Daily Archives: 27. März 2021

27.03.2021 - 19:34 [ i24news.tv ]

‚Change bloc‘ floating 1-year rotation agreement between Bennett and Lapid – report

Such an arrangement, according to the Hebrew-language broadcaster, would possibly last for 12 months and followed by a new election.

But prospects for such a deal are being hampered by ideological and political differences, as well as a disagreement over who would serve as premier first, with Channel 12 reporting that Bennett is insisting he go first in the rotation.

27.03.2021 - 19:28 [ Dave DeCamp / antikrieg.com ]

Biden will Infrastrukturprojekt als Konkurrenz zu Chinas Belt and Road

Die „Belt and Road“-Initiative ist ein ehrgeiziges Projekt, das 2013 von Peking ins Leben gerufen wurde. Es erstreckt sich von Ostasien bis nach Europa, und die meisten der europäischen und NATO-Verbündeten Washingtons sind an dem Projekt beteiligt. Die Trump-Administration riet ihren Verbündeten davon ab, sich an dem Projekt zu beteiligen, hatte damit aber keinen großen Erfolg.

27.03.2021 - 19:26 [ Brown.edu ]

The Iran Contra Affairs – Iran: Other Relevant Conflicts

The Iran-Iraq war was the main reason why Iran was so need of weapons, and thus was willing to purchase them from the U.S. and Israel. The Reagan Administration‘s decision to sell arms to Iran was particularly shocking because the U.S. had publicly supported Iraq, along with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other small mideast nations.

27.03.2021 - 19:06 [ HellenicShippingNews.com ]

China’s crude imports from Oman, UAE jump as Iranian barrels fall


China brought in 3.42 million tonnes of U.S. oil in the two-month period, versus zero from a year earlier.

27.03.2021 - 19:01 [ Hindustan Times ]

UAE sheikh lays claim to oil cargo that US seized alleging Iran‘s


The case underscores the difficulty the US faces as it tries to bar Iran from generating income from energy sales and pressure it into re-starting nuclear talks.

While shipments of Iranian oil have slumped due to threat of US penalties, they have picked in recent months, though their origin is often disguised. The main buyers are refiners in China.

27.03.2021 - 18:53 [ ORF ]

Künstler besetzen Piccolo Teatro in Mailand

Die Kulturschaffenden wollen im Piccolo Teatro ein „ständiges Kulturparlament“ als Treffpunkt für Versammlungen und Diskussionen einrichten, betonten die Initiatoren des Protests.

27.03.2021 - 18:02 [ France24 ]

China and Iran sign 25-year strategic cooperation agreement

The Chinese and Iranian foreign ministers on Saturday signed a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two allies in a ceremony carried live on state television.

27.03.2021 - 17:51 [ Bernd Ohmes / Youtube ]

Animal Farm Aufstand der Tiere ..

Auf seinem Bauernhof verbringt der Bauer Jones die meiste Zeit damit, sich zu betrinken und seine Tiere zu misshandeln – bis diese schließlich beschließen, mit einer Revolte ihre Qualen zu beenden und den Bauer in die Flucht schlagen…

27.03.2021 - 17:39 [ Henry Lohmar, Chefredakteur, Märkische Allgemeine (MAZ) / Twitter ]

Wer Zustimmung für Zumutungen will, muss erklären, werben, begründen. Was macht Brandenburgs Landesregierung? Sie verkündet Ausgangsbeschränkungen über Ostern – per Pressemitteilung am Freitagabend. #NachDiktatverreist

27.03.2021 - 17:31 [ Hannah Suppa, Chefredakteurin @lvz / Twitter ]

Der (parteilose) Oberbürgermeister von Delitzsch (#Sachsen) ist Historiker – er warnt davor, dass sich die Bürger beginnen, vom Rechtsstaat zu verabschieden. Und zieht Vergleiche zu 1989 – und fordert einen Runden Tisch. @LVZ -Interview von @herrFliegner :

27.03.2021 - 17:18 [ @derliebeMichi, Vater von fünf, unglaublich gut aussehend, über 50, dem Tod täglich ins Auge sehend ... / Twitter ]

Es entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Komik, dass in Kassel heute eine Woche nach der wunderbaren #ks2003 Demo die Inzidenz im Vergleich zum Bundesland Hessen um 32% niedriger ist. Kassel 91,4, Hessen 134,1 Demos tun gut! ?

27.03.2021 - 17:10 [ Zeit.de ]

Corona-Demonstrationen in Chemnitz bleibt verboten

Nach Angaben des OVG hatte das Verwaltungsgericht Chemnitz hatte bei seiner Entscheidung auch geltend gemacht, dass im Bündnis Gruppierungen eingebunden sind, die Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen nicht beachten. Das OVG habe die vom Verwaltungsgericht vorgenommene Gefährdungsprognose nicht mehr überprüfen können, da die Beschwerde erst am Vormittag einging und die Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen für die Versammlung um 11.00 Uhr beginnen sollten, hieß es. Der Beschluss sei unanfechtbar.

27.03.2021 - 17:03 [ #Mietenwahnsinn-Bündnis / Twitter ]

Mit unzähligen Initiativen und Aktiven sind wir in Berlin gegen unsere #Verdrängung auf der Straße.#HousingActionDay2021 #HAD21 #Mietenwahnsinn

27.03.2021 - 16:41 [ WIkipedia ]

Skid Row, Los Angeles

Skid Row was established by city officials in 1976 as an unofficial „containment zone“, where shelters and services for homeless people would be tolerated.[19]

During the 1970s, two Catholic Workers — Catherine Morris, a former nun, and her husband, Jeff Dietrich — founded the „Hippie Kitchen“ in the back of a van. Over forty years later, in March 2019, aged 84 and 72, they remained active in their work feeding Skid Row residents.[20]

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, many veterans of the Vietnam War found themselves drawn to Skid Row, due to the services and missions already in place there, and feeling outcast from other areas. Like those after World War II, many of them ended up on the streets. It was around this time that the demographics of Skid Row shifted from predominantly white and elderly to those here today [see Demographics].

27.03.2021 - 16:35 [ BBC ]

Los Angeles: Why tens of thousands of people sleep rough

(19 September 2019)

In 1976, city officials established Skid Row as an unofficial „containment zone“, where homeless people, shelters and services would be tolerated. As a result, most visitors to the parts of Los Angeles that attracted visitors from around the world never saw a homeless person.

27.03.2021 - 16:30 [ Wikipedia ]

Echo Park, Los Angeles

First established in 1892, and long before „Hollywood“ became synonymous with the commercial film industry, the area of Echo Park known as Edendale was the center of filmmaking on the West Coast.

27.03.2021 - 16:22 [ Frank Stoltze, KPCC 89.3FM Public Radio / Twitter ]

Take a close look at this video. An #LAPD officer points a „less than lethal“ rifle directly at this journalist. There appears to be no immediate threat anywhere. Earlier @JamesQueallyLAT is arrested, now another reporter faces the barrel of a gun. @pressfreedom @ACLU_SoCal

27.03.2021 - 16:18 [ Kate Cagle, Anchor and reporter @SpecNews1SoCal / Twitter ]

Here is the moment @LAPDHQ escorted me out of the crowd and zip tied my hands. I’m turning back and insisting that I promised my newsroom I would protect my crew and identifying the photographers who are with me.

27.03.2021 - 16:14 [ Jonah Valdez, @sgvtribune /@socalnewsgroup / Twitter ]

This is the moment @RosenfeldReport and I were nearly kettled. Those on the other end of this line of officers, including our colleagues from the @latimes and @SpecNews1SoCal were improperly detained, zip tied and later released.

27.03.2021 - 16:07 [ LA Times ]

Reporters, legal observers cry foul after being caught up in LAPD’s mass arrests at Echo Park protest

They also accused the LAPD of issuing confusing directives and attempting to force media members into a designated observation area that would not have allowed them to see the protest or the arrests that followed.

While some detained reporters and observers were released without being arrested, others — including reporters for less-established media brands — were held for hours and then formally charged, raising additional questions about police picking and choosing which outlets to acknowledge as legitimate.

27.03.2021 - 15:53 [ CampaignOpposingPoliceSurveillance.com ]

Which Justice Campaigns Were Spied On?

(14th February 2018)

Just as the infiltration of protest groups shows the counter-democratic remit of the spycops, so their infiltration of justice campaigns over a period of 26 years proves a key part of their purpose was to take an active role in obstructing justice.

The resources that should have established the truth and brought the guilty to justice were instead spent on undermining the grieving loved ones.

27.03.2021 - 15:46 [ @copscampaign / Twitter ]

The Met have admitted that #SpyCops targeted at least 18 justice campaigns by grieving loved ones. The real number is sure to be much higher. Resources that should have been spent catching killers were instead used to obstruct justice.


27.03.2021 - 15:30 [ Matthew Dresch, Journalist @DailyMirror / Twitter ]

Police assaulted me at the Bristol protest even though I told them I was from the press. I was respectfully observing what was happening and posed no threat to any of the officers. I have muted the latter part of the video to spare you all the pain of hearing my shrill voice.

27.03.2021 - 15:28 [ theGuardian.com ]

Police under fire for ‚assault‘ of journalist at Bristol protest

Police have come under fire for their treatment of a reporter at demonstrations in Bristol on Friday night, during violent clashes between officers and protesters.

Daily Mirror journalist Matthew Dresch shared video footage that appeared to show police pushing him and hitting him with a baton as he shouted that he was a member of the press.

27.03.2021 - 14:35 [ ORF.at ]

Festnahmen in Bristol bei Protest gegen Polizeigesetz

Chaoten hätten die Einsatzkräfte mit Flaschen, Ziegelsteinen und Eiern attackiert, teilte die Polizei in der Nacht auf heute mit. Auf berittene Beamtinnen und Beamte seien Feuerwerkskörper geworfen worden, ein Polizeipferd sei mit Farbe besprüht worden, hieß es.

27.03.2021 - 14:34 [ Independent.co.uk ]

No holidaymakers arrested at airports in England despite Priti Patel’s coronavirus crackdown

On 27 January, the home secretary said going on holiday was “not a valid reason” to leave home during England’s coronavirus lockdown and added: “Anyone who does not have a valid reason for travel will be directed to return home or they will face a fine.”

The Home Office claimed that police could arrest people who remained intent on going on holiday after being stopped at an airport, saying: “Holiday travel is not allowed and police can fine anyone trying to do so, direct them to go home and, if necessary, use powers of arrest.”

27.03.2021 - 14:31 [ BBC ]

Kill the Bill: Violent protest ‚disgraceful‘, says prime minister

Home Secretary Priti Patel also criticised the disorder and the „violence being directed towards the police“.

„I‘m in no doubt the silent, law-abiding majority will be appalled by the actions of this criminal minority,“ she said.

„Despite repeated warnings to disperse, it‘s clear these thugs were only intent on causing trouble.

27.03.2021 - 14:12 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

‚Kill the bill‘: hundreds take part in Bristol protest

A crowd of people gathered in Bristol on Friday evening for a third ‚kill the bill‘ demonstration within a week.
Protesters met at two parks, Castle Park and College Green, and marched through the city centre and along Park Street towards Bristol University’s buildings
Hundreds sit down outside Bristol police station in ‚kill the bill‘ protest

27.03.2021 - 14:00 [ Express.co.uk ]

What‘s the point of a BRILLIANT vaccine if we remain prisoners in our homes? JUDY FINNIGAN

I’m getting very tired of various scientific oddbods turning up on the news and telling us our future. This is invariably gloomy, speculating about how new variants will not allow us to have holidays abroad this summer.

The latest – unbelievably – is Professor Neil Ferguson, who was so publicly caught flouting his own lockdown advice last year by inviting his mistress over for a spot of nooky.

Shamed for a bit, he’s now back on his high horse, saying summer holidays are not for the rest of us.

27.03.2021 - 13:52 [ Yahoo.com ]

Boris Johnson sends envoy to Serum Institute for vaccine deal with India

UK prime minister Boris Johnson has sent an envoy to India to secure millions of doses of the AstraZeneca (AZN.L) COVID-19 vaccine.

Lord Eddie Lister, the PM‘s Conservative peer, and international adviser David Quarrey, met with India‘s foreign secretary Harsh Shringla in New Delhi on Monday.

27.03.2021 - 13:16 [ Standard.co.uk ]

UK ‘to speed up Covid vaccine rollout’ as EU stops short of export ban

Britain is set to speed up its “world-leading” vaccine roll-out in coming months after the EU stopped short of imposing a ban on exports of jabs across the Channel, a Cabinet minister said today.

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick stressed that more vaccination supplies were due to arrive in the UK during the spring and summer.

27.03.2021 - 12:38 [ theGuardian.com ]

France claims UK will struggle to source second Covid jabs

“The UK is proud to have vaccinated many people with the first dose, but they will have a problem with the second dose,” Le Drian said. “And we are fully vaccinated with two doses, not one. Today we have the same number of fully vaccinated people in France and the United Kingdom.

27.03.2021 - 10:52 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Bundesverfassungsgericht: EU-Corona-Hilfen vorläufig gestoppt

Der Bundespräsident darf das beschlossene Gesetz nicht ausfertigen, denn in Karlsruhe liegt ein Eilantrag gegen die deutsche Beteiligung vor. Bis das Gericht darüber entschieden hat, sollen keine Fakten geschaffen werden.

Eine Begründung für den Beschluss veröffentlichte das Bundesverfassungsgericht zunächst nicht.