Daily Archives: 24. März 2021

24.03.2021 - 23:09 [ Ulla Jelpke / junge Welt ]

Bedingte Pressefreiheit

Das Problem der Feindeslisten darf nicht bagatellisiert werden, aber der »Lösungsansatz« der Bundesregierung beschränkt sich nicht auf den Schutz bedrohter Aktivisten. Er folgt vielmehr der Tendenz der Sicherheitspolitik der vergangenen Jahre, Handlungen, die an sich legal sind, dann zu sanktionieren, wenn sie von Leuten mit der »falschen« politischen Gesinnung begangen werden. Zudem bekäme der Verfassungsschutz weitgehende Definitionsmacht über die Grenzen von Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit. Er ist es, der das Label »extremistisch« an politische Gruppierungen vergibt.

24.03.2021 - 23:05 [ Buenos Aires Times ]

Argentina pauses to reflect and remember victims of military dictatorship

On Wednesday, Argentina will pause for a public holiday to mark the Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia („National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice“), as citizens across the country remember the victims of the brutal military dictatorship – the self-styled „Process of National Reorganisation“ – which usurped the state and government between March 24, 1976, and December 10, 1983.

24.03.2021 - 22:01 [ Buenos Aires Times ]

Argentina quits Lima Group, saying its work has ‘led to nothing’

Detailing its position on Wednesday, Argentina’s government said it agreed with the group’s mission statement but not the 2019 acceptance of Guaidó and his interim government as a member of the bloc. Buenos Aires said it opposed the “participation of a sector of the Venezuelan opposition as one more member of the Lima Group,” which it claimed had led to the group adopting positions Argentina could not support.

24.03.2021 - 21:19 [ Law Blog ]

Unantastbare Rechte

Der um sich greifenden Blockwartmentalität bei der Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie verpasst das Oberlandesgericht Koblenz einen Dämpfer. Nicht jedes Zusammentreffen von Personen ist laut dem Gericht eine „Ansammlung“, die ein Bußgeld nach sich zieht.

24.03.2021 - 19:55 [ ORF.at ]

Israel-Wahl: Kleinpartei als Zünglein an der Waage

Likud bleibt zwar mit 30 Mandaten die stärkste politische Kraft, aber selbst mit seinem ultrarechten Rivalen Naftali Bennett von der Jamina-Partei käme sein Lager nur auf 59 von 120 Mandaten. Die arabische Partei Ra’am schafft die 3,25-Prozent-Hürde und ist nun Zünglein an der Waage.

Ra’am erhält fünf Mandate.

24.03.2021 - 18:16 [ Süddeutsche.de ]

„Wir können so nicht weitermachen“

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hatte am Vormittag den Ministerpräsidenten mitgeteilt, dass sie das Vorhaben zurückziehe, von Gründonnerstag bis Ostermontag dem Land eine fünftägige Ruhepause zu verordnen. Dies hatte sie ursprünglich zusammen mit der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz (MPK) in der Nacht zum Dienstag beschlossen, dabei blieben allerdings viele Detailfragen offen – etwa die genaue Feiertagsregelung.

24.03.2021 - 18:11 [ Achse des Guten ]

Das Wörterbuch zum Merkel-Gedächtnistag

Das Fass scheint übergelaufen zu sein. Die Rückmeldungen, die die Parlamentarier der CDU-CSU auf die neuerlichen Beschlüsse vom Volke erhalten haben, müssen verheerend gewesen sein.

Die „Entschuldigung“, die Angela-Merkel heute dem staunenden Volk präsentierte, erfolgt nicht aus freien Stücken. Es geht wohl eher darum, das Heft des Handelns in der Hand zu behalten. Bemerkenswert waren bei ihren Einlassungen mehrere Aspekte.

24.03.2021 - 17:48 [ pep.foundation ]

p≡p council

Rena Tangens
Volker Birk
Berna Alp
Hernani Marques

24.03.2021 - 17:44 [ Apple App Store ]

pEp Email with Encryptio‪n‬

pEp is an email client for all kind of E-Mail accounts.

With pEp you organize all your existing mailboxes like iCloud, Gmail, Outlook, Office365, Yahoo, AOL, IMAP or Exchange in one single iOS app.

24.03.2021 - 17:42 [ Google Play ]

p≡p – The pEp email client with Encryption

With pEp you organize all your existing mailboxes like Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Office365, Yahoo, AOL, IMAP or Exchange in one single Android app.

24.03.2021 - 17:40 [ pep.security ]

Privacy by Default: p=p security

Support for all established encryption methods. And all your devices. Fully automatic. For your peace of mind. And your convenience.

24.03.2021 - 16:03 [ Browserleaks.com ]

SSL/TLS Client Test

The page shows the SSL/TLS capabilities of your web browser, determines supported TLS protocols and cipher suites and marks if any of them are weak or insecure, displays a list of supported TLS extensions and key exchange groups

24.03.2021 - 16:01 [ tenable.force.com ]

How to check for TLS version 1.3 in Linux, Windows, and Chrome

(Dec 8, 2020)

Due to the retirement of OpenSSL v1.0.2 from support. This will result in the addition of support for TLS v1.3 and its cipher suites, as well as 37 new cipher suites for TLS v1.2. There are several performance and security enhancements in TLS v1.3 when upgraded products are at both ends of the connection.

24.03.2021 - 15:35 [ theWindowsClub.com ]

How to enable or disable TLS 1.3 in Windows 10

– Type inetcpl.cpl in the Run prompt (Win + R) and press the Enter key
– It will open the Internet Properties window. Switch to the Advanced section
– Under the security section, check the box against TLS 1.3
– Restart the browser

24.03.2021 - 15:12 [ LinuxSecurity.com ]

6 ways HTTP/3 benefits security (and 7 serious concerns)

(29 Jun 2020)

HTTP3, the third official version of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), will not use the transmission control protocol (TCP) as did its predecessors. Instead, it uses the quick UDP internet connections (QUIC) protocol developed by Google in 2012.

24.03.2021 - 15:08 [ Jake Miller / labs.bishopfox.com ]

h2c Smuggling: Request Smuggling Via HTTP/2 Cleartext (h2c)

(Sep 8, 2020)

The revival of HTTP request smuggling has led to devastating vulnerabilities in our modern application deployments. An HTTP request smuggled past the validation of an edge server can lead to serious consequences, including forged internal headers, access to internal management endpoints, and a variety of opportunities for privilege escalation.

HTTP/2 (or HTTP/3) is a promising solution to the issues we’ve faced with request smuggling, but support for HTTP/1.1 isn’t going away anytime soon. In the meantime, we’re still in for more surprises from our good friend HTTP/1.1.

In this post, I demonstrate how upgrading HTTP/1.1 connections to lesser-known HTTP/2 over cleartext (h2c) connections can allow a bypass of reverse proxy access controls, and lead to long-lived, unrestricted HTTP traffic directly to back-end servers.

24.03.2021 - 13:52 [ New York Times ]

After 4th Vote in 2 Years, Israelis Wonder: When Will the Political Morass End?

Official final results are not expected before Friday. But the partial tallies suggested that both Mr. Netanyahu’s alliance and its opponents would need the support of a small, Islamist Arab party, Raam, to form a majority coalition.

24.03.2021 - 12:58 [ Anshel Pfeffer, @haaretz writer / Twitter ]

Bottom line of yesterday’s election – 57 percent of Israelis voted for parties calling to replace Netanyahu. That doesn’t mean Netanyahu can’t somehow find a way to form a bizarre coalition with the support of Jewish supremacists and Islamists, but it’s still a clear rejection.

24.03.2021 - 12:51 [ Jonathan Shamir / Twitter ]

The Israeli Labor Party. Their former leader, Shelly Yachimovich, said on Kan 11: It is better (!) that Ibtisam Mara‘ana, a Palestinian Arab woman in 7th place on their list, didn‘t get a seat because she would be a problem for their potential coalition partners

24.03.2021 - 12:43 [ Ynetnews,com ]

IDF reports 20-year high in military voter turnout

Military spokesperson says 77% of eligible voters had cast their vote, while the voter turnout in the general public stood at only 67.2%;

24.03.2021 - 12:38 [ Henry Olsen / Twitter ]

Last tweet of the night. Likud‘s claim it would get more Arab votes is being proven true. Arab turnout is way down from 2020 but the number of Likud votes in Arab areas is up, which means its percentage of the Arab vote is way up. Might be enough to save Bibi.

(7 hours ago)

24.03.2021 - 12:13 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election Results: Arab Political Alliance Failed to Gauge Voters‘ Anger, Frustration

It seems that the breakup of the Joint List persuaded Arab citizens to vote with their feet and stay home

24.03.2021 - 12:05 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election Results: Kahanist Racism, Homophobia Enter Knesset After Far-right Party‘s Strong Showing

In the final days before the election, the Religious Zionist Party, headed by Bezalel Smotrich was viewed as being in danger of falling below the electoral threshold of four Knesset seats.

24.03.2021 - 11:41 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Likud MKs fight over potential cooperation with United Arab List

While some Likud members of Knesset see a potential in the Arab party Ra‘am, that managed to reach the threshold, others cannot fathom such cooperation.

24.03.2021 - 11:28 [ Haaretz ]

‚Not in Anyone‘s Pocket‘: Islamist Party Leader Not Ruling Out Joining Netanyahu After Surprising Election Result

United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas said Wednesday that he is not „obligated to any bloc or any candidate,“ after the Islamist party surpassed the electoral threshold, with almost 90 percent of the vote counted in Israel‘s unprecedented fourth election in under two years.

24.03.2021 - 10:47 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Triage-Software in Notaufnahmen: Der nächste Schnellschuss aus dem Hause Spahn

Das Gesundheitsministerium will eine Software einführen, die Notfälle in den Krankenhäusern sortieren soll. Doch Ärzteschaft und Fachgesellschaften fürchten um die Sicherheit der Patient:innen.

24.03.2021 - 10:19 [ ZDF ]

Wie könnte Netanjahu eine Regierungsbildung gelingen?

Coronabedingt dürfte es noch bis zum Wochenende dauern, bis das vorläufige Endergebnis vorliegt. Die Auszählung der Stimmen von Soldaten, Diplomaten, Häftlingen und Corona-Kranken soll erst Mittwochabend beginnen.

24.03.2021 - 10:06 [ teleSUR ]

Honduras: Indigenous Activist Carlos Cerro Shot Dead

Cerro was a leader of the Indigenous Lenca people and coordinated the movement United Communities, which brings together residents from the surroundings of Ulua de Chinda and San Antonio Cortes rivers as they fight against the El Tornillito hydroelectric project in the area.

24.03.2021 - 09:57 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil: Supreme Court Rules Lula Was Treated Unfairly by Moro

A Supreme Court justice ruled on Tuesday in a tie-breaking vote that former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio ‚Lula‘ da Silva was mistreated by former Judge Sergio Moro, who oversaw corruption embezzlement investigations against the popular leftist leader.

24.03.2021 - 09:55 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

US-Militärs besorgt: China und Russland verstärkt in Lateinamerika präsent

Faller und Studeman beklagen, dass beide Nationen seit Ausbruch der Covid-19 Pandemie durch Hilfslieferungen und die Versorgung mit Impfstoffen zu viel an politischem Einfluss in der Region gewonnen hätten. Mit diesem neu gewonnenen Vertrauen würden sie zudem Exklusivverträge für die Bereitstellung der G5-Technologie in den Ländern ergattern.

24.03.2021 - 09:47 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mexiko: Frauenorganisation fordert Stopp von Ölpalmen-Monokultur in Chiapas

Aktivistinnen des Bundesstaats Chiapas beklagen Verstöße gegen fundamentale Menschenrechte und machen sich für ein Ende von Monokulturprojekten stark.