Archiv: right-wing

07.10.2023 - 20:34 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Opposition Lawmaker Gantz Briefed on Saudi Deal With U.S. National Sec. Advisor in White House


The Biden administration hopes Israeli opposition parties will consider joining the coalition in place of its far-right members in case the latter opposes any concessions towards the Palestinians as part of a potential Saudi agreement

05.10.2023 - 12:50 [ Barak Ravid, Political reporter for Axios covering foreign policy & the 2024 election. Washington correspondent for Walla. Author of Trump's Peace. / Twitter ]

Scoop: Former Israeli minister of defense Benny Gantz is on a low profile visit to Washington & met today at the White House with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, two U.S. sources told me. His visit comes amid White House efforts to reach a mega deal with Saudi Arabia

05.10.2023 - 12:35 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Opposition Lawmaker Gantz Briefed on Saudi Deal With U.S. National Sec. Advisor in White House

The Biden administration hopes Israeli opposition parties will consider joining the coalition in place of its far-right members in case the latter opposes any concessions towards the Palestinians as part of a potential Saudi agreement

26.09.2023 - 00:45 [ Washington Post ]

The grain spat threatening to wipe out goodwill between Poland and Ukraine

The center-right opposition bloc known as the Civic Platform polled at 26 percent in the same survey, while the far-right Confederation party reached 10 percent. That would potentially give Confederation, which refuses to enter a coalition with either major party, the power to spoil negotiations for a new government.

26.09.2023 - 00:25 [ Juan Palma / Twitter ]

Ukraine grain imports become key issue in Poland election campaign – The Washington Post

10.08.2023 - 14:20 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Okays ‘Sexual Terrorism’ Racist Law


Sponsored by a group of lawmakers led by MK Limor Son Har Melech, from the racist coalition faction Otzma Yehudit, and MK Yulia Malinovsky from right-wing opposition party Yisrael Beytenu, the new law marked a rare case of cross-Knesset alignment and passed 39 to 7 on its final reading.

Sharp criticism of the law quickly came in from Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers and Israel’s rape crisis center umbrella organization, with both alleging the law improperly creates a ranking of the severity of such crimes. Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman, a former head of the Knesset’s Women’s Status Committee, told the Knesset: “Do not punish according to hierarchies and classifications.” “Shame on these laws,” she continued, tweeting after the law passed, “Don’t promote racism on the backs of victims!”

29.05.2023 - 22:10 [ El Pais ]

Spain calls snap general election after right, far-right, inflict heavy local and regional defeat

The leader of the PSOE, who heads a leftist coalition government, has decided to bring forward the general elections slated for December to July 23, in order to minimize the risk of further wear and tear on his administration over the coming months after the country’s right wing was emboldened by its resounding successes on Sunday, and to try and prevent the right-wing Popular’s Party (PP) and the far-right Vox grouping from scoring a clean sweep during the ballot to elect a new government.

29.05.2023 - 22:02 [ ]

Spain’s PM calls snap election after opposition triumphs in local polls

Sánchez’s high-stakes gamble, which he announced just hours after the results came in, is based on the hope that any such deals will help to galvanise and mobilise leftwing voters and prove distasteful to supporters on the PP’s moderate wing.

Speaking at the Moncloa palace in Madrid on Monday morning, Sánchez said he had informed King Felipe of his decision to dissolve parliament and call a general election on 23 July, five months before the poll had been scheduled to be held.

29.04.2023 - 23:30 [ Haaretz ]

MK Avigdor Lieberman calls to cease negotiations with Netanyahu‘s gov‘t

Member of the opposition Avigdor Lieberman spoke at a demonstration in Be‘er Sheva and called on opposition leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid to „immediately“ cease negotiations with the Netanyahu government.

„Any compromise is a self-goal for the opposition and a reinforcement of Netanyahu‘s messianic government. The continuation of these meetings is tantamount to legitimizing the people who crushed the country within three months and continue to crush it even more intensely every day,“ Lieberman said.

29.04.2023 - 23:23 [ Haaretz ]

‚As a religious woman, I‘m well aware of the dangers of ultra-Orthodox legislation,‘ Right-wing author says in Tel Aviv rally

„My husband and I are settlers with 20 years of experience. … So today, because I oppose regime change in Israel – I‘m a leftist?“ Ron-Moriah pondered. „I protested against the disengagement with Hilltop Youth whose religious and social doctrine is 120% contradictory to my worldview. … Today I protest against a coup attempt and I fight for the values I believe in alongside members of the left. The goal is to preserve our familiar, beloved and democratic Israel. We will argue later about construction in the [West Bank], which the fully right-wing government had agreed to freeze for the time being.“

12.11.2022 - 13:46 [ ]

Corruption exposed: US meddled in Ecuador’s election, using Julian Assange as bargaining chip

Ecuador’s former energy minister testified that the US government conspired with a right-wing political party to run a disinformation campaign against the leftist Correísta movement of ex President Rafael Correa.

He said that US “federal agents” pledged to help “influence” the 2017 presidential elections and support the candidacy of conservative millionaire banker Guillermo Lasso in exchange for the promise to turn over journalist Julian Assange, who had been given asylum by Correa and was stuck living for years in Ecuador’s embassy in London.

21.10.2022 - 22:53 [ Reuters ]

New Italy government will be pro-NATO, pro-Europe, says Meloni


„On one thing I have been, am, and will always be clear. I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal foreign policy line,“ she said. „Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone cannot be part of the government.“

21.10.2022 - 22:49 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Italian Far-right Leader Shared Values with Likud


Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni called on Wednesday Fascism “history” and highlighting her party’s links to Israel’s Likud and conservative factions. In her video, Meloni emphasized her party’s “shared values and experience” with Israel’s Likud party, US Republicans and British Conservatives. The “Italian conservatives” she leads are “a bastion of freedom and defense of Western values,” she said, highlighting her “Christian and family values.”

03.10.2022 - 18:11 [ ]

Confindustria calls for authoritative new govt ASAP

„We hope for a government with authoritative, competent and irreproachable ministers as soon as possible“.
Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgio Meloni, who looks set to become the next premier after her right-wing party spearheaded the right coalition to victory, is currently holding a series of meetings on the make-up of the new executive.

26.09.2022 - 11:56 [ ]

Orban, Le Pen congratulate Meloni on election win

„Congratulations, a deserved victory,“ said Orbán on Facebook under a photo of the two leaders together.
National Rally leader Le Pen also hailed Meloni‘s „historic“ victory at the head of a centre-right coalition featuring League leader Matteo Salvini and Forza Italia (FI) chief Silvio Berlusconi.

26.09.2022 - 11:50 [ ]

Election: Centre right set for victory – projections

The centre-right coalition is set to win Sunday‘s general election in Italy, with Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgia Meloni looking poised to become Italy‘s first woman premier thanks to the strong showing of her rightwing group, according to projections.

25.09.2022 - 10:32 [ ]

Veni, vidi, veto: Giorgia Meloni’s march on Brussels

More than useless, Brussels had been hostile, she added: “We are facing the most powerful and violent attack against governments of sovereign nations opposing the dictatorship of politically correct ideology.” As examples, she cited the EU’s attempts to punish Poland and Hungary for democratic backsliding and efforts “to humiliate the British people who have freely chosen Brexit.”

24.09.2022 - 15:31 [ ]

Salvini, Berlusconi cross swords with Brussels

Meloni, who is poised to become Italy‘s first woman premier and the most rightwing since the Second World War, has often praised the policies of Orban and her Polish allies.
Von der Leyen said Thursday that if the general election ushers in an autocratic, nationalist and Euroskeptic shift then „we have the instruments, as in the cases of Poland and Hungary.“ However, she added that „we are ready to work with any democratic government that is disposed to work with us“.
Salvini branded her statement as squalid and arrogant meddling in Italian domestic politics.

24.09.2022 - 12:33 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Italian Far-right Leader Shared Values with Likud


Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni called on Wednesday Fascism “history” and highlighting her party’s links to Israel’s Likud and conservative factions. In her video, Meloni emphasized her party’s “shared values and experience” with Israel’s Likud party, US Republicans and British Conservatives. The “Italian conservatives” she leads are “a bastion of freedom and defense of Western values,” she said, highlighting her “Christian and family values.”

12.09.2022 - 13:25 [ ]

Election: Centre-right and FdI maintain big poll leads

A quorum/youtrend poll for Skytg24 gave Giorgia Meloni‘s FdI the support of 25.3% of the electorate; with the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) second on 21.2%.
The 5-Star Movement (M5S) was third with 13.8%, followed by FdI‘s centre-right allies, Matteo Salvini‘s League on 12.9% and Silvio Berlusconi‘s Forza Italia (FI) on 7.9%.

18.08.2022 - 04:58 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Italian Far-right Leader Shared Values with Likud


Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni called on Wednesday Fascism “history” and highlighting her party’s links to Israel’s Likud and conservative factions. In her video, Meloni emphasized her party’s “shared values and experience” with Israel’s Likud party, US Republicans and British Conservatives. The “Italian conservatives” she leads are “a bastion of freedom and defense of Western values,” she said, highlighting her “Christian and family values.”

23.04.2022 - 13:27 [ Glenn Greenwald / Rumble ]

The WashPost‘s Doxxing of @LibsOfTikTok Reveals Who Corporate Journalists See as Their Targets


23.04.2022 - 13:24 [ ]

German government funds ‚research‘ project that doxxed Libs of Tik Tok


Brown is working on an ongoing project with support from Prototype Fund, an organization that provides financial support to Brown‘s so-called „Hatespeech-Tracker.“ Protoype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Travis Robert Brown’s Hassreden-Tracker is composed of his existing tools, such as cancel-culture, which Travis uses to track, stalk, dox, and harass those he has a personal vendetta against. You can see the hundreds of lists he’s created here.

20.05.2021 - 14:19 [ BBC ]

Leading conservatives Raisi and Larijani enter Iran presidential race


Iran‘s judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi and former parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani have registered to run in next month‘s presidential election.

The two conservatives, who have close ties with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, are seen as the leading contenders to succeed Hassan Rouhani.

20.05.2021 - 14:11 [ ]

Supreme Leader directly intervenes in Iran’s June vote


On April 10, Khamenei told a grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late leader of the 1979 revolution, that he should not run. Hassan Khomeini, who had already chosen a well-known revolutionary catchphrase of his grandfather—”All of us together”—as his campaign slogan, had perhaps the best potential to increase turnout in the election and provide a victory to the embattled reformist-pragmatist camp.

With Khomeini out of the game, this faction convened in late April to choose alternative candidates.

04.04.2021 - 10:02 [ ]

Israel: Islamist Ra‘am party undecided on who to endorse for PM

Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Islamist conservatives, has emerged as a coalition kingmaker

30.03.2021 - 23:35 [ ]

Sa‘ar could back government led by Lapid and Bennett in rotation: report

The report cited sources close to Sa‘ar as saying that the former rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Likud ranks is unlikely to team up with Lapid without Bennett.

Without Yamina chief onboard, Israel would be in for nothing but a „left-wing government,“ the sources told the outlet.

30.03.2021 - 16:54 [ Haaretz ]

Election Results: Israel Is Being Held Hostage by One Person, and It‘s Not Netanyahu

Yes, the statesmanlike one with the good looks and down-to-earth air, who has been seen washing floors and making coffee over a bonfire, all with a faux-bashful smile. He’s the person who has repeatedly prevented the country from returning to a path of sanity. This time he has relocated to the New Hope party, under the leadership of a new sucker called Gideon Sa’ar. But the ploy is the same ploy. This time too, one of the greatest obstacles to forming a government of change is Hendel’s refusal to form a coalition supported by the legitimate representatives of Israel’s Arab citizens.

25.03.2021 - 11:20 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election Results: Far-right Leader Rules Out Netanyahu-led Coalition With Islamist Party

The Islamist United Arab List party, headed by Mansour Abbas, and Naftali Bennett‘s Yamina have not yet declared their support for either bloc.

24.03.2021 - 13:52 [ New York Times ]

After 4th Vote in 2 Years, Israelis Wonder: When Will the Political Morass End?

Official final results are not expected before Friday. But the partial tallies suggested that both Mr. Netanyahu’s alliance and its opponents would need the support of a small, Islamist Arab party, Raam, to form a majority coalition.

24.03.2021 - 12:58 [ Anshel Pfeffer, @haaretz writer / Twitter ]

Bottom line of yesterday’s election – 57 percent of Israelis voted for parties calling to replace Netanyahu. That doesn’t mean Netanyahu can’t somehow find a way to form a bizarre coalition with the support of Jewish supremacists and Islamists, but it’s still a clear rejection.

24.03.2021 - 12:38 [ Henry Olsen / Twitter ]

Last tweet of the night. Likud‘s claim it would get more Arab votes is being proven true. Arab turnout is way down from 2020 but the number of Likud votes in Arab areas is up, which means its percentage of the Arab vote is way up. Might be enough to save Bibi.

(7 hours ago)

24.03.2021 - 11:41 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Likud MKs fight over potential cooperation with United Arab List

While some Likud members of Knesset see a potential in the Arab party Ra‘am, that managed to reach the threshold, others cannot fathom such cooperation.

24.03.2021 - 11:28 [ Haaretz ]

‚Not in Anyone‘s Pocket‘: Islamist Party Leader Not Ruling Out Joining Netanyahu After Surprising Election Result

United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas said Wednesday that he is not „obligated to any bloc or any candidate,“ after the Islamist party surpassed the electoral threshold, with almost 90 percent of the vote counted in Israel‘s unprecedented fourth election in under two years.

12.03.2021 - 11:46 [ Grayzone ]

Right-wing Central American leaders praise neoliberal ‘Biden Plan’ to strengthen US ‘sphere of influence’

Right-wing Central American politicians are applauding Plan Biden, a US strategy promising corporate investment in return for neoliberal reforms. They pledge to remain in the US “sphere of influence” and isolate China and Russia, while calling for regime change against Nicaragua’s leftist government.

12.03.2021 - 11:31 [ Haaretz ]

The U.S. Billionaires Secretly Funding the Right-wing Effort to Reshape Israel

The Kohelet Policy Forum has wielded increasing influence on Israel‘s decision-making centers, with an ideology that weds conservative, settlement-supporting politics to free-market economics. Who is the guiding force behind this under-the-radar enterprise – and who‘s bankrolling it?

06.03.2021 - 08:01 [ Haaretz ]

Thousands Protest Police Brutality in Israeli Arab Community Despite Police Warning

„We‘re here to protest police violence and also to call on the police to act against criminal gangs in our communities. We don‘t have a violent message, we just want to live safely in our towns,“ Mahamid said.

Residents of nearby towns also joined the protests, as well as a number of Jewish Israelis and representatives from the Ra‘am and Meretz political parties.

22.02.2021 - 07:05 [ Haaretz ]

The Israeli Left‘s Test: Standing Up for Arab Labor Candidate

The left must embrace Mara’ana and respect her opinions. She is married to a Jew, she joined a Zionist party – what more does Zionism expect of her? Other than collaborators, there are no Arabs who can feel any differently than she does. Neither is there a left wing except the kind that knows how to accommodate the positions of the members of the other people that lives here. Those who don’t stand up for Mara’ana are not left wing. They are right wing.

05.02.2021 - 11:40 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Three of Four Joint List Factions Run Together, United Arab List to Go Solo

Three of the four factions of Joint List – Hadash, Ta‘al and Balad – have signed an agreement for a united bid for Israel‘s March election, parting ways with the conservative United Arab List after a prolonged period of disagreements.

13.01.2021 - 10:11 [ Times of Israel ]

Liberman: US Capitol storming ‘nothing’ compared to what Netanyahu planning if he loses


Yisrael Beytenu chief Avigdor Liberman says the storming of the US Capitol by Trump supporters is “nothing” compared to what he claims Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning if the premier feels he’s lost the elections.

02.01.2021 - 06:48 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu said planning to campaign hard for Arab vote in new election

In recent months, however, he appears to have formed a quiet alliance with the Joint List’s MK Mansour Abbas, to the chagrin of Abbas’s colleagues.

On Thursday during an unprecedented visit to the Arab town of Tirah to encourage vaccination, Netanyahu said he did not rule out placing an Arab lawmaker on his right-wing list.

29.12.2020 - 06:35 [ Ron Skolnik / Twitter ]

Lone poll I‘ve see has the conservative United Arab List at 1.1%, well below threshold. So Joint List very possibly will patch things up. But might not UAL‘s departure actually pave way for an eventual left Arab-Jewish party?


29.12.2020 - 06:28 [ Future American Refugee / Twitter ]

Most amusing development: The Joint List, a coalition of 4 Arab parties, is likely to split up. One of the parties, an Islamist Bedouin party called „United Arab List“ is likely going to run separately as pro-Netanyahu


29.12.2020 - 06:22 [ The Jerusalem Post / Twitter ]

Some might be shocked at #Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu ‚s alliance with the Joint List‘s Mansour Abbas, but this is unsurprising considering the PM‘s other ties to right-wing, anti-liberal figures worldwide.

29.12.2020 - 06:04 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-Foreign Minister Livni Mulls Joining Forces With Lapid Ahead of Israel‘s March Election

As for Ya’alon, Lapid is convinced that he has very little electoral value and is disappointed in Ya’alon’s level of support. The Yesh Atid chairman has also concluded that the center-right, with which Ya’alon is identified, is too crowded and he plans to move leftward before the election.

23.12.2020 - 19:13 [ Haaretz ]

This Israeli Election Season Will Feature Vaccines, Generals and Political Cannibalism

Netanyahu will flaunt COVID vaccines and peace, Kahol Lavan might fall into oblivion and the Joint List is facing a split as Israel gears up for its fourth election in two years.

20.12.2020 - 10:33 [ Haaretz ]

Three Days to Stave Off Election: Gantz Met With Netanyahu Rival Sa‘ar

Defense Minister and Kahol Lavan chairman Benny Gantz met on Saturday with breakaway Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar, three days before the Knesset is expected to disband.

15.12.2020 - 23:55 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar‘s Party Would Be Second Largest in Knesset, Election Poll Shows

A poll released by Channel 12 News Tuesday shows the party led by former Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar surging ahead to become Israel‘s second largest party, were elections held now.

The party led by Sa‘ar, a rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would garner 21 seats, trailing Likud by just six seats.

15.12.2020 - 23:53 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar Just Paid a High Price in Future Battle Against Netanyahu, but It‘ll Be Worth It

There was some nervousness over the weekend at the Balfour Street residence. Someone close to the royals, employed in a very rewarding job at the Prime Minister’s Office as a “consultant on the outbreak of the coronavirus,” had written an article. Its convoluted thesis was that the deserter Gideon Sa’ar was leading a move which has party, community and governmental implications, aimed at turning back the 1977 overthrow of the long-reigning Labor Party by Likud.

11.12.2020 - 14:18 [ Haaretz ]

The Master Plan: Clone Likud Without Bibi and His Sycophants

For several months the prime minister‘s rival has been secretly spinning his web. Each week more advisers, lawmakers, mayors, key activists joined the secret circle