Archiv: birthdays / weddings / funerals / family ceremonies

02.09.2024 - 21:51 [ I Am Chasidish / Youtube ]

Israeli superstar Chanan Ben Ari singing at the Levaya for hostage Ori Danino HY’D with Ori’s bro.


02.09.2024 - 21:44 [ shiezolin / Youtube ]

Hundreds Attend Funeral for Slain Hostage Eden Yerushalmi in Petah Tikva

Footage shows relatives crying over Yerushalmi‘s body while her father is seen reading prayers. Later, a procession is shown carrying the body wrapped in an Israeli flag for burial.

02.09.2024 - 21:33 [ CNBC-TV18 / Youtube ]

Israel-Hamas War Live Updates: Funeral Service Held for Israeli Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polino | N18G

A funeral is held for Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli American taken hostage in the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks and whose body was recovered from a tunnel in Gaza.

02.09.2024 - 21:27 [ Associated Press / Youtube ]

Funeral held for Israeli hostage Almog Sarusi after his body was recovered from Gaza

The funeral was held on Sunday for one of the six hostages whose bodies were recovered by the Israeli military from Gaza

30.03.2024 - 18:02 [ Yahoo ]

King Charles’ Funeral Plans Unveiled After Monarch Is Given 2 Years to Live With Pancreatic Cancer

Royal watchers have begun to witness his decline, too. Though he will be stepping out on Easter Sunday for a service at Windsor, the king is missing from the royal calendar for the foreseeable future, instead relying heavily on his sister, Princess Anne, to do the work of the royal family. While many would have assumed his heir, Prince William, would be stepping up to the plate, he too is missing from the royal schedule due to Princess Kate Middleton’s own cancer diagnosis and treatment.

02.03.2024 - 18:52 [ The Australian / Youtube ]

Alexei Navalny funeral: Thousands of Russians defy Kremlins orders (Watch)


Thousands of people defied the threat of arrest by attending the funeral of Alexei Navalny in Moscow, embracing one of the last remaining avenues to register their anger at President Vladimir Putin as well as mourning one of the few politicians capable of standing up to the Russian leader.

17.12.2023 - 15:29 [ Times of Israel ]

‘You survived 70 days in hell’: Alon Lulu Shamriz, Gaza hostage mistakenly killed by IDF, is buried

Hundreds attend the funeral of Alon Lulu Shamriz, who was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and held captive for 70 days before he was mistakenly killed by IDF troops on Friday.

Shamriz, a resident of Kibbutz Kfar Aza, is buried at Shefayim — the temporary home of members of the community.

09.12.2023 - 09:34 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Israelis have noticed this image from Gal Eizenkot‘s grave: One father standing over the coffin of his son killed in battle; another father who got underlings to illegally grant his toxic troll son a diplomatic passport when he returned from 9 sybaritic months on Miami Beach.

25.05.2023 - 21:23 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Few have said it as well as Bob Dylan: „Come you masters of war…


…You that build all the guns. You that build the death planes. You that build the big bombs. You that hide behind walls. You that hide behind desks. I just want you to know I can see through your masks…Let me ask you one question. Is your money that good? Will it buy you forgiveness, do you think that it could? I think you will find, when your death takes its toll, all the money you made will never buy back your soul.“ Happy 82nd birthday, Bob!

01.03.2023 - 20:31 [ Americans for Peace Now / Nitter ]

Today is the birthday of the late PM Yitzhak Rabin. We‘re proud to spend every day working towards a peaceful, just resolution to the conflict as he did during his lifetime.

05.01.2023 - 15:43 [ Vatican News / Youtube ]

Rosary and Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, 5 January 2023, Pope Francis

From the Sagrato of Saint Peter‘s Basilica, recitation of the Rosary and Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope emeritus Benedict XVI presided over by Pope Francis

05.01.2023 - 15:37 [ ]


God’s faithful people, gathered here, now accompanies and entrusts to him the life of the one who was their pastor. Like the women at the tomb, we too have come with the fragrance of gratitude and the balm of hope, in order to show him once more the love that is undying. We want to do this with the same wisdom, tenderness and devotion that he bestowed upon us over the years. Together, we want to say: “Father, into your hands we commend his spirit”.

Benedict, faithful friend of the Bridegroom, may your joy be complete as you hear his voice, now and forever!

19.09.2022 - 17:07 [ ]

Queen‘s funeral LIVE: Queen‘s coffin arrives at Windsor Castle after passing thousands watching on Long Walk as guests including European royalty, Tony Blair and Justin Trudeau make their way into committal service at St George‘s Chapel

Follow MailOnline‘s liveblog for updates today as the state funeral for the Queen is held at Westminster Abbey before the committal service at Windsor Castle, where Her Majesty will be buried:

15.05.2022 - 14:14 [ Haaretz ]

Police Violence at Palestinian Journalist‘s Funeral Is Israel‘s Mark of Cain

This is not just about damage to Israel’s image. This is a definitive incident that revealed the full ugliness of life under Israel’s occupation. No PR in the world can repair the damage, because there is no “narrative” that justifies the Israel Police’s conduct.

This is not only about contempt for the pain and grief of the Palestinians; it is about a fundamentally wrong attitude toward the Palestinian flag. This is the flag of the Palestinian Authority – an entity established as part of a deal with Israel, a deal that among other things enshrines the security cooperation that Israel has enjoyed for almost 30 years – and it is recognized by the whole world, including Israel.

15.05.2022 - 13:44 [ Rep. Debbie Dingell, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / ]

This is indefensible. We need a full, transparent, and independent investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh and these disturbing attacks by Israeli police on mourners. Those responsible for these actions must be held accountable.

15.05.2022 - 13:38 [ Rep. Andy Levin, Abgeordneter im US Repräsentantenhaus / ]

Live coverage of Israeli officers attacking attendees of Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral, almost toppling the casket to the ground, disturbed me deeply. What can justify this?


15.05.2022 - 13:18 [ ]

Shireen Abu Aqleh: ‘Cold-blooded’ killing and funeral chaos leave West Bank in turmoil

World criticism mounts over the shooting of Al Jazeera journalist as dispute over chain of events grows

14.05.2022 - 14:02 [ Haaretz ]

Biden: Israel Police Actions at Abu Alkeh‘s Funeral ‚Must Be Investigated‘

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. was „deeply troubled by the images of Israeli police intruding into the funeral procession of Palestinian American Shireen Abu Akleh,“ adding „every family deserves to lay their loved ones to rest in a dignified and unimpeded manner.“

Blinken‘s rebuke came shortly after U.S. President Joe Biden said „I don‘t know all the detail, but I know it has to be investigated“ when asked about Israeli forces‘ action at the funeral.

14.05.2022 - 13:50 [ ITV News / Youtube ]

Israeli police beat mourners at Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh‘s funeral | ITV News

Israeli police attacked a funeral procession for slain Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh on Friday, beating mourners with batons and causing them to almost drop the coffin.

Thousands of mourners, some hoisting Palestinian flags and chanting “Palestine, Palestine,” attended the funeral for the Palestinian-American reporter, who witnesses say was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Wednesday while covering a military raid in the occupied West Bank.

The mourners tried to march with the coffin on foot out of a hospital to a Catholic church in the nearby Old City.

17.01.2022 - 16:24 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist ‘Citizenship Law’ Advances, Months after Ban on Palestinian Spouses Lapsed

The bill was rejected by the Knesset plenum six months ago, and since then, Shaked has struggled to obtain a majority. Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) said he was determined to prevent its passage. “We toppled the Citizenship Law, because we oppose racist, anti-democratic legislation”, Odeh said. “We will do everything we can to topple it again.” According to Hadash MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), “This Israeli law is racist, collective, pre-emptive punishment. It can neither be justified, nor redeemed.” The Joint List also oppose Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s bill on drafting yeshiva students. All parties in the coalition support the bill, including Islamist Ra’am (United Arab List).

17.01.2022 - 16:01 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Controversial right-wing citizenship bill advanced by ministers

The controversial bill would tighten immigration controls and make it harder for Palestinians who marry Israeli Arabs to receive citizenship. The passage of a bill backed by right-wing parties and opposed by Meretz and Ra’am (United Arab List) was seen as a first step toward the formation of a right-wing government if opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu accepts a plea agreement.

23.07.2021 - 16:25 [ teleSUR ]

President Moise‘s Official Funeral Begins In Cap-Haitien City

The funeral honors are taking place in the gardens of the Habitation Village SOS, the private residence of the Moise family, which is guarded by a heavy security apparatus. The coffin covered with the Haitian flag was carried by a funeral cortege of six soldiers of the Armed Forces in full dress.

02.05.2021 - 19:22 [ Haaretz ]

These Are the 45 Victims of Israel‘s Lag Ba‘omer Stampede

5 people were killed and 150 injured in the stampede at Mount Meron, with many funerals taking place Friday afternoon and Saturday evening

23.04.2021 - 15:48 [ Mercury ]

France, G5 Sahel ‚support‘ Chad‘s transition‘

French President Emmanuel Macron and his counterparts from Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania and Niger jointly met with General Mahamat Idriss Deby before the funeral of his father, a presidential official said.

23.04.2021 - 15:33 [ France24 ]

Chad bids farewell to Deby as France and allies back his son

The elder Deby, who had ruled the vast semi-desert state with an iron fist for 30 years, died from wounds sustained fighting rebels at the weekend, the army said Tuesday.

21.04.2021 - 07:22 [ ]

Can we stop this lockdown inhumanity and get our lives back?

There were 250 in Westminster Abbey for Easter Day Eucharist. I know that Covid is a fiendishly clever critter, but can it really distinguish between normal congregants and mourners at a funeral? Why the harsher limit on the latter? Do those purse-lipped puritans on SAGE fear that grief might drive people to have a Covid-reckless sherry afterwards and start hugging the people they love? To borrow a favourite Prince Philip word, it’s bunkum.

17.04.2021 - 17:16 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

Mourners gather in Windsor for funeral of Prince Philip – watch live

The Duke of Edinburgh‘s funeral is taking place on Saturday afternoon within the grounds of Windsor Castle, to avoid crowds gathering during the coronavirus pandemic

07.03.2021 - 15:12 [ Amy Franks / Twitter ]

10 weeks until my wedding day and still none the wiser what we can actually do. Feeling let down is a massive understatement. Pensive face We have suppliers that need support and guidance too, so I‘m asking AGAIN, where‘s the guidance? @scullyp @BorisJohnson #whataboutweddings

23.09.2020 - 03:40 [ Spiked ]

We need to take back control from the government

Covid authoritarianism is out of control. It’s time the people pushed back.

23.09.2020 - 03:31 [ ]

Army could be used to help police enforce coronavirus laws, warns Boris Johnson

Today‘s fresh plan includes:

– A 10pm curfew for all pubs across England – and they will be made to offer table service by law.
– There will be a significant cap on the number of guests allowed at weddings.
– But businesses and schools will be able to stay open as No10 attempts to stave off a second lockdown.
– A dramatic increase in enforcement measures to make sure people are obeying the Rule of Six.
– More fines could be slapped on those flouting the rules with on-the-spot closures for venues that fail to follow the rules.
– Facemasks will be made compulsory for staff in hospitality and close contact places – and taxis too


23.08.2020 - 16:30 [ ]

German lawmakers flag private party ban as coronavirus cases rise

„We must not risk that day care centres and schools will close again and that children are forced to remain at home for weeks because we have accepted higher infection rates due to lax rules at family parties,“ Saskia Esken, co-leader of the Social Democrats, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) newspaper.

Ralph Brinkhaus, leader of the CDU/CSU conservative parliamentary bloc, said: „Unfortunately since the start of summer a certain recklessness has spread.“

19.07.2020 - 17:09 [ ]

Inside Princess Beatrice‘s low-key wedding: No singing the national anthem, no hymns and a tiara from the Queen

“In accordance with government guidelines, no hymns were sung, but a selection of music was played,” said Buckingham Palace. “The National Anthem was played – but not sung.”

09.06.2020 - 23:06 [ ABC13 Houston / Youtube ]

WATCH: George Floyd private funeral in Houston

Today, a final, private farewell will be held for George Floyd. The ceremony at the Fountain of Praise Church is expected to last several hours.

01.06.2020 - 09:06 [ ]

Hundreds attend funeral of Palestinian shot by Israeli police

Palestinian officials said the 32-year-old man, Iyad Khayri, suffered mental health issues and decried his killing.

In comments at Israel’s Sunday cabinet meeting, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said: “We are really sorry about the incident in which Iyad Khayri was shot to death and we share in the family’s sorrow – but I am certain this matter will be investigated swiftly and conclusions will be drawn.”

12.10.2019 - 22:23 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador‘s Conaie Releases Policemen After Leader‘s Funeral

The group released the officers on Thursday evening after the funeral of leader Inocencio Tucumbi, who was killed on Wednesday during protests.

The Conaie leaders made the four officers carry the coffin because, according to the Indigenous justice system, they represented the violent repression that forced Tucumbi to become a victim of the week’s protests.

The officers were handed over to representatives of the United Nations in Ecuador.

24.04.2019 - 14:45 [ ITV News / Youtube ]

Live: Funeral takes place for murdered journalist Lyra McKee | ITV News

In keeping with Ms McKee‘s values, her funeral is intended to be a cross-community, cross-border and multi-cultural service, and will take place in a Protestant cathedral despite Ms McKee being born a Catholic.

18.11.2018 - 19:29 [ teleSUR ]

Mapuche Nation Gathers for Funeral of Slain Indigenous Man

Hundreds of Indigenous delegations from all over southern Chile gathered Saturday to mourn the murder of Camilo Catrillanca, the young Mapuche killed by Carabineros, the Chilean police on Nov. 14.

08.04.2018 - 00:07 [ The Guardian ]

Hundreds attend funeral of Palestinian journalist shot in Gaza

One of the first journalists to use camera drones in Gaza, Murtaja founded Ain Media, a TV production company that has done work for foreign clients including the BBC and Al Jazeera English. Under a drone image of the Gaza port that he posted on Facebook, he wrote: “I wished I could take this photo from the sky, not from land. My name is Yasser Murtaja, I am 30 years old. I live in Gaza City. I have never travelled.”