Daily Archives: 7. März 2020

07.03.2020 - 23:55 [ Peter Daou / Twitter ]

Interesting how the corporate media is trying to deliver the knockout blow to #Bernie. Over the past 48 hours, I‘ve seen a half dozen hit pieces on Sanders and puff pieces on #Biden. The system will work hard to preserve itself.

07.03.2020 - 22:13 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / Mintpress.com ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

07.03.2020 - 22:10 [ Matt Stoller / Twitter ]

The entire 2020 primary is about whether Democrats can come to grips with what a shitty President Obama was. The answer appears to be no they cannot.

07.03.2020 - 22:05 [ John Nichols, @thenation / Twitter ]

In 1968, Democrats rejected the popular peace-and-justice movement campaign of Eugene McCarthy for the safer and more predictable establishment-friendly candidacy of Hubert Humphrey. Then they lost to Richard Nixon.

07.03.2020 - 21:53 [ theHill.com ]

New standards eliminate Tulsi Gabbard from next Democratic debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday announced new qualifying standards for the upcoming Arizona debate that will leave only the top two contenders on stage.

07.03.2020 - 21:07 [ The Bernie Zone / Twitter ]

UPDATE #5 California Delegate Allocation Change IS ANYONE WATCHING THIS??? Biden +12 Bernie 0



07.03.2020 - 21:04 [ The Bernie Zone / Twitter ]

UPDATE #3 Houston, we have a problem. Look at the delegate allocation change in California. Bernie and Biden should increase proportionally about the same or more for Bernie. The opposite is happening – #Fuckery Bernie +12 Biden +23

(March 6, 2020)

07.03.2020 - 20:46 [ Radio Utopie ]

Blackwater: Globaler Konzern-Geheimdienst „Total Intel“ ausser Kontrolle

(3. November 2007)

Die Gewalten der Gewaltenteilung innerhalb einer Demokratie (ob jetzt konstitutionelle Monarchien wie Grossbritannien, Dänemark, Niederlande, Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, Spanien, usw oder Republiken wie z.B. Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Schweiz, Österreich) funktionieren nicht von alleine.
Man muss sie dazu zwingen. Man muss sie dazu ZWINGEN. Man muss die Justiz, die Parlamente und die Regierungen in den Dreck ziehen, man muss auf ihnen rumtrampeln, man muss sie fertig machen bis sie nicht mehr zappeln und dann muss man sie verhören. Und dann blossstellen. Und dann abwählen und ersetzen.
Das ist unser Job. Das müssen wir machen, die Last Journalists Standing, die unabhängigen Medien, der öffentliche Geheimdienst.
Machen wir diesen Job richtig.

07.03.2020 - 20:39 [ New York Times ]

Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups


One of the former spies, an ex-MI6 officer named Richard Seddon, helped run a 2017 operation to copy files and record conversations in a Michigan office of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers’ unions in the nation. Mr. Seddon directed an undercover operative to secretly tape the union’s local leaders and try to gather information that could be made public to damage the organization, documents show.

07.03.2020 - 20:11 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election Results: Gantz Vows to Form a Government, Says Voters ‚Want an End to Netanyahu‘s Rule‘

Joint List MK and Balad Chairman Mtanes Shehadeh said Saturday following Gantz and Netenyahu‘s statements that „the arab community has spoken, they want a change in their position and aim for an end to discrimination and racism. Netanyahu would die to disqualify them but could not, and Gantz would have liked to ignore them but he couldn‘t.“

07.03.2020 - 20:00 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Saudi Authorities Widen Security Crackdown After Detaining Two Rivals to Crown Prince

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has embarked on a broad security crackdown by rounding up royal rivals, government officials and military officers in an effort to quash potential challenges to his power, Saudi royals and advisers familiar with the matter said Saturday.

07.03.2020 - 19:48 [ ORF.at ]

Saudi-Arabien: Prinzen wegen „Verrats“ verhaftet

Salmans Bruder Prinz Ahmed bin Abdulasis Al Saud und seinem Neffen Prinz Mohammed bin Naif werde „Verrat“ zur Last gelegt, berichtete die US-Zeitung „Wall Street Journal“ („WSJ“) unter Berufung auf nicht näher genannte Quellen. Den Berichten zufolge soll Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman hinter den Verhaftungen stecken.

07.03.2020 - 19:40 [ ORF.at ]

Regierung macht Mittel für Kurzarbeit frei

Die genauen Details sind aber noch offen. Am Dienstag trifft sich der AMS-Verwaltungsrat, um über das konkrete weitere Vorgehen zu beraten. Derzeit ist der Topf für Kurzarbeit 20 Mio. Euro schwer. Dieser dürfte aber erhöht werden.

07.03.2020 - 19:17 [ Tagesschau ]

Deutsche Wirtschaft: Kurzarbeit gegen Corona-Einbußen?

Wie das „Handelsblatt“ unter Berufung auf Koalitionskreise schrieb, hatten Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil, Wirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier und Kanzleramtschef Helge Braun bereits am Donnerstag darüber beraten. Beim Treffen des Koalitionsausschusses am Sonntag soll demnach eine Entscheidung fallen, die zunächst bis zum Jahresende gelten könnte.

07.03.2020 - 18:31 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

You can’t change a corrupt system by taking its money. Our campaign is proudly by the working class and I will be a president for the working class. Live from Detroit with Rep. @RashidaTlaib , Dr. @CornelWest and more:

07.03.2020 - 18:27 [ Fox2Detroit.com ]

Bernie Sanders tries to turn the Biden tide at electric Detroit rally

About 6,000 came out to Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ rally at TCF Center downtown Friday night.

The enthusiasm was electric and Sanders touched on the topics he always does – healthcare, gun laws and choice.

07.03.2020 - 16:25 [ Yourmedia Agency / Twitter ]

Es mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass die Türkei versucht, militärisch in Nordaleppo (Tell Rifaat), al-Bab und Ain Issa Boden gut zu machen. Sozusagen bis es in Idlib wieder losgeht.

07.03.2020 - 16:12 [ Gregory Galligan, Executive Coordinator for #Syria / Twitter ]

At this week‘s International Conference on #Idlib, I had the honour to meet @RaedAlSaleh3 Head of @SyriaCivilDef . I conveyed Canada’s appreciation for all the #WhiteHelmets have done to help Syrians in need. Canada too, stands with the WhiteHelmets.

07.03.2020 - 15:09 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

The American people are sick and tired of endless wars in the Middle East which have cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. We will not defeat Trump with a candidate like Joe Biden who supported and voted for the Iraq War alongside Republicans.

07.03.2020 - 14:08 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

“Open borders? That’s a Right-wing proposal that would make everybody in America poorer… You’re doing away with the concept of the nation state” — Bernie Sanders


07.03.2020 - 14:00 [ phoenix / Youtube ]

phoenix persönlich: Sahra Wagenknecht bei Alfred Schier

Die Forderungen der Grünen, die Grenzen zu öffnen seien „unehrlich“ und „wohlfeil“. Im Effekt führe dies dazu, dass die #AfD noch stärker werde. Sahra #Wagenknecht (Die Linke) erläutert in phoenix persönlich auch die Ursache ihres #BurnOut und spricht über ihr Leben jenseits der Politik.

07.03.2020 - 13:58 [ Sahra Wagenknecht, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

Ich war zu Gast bei #phoenix-persönlich. Dort habe ich mit Alfred Schier über die Ursachen meines Burnouts & aktuelle Themen gesprochen, wie die Wahl von #BodoRamelow zum Ministerp. in Thüringen & Erdogans unerträgliche Instrumentalisierung der Flüchtlinge

07.03.2020 - 13:35 [ Radio Utopie ]

Offene Grenzen, Grenzen dicht: Die zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille

(21.Oktober 2018)

Beide Parolen spielen einem gelenkten Staat in die Hände, der sich weigert die Verfassung, (internationales) Recht und sogar die eigene ausführende Gesetzgebung einzuhalten, sondern stattdessen die Republik zugunsten der ihm vorgesetzten „Vereinigten Staaten“ endlich loswerden will. Weil ihm das so befohlen wurde.

Sehen wir uns die beiden Parolen mal etwas genauer an. Dann dürfte die Sache zum Vorschein kommen.

07.03.2020 - 13:24 [ theNational.ae ]

Syria: German Foreign Minister calls for humanitarian zone to be established in Idlib

Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said the ceasefire needs to be strengthened by adding a no-fly zone over the province to stop further bombings of hospitals.

“It would be wise to add a no-fly zone,” he told reporters as he arrived for a meeting with EU counterparts in Zagreb.

07.03.2020 - 13:18 [ Yahoo ]



07.03.2020 - 13:06 [ Tamer Yazar / Twitter ]

The #EuropeanUnion said Friday that it would host an international donors conference in June for #migrants & #refugees from #Syria and surrounding countries, even as the bloc criticized #Turkey for using #AsylumSeekers as #political pawns.

#Ankara #Greece #Idlib #Erdogan #Europe

07.03.2020 - 12:47 [ Hurriyet ]

US pressures European allies to support Turkey

NATO member countries, particularly Europeans, must act together to provide support to Turkey to confront the difficulties arising from the Syrian conflict, James Jeffrey, the U.S. special envoy for Syria, has said at the International Idlib Conference in Istanbul.

He was responding to a question during regarding Washington’s views about concrete military support to Turkey.

07.03.2020 - 12:41 [ wbfo.org ]

In Syria, The U.S. Fight To Protect Oil Fields

BOWMAN: Right. The U.S. and Europe actually want Bashar al-Assad removed. He killed hundreds of thousands of his own people in a civil war. And they don‘t want Assad to gain more strength by having access to millions of dollars from the oil. And Russia is Syria‘s main ally. The U.S. ally in this ongoing ISIS fight, the Kurds, are using proceeds from the oil to continue their operations. And to make this even more politically convoluted, the Kurds are selling the oil to the Syrian government.

07.03.2020 - 12:27 [ H.K / Twitter ]

Former #ISIS commander Ahmad Hassoun is now a field commander in the #Turkish backed SNA in northern #Aleppo.

07.03.2020 - 12:14 [ Krone.at ]

Griechischer Premier: EU-Deal mit Türkei ist tot

„Lassen Sie uns nun ehrlich sein, die Vereinbarung ist tot“, sagte Mitsotakis am Freitag dem US-Nachrichtensender CNN. Schuld sei Ankara, das entschieden habe, „komplett gegen die Vereinbarung zu verstoßen“. Die Türkei habe Flüchtlinge zu Lande und zu Wasser „aktiv“ bei ihren Bemühungen unterstützt, nach Griechenland zu gelangen.

07.03.2020 - 12:09 [ Welt / Twitter ]

Präsident Erdogan kommt überraschend nach Brüssel

07.03.2020 - 07:05 [ Informationstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

ILA: Militärmesse

Dieses Jahr wird die ILA vom 13. bis 17. Mai stattfinden und wieder werden Militäraspekte eine zentrale Rolle spielen,

07.03.2020 - 06:52 [ ABC News ]

SpaceX launches station supplies, nails 50th rocket landing

The Falcon rocket blasted off with 4,300 pounds (1,950 kilograms) of equipment and experiments for the International Space Station. Just minutes later, the spent first-stage booster made a dramatic midnight landing back at Cape Canaveral, its return accompanied by sonic booms.

07.03.2020 - 06:32 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Navy to redesignate USNS Hershel ‚Woody‘ Williams so SEALs can attack from it

The slight change in its name means the ship can legally carry out offensive military operations such as allowing Marines or Navy SEALs to launch attacks directly from the ship. A USNS ship under the command of a civilian can engage in combat only if it is defending itself.

07.03.2020 - 04:45 [ ZDF ]

Ramelow begründet Wahl von AfD-Landtagsvize

Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow (Linke) hat als Abgeordneter dem AfD-Kandidaten für das Vizepräsidentenamt im Landtag in Erfurt überraschend seine Stimme gegeben. Er wollte mit seiner Stimme für den AfD-Politiker Michael Kaufmann den Weg frei machen.

07.03.2020 - 03:39 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Bernie Sanders rallies his base in Detroit

Watch Live 7:00 p.m. ET: Bernie Sanders holds a rally following Elizabeth Warren‘s campaign ending.

07.03.2020 - 01:10 [ Bernie Sanders / Youtube ]


I‘m speaking to the media before heading to Michigan for a big rally in Detroit.

07.03.2020 - 01:03 [ @BernieWon2016 / Twitter ]

Massachusetts Voting Discrepancies:

Exit Polls:

Biden 28.9%
Bernie 30.4%

Vote Count:
Biden 33.4%
Bernie 26.7%

Biden 15.7%
Bernie -12.0%

Weird how the negative discrepancies ONLY affect Bernie. Same in SC, TX, CA, MA.