Archiv: The Grayzone (independent media)

28.12.2023 - 13:33 [ The Grayzone / Twitter ]

What is wrong with Israelis? @MaxBlumenthal takes a searing look at the societal sickness that exploded into the open after October 7, as Israelis of all walks of life took to social media to mock the suffering of Palestinians, flaunted war crimes and clamored for genocide

26.06.2022 - 09:05 [ ]

British security state collaborator Paul Mason’s war on ‘rogue academics’ exposed


Amidst his campaign to neutralize the UK antiwar left, Paul Mason declared in an email to several academics willing to inform on and undermine their own colleagues: “the far left rogue academics is who I’m after… The important task is to quarantine their ‘soft’ influencers and expose/stigmatise the hard ideologists.”

Mason’s fishing expedition was conducted in apparent coordination with Andy Pryce, a senior British intelligence official involved in a series of malign information warfare and censorship initiatives.

26.06.2022 - 08:58 [ ]

Paul Mason’s covert intelligence-linked plot to destroy The Grayzone exposed


Leaked emails reveal British journalist Paul Mason plotting with an intel contractor to destroy The Grayzone through “relentless deplatforming” and a “full nuclear legal” attack. The scheme is part of a wider planned assault on the UK left.

21.04.2022 - 17:05 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Under Zelensky‘s watch, Ukraine‘s SBU has partnered with neo-Nazis from Azov and C14 to hunt down left-wing activists This is from video posted by Azov members during the SBU‘s torture & kidnapping of leftist Alexander Matjuschenko in Dnipro – targeted for his political view

14.10.2021 - 11:25 [ ]

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries

The US-led NATO military cartel has tested novel modes of hybrid warfare against its self-declared adversaries, including economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare.

Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”

31.08.2021 - 17:48 [ ]

Afghanistan collapse reveals Beltway media’s loyalty to permanent war state

Biden’s popular and long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan triggered a big media meltdown that exposed its de facto merger with the military.

01.07.2021 - 14:28 [ ]

Judge tosses frivolous lawsuit by heiress Sulome Anderson seeking to destroy The Grayzone

The District of Columbia Superior Court has rejected a frivolous, million-dollar lawsuit claiming libel, defamation, and tortious conspiracy filed by writer Sulome Anderson against The Grayzone’s editor Max Blumenthal and assistant editor Ben Norton.

Judge William M. Jackson’s June 16, 2021 decision put an end to the entitled heiress’ three-year-long campaign to smear and bankrupt The Grayzone with the help of a powerful DC lawyer closely linked to the Israel lobby.

25.03.2021 - 11:58 [ ]

How the US military subverted the Afghan peace agreement to prolong an unpopular war


In an exclusive interview with The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former senior advisor to the acting secretary of defense, revealed that President Donald Trump shocked the US military only days after the election last November by signing a presidential order calling for the withdrawal of all remaining US troops from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

As Macgregor explained to The Grayzone, the order to withdraw was met with intense pressure from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Gen. Mark M. Milley, which caused the president to capitulate. Trump agreed to withdraw only half of the 5,000 remaining troops in the country. Neither Trump’s order nor the pressure from the JCS chairman was reported by the national media at the time.

07.01.2021 - 18:24 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Britischer Ex-Botschafter: Der Krieg gegen Syrien geht weiter – mit US-Besatzung, Sanktionen, Propaganda Britischer Ex-Botschafter: Der Krieg gegen Syrien geht weiter – mit US-Besatzung, Sanktionen, Propaganda

Syrien und seine Verbündeten haben einen Regime Change verhindert, doch die USA und ihre Verbündeten quetschen die syrische Bevölkerung weiter aus – mittels harscher Sanktionen, die alle Bereiche des Lebens treffen, und durch die US-Militärbesatzung von Syriens Brotkammer im Nord-Osten. Peter Ford, früherer britischer Botschafter in Syrien und Co-Vorsitzender der „British Syrian Society“, analysiert den Stellvertreterkrieg in Syrien und den Propaganda-Feldzug, mit dem man ihn reinwaschen will. Die NachDenkSeiten veröffentlichen hier ein Interview, das Aaron Maté vom Medium „The Grayzone“ mit Peter Ford geführt hat. Übersetzung: Susanne Hofmann.

23.12.2020 - 08:27 [ ]

Covid-19 catch-22: Regime-change policies come packed with US pandemic relief

The US Congress’ $900 billion Covid-19 relief bill was packaged with $1.4 trillion in omnibus spending that includes tens of billions for war, weapons, and regime change abroad, from anti-Russia and anti-China initiatives to $3.3 billion for Israel’s military.

23.11.2020 - 11:22 [ ]

VIDEO: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy

Since the 1990s, Flournoy and Blinken have steadily risen through the ranks of the military-industrial complex, shuffling back and forth between the Pentagon and hawkish think-tanks funded by the U.S. government, weapons companies, and oil giants.

Under Bill Clinton, Flournoy was the principal author of the 1996 Quadrinellial Defense Review, the document that outlined the U.S. military’s doctrine of permanent war – what it called “full spectrum dominance.”

15.11.2020 - 21:45 [ Ben Norton / Information Clearing House ]

Biden appointee advocated using propaganda against Americans and ‘rethinking’ First Amendment

A committed crusader in what he openly describes as a global “information war,” Stengel has proudly proclaimed his dedication to the carefully management of the public’s access to information.

30.09.2020 - 14:17 [ the Grayzone ]

Exclusive: Spanish judge seeks Sheldon Adelson security chief in Assange spying case

The judge’s interest in Nagel indicates that the Spanish investigation is now probing the suspected role of US intelligence as the guiding hand behind UC Global’s criminal spying operation.

Before he was hired as Adelson’s director of global security, Nagel serving as the top cyber-crime investigator for the US Secret Service – a role which earned him a medal of commendation from the CIA. Together with Lahav, he was likely to have played a central role in coordinating between Sands, UC Global, and US intelligence.

22.08.2020 - 09:47 [ The Grayzone / Youtube ]

The Grayzone‘s Anya Parampil rips „criminal neocons“ in Biden & Trump camps

The Grayzone‘s Anya Parampil joins Tucker Carlson Tonight to address the revival of Iraq war neocons and militarists by both the Biden campaign and Trump White House.

10.08.2020 - 04:50 [ Max Blumenthal / the Grayzone ]

Western media’s favorite Hong Kong ‘freedom struggle writer’ is American ex-Amnesty staffer in yellowface

Since bursting onto the Hong Kong Twitter scene, Kong Tsung-gan has been quoted by a who’s who of Western corporate media outlets. He has been described as an “author” (CNN, Globe and Mail, Time), “writer and activist” (New York Times, Washington Post), “activist and author” (LA Times),“activist” (AFP, Al Jazeera), “writer, educator and activist” (Guardian), “political writer” (Foreign Policy), “writer” (Vice), and “Hong Kong writer and activist” in an op-ed posted by the Nikkei Asian Review.

Kong has also been cited as a “Hong Kong journalist and rights activist” by Radio Free Asia and as a “rights activist and author” by Voice of America, two subsidiaries of the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Tasked with a mission to “be consistent with the broad foreign policy objectives of the United States,” the USAGM budgeted around $2 million to support protests in Hong Kong in 2020.

10.08.2020 - 04:36 [ Mark Ames / Twitter ]

Remember “Gay Girl In Damascus” the fake Syrian lesbian aka Tom MacMaster, who rallied gullible western liberal support for Syria regime change? Turns out one of the most popular US-backed Hong Kong protest “voices” is another hoax

11.07.2020 - 18:33 [ ]

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda.

03.07.2020 - 14:47 [ Max Blumenthal / The Grayzone ]

US claim of ‘Russian Bounty’ plot in Afghanistan is dubious and dangerous

Max Blumenthal breaks down the “Russian bounty” story’s flaws and how it aims to prolong the war in Afghanistan — and uses Russiagate tactics to continue pushing the Democratic Party to the right

12.06.2020 - 12:25 [ ]

Wikipedia formally censors The Grayzone as regime-change advocates monopolize editing

Internet encyclopedia giant Wikipedia is censoring independent news websites by adding them to an official blacklist of taboo “deprecated” media outlets.

The Grayzone is among the news websites targeted by the censorship campaign. Others include leftist and anti-imperialist outlets like MintPress News and the Latin American news broadcaster Telesur, along with several prominent right-wing political sites, including the Daily Caller.

10.06.2020 - 05:52 [ ]

Hong Kong’s ‘pro-democracy’ movement allies with far-right US politicians that seek to crush Black Lives Matter

As Dan Cohen reported for The Grayzone, Lai is a billionaire media tycoon widely referred to as the Rupert Murdoch of Asia who is a major financial and media backer of Hong Kong’s protest movement. In addition to pouring millions of dollars into Hong Kong’s opposition in recent years, the self-described “head of opposition media” and founder of the anti-government Apple Daily tabloid, has provided protesters with “unswervingly favorable coverage” according to The New York Times. Lai has received glowing coverage in US and Western media, with the oligarch often being praised as a “‘troublemaker’ with a clean conscience” who is “standing up to China.”

On June 2, Lai shared a video by Avi Yemini, a far-right YouTube personality and former Israeli army soldier, declaring that it was “bloody disgraceful” to liken the “riots in America” with Hong Kong’s protest movement.

10.03.2020 - 13:31 [ Grayzone ]

The Grayzone and CODEPINK demand emergency OAS election observers in 2020 Democratic presidential primary

When: 2 pm, Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Where: Outside the Organization of American States, 200 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006

In light of clear irregularities in voting results in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary and structural barriers to voter participation, The Grayzone and CODEPINK call on the Organization of American States (OAS) to provide emergency international election monitors in the primary contest.

03.03.2020 - 08:23 [ Grayzone ]

Krystal Ball: panicked DNC elites try to stop Bernie’s big Super Tuesday

With Bernie Sanders poised for a big Super Tuesday, Krystal Ball discusses the Democratic establishment’s panic, Elizabeth Warren’s attacks on Sanders, and whether DNC elites are once again alienating the working class voters they lost in 2016.

16.02.2020 - 16:19 [ ]

State-backed Alliance for Securing Democracy disinfo shop falsely smears The Grayzone as ‘state-backed’

Western government-funded German Marshall Project, falsely and hypocritically characterized The Grayzone and independent journalist Jordan Chariton as “state-backed media,” smearing them for their factual reporting on the shadowy network behind the controversial app that undermined the integrity of the Iowa caucuses.

The Grayzone has exposed the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) in a series of investigative reports as a neo-McCarthyite outfit prone to spreading disinformation, staffed by counter-terror cranks and national security hustlers.

24.01.2020 - 11:17 [ ]

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil slams mainstream media’s anti-Sanders bias on Tucker Carlson Tonight

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil joined Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News to discuss the media and democratic establishment’s attack on Senator Bernie Sanders.

13.01.2020 - 06:12 [ ]

Ex-US intel officer: Pompeo ‘lying through his teeth’ on Iran

The Trump administration is imposing new sanctions on Iran and defying Iraq’s call for a US troop withdrawal. This comes as the stated rationale for the US assassination of Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is being increasingly undermined.

Scott Ritter, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer, analyzes the increased White House coercion efforts and collapsing intelligence claims.

07.01.2020 - 16:29 [ ]

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trump’s lie of ‘imminent attacks’

According to Abdul-Mahdi, he had planned to meet Soleimani on the morning the general was killed to discuss a diplomatic rapproachment that Iraq was brokering between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Abdul-Mahdi said that Trump personally thanked him for the efforts, even as he was planning the hit on Soleimani – thus creating the impression that the Iranian general was safe to travel to Baghdad.

27.11.2019 - 14:08 [ ]

White Helmets Whitewash: founder’s death, OPCW scandal lift mask on al-Qaeda’s ally in Syria

We speak to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the White Helmets’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria.

“We don’t know if there’s a cover-up around his [Le Mesurier’s] death — I can’t go that far,” Blumenthal says. “The real cover-up is around his life, as he’s being celebrated everywhere from the Guardian to the New York Times as this heroic figure, this kind of Gandhi of conflict stabilization; when his legacy is actually very dark and stained with blood.”

17.11.2019 - 13:24 [ ]

Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary leader and millionaire – with foreign support


Bolivian coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a far-right multi-millionaire who arose from fascist movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the US has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil, and the Venezuelan opposition.

By Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton

03.10.2019 - 09:29 [ Grayzone ]

Following Grayzone exposé, top Venezuelan coup official Ricardo Hausmann is forced to resign


Hours before an expected vote at the United Nations General Assembly on the legitimacy of Venezuela’s Maduro-led government amidst a US-led coup, a senior official of Juan Guaidó’s coup regime was forced to resign from his position.

Economist Ricardo Hausmann stepped down from his post at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) following an exposé by The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil of his conflicts of interest and opaque financial practices.

03.08.2019 - 12:18 [ ]

‘Regime change begins at home’ – Max Blumenthal speaks in Venezuelan presidential palace

I am representing, alongside my colleagues Anya Parampil and Ben Norton, an independent media organization with no formal relationship to this government or any other government.

We are here because our government, and a corporate media which acts as an arm of its foreign policy, is pursuing a dangerous and catastrophic policy of siege and regime change.

We have seen the catastrophes that this same policy has caused for Central America, for Iraq, for Libya, for Syria, and for so many people across the world, in Korea, and elsewhere. And we are here to renounce this policy.

We are here as citizens and also as journalists, to break the blockade that our government has put not only on this government, but on relations between the American people and the Venezuelan people seeking to build a new society through the Bolivarian Revolution.