Archiv: IowaReporterApp (program) / Shadow Inc (corporation) / Acronym (corporation)

27.12.2020 - 06:35 [ Washington Post ]

How the Iowa caucuses came ‘crashing down,’ under the watchful eye of the DNC

(Feb. 16, 2020)

The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm. Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.

27.12.2020 - 06:14 [ ]

County party chair thinks internal audit was too kind to Iowa Democratic Party

(Dec. 16, 2020)

After the caucus, the IDP hired a pair of Democratic lawyers: Nick Klinefeldt, who was a federal attorney appointed by President Barack Obama, and former Iowa Attorney General Bonnie Campbell. They were tasked with identifying and determining the cause of problems that occurred during the 2020 Iowa Caucuses, with the results of their investigation being released to the public on Saturday morning.

27.12.2020 - 06:10 [ ]

Iowa autopsy report: DNC meddling led to caucus debacle


The audit states the conversion tool had coding errors that spit out inaccurate numbers and caused confusion about the accuracy of the results, eventually leading to delays in reporting. But the state party’s app never malfunctioned nor was hacked, the report concludes.

27.12.2020 - 06:04 [ ]

Investigator: DNC Was “Directly Involved” in Iowa Caucus App Development, Countering DNC Denial


The DNC’s meddling, which included a last-minute demand that developers of the Shadow app create a special software that would allow the DNC real-time access to the raw numbers before they went public, didn’t sit well with Zogby.

“Why would [the DNC] need to see that?” Zogby said about the DNC’s insistence on access to the raw caucus results before they went public. “Why wouldn’t you trust the state party to make the determination?”

In the transcript from the closed-session meeting held by the state party, members suggested that the DNC’s goal was to strip Iowa of its prestigious first-in-the-nation status.

08.03.2020 - 15:27 [ Des Moines Register ]

‚We don‘t have time to correct every error‘: Iowa Democrats vote 26-14 to certify caucus results


But the certification wasn‘t unanimous. Several members of the Iowa Democratic Party‘s state central committee, which acts as a governing board, argued that too many questions remain about the accuracy of the results.

The Associated Press has declined to call a winner in the race, citing „remaining concerns about whether the results as reported by the party are fully accurate.“

16.02.2020 - 16:19 [ ]

State-backed Alliance for Securing Democracy disinfo shop falsely smears The Grayzone as ‘state-backed’

Western government-funded German Marshall Project, falsely and hypocritically characterized The Grayzone and independent journalist Jordan Chariton as “state-backed media,” smearing them for their factual reporting on the shadowy network behind the controversial app that undermined the integrity of the Iowa caucuses.

The Grayzone has exposed the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) in a series of investigative reports as a neo-McCarthyite outfit prone to spreading disinformation, staffed by counter-terror cranks and national security hustlers.

16.02.2020 - 14:14 [ John Panzer, Silicon Valley & California native / Twitter ]

“The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm.

Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa… … and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.”

16.02.2020 - 14:09 [ Washington Post ]

How the Iowa caucuses came ‘crashing down,’ under the watchful eye of the DNC

The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm. Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.

14.02.2020 - 12:40 [ Yahoo News ]

Documents reveal DNC was ‚intimately involved‘ in development of troubled Iowa caucus app

The copies of Atwater’s email and Shadow’s contract with the IDP obtained by Yahoo News contained some redactions. Sources familiar with the original documents confirmed the authenticity of the copies. Atwater’s email was redacted to omit the name of the IDP official she communicated with. The Shadow contract was redacted to omit signatures and details about how much the company was paid by the IDP.

12.02.2020 - 13:54 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

The IDP results are still riddled with errors. They are mathematically incoherent. In some cases they don‘t conform to what local precincts are reporting. They can claim what they want. Thankfully, the press isn‘t bound to just account. That‘s where we come in. Let‘s dig in.


12.02.2020 - 13:50 [ New York Times ]

Faulty Iowa App Was Part of Push to Restore Democrats’ Digital Edge


Still, when Iowa Democrats, on the advice of the national party, abandoned plans to have caucus results called in by phone because of security concerns and instead build an app, they chose Shadow from multiple bidders, according to a state party official.

10.02.2020 - 12:03 [ Tagesschau ]

Sanders will Überprüfung von Iowa-Ergebnis

Hintergrund ist eine technische Panne bei der Übermittlung der Ergebnisse, weswegen es Zweifel an ihrer Korrektheit gibt.

10.02.2020 - 11:51 [ CNN ]

Buttigieg gets the most delegates and Sanders comes in second, Iowa Democratic Party says

With these updates in place, Pete Buttigieg holds a 0.1% lead over Bernie Sanders in the state delegate equivalent count, which determines the winner of the Iowa caucuses. That margin is unchanged from the previously announced results.

If there are no requests to recanvass or recount, Buttigieg would be the winner of the Iowa caucuses. According to the Iowa Democratic Party, he will claim 14 delegates. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will receive 12,

05.02.2020 - 20:14 [ ]

Meet the Democrats’ Most Dangerous Digital Strategist

On February 3, 2020, the Iowa Democratic caucuses were brought to a screeching halt in part by the failure of an app produced by Shadow — the political tech company cofounded by Tara McGowan’s nonprofit ACRONYM. Below is our profile of McGowan and the risk she was taking with her unconventional model … a model now threatened by the Iowa debacle.

05.02.2020 - 20:10 [ ]

Iowa Caucuses: The divisive Democratic operative behind Shadow, the app that broke Iowa

Democratic operatives have found a target for their anger and frustration over Iowa’s botched caucus results — Tara McGowan, the political strategist whose company is directly tied to the troublesome vote-reporting app at the center of the chaos.

Even before the Iowa mess, McGowan, a former journalist and Barack Obama campaign aide, was both one of the Democratic Party’s most in-demand leaders this cycle — and also one of its most divisive.

05.02.2020 - 19:51 [ Caitlin Johnstone / ]

DNC Completely Loses Public Trust In Its Primary Process On Very First Day

After a 2016 presidential primary race riddled with scandals, all of which worked against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of anointed establishment favorite Hillary Clinton, the 2020 Democratic presidential primary elections officially began with a massive scandal working against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of an establishment favorite.

The 2020 Iowa caucuses turned out to have been designed to depend on the use of a new, untested app with extensive ties to establishment insiders and to the Pete Buttigeig campaign, and because of problems using this app as of this writing we are still waiting on the full results of the election.

05.02.2020 - 19:04 [ MSNBC ]

‚Coding issue‘ blamed for Iowa caucus chaos as nation awaits results

As part of our investigation, we determined with certainty that the underlying data collected via the app was sound,“ Iowa Democratic Party chairman Troy Price said in a statement. „While the app was recording data accurately, it was reporting out only partial data. We have determined that this was due to a coding issue in the reporting system. This issue was identified and fixed.“

05.02.2020 - 18:51 [ Caitlin Johnstone / Twitter ]

The problem with the app was that it was changing the results upon submission. It‘s very possible this was not a bug but a feature and the only thing that went „wrong“ was mucking up the permissions flow of who got to see which version of the „results.“

05.02.2020 - 11:35 [ ]

New Details Show How Deeply Iowa Caucus App Developer Was Embedded in Democratic Establishment

Acronym, which includes a hybrid model of a 501(c)4 entity that does not disclose donors and a Super PAC that does, has been a favorite for deep-pocketed Democratic donors. Donald Sussman, the founder of Paloma Partners, and Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, each donated $1 million to Acronym last year. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg gave $500,000. Investor Seth Klarman, once a major donor to Republican causes, gave $1.5 million to Acronym.

05.02.2020 - 11:34 [ Steph / Twitter ]

Is anybody gonna ask Iowa Dem Party Chair Troy Price WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK he is doing partying w/Buttigieg folks and the CEO of the shitty app company *literally the day before* this all went down or nah?

05.02.2020 - 10:33 [ ]

Maker of glitchy Iowa caucus app has Democratic Party ties

But business and tax records show ACRONYM and Shadow are registered at the same Washington, D.C., street address, which belongs to a WeWork co-working location. Shadow CEO Gerard Niemira previously served as the chief operating officer and chief technology officer at ACRONYM, according to an online resume.

And on Sunday, McGowan tweeted pictures from a birthday celebration that included her husband and Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party.

05.02.2020 - 10:23 [ ]

Hoo Boy: Hillary‘s Campaign Manager Was Involved With That Disastrous Iowa Caucus App

As everyone knows by now, the Iowa caucuses on Monday were an unmitigated disaster, thanks to an app that malfunctioned, as the Iowa Democratic Party tells it. As it turns out, Robby Mook, Hillary‘s 2016 campaign manager, was tasked with vetting the app that resulted in… well… no results on Monday night. You can‘t make this stuff up.