Archiv: USA ends war in Afghanistan 30-08-2021 / Kriegsenden

11.09.2024 - 12:00 [ Fox News ]

Top 5 moments during Trump-Harris presidential debate: ‚I‘m talking now‘

„Do you believe you bear any responsibility in the way that withdrawal played out?“ Harris was asked by a moderator.

„Well, I will tell you, I agreed with President Biden‘s decision to pull out of Afghanistan.“ she said.

„Four presidents said they would and Joe Biden did.“

During the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, 13 U.S. service members were killed in a terrorist attack.

20.03.2024 - 23:01 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Alle wissen, wie der Krieg gegen die Ukraine beendet werden kann

(5. März 2022)

Was eine (weitere) verantwortliche, eine rationale, eine solidarische Maßnahme aus dem Weißen Haus wäre, ähnlich wie die Zurückhaltung was die Provokationen aus dem Kreml angeht: von sich aus auf eine N.A.T.O.-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine zu verzichten. Neben der Lieferung von Defensivwaffen gäbe es nichts Besseres, was “der Westen” derzeit für die Ukraine tun kann. Man könnte vielleicht auch verkünden, man habe sich in den letzten 30 Jahren mit der N.A.T.O. genug gedehnt. Und zwanzig Jahre lang genug ruhmreichen Terrorkrieg geführt. Ein paar Millionen Tote würden nun reichen.

Das Ende des Afghanistan-Krieges, allein beendet durch den Befehl eines einzigen Mannes, Joe Biden, war diesbezüglich ein guter Anfang. Zur Erinnerung; die “Authorization for Use of Military Force” aus 2001, das entscheidende Kriegsermächtigungsgesetz was in Deutschland bis heute fast keiner kennt, ist vom Kongress immer noch nicht aufgehoben, obwohl dies bereits 2013 von Barack Obama angekündigt wurde.

19.02.2024 - 09:42 [ ]

Enquete-Kommission zu Afghanistan: „Strategisch gescheitert“

Ebenso deutlich wie in der Gesamtbewertung wird die Enquete-Kommission des Bundestags bei der Auflistung der einzelnen Verfehlungen und Versäumnisse:

„Eine fortlaufende, selbstkritische Bestandsaufnahme hinsichtlich der sehr hoch gesetzten Ziele hat nicht ausreichend stattgefunden“, kritisiert das Gremium und nimmt damit sämtliche mit dem Einsatz befasste Bundesregierungen in den Jahren 2001 bis 2021 aufs Korn.

04.02.2024 - 07:50 [ ]

‘I wish I had been wrong,’ says Barbara Lee, lone congresswoman who voted to oppose Afghan war in 2001

(August 18, 2021)

In the days after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, just one member of Congress voted against giving President Bush authority to go to war in Afghanistan.

Barbara Lee, a Democratic representative from California, warned at the time that approving the so-called Authorisation for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) could mean the US would be embarking “on an open-ended war with neither an exit strategy nor a focused target.”

30.01.2024 - 06:00 [ Pentagon ]

U.S. Central Command Releases Report on August Abbey Gate Attack

(Feb. 4, 2022)

A total of 11 Marines, a soldier and a sailor were killed in the ISIS-K attack with a total of 45 wounded.

Contrary to first reports, it was not a complex attack. „The investigation found that a single explosive device killed at least 170 Afghan civilians and 13 U.S. service members by explosively directing ball bearings through a packed crowd into our men and women at Abbey Gate,“ McKenzie said. „The investigation found no definitive proof that anyone was ever hit or killed by gunfire either U.S. or Afghan. This conclusion was based upon the careful consideration of sworn testimony of more than 100 witnesses, and especially those witnesses and Observation Towers — both American and British — who were in locations unaffected by the blast, and that had commanding views of the scene before, during and after the explosive attack.“

16.09.2023 - 00:29 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon to revisit Kabul airport bombing with new witness interviews

Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, who oversees U.S. Central Command, ordered the additional interviews “to ensure we do our due diligence” with information that came to light after the military closed its investigation of the incident, Michael Lawhorn, a Central Command spokesman, said in a statement. By itself, the move does not formally reopen the investigation, completed in November 2021, but the general could determine that doing so is necessary once the additional interviews are complete.


The attack’s suspected mastermind was killed by the Taliban earlier this year, U.S. officials disclosed in April.

01.09.2023 - 05:55 [ ]

Taliban Sign Multibillion-Dollar Afghan Mining Deals

(August 31, 2023)

Shahabuddin Dilawar, the Taliban minister of mines and petroleum, said the seven contracts cover the extraction and processing of gold, copper, iron, lead and zinc in four Afghan provinces — Takhar, Ghor, Herat and Logar.

The nationally televised signing ceremony occurred as the de facto Afghan authorities marked the second anniversary of the withdrawal of all U.S.-led NATO troops from the country after nearly 20 years of war with the then-insurgent Taliban.

17.06.2023 - 13:48 [ New York Times ]

The Tale the West Tells Itself About Ukraine

Without question, Russia is committing horrific, inexcusable aggression against Ukraine, and imperialist attitudes in Moscow run deep. But partly because of those attitudes, Russia’s leaders are also reacting to NATO’s expansion. Folding Ukraine into the alliance won’t end that impulse, even with U.S. backing and the nuclear guarantee it brings. Ukraine’s best path to peace is to be well armed and supported outside NATO. (…)

In the run-up to NATO’s summit in 2008, Mr. Bush wanted to give Ukraine and Georgia a formal path to enter the alliance, called a Membership Action Plan. Before the meeting, William Burns, the current C.I.A. director who was then ambassador to Russia, cautioned that such a move would have deadly consequences.

17.06.2023 - 13:41 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Alle wissen, wie der Krieg gegen die Ukraine beendet werden kann

(5. März 2022)

Was eine (weitere) verantwortliche, eine rationale, eine solidarische Maßnahme aus dem Weißen Haus wäre, ähnlich wie die Zurückhaltung was die Provokationen aus dem Kreml angeht: von sich aus auf eine N.A.T.O.-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine zu verzichten. Neben der Lieferung von Defensivwaffen gäbe es nichts Besseres, was “der Westen” derzeit für die Ukraine tun kann. Man könnte vielleicht auch verkünden, man habe sich in den letzten 30 Jahren mit der N.A.T.O. genug gedehnt. Und zwanzig Jahre lang genug ruhmreichen Terrorkrieg geführt. Ein paar Millionen Tote würden nun reichen.

Das Ende des Afghanistan-Krieges, allein beendet durch den Befehl eines einzigen Mannes, Joe Biden, war diesbezüglich ein guter Anfang. Zur Erinnerung; die “Authorization for Use of Military Force” aus 2001, das entscheidende Kriegsermächtigungsgesetz was in Deutschland bis heute fast keiner kennt, ist vom Kongress immer noch nicht aufgehoben, obwohl dies bereits 2013 von Barack Obama angekündigt wurde.

25.04.2023 - 15:48 [ Joe Biden / Youtube ]

Joe Biden Launches His Campaign For President: Let‘s Finish the Job


14.04.2023 - 07:32 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Alle wissen, wie der Krieg gegen die Ukraine beendet werden kann

(5. März 2022)

Was eine (weitere) verantwortliche, eine rationale, eine solidarische Maßnahme aus dem Weißen Haus wäre, ähnlich wie die Zurückhaltung was die Provokationen aus dem Kreml angeht: von sich aus auf eine N.A.T.O.-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine zu verzichten. Neben der Lieferung von Defensivwaffen gäbe es nichts Besseres, was “der Westen” derzeit für die Ukraine tun kann. Man könnte vielleicht auch verkünden, man habe sich in den letzten 30 Jahren mit der N.A.T.O. genug gedehnt. Und zwanzig Jahre lang genug ruhmreichen Terrorkrieg geführt. Ein paar Millionen Tote würden nun reichen.

Das Ende des Afghanistan-Krieges, allein beendet durch den Befehl eines einzigen Mannes, Joe Biden, war diesbezüglich ein guter Anfang. Zur Erinnerung; die “Authorization for Use of Military Force” aus 2001, das entscheidende Kriegsermächtigungsgesetz was in Deutschland bis heute fast keiner kennt, ist vom Kongress immer noch nicht aufgehoben, obwohl dies bereits 2013 von Barack Obama angekündigt wurde.

06.04.2023 - 05:02 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Nitter ]

The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power.


China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world. The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon‘s short-lived “American Century.” The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence.

14.04.2022 - 05:50 [ Fox News ]

McConnell says Democrats ‚headed toward a pretty good beating’ in midterms

(April 10, 2022)

„His policies have not worked, beginning with the precipitous and ill-advised withdrawal from Afghanistan, which became kind of a metaphor for the incompetence that’s been on full display during this administration,“ the senator said. „None of the policies they have pursued have worked out well.“

11.12.2021 - 05:21 [ Zeit,de ]

Nato: Olaf Scholz will Verteidigungsausgaben erhöhen

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat der Nato höhere deutsche Militärausgaben in Aussicht gestellt. Die deutschen Verteidigungsausgaben seien zuletzt „in einer Weise gestiegen, wie das viele Jahre nicht der Fall war“, sagte Scholz nach einem Treffen mit Bündnis-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg zum Abschluss seiner Antrittsreise nach Brüssel. „Das ist etwas, was wir fortsetzen werden nach den Möglichkeiten, die wir haben“, sagte der SPD-Politiker.

22.09.2021 - 04:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Joe Biden: „Zum ersten Mal seit 20 Jahren befinden sich die Vereinigten Staaten nicht im Krieg“

Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in seiner Rede gestern Nachmittag (MEZ) auf der Allgemeinen Versammlung (Vollversammlung) der Vereinten Nationen:

22.09.2021 - 02:55 [ Weißes Haus - ]

Remarks by President Biden Before the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Over the last eight months, I have prioritized rebuilding our alliances, revitalizing our partnerships, and recognizing they’re essential and central to America’s enduring security and prosperity.

We have reaffirmed our sacred NATO Alliance to Article 5 commitment. We’re working with our Allies toward a new strategic concept that will help our Alliance better take on evolving threats of today and tomorrow.


The future will belong to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it.

The future will belong to those who unleash the potential of their people, not those who stifle it.

The future will belong to those who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek to suffocate their people with an iron hand.

Authoritarianism — the authoritarianism of the world may seek to proclaim the end of the age of democracy, but they’re wrong.


These are the challenges that we — will determine what the world looks like for our children and our grandchildren, and what they’ll inherit. We can only meet them by looking to the future.

I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years, with the United States not at war. We’ve turned the page.

22.09.2021 - 02:45 [ Joe Biden / Twitter ]

For the first time in 20 years, the United States is not at war. We’ve turned the page. All the unmatched strength, energy, commitment, will, and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what’s ahead of us, not what was behind.

21.09.2021 - 22:18 [ ]

Biden: U.N. address marks ‚the first time in 20 years‘ U.S. is not at war

Biden said his administration will focus on promoting peace through diplomacy and development assistance, announcing that “the U.S. is making a $10 billion commitment to end hunger and invest in food systems at home and abroad.”

“One way we can enhance security and reduce violence is by seeking to improve the lives of people around the world,” he said.

02.09.2021 - 12:08 [ @MRCleve3 / Twitter ]

Wednesday’s House action follows a blowout bipartisan vote by the Senate Armed Services Committee to boost its version of the defense bill by $25 billion. Only one Democrat on the committee, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), opposed that proposal.

02.09.2021 - 11:57 [ ]

House panel backs $24B Pentagon budget boost, defying Biden

The proposal, offered by the committee’s top Republican, Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, would pour an extra $23.9 billion into buying more weapons, and boost research and development, construction, and maintenance accounts. If approved, the new topline spending level would be $740 billion.

Fourteen Democrats broke ranks to push the GOP budget proposal over the finish line.

02.09.2021 - 10:50 [ CBS News / Twitter ]

The Pentagon has announced an investigation into the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan. @CBS_Herridge explains how the probe will look into the judgment calls made as the Taliban gained momentum ahead of the military‘s exit:

02.09.2021 - 09:29 [ ]

Pentagon-Chef: Afghanistan-Abzug soll evaluiert werden

US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin will die Abläufe beim Truppenabzug aus Afghanistan evaluieren – aber ohne Eile. „Keine Operation ist je perfekt“, sagte Austin gestern in Washington auf die Frage, ob das US-Militär im Rückblick etwas hätte anders machen sollen.

01.09.2021 - 12:20 [ ]

87 Retired Admirals and Generals Demand Resignation of SECDEF and CJCS


The letter takes aim at the President and the highest ranks of military leadership, but mostly chastises them for not doing more to convince the Commander-in-Chief to maintain a US troop presence in the country.

Despite reported assurances from the Taliban that the remaining Americans who desire to leave Afghanistan will be afforded the opportunity to do so, the letter claims they are „de facto hostages of the Taliban“.

Strangely, the letter also claims that China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea are the beneficiaries of the withdrawal.

01.09.2021 - 10:00 [ Forbes ]

The War In Afghanistan Cost America $300 Million Per Day For 20 Years, With Big Bills Yet To Come


Naturally, the United States has financed the Afghan war with borrowed money. Brown University researchers estimate that more than $500 billion in interest has already been paid (included in the $2.26 trillion total sum), and they figure that by 2050 the cost of interest alone on our Afghan war debt could reach $6.5 trillion. That amounts to $20,000 for each and every U.S. citizen.

01.09.2021 - 09:43 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on the End of the War in Afghanistan

My fellow Americans, the war in Afghanistan is now over. I’m the fourth President who has faced the issue of whether and when to end this war. When I was running for President, I made a commitment to the American people that I would end this war. And today, I’ve honored that commitment. It was time to be honest with the American people again. We no longer had a clear purpose in an open-ended mission in Afghanistan.

After 20 years of war in Afghanistan, I refused to send another generation of America’s sons and daughters to fight a war that should have ended long ago.

After more than $2 trillion spent in Afghanistan — a cost that researchers at Brown University estimated would be over $300 million a day for 20 years in Afghanistan — for two decades — yes, the American people should hear this: $300 million a day for two decades.

01.09.2021 - 09:34 [ USA Today ]

My fellow Americans, the war is over

After the last flight carrying United States forces departed Afghanistan on Monday, the country entered a new era as the 20-year war with the U.S. came to a close. In an address to the nation on Tuesday, a defiant President Biden defended both his decision to end military operations and his handling of the evacuation that left some Americans behind. „I was not going to extend this forever war and I was not extending a forever exit,“ Biden said. „My fellow Americans, the war in Afghanistan is now over.“

31.08.2021 - 17:48 [ ]

Afghanistan collapse reveals Beltway media’s loyalty to permanent war state

Biden’s popular and long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan triggered a big media meltdown that exposed its de facto merger with the military.

31.08.2021 - 15:48 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Afghanistan: Inszenierung militärischer Evakuierung

Die Inszenierung erreichte ihren Höhepunkt mit der Ankunft eines Großteils des Deutschen Kontingents der „Evakuierungsmission“ auf dem Fliegerhorst Wunstorf, wo die ankommenden Militärtransporter A400M von Wasserfontänen der Flughafenfeuerwehr begrüßt wurden, die Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer (die bereits von Taschkent aus mitgeflogen war) dem Brigadegeneral Arlt vermeintlich spontan um den Hals fiel und dieser mit umgehängten G36 vor Kameras und Mikrofon trat.

31.08.2021 - 11:04 [ ]

Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt: Mehr Anspruch als Wirklichkeit

Der Afghanistan-Einsatz und sein Ende haben erneut die militärische Abhängigkeit Deutschlands und Europas von den USA aufgezeigt. Mit dem selbsterklärten Anspruch hat die Wirklichkeit wenig zu tun.

31.08.2021 - 10:59 [ White House ]

Statement by President Joe Biden

I want to thank our commanders and the men and women serving under them for their execution of the dangerous retrograde from Afghanistan as scheduled – in the early morning hours of August 31, Kabul time – with no further loss of American lives. The past 17 days have seen our troops execute the largest airlift in US history, evacuating over 120,000 US citizens, citizens of our allies, and Afghan allies of the United States. They have done it with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve. Now, our 20-year military presence in Afghanistan has ended.

31.08.2021 - 07:28 [ Washington Post ]

America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan ends as last U.S. military cargo plane lumbers into the sky over Kabul

The United States ended its longest war in history, and its 20-year presence in Afghanistan, as the last U.S. aircraft took off at one minute before midnight from Kabul airport Monday carrying all remaining American troops and diplomats.