Archiv: little brother / Big Brother (and MAYBE Big Sister) Situation

12:57 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s Lapid to meet top US administration officials in Washington

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid is set to meet with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan during his visit to the country on Monday, his office said in a statement.

10.09.2024 - 20:10 [ U.S. State Department ]

Secretary Antony J. Blinken And United Kingdom Foreign Secretary David Lammy Joint Press Availability

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Foreign Secretary. Secretary Blinken, could I ask you about a couple of aspects on the Middle East? The Israel Defense Forces just a moment ago released an investigation, or released a preliminary – some preliminary findings to the death of an American citizen, Ms. Aysenur Eygi. Could you say – they said that she was killed most likely by Israeli fire, but unintentionally. Are you confident of that assessment? Does the United States want to see anything further? Are you confident with the assessment that this was unintentional, and what more do you want Israel to do? Could there be repercussions?

For both of you, could I ask you about the International Criminal Court? The – it seems that in the coming days there could be a formal decision on whether to seek an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu, among others. Mr. Foreign Secretary, the Labor government, of course, has taken a slightly different stance from your predecessors, from the Conservatives, on this. Could you say what your position is, whether you support going ahead? And is there unity between the two allies on this? Thank you.

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Shaun, thank you very much. With regard to the tragic killing of Aysenur, I think what we saw of this investigation is it seems to show what eyewitnesses have said and made clear: that her killing was both unprovoked and unjustified. No one – no one – should be shot and killed for attending a protest. No one should have to put their life at risk just for freely expressing their views.

In our judgment, Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes in the way that they operate in the West Bank, including changes to their rules of engagement. We’ve long seen reports of the security forces looking the other way when extremist settlers use violence against Palestinians. We’ve seen reports of excessive force by Israeli security forces against Palestinians. And now we have the second American citizen killed at the hands of Israeli security forces. It’s not acceptable. It has to change. And we’ll be making that clear to the senior-most members of the Israeli Government.

Now, we’re looking carefully at the results of this investigation, but even on an initial read and even accepting it at face value, it’s clear that there are serious issues that need to be dealt with. And we will insist that they be dealt with.

FOREIGN SECRETARY LAMMY: I think the important thing to stress in great democracies such as ours is our belief in the separation of powers. There is an important forum for lawyers and the judiciary and our courts, and then there is also an important forum for politicians and those who represent the people.

We’ve always been clear in the UK in our belief in the international rule of law, the rules-based order, and in IHL issues which are fundamentally important. And we took a decision last week in relation to arms exports that were quasi-legal on the basis of our law as they stand. We believe in international law, we believe in the Statute of Rome, but these must be decisions for the international courts to determine. I don’t want to comment on the assessment that they will reach. I’m qualified as a lawyer in part because of the great Harvard Law School. But I’m going to leave it to the lawyers to determine these very complex matters.



10.09.2024 - 19:50 [ CNN ]

Blinken slams Israel after IDF says its forces likely shot slain American activist

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has called for “fundamental changes” to the way Israeli forces operate in the occupied West Bank after the killing of American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi at a protest last week.

Blinken’s sharply worded rebuke came after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Tuesday that it was “highly likely” that Eygi was “hit indirectly and unintentionally by IDF fire.”

09.09.2024 - 18:00 [ ]

Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

Demoralized by the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, Palestinian American Samia Assed found in Vice President Kamala Harris’ ascension — and her running mate pick — “a little ray of hope.”

That hope, she said, shattered during last month’s Democratic National Convention, where a request for a Palestinian American speaker was denied and listening to Harris left her feeling like the Democratic presidential nominee will continue the U.S. policies that have outraged many in the anti-war camp.

07.09.2024 - 17:51 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

07.09.2024 - 17:39 [ Fox News ]

Netanyahu says security in Gaza is critical to stop Hamas smuggling hostages into Iran: ‚lost forever‘

According to Netanyahu, the best way to prevent these Hamas hostage smuggling efforts is through maintaining the contested Philadelphi Route – a security corridor that runs between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

07.09.2024 - 17:15 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu is unequivocal about ceasefire and hostage agreement with Hamas: ‘There’s not a deal in the making’

(September 5, 2024)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday was as clear as he has ever been that he does not believe a ceasefire and hostage deal is likely in Gaza in a sharp rebuke to the Biden administration’s insistence it’s close at hand.

“There’s not a deal in the making,” Netanyahu told Fox News. “Unfortunately, it’s not close.”

07.09.2024 - 17:00 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu derailed a potential Gaza hostage deal in July, Israeli newspaper reports

)September 4, 2024)

The report lends credence to charges often leveled at the prime minister – most notably by hostage families – of purposefully prolonging the war and torpedoing deals for his political benefit. Far-right members of Netanyahu’s coalition have pledged to bring down the government should he end the war.

Several news outlets, including CNN, have reported on the late July demands made by Netanyahu, but this is the first time the Israeli document has been obtained in full.

07.09.2024 - 16:26 [ U.S. Senator Patty Murray ]

Senator Murray Statement on the Death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

“I am heartbroken and angry about the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American citizen, in the West Bank today, who was reportedly peacefully protesting against illegal settlement activity. The government of Israel must deliver answers immediately and hold the perpetrators of this killing accountable. I will be in close touch with the Biden administration to press the Israeli government for full transparency and accountability. My heart is with Aysenur’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.

“Moreover, Israel must take swift action to put an end to the illegal settler-driven violence that has escalated to a dangerous level in the West Bank. Extremist settler violence in the West Bank, and the associated, ongoing expansion of illegal settlements and outposts, must come to an end—it is important for Israel’s own security and the stability of the entire region.”

07.09.2024 - 16:12 [ ]

Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?

Earlier this year, two 17-year-old Palestinian Americans were killed in the West Bank: Tawfic Abdel Jabbar, a Louisiana native who was shot in January by an off-duty Israeli officer and a settler, and Mohammad Khdour, a high school senior from Florida who was shot in the head by an Israeli gunman several weeks later. In both cases, the U.S. government decried the killings but have yet to launch investigations.

07.09.2024 - 15:55 [ Anadolu English / Youtube ]

Saif Sharabati, friend of activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi killed by Israel, recalls their last phone call


07.09.2024 - 15:43 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

Footage shows moments after American woman fatally shot in the West Bank

Eygi was a volunteer with the anti-occupation International Solidarity Movement. Witnesses and Palestinian officials said she was shot by Israeli troops.

07.09.2024 - 15:38 [ ]

Recent University of Washington graduate killed during protest in West Bank

UW Professor Aria Fani told KOMO News Eygi graduated from the university in June and said she had studied psychology and Middle Eastern languages and cultures. He described Eygi as kind-hearted and deeply curious.

“She had smiling eyes that just recognized the humanity of whoever she spoke with,” Fani said. “She had earned the admiration and respect of all of her peers and professors.”

07.09.2024 - 15:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

CIA and MI6 say agencies are ‚working tirelessly‘ towards ceasefire

In an opinion piece for the Financial Times, CIA director Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore said…

07.09.2024 - 15:05 [ Newsweek ]

Kamala Harris Had Her Worst Week Since Joe Biden Stepped Aside

T.J. McCormack, a Republican communications specialist, said that after a „stratospheric liftoff“ to her campaign, any „less-than-stellar few days would constitute a bad week“ for the vice president.

For a coddled candidate the real world can be a terrible thing, especially when that world has several multi-front wars, murdered hostages and polling firms carving up swing states with scalpels,“ McCormack told Newsweek. „Kamala loved the big stage, now she‘s in the trenches.“

02.09.2024 - 22:26 [ ]

Why are American Jewish institutions ignoring the hostage families?

(July 7, 2024)

There are exceptions of course. The Reform Movement issued a statement supporting President Joe Biden’s announcement of a potential ceasefire and hostage release plan, and calling on Netanyahu to accept it. T’ruah, the organization I lead, has been clear in our calls for a bilateral ceasefire that brings home the hostages and ends the war. Ditto our partners in the Progressive Israel Network, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now, New York Jewish Agenda and New Israel Fund.

But many of the largest Jewish organizations, including legacy groups such as Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have decoupled calls to “Bring them Home” from any talk of ending the war, and have refrained from placing any blame on the Israeli government.

02.09.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

31.08.2024 - 21:03 [ CodePink ]

Tell the Women of the Senate: Arms Embargo NOW!

During the DNC in Chicago, we made our demand for an arms embargo on Israel clear. Time and time again, we heard politicians — including Sen. Tammy Duckworth who told us back in October that she would continue sending weapons to Israel — posing as advocates for women and reproductive rights while arming Israel. They can’t hide from one undeniable fact: Genocide is not feminist.

Send a letter to the women of the Senate below and tell them: We Need an Arms Embargo on Israel NOW!

30.08.2024 - 09:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

US largely silent on Israel‘s West Bank assault as ally Jordan gets rattled

A State Department spokesperson told MEE that Washington recognises „Israel’s very real security needs, which includes countering terrorist activity in the West Bank“.

„At the same time, we continue to insist that Israeli authorities take measures to protect all civilians from harm,“ the spokesperson said.

09.05.2024 - 08:16 [ CNN ]

Biden says he will stop sending bombs and artillery shells to Israel if it launches major invasion of Rafah

The president’s announcement that he was prepared to condition American weaponry on Israel’s actions amounts to a turning point in the seven-month conflict between Israel and Hamas. And his acknowledgement that American bombs had been used to kill civilians in Gaza was a stark recognition of the United States’ role in the war.

The president has come under extraordinary pressure, including from members of his own party, to limit shipments of arms amid a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

09.05.2024 - 08:10 [ ]

Drohung von Präsident Biden: USA wollen keine Waffen für Großangriff auf Rafah liefern

In dem CNN-Interview wurde Biden gefragt, ob mit dem Typ an US-Bomben, deren Lieferung vorerst auf Eis liege, Zivilisten in Gaza getötet worden seien. Biden sagte dazu: „Zivilisten wurden im Gazastreifen infolge dieser Bomben und anderer Methoden, mit denen sie Bevölkerungszentren angreifen, getötet.“

Biden machte zugleich deutlich, die US-Regierung werde weiter sicherstellen, dass Israel ausreichend militärische Ausrüstung zur eigenen Verteidigung habe, etwa das Raketenabwehrsystems Iron Dome.

28.04.2024 - 08:29 [ Times of Isrel ]

Israel, US said working to prevent ICC arrest warrants against Netanyahu

According to reports in several Israeli media, the United States is part of a last-ditch diplomatic effort to prevent the International Criminal Court from issuing arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

28.04.2024 - 08:20 [ ]

US Won’t Sanction Israeli Military Units That Committed ‘Gross Human Rights Violations’

Blinken claimed that Tel Aviv had taken steps towards accountability and clarified the finding that five Israeli units committed “gross human rights violations” would have no impact on US aid to Israel.

The Israeli government has presented new information regarding the status of the unit and we will engage on identifying a path to effective remediation for this unit,” Blinken wrote.

27.04.2024 - 03:09 [ Jacobin Magazine ]

Israelism Is a Powerful Indictment of Pro-Apartheid Indoctrination

(June 22, 2023)

After the movie was over, Simone Zimmerman and director Eric Axelman sat on the edge of the stage and took questions from the audience. One of the questions was from a Palestinian-American man who asked about how to respond to people who took offense when phrases like “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” were used to describe the treatment of Palestinians.

In his response, Axelman pointed out that recent polling shows that more than a third of American Jews under the age of forty agree with the statement, “Israel is an apartheid state.” The message is starting to get through. It’s about time.

27.04.2024 - 02:55 [ ]


Two young American Jews – Simone Zimmerman and Eitan – are raised to defend the state of Israel at all costs. Eitan joins the Israeli military. Simone supports Israel on ‘the other battlefield:’ America’s college campuses. When they witness Israel‘s mistreatment of the Palestinian people with their own eyes, they are horrified and heartbroken.

They join the movement of young American Jews battling the old guard over Israel’s centrality in American Judaism, and demanding freedom for the Palestinian people. Their stories reveal a generational divide in the American Jewish community as more young Jews question the narratives their synagogues and Hebrew school teachers fed them as children.

27.04.2024 - 02:45 [ ]

Were young American Jews lied to about Israel? A new documentary says yes

(February 24, 2023)

From directors Eric Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, Israelism follows two millennial Jews — Simone Zimmerman, co-founder of IfNotNow and Eitan, an American former IDF soldier who didn’t want to use his last name in the documentary — as they talk about becoming disenchanted with the Israel they were taught to defend and believe in growing up within the American Jewish system. (Filmmakers Axelman and Eilertsen are also millennial Jews, and in a director’s statement, Axelman wrote about their own, similar arc with Israel.)

24.04.2024 - 03:55 [ ]

When will the US finally act to hold Israel accountable?

While the U.S. has waged war in the name of spreading democracy, it blatantly refuses to hold Israel accountable for its deeply undemocratic actions and violations of international law in Gaza and the West Bank, including its treatment of prisoners like my cousin. There are many days when I wake up and I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.

24.04.2024 - 03:46 [ Times of Israel ]

US Senate votes to advance Israel aid bill after months of delay

As voting continues, the Senate votes 72 to 13 in favor of advancing the package of four bills passed by the House, more than the 60 needed to pave the way for a vote on final passage as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday.

The legislation will send $17 billion in defense aid to Israel, and some $9 billion to provide humanitarian relief to people in Gaza, as well as other war-torn regions (the final decision on allocation was up to the White House, with analysts expecting roughly $2 billion would go to Gaza).

18.04.2024 - 20:40 [ ]

President Abbas rejects Biden‘s request to halt UN vote on Palestinian membership

According to Axios, the US and Israeli officials said that the Biden administration was trying to prevent the Palestinians from getting nine votes so that the US would not have to veto the resolution.

Palestine currently has eight security council members expected to support them, including Russia, China, Algeria, Malta, Slovenia, Sierra Leone, Mozambique and Guyana, a senior Israeli official said.

16.04.2024 - 18:27 [ Washington Post ]

Biden counsels Netanyahu to ‘slow things down’ after Iranian attack

At about 9 p.m., Biden spoke with Netanyahu, who was with his own war cabinet in Israel’s war room monitoring the situation. “It was shortly after we believed the attack was largely defeated,” said the senior administration official. “Both leaders had just gone through 10 days of preparations” and seeing the results, “we were feeling pretty good about where we were.”

16.04.2024 - 18:15 [ Reuters ]

Biden tells Netanyahu US would not take part in Israeli counter strike against Iran


President Joe Biden has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the United States would not participate in any Israeli counter-offensive against Iran, U.S. officials said on Sunday.

16.04.2024 - 17:03 [ Government of Lebanon - ]

Security Update: One martyr, two injured in enemy air raid on Ain Baal town

NNA – National News Agency correspondent reported that one was martyred and two were injured in the enemy air raid on the southern town of Ain Baal.

16.04.2024 - 16:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Hezbollah source says Israeli strike in Lebanon killed local commander

(Today, 5:32 pm)

“The field commander in charge of the Naqura region has been martyred in an Israeli strike,” the source tells AFP, with the official National News Agency reporting one dead in an Israeli strike on a car in Ain Baal, about 15 kilometers (nine miles) from the border.

16.04.2024 - 16:49 [ Times of Israel ]

US said to believe Israel won’t strike Iran directly, will focus on proxies instead

(Today, 1:03 pm)

Noting that the US’s assessment is based on conversations with Israeli officials prior to the attack and that Israel’s approach may since have shifted, four US officials told NBC that the lack of serious damage caused by Tehran may lead Jerusalem to seek a less aggressive response.

Instead of directly striking Iran in response — which Israel’s allies have warned runs the risk of sending the region spiraling into an all-out war — the officials told NBC that Israel may strike Iran’s proxies, such as its militias in Syria or the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon.

10.04.2024 - 17:06 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Gantz: ‚We will enter Rafah and go back to Khan Yunis‘

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz said during a press conference in Sderot on Wednesday that Hamas was militarily defeated following the IDF‘s operation in Gaza.

„From a military point of view – Hamas is defeated. Its fighters are eliminated or in hiding. Its abilities are cut off, and we will continue to strike what remains.

10.04.2024 - 17:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Gantz: Hamas has been defeated militarily but we’ll fight against remnants for years to come

However, “from a military point of view – Hamas is defeated. Its fighters are eliminated or in hiding” and its capabilities “crippled,” he continues, stating that “victory will come step by step” and that Israel “will not stop. We will enter Rafah. We will return to Khan Younis. And we will operate in Gaza. Wherever there are terrorist targets – the IDF will be there.”

10.04.2024 - 16:32 [ Times of Israel ]

Of course Netanyahu should go – in an orderly process that gives our enemies cause for fear


And therefore, as was the case when he insisted on continuing to run the country while in the midst of a corruption trial, and as was the case when he pressed on with his assault on Israeli democracy and briefly fired that defense minister, so too, now, it falls to a potential few good men and women within his own coalition base to tell him that his presence is harming Israel, that his policies empowered and emboldened Hamas, and that far from being uniquely capable of ensuring Israel has the practical and diplomatic room to destroy Hamas, he is almost uniquely incapable of doing so.

10.04.2024 - 16:30 [ New York Times ]

Netanyahu Must Go


Israel must destroy Hamas as a military and political force in the territory while minimizing harm to civilians. It must do what it can to rescue its hostages without jeopardizing the overriding goal of destroying Hamas. It must, by diplomacy or force, push Hezbollah back from Lebanon’s southern border, so that 60,000 Israelis can return safely to their homes in the north. It must take the battle directly, as it did last week in Damascus, to Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s patrons, whether in Syria, Qatar or Iran.

And for all of that to happen effectively, Benjamin Netanyahu must go.

30.03.2024 - 19:11 [ Atlantic Council ]

Could the US and other states be implicated in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel?


In the case of South Africa v. Israel, two violations in particular have been raised: complicity in genocide and failure to prevent genocide. For complicity, the ICJ has explained that it includes “the provision of means to enable or facilitate the commission of the crime,” such as furnishing “aid or assistance.” The state needs at least to have acted knowing that the perpetrator of the genocide had a special intent, or dolus specialis, “to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The ICJ left open the possibility that the complicit state would also need to share this special intent. However, courts have not required complicit parties to share the special intent in international criminal cases, suggesting that the ICJ might not require it.

30.03.2024 - 19:08 [ Telesur ]

South Africa to Sue US and UK as Complicit in Gaza Genocide

(January 15, 2024)

The United States must now be held accountable for the crimes it committed,‘ says Van Rensburg, who is leading the 47-lawyers team.

“We intend to bring legal proceedings against the U.S. Government based on overwhelming evidence that the U.S. Government has, and is, aiding, abetting and supporting, encouraging or providing material assistance and means to Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces. This conduct by the U.S. Government has enabled and continues to enable Israel to engage in international crimes against the Palestinian people,” the South African lawyers said in a letter sent to US President Joe Biden on January 2.

30.03.2024 - 18:40 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. signs off on more bombs, warplanes for Israel

The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials familiar with the matter. The 2,000-pound bombs have been linked to previous mass-casualty events throughout Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

29.03.2024 - 20:05 [ ABC News ]

US hasn‘t ruled out consequences for Israel over looming Rafah operation: What would that look like?

„It‘s very, very important,“ Ziv said of U.S. military aid to Israel. Placing conditions on it, he said, „creates a dangerous precedent for Israel because it just wasn‘t in the cards up until now.“ (…)

The U.S. could continue to abstain or even support United Nations resolutions that Israel finds unfavorable, as it did this week.

29.03.2024 - 19:46 [ Axios ]

In reversal, Netanyahu sending delegation to White House for Rafah talks


It‘s a sharp reversal by Netanyahu who on Monday canceled the same trip by the same people in protest over the U.S. not vetoing a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages held by Hamas.

The fallout over the canceled trip and a deadlock in hostage talks added to already spiraling relations between Netanyahu and the Biden administration.

28.03.2024 - 20:41 [ Fox News ]

Trump tells Israel to ‚finish up‘ Gaza offensive because nation is ‚losing a lot of support‘


Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, sat down for an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom about the ongoing military invasion — and warned that the world was growing tired of the conflict.

„You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done,“ he told the newspaper.

He continued, „We’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on, and I will say Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world. You are losing a lot of support.“

28.03.2024 - 20:25 [ Gallup ]

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza


Although Americans rate Biden‘s handling of the conflict poorly, his overall job approval rating is no lower now than before the conflict began. The issue does not register highly when Americans are asked to name the most important problem facing the U.S. Nor does it rank highly when Americans rate each of several international issues as critical threats to U.S. vital interests.

28.03.2024 - 20:19 [ Washington Post ]

The U.S. and Israel have a ‘major credibility problem’


In a testy exchange earlier this month, a senior U.S. official warned Israeli counterparts of the reputational “damage” as a result of the ongoing war in Gaza. The internal memo of the exchange involving Assistant Secretary of State Bill Russo, obtained by NPR correspondent Daniel Estrin, offered yet another illustration of the rift between the Biden administration and Israel, driven largely by growing American horror at the humanitarian toll of the conflict and Israel’s role in making it worse — even as the United States shields Israel in international forums and helps replenish its war machine.

28.03.2024 - 19:42 [ ]

A State Department official warns Israel of ‚major‘ reputational damage in Gaza war


„The Israelis seemed oblivious to the fact that they are facing major, possibly generational damage to their reputation not just in the region but elsewhere in the world,“ the memo says. „We are concerned that the Israelis are missing the forest for the trees and are making a major strategic error in writing off their reputation damage.“

The State Department memo recommended pressing Israeli officials on the matter „at the highest levels.“

26.03.2024 - 20:56 [ CNN ]

Israel cancels Washington visit after US allows UN Gaza ceasefire resolution to pass

The US decision to abstain on the vote prompted Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel a scheduled trip to the US by two of his top advisers, two Israeli officials said.

21.03.2024 - 21:15 [ NBC News ]

Schumer rejects Netanyahu‘s request to talk to Democrats as Israeli leader addresses GOP


WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke virtually to Republican senators during a closed-door meeting Wednesday and found a welcome reception.

But Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., declined a request by Netanyahu to address the Senate Democratic caucus, a spokesperson for Schumer said, adding: “Sen. Schumer made it clear that he does not think these discussions should happen in a partisan manner. That’s not helpful to Israel.”

21.03.2024 - 02:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Schumer defends call for Israel to replace Netanyahu in meet with US Jewish leaders


US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer convened a meeting Tuesday with executives from major American Jewish organizations to defend the lightning rod speech he gave last week calling for early elections in Israel to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“There was a fundamental question of whether he would backpedal or defend himself, and he very clearly defended himself,” said one the executive on the call Schumer held with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.