Daily Archives: 20. September 2020

20.09.2020 - 22:15 [ i24NEWS English / Twitter ]

#WashingtonDC: Thousands gathered outside the US Supreme Court for the second night in a row to honor the late justice #RuthBaderGinsburg

20.09.2020 - 21:44 [ Haaretz ]

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Across Israel Draw Thousands Despite Coronavirus Lockdown

Several thousand protesters showed up on Sunday for a weekly anti-Netanyahu demonstration near the prime minister‘s official residence in Jerusalem, which in its 13th week drew a smaller crowd than usual, as Israel in under a nationwide coronavirus lockdown.

20.09.2020 - 21:38 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Matt Hancock says ‘everybody’ should snitch on neighbours who don’t self-isolate as they face £10,000 fines

Today‘s comments fly in the face of Mr Johnson, who this week railed against “sneak” culture.

The Prime Minister urged Brits not to snitch on their neighbours unless they are having “Animal House parties” with “hot tubs and so forth”.

20.09.2020 - 21:31 [ Aubrey Allegretti / Twitter ]

Matt Hancock reveals he‘s had discussions with London mayor Sadiq Khan, when asked about possibility of local lockdown in the capital.

Meetings today are going on to make a decision, health secretary confirms.

20.09.2020 - 21:17 [ LBC.co.uk ]

Calls to bring in the army to sort out ‚testing chaos‘

Former Chief Scientific Advisor Professor Sir David King and Defence Select Committee Chair Tobias Ellwood MP have told Swarbrick on Sunday the military should have a greater role in the Government’s approach to coronavirus.

20.09.2020 - 21:04 [ BBC ]

Covid-19: Hundreds protest against localised Madrid lockdowns

The curbs on movement and gatherings start on Monday and affect 850,000 people, many in areas of lower income and with higher immigrant populations.

20.09.2020 - 20:08 [ Kurier.at ]

Proteste gegen Corona-Absperrungen in Madrid: „Keine Gettos“

Tausende Menschen haben in Madrid gegen die corona-bedingte Abriegelung von mehreren einkommensschwachen Gebieten der spanischen Hauptstadt protestiert.

20.09.2020 - 20:05 [ ORF.at ]

Verhaltener Wahlauftakt in Italien

In verschiedenen Landesteilen Italiens haben heute zweitägige Regional- und Kommunalwahlen begonnen. Zudem wird landesweit in einem Referndum über die Verkleinerung der beiden Parlamentskammern abgestimmt. Bis heute Mittag gaben 13 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten ihre Stimme ab, um 19.00 Uhr waren es dann rund 30 Prozent. Die Wahllokale haben noch bis morgen Nachmittag geöffnet.

20.09.2020 - 17:43 [ Prof Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research ]

What is Covid-19, SARS-2. How is it Tested? How is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis

The data and concepts have been manipulated with a view to sustaining the fear campaign.

The estimates are meaningless. The figures have been hyped to justify the lockdown and the closure of the national economy, with devastating economic and social consequences. The Virus is held responsible for poverty and mass unemployment.

Confirmed by prominent scientists as well as by official public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.

The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to trigger a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences.

There is no scientific basis for implementing the closing down of the global economy as a means to resolving a public health crisis.

Both the media and the governments are involved in spreading disinformation.

20.09.2020 - 17:21 [ Common Dreams ]

Trump EPA Denounced for ‚Disgusting‘ Decision on Atrazine, Herbicide Tied to Birth Defects

The Trump administration alarmed environmental and public health advocates on Friday with the Environmental Protection Agency‘s decision to reauthorize the use of atrazine, an herbicide common in the United States but banned or being phased out in dozens of countries due to concerns about risks such as birth defects and cancer.

20.09.2020 - 17:00 [ Tagesschau ]

Bundestagsgutachten: Eine Bürgernummer und ihre Schwächen

Ein Bundestagsgutachten verpasst diesen Plänen nun allerdings einen Dämpfer – es hält die Bürgernummer in Teilen für verfassungsrechtlich problematisch.

20.09.2020 - 14:02 [ Xinhuanet ]

Fire guts Uganda‘s top university, destroys main administration building block

Luke Owoyesigire, Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, said in a statement that the police are actively investigating a fire at the country‘s largest and oldest institution in the capital Kampala, which started at around midnight, burning property and documents.

20.09.2020 - 13:55 [ Xinhuanet ]

Libya‘s state-owned oil firm lifts force majeure on „safe“ oil facilities

„The National Oil Corporation announces lifting the state of force majeure on the safe oilfields and ports,“ the NOC said in a statement.

„The state of force majeure shall remain on the oilfields and ports where presence of members of Wagner gangs and other armed groups, which are obstructing the activities and operations of the National Oil Corporation, is confirmed,“ the statement said.

20.09.2020 - 13:39 [ Al Arabiya ]

EU to sanction 3 companies over Libya arms supplies: Diplomats

The European Union is set to announce sanctions on Monday against three companies from Turkey, Jordan and Kazakhstan which are accused of violating a UN arms embargo on Libya, diplomats told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The EU has a naval mission operating in waters off Libya which is tasked with policing the embargo and collecting intelligence on violators.

20.09.2020 - 13:32 [ The Manila Times ]

Libya unity govt chief quitting

The head of Libya’s United Nations-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez al-Sarraj, said he plans to step down within six weeks as part of efforts to broker a peace agreement.

20.09.2020 - 13:16 [ CDC.gov ]

Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

20.09.2020 - 13:12 [ apnews.com ]

CDC has not reduced the death count related to COVID-19


The CDC data table is based on an analysis of death certificates that mention COVID-19 as a cause. For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned, the CDC notes.

The other 94% list COVID-19 and other conditions together. Among those deaths, there were, on average, 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death, the public health agency said.

20.09.2020 - 13:10 [ @honorgoesfar / Twitter ]

We would like to know why the CDC updated only 9,682 deaths silently on their Covid page. Look at the red wording? I have daily updates and it was recently added to show all these deaths were never Covid. These were underlying conditions people died from besides 9,862! #suspect


20.09.2020 - 12:49 [ CDC.gov ]

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved August 5, 2020

Vital Records Criteria

A death certificate that lists COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as an underlying cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death.


CSTE approved interim position statement Interim-20-ID-02 on August 5, 2020. Interim-20-ID-02 supersedes the first CSTE COVID-19 interim position statement, Interim 20-ID-01, which was approved on April 5, 2020.

This position statement, Interim-20-ID-02, updates the standardized case definition for COVID-19, including asymptomatic infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, and retains COVID-19 as a nationally notifiable condition. The updates clarify clinical, laboratory, epidemiologic linkage, and vital records criteria for case ascertainment and case classification based on the continued evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the probable case classification is updated, and a suspected case classification is added.

20.09.2020 - 12:20 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie die Berechnung der Opferzahlen weltweit zustande kommt


Wo nahm nun aber das Statistik- und Medienkarussell der „Corona-Toten“ oder gar „vermuteten Corona-Toten“ seinen Anfang, dass der berühmten „mehrheitsfähigen“ Rotte des Homo Sapiens dermaßen den Kopf verdrehte, dass sie sich gleich die ganze Demokratie rausschleudern ließen?

Am 20. März hatte die Weltgesundheitsbehörde W.H.O. einen „Interims-Leitfaden“ herausgegeben. Original-Titel: „Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused by human infection with COVID-19 virus“. In diesem legte die W.H.O. drei Kategorien von Krankheitsfällen fest:

Verdachtsfälle („suspect case“)
vermutete Fälle („probable case“)
bestätigte Fälle („confirmed case“)

Als „Verdachtsfälle“ definierte die W.H.O.. neben vielen anderen hochinteressanten Parametern, u.a. alle Personen mit „akuter Atemwegserkrankung“, die mit „einem bestätigten oder vermuteten Fall“ in Kontakt gewesen waren – bis zu vierzehn Tage vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen.

Und als „vermutete Fälle“ definierte die W.H.O alle Fälle, in denen Testergebnisse nicht schlüssig waren, sowie alle „Verdachtsfälle“ die nicht getestet wurden.

Das kann man schon als genial bezeichnen.

Und dann wies die W.H.O. alle Gesundheitsbehörden weltweit an, „vermutete und bestätigte Fälle“ an sie zu melden. Zitat:

„Die WHO fordert die nationalen Behörden auf, vermutete und bestätigte Fälle von COVID-19-Infektionen innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der Identifizierung zu melden“


„WHO requests that national authorities report probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection within 48 hours of identification“.

Spätestens jetzt müsste allen klar sein, warum seit diesem W.H.O.-Leitfaden vom 20. März weltweit die Zahlen von COVID-Kranken gestiegen sind.

Ebenso dürfte klar sein, dass der am 4. März von der U.S-Bundesbehörde C.D.C. herausgegebene Leitfaden schlicht dem der W.H.O.vom 20. März folgte.

Jetzt zu den Todesfällen.

Wie das „Canadian Institute for Health Information“ am 26. März in einem Bulletin vermeldete, hatte die „Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ (Eigenbezeichnung) nennende Organisation hinsichtlich COVID-19 eine neue Definitionsnorm aufgestellt: Code U07.2 („virus not identified“). Im Gegensatz zur bisherigen alleinigen Definitionsnorm Code U07.1, welche nur bestätigte Fälle von COViD-19 umfasste, galt Code U07.2 nun auch für alle Verdachtsfälle, die lediglich „klinisch oder epidemiologisch diagnostiziert“ wurden, aber deren Testergebnisse „unschlüssig“ waren oder bei denen gar keine Tests durchgeführt worden waren.

Und wie zählt nun die W.H.O. weltweit die Todesfälle durch COVID-19?

„Sowohl U07.1 als auch U07.2 können zur Kodierung der Mortalität als Todesursache verwendet werden.“

Oder einfach gesagt: nach eigener Definition erfasst die „Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ seit Ende März nicht nur bestätigte, sondern auch Verdachtsfälle als „Corona-Tote“. Verdachtsfälle, deren Definition wiederum den jeweiligen Gesundheitsbehörden aller ehrenwerten Staaten weltweit zur Interpretation ausgeliefert sind.

20.09.2020 - 12:11 [ PostAndCourier.com ]

CDC updates criteria for tracking and reporting COVID-19 cases


however, the CDC advises against reporting out suspect cases as part of a state’s total case numbers.

20.09.2020 - 12:10 [ ZDF ]

Warum die Covid-19-Zahlen in den USA sinken

Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut Gallup konnte bereits feststellen, dass die Furcht vieler US-Bürger vor der Pandemie angesichts sinkender Fallzahlen zurückgeht. „Trotzdem halten sie sich weiterhin zu großen Teilen an die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen wie soziale Distanz“, so der Gallup-Bericht. Das könne ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass sie den Wert der Maßnahmen erkannt hätten – oder sich zumindest an sie gewöhnt haben.

20.09.2020 - 11:55 [ France24 ]

Crowds flock to Notre-Dame as France holds its annual weekend of heritage celebration despite Covid

Historic and cultural sites that are usually closed to the public opened their doors this weekend. FRANCE 24‘s reporters were among the crowds at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. They watched carpenters demonstrate the medieval techniques that will be required to restore the cathedral after it was damaged by fire on April 14, 2019.

20.09.2020 - 11:49 [ Fox News ]

Trump‘s Supreme Court court pick likely to be Amy Coney Barrett or Barbara Lagoa: reports

The New Orleans native was appointed by Trump to the Seventh Circuit in 2017. She taught law at the University of Notre Dame for 15 years but had no other judicial background, according to the Washington Post.

She believes in originalism, the idea that judges should interpret the Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended.

20.09.2020 - 11:47 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Trump zu Ginsburg-Nachfolge: „Es wird eine Frau“

„Es wird eine Frau sein“, so Trump bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt im Bundesstaat North Carolina. Als mögliche Kandidatinnen nannte er die beiden Bundesrichterinnen Amy Coney Barrett und Barbara Lagoa. Sie würden beide „sehr respektiert“. Er werde seine Wahl vermutlich in der kommenden Woche bekanntgeben.

20.09.2020 - 11:07 [ Sarajevo Times ]

NATO Military Exercise to be held on Manjaca near Banja Luka

Also, General Cavoli expressed readiness to continue the successful cooperation so far, and the US assistance and support to Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration and full membership in NATO. In this regard, the possibility of General Cavoli’s visit to the Joint Staff of the AF BiH was announced in order to discuss the possibilities of new types of cooperation.

20.09.2020 - 10:27 [ Responsible Statecraft ]

Trump was right to call out defense industry influence on the Pentagon

13.9.2020 President Trump’s recent remarks that top Pentagon officials continue to push for war because they want to keep defense contractors “happy” has drawn a firestorm of criticism by those who would like to conflate the remarks with the allegation that the president is anti-military. What’s actually uncomfortable for many of those commentators, however, is the degree to which the president is speaking the truth.

20.09.2020 - 10:05 [ teleSUR ]

St. Kitts and Nevis Marks 37 Years of Independence from Britain

The government and people of St. Kitts and Nevis received numerous well wishes and congratulatory messages on the date, most notably from the State of Palestine, the People and Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of the Republic of Nicaragua, and the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

20.09.2020 - 09:44 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kolumbien: UNO verurteilt Polizeigewalt bei Protesten, auch Indigene fordern Schutz

Die Vereinten Nationen in Person der Hohen Kommissarin für Menschenrechte, Michelle Bachelet, und der Untersekretärin für politische und Friedensangelegenheiten, Rosemary DiCarlo, haben sich äußerst besorgt wegen der anhaltenden Gewalt in Kolumbien gezeigt. Zu den vielen Massakern und Morden an sozialen Anführern war in der vergangenen Woche die massive Gewalt durch staatliche Einsatzkräfte gegenüber Demonstrierenden gekommen (amerika21 berichtete).

20.09.2020 - 03:24 [ Antiwar.com ]

US Spy Planes Disguising as Civilian Airliners Near China’s Coast

The think tank warned in its report that this practice increases the danger to actual civilian aircraft in the region, risking misidentification. The SCSPI said the US has a record of changing transponder numbers when it flies reconnaissance in places like Iran and Venezuela.

20.09.2020 - 03:14 [ antikrieg.com ]

USA, Guyana starten gemeinsame Marinepatrouillen in der Nähe Venezuelas

Guyana hat in den letzten Jahren vor seiner Küste massive Mengen an Offshore-Ölvorkommen entdeckt. Der US-Ölgigant Exxon Mobil ist an mehreren Offshore-Bohrprojekten mit Guyana beteiligt, und einige davon befinden sich in Gewässern, die von Venezuela beansprucht werden.

20.09.2020 - 03:08 [ Antiwar.com ]

US, Guyana to Launch Joint Maritime Patrols Near Venezuela

The US and Guyana will begin joint maritime patrols near the country’s disputed maritime border with Venezuela. The initiative was announced on Friday by Guyanese President Irfaan Ali and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is on a four-country tour of South America to pressure Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

20.09.2020 - 02:26 [ teleSUR ]

Kevin Zeese, Presente! U.S. Activist Remembered in Virtual Vigil

Writer and journalist Chris Hedges reflected on Kevin, “He was one of those, not just moral but intellectual foundations for me, and has been for over a decade (..) Kevin was one of those very rare figures who understood power, who understood how it worked, he was never fooled by it.”

Margaret Flowers: “Kevin Zeese mentored and touched the lives of countless numbers of people. He often recognized the importance of issues before others did. He believed strongly that a movement leader had a responsibility to support the development of the next generation of leaders.”

20.09.2020 - 02:12 [ teleSUR ]

Pompeo-Duque Meeting Fixates on Venezuela, Ignores Colombia‘s Human Rights Record

A joint press conference focused largely on the topic of Venezuela, despite that the State Department had framed the visit as focusing on a range of issues, among them, free and fair trade, rural development, defense of democracy, and human rights in the ‘hemisphere’.