Archiv: Hunger / Hungersnot / hunger / starvation

15.10.2024 - 21:22 [ Council on American-Islamic Relations ]

BREAKING: CAIR Says ‘No Need to Wait 30 Days’ After Biden Admin Threatens to Limit Arms for Israel in Response to Gaza Aid Blockade

In a statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

“Although we welcome the Biden administration’s long overdue threat to withhold weapons from the Israeli government, waiting 30 days to do so is unacceptable. The Israeli government is starving and killing the Palestinian people today, right this very moment, in violation of U.S. law. The Palestinian people cannot wait another month for the Biden administration to uphold the law and end its complicity in the Israeli government’s campaign of slaughter and starvation.”

15.10.2024 - 20:53 [ Medical Aid for Palestinians - ]

Northern Gaza is being erased – Global leaders must act now to end Israel’s atrocities

The Israeli forces’ assault on Gaza has escalated to a horrifying level of atrocity. Northern Gaza is being wiped off the map. Under the guise of “evacuation,” Israeli forces have ordered the forced displacement of an estimated 400,000 Palestinians trapped in northern Gaza, including Gaza City. This is not an evacuation – this is forced displacement under gunfire. Since 1 October, no food has been allowed into the area, and civilians are being starved and bombed in their homes and their tents.



– ActionAid

– Action For Humanity

– Afri (Action from Ireland)

– Amos Trust

– Bloody Sunday Trust

– Centre for Global Education


– Children Not Numbers

– Christian Aid

– Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)

– Comhlamh Justice for Palestine

– Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu)

– Embrace the Middle East

– Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN)

– Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)

– Global Justice Now

– HelpAge International

– Interpal

– Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign

– Islamic Relief

– KinderUSA

– Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

– Médecins du Monde Spain

– Middle East Children‘s Alliance

– Muslim Aid

– Novact Institute for Nonviolence

– Oxfam

– Plan International Jordan

– Sabeel-Kairos UK

– Sadaka-The Ireland Palestine Alliance

– TDH Italy

– Trócaire

– Trinity College Dublin Students‘ Union/ Aontas Mac Léinn Choláiste na Tríonóide (TCDSU/AMLCT)

– Vento di Terra

– War Child

– War on Want

– WeWorld

– Welfare Association

12.10.2024 - 22:32 [ ]

UN says no food has entered northern Gaza since start of October, putting 1 million people at risk of starvation

No food has entered northern Gaza since the start of October, putting 1 million people at risk of going hungry, the World Food Programme told CNN on Friday.

07.10.2024 - 10:35 [ ]

Appendix to letter of October 2, 2024 re: American physicians observations from the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023

This appendix complements the letter sent to President Joseph R. Biden, Vice President Kamala D. Harris, and others on October 2, 2024 by 99 American healthcare workers who have served in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.


In total it is likely that 62,413 people have died of starvation and its compilations in Gaza from October 7, 2023 to September 30, 2024. Most of these will have been young children.

As long as aid agencies and public health experts are denied entry to Gaza the true
numbers cannot be known.
However, if these estimates are accurate they will approximately match the projected estimates of 85,750 total (direct and indirect) excess deaths in Gaza by August 2024 under the epidemics and military escalation scenarios published by a joint project from Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This is the population-adjusted equivalent of 13.3 million deaths and 26.6 million injuries in the United States.

07.10.2024 - 10:06 [ Watson Institute for Internatonal and Public Affairs / Brown University ]

The Human Toll: Indirect Deaths from War in Gaza and the West Bank, October 7, 2023 Forward

Figure 1: Direct Deaths from Violence Reported in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank
(Oct. 7, 2023 – Oct. 1, 2024)
Israeli Fatalities in Israel 1,200
Israeli Fatalities in Gaza 34
Israeli Fatalities in West Bank 339
Palestinian Fatalities in Gaza 41,615
Palestinian Fatalities in West Bank 693
Palestinians Missing/Estimated Dead Underthe Rubble 10,000
Total > 53,887


Figure 2: Estimates of Indirect Deaths in Gaza (Oct. 7, 2023 – Sept. 30, 2024)15
Estimated Deaths from Starvation 62,413
Estimated Deaths from Lack of Access to Care for Chronic Diseases 5,000
Estimated Deaths from Infectious Diseases, Maternal/Neonatal Deaths, and Others ?
Total > 67,413

25.09.2024 - 15:01 [ New Republic ]

Damning Report Reveals How Antony Blinken Lied to Congress on Israel

The U.S. government’s handling of USAID’s memo led to internal conflict, with one official in the State Department, Stacy Gilbert, resigning in May over Blinken’s statement to Congress.

“There is abundant evidence showing Israel is responsible for blocking aid,” Gilbert wrote in a statement at the time. “To deny this is absurd and shameful. That report and its flagrant untruths will haunt us.” (mehr …)

25.09.2024 - 14:42 [ Democracy Now ]

Biden Admin Kept Arming Genocide After State Dept., USAID Found Israel Blocked Gaza Aid Delivery

Blinken’s decision allowed the U.S. to keep sending arms to Israel. Under U.S. law, the government is required to cut off weapons shipments to countries preventing the delivery of U.S.-backed aid.

25.09.2024 - 14:31 [ ]

Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them.

Blinken told Congress, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, even though the U.S. Agency for International Development and others had determined that Israel had broken the law.

13.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Jonathan Cook ]

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism

Just one example: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the Palestinians as “Amalek” – a reference to a biblical story well known to every Israeli schoolchild, in which the Israelites are ordered by God to wipe an entire people, including their children and livestock, off the face of the earth.

Anyone engaged on social media will have faced a battery of similarly genocidal statements from mostly anonymous supporters of Israel.

Those genocide cheerleaders recently gained a face – two, in fact. Video clips of two Israelis, podcasting in English under the name “Two Nice Jewish Boys”, have gone viral, showing the pair calling for the extermination of every last Palestinian man, woman and child.

One of the podcasters said that “zero people in Israel” care whether a polio outbreak caused by Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s water, sewage and heath facilities ends up killing babies, noting that Israel’s agreement to a vaccination campaign is driven purely by public relations needs.

In another clip, the podcasters agree that Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons deserve to be “executed by shoving too large of an object up their butts”.

They also make clear that they would not hesitate to press a genocide button to wipe out the Palestinian people: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza – every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow – I would press it in a second … And I think most Israelis would. They wouldn’t talk about it like I am, they wouldn’t say ‘I pressed it’, but they would press it.”

13.09.2024 - 19:05 [ United Nations ]

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri

112. The General Assembly should recognize that:

(a) Every instance of mass starvation is a form of genocide or extermination, and every instance of starving an individual is torture;
(b) The right to be free from hunger means the right to be free from oppression, exploitation and occupation;
(c) The Palestinian people’s right to return to Palestine is a precondition to fulfil their right to food and food sovereignty;
(d) Israel has engaged in an intentional starvation campaign against the Palestinian people which evidences genocide and extermination.

13.09.2024 - 18:40 [ Michael Fakhri / ]

How was Isr. able to starve 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza at unprecedented speed and intensity? I answer this question in my new report. I‘ll be discussing my report with the @UN General Assembly on Friday, October 18.

28.04.2024 - 07:35 [ ]

Exclusive: USAID officials say Israel breached US directive on Gaza aid

Israel is in violation of a White House directive requiring recipients of American military assistance to comply with international humanitarian law and permit the unimpeded delivery of U.S.-funded humanitarian support, USAID officials concluded in a confidential United States paper reviewed by Devex.

The findings earlier this month follow the Feb. 8 issuance of a national security memo from the White House instructing U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to “obtain credible and reliable written assurances” from U.S. weapons recipients that they will abide by international humanitarian law, and report those findings to the White House and Congress. In Israel’s case, it would only apply to offensive weapons.

10.04.2024 - 09:34 [ ]

Biden fordert Waffenruhe in Gaza

Biden forderte, dass Israel zu einem Waffenstillstand aufrufe, um den vollständigen Zugang zu Nahrungsmitteln und Medikamenten im Gazastreifen zu ermöglichen.

Derweil treibt Israel sein Vorhaben für eine Bodenoffensive in der Stadt Rafah im Süden Gazas offenbar voran.

10.04.2024 - 09:01 [ CNN ]

Biden criticizes Netanyahu’s approach to war with Hamas as mistake

“What I’m calling for is for the Israelis to just call for a ceasefire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. I’ve spoken with everyone from the Saudis to the Jordanians to the Egyptians. They’re prepared to move in. They’re prepared to move this food in. And I think there’s no excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people. It should be done now,” Biden said in the interview.

The comments came in the lead up to ..

07.04.2024 - 23:14 [ United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) / UN Menschenrechtsrat ]

Human Rights Council Adopts Five Resolutions, including a Text Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Urging States to Prevent the Continued Forcible Transfer of Palestinians Within or From Gaza, and Calling on States to Cease the Sale or Transfer of Arms to Israel

In a resolution (A/HRC/55/L.30) on the Human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, 6 against and 13 abstentions (as orally revised), the Council demands that Israel, the occupying power, end its occupation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem; also demands that Israel immediately lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip and all other forms of collective punishment; calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance, and for the urgent restoration of basic necessities to the Palestinian population in Gaza; calls upon all States to take immediate action to prevent the continued forcible transfer of Palestinians within or from Gaza; calls upon all States to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel; urges all States to continue to provide emergency assistance to the Palestinian people and calls upon all States to ensure that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East receives predictable sustained and sufficient funding to fulfil its mandate; invites the General Assembly to recommend that the Government of Switzerland promptly convene the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Convention on measures to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; requests the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel to report on both the direct and indirect transfer or sale of arms, munitions, parts, components and dual use items to Israel, the occupying power, and to analyse the legal consequences of these transfers, and to present its report to the Council at its fifty-ninth session; requests the Secretary-General to ensure the availability of all additional resources, including through voluntary resources, necessary to enable the Commission of Inquiry to carry out its mandate; requests the Office of the High Commissioner to deploy the additional necessary personnel, expertise and logistics to the occupied Palestinian territory country office to document and pursue accountability for violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law committed in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; and requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights to report on the implementation of the present resolution to the Council at its fifty-eighth session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue; and decides to remain seized of the matter.

The results of the vote are as follows:

In favour (28): Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Eritrea, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Qatar, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Viet Nam.

Against(6): Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany, Malawi, Paraguay and United States.

Abstentions (13): Albania, Benin, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, Georgia, India, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, and Romania.

07.04.2024 - 23:06 [ United Nations ]

Gaza: Human Rights Council resolution urges arms embargo on Israel


The UN’s top human rights body adopted a resolution on Friday condemning the alleged “use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in Gaza”, while also calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

07.04.2024 - 22:45 [ United Nations ]

Israel’s Genocide Must Not Go Unpunished, Speakers Say as Civil Society Organizations Conference Working on Question of Palestine Concludes


Calling Israel “an extension of European colonialism”, Ahmed Abofoul, a Legal Expert at Al-Haq, said that South Africa’s case before the International Court of Justice represents the Global South’s impatience with Western hypocrisy. He criticized the West’s relentless campaign of distorting international law to support their stance — an example is the right to self-defence. There is no doubt that an occupying Power does not have the right to self-defence against the people it is occupying, as those people, according to international humanitarian law, have the right to self-defence. The West’s complicity has made Gaza “not only a graveyard of children but a graveyard of international law”, he asserted. On the UNRWA accusations, he observed that Western democracies moved fast to suspend funding without waiting for evidence, only to discover later that Israel was lying.

07.04.2024 - 22:28 [ ]

Gaza onslaught ‚betrayal of humanity‘, UN humanitarian chief says, after six months of Israel war

In a statement on the eve of the six-month anniversary of the war, Martin Griffiths, the outgoing under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief, called for a „collective determination that there be a reckoning for this betrayal of humanity.“

„Each day, this war claims more civilian victims,“ said Griffiths, who will leave his post at the end of June due to health reasons.

„Every second that it continues sows the seeds of a future so deeply obscured by this relentless conflict.“

06.04.2024 - 20:57 [ Washington Post ]

Global pressure grows on U.S. and Germany to stop arming Israel


Calls for an international arms embargo on Israel gained backing from Algeria to Vietnam in a vote at the United Nations’ top human rights body Friday, adding to a movement that has seen several European nations pause the sale of weapons and key U.S. allies such as Britain and France debate it.

But so far, the movement lacks the clear support of two countries that supply almost all imported weapons to Israel: the United States and Germany. Both voted against the nonbinding resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council this week.

06.04.2024 - 20:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

US says Israel is complying with international law. ‚Complete nonsense’, experts say

„Your – your question presumes, at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting aid workers and did it on purpose. And there’s no evidence of that,“ Kirby told the reporter.

„I would also remind you, sir, that we continue to look at incidents as they occur. The State Department has a process in place. And to date, as you and I are speaking, they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violated international humanitarian law.“

06.04.2024 - 20:08 [ CBS News ]

World Central Kitchen boss José Andrés accuses Israel of „direct attack“ on Gaza aid convoy


This was not just a bad luck situation where, ‚Oops, we dropped a bomb in the wrong place,'“ Andrés told the Reuters news agency, stressing that his team‘s vehicles were clearly marked and „it‘s very clear who we are and what we do.“

„They were targeting us in a deconflicting zone, in an area controlled by IDF. They, knowing that it was our teams moving on that road… with three cars,“ he said, adding that he believed the seven aid workers killed by the strike in Gaza were targeted „systematically, car by car.“

06.04.2024 - 20:02 [ Reuters ]

Who were the World Central Kitchen aid workers killed in Gaza by Israel?


„For her it was the perfect job, she got to serve hot meals to people who were having maybe the lowest point of their lives,“ her friend Bryan Weaver told Reuters.

„She made you feel like you were the only person in the room.
In a statement, her family said Zomi left behind a legacy of compassion, bravery and love.

06.04.2024 - 19:43 [ World Central Kitchen ]

7 WCK team members killed in Gaza


Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route.

“This is not only an attack against WCK, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. This is unforgivable,” said World Central Kitchen CEO Erin Gore.

The seven killed are from Australia, Poland, United Kingdom, a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, and Palestine.

30.03.2024 - 21:10 [ ]

UN says Israel denied 30 percent of aid missions to Northern Gaza in March

“IDF soldiers too often delay or deny convoys from crossing checkpoints, with rejected requests for safe passage, searches, detentions and sometimes violence against aid convoys and awaiting crowds,” it added.

The aid missions included: food distributions, fuel, emergency medical teams movement and delivery of supplies to hospitals; and support for water, sanitation, and hygiene activities, the UN agency said

30.03.2024 - 20:15 [ United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office (OCHA) ]

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #148

– Since 1 March, 30 per cent of humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza and 10 per cent of missions to southern Gaza were denied access by the Israeli authorities.

– Nearly 40 per cent of school buildings in Gaza have been directly hit, according to an updated assessment of satellite imagery by the Education Cluster.

26.03.2024 - 20:50 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. allows U.N. cease-fire vote, but it’s too late for many in Gaza

We are already halfway through Ramadan, a month-long holy period marked by pronounced grief and suffering in the Palestinian territories. The Israeli campaign in Gaza has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians, including many women and children, forced the overwhelming majority of people in Gaza to flee their homes and plunged more than half of Gaza’s population into a de facto famine. Small children are dying of malnutrition in what U.N. officials describe to be the broadest and most severe food crisis in the world.

24.03.2024 - 21:20 [ SearXNG ]

The World must ask: where is its Court? #ICJ #genocide #Palestine #totalitarism #arbitrariness #accountability

24.03.2024 - 21:00 [ International Court of Justice ]

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – The Republic of South Africa submits an urgent request for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s prior provisional measures Order and decision

THE HAGUE, 6 March 2024. South Africa today filed an urgent request with the Court for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s Order of 26 January 2024 and decision of 16 February 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel).

In its new request, South Africa states that it is “compelled to return to the Court in light of the new facts and changes in the situation in Gaza — particularly the situation of widespread starvation — brought about by the continuing egregious breaches of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide . . . by the State of Israel . . . and its ongoing manifest violations of the provisional measures indicated by this Court on 26 January 2024”. It requests the Court to indicate further provisional measures and/or to modify the provisional measures indicated it its Order of 26 January 2024, pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 3, and Article 76, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, respectively, “in order urgently to ensure the safety and security of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, including over a million children”. It urges the Court to do so without holding a hearing, in light of the “extreme urgency of the situation”.

24.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

(February 26, 2024)

“The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

Other countries should use all forms of leverage, including sanctions and embargoes, to press the Israeli government to comply with the court’s binding orders in the genocide case, Human Rights Watch said.

24.03.2024 - 20:06 [ Associated Press ]

Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

(February 16, 2024)

An estimated 1.4 million Palestinians, more than half of Gaza’s population, has crammed into the city, most of them displaced people who fled fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

Israel has said it will evacuate the civilians before attacking, though international aid officials have said there is nowhere to go due to the vast devastation left behind by the offensive.

24.03.2024 - 19:55 [ Reuters ]

World Court stops short of Gaza ceasefire order for Israel

(January 27, 2024)

It asked the court to grant emergency measures to halt the fighting, which Palestinian officials say has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians and displaced the majority of the population in a more than three-month campaign of intensive bombardment.

24.03.2024 - 18:57 [ Associated Press ]

Palestinians describe bodies and ambulances crushed in Israel’s ongoing raid around Gaza hospital

Israeli jets on Sunday launched several strikes near the Shifa Hospital, which largely stopped functioning following the November raid. After claiming that Hamas maintained an elaborate command center there, Israeli forces months ago exposed a single tunnel leading to a few underground rooms.

Hardly any aid has been delivered in recent weeks to northern Gaza and Gaza City, where Shifa is located.

24.03.2024 - 18:42 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel will no longer approve Unrwa food convoys to northern Gaza, says agency‘s chief

In a post on social media platform X, Philippe Lazzarini said Israeli authorities informed the UN of the decision, which he called „outrageous“.

„As of today, Unrwa, the main lifeline for Palestine Refugees, is denied from providing lifesaving assistance to northern Gaza,“ Lazzarini said.

23.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli fire killed nine people at aid station in Gaza, says health ministry

„At least nine martyrs and dozens injured by Israeli occupation army tank fire and shells. They were waiting for aid trucks at the Kuwait roundabout“ on the outskirts of Gaza City, a health ministry statement said.

Israel‘s military said it was looking into the report.

23.03.2024 - 19:26 [ Middle East Eye ]

Thousands of trucks waiting in North Sinai to enter Gaza, says Sinai governor

North Sinai‘s governor, Mohamed Shousha, said 7,000 aid trucks are waiting to deliver aid into Gaza.

Shousha said in a statement that Israel‘s inspection rules had delayed the flow of aid into Gaza.

23.03.2024 - 19:10 [ United Nations ]

At Rafah border crossing to Gaza, UN’s Guterres calls for immediate ceasefire

“Here from this crossing, we see the heartbreak and heartlessness of it all,” he said, pointing to a long line of blocked relief trucks on one side of the gates and the “long shadow of starvation on the other”.

“That is more than tragic; moral outrage,” he said, adding that “any further onslaught will make everything worse” for Palestinian civilians, hostages and all people of the region.

All this demonstrates that it’s more than time for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for “an ironclad commitment by Israel for total, unfettered access for humanitarian goods throughout Gaza”, he said, emphasizing that in the Ramadan spirit of compassion, it’s time for the immediate release of all hostages.

He also urged all UN Member States to support the “lifesaving work led by the backbone of all Gaza relief operations, UNRWA”, the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees.

Pledging to continue working with Egypt to streamline the flow of aid, he had a message for Palestinians in Gaza: “you are not alone.”

21.03.2024 - 22:00 [ David Hearst / Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Israel is dragging the US into a future regional war

Netanyahu’s game plan is now clear: prolong the war as long as possible; seal all the land borders, ending with Rafah; and make the sea the only escape route for Palestinians from Gaza.

Behind the hot words of condemnation, Biden and the EU have thus far played into his hands. The infrastructure for just such a plan is being built before our eyes, with Washington’s willing assistance. (…)

The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus was initiated by Netanyahu, a senior diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post. “Netanyahu took the initiative to establish maritime humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, in collaboration with the Biden administration,” the source said.

The date when this happened is more important than the identity of the scheme’s author. According to this report, Netanyahu outlined his strategy to Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides on 31 October, just three weeks after the Hamas attack, and revisited the matter with Biden on 19 January.

In other words, the floating pier was not a reaction to impending famine. It was part of the planning that created it.

20.03.2024 - 00:05 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Human Rights Organizations Petition High Court: Israel is Preventing the Supply of Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Five Israeli human rights organizations in Israel filed on Monday, March 18, a petition calling on High Court to order the far-right government, Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories to enable access of all humanitarian aid, equipment and staff to Gaza, especially to the north of the Strip; to significantly increase the volume of aid to Gaza, including by opening land crossings between Gaza and Israel, and to provide for all the needs of the civilian population in keeping with Israel’s obligations as the occupying power.

This in light of the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the lethal harm to civilians caused, in part, as a result of Israeli restrictions on access to aid into and throughout the Strip. The petition was filed by Gisha together with HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Physicians for Human Rights Israel, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and Adalah.

18.03.2024 - 18:35 [ International Court of Justice ]


10. Taken together, South Africa’s shrill and repeated submissions also suffer from a more fundamental flaw. They are simply unable to explain how significant measures undertaken continuously by Israel throughout the present hostilities—including various humanitarian initiatives and the ongoing coordination of access to humanitarian supplies, extensive efforts to mitigate civilian harm, a willingness to compromise operational advantage for the benefit of Palestinian civilians (for instance, by advance warning and close quarters combat), humanitarian pauses in fighting, specific directives by the War Cabinet and Israeli Defence Forces addressing the humanitarian situation, and much more—can possibly be reconciled with a genocidal intent to destroy a group in whole or in part. Put differently, which State that is engaged in genocide, or is indifferent to the commission of acts within the scope of Article II of the Convention, works to coordinate humanitarian convoys and airdrops, or facilitates constantly the provision of medical supplies to hospitals, the establishment of field hospitals, and the repair of critical infrastructure damaged in the course of hostilities?

18.03.2024 - 18:25 [ Times of India ]

Israel asks World Court not to order new measures over Gaza hunger

THE HAGUE: Israel has asked the (ICJ) not to issue emergency orders for it to step up humanitarian aid to Gaza to address a looming famine, dismissing South Africa‘s request to do so as „morally repugnant“.
In a legal filing to the United Nations‘ top court, made public on Monday, Israel said it „has real concern for the humanitarian situation and innocent lives, as demonstrated by the actions it has and is taking“ in Gaza during the war.

18.03.2024 - 16:39 [ Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of @UNRWA / Twitter ]

On the day new data is out on famine in #GAZA, the Israeli Authorities deny my entry to Gaza.

-Famine is imminent in the northern Gaza Strip, expected to arrive between now and May.
– Two million people= the entire population of Gaza is facing crisis levels of food insecurity or worse.
– Half the population has completely exhausted food supplies and coping capacities. They are struggling with catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.
– This is the highest number of people ever recorded as facing catastrophic hunger by the IPC system and double the number just three months ago.
– Earlier, UNICEF warned that the # of children under two years old suffering from acute malnutrition has doubled in one month.
– Children are now dying of dehydration & hunger.

@UNRWA has by far the largest presence among all humanitarian organisations in Gaza.
My visit today was supposed to coordinate & improve the humanitarian response.

This man-made starvation under our watch is a stain on our collective humanity.
Too much time was wasted, all land crossings must open now. Famine can be averted with political will.

18.03.2024 - 15:19 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Scholz: Goals of Gaza war do not seem to justify the means

Germany has been one of Israel’s staunch allies in its war against Hamas.

In a manner akin to the Biden administration, Scholz has a stern message for Netanyahu about the IDF’s conduct during the war, particularly its failure to ensure the distribution of aid, which has led to a hunger crisis in Gaza.

18.03.2024 - 14:55 [ ]

Germany can‘t sit by and watch Gaza starve, Scholz tells Netanyahu

„We cannot stand by and risk Palestinian women and men starving. Much more humanitarian aid must reach Gaza, a way must be found to improve the means of distribution,“ Scholz said, as Western nations increase their criticism of ally Israel.

Still, Scholz reaffirmed his belief that Israel „has a right to defend itself“ without addressing whether that same right is extended to Palestinians.

16.03.2024 - 22:00 [ International Court of Justice ]

Proceedings instituted by Nicaragua against Germany on 1 March 2024 – Request for the indication of provisional measures – Public hearings to be held on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April 2024

It is recalled that Nicaragua filed an Application instituting proceedings against Germany concerning alleged violations by Germany of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, “intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law” and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip (see press release 2024/19).

The hearings will be devoted to the request for the indication of provisional measures contained in Nicaragua’s Application. Nicaragua asks the Court to indicate provisional measures as a matter of extreme urgency, pending the Court’s determination on the merits of the case, with respect to Germany’s “participation in the ongoing plausible genocide and serious breaches of international
humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of general international law occurring in the Gaza

16.03.2024 - 21:55 [ Legal Tribune Online ]

Beihilfe zum Völkermord? IGH ver­han­delt Klage gegen Deut­sch­land im April

Am 8. und 9. April wird der Internationale Gerichtshof (IGH) im Verfahren gegen Deutschland verhandeln. Nicaragua wirft der Bundesrepublik Beihilfe zum Völkermord im Gazastreifen vor, indem sie Israel politisch, finanziell und militärisch unterstützt sowie die Mittel für das UN-Palästinenserhilfswerk gestrichen habe.

Im Gazastreifen bestehe seit Oktober 2023 „die anerkannte Gefahr eines Völkermordes am palästinensischen Volk“. Deutschland habe durch seine Unterstützung für Israel gegen seine Verpflichtungen aus der Völkermordkonvention verstoßen, heißt es in der Klage Nicaraguas.

16.03.2024 - 21:20 [ Times of Israel ]

ICJ to hold hearings on Nicaragua’s case accusing Germany of facilitating ‘genocide’ in Gaza

Top UN judges will start listening to submissions next month in the case filed by Nicaragua accusing Berlin of facilitating “genocide” in Gaza because of its support for Israel in the war against Hamas, officials say.

Two weeks ago Nicaragua filed a case against Germany before the International Court of Justice, saying Berlin was “facilitating the commission of genocide and… failed in its obligation to do everything possible to prevent the commission of genocide,” in Gaza.

16.03.2024 - 19:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

A third of children under two in northern Gaza are acutely malnourished, says UN

„Children‘s malnutrition is spreading fast and reaching unprecedented levels in Gaza. Famine is looming. There is no time to waste,“ Unrwa said in a social media post on Saturday.

In recent days, several children have died in Gaza of malnutrition and dehydration.

16.03.2024 - 18:48 [ ]

Gaza war: Dozens killed in overnight strikes in Nuseirat, Rafah as first aid ship arrives

The worst-hit location was Nuseirat, where Israel targeted two family homes, killing at least 36 people, the Palestinian official news agency Wafa said.

Also on Saturday, a US charity said that its team in devastated Gaza had finished unloading the first maritime aid shipment to reach the enclave.

„All cargo was offloaded and is being readied for distribution in Gaza,“ World Central Kitchen said in a statement, noting that the aid was „almost 200 tonnes of food“.

16.03.2024 - 18:33 [ New York Times ]

Another Gaza Aid Convoy Ends in Violence, With at Least 20 Killed

For at least the second time in just over two weeks, a convoy bringing aid to hunger-stricken northern Gaza ended in bloodshed late Thursday when Palestinians were killed and wounded in an attack surrounding the trucks, according to Gazan health officials and the Israeli military, which offered divergent accounts of what happened.

15.03.2024 - 20:20 [ ]

Canada‘s UN ambassador says gangs now control Haiti. What will the international community do?


Haiti is gripped by chaos and disorder, as criminal gangs increasingly assert control over the country. Haiti‘s acting leader, Ariel Henry, is outside the country and attempting to negotiate a way home, even as the United States calls for him to resign and plan elections for a new government.

On Sunday, the U.S. said it had deployed additional security to its embassy in Port-au-Prince and airlifted some non-essential diplomatic staff out of the country.

15.03.2024 - 20:16 [ ]

Haiti: Gangs, Violence and a State in Total Chaos


A few days ago, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made an official visit to Haiti, trying to shed light on the situation for the world to see. Tweeting from Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, Guterres expressed his solidarity with the Haitian people and called for an international response against the lawlessness and violence that has swallowed the country. It is not the time to forget Haiti, he said, but have his words fallen on deaf ears?

15.03.2024 - 20:10 [ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ]

Haiti: Nearly half of the population is facing acute hunger


According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis (March 2023), 4.9 million people in Haiti – nearly half of the country‘s population – are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity. This figure represents an increase of 200 000 people in just five months. And of the total number of people affected, 1.8 million are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) – up from the analyses in the last three years.

14.03.2024 - 16:45 [ ]

UK will continue UNRWA funding suspension despite Gaza famine

The UK government will continue to suspend funding to Palestinian relief works agency UNRWA, the Minister for Development and Africa Andrew Mitchell has said, despite famine gripping Gaza and crippling food shortages.

The US, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Finland, Australia and the Netherlands will also continue their freeze to critical life saving aid to the UN aid agency for Palestinians until an interim report about Israel allegations that UNRWA aid workers were involved in Hamas‘s 7 October attacks is released, the minister said.

14.03.2024 - 15:58 [ Yahia Lababidi / / Mastodon ]

#Israel bombed a #food distribution center run by #UNRWA. Then attacked another area with people waiting for food aid. There‘s also footage of them bombing exact vicinity right after Aid was airdropped.

In addition to more videos of snipers shooting #children.

Yet #Biden administration refuses to withhold Aid or weapons, which they have given to Israel over 100 times in last 5 months without Congressional approval

14.03.2024 - 15:51 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israel strikes UN warehouse in Rafah as famine looms in Gaza

At least five people have been killed in an Israeli attack on a UN aid center in Rafah.

The facility is one of the last operating food distribution centres in Gaza.

12.03.2024 - 17:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

‚Egypt is aiding Israel‘: The Palestinians charged a fortune to escape Gaza‘s war

Ali had to pay $15,000, in what is referred to as a “travel coordination fee”, to a travel agency liaising with an Egyptian state-linked company to allow his family to leave Gaza via the Rafah border crossing in northeastern Egypt.

This is curently the only way for Palestinians who do not have another nationality to cross to Egypt.

The Gaza travel company acts as an intermediary between the Palestinians wishing to leave Gaza and an Egyptian company, Hala, which has a de facto monopoly over the exit of Palestinians via the Rafah crossing.

12.03.2024 - 16:59 [ South China Morning Post ]

‘Disgrace for civilisation’: China repeats call for Gaza ceasefire, peace talks on Middle East and Ukraine

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi repeated calls for international peace talks on Gaza and Ukraine, while reaffirming Beijing’s support for Palestine as he faced the press during the annual meeting of China’s top legislative and political advisory bodies.

Wang’s comments during the “two sessions” on Thursday came as the world closely watches how Beijing weighs in on the twin wars that have had international repercussions.

12.03.2024 - 16:45 [ New York Times ]

The Daily Hunt for Food in Gaza

For two million hungry Gazans, most days bring a difficult search for something to eat.

11.03.2024 - 16:55 [ ]

Gaza enters Ramadan amid Israeli strikes, siege

Israel has continued it‘s bombardment of Gaza on the first day of Ramadan, as hunger persists in the besieged enclave.

Israeli strikes against the Sabra neighbourhood in Gaza city has killed 16 people, according to Palestinian news agency Wafa. Strikes were also reported in Gaza‘s southern city of Rafah.

The strike comes amid low aid flows into the territory, with the situation in north Gaza putting hundreds of thousands on the brink of famine, at least 20 already having died from starvation.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has doubled down on Israel‘s war effort, saying that he intends to press ahead with an invasion of Rafah following Biden‘s comments that such an invasion would be a „red line“.

Israel‘s war on Gaza, which has been ongoing since 7 October, has killed 31,112 Palestinians, injuring a further 72,760.

10.03.2024 - 20:25 [ International Court of Justice ]

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – The Republic of South Africa submits an urgent request for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s prior provisional measures Order and decision

THE HAGUE, 6 March 2024. South Africa today filed an urgent request with the Court for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s Order of 26 January 2024 and decision of 16 February 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel).

In its new request, South Africa states that it is “compelled to return to the Court in light of the new facts and changes in the situation in Gaza — particularly the situation of widespread starvation — brought about by the continuing egregious breaches of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide . . . by the State of Israel . . . and its ongoing manifest violations of the provisional measures indicated by this Court on 26 January 2024”. It requests the Court to indicate further provisional measures and/or to modify the provisional measures indicated it its Order of 26 January 2024, pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 3, and Article 76, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, respectively, “in order urgently to ensure the safety and security of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, including over a million children”. It urges the Court to do so without holding a hearing, in light of the “extreme urgency of the situation”.