Daily Archives: 23. Oktober 2019

23.10.2019 - 23:36 [ SANA ]

Syria participates in NAM Preparatory Ministerial Meeting in Baku

Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza handed over the chairmanship of NAM to Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov ,with the two sides stressing the importance of adhering to Bandung principles .

NAM embraces 120 member-countries, 17 observer countries and 10 observer organizations.

23.10.2019 - 23:00 [ teleSUR ]

Uruguay: Leftist ‚Broad Front‘ Leads Polls With 38% of Vote

While there are only a few days left before the October 27 elections, most Uruguayans maintain their firm rejection of right-wing politicians and their proposals.

23.10.2019 - 21:26 [ junge Welt ]

Ruhestand: Geheimmission Rentenklau

Was in dem Zirkel konkret besprochen und verhandelt wird, ist allerdings nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Bis zur geplanten Vorlage der Empfehlungen im März 2020 darf satzungsgemäß nichts nach außen dringen. Dagegen macht seit längerem der Koordinierungskreis »Gewerkschaftliche Seniorenpolitiker – Seniorenaufstand« mobil.

23.10.2019 - 21:09 [ junge Welt ]

Landgericht Köln verbietet Uber-Fahrdienst

Die Entscheidung fiel bereits im Juli, wurde aber erst jetzt bekannt. Grund hierfür waren Verzögerungen bei der Zustellung – erst ab dann gilt die einstweilige Verfügung und das Verbot greift. Uber hatte einer Gerichtssprecherin zufolge die Annahme an seiner Europazentrale in Amsterdam verweigert, weil für das deutsche Dokument keine Übersetzung mitgeschickt worden war.

23.10.2019 - 19:49 [ Matt Taibbi ‏/ Twitter ]

Not the Onion: New York Times piece speculates Democratic Party insiders might try to lure John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Deval Patrick, Mike Bloomberg, or Eric Holder as “white knight” saviors in the presidential race.

23.10.2019 - 19:48 [ theHill.com ]

Clinton 2020 whisper campaign hits new heights

The New York Times also reported on Tuesday that Clinton and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg have told people in recent conversations that they would join the Democratic primary “if they thought they could win.” But they were “skeptical there would be an opening.”

Since losing the election in 2016, some Democrats have said there isn’t room for Clinton in a party that is trying to move forward after a stunning defeat.

23.10.2019 - 19:35 [ Intercept ]

Bernie Sanders Pledges to End Practice of Prosecuting Whistleblowers Under the Espionage Act


As president, Bernie Sanders would end the practice of using the controversial Espionage Act to prosecute government whistleblowers, the Vermont senator told The Intercept in an interview on Saturday ahead of a major rally in New York.

The century-old law had largely gone out of fashion until it was deployed heavily by the Obama administration, which prosecuted eight people accused of leaking to the media under the Espionage Act, more than all previous presidents combined.

23.10.2019 - 19:27 [ Don't Extradite Assange ‏/ Twitter ]

@CraigMurrayOrg on Julian Assange‘s appearance in court yesterday: „Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes.“

23.10.2019 - 19:25 [ Reuters ]

Trump says Turkey‘s ceasefire in northern Syria now permanent, sanctions lifted

“How many Americans must die in the Middle East in the midst of these ancient sectarian and tribal conflicts?” he said. “I am committed to pursuing a different course, one that leads to victory for America.”

23.10.2019 - 18:52 [ Politico.com ]

Poll: Little backing for Trump‘s Syria withdrawal

Only 37 percent of voters support Trump’s decision regarding Syria, the poll shows, less than the 43 percent who oppose it. But a sizable number, 20 percent, say they don’t have an opinion about Trump’s decision.

23.10.2019 - 18:51 [ Trend.az ]

Azerbaijani, Serbian FMs meet (PHOTO)

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic on the sidelines of the 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Baku,

23.10.2019 - 18:46 [ Trend.az ]

Azerbaijani president receives delegation led by UAE minister of state for foreign affairs (PHOTO)

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received a delegation led by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Anwar Gargash

23.10.2019 - 18:21 [ eKathimerini ]

International experts attend hostage situation seminar

Police officers from Greece and other European Union countries took part in a four-day training seminar in Veria, northern Greece about dealing with hostage situations involving terrorists.

The seminar, which ended on Friday, was organized by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) and was attended by 29 certified negotiators from EU member-states, experts from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the US, Scotland Yard and French officers

23.10.2019 - 18:21 [ Karin Leukefeld / Nachdenkseiten ]

Whistleblower – der OPCW-Bericht zum angeblichen Giftgasangriff in Duma entspricht nicht der Wahrheit

Ein angeblicher Giftgasangriff der syrischen Armee wurde im April 2018 als Begründung für einen massiven Militärschlag der USA, Großbritanniens und Frankreichs herangezogen. Schon unmittelbar nach dem Vorfall gab es erhebliche Zweifel an der „Giftgasthese“. Diese Zweifel wurden jedoch von Medien und Politik unter Verweis auf einen Bericht der OPCW vom Tisch gefegt. Dieser Bericht ist jedoch selbst innerhalb der OPCW höchst umstritten. Karin Leukefeld hatte die Gelegenheit, für die NachDenkSeiten an einem Forum teilzunehmen, auf dem nun ein Whistleblower aus dem Untersuchungsteam der OPCW dem Bericht der Organisation massiv widerspricht.

23.10.2019 - 18:03 [ Wikileaks ]

OPCW Whistleblower Panel on the Douma attack of April 2018

WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson took part in the panel to review the testimony and documents from the OPCW whistleblower. He says: “The panel was presented with evidence that casts doubt on the integrity of the OPCW. Although the whistleblower was not ready to step forward and/or present documents to the public, WikiLeaks believes it is now of utmost interest for the public to see everything that was collected by the Fact Finding Mission on Douma and all scientific reports written in relation to the investigation.

We call out to people within the OPCW to leak these documents securely to us via wikileaks.org/#submit” One of the Panel members was Dr José Bustani, the first Director-General of the OPCW, who concluded that: “The convincing evidence of irregular behaviour in the OPCW investigation of the alleged Douma chemical attack confirms doubts and suspicions I already had. I could make no sense of what I was reading in the international press. Even official reports of investigations seemed incoherent at best. The picture is certainly clearer now, although very disturbing”

23.10.2019 - 17:35 [ Linas Linkevicius , Minister of Foreign Affairs (Litauen) / Twitter ]

Wichtiges Treffen mit m.??Kollegen. Erneutes Dankeschön für die Schlüsselrolle Deutschlands b.d.Führung der NATO-Kampftruppen in??,diskutiert über Möglichkeiten zur weiteren Vertiefung der beispielhaften DT-LT Beziehungen, Unterstützung der??& d.Lage im Syrien. Danke, @HeikoMaas!

23.10.2019 - 17:28 [ Jörg Blank , Kanzlerkorrespondent der dpa / Twitter ]

Stand der Dinge: Kramp-Karrenbauer will UN-Einsatz in Syrien – auch mit Kampftruppen @dpa via @morgenpost

23.10.2019 - 17:24 [ Kreml ]

Memorandum of Understanding Between Turkey and the Russian Federation

1. The two sides reiterate their commitment to the preservation of the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the protection of national security of Turkey.

2. They emphasize their determination to combat terrorism in all forms and manifestations and to disrupt separatist agendas in the Syrian territory.

3. In this framework, the established status quo in the current Operation Peace Spring area covering Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn with a depth of 32 km will be preserved.

23.10.2019 - 17:18 [ Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper / Twitter ]

I had a very productive meeting this evening with HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. We discussed many bilateral issues. Most importantly I wanted to reinforce the U.S. commitment to helping #SaudiArabia defend itself in a time of destabilizing Iranian activity.

23.10.2019 - 17:06 [ Information Clearing House ]

A Call for a Coup Plus a Week Like No Other for Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi responded courageously and accurately “Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose. It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.”

23.10.2019 - 17:04 [ Telegraph ]

Our entitled political elites will pay for their arrogance at the next general election

They lost the referendum and have spent the three years since talking to each other

23.10.2019 - 17:01 [ Spectator ]

Voters are likely to turn their frustration on Parliament’s Brexit-blockers

The Great British public can be a tricky bunch but they seem more likely to give Boris the benefit of the doubt than his parliamentary tormentors. The sooner we have a general election the easier it will be to test this hypothesis but, while Boris Johnson lost a vote tonight, he may have picked up seats along the way.

23.10.2019 - 16:42 [ junge Welt ]

Eifel: Bundeswehr erklärt Umweltverschmutzung durch US-Kampfjet

Der Pilot eines US-Militärflugzeugs, das gut 3,5 Tonnen Kerosin über der Eifel abgelassen hat, ist nach Angaben der Bundeswehr von einem technischen Defekt dazu gezwungen worden. Details nannte die Sprecherin des Luftfahrtamts der Bundeswehr in Köln-Wahn aber laut Bericht der Deutschen Presseagentur vom Dienstag nicht.

23.10.2019 - 15:31 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia Invites OAS to Audit Electoral Results, Almagro Accepts

However, a number of international observers that are in La Paz monitoring Bolivia’s general elections praised the legitimacy and transparency of the process which comes in contrast to proclamations by opposition leaders who have already made declarations questioning the results.

23.10.2019 - 15:26 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Opposition in Bolivien erkennt Wahlsieg von Evo Morales nicht an

In Chuquisaca, Tarija und in Potosí setzten Demonstranten die regionalen Wahlbehörden in Brand. Dabei wurden Computer und Wahlmaterial zerstört. In Potosí sprangen sogar zwei Personen aus dem zweiten Stockwerk, um sich in Sicherheit zu bringen.

23.10.2019 - 15:10 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Krieg um Nordsyrien (III)

Medien, die als liberal gelten, üben allenfalls taktische Manöverkritik. So heißt es etwa, es sei ein Fehler, dass die Verteidigungsministerin und nicht Kanzlerin Angela Merkel persönlich „die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ für den geplanten Syrien-Einsatz eingeleitet habe; darüber hinaus sei die SPD nicht hinlänglich eingebunden worden.[8] Die Formulierungen sind geeignet, ablehnende Haltungen in der Bevölkerung zu kanalisieren.

23.10.2019 - 10:33 [ Tulsi Gabbard ]

Hillary, Acknowledge the Damage You‘ve Caused

Hillary, your foreign policy was a disaster for our country and the world—resulting in the deaths and injuries of so many of my brothers and sisters in uniform, devastating entire countries, millions of lives lost, refugee crises, our enemy al-Qaeda/ISIS strengthened, increased Iranian and Russian influence in the region, Turkey emboldened, and exacerbated the problem of nuclear proliferation by overthrowing Gadhafi in Libya. Yet despite the damage you have done to our country and the world, you want to continue your failed policies directly or indirectly through the Democratic nominee.

23.10.2019 - 08:23 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

.@HillaryClinton, your foreign policy was a disaster for our country and the world. It’s time for you to acknowledge the damage you have caused and step down from your throne.

23.10.2019 - 07:59 [ theHill.com ]

Pence on Syria: ‚Our troops are coming home‘

“America will always be grateful for our Kurdish allies and the Syria defense forces who fought shoulder to shoulder and bravely with us in this fight,” Pence told the crowd.

“Now that our military and our allies have achieved our objectives against ISIS, President Trump is keeping his word to the American people and our troops are starting to come home,” he said.

23.10.2019 - 07:51 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Vereinbarung für Nordsyrien: Vorerst keine neue Militäroffensive

Laut US-Angaben haben sich sämtliche kurdische Kämpfer aus der geplanten Sicherheitszone in Nordsyrien zurückgezogen. Das türkische Verteidigungsministerium erklärte daraufhin, derzeit sei keine weitere Offensive nötig, droht aber weiter.

23.10.2019 - 07:45 [ @ostermarsch / Twitter ]

Treffender Kommentar zum von Kramp-Karrenbauer in #Syrien propagierten #Bundeswehr-Militäreinsatz im @DLF: „… eine Opposition, die vor lauter Haaren die Suppe kaum findet …“


23.10.2019 - 07:23 [ BBC ]

MPs vote yes – and no – on Brexit bill

MPs have approved Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s Brexit legislation on its first hurdle through the House of Commons.

But minutes later they rejected his proposed timetable for passing the Withdrawal Agreement Bill in three days, in order to hit the 31 October deadline for the UK to leave the EU.

23.10.2019 - 07:15 [ Haaretz ]

The End of Israel’s Free Press

The indecent acts committed as a result of the relationship between government, money and the media in Cases 2000 (the Yedioth quid-pro-quo affair) and Case 4000 (the Bezeq-Walla affair) are extremely serious. Even if proving criminality is stymied by “legal difficulties,” a term Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit loves to use to describe any complex matter, we’re talking about a complete undermining of the last remaining shred of public confidence in politicians and media outlets.

23.10.2019 - 07:05 [ Haaretz ]

Palestinian Authority Blocks 59 Palestinian Websites, Social Media Channels Critical of Abbas

The decision was made at the request of the Palestinian prosecution, but it is widely assumed that senior PA officials were behind the move. The prosecution, in its petition to the court, argued that the sites disseminate harmful content about the PA and its officials and are likely to be used to incite lawlessness.

23.10.2019 - 06:55 [ Washington Post ]

Anxiety rises among Democrats worried about party’s prospects in 2020

Party leaders and activists are citing weakness in all of the leading contenders, including former vice president Joe Biden, who has been forced on the defensive about his family’s ethics, performed haltingly in debates and set off alarms with his poor fundraising. They also fret that the two other top-ranking candidates, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), are too liberal to win a general election.

23.10.2019 - 02:53 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

A telephone call between Presidents al-Assad and Putin on the situation in northern Syria

The President also stressed the return of residents to their regions to stop any previous attempts of any demographic change to which some sides tried to impose, affirming Syria’s determination to combat terrorism and occupation in any span of the Syrian territories with all legitimate means.

23.10.2019 - 02:00 [ John Pilger / Twitter ]

I was in court today to watch magistrate Vanessa Baraitser‘s studied contempt for law and justice, as she denied Julian #Assange time to prepare his defence against America‘s oafish, cowboy case to extradite him. An enfeebled Julian struggled to expose her. Stand with him please.


23.10.2019 - 01:55 [ Stephen Lendman / Global Research ]

Slow-Motion US/UK Killing of Julian Assange

What’s going on is the hallmark of totalitarian rule – controlling the message, eliminating what conflicts with it, notably on major geopolitical issues.

Losing the right of free expression endangers all others. When truth-telling and dissent are considered threats to national security, free and open societies no longer exist – the slippery slope America and other Western societies are heading on.

23.10.2019 - 01:46 [ Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams / Antiwar.com ]

‘Truth Is Treason’ – The Torture of Julian Assange

His shocking mental and physical condition after being held for months in UK’s notorious Belmarsh prison only confirms the UN torture official’s assessment that he is being tortured by the US and UK governments. Why? For publishing the truth. The lesson to others is clear: challenge the global US military empire and you will be destroyed.

23.10.2019 - 01:32 [ WSWS ]

UK judge rejects delay in Assange extradition case

Pilger told demonstrators: “The whole thing is a grotesque absurdity. There is an extradition law between this country and the United States. It states specifically that someone cannot be extradited if the offences are political… It is not a bit of agitprop, it is not an opinion, they are political. All but one charge is based on the 1917 Espionage Act, which was used to jail conscientious objectors during the First World War in the United States.”

Pilger concluded: “The source of this is a rogue state—a state that ignores its own laws and international laws and the laws of this country.”

23.10.2019 - 01:24 [ Antiwar.com ]

Julian Assange Breaks Into Tears as He Is Denied Delay in Extradition Trial

Since Assange has been held in Belmarsh there have been reports that he experienced psychological torture. Just last week, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer and two medical professionals told reporters, “We came to the conclusion that he had been exposed to psychological torture for a prolonged period of time. That’s a medical assessment.”