Archiv: Belarus

12.08.2023 - 15:52 [ Haaretz ]

Pakistan’s Spy Agency Buys Israeli Cellphone Hacking Tech

As Haaretz has reported on numerous occasions, Cellebrite’s clients have included oppressive regimes that were or still are subject to sanctions, including Belarus, China (including Hong Kong), Uganda, Venezuela, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia and Ethiopia, as well as Bangladesh’s notorious Rapid Action Battalion.

The security forces in Pakistan are known to commit serious violations of human rights and freedom of expression.

28.06.2023 - 13:00 [ ]

Lukashenko orders that government develop „algorithm for use“ of Russian nuclear weapons

The self-proclaimed president of Belarus assigned the task of developing an algorithm for the use of nuclear weapons to Viktor Khrenin, Belarusian Minister of Defence; Viktor Gulevich, Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces; and Ivan Tertel, Chairman of the Belarusian State Security Committee.


Both Russian and Belarusian officials have repeatedly emphasised that Belarus will not have the opportunity to control the nuclear weapons deployed on its territory; Russia will be the one to retain control.

28.06.2023 - 12:49 [ ]

Lukashenko: Wagner will not guard Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has reportedly stressed that the Wagner mercenary group will have no role in guarding Russian tactical nuclear weapons that are being transferred to his country.

A state-run news agency in Belarus cited Lukashenko as saying on Tuesday that a substantial amount of Russian nuclear weaponry has been moved into the country.


The report said Lukashenko denied such views, saying, „It is our job. And I am personally responsible for the security of the weapons.“

28.06.2023 - 09:12 [ New York Times ]

Lukashenko says he and Putin, in a phone call on Saturday, discussed killing the mercenary leader.

Speaking in depth for the first time about what he said was his role in the negotiations between the Russian president and Mr. Prigozhin, Mr. Lukashenko said that he had convinced Mr. Putin “not to do anything rash,” assuring him that “a bad peace is better than any war.” Mr. Lukashenko’s version of the conversation, reported by Belarusian state news media, could not be verified independently, and the Kremlin did not immediately comment on it.

26.06.2023 - 18:44 [ ]

NATO-Ostflanke: Pistorius will 4000 Soldaten in Litauen stationieren

Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius hat angekündigt, zusätzliche 4000 Bundeswehrsoldatinnen und -soldaten in das NATO-Partnerland Litauen zu schicken, um die Ostflanke der NATO zu stärken. „Deutschland ist bereit, dauerhaft eine robuste Brigade in Litauen zu stationieren“, sagte Pistorius in Vilnius.

26.06.2023 - 18:43 [ Baro / Nitter ]

Der litauische Präsident forderte wegen Prigozhin eine Stärkung der Ostflanke der NATO. Laut Präsident Nauseda wird Litauen mehr Ressourcen, einschließlich ausländischer Geheimdienste bereitstellen, um mit „den sicherheitspolitischen Aspekten Weißrusslands“ Schritt zu halten.

25.06.2023 - 11:15 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Video shows Wagner boss leaving Russian military headquarters

Wagner private military company boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has left Russian military headquarters in Rostov-on-Don in southwestern Russia, new video, posted to Telegram and geolocated and authenticated by CNN, shows. CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh reports.

25.06.2023 - 11:09 [ CNN ]

Russia pulls back from brink of crisis after deal reached to end Wagner insurrection

The abrupt about-face follows a rare, remarkable challenge to the Kremlin that threatened to plunge the country into crisis and destabilize its already stumbling war efforts in Ukraine.

The threat of civil war leaves the country – and the Putin regime – in a very different place Sunday than it had been just two days prior. And with Russia possessing the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, that instability has other nations on edge, prompting emergency meetings and high-level talks.

25.06.2023 - 11:00 [ ]

Kremlin reveals details of Wagner deal

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed that Prigozhin, a Saint Petersburg tycoon who made his initial fortune in catering, „will go to Belarus.“

He added that Wagner‘s fighters will not be persecuted, taking into account their efforts on the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. Peskov explained that President Vladimir Putin‘s team „have always respected their exploits.“

PMC contractors who refused to take part in the mutiny – and whole units did not – will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, Peskov stated.

25.06.2023 - 10:55 [ ]

Kreml bestätigt Deal mit Prigoschin

Die Vereinbarung sei vom belarusischen Staatschef Alexander Lukaschenko vermittelt worden, sagte Peskow. Dieser habe seine Hilfe angeboten, da er Prigoschin seit etwa 20 Jahren persönlich kenne. Putin habe dem zugestimmt.

24.06.2023 - 19:59 [ ]

Wagner agrees to end ‘insurrection’ – Lukashenko

Evgeny Prigozhin agreed to halt his march on Moscow and avert “a bloodbath,“ the Belarusian president said

06.06.2023 - 07:55 [ ]

Moscow slams Polish General’s call to back potential mass rebellion in Belarus

(May 26, 2023)

Skrzypczak said a potential uprising in Belarus might start from similar operations to those by Russians in Belgorod. He added that they would gain support from society, and Poland should not miss the momentum to support Belarusians.

In such circumstances, Lukashenko could hardly count on Moscow’s help.

“Russia has its own problems,” he insisted.

25.05.2023 - 18:48 [ Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation ]

Russian and Belarusian defence ministers sign on non-strategic nuclear weapons

Western nations have basically been waging an undeclared war against Moscow and Minsk, according to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was speaking on 25 May 2023 with his Belarusian colleague Viktor Khrenin. Sergei Shoigu stated, ‚Today we are facing the collective West, which is virtually waging war against our countries‘. (…)

‚In the circumstances of an extremely sharp escalation of threats and activity of NATO joint nuclear missions, we are compelled to take retaliatory measures in the military-nuclear sphere. The deployment of Russian Federation non-strategic nuclear weapons on the territory of the Republic of Belarus has been planned in accordance with the decision of Supreme Commanders-in-Chief of the Russian Federation,‘ Sergei Shoigu stated.

26.03.2023 - 07:38 [ ]

Ankündigung Putins: Russland stationiert Atomwaffen in Belarus

Auf dem Fliegerhorst Büchel in der Eifel sollen noch bis zu 20 US-Atombomben stationiert sein, die im Ernstfall mit Tornado-Kampfjets der Bundeswehr eingesetzt werden sollen.

Russland stationiert keine strategischen Atomwaffen in Belarus, die etwa auch die USA erreichen könnten.

01.03.2023 - 09:37 [ ]

Belarusian president kicks off China visit with trade ties, Ukraine crisis in focus

Analysts said that Belarus‘ support for China‘s position on a political settlement to the Ukraine crisis paves the way for future cooperation in multilateral frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), of which Lukashenko said he expects Belarus will become a full member in 2023.

But as a neighbor of Russia and Ukraine, Belarus faces a tough geopolitical situation, and the risks to its security environment are increasing. If the conflict expands, Belarus could be dragged into it, experts said.

01.03.2023 - 09:35 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Belarus President Lukashenko to arrive in Beijing for talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko will arrive in Beijing on Tuesday, kicking off a three-day trip in which he will meet Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

The state visit by Lukashenko — a key ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin — comes after Beijing released a position paper on Russia’s war in Ukraine insisting it is a neutral party and calling for dialogue between the two sides.

07.01.2023 - 09:12 [ ]

Russia to hold 9 international military exercises in 2023

n addition, eight bilateral exercises are planned to be held at the training grounds of Russia‘s military districts, the ministry noted. According to the ministry, these exercises include Russian-Indian Indra-2023 drills, the joint military anti-terrorist command and staff exercises of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states Peace Mission-2023, the joint Russian-Lao military exercises, the joint Russian-Pakistani exercises Friendship-2023, the Russian-Algerian exercises, exercises with units of the collective forces of the rapid deployment of the Central Asian collective security region Frontier-2023, the Russian-Mongolian exercises Selenga-2023 and the Russian-Vietnamese exercises.

19.11.2022 - 13:38 [ ]

Does Russia really using S-300 air defence System Against Ukraine to Hit Ground Targets?

(July 27, 2022)

There are documents on cases of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles used by the Russian military for ground attack tests in the air defense systems. Combat training. Even the Belarusian Army has practiced using the S-300 system to attack fixed targets on the ground.


The Russian Army has long tested the S-300 surface-to-air missile system’s ability to kill ground targets. The missiles, when launched on a ballistic trajectory, can reportedly be used to attack command centers, radar stations, and hangars up to 120 kilometers away, according to the Russian military.

19.11.2022 - 13:32 [ Ukraine Battle Map / Nitter ]

The missiles hit the village of Przewodow in Poland Przewodow is 7 km away from the Polish-Ukrainian Border The missiles landed 120km from Belarus, and 70km north of Lviv

16.10.2022 - 17:20 [ @AZgeopolitics / Nitter ]

NBC journalist-„Putin is not yet winning the war in Ukraine“ Lukashenko-„As for the Ukrainian conflict as you say Putin is not winning at the moment,but in this moment you don‘t win too,50 states are now at war with Russia on the teritory of Ukraine,you don‘t win either“


16.10.2022 - 16:55 [ NBC News ]

Watch in full: NBC News exclusive interview with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

In his exclusive interview with the close ally of Vladimir Putin, NBC News’ Keir Simmons asked President Lukashenko about the war in Ukraine, mass graves, the Russian leader’s state of mind, and the possibility that nuclear weapons could be used.

16.10.2022 - 07:16 [ ]

Solution to Ukraine conflict may be found within a week, it depends on US, UK – Lukashenko


The Ukraine conflict may be resolved within a week, and that depends on the United States and the United Kingdom, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with NBC, excerpts of which were quoted by BelTA news agency on Saturday.

„It all depends on the US and the UK. If tomorrow you realize that we need to sit down at the negotiating table and find a solution, believe me, we will find a solution within a week,“ Lukashenko said.

29.08.2022 - 12:54 [ ]

Indian, Chinese troops to take part in military exercises in Russia: Chinese Defence Ministry

(Aug 17, 2022)

As per the annual cooperation plan between the Chinese and Russian militaries and the consensus of the two sides, the Chinese People‘s Liberation Army (PLA) will send some troops to Russia to participate in the military exercise in the near future, Chinese Defence Ministry said in a press release.

India, Belarus, Tajikistan, Mongolia and other countries will also participate in the drills, it said.

29.08.2022 - 12:40 [ ]

50.000 Soldaten bei Militärmanöver in Russland

Es soll auf Truppenübungsplätzen in Ostsibirien und im Fernen Osten sowie im Japanischen Meer stattfinden. Soldaten aus dem Ausland sind den Angaben zufolge bereits auf einem Übungsgelände im Osten Russlands eingetroffen, darunter aus Belarus und anderen Ex-Sowjetrepubliken, aus China und Indien.

03.07.2022 - 07:49 [ Al Jazeera ]

Lukashenko says Ukraine fired missiles at Belarus military posts

“We are being provoked,” Lukashenko was quoted as saying by state news agency Belta on Saturday.

“I must tell you that around three days ago, maybe more, they tried to strike military targets in Belarus from Ukraine.

“Thank God, our Pantsir anti-air systems intercepted all the missiles fired by the Ukrainian forces.”

The claim, which Lukashenko did not provide evidence for, came one week after Ukraine said missiles struck a border region from Belarus, a long-term Russian ally.

26.06.2022 - 10:51 [ Nexta / ]

Air-raid alarm sounds can be heard in the central and western regions of #Ukraine.

26.06.2022 - 10:48 [ ]

Russia resumes attacks with Iskander missiles, uses Tu-22M3 long-range bombers for first time from territory of Belarus

On June 25 at night, the Russian army mounted a massive missile attack on several regions of Ukraine, Russia resumed attacks using Iskander missiles from the territory of Belarus, and for the first time used Tu-22M3 long-range bombers from the air space of Belarus, the Command of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has said.

05.05.2022 - 12:31 [ The Associated Press / Twitter ]

Belarus president tells @AP it would be ‚unacceptable‘ to use nuclear weapons, but can‘t say if Russia has such plans.

02.05.2022 - 15:33 [ Cityreport24 / Twitter ]

Plan: Flugzeug abschießen: Kiew will russischen Spion im Generalstab enttarnt haben

02.05.2022 - 15:16 [ ]

Russian mole exposed in Ukraine Army’s General Staff – adviser to President’s Office chief

He added that this false-flag attack was allegedly supposed to be carried out using Ukrainian weapons – portable anti-aircraft missile systems. The spies planned to obtain the weapons, used by our troops, through volunteers. To this end, they had been trying to win trust of the latter, giving them real data on the movement of Russian troops, giving away the coordinates of Ramzan Kadyrov’s ethnic Chechen unit.

„There are three components to this story that describe everything that’s happening in the Russian army now. The first is shooting down a passenger plane, the second is deceiving their leadership, and the third is setting up the Kadyrovites,“ Arestovych concluded.

01.05.2022 - 18:10 [ The Kyiv Independent / Twitter ]

SBU: Russia planned a terrorist attack to blame on Ukraine. The Security Service reported that they neutralized Russia’s sabotage reconnaissance group that had been planning to shoot down a passenger plane over Russia or Belarus and blame it on Ukraine and its allies.

11.03.2022 - 20:15 [ ]

Russia-Ukraine latest news: Biden warns of ‘World War III’ if Nato directly confronts Russia

“Direct confrontation between Nato and Russia is World War III – something we must strive to prevent,“ Mr Biden added.

However, he vowed that Russia would pay a „severe price“ if it used chemical weapons in Ukraine.

It comes as Kyiv warned that Belarus could join Russia‘s invasion as early as this evening after Russian fighter jets fired at Belarus from Ukrainian air space in an apparent ‘false flag’ attack to involve Minsk in the conflict.

11.03.2022 - 20:15 [ Reuters ]

Ukraine says Belarus leader was with Putin at time of ‚false-flag attack‘

Moscow did not immediately comment on a statement by Ukraine’s border service that several Belarusian border villages had been bombed by Russian warplanes to create a reason for Belarus to join Russia’s war against Ukraine.

11.03.2022 - 19:58 [ ]

Russische Jets feuerten aus Ukraine auf Belarus

Nach Darstellung der Ukraine will Russland mit Luftangriffen auf belarussische Dörfer einen Kriegseintritt des Nachbarlandes provozieren. Der ukrainische Grenzschutz habe am Nachmittag den Start russischer Kampfflugzeuge von einem Fliegerhorst in Belarus registriert, teilte die ukrainische Luftwaffe heute mit. Die Maschinen seien in den ukrainischen Luftraum eingedrungen und hätten dann das Feuer auf das Dorf Kopani in Belarus eröff

03.03.2022 - 23:09 [ Hanna Liubakova / Twitter ]

#Belarus Police in Minsk detained mothers of Belarusian soldiers praying for peace. The police were in civilian clothes in the church. Human rights defenders reported at least 3 women that were detained.

02.03.2022 - 17:41 [ Hanna Liubakova / Twitter ]

#Belarus Belarusians have been tortured, jailed and killed. Here‘s what the police most recently did to „rail partisans“ who tried to disrupt the movement of troops by rail. Now the Interior Ministry said that this man and his wife are terrorists and face up to 20 years in prison

24.02.2022 - 09:42 [ Hanna Liubakova, Journalist from Minsk, Belarus / Twitter ]

Lukashenko denied the participation of the Belarusian army in „the Russian special operation in Donbas,“ as he said. However,his role was crucial in supporting Russia in launching a war against Ukraine. Russian troops came from the territory of #Belarus. It is already aggression

24.02.2022 - 09:04 [ Hanna Liubakova, Journalist from Minsk, Belarus / Twitter ]

Lukashenko, not the people, allowed Russian troops in #Belarus. He allowed these troops to cross the border with Ukraine and attack our neighbours. I am sharing the latest survey showing that the majority of Belarusians are against our country participating in a war with Ukraine

24.02.2022 - 08:57 [ Tadeusz Giczan, Belarusian journalist / Twitter ]

9:29 local time. Russian troops crossing the Senkivka-Veselivka checkpoint at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. It is unclear whether the Belarusian army has invaded Ukraine as well. Lukashenko will hold a meeting with his generals in half an hour.

13.11.2021 - 20:39 [ ]

Putin warnt Lukaschenko vor Gas-Stopp

Der belarussische Präsident Alexander Lukaschenko hatte zuletzt einen Stopp von Gaslieferungen an die Europäer ins Gespräch gebracht.

Betroffen wäre die Pipeline Jamal, durch die russisches Gas via Belarus nach Polen und Deutschland fliesst. Der belarussische Teil der Pipeline gehört dem russischen Staatsmonopolisten Gazprom.

04.08.2021 - 06:21 [ ]

„Wir wussten, dass wir gejagt werden“

Einen Tag nach seinem Verschwinden in Kiew ist der belarusische Aktivist Witaly Schischow tot aufgefunden worden. Mitstreiter Schischows vermuten, dass der belarusische Geheimdienst dahinter steckt.Die Polizei arbeitet mit Hochdruck an dem Fall, der nicht nur in der belarusischen Diaspora für Entsetzen sorgt. Videoaufnahmen von Kameras entlang der Joggingstrecke, von der der Aktivist am Montag nicht zurückkehrte, werden ausgewertet. Mögliche Augenzeugen werden befragt.

03.07.2021 - 09:08 [ ]

Belarus says it has dismantled ‚terrorist sleeper cells‘ with ties to West

He added that the cells‘ activities were coordinated via a Telegram channel dubbed „Self-defence regiments of Belarus“ which had 2,500 subscribers and belonged to a German citizen.

The cells recently tried to detonate a Russian naval communication centre located in the Belarusian town of Vileika, about 100 kilometres northwest of Minsk, according to the Belarusian leader.

03.07.2021 - 08:55 [ ]

Lukaschenko spricht von Umsturzversuch: Belarus enttarnt angeblich »Terrorzellen« mit Verbindung nach Deutschland

Eine Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amtes hatte am Freitagmittag in Berlin erklärt, sie wolle zu den Vorwürfen, die Lukaschenko »so in den Raum gestellt hat«, nicht Stellung nehmen. Über die mögliche Festnahme deutscher Staatsangehöriger könne sie »an dieser Stelle nichts berichten«.

25.05.2021 - 07:01 [ CNN ]

Detained Belarusian dissident appears in video as fury mounts over ‚hijacking‘ of Ryanair flight

„The attitude of the [Interior Ministry] employees towards me has been as correct as possible and in compliance with the law,“ Protasevich says in the video, which was posted Monday evening to a pro-government social media channel.
„I continue to cooperate with the investigation and have confessed to organizing mass riots in the city of Minsk,“ he also says. His supporters believe the video was made under duress.

24.05.2021 - 08:30 [ ZDF ]

Erzwungene Notlandung in Minsk – Belarus nimmt Exil-Oppositionellen fest

Nach der Notlandung in Minsk sei bei einer Überprüfung des Flugzeugs keine Bombe gefunden worden, berichtete der Oppositionskanal Nexta. Daraufhin seien „alle Passagiere zu einer weiteren Sicherheitskontrolle geschickt“ worden – unter ihnen auch Protassewitsch. „Er wurde festgenommen.“

Protassewitsch sei schon in Athen vor dem Einstieg ins Flugzeug verfolgt worden, hieß es. Lukaschenko habe mit einem Verstoß gegen alle Gesetze ein Flugzeug „gekapert“, kritisierte der Kanal.

24.05.2021 - 08:22 [ ]

Blinken condemns ‚shocking act‘ of Belarus forcing plane carrying opposition journalist to land

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday condemned the forced landing of a Ryanair flight by Belarus and the arrest of an opposition journalist on board, calling it a „shocking act“ that endangered the lives of U.S. citizens and everyone else on board.

In a statement, Blinked vowed that the U.S. would respond with its allies in the region, and called for the „immediate release“ of journalist Raman Protasevich, who according to reports, was detained by Belarusian security forces after the flight landed.

12.05.2021 - 23:40 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

Multinational Forces Rising to US Army Standards on NATO’s Eastern Front

On May 10 Poland’s President Duda was in Romania to co-host a virtual conference of the Bucharest Nine (9) group with Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis, The members of the comparatively new bloc are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia; all former members of the Soviet bloc and of the defunct Warsaw Pact.

Greetings were sent to the meeting by President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

18.10.2020 - 19:24 [ ]

Massenproteste in Belarus: Trotz Waffenandrohung auf den Straßen

Seit der Präsidentenwahl am 9. August gibt es in Belarus regelmäßig Proteste. Das Land steckt in einer schweren innenpolitischen Krise. Lukaschenko hatte sich mit 80,1 Prozent der Stimmen nach 26 Jahren an der Macht erneut zum Sieger erklären lassen.

02.10.2020 - 20:10 [ ZDF ]

EU setzt Belarus-Sanktionen in Kraft

Brüssel setzte noch am Freitag Strafmaßnahmen gegen 40 Unterstützer von Präsident Alexander Lukaschenko in Kraft. Darunter sind Innenminister Juri Karaeu, Mitglieder der Wahlkommission, des Geheimdienstes KGB und Spezialeinheiten der Polizei. Ihnen wird eine Beteiligung an Wahlfälschungen oder an der gewaltsamen Niederschlagung friedlicher Proteste vorgeworfen.

24.09.2020 - 11:30 [ ]

Cellebrite Sold Phone Hacking Tech to Repressive Regimes, Data Suggests

A Motherboard investigation found that US state police agencies had collectively spent millions of dollars on Cellebrite products. US federal agencies, such as the FBI and Secret Service, are also Cellebrite customers.

24.09.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Putin Investigators Targeting LGBTQs, Navalny, Use Israeli Phone-hacking Tech

Carmil resents a comparison with the NSO Group. “I know the people at NSO and appreciate their know-how, but Cellebrite works in the legitimate world of the police force, whose abilities are closely controlled, unlike the world of NSO customers and others who engage in illegal and concealed activity. Cellebrite is totally on the good side, where court orders are used. We do not make tools for breaking into private entities or espionage organizations.”

22.09.2020 - 20:45 [ Press TV ]

US troops to stay longer in Lithuania: Defense minister

A new battalion of US military forces, equipped with tanks and other armored vehicles, is to be deployed to Lithuania in November and will remain there until next June, the country’s defense minister says.

03.09.2020 - 09:00 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Corona-Demo, Nawalny, Krieg und Frieden: Der unterirdische Zustand deutscher Medien

Eine nochmalige Verschärfung der Meinungsmache der vergangenen Jahre ist aktuell zu beobachten: Seit dem Ausrufen der „Corona-Pandemie“ stehen viele große deutsche Medien noch unseriöser an der Seite von Entscheidungsträgern. Der gesteigerte journalistische Herdentrieb mündet in eine absurde mediale Eintönigkeit. Die bezieht sich nicht nur auf Corona.

24.08.2020 - 00:06 [ The New York Times ]

No. 2 U.S. Diplomat Biegun Will Visit Russia, Lithuania Amid Belarus Crisis

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun will travel to Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine on Aug. 24-27 to meet senior government leaders to discuss regional issues, the State Department said in a statement on Sunday.

19.04.2020 - 16:50 [ Ahram Online ]

Belarus strongman attends church for Easter, slams virus curbs

„I don‘t approve of those who have closed people‘s way to church. I don‘t approve of such a policy,“ Lukashenko said while visiting the church, Belta state news agency reported.

19.04.2020 - 16:39 [ Ruptly TV ]

Belarus: Orthodox Christians attend traditional consecration ceremony

Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus Metropolitan Pavel conducted the ceremony, congratulating Belarusians on Easter, he also wished for a quick end to the coronavirus epidemic.

18.12.2019 - 12:28 [ German-Foreign-Policy ]

„Belarus‘ Platz in Europa“

Oft übersehen wird in der westlichen Fixierung auf Russland die beispiellose Annäherung zwischen Belarus und China. Jüngst vergab die Volksrepublik etwa einen Kredit über 500 Millionen US-Dollar an Belarus, was in Minsk den Bedarf an einem parallel verhandelten russischen Kredit über 600 Millionen US-Dollar rapide sinken ließ. Einer japanischen Analyse zufolge setzte Beijing bis 2014 auf die Ukraine als Brücke nach Europa, schwenkte aber nach dem Beginn des ostukrainischen Bürgerkriegs und des wirtschaftlichen Kollapses dort auf Belarus als neue Landbrücke nach Europa um

28.10.2019 - 22:19 [ ]

Baku to host regular meeting of CIS Council of Defense Ministers

The event will be attended by Azerbaijan‘s Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, Russian Defense Minister, General of the Army Sergey Shoigu, Belarussian Defense Minister Lieutenant General Andrei Ravkov, Kazakhstan‘s Defense Minister Major General Nurlan Yermekbayev, Uzbekistan‘s Defense Minister Major General Bakhodir Kurbanov, Tajikistan‘s Defense Minister Colonel General Mirzo Sherali and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, Major General Rayimberdi Duishenbiev.