Archiv: Arab-Israelis

09.09.2024 - 16:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

My cousin‘s poems were the heartbeat of Palestine. Israel killed him but his words live on

Rashad was killed for his talent and inspiration – for daring to be a voice of hope in a world that so desperately needs it. Israel is not just targeting individuals; it is trying to break us as a people, to erase Palestinian culture, identity and existence.

These efforts at erasure have been ongoing for 76 years, since the Nakba. They have targeted our leaders, intellectuals and artists. Indeed, Rashad’s story is not unique: Israel has killed thousands of Palestinians like him, people who dared to dream of a better world, and to use their talents to inspire others.

I don’t know what to say or do in the face of such grief. Rashad shone so brightly. I will not let his memory fade.

29.04.2024 - 08:52 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Amid Police Provocation, Thousands Gathered in Nazareth to Celebrate May Day

MK Cassif said to journalists, “In spite of the fascist menace and terrorization, we marched today, thousands of Jews and Arabs together, to protest against the criminal massacre in Gaza, the occupation and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, against social injustice, class exploitation and fascism, and for the release of the hostages on the basis of ‘all-for-all’ principle, for social and national equality, democracy, and just peace.”

07.03.2024 - 20:13 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al MKs Meet Jordan’s King, Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza


Three Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers met Monday, March 4, with Jordan’s King Abdullah amid concerns that the Muslim holy month of Ramadan could amplify tensions in occupied East Jerusalem stemming from the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip. MK Ayman Odeh, the head of the parliamentary Hadash-Ta’al alliance, MKs Ahmad Tibi and Youssef Atawneh traveled to Amman and asked the Jordanian monarch to pressure Israel to ensure freedom of worship at the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan and for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

01.02.2024 - 08:53 [ Sally Abed סאלי עבד سالي عبد , Palestinian living in Haifa, Socialist, member of national leadership at Standing Together / Twitter ]

We are at a historic junction as Palestinian people, and we need to fight together, in diverse tactics, acknowledging our diverse realities and challenges – while also holding our one simple truth: We deserve life, dignity, freedom, peace and prosperity in our homeland.

01.02.2024 - 08:40 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا Standing Together / Twitter ]

Statement from Palestinian Members of the National Leadership of Standing Together.

01.02.2024 - 08:31 [ / Twitter ]

Standing Together is a fast-growing grassroots movement in Israel bringing Jews and Arabs together. It confronts the occupation, it protests against the war, it visits the families of hostages. And now a key BDS group is calling to boycott it

31.01.2024 - 18:35 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist Ben Gvir Warns Hadash Leader ‘Next in Line’ to Be Expelled from Knesset

Racist National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir appears to threaten Hadash MK Ayman Odeh with impeachment, tweeting out a picture of him with the message “next in line.” The photo shared by Ben Gvir shows Odeh holding the arm of Khalida Jarrar, a legislator and senior figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as she flashes a victory sign following her release from prison in September 2021. On last December 27, Jarrar was arrested again by occupation forces.

The far-right leader’s message comes hours after members of the Knesset House Committee overwhelmingly supported a motion to expel Hadash-Ta’al party lawmaker Ofer Cassif, voting 14-2 to advance his impeachment to the Knesset plenum following two days of contentious debate. During Tuesday’s debate on Cassif’s impeachment, Hadash-Ta’al MK Ahmad Tibi warned the Communist lawmaker’s ouster would “set a precedent” allowing for the impeachment of “all the Arab MKs in the Knesset.” “This is a black day for the Knesset,” Tibi declares following the vote.

31.01.2024 - 18:30 [ ]

Adalah: Motion to Expel Israeli Knesset Member for Supporting South Africa’s ICJ Case Is Unlawful


Today, the Knesset’s House Committee voted to expel Hadash MK Ofer Cassif, based on his public support for South Africa‘s application to the ICJ accusing Israel of genocide. Adalah: The motion is a deliberate attempt to suppress political dissent against Israel‘s brutal military campaign on Gaza

18.01.2024 - 07:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

Civil rights groups in Israel file petition demanding authorisation for anti-war protests

The petition was filed after the police refused on Tuesday to approve the protest, for the third time.

The petition states that the police‘s refusal to approve the protest „joins the systematic oppression of protests, even small demonstrations, that criticise the combat, its results, and demand a diplomatic solution“.

18.01.2024 - 06:20 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) / Twitter ]

Last night‘s events in Tel Aviv paint a disturbing picture: the Tel Aviv police are becoming highly influenced by Ben Gvir‘s sentiments regarding protestors. From the accounts of demonstrators, including videos and testimonies, it is evident that severe violence, dismantling of signs, political persecution, and incitement against protesters are becoming disturbingly routine.

We urge the Attorney General not to remain silent when the police transform into a political tool, targeting those who dissent from the government‘s stance.

Particularly in times of war, it is crucial to safeguard freedom of expression and the right to protest.

16.12.2023 - 20:15 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

In Haifa, an Arab-Jewish pro-peace rally calls for a deal to ensure the release of all the hostages. „We want them home. With their families, with all of us. It‘s possible.“

11.12.2023 - 16:18 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Police’s Silencing of Hadash Is an Alarming Phase in the Erosion of Democracy, “Haaretz”

“Police’s silencing of Arab-Jewish Hadash front is an alarming phase in the erosion of Israeli democracy,” according today’s (Dec. 10) Haaretz editorial. “The attempt by the Israel Police to prevent a conference by the left-wing Arab and Jewish Hadash front scheduled for next Saturday in Shfaram shows that under the cover of the war, the ‘temporary’ violation of basic rights threatens to become permanent. Israeli Police are trying to prevent a Hadash national convention scheduled for Saturday, December 16, claiming that it would feature ‘inciting speeches that would endanger the public’s well-being.‘”

11.12.2023 - 15:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Police Tries to Prevent Hadash National Convention


According Hadash and CPI, “utterly reject the fascist intimidation acts by the Israeli establishment. We insist on raising our voice against the war and against fascism – courageously and responsibly. We will carry out the congress on the scheduled date. A decision about the location will be reached later. We call on all our activists to take part in our struggle against this persecution of our party and front for its political role.”

“We call on all our cadres, all the Jewish and Arab progressive forces, and the international anti-fascist forces to protest this McCarthyistic persecution, targeting all voices that stand out against this criminal war and against the deterioration of Israel into fascism. This process began before the war, but the government saw its eruption as an occasion to accelerate the attacks on the already diminished democratic space.”

29.11.2023 - 12:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Ben-Gvir’s Police are Arresting Innocent Arabs, Adalah


In the majority of the cases, the indictments included accusations of supporting or identifying with a terrorist organization, according to section 24a of the Law of the Fight Against Terror and accusations of incitement to terrorism according to section 24b of the same law.

According Adalah, Israeli authorities have accused dozens of individuals of “supporting terrorist organizations” or engaging in “incitement to terrorism” for planning protests and expressing their opinions on social media platforms. The posts, interactions, and other means of expression largely fall within the rights protected by freedom of expression. The speech includes opposition to the targeting of civilians in Gaza, expressions of sympathy for the Palestinian people in Gaza, opposition to collective punishment and war crimes, and the dissemination of news about Gaza.

17.11.2023 - 07:20 [ Time Magazine ]

‘They Are Behaving in a Fascist Way:’ An Israeli-Arab Lawmaker on the Stifling of Anti-War Voices

(November 11, 2023)

We told the police that we are going to have this protest, that it’s going to be only leadership, that it’s not going to be a massive demonstration or something like this. The next day, when Barakeh was heading to Nazareth, they arrested him.

How do you interpret these crackdowns? Is this an attempt by the Israeli government to effectively criminalize expressions of Palestinian identity and solidarity?

Not only the Palestinian identity. I think that whatever they couldn’t pass through the judicial overhaul, they are passing now under the cover of the war.

23.10.2023 - 16:25 [ ]

Israeli politician who lost friends in Hamas attack calls for an end to the Gaza bombings

„I have to condemn totally, with no reservation, of course, the terrible slaughter that Hamas carried out against innocent civilians in the south of Israel. There was no justification for such a massacre,“ Cassif, a Jewish member of the Arab-Jewish opposition coalition Hadash-Ta‘al, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

„Having been saying that, there‘s no justification for the carnage that Israel carries out at the moment. Because those who are harmed, assaulted and killed [are] mostly innocent civilians.“

23.10.2023 - 16:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israelis and Palestinians Should Live in Security and Peace, MK Cassif

“I have to condemn totally, with no reservation the terrible slaughter that Hamas carried out against innocent civilians in the south of Israel. There was no justification for such a massacre,” MK Ofer Cassif, (Hadash) told “As It Happens” host Nil Köksal broadcasted by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). “Having been saying that, there’s no justification for the carnage that Israel carries out at the moment. Because those who are harmed, assaulted and killed [are] mostly innocent civilians.” The following is an excerpt from his conversation with Köksal.

20.10.2023 - 00:05 [ Refuser Solidarity Network - ]

Gaza: You can help war resisters make this crisis into a turning point


Our Israeli partners are already publishing clear messages in social media and the press against violent escalation and for using this crisis as a turning point. They are supporting reserve refusers to the war. They are planning and leading protests in the streets. They are taking part in creating civilian de-escalation direct intervention teams, to patrol mixed Arab-Jewish cities, where in similar situations in the past violence erupted between gangs of nationalists.

It’s clear that immediate funds are critically needed to help groups on the ground. Your donations can help in amplifying the voices, messages, and actions of war resisters, in preventing escalation of violence, and in using this moment to build the movement for a just peace.

17.10.2023 - 17:06 [ ]

Where There is Struggle There is HOPE

Standing Together is a grassroots movement mobilizing Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel in pursuit of peace, equality, and social and climate justice. While the minority who benefit from the status quo of occupation and economic inequality seek to keep us divided, we know that we — the majority — have far more in common than that which sets us apart. When we stand together, we are strong enough to fundamentally alter the existing socio-political reality. The future that we want — peace and independence for Israelis and Palestinians, full equality for all citizens, and true social, economic, and environmental justice — is possible. Because where there is struggle, there is hope.

12.10.2023 - 18:21 [ Eylon Levy / Twitter ]

“We are fighting for our lives, for our future, and mostly for the future of our children.” Arab-Israeli TV anchor @lucyaharish interrupted rolling coverage of Hamas’s atrocities against Israelis to make this heartrending appeal to the world. Please listen and share.

12.10.2023 - 18:14 [ Israel ישראל / Twitter ]

Awad Darawshe was a Muslim paramedic who was near the site of the music festival massacre. His friends begged him to leave but he insisted on staying to treat the wounded. He was murdered by Hamas and his ambulance was stolen and driven into the Gaza Strip. A hero. May his memory be a blessing.

01.09.2023 - 12:05 [ Ghadir Hani / Times of Israel ]

Don’t leave me to bear this alone

A few weeks ago, I was among the organizers of the March of the Dead in Tel Aviv. 147 coffins signifying all the Arabs killed this year were carried by young Arab men and women. Many Jews marched with us and along with great sadness we had hope that we were not alone. But for the members of the families – the orphans – this is not enough. In many of these murder cases, the victim’s family live next to the murderer who is not charged by the police because there is a lack of evidence or proof. Imagine a situation where a despicable murderer walks free alongside relatives of the murdered. What human society could allow this to occur?

27.08.2023 - 03:03 [ Haaretz ]

„They Want the Arab Community Submerged in Blood“: Tens of Thousands of Israelis Rally Against Netanyahu‘s Judicial Overhaul for 34th Week in a Row

Protests against the Netanyahu government‘s judicial overhaul efforts took place in cities across Israel on Saturday night, with this week‘s demonstrations shining a spotlight on Israel‘s failure to address rising violence in Arab society.

At the main rally in Tel Aviv, demonstrators walked from Habima Square to Kaplan Street in a protest march against government inaction on the rising number of Arab community homicides. Protesters carried mock coffins to symbolize the 159 Arab Israelis murdered this year.

23.08.2023 - 18:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Ministers pushed canceling municipal elections in Arab towns due to threats

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara rejected the idea, noting that it would violate Arab citizens’ democratic rights.

One of the four victims killed earlier tonight in Abu Snan was running in the upcoming race. The director of Tira gunned down last night was also targeted in a dispute related to the upcoming election.

23.08.2023 - 18:24 [ Times of Israel ]

Shin Bet said to join probe into quadruple murder in Abu Snan

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, whose ministry oversees the police, published a post on his Facebook account on Wednesday morning calling Arab armed gangs “terrorist organizations” with “huge budgets and hundreds of thousands of weapons at their disposal, including millions of bullets, explosive charges, and grenade launchers.”

Ben Gvir warned that such “militias” will soon direct their attacks against the State of Israel, and called once again for the establishment of a national guard to prevent local crime.

23.08.2023 - 18:12 [ Haaretz ]

In Arab-Israeli Town, Shocked Residents Demand Answers

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23.08.2023 - 18:09 [ ]

Fear and disbelief in Arab-Israeli town after shocking quadruple murder

Four men were shot at point-blank range. Among them was Ghazi Sa’ab, a well-known member of the community, a former border police officer, and a candidate for the head of the local council.

Police say the quadruple murder was planned in advance, carried out only two hours after Sa’ab launched his municipal campaign. The four victims were standing in an olive grove near one of the entrances to the town when a squad of assassins drove up to them, exited the car, and shot them.

19.08.2023 - 21:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Head of doctors’ protests says Israel in a ‘dystopic reality’

“Health workers in Israel oppose discrimination in treatment. We are currently in a dystopic reality. The Israeli government is controlled by dangerous extremists that support discrimination against women, the elderly, Arabs, secular people and homosexuals,” Levine who is also chairman of the country’s Association of Public Health Physicians, says.

10.08.2023 - 14:20 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Okays ‘Sexual Terrorism’ Racist Law


Sponsored by a group of lawmakers led by MK Limor Son Har Melech, from the racist coalition faction Otzma Yehudit, and MK Yulia Malinovsky from right-wing opposition party Yisrael Beytenu, the new law marked a rare case of cross-Knesset alignment and passed 39 to 7 on its final reading.

Sharp criticism of the law quickly came in from Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers and Israel’s rape crisis center umbrella organization, with both alleging the law improperly creates a ranking of the severity of such crimes. Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman, a former head of the Knesset’s Women’s Status Committee, told the Knesset: “Do not punish according to hierarchies and classifications.” “Shame on these laws,” she continued, tweeting after the law passed, “Don’t promote racism on the backs of victims!”

09.08.2023 - 13:57 [ Association for Civil Rights Israel (ACRI) ]

Who we are

The Association for Civil Rights Israel (ACRI) is the oldest and most influential civil and human rights organization in Israel. Founded in 1972, ACRI is the only NGO in Israel advocating across the broad spectrum of human rights and civil liberties for everyone living in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Our strategic focus areas include: social and economic rights, civil and political rights, Arab society, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and migrants, refugees and statusless peoples.

09.08.2023 - 13:32 [ ]

Mission, Strategic Litigation, International Advocacy

Adalah (“Justice” in Arabic) is an independent human rights organization and legal center. It was founded in November 1996 as a joint project of two leading Arab NGOs – The Galilee Society and the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA), and it became an independent NGO in 1997.

Adalah’s mission is to promote human rights in Israel in general and the rights of the Palestinian minority, citizens of Israel, in particular (around 1.5 million people, or 20% of the population). This work also includes promoting and defending the human rights of all individuals subject to the jurisdiction of the State of Israel (e.g. Palestinian residents of the OPT).

28.05.2023 - 12:05 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Cabinet Ministers in Race to See Who Is Most Fascist

The sixth Netanyahu government is beginning to look like a totalitarian caricature. There is almost no move associated with totalitarianism that has not been proposed by one of its extremist members and adopted by the rest of the incompetents it comprises, in their competition to see who can be more fully full fascist.

17.04.2023 - 18:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Ben Gvir Demands a Fascist Militia, ACRI Demands to Stop It

“As Israel moves closer to become a dictatorship, Ben Gvir, the Minister of National Security demands grow louder to have his own nationalist militia guard,” said the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI).

ACRI contacted Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to point out that this dangerous intention should be stopped immediately: “The national guard he dreams of creating is called ‘Return of the Governance’ and he does not even try to hide its true purpose. His aim is to create a nationalist guard that will serve his racist agenda directly, targeting pro-democracy protesters and Arab citizens alike.”

09.04.2023 - 06:31 [ Haaretz ]

Tel Aviv Ramming That Killed One and Injured Seven Was Terror Attack Not Accident, Israeli Police Say

The Abu Jaber family has requested to see additional documentation from the incident, including the policeman‘s body camera footage and footage from security cameras. Police are not releasing the recordings. Omar claims „the police have changed their version [of the story] more than once, and so has the Magen David Adom emergency services – who we [citizens] trust.“ According to Omar, initially, MDA said someone had been shot in the attack, „which adds ambiguity,“ claimed Yousef had a weapon in his car and then later said it was a weapon-like object, and said the Italian tourist had been shot but later denied it. „We still haven‘t seen the toy-gun yet,“ Omar added.

04.04.2023 - 21:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Police Chief: ‚Arabs Murder Each Other. It‘s in Their Nature‘


Reportedly, Shabtai said the remarks in a private meeting with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which took place after an Israeli Arab was murdered and dealt with the fight against crime in Arab society along with the establishment of a national guard.

In the recorded conversation, Ben-Gvir is heard saying after the murder: „Another murder and another murder – this crosses the line. We need a strong national guard.“ Shabtai then replied to him: „There‘s nothing we can do. They murder each other. It‘s in their nature. That‘s the mentality of the Arabs.“

11.01.2023 - 16:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al Chair Odeh Accuses Lapid of Constantly Lying

Hadash-Ta’al MK Ayman Odeh accuses liberal opposition leader MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) of “constantly lying,” pointing to comments he made earlier today saying the Arab-Jewish list is working together with Likud. “He knows that it doesn’t have a grain of truth, that it’s all lies,” Odeh says Monday at a faction meeting in the Knesset of the Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction. “You didn’t succeed in leading your camp in the election, you’re not succeeding in leading the opposition,” Odeh says to Lapid. “You got used to the ‘nice Arab,” therefore it’s hard for you to deal with Arabs with a backbone.”

21.12.2022 - 02:42 [ Haaretz ]

Stop Persecuting Palestinian Rapper, Tamer Nafar

On Saturday, police in Haifa detained for questioning three Arab protesters who waved Palestinian flags and, on the same day, other police stopped a performance by the Palestinian rapper Tamer Nafar in the Christmas Market in the village of Kafr Yasif, claiming that his songs incite the state (See page 3).

These events are serious. They signal a change for the worse in the attitude, bad to begin with, toward the Palestinian minority, and they seem to be an attempt to criminalize Palestinian identity. The song that led police to stop Nafar’s show was “Salam Ya Sakhbi” – about violence in Arab society.

19.12.2022 - 03:04 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

As a Dangerous Government Takes Over Israel, Top Hadash Leader See an Opportunity


“At times like these, we must see the silver lining from an unfortunate situation. There is a new horizon we haven’t seen before,” said Odeh, speaking with Haaretz in his Washington hotel suite ahead of addressing J Street’s annual conference last week. Odeh said he began discussing such a renewal with figures in Meretz and Labor immediately after the election and promised that “in the next few months, the level of Jewish-Arab partnership will grow immensely.”

03.12.2022 - 02:18 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Lust for Power Revealed in All Its Sickening Glory

To paraphrase Ben-Gurion: Every Hebrew mother should know that she has placed her children’s fate in the hands of a prime minister, other politicians and a school system that are unworthy of it. If there was ever a justification for a civil rebellion (not violent, but also not so polite and photogenic as the social protests of the summer of 2011), here it is – in all its sickening glory.

20.11.2022 - 15:36 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Islamist Ra’am Will ‘Leave Door Open to Dialogue’ With Incoming Far-right Coalition


The Islamist Ra’am party stressed on Sunday that although it sits in the opposition, it will not necessarily vote in line with the bloc that opposes incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and will keep the channels of communications open with the next far-right and racist coalition, specifically when it comes to matters that concern Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel.

04.11.2022 - 09:56 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: Our Public Will Stand Firm Against Fascism and Racism.

While the pro-Netanyahu bloc is slated to expand to 65 seats in the Knesset following yesterday’s election, Channel 12 reports that it only received 8,189 more votes than the anti-Netanyahu bloc. However, because Arab Balad party and possibly Zionist Meretz failed to cross the threshold, their votes were scattered to other parties rather than being redistributed to the anti-Netanyahu bloc, which is slated to end with just 55 seats in the Knesset. Both blocs won roughly 50% of the vote, though the final tallies are not yet available.

31.10.2022 - 18:16 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Final 3 TV Polls Show Far-right Bloc One Seat Short of Majority

Hadash-Ta’al joint list, led by MKs Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi, held a press conference in Shefa-Amr (Shfaram) on Saturday calling on democratic Jewish Israelis to vote for them. “Your vote is important. We have a clear leftist platform; clear ethical positions that many of you can identify with,” Odeh said.

Odeh and Tibi defined it as an “emergency press conference” in order to encourage Arab citizens to vote, after the last polls showed that less than 50% are intending to do so.

27.10.2022 - 02:53 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: The Right’s Only Hope for Victory is To Suppress Arab Votes

The Hadash and Ta’al list led by Knesset members Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi, released a new election campaign video urging the Arab public to vote in the elections in order to stop the right-wing parties’ intention to carry out a new Nakba.

02.10.2022 - 15:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al Slams Lapid, Michaeli for Refusing to Block Barring of Arab Parties

Hadash-Ta’al commented on the Central Election Commission’s decision to disqualify Balad’s candidacy for the 25th Knesset. “The decision to disqualify Balad is an unfortunate decision. [Benny] Gantz, [Yair] Lapid and [Meirav] Michaeli proved that they are right-wing in disguise. Despite the anger of the racists who want to keep the Arabs away from the polling stations, on election day we all flock to the polling stations.”

02.10.2022 - 15:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Elections panel blocks Balad party’s run for Knesset, against AG’s advice

Balad and several of its lawmakers have been disqualified by past elections panels, and have so far won every appeal to the High Court to be reinstated. The party is expected to make a similar appeal to return to November’s contest following Thursday’s disqualification.

Earlier on Thursday, Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara released a letter to the committee stating that there was no basis for disqualifying either Balad or the Islamist Ra’am party. The panel ultimately cleared Ra’am’s path to the ballot box, dismissing petitions that alleged the party supported terrorist organizations.

02.10.2022 - 15:33 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel: Balad banned from election run, Ra‘am qualifies


Despite appeals filed alleging that Ra‘am „supports terrorism,“ the vote to allow their running passed 14-0, with representatives from Likud, the Religious Zionist Party, Yesh Atid, and Labor not present.
Israel‘s Defense Minister Benny Gantz of the National Unity Party ruled on Thursday that all of his party representatives on the election committee will vote to disqualify Balad from running for parliament.

14.08.2022 - 22:57 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash Elects First Candidates for Its List for the Knesset Elections

Hadash’s electoral platform calls for: an end to Israel’s occupation of all Palestinian territories conquered in the June 1967 war as well as the Golan Heights taken from Syria, and for achieving a just, comprehensive, and stable peace between Israel and an independent Palestinian state to be created in those same occupied Palestinian territories; the protection of workers’ rights; the development of advanced and egalitarian social services (health, education, housing, welfare, culture, and sports), and for full equality for the Arab-Palestinian national minority in Israel.

Among Hadash’s additional goals are: the eradication of ethnic discrimination in all fields; the defense of the interests of residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods and development towns; the protection of democratic freedoms in Israeli society; full equality between the sexes in all fields; the protection of the environment and environmental justice; and the eradication of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in Israel and throughout the Middle East.

24.05.2022 - 03:59 [ Haaretz ]

A Warning From Israel‘s Left

We shouldn’t downplay the threat posed by a return to power by Netanyahu, a criminal defendant who caused great damage to the fabric of Israeli life, undermined its democratic institutions, eroded its values and is willing to cooperate with Kahanists to regain power. But this threat should not obscure the substance of Rinawie Zoabi’s arguments, which deserve serious attention. Not every abomination can be koshered by citing Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotric

17.01.2022 - 16:24 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist ‘Citizenship Law’ Advances, Months after Ban on Palestinian Spouses Lapsed

The bill was rejected by the Knesset plenum six months ago, and since then, Shaked has struggled to obtain a majority. Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) said he was determined to prevent its passage. “We toppled the Citizenship Law, because we oppose racist, anti-democratic legislation”, Odeh said. “We will do everything we can to topple it again.” According to Hadash MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), “This Israeli law is racist, collective, pre-emptive punishment. It can neither be justified, nor redeemed.” The Joint List also oppose Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s bill on drafting yeshiva students. All parties in the coalition support the bill, including Islamist Ra’am (United Arab List).