Daily Archives: 19. Mai 2019

19.05.2019 - 22:35 [ The Guardian ]

US prosecutors to ‚help themselves‘ to Julian Assange‘s possessions

Julian Assange’s belongings from his time living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London will be handed over to US prosecutors on Monday, according to WikiLeaks.

Ecuadorian officials are travelling to London to allow US prosecutors to “help themselves” to items including legal papers, medical records and electronic equipment, it was claimed.

19.05.2019 - 21:38 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil‘s military police killed 434 in 2019 in Rio de Janeiro

This became the most violent 90 days period in recorded history. The data did not include killings by the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police. The killing spree by the military police comes less than six months into the presidency of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Last year, during the same period, 386 deaths were reported.

19.05.2019 - 20:27 [ The Jordan Times ]

Jordan, Poland to form taskforce to enhance trade, economic exchange

Safadi said that the Palestinian cause was at the forefront of their discussion on regional developments, expressing appreciation for Poland’s support of a two-state solution that guarantees the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, to guarantee its people’s rights and ensure lasting and encompassing peace.

19.05.2019 - 16:58 [ Haaretz ]

Germany, Shame on You and Your anti-BDS Resolution

A blend of warranted guilt feelings, orchestrated and taken to sickening extremes by cynical and manipulative Israeli extortion, caused the federal parliament on Friday to pass one of the most outrageous and bizarre resolutions since the end of World War II. The Bundestag has defined the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel as anti-Semitic. Benjamin Netanyahu and Gilad Erdan rejoiced. Germany ought to be ashamed.

From now on, Germany will consider every supporter of BDS to be a Jew-hater; saying “the Israeli occupation” will be like saying “Heil Hitler.” From now on, Germany cannot boast of its freedom of speech. It has become an agent of Israeli colonialism.

19.05.2019 - 16:47 [ DailyMail..co.uk ]

Secretive Israeli firm behind WhatsApp spyware hack is sued by Amnesty International over ‚surveillance of its staff‘

– Amnesty International have filed a lawsuit in Israel following the WhatsApp hack
– Amnesty have accused NSO of not giving due diligence in selling their product
– This week WhatsApp said NSO‘s spyware software was used in a security breach
– WhatsApp said the attack may have been launched against human rights groups

19.05.2019 - 16:44 [ Amnesty International ]

Israel: Amnesty International engages in legal action to stop NSO Group’s web of surveillance


Amnesty International is supporting a legal action to take the Israeli Ministry of Defence (MoD) to court, to demand that it revokes the export license of NSO Group, an Israeli company whose spyware products have been used in chilling attacks on human rights defenders around the world.

In a petition to be filed tomorrow at the District Court of Tel Aviv, approximately 30 members and supporters of Amnesty International Israel and others from the human rights community set out how the MoD has put human rights at risk by allowing NSO to continue exporting its products.

19.05.2019 - 16:26 [ Mint Press ]

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks


The FBI presence at the Urban Moving Systems search site drew the attention of the local media and was later reported on both television and in the local press. A former Urban Moving Systems employee later contacted the Newark Division with information indicating that he had quit his employment with Urban Moving Systems as a result of the high amount of anti-American sentiment present among Urban’s employees. The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked, “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country” (page 37 of the FBI report).

19.05.2019 - 16:19 [ Daniel Neun / Twitter ]

Mein Lieblingssatz: „Gebt uns 20 Jahre und wir übernehmen eure Medien und zerstören euer Land.“ Dok 1, Seite 37/38


19.05.2019 - 16:15 [ teleSUR ]

Iceland Stands Up For Palestine at Eurovision 2019 Contest 2019

The Icelandic band Hatari created a stir at Eurovision 2019 when they displayed banners in support of Palestine when cameras panned to them during an announcement of Iceland’s points, highlighting the controversial nature of this year’s competition hosted in Tel Aviv, Israel.

19.05.2019 - 16:14 [ WikiLeaks ‏/ Twitter ]

Julian Assange. In his own words: Google Is An Empire.

19.05.2019 - 16:04 [ Camila, producer, presenter @telesurenglish / Twitter ]

Adrienne Pine: We‘re exporting our ‚democracy‘ around the world—and of course it‘s no democracy: It‘s violence, it‘s war, it‘s murder, it‘s capitalism. @AlinaTelesur @adriennepine (2 of 2)

19.05.2019 - 15:59 [ Alex Rubinstein ‏/ Twitter ]

Just one day out of jail, @KBZeese is out protesting in front of the White House. „We are going to defeat this coup!“

19.05.2019 - 15:56 [ Mint Press News / Twitter ]

Marching from the illegally seized Venezuelan embassy to the White House.

19.05.2019 - 14:47 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Referendum: Übernimmt die Schweiz EU-Waffenrecht?

Mit einer verschärfenden Richtlinie soll das Schweizer Waffenrecht EU-konform gemacht werden. Stimmt die Mehrheit heute aber dagegen, droht der Ausschluss aus dem Schengen-Raum.

19.05.2019 - 14:21 [ jusline.at ]

Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG)

Art. 29 B-VG

(1) Der Bundespräsident kann den Nationalrat auflösen, er darf dies jedoch nur einmal aus dem gleichen Anlass verfügen. Die Neuwahl ist in diesem Fall von der Bundesregierung so anzuordnen, dass der neugewählte Nationalrat längstens am hundertsten Tag nach der Auflösung zusammentreten kann.

(2) Vor Ablauf der Gesetzgebungsperiode kann der Nationalrat durch einfaches Gesetz seine Auflösung beschließen.

(3) Nach einer gemäß Abs. 2 erfolgten Auflösung sowie nach Ablauf der Zeit, für die der Nationalrat gewählt ist, dauert die Gesetzgebungsperiode bis zum Tag, an dem der neugewählte Nationalrat zusammentritt.

19.05.2019 - 14:20 [ Süddeutsche.de ]

Van der Bellen plädiert für Neuwahlen Anfang September

Österreichs Präsident Van der Bellen und Kanzler Kurz bevorzugen für Neuwahlen einen Termin im September.

19.05.2019 - 13:58 [ Salzburger Nachrichten ]

ÖVP-Wahlkampfauftakt: Kanzler Kurz fordert Neuverhandlung des EU-Vertrages


EVP-Spitzenkandidat Weber warnte in seiner Rede ebenfalls davor, dass es genügend Kräfte gebe, die Europa wieder rückabwickeln möchten. Zudem stellte er in Aussicht, dass „seine Kommission“ dafür sorgen würde, dass das bestehende Recht auf den Prüfstand gestellt und unnötige Gesetze auch gestrichen würden. Weber hob den Stellenwert der Handelspolitik hervor. Diese sei für Europa als Exportkontinent von zentraler Bedeutung.

19.05.2019 - 13:52 [ derStandard.at ]

Deutscher Verfassungsschutz spricht Österreich Misstrauen aus

(18.05.2019) Wie die „Welt am Sonntag“ berichtet, sieht der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), Thomas Haldenwang, erhebliche Risiken in der nachrichtendienstlichen Zusammenarbeit mit Österreich. Entsprechende Äußerungen sollen in der vergangenen Woche im Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium (PKGr) des Deutschen Bundestages gefallen sein.

19.05.2019 - 13:30 [ Ihr Programm / Youtube ]

LIVE – Alexander Van der Bellen & Sebastian Kurz – Neuwahlen Österreich / Ibiza-Video HC Strache

Liveübertragung mit dem Bundespräsidenten und dem Bundeskanzler aus der Hofburg in Wien vom 19. Mai 2019, 12.00 Uhr

19.05.2019 - 13:21 [ ORF.at ]

U-Ausschüsse müssen wegen Neuwahl beendet werden

Die Neuwahlen bedeuten auch das vorzeitige Ende der beiden Untersuchungsausschüsse zu BVT- und Eurofighter-Affäre.

19.05.2019 - 13:14 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Videoaffäre um Strache: Skandal im Schnelldurchlauf

Am Freitagabend um 18 Uhr veröffentlichten „Süddeutsche Zeitung“ und „Spiegel“ mehrere Artikel und Ausschnitte aus einem Video, das den FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache und seinen Fraktionsvorsitzenden Johann Gudenus im Gespräch mit einer vermeintlichen russischen Oligarchin zeigt. Insgesamt soll das Treffen im Juli 2017 mehr als sechs Stunden gedauert haben.

19.05.2019 - 12:58 [ Michael Crowley ‏/ Twitter ]

„If you can‘t get rid of the people who govern you you don‘t live in a democratic system.“ Tony Benn. Folks it‘s democracy versus authoritarianism. It matters not how you describe yourself, it matters what side you take, more than any time since 1945.

19.05.2019 - 12:45 [ YouGov.co.uk ]

Labour and Tories lose majority of support to Brexit protest

These latest results are taken from a representative sample of over 7,000 British adults conducted between 12th and 16th May. This larger than usual sample allows us to look closely at how different groups are likely to vote next week.

19.05.2019 - 03:57 [ The Hill ]

Sanders unveils education plan that would ban for-profit charter schools

The Democratic presidential hopeful said during the speech that he aims “to guarantee every person in our country a quality education,” which he described as a “fundamental human right.”

19.05.2019 - 02:08 [ CNN ]

Eurovision: Madonna mixes politics with a classic hit during performance

„My heart breaks every time I hear about the innocent lives that are lost in this region and the violence that is so often perpetuated to suit the political goals of people who benefit from this ancient conflict. I hope and pray that we will soon break free from this terrible cycle of destruction and create a new path towards peace,“ the statement continued.

19.05.2019 - 01:59 [ Regierung Schweiz ]

Volksabstimmung vom 19. Mai 2019

Am 19. Mai 2019 werden die Schweizer Stimmberechtigten über zwei Vorlage abstimmen.

19.05.2019 - 01:47 [ Reuters ]

Saudi crown prince discusses regional developments with Pompeo: ministry

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince discussed regional developments, including efforts to strengthen security and stability, in a phone call with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Saudi Media Ministry tweeted on Sunday.

19.05.2019 - 01:17 [ The Independent ]

Monsanto: Do cancer payouts and global protests signal the end for this agrochemical company?

On Sunday, hundreds of “March Against Monsanto” rallies are expected around the world. The campaign group of the same name behind the protests aims to “educate the world about the crimes Monsanto has committed against humanity”.

The marches – which attract people in their millions – are in their eighth year.

19.05.2019 - 01:09 [ teleSUR ]

Global Protest Against Monsanto, GMO Products

The 7th „Global March Against Monsanto“ is taking place to protest against Monsanto‘s glyphosate and genetically modified organisms.

On Saturday, massive demonstrations took place in nearly forty French cities against Monsanto, an U.S. agrochemical corporation acquired by the German group Bayer last June in a US$68 billon deal.

19.05.2019 - 01:02 [ bz Basel ]

2000 Personen protestieren gegen Syngenta & Co

Die 2017 von der chinesischen ChemChina übernommene Syngenta ist einer der von den Kundgebungsteilnehmer angeprangerten Konzerne. Im Schussfeld standen auch die ebenfalls in Basel vertretenen globalen Agrochemieplayer BASF und Bayer. Die deutsche Bayer hatte 2018 den US-Konzern Monsanto übernommen.

19.05.2019 - 01:00 [ New York Times ]

Australia Election Results: Prime Minister Scott Morrison Seizes a Stunning Win

The election had presented Australia, a vital American ally in the Asia-Pacific, with a crucial question: Would it remain on a rightward path and stick with a political coalition that promised economic stability, jobs and cuts to immigration or choose greater action on climate change and income inequality?

19.05.2019 - 00:57 [ March against Monsanto & Syngenta ]

March against Monsanto & Syngenta

Es wird nicht länger akzeptiert, dass einige wenige Riesenkonzerne die Nahrungsmittelproduktion so steuern, dass ihre Aktionär*innen maximale Gewinne einstreichen. Die Proteste in Basel sind ein kraftvolles Zeichen in diesem weltweiten Kampf. Hier in Basel ist der Hauptsitz des weltweit grössten Pestizidproduzenten Syngenta/ChemChina und ein Produktionsstandort von Bayer ist in Muttenz.