Leben verunmöglicht, weil er seinen Gästen eine kurze Flucht in die Normalität schenkte.

Es ist Zeit, uns zu entscheiden. Sind wir wie Günther Hlebaina, wollen wir eigenverantwortlich, frei und in Würde leben? Dann müssen wir Widerstand gegen den Unrechtsstaat leisten. Verweigern wir die Mitarbeit bei der Durchsetzung sinnfreier „Corona Maßnahmen“. Wählen wir nie wieder die Parteien, die uns die Freiheit nehmen wollten (ÖVP, Grüne, SPÖ, Neos). Seien wir solidarisch mit Menschen und Unternehmen, die für unsere Freiheit und Würde aufstehen.

19.02.2022 - 11:12 [ Norbert Häring ]

EU-finanziertes Propagandanetzwerk Covinform blamiert sich und zwei deutsche Wissenschaftler

Wissenschaftler, die mit Regierungsgeld Regierungskritiker diffamieren. Wie soll man die nennen?

03.02.2022 - 17:34 [ ]

US raid in Syria resulted in multiple deaths, including civilians, residents say

„U.S. Special Operations forces under the control of U.S. Central Command conducted a counterterrorism mission this evening in northwest Syria. The mission was successful. There were no U.S. casualties. More information will be provided as it becomes available,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a statement.

05.11.2020 - 22:18 [ France24 ]

Egypt sentences 59 Brotherhood suspects to 15 years

The charges related to a nearly six-week-long sit-in in the capital‘s Rabaa al-Adaweya Square, triggered by the overthrow by then armed forces chief, now President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, of his Islamist predecessor Mohamed Morsi.

22.10.2020 - 08:18 [ USA Today ]

Iran, Russia obtained voter registration info to sow confusion in presidential election, US officials say

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said late Wednesday that voter registration information had been obtained by Iran and Russia in an attempt to undermine confidence in the 2020 election.

20.09.2020 - 12:11 [ ]

CDC updates criteria for tracking and reporting COVID-19 cases


however, the CDC advises against reporting out suspect cases as part of a state’s total case numbers.

25.08.2020 - 05:55 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

Every cable news pundit told you that you definitely shouldn’t pick @BernieSanders in primaries because Republicans will call him a socialist, Marxist & communist. These are literally the words used to describe Biden tonight at #RNC2020. That’s what they call us no matter what!

22.04.2019 - 19:35 [ Frank Sarfeld, Award-Winning Communicator / Twitter ]

Klartext: „Mitglieder der #AfD sind in vielen Fällen Handlanger #russischer #Propaganda und der dortigen #Nachrichtendienste. Ihre Kontakte u.Beteiligungen an Aktionen muss Gegenstand der Überwachung unseres #BND sein”-@PatrickSensburg @cducsubt @dneuerer

09.04.2019 - 16:26 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election 2019: Netanyahu‘s Party Places 1,200 Body Cameras in Arab Polling Sites

Police confiscated dozens of cameras while the Central Elections Committee‘s legal counsel said filming in polling stations was not allowed. Netanyahu: Cameras should be everywhere

09.04.2019 - 11:29 [ @Hadash_org / Twitter ]

הגשנו עכשיו תלונה דחופה לוועדת הבחירות בדרישה לעצור את הניסיונות הלא-חוקיים של פעילי הליכוד להטמין מכשירי הקלטה ומצלמות נסתרות בקלפיות ביישובים הערביים. נתניהו לא רוצה שהציבור הערבי יצביע, אבל אנחנו ננהר לקלפיות ונפיל את הממשלה.