Daily Archives: 12. Januar 2020

12.01.2020 - 20:26 [ Elysee Palast - Elysee.fr ]

Déclaration conjointe des chefs d‘État et de gouvernement de France, d’Allemagne et du Royaume-Uni

Nous prenons note de l‘annonce de l‘Iran concernant la destruction du vol UIA PS752, et nous engageons à travailler avec l‘Iran sur les prochaines étapes.

Aujourd‘hui, notre message est clair : nous restons attachés au JCPoA et à sa préservation ; nous exhortons l‘Iran à annuler toutes les mesures incompatibles avec l‘accord ; nous appelons l‘Iran à s‘abstenir de toute nouvelle action violente ou de prolifération ; et nous restons prêts à engager le dialogue avec l’Iran sur cette base afin de préserver la stabilité de la région.

12.01.2020 - 20:24 [ Downing Street No 10 - Gov.UK ]

Statement from the heads of state and government of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, 12 January 2020.

We note Iran’s announcement with regard to the shooting down of UIA Flight PS752 and commit to working with Iran on next steps.

Today, our message is clear: we remain committed to the JCPoA and to preserving it; we urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with the agreement and return to full compliance; we call on Iran to refrain from further violent action or proliferation; and we remain ready to engage with Iran on this agenda in order to preserve the stability of the region.

12.01.2020 - 20:23 [ Bundesregierung ]

Gemeinsame Erklärung von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Präsident Emmanuel Macron und Premierminister Boris Johnson

Wir nehmen Irans Erklärung hinsichtlich des Abschusses von UIA Flug PS752 zur Kenntnis und verpflichten uns dazu, mit dem Iran zum weiteren Vorgehen zu kooperieren.

Unsere heutige Botschaft ist klar: Wir bleiben dem Erhalt der Wiener Nuklearvereinbarung verpflichtet; wir rufen den Iran dringlich dazu auf, alle der Vereinbarung widersprechende Maßnahmen zurückzunehmen und zur vollumfänglichen Einhaltung der Wiener Nuklearvereinbarung zurückzukehren; wir rufen den Iran dazu auf, weitere gewaltsame Handlungen oder Proliferation zu unterlassen; und wir bleiben dazu bereit, mit dem Iran zur Bewahrung von Stabilität in der Region einen Dialog zu führen.

12.01.2020 - 19:59 [ Poor People's Campaign ]

Poor People‘s Campaign Calls on United Nations to Hold Trump/U.S. Accountable for War Crimes

The lives of people in the Middle East and around the globe hang in the balance. The lives of those we represent — among the 140 million poor and low wealth in the United States, 43% of the U.S. population — also hang in the balance as the world teeters on the precipice of a devastating war.

12.01.2020 - 19:52 [ MSNBC ]

Trump ordering Iran strike is war crime, faith leader says


Donald Trump and the U.S. should be held accountable for war crimes for the U.S. strike against Iran, according to the Poor People’s Campaign, which has sent a letter requesting a meeting with the United Nations high commissioner for human rights to address this assertion. Bishop William Barber discusses with Joy Reid saying, ‘We were perilously close the other night to the beginning of a world war.’

12.01.2020 - 19:15 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / Mintpress.com ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

12.01.2020 - 19:10 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / Consortium News ]

How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in its Post-9/11 Wars? Part 2: Afghanistan and Pakistan


Combining my estimates for Afghanistan and Pakistan, I estimate that about 1.2 million Afghans and Pakistanis have been killed as a result of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Nicolas J.S. Davies is the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq. He also wrote the chapter on “Obama at War” in Grading the 44th President: a Report Card on Barack Obama’s First Term as a Progressive Leader.

12.01.2020 - 18:58 [ Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies / CommonDreams.org ]

The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion


Taking ORB’s estimate of 1.033 million killed by June 2007, then applying a variation of Just Foreign Policy’s methodology from July 2007 to the present using revised figures from Iraq Body Count, we estimate that 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed since 2003 as a result of our country’s illegal invasion, with a minimum of 1.5 million and a maximum of 3.4 million.

12.01.2020 - 18:48 [ Brown University ]

Direct War Death Toll Since 2001: 801,000


Total (rounded to nearest 1000):

Afghanistan: 157.000
Pakistan: 66.000
Iraq: 276.000-308.000
Syria/ISIS: 179.000
Yemen: 90.000
other: 600

12.01.2020 - 18:41 [ MSNBC ]

The human toll of America‘s wars


The human toll of America‘s wars and interventionist policies in the Middle East is staggering. 801,000 people have died in that region since September 11th, 2001, according to Brown University‘s Cost of War Project. The Host of MSNBC‘s „All In“ Chris Hayes, Investigative Journalist and New York Times Magazine Contributor Azmat Khan, and author Zainab Salbi join Katy Tur to discuss.

12.01.2020 - 17:41 [ Wall Street Journal ]

U.S. Warns Iraq It Risks Losing Access to Key Bank Account if Troops Told to Leave

The State Department warned that the U.S. could shut down Iraq’s access to the country’s central bank account held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a move that could jolt Iraq’s already shaky economy, the officials said.

12.01.2020 - 17:21 [ Washington Post ]

How Bernie Sanders would upend America’s global role

Sanders’s campaign declined to make him available for an interview.

12.01.2020 - 17:12 [ CNN ]

US troops knew Al-Asad air base would be attacked and sheltered in bunkers, exclusive tour reveals

Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi previously said Iran sent Iraq an official verbal message that an attack „had begun or would begin shortly,“ on unspecified US military locations.
An Arab diplomatic source also told CNN that Iraq gave advance warning to the US on „which bases would be hit“ after Iranian officials passed on the information.

12.01.2020 - 16:41 [ CBS News ]

Bloomberg says „if it‘s Donald Trump vs. Bernie, I would support Bernie“

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he would support Senator Bernie Sanders in the general election if Sanders wins the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg, who is campaigning in Texas, said in an interview with CBS News‘ Tim Perry that „the number one thing is to replace Donald Trump.“

„While I certainly would disagree with Bernie on an awful lot of things, if it‘s Donald Trump vs. Bernie, I would support Bernie,“ Bloomberg said.

12.01.2020 - 16:17 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Panel: Trump comes for Bernie as he surges to lead in national poll


Team Rising describes the emerging fight between Bernie and Trump and the latest Ipsos/Reuters polling.

12.01.2020 - 16:15 [ CBS News ]

New Des Moines Register poll has Bernie Sanders leading in Iowa


A new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom poll has Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders leading the race in Iowa 24 days out from Caucus Day with 20% support among likely Democratic caucus-goers.

Sanders is followed by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren with 17%, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 16% and former Vice President Joe Biden at 15%.

12.01.2020 - 16:08 [ theHill.com ]

Trump campaign steps up attacks on Sanders

For most of 2019, President Trump’s allies braced for an eventual clash with former Vice President Joe Biden, who remains a top contender for the Democratic nomination.

But Trump’s attacks this week underscore how the president’s campaign increasingly views Sanders as a potential general election threat.

12.01.2020 - 16:04 [ New York Times ]

Seven Days in January: How Trump Pushed U.S. and Iran to the Brink of War

But the United States also sent secret messages through Swiss intermediaries urging Iran not to respond so forcefully that Mr. Trump would feel compelled to go even further. After it did respond, firing 16 missiles at bases housing American troops without hurting anyone as a relatively harmless show of force, a message came back through the Swiss saying that would be the end of its reprisal for now. The message, forwarded to Washington within five minutes after it was received, persuaded the president to stand down.

12.01.2020 - 15:53 [ theHill.com ]

Kerry defends Biden on Iraq War vote: Bush administration ‚broke their word‘

“The fact is that we were promised by a president, by an administration, that they were going to do it as a last resort after exhausting diplomacy, that if they have to go to war it would be with a coalition that they built broadly, and that they would do it only in conjunction with our allies,“ Kerry said Friday, according to NBC News.

“It was a mistake to have trusted them, I guess, and we paid a high price for it,” Kerry continued. “But that was not voting for the war.”

12.01.2020 - 15:47 [ theHill.com ]

Sanders campaign: ‚Appalling‘ that Biden ‚refuses to admit he was dead wrong on the Iraq War‘

„It is appalling that after 18 years Joe Biden still refuses to admit he was dead wrong on the Iraq War, the worst foreign policy blunder in modern American history,“ Jeff Weaver, a senior adviser to the Sanders campaign, said in a statement late Saturday. „Unlike 23 of his Senate colleagues who got it right, Biden made explicitly clear that he was voting for war, and even after the war started, he boasted that he didn’t regret it.“

12.01.2020 - 15:31 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Left Is Acting Like It Really Doesn‘t Want Any Votes

It seems as if our leftist politicians have simply given up all hope, or pretense, of getting their act together.

Now they are looking to Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz, hoping he will be so kind as to stick his hand into the wading pool in which they are drowning, pull them out and sit them down nicely one next to the other.

12.01.2020 - 14:48 [ Rob Macaire, British Ambassador to Iran / Twitter ]

Thanks for the many goodwill messages. Can confirm I wasn’t taking part in any demonstrations! Went to an event advertised as a vigil for victims of #PS752 tragedy. Normal to want to pay respects- some of victims were British. I left after 5 mins, when some started chanting.

12.01.2020 - 14:48 [ ZDF ]

Demonstrationen im Iran – Britischer Botschafter bei Protest festgesetzt – London empört

„Die grundlose und unbegründete Festnahme unsere Botschafters in Teheran ist eine ungeheuerliche Verletzung internationalen Rechts“, erklärte Außenminister Dominic Raab.

Macaire wurde laut Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim für einige Stunden festgenommen. Er hatte demnach an Protesten vor der Uni Amir Kabir wegen des Abschusses eines ukrainischen Passagierflugzeugs durch den Iran teilgenommen.

12.01.2020 - 14:47 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs - Gov.UK ]

Arrest of Ambassador to Iran: Foreign Secretary statement

Following the brief detention of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iran Rob Macaire, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

The arrest of our Ambassador in Tehran without grounds or explanation is a flagrant violation of international law. The Iranian government is at a cross-roads moment. It can continue its march towards pariah status with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to deescalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forwards.“

12.01.2020 - 14:28 [ Tagesschau ]

Botschafter in Berlin: Scharfe Kritik an deutscher Iran-Politik

Über die INSTEX-Gesellschaft sollten Geschäfte europäischer Firmen mit dem Iran abgewickelt werden sollten, trotz strenger amerikanischer Sanktionen.

20 Monate sei es her, seit die Europäer solch ein System versprochen hätten, er allein habe in dieser Zeit drei Chefs zu Antrittsbesuchen empfangen. „Alle haben mir versprochen, man könne INSTEX schnell umsetzen“, so Farazandeh. „Und was ist passiert? So gut wie nichts.“

12.01.2020 - 05:56 [ Times of Malta ]

Repubblika publishes guiding manifesto for ‚new Republic‘

NGO lays out its future as a pressure group with ambitious seven-point document

The ambitious seven-point document contains detailed proposals tackling ethics in public life, the strengthening of the constitution through reform, participative citizenship and education, making the switch to a sustainable economy, the environment, inclusion and social justice as well as equal justice and guaranteed liberties.

12.01.2020 - 05:46 [ ORF ]

Malta: Abela wird neuer Premierminister

Der neue Parteichef Abela soll wenig später auch zum Regierungschef des kleinen EU-Landes ernannt werden. Er löst den Sozialdemokraten Joseph Muscat ab, der im Zusammenhang mit der Krise nach dem Mord an der regierungskritischen Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia abtreten musste.

12.01.2020 - 05:09 [ The National ]

UN suspends Lebanon and Yemen voting rights over unpaid bills

On Friday the United Nations said seven countries – Lebanon, Yemen, Venezuela, Central African Republic, Gambia, Lesotho and Tonga – have fallen behind in their financial contributions and would not be able to vote in the 74th session of the General Assembly.

12.01.2020 - 03:08 [ CCTV Video News Agency / Youtube ]

World‘s Largest Radio Telescope Starts Formal Operation in China

China completed commissioning of the world‘s largest and most sensitive radio telescope on Saturday, putting it into formal operation after a productive three-year trial.

12.01.2020 - 02:40 [ Xinhuanet ]

Putin discusses Libyan crisis with Abu Dhabi crown prince

„Vladimir Putin updated Mohammed Al Nahyan on the results of talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which took place in Istanbul on Jan. 8,“ the statement said.

12.01.2020 - 02:22 [ Radio France Internationale ]

Brazil‘s govt to propose oil exploration on indigenous land: media

However, many indigenous leaders have been vocal in their opposition to the government‘s plans. Prominent tribal chiefs, including Raoni Metuktire, have toured Europe to defend their territories from deforestation and development.

12.01.2020 - 02:01 [ France24 ]

Malta‘s ruling party to vote for new PM over journalist‘s slaying

Dubbed the „one woman WikiLeaks“, Daphne Caruana Galizia exposed corruption at the highest levels. She was killed in a car bomb on October 16, 2017 in an attack that made world headlines.

12.01.2020 - 00:46 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal & Saagar: Pelosi‘s impotence on full display with War Power, Impeachment failure

Krystal & Saagar: Pelosi‘s impotence on full display with War Power, Impeachment failure

12.01.2020 - 00:09 [ junge Welt ]

Rettungsdampfer für Hitlers Generalstab

Es ist das Verdienst der Unabhängigen Historikerkommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes dies alles durch einen Historiker festgehalten zu haben, der antimilitaristischer Affekte, wie sie unsereins nun mal hat, unverdächtig ist: durch den Oberstleutnant der Reserve Agilolf Keßelring, geboren 1972 in Tokio (Japan); nach dem Studium der Geschichte, der Sozialwissenschaften und des Völkerrechts in Hamburg und den USA wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt in Potsdam; 2007 Promotion an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr; wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der finnischen Nationalen Verteidigungsuniversität, anschließend an der Universität Helsinki und so fort, und so fort. Ein Mann, auf den sich die Bundeswehr verlassen können muss.

12.01.2020 - 00:02 [ Zeit ]

Bundesnachrichtendienst: Regierung warnt vor Schwächung des BND

Die Bundesregierung warnt das Bundesverfassungsgericht vor einer Einschränkung der Überwachungsbefugnisse des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND).