Archiv: Oman

28.01.2024 - 18:46 [ Firas / Twitter ]

This would be a great time for Arab States such as Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and others to step in and increase their funding of @UNRWA


22.01.2024 - 11:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza war: Why did Arab states not join South Africa‘s case against Israel in the ICJ?

All Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have issued many statements condemning Israel‘s assault on Gaza, but they did not take any further action. Saudi Arabia and the Arab League waited for more than a month of onslaught in Gaza to hold a summit in Riyadh to discuss the issue.

The summit decided to break the siege and blockade, but Arab countries never turned this resolution into action. Instead, Egypt obeyed Israeli commands and refused to give access to move injured civilians for treatment outside of Gaza unless Israel approved their names.

24.12.2023 - 11:34 [ Reuters ]

Yemen‘s warring parties commit to ceasefire steps, U.N. special envoy says

(December 23, 2023 7:03 PM)

Houthi officials in September visited Riyadh for the first time since the war broke out. That followed a first round of Omani-mediated consultations between Riyadh and Sanaa, running in parallel to U.N. peace efforts, when Saudi envoys visited Sanaa in April.

The peace initiatives gained momentum after arch-rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to re-establish ties in a deal brokered by China. A permanent ceasefire in Yemen would mark a milestone in stabilising the Middle East.

08.04.2023 - 14:16 [ ]

CIA director visited Saudi Arabia, aired ‚frustration‘ over Iran, Syria thaw

Saudi Arabia is mulling an invite to Assad to the Arab League summit that Riyadh will host next month.

The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Oman, Algeria and Jordan have all resumed diplomatic ties with Assad, whose government remains under heavy US sanctions.

05.04.2023 - 09:57 [ ]

OPEC: Saudis aren’t afraid of US anymore

Independent but time-coordinated statements were made by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, Algeria, Oman and Kazakhstan, while Russia confirmed its intention to extend until the end of the year its own production reduction by 500,000 barrels per day, which began in March.

Significantly, these statements have been made precisely by those largest oil producers in OPEC, who have a record of fully utilising their existing quota. Put differently, the reduction in production is going to be real, not just on paper.

16.07.2022 - 22:06 [ ]

How to understand Israel and Saudi Arabia’s secretive relationship

(July 11, 2022)

U.S. President Joe Biden understands the limitations facing his Saudi hosts later this month. No major breakthrough is likely during his visit to Jeddah. He will meet with nine Arab leaders: the six Gulf monarchs plus Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. The Saudis are going to take more control of Tiran Island in the Gulf of Aqaba from Egypt, according to some accounts. It is home to an American military outpost that monitors the 1978 peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.

18.08.2021 - 17:44 [ ]

Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani revealed to be in United Arab Emirates after fleeing ‘with helicopter full of cash’

A spokesman for the Russian embassy in Kabul, Nikita Ishchenko, was quoted as saying: “The collapse of the regime…is most eloquently characterised by how Ghani escaped from Afghanistan: four cars were filled with money, they tried to shove another part of the money into a helicopter, but not everything fit.

Asked by the Associated Press about how he knew the details of Ghani’s departure, Mr Ishchenko said “well, we are working here,” without offering any more details.

27.03.2021 - 19:06 [ ]

China’s crude imports from Oman, UAE jump as Iranian barrels fall


China brought in 3.42 million tonnes of U.S. oil in the two-month period, versus zero from a year earlier.

23.09.2020 - 04:30 [ Oman News Center / Youtube ]

The Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill

The Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill
Report: Saleh bin Khalfan Al RahbiThe Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill

23.08.2020 - 11:44 [ Haaretz ]

With Israel‘s Encouragement, NSO Sold Spyware to UAE and Other Gulf States

The Israeli company has signed contracts with Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

20.10.2019 - 17:52 [ Axios ]

Israel to attend U.S.-led maritime security meeting in Bahrain

Background: The Bahrain maritime security meeting is a follow-up to the U.S.-led anti-Iran conference held in Warsaw in February. Around 60 countries attended that conference and have participated in ongoing meetings since.

The state of play: According to the State Department, the Bahrain meeting on Oct. 21-22 will focus on maintaining maritime and aviation security in the Middle East and promote steps to interdict and prevent shipments of illicit weapons of mass destruction.

08.10.2019 - 23:30 [ Yonhap ]

S. Korea, Oman sign MOU on defense cooperation

Jeong expressed his gratitude for the Omani authorities‘ support for South Korea‘s Cheonghae Unit, a 300-strong contingent stationed in the Gulf of Aden off Muscat for anti-piracy missions.

04.09.2019 - 17:05 [ Haaretz ]

The Arab World Just Handed Netanyahu Its Most Powerful Weapon

Within Israel, Netanyahu’s Arabic-speaking mouthpieces amplify the ridicule, sarcastically „calling out“ Arab leaders on social media for their „treason“ and weakness, whenever they engage in normalization.

Added to that, the role of the Mossad in setting up the back channels that lead to Israeli politicians meeting Gulf leaders – despite being part of the secret service’s brief in states where no diplomatic relations exist – gives the impression that this form of normalization is part of a black ops scheme whose real purpose is still covert.

20.06.2019 - 19:05 [ ]

Abhörtechnik für Autokraten: Deutschland exportiert trotzdem

Bereits 2014 hatte der damalige SPD-Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel angekündigt, den Export von Überwachungsprogrammen in Staaten, die wegen der Missachtung von Menschenrechten in der Kritik stehen, verbieten zu wollen. Die Bundesregierung schreibt in der Antwort nun, man prüfe …

31.05.2019 - 02:55 [ junge Welt ]

Bewegung am Golf

Der Oman leidet mit am stärksten unter der instabilen Situation am Golf. Das Land sieht sich als Vermittler zwischen Iran und dem Westen. Sultan Qabus ibn Said hatte den sogenannten Atomdeal mit dem Iran maßgeblich vermittelt, unter anderem, weil er sich davon einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung versprach. Diese Hoffnung hat US-Präsident Donald Trump mit der Aufkündigung des Vertrages und den verhängten Sanktionen zunichte gemacht.

31.05.2019 - 02:33 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Defying Iran, U.S. to use Oman ports for Persian Gulf access

The United States clinched a strategic port deal with Oman last week which US officials say will allow the US military better access the Gulf region and reduce the need to send ships through the Strait of Hormuz, a maritime choke point off Iran.

The US embassy in Oman said in a statement that the agreement governed U.S. access to facilities and ports in Duqm as well as in Salalah and “reaffirms the commitment of both countries to promoting mutual security goals.”

13.02.2019 - 00:02 [ ]

Kneissl reist zu Iran-Konferenz in Warschau

Nach Angaben der polnischen Regierung haben rund 60 der mehr als 70 eingeladenen Delegationen aus aller Welt zugesagt.

Ihre Teilnahme bestätigten bisher der israelische Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu und der ungarische Außenminister Peter Szijjarto. Auf Ministerebene werden außerdem aus der Region Saudi-Arabien, Bahrain, der Jemen, Jordanien, Kuwait, der Oman, Marokko und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate vertreten sein, wie die PAP meldete.

15.01.2019 - 09:12 [ New York Times ]

Pompeo’s Anti-Iran Tour Faces Obstacles of a Fractious Middle East

Mr. Pompeo has not yet proposed that Arab nations outside the war zones send troops to fight the militias, though he has left open the possibility of the United States helping piece together an Arab military coalition to move into northeastern Syria as the United States withdraws.

26.09.2018 - 11:51 [ Newsweek ]

Trump‘s Alliance Against Iran: Saudi Arabia and Partners Join Israel in Supporting U.S. as Others Turn Away

While President Donald Trump condemned Iran in his address Tuesday to the United Nations General Assembly, a small but influential group of countries gathered elsewhere in New York City in an attempt to rally support for an increasingly controversial cause among the international community.

The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the ambassadors of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to Washington and the director of Israel‘s Mossad spy agency were among those who spoke alongside two of President Donald Trump‘s most senior officials at the 2018 United Against Nuclear Iran summit.

26.09.2018 - 11:36 [ ]

Donald Trump to support plan for ‚Arab Nato‘

(22.9.2018) President Donald Trump has backed plans to offer a Middle East Security Alliance (MESA) to members of the GCC supportive of America’s stand on Iran, a proposal that is expected to be discussed behind the scenes at the UNGA meetings in New York.

Diplomats see the evolving position of Washington towards a new core group as a product of the Iran situation but also a plank of the Middle East peace process review undertaken by Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

26.09.2018 - 11:30 [ Saudi Gazette ]

Trump hails Saudi achievements, criticizes Iran in UN speech

“Following my trip to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf countries opened a new center to target terrorist financing. They are enforcing new sanctions, working with us to identify and track terrorist networks and taking more responsibility for fighting terrorism and extremism in their own region,” Trump told the crowd of world leaders.

“The United States is working with the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jordan, and Egypt to establish a strategic alliance so Middle Eastern nations can advance security and stability across their home region,” he added.

02.08.2018 - 05:13 [ ]

Oman ist zur Vermittlung zwischen Iran und USA bereit

Bin Alawi sagte am Dienstag in einem Fernsehprogramm Al Jazeera TV: „Oman hat keine Botschaft von irgendeiner Seite gebracht. Aber wir glauben, dass es Chancen geben könnte, Gespräche zwischen den beiden Ländern zu beginnen“.

Die beiden Seiten brauchen Zeit und Gelegenheit, weil jegliche Rangeleien oder Konflikte weder für sie noch für die Region Früchte tragen, fügte er hinzu.

08.06.2018 - 20:43 [ Press TV ]

Oman says running out of patience with UAE violations

On Wednesday, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi unveiled a raft of economic deals, signing 20 memorandums of understanding for over 60 joint projects, including in the oil and gas, banking, nuclear energy, and defense.

The deals, approved at a meeting of the Saudi-Emirati Coordination Council in the Saudi port city of Jeddah, did not involve the four other Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members — Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.

11.05.2018 - 18:27 [ WSWS ]

Google, Amazon assist in blocking encrypted communications

On May 1, the developers of the Signal encrypted messaging application revealed that over the previous month, Google and Amazon took steps to stop Signal from continuing to bypass censorship measures in place in Egypt, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Workers, youth, journalists, lawyers and human rights advocates will no longer be able to use the application to send encrypted messages and evade government surveillance.

18.04.2018 - 08:43 [ CNN ]

Bolton dealing to build an Arab military force in Syria

Saudi Arabia‘s foreign minister, Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir, said Tuesday that Saudi Arabia is engaged in talks with the US and would consider sending forces to Syria along with other Arab countries as part of this contingent.
Jubeir also noted that the idea is not necessarily new, as Saudi Arabia made a similar proposal to the Obama administration, but that the US did not take them up on the offer.