Archiv: Stadträte / city councils / town councils / town boards / boards of aldermen

19.10.2024 - 07:06 [ Labour Muslim Network ]

Muslim Labour Councillors Letter to the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Sir Keir Starmer MP,

Dear Prime Minister,

We, the undersigned, are writing to you as Muslim Labour Councillors representing communities all across Britain to call for an immediate and complete suspension of arms sales to Israel.

The tragic human toll we have seen over the past year has been unimaginable.

19.10.2024 - 07:02 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK: More than 100 Muslim Labour councillors demand complete arms embargo on Israel

The letter by the Muslim councillors adds to pressure mounting on the British government from within the Labour Party to take stronger action against Israel.

Last week, 51 British MPs from seven political parties backed a parliamentary motion calling for the Labour government to take measures against Israel.

01.05.2024 - 23:20 [ NBC Los Angeles ]

Delayed police response at UCLA “unacceptable,” Newsom says

Gov. Gavin Newsom Wednesday criticized law enforcement‘s slow response to violent brawls that broke out between pro-Palestinian protesters and counter demonstrators on the UCLA campus Tuesday night.

“The limited and delayed campus law enforcement response at UCLA last night was unacceptable – and it demands answers,” Newsom said in a statement. “As soon as it became clear that the state assistance was needed to support a local response, our office immediately deployed CHP personnel to campus.”

01.05.2024 - 17:10 [ Doy ]

Editorial: UCLA is complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters, failed to protect

This came after a source in the encampment told the Daily Bruin that at least five protestors have been injured.

But for hours, UCLA administration stood by and watched as the violence escalated. LAPD did not arrive on the scene until slightly after 1 a.m. – once Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass sent them in for assistance at Block’s request.

Daily Bruin reporters on the scene were slapped and indirectly sprayed with irritants. Despite also being students, they were offered no protection.

The world is watching.

01.02.2024 - 21:30 [ ANSWER Coalition / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Months of organizing result in a victorious vote for a ceasefire in Chicago! Chicago is the largest U.S. city to vote in favor of a ceasefire resolution

26.07.2023 - 12:05 [ Haaretz ]

The Next Step in Netanyahu‘s Legal Coup Will Make Every Minister an Emperor


Thanks to a law that Israel inherited from the British Mandate dictatorship, the interior minister holds the power to disband a municipality. The minister is barred from using it in the year preceding local elections. But once those elections are over later this year, this government can depose as many mayors and local and regional council heads as it wants. It can eliminate city council members and replace them with government loyalists.

The interior minister can easily find a pretext for “faulty performance” in any locale. And what will the deposed mayors do then? The Supreme Court will be unable to deem the decision to fire them “unreasonable,” because this standard will no longer be available.

26.07.2023 - 12:00 [ New York Times ]

In Israel, the Worst May Be Yet to Come


The new law certainly does damage to Israel’s democracy — for example, it opens the door to corruption — but whether the court will determine it denies the democratic nature of the state is very much an open question.

A more plausible scenario is that the Supreme Court will wait it out to see if other components of the proposed overhaul will pass, especially those dealing with judicial appointments, weakening the independence of legal counsels within government ministries, and limits on judicial review of legislation.

28.06.2023 - 14:04 [ Haaretz ]

The Next Step in Netanyahu‘s Legal Coup Will Make Every Minister an Emperor

Thanks to a law that Israel inherited from the British Mandate dictatorship, the interior minister holds the power to disband a municipality. The minister is barred from using it in the year preceding local elections. But once those elections are over later this year, this government can depose as many mayors and local and regional council heads as it wants. It can eliminate city council members and replace them with government loyalists.

The interior minister can easily find a pretext for “faulty performance” in any locale. And what will the deposed mayors do then? The Supreme Court will be unable to deem the decision to fire them “unreasonable,” because this standard will no longer be available.

04.06.2023 - 22:08 [ Jürgen Kasek, Stadtrat Leipzig / Nitter ]

Offiziell gelte ich jetzt als naiv, weil ich wirklich darauf vertraut habe, dass man seine Grundrechte in Anspruch nehmen kann… Klar, in einem autoritären Staat, der aus Angst vor Protest Grundrechte einfach mal temporär verbietet ist das natürlich absurd. #le0306 #le0406

02.06.2023 - 22:42 [ ]

A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada’s COVID-19 Response

Canada’s federal and provincial governments’ COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians’ lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians.

These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation.

27.03.2023 - 13:36 [ ]

Who is on strike in protest of legislation to overhaul judiciary

Head of the Federation of Local Authorities, himself a member of the ruling Likud, Haim Bibas said the rift in Israeli society had nearly crossed the point of no return.
„We call on the prime minister to immediately halt his legislative push to overhaul the judiciary and reinstate ousted defense minister Gallant,“ he said. Netanyahu must recalibrate his path and enter immediate dialogue to bring about a broad agreement and preserve the unity of the country,“ he said.

30.10.2021 - 10:17 [ Google News USA ]

firefighters, shortage, US, mandate

(search results)

30.10.2021 - 09:59 [ ]

LAFD‘s staff shortage during fire season causing firefighters to worry

The Los Angeles City Council voted to enact a city-wide vaccination mandate, requiring all city workers to be vaccinated or file medical or religious exemptions by December 18. The deadline was extended to December 18 after a plan was approved by City Council Tuesday.

According to Escobar, 74% of LAFD members are vaccinated, including him, but if it does not change to 100% by the December 18 deadline, the department could lose 800 to 900 firefighters. He said though he is vaccinated, he believes it is morally and ethically wrong to base employment on vaccinations.

30.06.2021 - 19:48 [ NYC Board of Elections / Twitter ]

The Board of Elections conducts rigorous and mandatory pre-qualification testing for every election. It has been determined that ballot images used for testing were not cleared from the Election Management System (EMS). EMS produces Cast Vote Records (CVR) from ballot images. RCV software uses the CVR to produce unofficial results. When the cast vote records were extracted for the first pull of RCV results, it concluded both test and election night results, producing approximately 135,000 additional records. Board staff has removed all test ballot images from the system and will upload election night results, cross-referencing against election night reporting software for verification. The cast vote record will be re-generated and the RCV rounds will be re-tabulated.

The Board apologizes for the error and has taken immediate measures to ensure the most accurate up to date results.

23.07.2020 - 21:41 [ ]

Portland City Council bans local police from working with federal law enforcement

The measure, which was passed on Wednesday, orders all members of the Portland Police Department to stop giving or receiving „operational support“ from officers representing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshal Service, Federal Protective Service and Customs and Border Protection, according to local news reports. Under the resolution, police are also banned from overseeing demonstrations alongside federal officers.

13.07.2020 - 19:18 [ Polizeipräsidium Stuttgart / ]

Wortlautabschnitt Gemeinderat vom 09.07.2020, Rede von Herrn Lutz

Ich würde ganz kurz ein paar Ausführungen machen zu dem, was wir bisher zur Staatsangehörigkeit der von uns ermittelten Tatverdächtigen wissen. 24 der 39 Tatverdächtigen sind deutsch. Deutsch wird definiert, wenn mindestens, ein Migrationshintergrund wird definiert, wenn mindestens ein Elternteil ausländischer Nationalität wäre, oder der Betroffene selber als ausländischer Staatsangehöriger geboren würde. Deswegen – meine weiteren Ausführungen da dazu: 11 von diesen 24 sind – haben gesichert einen Migrationshintergrund. Davon im Übrigen 4 eine doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit: Türkei, Sri Lanka, Mosambik und Griechenland. Bei weiteren 11 deutschen Staatsangehörigen mit Migrationshintergrund steht dieser Migrationshintergrund noch nicht gesichert fest. Ich habe Ihnen gerade die Definition genannt. Und das bedeutet letztendlich Recherchen bundesweit bei den Standesämtern, um letztendlich diese Frage festzustellen. Das ist nicht primär polizeiliche Aufgabe in Ermittlungsverfahren, sondern ist jetzt im Prinzip genau diesem Verfahren hier in Stuttgart geschuldet, dass diese Ermittlungen so geführt werden. Es hat darüber hinaus 15 Menschen mit ausländischer Staatsangehörigkeit. Davon sind 6 EU-Bürger, das geht von Polen über Kroatien bis Rumänien und Griechenland, und es sind 9 Nicht-EU-Bürger darunter unter diesen Tatverdächtigen, davon 4 Afghanen, 2 Iraki, 2 Somalier und 1 aus Bosnien-Herzegowina. Das zur Staatsangehörigkeit.


In dieser Situation, oder von dieser Situation ausgehend, auch dies ganz offen und transparent, überprüfen wir derzeit auch Hinweise, dass dieses möglicherweise Personen gewesen sein könnten aus dem linksautonomen Umfeld in unserer Stadt. Dies überprüfen wir gerade, wir haben aber keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse, dass dies so war, wohlgemerkt, das sind in – Konjunktive,das sind Hinweise, die auf eine mögliche Täterschaft in dieser Richtung hindeuten. Ansonsten, zu dieser Thematik, kann ich Ihnen sagen, dass wir im Moment keine Hinweise haben für ein organisiertes Auftreten beispielsweise des linksautonomen Potenzials in unserer Stadt. Sie waren allerdings, eindeutig, sie waren unterwegs. Es waren Personen aus dieser Klientel in der Stadt unterwegs. Das dürfen sie eigentlich vom Grundsatz auch. Und den Rest müssen die Ermittlungen ergeben.

Ein Versuch einer soziologischen Zuordnung würde ich mir jetzt einfach ersparen, weil wir ganz unterschiedliche Personengruppen haben.

27.06.2020 - 09:12 [ ]

Minneapolis Council Moves To Defund Police, Establish ‚Holistic‘ Public Safety Force

Despite unanimous support Friday, the amendment faces a number of bureaucratic obstacles before voters can vote on it in November.

19.06.2020 - 01:30 [ Queens Daily Eagle ]

Council passes bill compelling NYPD to share surveillance strategies

The City Council has passed legislation forcing the NYPD to explain how it uses facial recognition and other surveillance technologies to track New Yorkers.

The Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology Act was first introduced in March 2017 and had picked up 38 council sponsors ahead of today’s vote. If signed by Mayor Bill de Blasio, the measure would require the NYPD to report and evaluate its surveillance technologies and would compel the department to create a “surveillance impact and use policy.”

13.06.2020 - 11:42 [ ]

New York City oversight bill to force police to detail surveillance tools

The Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act already has enough co-sponsors to win the two-thirds support needed to override veto from the mayor, who has opposed the bill.

13.06.2020 - 09:02 [ CNN Newsroom / Twitter ]

„What‘s happening is this incredible movement… [it‘s] incredibly inspiring to the vast majority of American people. But it is also threatening to the right-wing and the reactionary agenda of Donald Trump.“ -Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant on Trump threatening protests

13.06.2020 - 07:49 [ Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Councilmember, Socialist Alternative / Twitter ]

The movement, led by a multi-racial community of youth, won a major victory, forcing Seattle police & the big business-backed establishment to leave East Precinct. The movement was undaunted in the face of horrific violence from Mayor Durkan‘s police. Congratulations, solidarity!

12.06.2020 - 04:04 [ NBC News ]

Louisville city council unanimously pass ‚Breonna‘s Law‘ to ban no-knock warrants

The unanimously passed ordinance, which still needs to be approved by the mayor, bans any search warrant that does not require police to announce themselves and their purpose at the premises. It requires any Louisville Metro Police Department or Metro law enforcement to knock and wait a minimum of 15 seconds for a response.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer vowed to pass the ban as “soon as it hits my desk.”

11.06.2020 - 16:00 [ MDR ]

Thüringens Ex-Ministerpräsident Thomas Kemmerich verliert Stadtratsmandat

Kemmerich hat in der Landeshauptstadt seinen Hauptwohnsitz angemeldet, die Familie des FDP-Politikers wohnt jedoch seit 2009 in Weimar. Ein weiterer Lebensmittelpunkt kam bis November 2019 noch mit seinem Bundestagsmandat in Berlin hinzu.

10.06.2020 - 13:25 [ ]

BRUTAL MATH: The NYPD’s $6B Budget Must Be Cut, Advocates and Lawmakers Say


As the city budget process begins, Streetsblog has been asking Council members to put an actual figure on their vague demands for cuts as part of the #defundTheNYPD movement, but none has provided a target number, citing ongoing budget negotiations.

08.06.2020 - 09:41 [ ]

Most of Minneapolis City Council pledges to ‚begin the process of ending‘ police department

“We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” they said, reading off a prepared statement. “We’re committed to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you.”

Their words — delivered one day after Mayor Jacob Frey told a crowd of protesters he does not support the full abolishment of the MPD — set off what is likely to be a long, complicated debate about the future of the state’s largest police force.

06.06.2020 - 22:25 [ Audrey McGlinchy, Austin's @NPR station / Twitter ]

NEW: Austin city council will vote on at least six @Austin_Police policy changes next Thursday including banning tear gas and ‚impact munitions‘ against demonstrators, banning chokeholds & reducing the dept‘s military-grade equip:

06.06.2020 - 15:15 [ New York Times ]

Cities Ask if It’s Time to Defund Police and ‘Reimagine’ Public Safety

In the wake of George Floyd’s killing, some cities are asking if the police are being asked to do jobs they were never intended to do. Budgets are being re-evaluated.

06.06.2020 - 15:04 [ ]

Hundreds of Activists and Elected Officials Call on Mayors and Cops to Decrease Police Power

Non-reformist reforms seek abolition as an end goal, and include defunding and demilitarizing the police — a demand that has long been considered politically impossible but has entered mainstream discourse over the last week and is reflected in the letters sent Friday.

The letter to police chiefs asks them to help curb the power of police unions. “Making sure that unions aren’t as powerful so that you can keep bad apples on the force, and prevent robust oversight and disciplinary action,” Medwed said.

06.06.2020 - 09:38 [ David Zahniser, L.A. Times reporter / Twitter ]

„Eric, do you really believe that Los Angeles police officers are killers?“ LAPPL board member Jamie McBride said. „The same officers that provide you 24-hour security at your residence 365 days a year?“

06.06.2020 - 09:30 [ Emily Alpert Reyes, L.A.Times reporter / Twitter ]

During a contentious meeting between LAPD officers and @MRodCD7 , one officer says that if the city is going to cut, it should start by cutting protection details at council members‘ homes (see minute 15:30 or so)

05.06.2020 - 05:17 [ ]

What L.A. could do with its $1.8 billion police budget

The LAPD will receive a $120 million increase in funding under Garcetti’s budget, which was adopted by default Monday after the City Council declined to review it by the June 1 deadline. More city money will be dedicated to policing than any other service this budget year. If you added up the budgets for housing, streets, and transportation, then tripled the sum, it still would not match the city’s LAPD budget.

04.06.2020 - 11:59 [ The Hill ]

LA city council president introduces motion to cut LAPD funding

„Today we intrdcd a motion to cut funding to the LAPD, as we reset our priorities in the wake of the murder of #GeorgeFloyd & the #BlackLivesMatter call that we all support to end racism. This is just one small step. We cannot talk about change, we have to be about change,“ Martinez tweeted.

03.06.2020 - 20:13 [ @aaronnarraph / Twitter ]

Okay, here we go: Of the 59 Assembly Democrats running again in NYC, 25 (42%) have taken law enforcement (police, correction, or court officer) money this cycle.

NOTE: DenDekker, Simotas, and Lentol are all in the top 10. All face challengers in increasingly-leftist districts.

03.06.2020 - 20:09 [ CNN ]

A 19-year-old called out New York Democrats accepting police campaign donations. To his surprise, many have listened

„I‘ve been looking at state finance disclosures for candidates in New York and I was noticing a lot of police money, law enforcement money taken by Democrats claiming to be against it,“ he said. „I was making this spreadsheet. Then (the death of) George Floyd happened — so many people responded and it got, like, a hundred likes in a couple hours? So people wanted to see this.“
Since sharing his „Who‘s Taking Cop Money?“ Google spreadsheet on Twitter on May 29, eight Democrats — including a state senator, state assembly members and New York councilmembers — have vowed to donate their police-funded contributions to bail funds or criminal justice reform organizations.

16.04.2020 - 18:05 [ ]

BVerfG, Beschluss der 1. Kammer des Ersten Senats vom 15. April 2020 – 1 BvR 828/20

Die Antragsgegnerin des Ausgangsverfahrens ist nicht gehindert, erneut nach pflichtgemäßem Ermessen unter Beachtung der Bedeutung und Tragweite von Art. 8 GG darüber zu entscheiden, ob die Durchführung der angemeldeten Versammlungen an den noch bevorstehenden Terminen gemäß § 15 Abs. 1 VersG von bestimmten Auflagen abhängig gemacht oder, sofern sich diese als unzureichend darstellen sollten, verboten wird.

16.04.2020 - 17:47 [ Malte Engeler / Twitter ]

Bevor alle jubeln: Das BVerfG hat nicht gesagt, dass demonstriert werden darf, sondern nur, dass die zuständige Behörde irrig angenommen habe, die (hessische) Verordnung enthalte ein absolutes Versammlungsverbot. Es lag also Ermessensausfall, nicht Ermessensfehlgebrauch vor.

16.04.2020 - 17:45 [ Grüne Fraktion Dresden ]

Nach Beschluss des BVerfG muss auch Stadt Dresden in jedem Einzelfall Zulässigkeit kleiner Demos prüfen

Anlässlich der Demonstration, sowie dem heutigen Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Versammlungsverbot (1 BvR 828/20), erklärt Johannes Lichdi, Stadtrat aus der Neustadt:

„Das BVerfG hat gestern beschlossen, dass ein Pauschalverbot jeder Demonstration gegen das Grundrecht auf Versammlungsfreiheit verstößt. Damit ist endlich auch die Verfassungswidrigkeit der Praxis der Dresdner Versammlungsbehörde höchstrichterlich festgestellt.“

Er fordert die Stadtverwaltung auf: „Oberbürgermeister Hilbert muss umgehend dafür sorgen, die rechtswidrige und lächerliche Praxis der Versammlungsbehörde zu beenden. Sie hat sogar zur „Verhaftung“ von Pappfiguren wie gestern am Gomondai-Platz geführt.