Archiv: pipelines (de / en)

21.03.2023 - 01:58 [ ]

Russia becomes China’s top oil supplier in Jan-Feb; energy acts as ‘ballast stone’ of bilateral trade

It is not the first time for Russia to top China‘s oil supplier list. In 2022, Russia shipped the most crude oil to China on a monthly basis in May and November. In terms of the whole year of 2022, Russia exported a total of 86.25 million tons of oil to China, ranking second after Saudi Arabia‘s 87.49 million tons, according to customs data.

Russia is also China‘s main source of natural gas and coal imports, and the „ballast stone“ role of energy in bilateral trade has been further highlighted, Chinese newspaper the Economic Daily reported on Monday, citing Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui.

21.03.2023 - 01:50 [ ]

Why China is so important for the Russian economy

The Chinese currency, the yuan, has become a major player in Russia’s foreign trade, according to data from the country’s central bank. The share of renminbi in Russia’s import settlements jumped to 23% by the end of last year from only 4% in January 2022. The yuan’s share in export settlements also surged from 0.5% to 16%. At the same time, the two countries have been slashing the share of the US dollar and euro in their bilateral trade.

07.02.2023 - 06:39 [ Bloomberg ]

OPEC+ Exports Show Russia Surges While Saudi Arabia Dials Back


It’s also unclear exactly what drove the decrease in Saudi shipments, which dropped by 580,000 barrels a day last month, or about 8%.

30.12.2022 - 17:32 [ ]

Deutlich mehr Öl als befürchtet in den Nord-Ostsee-Kanal geflossen

Laut Golschmidt schließt die Polizei eine Sabotage an der Pipeline inzwischen aus.

12.10.2022 - 12:18 [ Reuters ]

Druzhba pipeline leak cuts oil flow to Germany, accident blamed

Poland said on Wednesday a leak in one of the Druzhba pipelines bringing oil from Russia to Europe hit supplies to Germany and was most likely caused by an accident, as Europe remains on high alert over its energy security.

27.09.2022 - 20:53 [ ]

Two explosions reported near Nord Stream pipelines gas leak in Baltic Sea

Leaders of Poland and Denmark and experts have raised concerns that the leaks on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipeline were sabotage.

The incidents overshadowed the inauguration of a long-awaited pipeline that will carry Norwegian gas to Poland in efforts to bolster Europe’s energy independence from Moscow.

16.09.2022 - 09:11 [ ]

Pipeline gas supplies to Pakistan are possible, says Putin

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Samarkand on Thursday.

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and ways to further strengthen cooperation.

10.09.2022 - 17:20 [ ]

An Especially Cold Winter: How Trump Helped Cause the European Natural Gas Crisis

These claims that Iran could rapidly step in to solve Europe’s woes are somewhat overstated. Although Iran does have massive natural gas reserves, the necessary pipeline and shipping infrastructure simply does not exist at present for exporting gas to Europe. To put it simply, there is no flip of a switch that can rapidly turn on supplies to Europe and help them cope with the winter ahead.

03.09.2022 - 07:51 [ ]

Russia’s Gazprom shuts European gas pipeline indefinitely as energy crisis escalates

Russia’s state-controlled natural gas supplier, Gazprom, heralded a major escalation in Moscow’s energy war with Western Europe on Friday when it announced that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline would remain closed indefinitely, a move that increases the prospect of blackouts and economic turmoil across the continent.

31.05.2022 - 03:59 [ ZDF ]

Sanktionen gegen Russland: EU einigt sich auf Kompromiss bei Öl-Embargo

Nach Angaben von Diplomaten sieht der Kompromiss konkret vor, auf Drängen Ungarns hin vorerst nur russische Öl-Lieferungen über den Seeweg zu unterbinden. Per Pipeline erfolgende Transporte sollen zunächst weiter möglich sein. Ungarn wird sich so erst einmal weiter auf dem Landweg über die riesige Druschba-Leitung mit russischem Öl versorgen können. An ihr sind auch Raffinerien in Ostdeutschland und Polen sowie in der Slowakei und Tschechien angeschlossen.

11.05.2022 - 09:58 [ ]

Weniger Gas für Europa: Ukraine stoppt Gastransit durch Luhansk

Wie der ukrainische Gasnetzbetreiber GTSOU mitteilte, stellt das Land von heute an den Transit von russischem Gas im Gebiet Luhansk im Osten der Ukraine ein. Damit fielen bis zu 32,6 Millionen Kubikmeter Gas pro Tag weg, teilte GTSOU mit. Das sei fast ein Drittel der täglich über die Ukraine nach Europa transportierbaren Höchstmenge.

27.04.2022 - 12:53 [ Radio Bulgarien - ]

EU werde einmütig russischen Gasstopp beantworten

Der Premierminister gab bekannt, dass er mit seinem griechischen Amtskollegen Kyriakos Mitsotakis gesprochen habe. Dieser habe bestätigte, dass die Gasverbindung zu Griechenland planmäßig hergestellt werde und im Juni dieses Jahres genutzt werden könne.
„Ich habe auch mit der Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, gesprochen. Sie bestätigte, dass ein einseitiger Vertragsbruch seitens Gazprom nicht nur ein Problem für Bulgarien sei. Es sei ein Problem der gesamten EU und die Antwort werde einmütig ausfallen“, fügte Petkow hinzu.

04.10.2021 - 04:12 [ ]

Surge in UK wholesale gas prices fuels winter energy crisis fears


European gas prices rose by 10%, with price pressure exacerbated by a dwindling supply from Russia.

Supply dropped on Tuesday as the flow of Russian gas via the Yamal-Europe pipeline fell by more than half, the Interfax news agency reported, citing data from the grid operator Gascade.

The situation in the UK, where market prices have quadrupled in the past year, is particularly acute.

04.10.2021 - 03:57 [ ]

Gazprom warns of a gas-short winter for Europe


“The gap in terms of injecting gas into European [underground gas storage] UGS facilities cannot be closed. Europe is going to enter the autumn/winter period with a gas shortage in its UGS facilities. The question is, how big is the shortage going to be?” the Russian executive said.

“They might even break new records very soon,” Miller said. He went on to note that despite European prices, Asian markets continued to pay a premium. As a result, gas is flowing into Asia.

04.10.2021 - 03:50 [ ]

Gas supplies to China via Power of Siberia hit 10 bln cubic meters, says Gazprom CEO


„The supplies to China are on the rise, having reached more than 10 bln cubic meters of gas totally since the beginning of deliveries under the 30-year contract (contract on supply via Power of Siberia – TASS),“ he said.

Miller considers the contract with China unique – the largest in the world.

04.10.2021 - 03:44 [ ]

U.S. sanctions spur China and Russia to build up cross-border links


In December 2019, Russia‘s state-run Gazprom began operating the Power of Siberia — a natural gas pipeline connecting the Russian Far East and northeastern China. Another pipeline is in the works.

China and Russia plan to increase bilateral trade to $200 billion in 2024.

18.07.2021 - 12:39 [ Common Dreams ]

Water Protectors Against Line 3 Sue Over Police Blockade of Indigenous Camp

„The Hubbard County Sheriff has attempted to illegally construct a de facto open-air prison to trap Indigenous environmental protectors and allies on their own property.“

20.04.2021 - 20:06 [ ]

Volatility in store for Chad‘s oil industry after president‘s death

Despite its oil wealth, Chad has been facing an enormous debt burden. Global Commodity trading house Glencore is one of the largest creditors to Chad through an oil-for-cash loan. Last year, the Chadian government requested that Glencore suspend payments on its oil-for-cash loan. The oil producer now also relies on oil-for-cash loadings from Chinese creditors.

Chad holds around 1.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, according to BP‘s Energy Outlook 2020, making it the 10th-largest oil reserve holder in Africa. Oil accounts for almost 90% of the country‘s export revenues.

20.04.2021 - 20:00 [ ]

Chad denies sale plans for export pipeline

(March 5, 2021)

SHT acquired a 25% stake in the Doba consortium from Chevron in 2014 for $1.3 billion. ExxonMobil and Malaysia’s Petronas also hold equity in the upstream and pipeline assets. Both foreign companies were considering sales in 2020, according to reports.

20.04.2021 - 19:42 [ ]

Chad: Hardline rule, poverty and oil

(April 13, 2021)

In 2003 Chad began to export oil to an Atlantic terminal through a pipeline built across neighbouring Cameroon.

20.04.2021 - 19:07 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

Um die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen in einer der vielen ex-Kolonien Frankreichs plausibel und zusammenhängend für die Wächter der Öffentlicheit zu machen, veröffentlichen wir eine Dokumentation mit 48 öffentlich zugänglichen allgemeinen Quellen. Wir haben Szenarien einfliessen lassen, um oft taktische und für den Betrachter verwirrende Äusserungen der beteiligten Akteure in einen subjektiven Zusammenhang als einen möglichen Vorgang hinter dem Vorhang zu setzen.
Starten wir die Suche in einer Stadt, der einst unübersichtliche, geschichtenreichen Gassen und Häuserschluchten das Herz zusammennähten und die heute zu einer innen noch ein bisschen rauschenden, aber mehr und mehr dunkler werdenden Ansammlung von Zwiebelschalen rund um die noch mächtigen Flure des Elysée-Palastes geworden ist.

Paris: …

09.04.2021 - 19:57 [ Common Dreams ]

Biden Admin. to Decide Dakota Access Pipeline‘s Fate in Friday Court Hearing

The Justice Department, Energy Transfer LP—one of the owners of the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) – and Indigenous tribes are set to appear virtually at 2 pm EDT in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, where federal government lawyers are expected to announce the fate of the fossil fuel project.

05.04.2021 - 11:49 [ Common Dreams ]

‚We Will Not Stop‘: First Nations Land Defenders Take Direct Action Against Trans Mountain Pipeline

„We have never provided and will never provide our collective free, prior, and informed consent—the minimal international standard—to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project,“ the Tiny House Warriors website declares. „The Tiny House Warrior movement is the start of re-establishing village sites and asserting our authority over our unceded territories.“

05.09.2020 - 09:16 [ ZDF ]

Giftanschlag auf Nawalny – Warum legt die Regierung keine Beweise vor?

Politiker beschuldigen Russland, hinter dem Giftanschlag auf Nawalny zu stecken. Doch Beweise für die direkte Beteiligung Moskaus hat die Bundesregierung bisher nicht vorgelegt.

05.09.2020 - 09:14 [ ]

Donald Trump casts doubt on Navalny poisoning, saying US ‚hasn‘t had any proof‘

“I think we have to look at it very seriously, if it’s the case,” he said, before talking at length about his diplomatic efforts in North Korea and nuclear non-proliferation in Russia. “I don’t know exactly what happened. It’s tragic. It’s terrible, it shouldn’t happen. We haven’t had any proof yet, but I will take a look.

05.09.2020 - 09:09 [ ZDF ]

Verhaltene Kritik an Moskau – Trump: Keine Beweise für Nawalny-Vergiftung

„Ich weiß nicht genau, was passiert ist. Es ist tragisch, furchtbar, wir haben noch keine Beweise gesehen, aber werden es uns anschauen“, sagte Trump.

30.08.2020 - 21:12 [ ]

US Control of Alexandroupolis Port Will Not Help To Protect Greece From Turkey

Selling a port of strategic importance to US companies, coupled with the availability of the facility for US and NATO troops, is raising many questions in Greece. The Mediterranean country remains only one in two countries surveyed in NATO where the civilian population is not in favor of the alliance and only 36% of Greeks view the US favorably

30.08.2020 - 20:31 [ ]

US-Kontrolle des Hafens von Alexandroupolis wird nicht dazu beitragen, Griechenland vor der Türkei zu schützen

Der Verkauf von Häfen ist aus Gründen der nationalen Sicherheit und Souveränität äußerst riskant. Die Privatisierung von Häfen bedeutet die Deregulierung von Staatseigentum und die Übertragung aller Funktionen und Transaktionen auf den privaten Sektor anstelle der staatlichen Sicherheit. Was wird geschehen, wenn ein ausländischer Investor wie die USA in die Verwaltung der Häfen in der Ägäis eingebunden wird, die eine unersetzliche Rolle für die Grenze und die nationale Verteidigung Griechenlands spielt, insbesondere in einer Zeit, in der die Türkei ihre Kriegsrhetorik gegen Griechenland verstärkt?

06.07.2020 - 00:21 [ The Hill ]

Energy companies cancel Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The two energy companies behind plans to build a natural gas pipeline spanning from West Virginia to North Carolina announced Sunday that the project was canceled, citing ongoing legal battles over the pipeline‘s construction.

06.06.2020 - 04:09 [ The Star ]

Crown, company drop charges against LNG pipeline opponents in B.C.

The arrests of 22 members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation and their supporters sparked protests across the country, shutting down rail and roads and putting a dent in the Canadian economy.

28.05.2020 - 02:13 [ Center for Biological Diversity ]

Trump Administration Again OKs Oil Drilling in California’s Carrizo Plain National Monument

On the eve of a holiday weekend and during a global pandemic, the Trump administration last week approved a new oil well and pipeline in Carrizo Plain National Monument. It would be the first well drilled in the monument since it was established in 2001.

The Bureau of Land Management originally approved the well and pipeline two years ago but withdrew that approval in July 2019 after Los Padres ForestWatch and Center for Biological Diversity filed objections. The conservation groups cited the well’s potential harm to wildlife, views and the climate.

04.05.2020 - 01:39 [ TASS ]

Academician Chersky pipelay vessel berthed in Kaliningrad

On December 21, 2019, Swiss-based Allseas dealing with Nord Stream 2 pipelay notified about work suspension against the background of US sanctions. The gas pipeline has been 93% completed to date.

25.03.2020 - 20:47 [ The Hill ]

Court sides with tribes in Dakota Access Pipeline case, ordering full environmental review

The controversial Dakota Access Pipeline hit another roadblock Wednesday when a federal judge struck down permits for the pipeline and ordered a full workup of the environmental impacts of the project.

North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Tribe had sued over the pipeline as protesters from around the country came to rally against pipeline construction that would travel across native lands and cross the Missouri River.

19.02.2020 - 21:59 [ ]

Canada passenger rail company lays off 1,000 staff as blockades bite

The protesters say they back the Wet’suwet’en indigenous people of British Columbia in their campaign against the C$6.6 billion ($4.98 billion) Coastal GasLink project. Some aboriginal bands claim the right to veto projects on their territory, a stance rejected by a Canadian court earlier this month.

“Reconciliation doesn’t mean allowing a couple of people to shut down the national economy,” Alberta Premier Jason Kenney told reporters.

14.02.2020 - 02:58 [ The Abbotsford News ]

VIDEO: B.C. officials to meet Wet’suwet’en chiefs over gas pipeline protest

B.C. Indigenous Relations Minister Scott Fraser has agreed to a meeting with Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs to resolve an impasse that has seen roadblocks on the route of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline spread to the nearby CN Rail tracks in northwestern B.C.

A letter from Premier John Horgan to a Wet’suwet’en chief confirms acceptance of a meeting, to be joined by a federal representative and a member of the neighbouring Gitxsan community.

14.02.2020 - 02:48 [ CityNews ]

‚This is war‘: Anti-pipeline protesters occupy David Eby Vancouver constituency office

The Vancouver constituency office of B.C.’s Attorney General was taken over Thursday by anti-pipeline protesters and supporters of Wet’suwet’en people opposed to a GasLink pipeline project.

Upwards of 50 people occupied the office and surrounding sidewalk, singing, drumming, giving speeches and milling about the room. Attorney General David Eby was in Victoria at the time of the protest.

14.02.2020 - 02:11 [ Morningstar ]

Canadian National Railway Shuts Down Eastern Canada Operations

Protesters have said they are blocking the trains to support an indigenous group that opposes the construction of a natural-gas pipeline in northern British Columbia.

09.02.2020 - 18:11 [ Global Research ]

By What Right Does Canada and Its Gendarmerie Invade Wet’suwet’en Territory?

People need to see what the government of Canada is doing!

03.02.2020 - 05:11 [ Truthout ]

Canada’s Battle Against First Nations Shows Slide Toward Authoritarianism

The Canadian state has always, if only tacitly, understood this relationship between authoritarianism, resource extraction, colonialism and what Karl Marx called “primitive accumulation” — the looting and pillaging of wealth. Like the U.S., Canada has a long, ignominious record of abusing, locking up and betraying promises to Indigenous peoples.

01.02.2020 - 18:23 [ ]

Ashgabat, Delhi discuss TAPI gas pipeline project

The Turkmengas State Concern is the leader of the TAPI Pipeline Company Ltd. international consortium. It acts as the main financier and manager of the project. The consortium also includes Afghan Gas Corporation, Pakistan’s Inter State Gas Systems (Private) Limited Company and India’s GAIL Company.

29.01.2020 - 00:24 [ Mike Garrity / CounterPunch ]

Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Threatens Imperiled Species and Inventoried Roadless Areas

We are giving the Forest Service the opportunity to address the serious legal problems with this decision before actually filing a lawsuit. For the sake of our public lands and wildlife – especially the imperiled species that will be harmed by this project – we truly hope the Forest Service reconsiders its decision and either cancels the project or takes the steps necessary to bring the project in compliance with federal law.

27.12.2019 - 17:23 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Reise in die Türkei: Merkel ringt um Flüchtlingspakt

Merkel und Erdoğan waren sich zuletzt auf dem Nato-Treffen in London Anfang Dezember begegnet. In einem Vierer-Treffen mit Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson sprachen sie über die Lage in Nordsyrien. Bei Merkels Besuch im Januar dürfte aber auch das Thema Libyen eine Rolle spielen, seit Erdoğan angekündigt hat, im dortigen Bürgerkrieg selbst für eine Seite Partei zu ergreifen.

27.12.2019 - 16:45 [ ]

Putin, Erdogan plan to launch TurkStream pipeline on January 8: Kremlin


Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to travel to Turkey for talks with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan on Jan. 8 where he will open the TurkStream natural gas pipeline, the Kremlin said on Monday.

26.12.2019 - 20:35 [ The Star Canada ]

Indigenous artifacts found in the path of a B.C. natural gas pipeline could be destroyed — and provincial permits allow for it

Mike Ridsdale’s voice shook as he spoke about ancient artifacts that could be destroyed as construction of the Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline continues, through the traditional lands of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. “Where our ancestors used to be laying, (they’ll be) shoved to the side and made into a pile of dirt,” Ridsdale said.

25.12.2019 - 12:07 [ ]

Israel, Zypern, Griechenland und Italien haben sich auf Eastmed-Gaspipeline geeinigt

Der griechischen Regierung zufolge haben sich Griechenland, Zypern, Israel und Italien auf die Bedingungen für den Bau der Mittelmeer-Gaspipeline Eastmed so vollständig geeinigt, dass der griechische Regierungschef Kyriakos Mitsotakis, der dem zypriotische Staatspräsident Nikos Anastasiades, der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu und ein noch nicht namentlich genannter Vertreter der italienischen Staatsführung den Vertrag dazu am 2. Januar unterschreiben werden.

15.12.2019 - 00:53 [ The Times of Israel ]

Turkish ships said to force Israeli research vessel out of Cypriot waters

According to TV report, Turkish navy intercepts Israeli boat, orders it to leave; Turkey’s recent maritime deal with Libya has fueled regional tensions over drilling rights

12.12.2019 - 16:11 [ Tagesschau ]

Entscheidung im Kongress: USA beschließen Nord Stream 2-Sanktionen

In seltener Einigkeit lehnen US-Präsident Trump, Demokraten und Republikaner Nord Stream 2 ab. Der Kongress will die Ostsee-Pipeline von Russland nach Deutschland nun mit Sanktionen stoppen – kurz vor deren Fertigstellung.

02.12.2019 - 16:41 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Ringen um Russlands Erdgas

Wie aus Washington berichtet wird, arbeiten Abgeordnete im US-Kongress gegenwärtig daran, die Bestimmungen eines entsprechenden Gesetzentwurfs, der bisher nicht verabschiedet werden konnte, in das Gesetz über den nächsten Pentagon-Haushalt zu integrieren.

16.11.2019 - 00:23 [ German Foreiign Policy ]

Sanktionen gegen Ankara

Kern des neuen Sanktionskonflikts zwischen der EU und der Türkei ist ein Teil der gewaltigen Erdgasvorkommen im östlichen Mittelmeer, die seit den 2000er Jahren Schritt für Schritt erkundet und ausgebeutet werden. Große Felder liegen vor allem vor der ägyptischen und der israelischen Küste; auch der Libanon hofft von Vorräten in seiner Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone profitieren zu können.

14.09.2019 - 01:39 [ Al Jazeera ]

India, Nepal open South Asia‘s first cross-border oil pipeline

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Nepalese counterpart, Khadga Prasad Oli, hit the switch simultaneously on Tuesday from their offices in New Delhi and Kathmandu to open the 69-kilometre pipeline, which will bring gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene across the border to Nepal.

16.08.2019 - 03:38 [ Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research ]

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil

(21.10.2012) The following text written in 2006 at the height of the Lebanon 2006 war examines the geopolitics of energy and oil and and gas pipeline corridors through Lebanon and Syria

Another important strategic objective for Israel is the control over offshore gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean, including those Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. These coastal gas reserves extend from Israel’s border with Egyptian to the Turkish border.

25.07.2019 - 19:45 [ Zero Hedge ]

The Oil-Gas War Over Syria (In 4 Maps)


Qatar is a Sunni gas-powerhouse and wants to become the main supplier of gas there, and Saudi Arabia is a Sunni oil-powerhouse, which wants to become the major supplier of oil, but Saudi oil and Qatari gas would be pipelined through secular-controlled (Assad‘s) Syria, and this is why the U.S. and its fundamentalist-Sunni allies, the Sauds, and Qataris, are using Al Qaeda and other jihadists to conquer enough of a strip through Syria so that U.S. companies such as Halliburton will be able safely to place pipelines there, to be marketed in Europe by U.S. firms such as Exxon. Iran also wants to pipeline its gas through Syria, and this is one reason why Iran is defending Syria’s government, against the U.S.-Saudi-Qatari-jihadist invasion, which is trying to overthrow and replace Assad.

25.07.2019 - 19:25 [ ]

Somebody Blew Up the Pipeline to Syria’s Main Oil Terminal: Oil embargo of the country now backed by sabotage of key oil infrastructure


Experts confirm that the attack was a well-planned operation. Pipes are at a depth of dozens meters underwater. Such a difficult mining mission can be completed only by trained and well-equipped specs. This fact excludes the operating of the irregular militants.

25.07.2019 - 19:20 [ ]

Oil Pipelines Sabotaged In Syria

(24.06.2019) The network carries crude oil from the coast to tankers at the port of Banias. The port city houses one of Syria’s two refineries. The other is located in Homs, in central Syria.

Last month U.S.-led forces blew up three oil tankers in Syria in the latest push against the Syrian government which is fighting rebel groups in their last remaining stronghold in Syria, in Idlib.

Syria is heavily dependent on crude oil imports through the Mediterranean, with a lot of the oil coming from Iran.

25.07.2019 - 19:11 [ Al-Monitor ]

Iraq plans to launch pipelines to export oil through Jordan, Syria


Assem Jihad, a spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, told Al-Monitor, “The ministry is considering the extension of an Iraqi oil pipeline through Syrian territory to the Mediterranean Sea, and is in the process of studying the economic feasibility of the project and the appropriate geographical and security conditions.”

He said the idea had been proposed in 2004 but delayed due to unstable security conditions in both countries.

25.07.2019 - 19:10 [ Letter to Britain ]

How a Pipeline From Iran to Syria Could Bring Peace

(16.02.2018) There was at one time, a completely plausible plan for the region that has gone off the rails — not because any side opposed it — but because there was no oversight to bring the plan to fruition.

In between President Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’, the Arab Spring, and the U.S. elections that brought Donald Trump to the White House, the Syrian situation was left unguided and (no surprise!) it therefore deteriorated.

Major powers are now bombing each other’s troops and shooting down each other’s aircraft (and who knows what else is going on that isn’t reported) which makes escalation a foregone conclusion in the absence of leadership and implementation of the original plan.

16.06.2019 - 17:31 [ Global News ]

No business case for Trans Mountain expansion, says former environment minister

Anderson wrote that Asian refineries have better supply options than Alberta. Compared with conventional light and medium crude oil from Nigeria and the Middle East, Alberta bitumen is expensive to produce, hard to handle and provides no security of supply advantages, he said.

16.06.2019 - 17:25 [ Reuters ]

Canada set to approve hotly-debated pipeline expansion, Trudeau unlikely to benefit

Canada looks set to approve a hotly-debated plan to expand an oil pipeline this week, people familiar with the process told Reuters, but the move is unlikely to help Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rebuild flagging support ahead of an October election.

15.05.2019 - 14:24 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Vor neuen Konfrontationen (II)

Macrons Gegenwehr gegen die deutsche Dominanz betrifft nicht nur die Europa-, sondern auch die klassische Außenpolitik. So hat die französische Regierung am 30. April eine neue Südosteuropastrategie angekündigt, die neue Aktivitäten vor allem in den sechs Ländern der Region, die nicht der EU angehören [4], mit sich bringen soll. Vorgesehen ist nicht nur der Ausbau der politischen, sondern auch der ökonomischen Beziehungen; Paris stellt unter anderem Entwicklungsmittel in Höhe von zunächst 100 bis 150 Millionen Euro bereit. Vor allem die Militärkooperation soll intensiviert werden: Geplant ist neben einer verstärkten Ausbildung südosteuropäischer Offiziere in Frankreich auch eine zunehmende Einbindung von Soldaten der Region in französische Militäreinsätze. Bereits im Februar unterschrieb die damalige französische Europaministerin Nathalie Loiseaux bei einem Besuch in Serbien detaillierte Vereinbarungen zur engeren wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit.

07.05.2019 - 17:49 [ ]

Pakistan PM keen to complete gas pipeline project with Iran

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his resolve to complete gas pipeline project with Islamic Republic of Iran, local media reported on Tuesday.

According to reports, Prime Minister has issued fresh directives to the authorities concerned to take appropriate steps to implement Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

07.04.2019 - 13:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

August 2006:
Der seit 1990 durch einen Putsch mit Hilfe Frankreichs an die Macht gekommene Diktator Idriss Deby verlangt eine Erhöhung der Anteile am Ölprofit auf 60% (bis zum damaligen Zeitpunkt 20%). Er spricht von „Krümeln“, die der Tschad (sprich: er) bis dahin von den Energiemonolen bekommen habe.
Daraufhin geschieht Folgendes: das ehrenwerte US-Magazin “Forbes” zeigt sich plötzlich so erschüttert, dass es den Tschad als “korruptestes Land der Welt” bezeichnet und die höchst ehrenwerte Weltbank sperrt dem Tschad (also Deby) die Konten. (10)

Oktober 2006:
Die “Union of Forces for Democracy and Development” (UFDD) wird gegründet.
Ziel der „Tschad-Rebellen“: Sturz von Deby (12).
Anführer: der ehemalige Botschafter in Saudi-Arabien, General Mahamat Nouri, bis 2004 Minister von Deby und 1990 ebenfalls mit französischer Hilfe an die Macht gekommen (13).
Hauptquartier: Libreville, Gabun, ebenfalls ex-Kolonie von Frankreich. (5)
Ungefähr im gleichen Zeitraum gründet sich in Sudan, Provinz Darfur, die Guerillatruppe „Armee der Volkskräfte“ – „mit tschadischer Unterstützung“, wie es heisst. (14)

05.04.2019 - 01:08 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Vorstoß zum Kaspisee

Die deutsch-turkmenischen Geschäfte umfassen auch heikle Bereiche. Im Februar 2018 reiste ein Vertreter des Münchner IT-Sicherheitskonzerns Rohde & Schwarz nach Aschgabad und traf sich dort mit Staatschef Berdimuhamedow. Ihm zufolge will seine Firma die Beziehungen mit Turkmenistan ausbauen. Auf die Anfrage der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch, welche Dienstleistungen Rohde & Schwarz bisher für Turkmenistan geleistet habe und was derzeit geplant sei, gab es keine Antwort. Das Unternehmen baut unter anderem Cybersecurity-Systeme für Regierungen und Militärs.

04.03.2019 - 02:02 [ Global Research ]

The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent

The ACLU, along with a coalition of public interest groups, filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Greenpeace and its partners and the individual Standing Rock protesters. We argued that Energy Transfer’s claims violate the First Amendment, which prohibits companies from suing critics out of existence just because their message is anathema to the corporate interests of the plaintiff. We also told the court that the RICO Act can’t be manipulated and exploited to suppress constitutionally protected speech.

15.02.2019 - 14:31 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Weltpolitik unter Druck

Vor der heute startenden Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz setzen US-Aggressionen und innereuropäische Opposition gegen die offene Berliner Dominanz zentrale Projekte der deutschen Weltpolitik massiv unter Druck.