Daily Archives: 29. Mai 2019

29.05.2019 - 18:31 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Darkest, Deepest Fear Just Came True

Gone is the oratorical virtuoso, the political Merlin, the electoral Midas. Each, in his turn, has aged out.

But none of that is what makes him a loser.

What makes him a loser is that he is a man with no honor. None.

Here is a man whose every word, every facial expression, every argument, every belief, is a false front. There is not one cell of principle in him.

29.05.2019 - 18:28 [ theGuardian ]

Netanyahu‘s decade-long rule in doubt as coalition talks falter

Political commentators said that as the prospects dimmed for a compromise with Lieberman, Netanyahu would focus his efforts on enlisting the 61 votes needed in parliament to approve a new election.

29.05.2019 - 18:16 [ Spiked ]

No confidence in the German establishment

The pro-EU parties crumbled – but a coherent Eurosceptic force is sorely lacking.

29.05.2019 - 18:12 [ Tagesschau ]

SPD-Fraktionsvorsitz: Schulz tritt nicht gegen Nahles an

Er macht‘s nicht: Schulz wird nicht gegen Fraktionschefin Nahles antreten. Der Ex-SPD-Chef und Ex-Kanzlerkandidat war als möglicher Gegenkandidat gehandelt worden. Und noch jemand sagte ab.

29.05.2019 - 18:09 [ Telegraph ]

Isolated and vilified, Speaker John Bercow is clinging on to get the Brexit he wants

John Bercow may not be Brexiteers‘ favourite as Speaker as the House of Commons, but he has sought to live up to the spirit of Brexit by constantly letting the expected deadline for his departure slip.

29.05.2019 - 17:59 [ ITV.com ]

John Bercow vows to stay on as Commons Speaker beyond summer

Mr Bercow had reportedly told friends he was planning to stand down in the summer, having spent 10 years in the post.

29.05.2019 - 17:56 [ Telegraph ]

May and Corbyn are now the most unpopular PM and opposition leader duo of all time

Their combined approval rating is now at a disastrous -96 according to the latest figures from Ipsos MORI from earlier this month. A Telegraph analysis has shown that this is the lowest combined score ever recorded by the pollster, well clear of the -89 posted by Margaret Thatcher and Michael Foot in December of 1981.

29.05.2019 - 17:53 [ Brendan Chilton, Director @LabourFutureUK ‏/ Twitter ]

NO FAN of Boris Johnson. But if he has to go to court for alleged lying in the referendum- should all those MPs who promised and were elected on a ticket to respect the outcome of the referendum but who now support a 2nd ref and remain- should they be in the dock too for lying?

29.05.2019 - 17:47 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚This is a politically motivated attempt to reverse Brexit‘: Boris Johnson fires back at judge‘s ‚extraordinary‘ decision to send him to a CRIMINAL court to face crowdfunded private prosecution over his claim Britain sends EU £350m every week

– Tory leadership hopeful made comments in 2016 ahead of the referendum
– Entrepreneur Marcus Ball, 29, raised £370,000 to bring private prosecution
– Mr Johnson faces 3 charges over comments – 2 as an MP and 1 as London Mayor
– The case will next be heard at Westminster Magistrates Court – though a date is yet to be set – and will then be sent on to crown court

29.05.2019 - 17:43 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Boris Johnson muss vor Gericht

Für seine Angaben hatte Johnson bereits in der Vergangenheit heftige Kritik einstecken müssen. So rügte der Chef der britischen Überwachungsbehörde für öffentliche Statistiken in einem öffentlichen Brief den exzentrischen Politiker: Es handle sich bei den 350 Millionen Pfund um einen Bruttobetrag, bei dem nicht in Betracht gezogen werde, dass Großbritannien auch Geld von der EU zurückerhalte.

29.05.2019 - 15:21 [ Latvian Public Broadcasting ]

Saeima chooses Egils Levits as new State President

The Latvian parliament, the Saeima, chose a new State President May 29 in a special session. Following two hours of debate a vote was held which saw Egils Levits confirmed as the next head of state.

29.05.2019 - 11:45 [ Gaby Weber / Portal amerika21.de ]

Deutsche Journalisten in der Geheimkartei der Foltersiedlung Colonia Dignidad

Derzeit führe ich einen Prozess vor dem Bundesverwaltungsamt Leipzig auf Herausgabe der BND-Akten zur Diktatur in Argentinien und in Chile. Einige Unterlagen habe ich – teilweise geschwärzt – erhalten, der Rest wird hoffentlich von den Richtern freigegeben werden. Die chilenische Regierung hat diese Unterlagen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Das Bundeskanzleramt – als die aufsichtführende Behörde – wird in dem Verfahren in Leipzig nicht müde, eine Sperrerklärung nach der anderen abzugeben. Die Zusammenarbeit der Dienste und die einst zugesagte Geheimhaltung sei bis in alle Ewigkeit absolut unverzichtbar, so das Amt Merkel. Die südamerikanischen Regierungen sehen das offensichtlich anders und haben die Dokumente freigegeben.

29.05.2019 - 11:32 [ WSWS ]

Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing

Per Samuelson, one of Assange’s Swedish defence lawyers, told Reuters on Tuesday that he made the request for the hearing to be delayed after meeting with Assange at Britain’s Belmarsh Prison on Friday. One of the reasons for the application, he said, was that “Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him.“

29.05.2019 - 11:10 [ WSWS ]

Honduran government cracks down on strike by teachers, doctors and nurses

A new criminal code that went into effect May 15 criminalizes demonstrations in the broadest terms with up to four years in prison and 15 years for leaders or promoters. It also establishes a prison term of 3 to 10 years for carrying out abortions.

29.05.2019 - 10:41 [ junge Welt ]

Grußbotschaft des venezolanischen Außenministers

Jorge Arreaza meldete sich per Audiobotschaft aus Oslo und wendete sich mit eindringlichen Worten an die Gäste in Berlin: »Wir sind stolz, dass ihr uns in Deutschland, in Europa und in der ganzen Welt unterstützt. Es gibt leider zahlreiche Regierungen von Geschäftsleuten die Trumps Kriegsmaschinerie unterstützen. Wir hoffen, dass diese Länder das Völkerrecht endlich wieder anerkennen.

29.05.2019 - 10:37 [ junge Welt ]

750 Besucher bei Solidaritätsveranstaltung für Venezuela

Aktueller Anlass für das Zusammenkommen sei, dass am selben Tag Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas zu einer Lateinamerika-Konferenz geladen hatte – der venezolanische Außenminister gehörte explizit nicht zu seinen Gästen.

29.05.2019 - 10:29 [ junge Welt ]

Aktionen gegen Waffendeals: Störfall bei Rüstungsriesen

Die anwesenden Bundestagsabgeordneten Sevim Dagdelen und Heike Hänsel (beide Die Linke) verlangten jedoch, den Einsatzleiter zu sprechen und bestanden darauf, dass nach der Personalienfeststellung alle ihr Demonstrationsrecht wahrnehmen könnten. Mit einer Parade unter dem Motto »Rheinmetall: Die Toten kommen« sollte der Opfer der Konzernpolitik gedacht werden.

29.05.2019 - 10:14 [ Gareth Porter / antikrieg.com ]

Bolton drängt mit israelischen „Informationen“ auf Krieg gegen den Iran

Normalerweise würde es Informationen entweder von einer sehr glaubwürdigen Quelle innerhalb der iranischen Regierung oder ein Abfangen einer sensiblen Kommunikation aus dem Iran erfordern, um diese Art von Anschuldigungen zu rechtfertigen. Aber keine Nachrichtenagentur hat die Nachricht verbreitet, dass eine so spektakuläre neue Information den Weg ins Weiße Haus oder ins Pentagon gefunden hat.

29.05.2019 - 10:08 [ Antiwar.com ]

The Pence Prophecy: VP Predicts Perpetual War at the West Point Graduation

Seen in its proper context, Pence’s speech would have raised alarm bells in a healthy, functioning republic. But America in 2019 is far from that. Instead, the VP’s staggeringly absurd speech registered as barely a blip on the media’s 24-hour news cycle. After eighteen years of perpetual conflict, members of the military, and the populace at large, have grown immune to the inertia of war. As such, the republic’s bleeding is internal, as American Democracy dies a slow, opaque death from the inside out.

29.05.2019 - 07:51 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

US-Behörden wollen Telekommunikation in Europa abhören

Die EU-Kommission will ein Abkommen mit der US-Regierung verhandeln, das Internetanbieter mit Sitz in der Europäischen Union zu mehr Kooperation mit US-Behörden zwingt. Die Firmen müssten Polizeien und Geheimdiensten aus den USA Zugang zur Kommunikation ihrer NutzerInnen gewähren. Auch europäische Strafverfolger könnten dann direkt bei Facebook, Apple und anderen Internetriesen eine Anordnung zur Herausgabe stellen. Der bislang übliche Rechtsweg über die Justizbehörden soll entfallen.

Die Pläne sind Teil der „E-Evidence“-Verordnung, mit der die EU die Herausgabe „elektronischer Beweismittel“ erleichtern will.

29.05.2019 - 07:21 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚EU won‘t change one dot or comma‘: Nigel Farage declares it is ‚absolute rubbish‘ to suggest new Tory PM could renegotiate May‘s Brexit deal as he blasts Jeremy Hunt‘s No Deal u-turn

On Fox News last night, Mr Farage vowed: ‚If we do not leave the European Union on October 31, I will lead the Brexit Party after that into the next general election and we will sweep away parties that have dominated British politics for over 100 years.‘

29.05.2019 - 07:18 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nach der Hessen-Wahl: Alles macht einfach weiter wie bisher


Die seit Jahrzehnten von Pseudolinken an den Horizont gemalte Fata Morgana „rot-rot-grün“ (die dann auch nur die gleiche Politik macht wie alle Anderen, siehe Berlin) versinkt ebenfalls im Treibsand? Naja. Einfach nochmal 5 Jahre warten. Oder zehn. Einfach weiter so! Weitermachen, Schnauze halten, Genossinnen und Genossen!

29.05.2019 - 07:13 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

Outside the M25…. Brexit Party to the left of them. Brexit Party to right of them. Brexit Party to the front of them. Into the valley of death rode the Labour Party.

29.05.2019 - 06:07 [ onenewspage.com ]

May Says It‘s Best For UK To Leave EU With A Deal

As she was arriving for talks with the 28 other EU leaders in Brussels, May told journalist, “The best option for the UK is to leave the EU with a deal.” May is scheduled to meet with EU leaders to name five people to hold the European Union’s top jobs for the next five years.

29.05.2019 - 05:55 [ tvnewsroom.consilium.europa.eu ]

Informal dinner of Heads of State or Government – May 2019: Arrival and doorstep May (UK)

Arrival and doorstep by Theresa MAY, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, at the Informal Dinner of Heads of State or Government, taking place on 28 May 2019, in Brussels.

29.05.2019 - 05:32 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Merkel Cancels Resignation, Decides Successor Not Up to Job

If the Tories thought they were having trouble getting rid of Theresa May, they should spare a thought for the German CDU where Angela Merkel has just announced that she won’t be resigning as German Chancellor after all.

29.05.2019 - 05:29 [ Bloomberg ]

Merkel Decides Her Chosen Successor Isn’t Up to the Job

Merkel has decided that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who took over as leader of the Christian Democratic Union in December, is not up to the country’s top job, according to two officials with knowledge of her thinking. As a result, the chancellor has become more determined than ever to stay in power until her term ends in 2021, the officials said.

29.05.2019 - 05:03 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

Labour now looks set to back a second referendum, with the option to remain and Labour would campaign to remain. This is suicidal- but hey, London and Brighton will be happy. Labour starting down the path of other left parties- abandoning the core. Its a perilous route.

29.05.2019 - 04:54 [ theSun.co.uk ]

REMAIN IN THE CHAIR: Remainer John Bercow vows to stay on as Speaker past July as he threatens to block No Deal Brexit

REMAINER John Bercow has vowed to stay on as speaker of the House of Commons past July after threatening to block a No Deal Brexit.

The move risks sparking a fresh rift with Eurosceptic Tories, who have accused him of using his supposedly neutral role in Parliament to try to keep Britain in the EU.

29.05.2019 - 04:42 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

We‘re going to do something today that the media doesn‘t often do. We‘re going to talk about why it is that 3 families own almost as much wealth as the bottom half of America. Join our town hall in Londonderry, New Hampshire.

29.05.2019 - 04:34 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

I know the cost of war. When I came home from my 2nd deployment, I vowed to fight for peace, standing up to the most powerful, meeting with both friends and adversaries. Peace gives America our future. That’s why I’ll never stop fighting for peace.

29.05.2019 - 04:12 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

Our publisher Julian Assange has endured 9 years of punishment through process. He now faces the rest of his life in prison. Please donate.