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05.05.2024 - 12:00 [ Spencer Ackerman / New York Times ]

Where Is America’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Now?


U.N. resolutions that are written without enforcement measures obviously cannot force Israel to stop what its leadership insists is a justified war necessary to remove Hamas and prevent another Oct. 7 massacre. But it’s just as obvious what entity can make Israel stop and isn’t doing so: the United States.

Whatever the Biden administration might have thought it was doing by permitting the resolution to pass and then undermining it, the maneuver exposed the continuing damage Israel’s war in Gaza is doing to the United States’ longstanding justification for being a superpower: guaranteeing what U.S. administrations like to call the international rules-based order.

26.04.2024 - 00:00 [ Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth / ]

Possible Eoarchean Records of the Geomagnetic Field Preserved in the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Southern West Greenland

(24 April 2024)

The preservation of a temperate climate and liquid water on early Earth depends critically upon the strength of the magnetosphere (Sterenborg et al., 2011; Tarduno et al., 2014). Recent atmospheric escape models have suggested that both weak (<10 μT) and strong (>1 mT) magnetic fields could substantially enhance atmospheric escape under present-day solar wind conditions via the polar wind or cusp escape, respectively (Gronoff et al., 2020; Gunell et al., 2018; Lundin et al., 2007). During the Archean, the Sun was rotating faster, generating a stronger stellar dynamo and therefore the solar wind was more intense than today (Vidotto, 2021). An increased solar wind strength causes greater interaction with the upper atmosphere and greater escape of ions assuming a constant level of protection from Earth‘s magnetosphere. Previous magnetohydrodynamic simulations have suggested that if Earth‘s magnetic field was half its present day strength 3.5 Ga ago, the area of the polar cap (the area containing open dipolar magnetic field lines, allowing atmospheric escape via the polar wind) could increase by up to 50% (Sterenborg et al., 2011).

25.04.2024 - 23:52 [ ]

The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is At Least 3.7-Billion-Years Old, New Evidence Shows

The age of the Earth’s magnetic field remains under question in part because we don’t fully understand what causes it today. We know it is a product of movements in the molten outer core, whose high iron content turns convection currents into a dynamo, and these currents in turn are produced by the solidification of the inner core.

25.04.2024 - 23:45 [ ]

Earth‘s magnetic field formed before the planet‘s core, study suggests

(24 April 2024)

Today, the magnetic field is driven by the churning of the liquid part of the core and the transfer of heat from the solid inner core to the convective outer core as the former cools. But researchers think the core didn‘t solidify until about a billion years ago.

30.01.2024 - 07:42 [ ]

Israel says UNRWA intel now ‚based on surveillance‘, after earlier ‚confessions‘ claim

„The dossier said that Israeli intelligence officers had established the movements of six of the men inside Israel on Oct. 7 based on their phones; others had been monitored while making phone calls inside Gaza during which, the Israelis say, they discussed their involvement in the Hamas attack,“ the NYT report says, referring to a dossier reportedly handed to US officials in recent days.


The NYT report on Sunday, based on the dossier seen by its reports, made no mention of confessions.

23.10.2023 - 14:34 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Mehr Zusammenarbeit, Souveränität und Frieden: Für ein neues Selbstverständnis in der Außenpolitik

Eine Militärallianz, deren Führungsmacht in den zurückliegenden Jahren fünf Länder völkerrechtswidrig überfallen und in diesen Kriegen mehr als 1 Million Menschen getötet hat, schürt Bedrohungsgefühle und Abwehrreaktionen und trägt so zu globaler Instabilität bei. Statt eines Machtinstruments für geopolitische Ziele brauchen wir ein defensiv ausgerichtetes Verteidigungsbündnis, das die Grundsätze der UN-Charta achtet, Abrüstung anstrebt, statt zu Aufrüstung zu verpflichten, und in dem sich die Mitglieder auf Augenhöhe begegnen. Europa benötigt eine stabile Sicherheitsarchitektur, die längerfristig auch Russland einschließen sollte.

Unser Land verdient eine selbstbewusste Politik, die das Wohlergehen seiner Bürger in den Mittelpunkt stellt und von der Einsicht getragen ist, dass US-amerikanische Interessen sich von unseren Interessen teilweise erheblich unterscheiden. Unser Ziel ist ein eigenständiges Europa souveräner Demokratien in einer multipolaren Welt und keine neue Blockkonfrontation, in der Europa zwischen den USA und dem sich immer selbstbewusster formierenden neuen Machtblock um China und Russland zerrieben wird.

02.10.2023 - 22:30 [ ]

Full Text | Rewriting Constitution Means Breaking India Apart, Says Fali Nariman

Generally, there are preambles to the constitution and this preamble has been called by our Supreme Court the “conscience of the constitution”. Preamble’s Part 3 Fundamental Rights, Part 4 Directive Principles of State Policy, which are not enforceable by the court but are nonetheless binding, they are all part of the conscience of the constitution (…)

You believe that there is the duty to interpret the constitution in the context of the time and in the context of the issues of the day.

Oh absolutely, absolutely! There has to be! (…)

In fact, interpretations keep changing, people keep adding to existing questions and revising new meanings.

Absolutely! Courts as you know go by precedent, so what five judges say today, seven judges can say tomorrow or have nine judges say the contrary to that, two years later.

This is what makes the constitution a living, dynamic object.


21.09.2023 - 10:23 [ Meredith Whittaker, President of @signalapp / Twitter ]

Signal will never undermine our privacy promises & the encryption they rely on. Our position remains firm: we will continue to do whatever we can to ensure people in the UK can use Signal. But if the choice came down to being forced to build a backdoor, or leaving, we we‘d leave.

23.07.2023 - 13:15 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Lapid meets with Histadrut leader amid talks of widespread strike

Lapid and Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David reportedly discussed the outline for dialogue that the chairman and his colleagues had recently presented to the prime minister.

Bar-David said after meeting with Lapid: „I will continue to turn over every stone and work with all my might to try and find the right compromise.

23.07.2023 - 13:01 [ Haaretz ]

Lapid meets chief of Israel‘s labor federation amid calls to shut down the economy

Following the meeting, Lapid said he commends „the efforts of the chairman and the framework set by the Histadrut as a basis for shared dialogue.“ Bar-David said „I call on the other parties to show responsible leadership.

23.07.2023 - 12:25 [ Times of Israel ]

‘Unity march’ draws large crowd, with only handful of overhaul supporters

A “unity march” held by both opponents and supporters of the judicial overhaul is ongoing in Jerusalem, and on its way from the Western Wall to the Knesset by way of the Israel Museum.

24.04.2023 - 08:12 [ Newsweek ]

Earth‘s Magnetic North Pole Follows ‚Unusual‘ Path, Races Towards Siberia


Experts told Newsweek that the pole could reach the vast Russian region as soon as the middle of the century.

Having said that, the movement of the magnetic north pole is unpredictable and scientists cannot reliably forecast how it will behave beyond a few years into the future. As a result, there is significant uncertainty as to how long it will take to reach Siberia and whether or not it will even get there at all.

12.08.2022 - 19:17 [ Tichys Einblick ]

Verwirrung vom Gesundheitsminister: Lauterbachs bizarre Show vor der Bundespressekonferenz

Der Gesundheitsminister widerspricht sich mal wieder selbst und verwirrt. Nur ein Beispiel: Er behauptet, eine Impfung nach nur drei Monaten sei „medizinisch völlig unsinnig“, stellt aber einen Drei-Monats-Pass vor, der nur gilt, wenn man getestet, genesen oder geimpft ist.

17.07.2022 - 15:18 [ ]

Rede des Bundesministers für Gesundheit, Dr. Karl Lauterbach, zur Stärkung des Schutzes der Bevölkerung vor Covid-19 vor dem Deutschen Bundestag am 7. Juli 2022 in Berlin:

Wir sind derzeit in einer Sommerwelle. Diese Sommerwelle war vorausgesehen worden. Der Herbst wird schwierig werden, und die Gründe dafür sind auch schon bekannt. Wir werden ringen mit einer BA.5-Variante, die mittlerweile das Infektionsgeschehen dominiert. Wir werden damit ringen müssen, dass die BA.5-Variante wieder etwas schwerer verläuft als die BA.1-Variante. Wir wissen, dass eine vorherige Infektion mit der BA.1- oder der BA.2-Variante wenig Schutz bietet für die Infektion mit der BA.5-Variante. Wir wissen darüber hinaus, dass die Impfstoffe nicht wirklich gut schützen gegen die Infektion. Das ist die Lage, mit der wir ringen müssen.

Das bedeutet also, dass wir gut vorbereitet sein müssen; denn die Infektionen, die wir bekommen werden, können wir abmildern. Der Infektionsstatus bestimmt tatsächlich nicht die Schwere der Erkrankung. Diejenigen, die geimpft sind, sind deutlich besser geschützt vor der schweren Erkrankung. Wir wissen zum Beispiel, dass ältere Menschen, selbst über 80 Jahre alte, die den zweiten Booster bekommen haben, in den allerseltensten Fällen schwer oder gar tödlich erkranken. Somit ist die gute Nachricht: Die Impfungen wirken, die Impfungen schützen, und darauf müssen wir zurückgreifen.

Wir werden daher die Vorbereitungen vorantreiben.

17.07.2022 - 15:12 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Peinlicher Patzer: Lauterbach enttarnt sich selbst – “Wir wissen, dass die Impfstoffe nicht wirklich gut schützen“

“Wir wissen darüber hinaus, dass die Impfstoffe nicht wirklich gut schützen gegen die Infektion.“ Diesen Satz sollte man lange auf sich wirken lassen. Jener Professor aus Köln, der nun mit Verve den vierten Stich als Rettung aus höchster Not propagiert, spricht den heilsbringenden Vakzinen ihre Wirkung ab.

Und das, obwohl er erst im Mai für 830 Millionen Euro weitere Impfstoff-Dosen auf Vorrat bestellt hat.

02.05.2022 - 09:12 [ Funke Zentralredaktion / Twitter ]

Scholz will Ukraine-Kurs im Fernsehen erläutern

15.04.2022 - 05:30 [ Fox News ]

Netanyahu warns Iran could ‚take the entire world hostage‘ if West approves new nuke deal

(March 20, 2022)

In an interview airing Sunday on „Life, Liberty & Levin“, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned against the U.S. potentially empowering the terrorist-supporting regime in Tehran by going ahead with approving a new nuclear deal.

Netanyahu told host Mark Levin that when the regime currently led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi is armed with nuclear weapons, they can threaten anyone they want while also having the boosted defense capabilities that nukes provide:

27.03.2022 - 16:29 [ Al Mayadeen English / Twitter ]

#AmirAbdollahian suggested that now that the deal is close to making a breakthrough, the #US is sending mixed signals to #Iran by making some last-minute changes that are making things increasingly difficult. #ViennaTalks

21.07.2021 - 19:30 [ ]

Sir Patrick Vallance corrects mistake about Covid hospital admissions and says 60% of infected patients needing NHS treatment are unvaccinated after wrongly claiming majority have had both jabs


– Sir Patrick Vallance corrected a mistake about Covid hospitalisation rates
– He originally said 60 per cent of people going to hospital were doubled jabbed
– But he later tweeted the figure applied to the unvaccinated people

18.03.2020 - 09:42 [ New York Times ]

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths

Published March 13, 2020
Updated March 17, 2020