Archiv: Tulsi Gabbard

20.11.2024 - 16:26 [ Consortium News ]

RAY McGOVERN: Will Gabbard Be Able to Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?

On July 22, 2004, immediately after the 9/11 Commission report was released, I found myself with 9/11 commissioner (and former senator from Washington) Slade Gorton in the BBC blue room in Washington. I had the temerity to remind him that it was far from the case that “no one was in charge” of the intelligence community; that Tenet had all the authority he needed.

Gorton turned to me, smiled and said: “Of course we know all that; but we in the Commission and in Congress just had to do something so the American people would see that we were doing something.”


The national intelligence director, and the newly created bureaucracy, is what it is. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard can take the reins and make the community work. It will take a miracle; let’s hope for one.

15.11.2024 - 16:23 [ ABC News ]

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Trump‘s pick for director of national intelligence

(November 13, 2024)

„Trump ended up with some neocons around him who were trying to undermine his objectives so they could feed their goals of continuing to keep us in a perpetual state of war,“ Gabbard said, discussing his first administration. „This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts and regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before,“ Gabbard said when she endorsed Trump during a campaign event in Michigan.

„This is one of the main reasons why I‘m committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can, once again, serve us as our commander in chief.“

27.08.2024 - 19:32 [ New York Times ]

Donald Trump plans to name Robert Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard as honorary co-chairs of his transition team.

Donald J. Trump plans to name his former rival, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, a one-time Democrat, as honorary co-chairs of a presidential transition team that will help him select the policies and personnel of any second Trump administration, according to a campaign senior adviser.

Mr. Kennedy, who ended his independent campaign for president and endorsed Mr. Trump on Friday, described his transition role briefly in an interview that aired Monday.

27.08.2024 - 19:17 [ Fox News ]

Trump adds RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team as he recruits supporters ‚across partisan lines‘

„As President Trumps’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been added to the Trump/Vance Transition team,“ Trump campaign senior advisor Brian Hughes told Fox News Digital.

20.03.2021 - 16:18 [ Liberty Conservative News ]

Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Globalist Organization for Releasing Fake News Report to Foment War with Syria

Gabbard is advocating for a non-interventionist foreign policy in the same vein as former Texas Congressman Ron Paul but only coming from the Left. She is a voice of reason in a dysfunctional political system that desperately needs it.

19.03.2020 - 16:01 [ The Hill ]

Gabbard drops out of 2020 race

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) dropped out of the 2020 presidential contest after failing to gain much traction in a race in which she was overshadowed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.

08.03.2020 - 14:29 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

.@JoeBiden @BernieSanders I’m sure you would agree that our Democratic nominee should be a person who will stand up for what is right. So I ask that you have the courage to do that now in the face of the DNC‘s effort to keep me from participating in the debates. #LetTulsiDebate

07.03.2020 - 21:53 [ ]

New standards eliminate Tulsi Gabbard from next Democratic debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday announced new qualifying standards for the upcoming Arizona debate that will leave only the top two contenders on stage.

22.02.2020 - 11:13 [ Donna Brazile / ]

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC


When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.

27.01.2020 - 07:26 [ ]

Suing Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard stands up to the Russiagate smear machine

Gabbard has filed a $50 million defamation suit against Clinton for labeling her a “Russian asset.” Independent journalist Michael Tracey joins Pushback to discuss.

23.01.2020 - 00:42 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

For years, @ggreenwald has exposed abuses at the highest levels of government and his investigative journalism deserves our support. If we allow the powerful to silence such journalists, our democracy and freedom is in peril. #StandWithGreenwald

23.01.2020 - 00:27 [ ]

Gabbard suing Clinton for defamation over ‚Russian asset‘ comments

In a podcast released in October, Clinton said she thought Republicans were „grooming“ a Democratic presidential candidate for a third-party bid. She also described the candidate as a favorite of the Russians.

Clinton did not name the candidate, but it was clear she was speaking about Gabbard.

22.01.2020 - 03:37 [ The Hill ]

Gabbard knocks Clinton‘s jab at Sanders: ‚This isn‘t high school‘

“It’s time to grow up. This isn’t high school,” Gabbard said in an interview with WMUR News 9. “We’re talking about real challenges that our country needs to address and the need for real leadership to focus on them, not on what’s going on in Washington and the schoolyard cliques or whatever else it may be.”

21.01.2020 - 06:22 [ Nicole Alexander Fisher ‏/ Twitter ]

Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Elizabeth Warren at the Zion Baptist Church. Bernie: „Elizabeth, we should say hello, because half of the world is terribly interested on this issue.“ Tulsi: „This is the handshake that went around the world.“ Bernie: „You just approved it.“

10.01.2020 - 15:20 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Tulsi Gabbard Exclusive: How I tried to stop Trump‘s Iran actions

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard lays out her views on the Iran crisis especially with her military experience, and her thoughts on the requirements to qualify for the January debate.

08.01.2020 - 06:20 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Politicians & pundits talk tough on TV pushing for Iran War. But most have no idea what it means to serve in harm‘s way, nor do they understand what military moms, dads, husbands, wives, & children go thru as their loved one is sent overseas #NoWarWithIran #IranAttacks #IranvsUSA

25.12.2019 - 14:33 [ New York Magazine ]

Tulsi Gabbard and the Return of the Anti-Anti-Trump Left

What they share, in addition to enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders, is a deep skepticism of the Democratic Party’s mobilization against the president. The left’s struggle against the center-left is the axis around which their politics revolves. From that perspective, the Russia scandal and impeachment are unnecessary and even reactionary.

While incomprehensible to liberals, centrists, and even many leftists who work within two-party politics, left-wing anti-anti-Trumpism has a coherent logic. It takes as its starting point a familiar critique that Trump won because liberalism failed. Trump, while bad, is merely a meta-phenomenon of the larger failure of the Democratic Party and the political and economic Establishment.

23.12.2019 - 15:08 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

2,400 Americans & countless Afghans have been killed in Afghanistan War that our leaders have known for 18 yrs is unwinnable. They’ve lied about progress in that war to get the $4bn/month it costs. My new bill calls for congressional investigation. It‘s time for accountability.

20.12.2019 - 06:24 [ ]

Gabbard rips Pelosi for delay of impeachment articles

“I was surprised to hear that,” Gabbard told Hill.TV on Thursday, breaking with fellow Democrats who have rallied behind Pelosi over the move.

“You can’t kind of just shift and change and make up the rules as you go along,“ she said. „If you’re going to pursue this process, you’ve got to let it play out the whole way through.”

Gabbard said the delaying their delivery perpetuates a sense of hyperpartisanship, adding that both parties are to blame.

19.12.2019 - 03:40 [ Tim Mak / Twitter ]

Gabbard, in a statement: „I also could not in good conscience vote for impeachment because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our country“

18.12.2019 - 20:25 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

We need to raise $1M by December 31st in order to stay competitive and continue our momentum. Let’s put our grassroots msg front and center in the most competitive early state media markets. Can you rush a donation and help us reach our fundraising goal?

15.12.2019 - 12:51 [ Ben Norton / Twitter ]

376 congressmembers just voted to increase the US military budget to an absurd $738 billion per year 187 Democrats helped 189 Republicans Only 41 Dems opposed the absolutely awful 2020 NDAA bill—including Tulsi Gabbard, Barbara Lee, Ro Khanna, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib


13.12.2019 - 21:58 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

As president, I’ll end the longstanding failed foreign policy of waging regime change wars, the new Cold war & arms race, wasting trillions $$ and countless lives. We must only send our troops on missions worthy of their great sacrifice. War must be a last resort. Stand with me.

30.11.2019 - 21:19 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

“Primary voters have always had special appreciation for veteran candidates, & that’s why voters are giving Tulsi a look. They admire her service…& anyone watching the race knows this candidate doesn’t back down from a fight.“ Great interview on New Hampshire evening news WMUR

26.11.2019 - 18:05 [ Boston Globe ]

Suffolk/Globe poll finds Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Biden in tight race in N.H.

Trailing the Sanders-Warren-Buttigieg-Biden quartet was Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii with 6 percent.

26.11.2019 - 18:00 [ Sean Ono Lennon / Twitter ]

Even if you are skeptical of @TulsiGabbard you can’t say she doesn’t deserve to be part of this race. She is the primary candidate who is adding to a conversation around ending unnecessary wars. Please donate a dollar. She only needs 3000 more individual donations.


22.11.2019 - 17:27 [ Ford Fischer ‏/ Twitter ]

219 Dems voted in favor of fully reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act enabling the federal government’s mass surveillance of citizens. Only 10 Repubs voted for it. The “squad” (AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib) joined most Repubs in voting “no.” Gabbard didn’t vote.


21.11.2019 - 17:55 [ Tulsi Gabbard, canidate for President / Twitter ]

I’m running for President to rebuild our democratic party, take it out of the hands of the foreign policy establishment in Washington, the military industrial complex and greedy corporate interests and truly put it in the hands of the people -TULSI2020 #TULSIGabbard #DemDebate

16.11.2019 - 20:31 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Whether Hillary Clinton is on the ballot or not, her foreign policy will be. Many Dem candidates adhere to Bush-Clinton doctrine being the world‘s police—wasting trillions of $$, spreading death and destruction, and undermining our national security. I will end this. #TULSI2020

11.11.2019 - 16:36 [ ]

Gabbard lawyers demand retraction of Clinton‘s ‚defamation‘

„Your statement is defamatory, and we demand that you retract it immediately,“ Gabbard‘s lawyer wrote in a letter, demanding that Clinton „immediately“ verbally retract the comments, in addition to posting the retraction on Twitter.

The Hill has reached out to Clinton‘s spokesman for comment.

05.11.2019 - 01:29 [ ]

Tulsi Gabbard stellt Gesetz zum Abzug von Truppen aus Syrien vor

Die Idee des Gesetzes ist es, alle Soldaten aus Syrien abzuziehen, die keine Zustimmung des Kongresses haben, dort zu sein – das sind alle. Der Entwurf besagt: „Der Kongress hat keinen Krieg in Bezug auf die militärische Beteiligung der Vereinigten Staaten an Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherung, Bewachung, dem Besitz, der Gewinnerzielung oder der Entwicklung von Ölfeldern in Nordsyrien erklärt oder eine spezifische gesetzliche Genehmigung dafür erteilt. Alle diese Aktionen sind verfassungswidrig.“

05.11.2019 - 01:25 [ ]

Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill to Withdraw Troops from Syria

The language in Gabbard’s bill would make it tough for any member of Congress to argue against it.

04.11.2019 - 16:37 [ MSNBC ]

2020 candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard speaks on Hillary Clinton spat, what worries her about impeachment process

2020 candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Hillary Clinton‘s suggestion that she is a Russian asset is a „smear“ aimed at discrediting her because of her opposition to Clinton‘s foreign policy doctrine. She also spoke about the impeachment process: „I’m worried about if the impeachment process moves forward in a hyper-partisan way it will be further divisive to a country that’s already being torn apart.“

03.11.2019 - 15:03 [ Tulsi Gabbard, canidate for President / Twitter ]

This is a movement to take back the Democratic Party from corrupt warmongers. They’re doing everything they can to get me to run as a 3rd-party candidate so they can retain control of our Party. But I won’t. I’ll continue to fight to make our party & country of, by, & for the ppl

02.11.2019 - 17:39 [ ZeroHedge ]

„One Army Major And Combat Vet To Another“ – In Defense Of Tulsi Gabbard

At times it’s been a decidedly lonely journey, particularly in the many years I remained on active duty while actively dissenting. I was, and remain, struck by how few of my fellow soldiers, officers and recent post-9/11 veterans felt as I did—strongly enough, at least, to publicly decry U.S. militarism. Then I discovered Tulsi Gabbard, an obscure young congresswoman from Hawaii who, coincidentally, serves in the Army and is herself a veteran of the war in Iraq. In the current climate of Gabbard-bashing, where even sites like Truthdig offer measured criticism, it’s hard to convey the profound sense of relief I felt that someone as outspokenly anti-war as Gabbard even existed way back in 2016. She said things I only dared think back then; and as I did, she backed Bernie Sanders—a risky endeavor that likely doomed her to the recent slanderous accusations of treason by Hillary Clinton. That’s called courage.

02.11.2019 - 13:30 [ Maj. Danny Sjursen / ]

In Defense of Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard is the only Democratic hopeful to place foreign policy—specifically ending the absurd wars she was a part of herself—at the top of her campaign agenda. Love her or hate her, that is profound in post-9/11 America. She’s been an outspoken opponent of the U.S.-backed Saudi genocide in Yemen, repeatedly calls out the lie of an Iraq War that shattered the Middle East, and is almost alone in criticizing Obama’s repeatedly counterproductive actions that armed and fueled anti-American Islamists in Syria. These are vital truths in an age of obfuscation and foreign policy apathy.

01.11.2019 - 13:52 [ ]

Tulsi 2020: Join me in demanding the truth

What was Saudi Arabia‘s involvement in the 9/11 attack? Americans deserve an answer to this question. Join me in calling on the Trump Administration to declassify and release all information regarding the 9/11 attack. Add your name to our petition.

01.11.2019 - 13:50 [ ]

Tulsi Gabbard: Release documents related to Saudis and 9/11


“Our government should not be invoking secrecy to keep its own mistakes hidden from the American people and should certainly not be used to protect the Saudis from embarrassment or, worse yet, accountability,” said Terry Strada, a Sept. 11 widow and the chairwoman of 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism. “Until there is an accounting, we will never go away.”

01.11.2019 - 13:40 [ MSNBC ]

Rep. Gabbard on Syria: ‚I’ve been there. I’ve seen the loss of life.‘

Embroiled in a dispute with former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) defended her foreign policy views in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece. She joins Ali Velshi to respond to her critics.

01.11.2019 - 13:30 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Wall Street Journal ]

I Can Defeat Trump and the Clinton Doctrine

Hillary Clinton emerged recently to claim, with no basis in fact, that I am being “groomed” by the Russian government to undermine America. As a major in the National Guard who served in Iraq—one of the many disastrous regime-change wars Mrs. Clinton championed over her career—I swore an oath to only one authority: the U.S. Constitution.

I’m running for president to undo Mrs. Clinton’s failed legacy. From Iraq to Libya to Syria, her record is replete with foreign-policy catastrophes.