Archiv: Bolton

24.02.2024 - 06:15 [ ]

United Against Nuclear Iran: The Shadowy, Intelligence-Linked Group Driving the US Towards War With Iran


UANI’s board is a who’s who of high state, military and intelligence officials from around the Western world. Among its more notable members include:

– CEO Mark Wallace, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and deputy campaign manager for George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection.

– Chairman Joe Lieberman, former senator and Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2000 election.

Tamir Pardo, Director of the Mossad, 2011-2016.

Dennis Ross, former State Department Director of Policy Planning and former Middle East Envoy under George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Field Marshall Lord Charles Guthrie, ex-Chief of Staff of the U.K. Armed Forces.

– Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.

– August Hanning, President of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), 1998-2005; State Secretary at the Federal Interior Ministry, 2005-2009.

– Zohar Palti, former head of the Political-Military Bureau, Israeli Ministry of Defense; former Director of Intelligence of the Mossad.

– Frances Townsend, Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush.

– John Bolton, former U.S. National Security Advisor and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

– Roger Noriega, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and Ambassador to the Organization of American States.

– Otto Reich, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and architect of the 2002 U.S. coup against Venezuela.

– Michael Singh, White House Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, 2007-2008.

– Giulio Terzi di Sant-Agata, former Italian Foreign Minister.

– Robert Hill, former Minister of Defense of Australia.

– Jack David, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2004-2006.

– Mark Kirk, U.S. Senator for Illinois, 2010-2017.

– Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb, ex-Director of U.K. Special Forces and Commander of the British Field Army.

– Norman Roule, former CIA Division Chief and National Intelligence Manager for Iran at the Director of National Intelligence.

– Irwin Cotler, Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General, 2003-2006.
– Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, U.K. Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism, 2010-2011.

15.09.2023 - 21:55 [ ]

America Since 9/11: 22 Years of Lies and Despotism

Just last week, Dick Cheney took to social media to condemn Donald Trump as a threat „to our republic.“ This video echoes a similar condemnation from George W. Bush in 2021.

In a more reasonable world, people like Cheney, Rice, Bolton, et al, would all be forgotten, shamed, disgraced politicians. They all would have been forced into retirement and shunned years ago after overseeing multiple disastrous wars abroad and the creation of a surveillance state at home. Many of them would just now be emerging from prison for their crimes against both international law and the US Constitution.

Unfortunately, we don‘t live in a more reasonable world.

19.06.2023 - 09:50 [ ]

John Bolton: Intelligence officials ‘failed in many cases’ in not getting classified docs back from Trump

Bolton cited a Trump tweet during his time in office in which the former president referred to a map of a failed Iranian missile strike that experts said contained sensitive information. Trump tweeted a photo of the site of a failed satellite launch in Iran in 2019, which Trump claimed he had the “absolute right” to do.

10.06.2023 - 17:44 [ New York Times ]

An Abrupt Move That Stunned Aides: Inside Trump’s Aborted Attack on Iran

(Sept. 21, 2019)

That about-face, so typically impulsive, instinctive and removed from any process, proved a decision point for a president who has often threatened to “totally destroy” enemies but at the same time has promised to extricate the United States from Middle East wars. It revealed a commander in chief more cautious than critics have assumed, yet underscored the limited options in a confrontation he had set in motion.

Three months later, some of Mr. Trump’s own allies fear the failure to follow through was taken by Iran as a sign of weakness, emboldening it to attack oil facilities in Saudi Arabia this month. Mr. Trump argues his decision was an expression of long-overdue restraint by a nation that has wasted too many lives and dollars overseas.

25.04.2023 - 13:39 [ ]

Tucker Carlson Was One of the People Who Talked Trump Out of Attacking Iran

(June 22, 2019)

When President Donald Trump was considering military options against Iran he suddenly grew “frustrated” with John Bolton, his national security adviser, and the way he seemed to constantly advocate for a strike, reports the AP. So he started broadening his scope and seeking out advice from others, including Tucker Carlson. The Fox News host had a different take than most of his hawkish advisers, insisting that a military strike would not be in the country’s best interests and that it would severely hurt his re-election chances, according to the New York Times.

21.03.2023 - 13:00 [ ]

Putin arrest warrant court ‚fundamentally illegitimate‘ – Bolton

“I believe and have for many years [that] the International Criminal Court is fundamentally illegitimate,” Bolton told Sky News on Monday, adding that its arrest warrant for Putin is “not something that the United States should cooperate with.”

“It’s a very dangerous institution,” he continued. “It is an exercise of governmental power in a vacuum without any constitutional framework to restrain it.”

13.10.2022 - 09:12 [ LA Times ]

This Iranian opposition group was labeled a terrorist organization. Now it has supporters in the White House


For decades, the United States categorized the Mujahedin Khalq, or MEK, as a terrorist organization. In the Trump era, members of the Iranian dissident group, which seeks to topple the government in Iran, have found key allies in Washington.

People close to President Trump, including national security advisor John Bolton, and Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, are supporters of the Mujahedin Khalq. For years, Bolton and Giuliani have called for a change of government in Tehran and have described the Mujahedin Khalq as a viable alternative to the government of the Islamic Republic.

21.08.2021 - 14:49 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Afghanistan: Horchposten

Auf einen „interessanten“ Nebenaspekt, worum es den US bei ihrem Afghanistan Einsatz auch gegangen zu sein scheint, weist der Hardliner John Bolton hin, die viele Jahre in führenden Positionen am Krieg mitgestrickt hatte.

20.05.2021 - 14:50 [ ]

Biden administration ‘in a difficult position’ in effort to rejoin Iran nuclear deal

„The US now has incredible leverage over Iran,“ former Trump national security advisor John Bolton told FRANCE 24. „If Biden gives it away, he will virtually guarantee that the sanctions will collapse, and ultimately Iran will get nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them both on Europe and on the United States.“

20.10.2020 - 04:12 [ Ron Paul / ]

Kommen die Truppen aus Afghanistan nach Hause? Hängt davon ab, wen Sie fragen.

Aber man kann nicht eine „Amerika zuerst“-Außenpolitik betreiben, wenn man Leute wie Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mark Milley und andere damit betraut. Sie werden es einfach nicht tun. Das sehen wir wieder, wenn es darum geht, unsere Truppen aus dem langen und törichten Krieg in Afghanistan abzuziehen.

20.10.2020 - 04:06 [ Ron Paul / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan? Depends on Who You Ask.

But you cannot pursue an “America first” foreign policy if you put people like Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mark Milley, and others in charge of carrying it out. They simply won’t do it. We are seeing that again when it comes to withdrawing our troops from the long and foolish war in Afghanistan.

20.10.2020 - 04:02 [ The Washington Times ]

John Bolton: ‚Huge mistake‘ to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan by end of year

It would be a “huge mistake” to withdraw the bulk of U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan by next year, as previously suggested by President Trump, former White House National Security Adviser John R. Bolton said Monday.

03.07.2020 - 13:42 [ Times of Israel ]

Bolton warns Trump could cozy up to Iran if he wins 2nd term

Former US national security adviser John Bolton on Thursday said Israelis should be worried about US President Donald Trump winning a second term in office.

03.07.2020 - 13:28 [ ]

Bolton: ‚Fickle‘ Trump would sell out Israel for photo op with Iran‘s leaders

„I describe in the book how eager he was to have a meeting with the Iranian leadership, whether Rouhani or Khamenei. Are the Iranians prepared to sit down for talks to get relief from the sanctions, to buy time so they can push forward their nuclear program? Sure, they’re willing to do that,” said Bolton, in an interview to promote “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.”

“Just as North Korea‘s Kim Jong-un played Trump all along, I worry that in a second term, the Iranians might be able to do the same with Trump. That to me is a danger.”

18.06.2020 - 07:48 [ Saagar Enjeti / Twitter ]

Pretty telling that the episode which pissed off Bolton the most during his tenure was Trump calling off airstrikes which would have killed dozens of Iranian soldiers in June 2019

18.06.2020 - 07:43 [ Ken Klippenstein / Twitter ]

Here‘s @AmbJohnBolton saying Chelsea Manning should get the death penalty for disclosing classified information. Genuinely one of the most chilling interviews I‘ve ever seen.

18.06.2020 - 07:38 [ ]

Bolton takes hits from all sides over book

Former national security adviser John Bolton drew criticism from all sides as the first excerpts of his forthcoming memoir were published on Wednesday.

Bolton‘s book, „The Room Where it Happened,“ paints a damning portrait of President Trump, describing him as unfamiliar with basic facts and motivated by politics and his own interests in many of his foreign policy decisions and interactions with world leaders.

14.02.2020 - 15:12 [ ABC News ]

Pompeo makes 1st trip to Africa in bid to reassert US as leading partner

„The challenge that Pompeo‘s facing in Africa is explaining the contradictory messages coming from Washington,“ said Witney Schneidman, a fellow at the Brookings Institution‘s Africa Growth Initiative. „It‘s the lack of attention that‘s been paid. It‘s the fact that (former national security adviser John) Bolton rolled out this Africa strategy 14 months ago, and since then, very little has been accomplished where many other nations have moved forward.“

03.02.2020 - 01:11 [ Daniel McAdams / ]

In die Katastrophe stolpern

Es besteht eine echte Gefahr für außenpolitische Berater und Analysten – und insbesondere für diejenigen, denen sie dienen -, wenn sie sich in einer Blase, einem Echoraum, befinden und alle ihre Schlussfolgerungen auf fehlerhaften Eingaben beruhen. Es ist natürlich noch schlimmer, wenn sie glauben, sie könnten ihre eigene Realität schaffen und Ergebnisse erfinden, die Hand und Fuß haben.

Unter diesen Umständen laufen die Dinge selten wie geplant.

03.02.2020 - 01:06 [ Daniel McAdams / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

Stumbling into Catastrophe

President Trump has argued that prohibiting funds for military action against Iran actually makes war more likely, as he would be restricted from the kinds of military-strikes-short-of-war like his attack on Syria after the alleged chemical attack in Douma in 2018 (claims which have recently fallen apart). The logic is faulty and reflects again the danger of believing one’s own propaganda.

31.01.2020 - 05:53 [ Tagesschau ]

Abstimmung im Senat: Impeachment-Ende vor dem Super Bowl?


Die Republikaner drücken nun auf‘s Tempo: Vermutlich werden sie morgen bereits abstimmen lassen, Trump mit ihrer Mehrheit entlasten und das Impeachment pünktlich zum Super-Bowl-Wochenende beerdigen. Damit dürfte auch John Bolton, Trumps gefeuerter Sicherheitsberater und der letzte Hoffnungsträger der Demokraten, nicht mehr gehört werden.

31.01.2020 - 05:25 [ Fox News ]

‚GAME OVER,‘ Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial


Obama separately had said that Bolton „bullies, marginalizes and undermines those who do not agree with him.“ Other prominent Democrats agreed with him at the time.

Bolton himself had admitted in the past that he would be more than willing to lie if he felt it was in the nation‘s best interest.

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it,“ Bolton said in an interview with Fox Business in 2010.

28.01.2020 - 12:13 [ Washington Post ]

If senators fail to call Bolton, their trial is a farce

LAST WEEK, senators trying the impeachment charges against President Trump did not know for sure whether former national security adviser John Bolton could answer outstanding questions about the case. Now they know.

28.01.2020 - 12:09 [ LA Times ]

Column: Trump says Bolton is a disgruntled liar. Let him testify under oath so we can find out

“I’m with the Bush-Cheney team, and I’m here to stop the count.”

Those words were bellowed by John Bolton in a Tallahassee library in December of 2000, when he was part of a team of Republican lawyers trying to stop the Florida recount of votes cast in the Bush-Gore race. Until now, it was the most famous utterance President Trump’s former national security advisor had ever made.

28.01.2020 - 12:06 [ Washington Post ]

Bolton book roils Washington as onetime allies turn on Trump’s former national security adviser

People close to Bolton said he wanted to testify, and a spokeswoman denied that he was behind the leak of the book, adding that the National Security Council has had a copy of it since Dec. 30.

28.01.2020 - 12:02 [ ]

Trump Lawyers Ready For Final Day Of President‘s Impeachment Defense

Shortly before winding down Monday night‘s arguments in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz addressed the elephant in the room: whether potential testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton would alter the course of the proceeding.

21.01.2020 - 18:30 [ Washington Post ]

Trump’s lawyers, Senate GOP allies work privately to ensure Bolton does not testify publicly

President Trump’s legal defense team and Senate GOP allies are quietly gaming out contingency plans should Democrats win enough votes to force witnesses to testify in the impeachment trial, including an effort to keep former national security adviser John Bolton from the spotlight, according to multiple officials familiar with the discussions.

01.01.2020 - 10:44 [ ]

Report: Rudy Giuliani’s shadow policy efforts extended to Venezuela

New reporting by The Washington Post reveals that Rudy Giuliani was conducting shadow foreign policy in locations other than Ukraine. The president’s personal lawyer was conducting business in Venezuela to try and ease President Nicolás Maduro from power.

28.12.2019 - 11:53 [ Teresa Whitaker ‏/ Twitter ]

Dems appear to give up on John Bolton testimony, say they won’t subpoena after he blows off impeachment deposition – New York Daily News. Democrats didn’t even Subpoena John Bolton but now Demand ⁦⁦@senatemajldr⁩ and Republican Senate do it

24.12.2019 - 16:19 [ ]

Trump could resign sparked by Senate trial Scaramucci says

The Donald Trump impeachment trial in the Senate could include testimony under oath by Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Pompeo. How would the president respond? Joy Reid and her panel discuss.

16.12.2019 - 15:15 [ ]

Schumer asks McConnell for Mulvaney, Bolton to testify in impeachment trial

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Sunday wrote a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) outlining his preferences for the structure of an impeachment trial in the upper chamber and calling for testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

16.12.2019 - 15:12 [ ]

Impeachment-Pläne der Demokraten: Trump-Vertraute sollen aussagen

Die US-Demokraten wollen Vertraute des US-Präsidenten im Senat vorladen: Im Zuge des geplanten Amtsenthebungsverfahrens sollen unter anderem Trumps Ex-Sicherheitsberater Bolton und der Stabschef des Weißen Hauses, Mulvaney, aussagen.

14.12.2019 - 10:52 [ ]

Lawyer: Bolton Aide Charles Kupperman Fears House Will Reissue Subpoena For Testimony

Kupperman and his previous boss, former national security adviser John Bolton, were close to Trump and counseled the president on Ukraine matters. Kupperman was also listening in on the July 25 call between Trump and the president of Ukraine that triggered a whistleblower complaint. Cooper also represents Bolton, who refused to testify after the White House claimed he and Kupperman were among a small cadre of close advisers to the president who have absolute immunity from congressional subpoenas.

14.12.2019 - 10:36 [ Jerry Dunleavy / Twitter ]

Thes Democrats didn’t even issue a subpoena against Bolton (pictured here) but tell me more about how badly they want him to testify

02.12.2019 - 06:21 [ ]

John Bolton should testify so Americans can find the truth

However, given that Bolton is generally respected within conservative Republican circles, having served under President Bush, any testimony from him that directly implicates Trump in a bribery scheme would make it more difficult for Republican lawmakers to dismiss the inquiry as partisan. Similarly, any testimony from Bolton could all but vindicate the president. This explains why House Democrats have been reluctant to pursue him.

29.11.2019 - 12:16 [ CNN ]

This is House Democrats‘ big chance to bring in John Bolton


While the committee has requested Bolton‘s testimony, it is not currently pursuing a subpoena in court.

28.11.2019 - 21:00 [ CNN ]

John Bolton‘s attorney says he won‘t appear without subpoena after impeachment investigators invite him to testify


Asked whether he would issue a subpoena to Bolton, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff would not say.

26.11.2019 - 22:19 [ Ron Paul / ]

Die wahre Bombe des Impeachment Hearings

Wer war Fiona Hills Boss? Der ehemalige nationale Sicherheitsberater John Bolton, der zweifellos ebenfalls der Ansicht war, dass der Präsident kein Recht hat, die US-Außenpolitik zu ändern. Bolton ist derjenige, der, als Trump sagte, dass US-Soldaten nach Hause kommen würden „erklärte“, dass das in Wirklichkeit bedeutete, dass die Soldaten dort bleiben würden.

26.11.2019 - 17:48 [ LA Times ]

Letters to the Editor: John Bolton should stop trying to sell more books and start testifying

It appears to me that Bolton is fiercely partisan, fiercely selfish and fiercely greedy. I just wish that he would be fiercely American and simply tell Congress what he knows about impeachment-related issues.

26.11.2019 - 17:46 [ New York Times ]

Ruling Will Not Lead John Bolton to Testify Soon, Lawyer Says

Charles J. Cooper, a lawyer who represents Mr. Bolton, said that a court decision on Monday ordering another former White House official to appear before Congress under subpoena did not apply to Mr. Bolton because of the nature of his job. Mr. Cooper said Mr. Bolton would therefore wait for another judge to rule in a separate case that could take weeks more to litigate.

23.11.2019 - 09:47 [ ]

If John Bolton Keeps Refusing to Testify, Congress Should Arrest Him

The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that each chamber of Congress can hold a person in contempt for flouting a legislative subpoena, and – as Justice Brandeis explained in Jurney v. MacCracken – each chamber may also coerce obedience “by means of arrest.” In other words, the House Sergeant at Arms may take people into physical custody until they provide information withheld from Congress.

12.11.2019 - 18:04 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Why are House Democrats giving up on John Bolton so easily?


House Democrats say they will not take former Trump national security adviser John Bolton to court, adding that his reluctance to appear only adds to their impeachment case.

12.11.2019 - 17:57 [ New York Times ]

Bolton Said to Know of ‘Many Relevant Meetings’ on Ukraine, but Will Not Testify

(Updated Nov. 11, 2019)

WASHINGTON — John R. Bolton, President Trump’s former national security adviser, knows about “many relevant meetings and conversations” connected to a pressure campaign on Ukraine that House impeachment investigators have not yet been informed of, his lawyer told lawmakers on Friday.

31.10.2019 - 06:15 [ ABC News / Youtube ]

John Bolton summoned to testify in impeachment inquiry

Multiple witnesses have testified that President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser was frustrated by the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.