Archiv: Kabul (city)

29.09.2021 - 08:57 [ Zachary Cohen, National security reporter @CNN / Twitter ]

Gen. McKenzie again says he is responsible for drone strike that killed 10 civilians but seems to defend decision to fire, citing similar intel for other successful strikes. Still a lot of questions about what transpired before strike, including civilian casualty estimates.

It happened in my area of responsibility, so I‘m the responsible officer for that strike,” McKenzie said during a Senate hearing on Tuesday.

McKenzie said he was under “no pressure” and “no one in my chain of command below me was under any pressure to take that strike.”

17.09.2021 - 22:36 [ The Hill ]

Pentagon admits ‚tragic mistake‘ in strike that killed 10 civilians

The Pentagon on Friday confirmed it mistook a civilian vehicle for an ISIS-K threat when it launched a drone strike on Aug. 29 in Kabul that killed 10 civilians.

17.09.2021 - 22:03 [ Tagesschau ]

Pentagon räumt Tötung von Zivilisten bei Drohnenangriff in Kabul ein

Es seien zehn Zivilisten, darunter bis zu sieben Kinder, bei dem Angriff ums Leben gekommen, sagte US-General Kenneth McKenzie.

04.09.2021 - 18:48 [ France24 ]

Taliban celebratory gunfire turns deadly, Pakistan’s spy chief arrives in Afghanistan

Amid reports of intense fighting in the Panjshir, Pakistan‘s powerful intelligence chief made a surprise visit to Kabul on Saturday.

Hameed arrived in Kabul Saturday morning, leading a delegation of „senior Pakistani officials“, to discuss security, economic and trade issues, according to Pakistani media reports.

03.09.2021 - 13:48 [ ]

Dominic Raab will ‚investigate‘ claims that people were told to go to airport ahead of attack


Chris Bryant then asks about reports that British officials told people to go to the airport on the very day of the terrorist attack.

Dominic Raab says the travel advice was changed the night before the attack, and people were told not to come to the airport. The team was shifted from the Barons Hotel through to the airport to protect them.

He says he saw the report and „I need to investigate it“, but doesn‘t reject the possibility.

03.09.2021 - 13:37 [ ]

Afghanistan: Dominic Raab’s answers to five questions from MPs


The foreign secretary promised he would investigate a serious allegation that British officials told Afghans to proceed to the airport’s Abbey gate on Thursday last week, despite a specific warning that Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) was preparing a terror attack that day.

Nearly 200 people were killed in a double bombing at and near the gate used for the British evacuation – but BBC’s Newsnight has reported that Afghans were sent emails earlier that day asking, in one case, if they were “at the correct gate? Abbey gate”.

03.09.2021 - 13:10 [ ]

Afghan interpreter ‘told by UK to go to Abbey Gate’ before Kabul attack says ‘if I’d listened I’d be dead’


“Please advise that you are at the correct gate? Abbey Gate on hawa on Shawasi Street,” one UK staff member wrote to the interpreter in an email seen by the BBC.

The interpreter decided not to go to Abbey Gate because he felt the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous and said that had he followed the advice he was given, he would “be no more”.

03.09.2021 - 12:21 [ ]

The Story Of The Mysterious White 727 That Appeared In Kabul After The Bombing Of Abbey Gate

While all-white airframes aren‘t supposed to attract much attention, that paint scheme is also synonymous with clandestine operations, including „whitewashed“ aircraft often used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) for low-profile operations abroad. With that reality in mind, keen observers keeping an eye on traffic at Hamid Karzai International rightfully started thinking this may be some CIA asset that was slipping in on a unique mission. It turns out, that wasn‘t necessarily the case.

03.09.2021 - 11:59 [ BBC ]

Afghanistan: UK embassy told Afghans to go to Abbey Gate before suicide attack


Emails seen by Newsnight show that even though the UK and US deemed a threat to the airport to be imminent, the British embassy told people to „use the Abbey Gate [near] to the Baron Hotel“.

Almost 200 people were killed in the explosion, including two UK citizens.

The UK government said it was investigating the emails.

01.09.2021 - 13:16 [ ]

Raab rejects US claims Britain indirectly to blame for Kabul attacks


“We coordinated very closely with the US, in particular around the Isis-K threat, which we anticipated although tragically were not able to prevent, but it is certainly right to say we got our civilians out of the processing centre by Abbey gate, but it is just not true to suggest that other than securing our civilians inside the airport that we were pushing to leave the gate open.

“In fact, and let me just be clear about this, we were issuing changes to travel advice before the bomb attack took place and saying to people in the crowd, about which I was particularly concerned, that certainly UK nationals and anyone else should leave because of the risk.”

01.09.2021 - 13:06 [ ]

US military ‚blames BRITAIN for making Kabul suicide attack death toll worse‘: Leaked Pentagon papers say airport gate had to be kept open for UK evacuees – as questions grow over how many were killed by panicked troops firing on civilians


The British Ministry of Defence declined to respond to allegations they were to blame for keeping the gate open, but said in a statement: ‚Throughout Operation Pitting we have worked closely with the US to ensure the safe evacuation of thousands of people.

01.09.2021 - 12:56 [ ]

Report reveals US decision to keep open Kabul airport gate before attack


The Pentagon criticised the leaking of the call details reported in Politico, telling the news website: “This story is based on the unlawful disclosure of classified information and internal deliberations of a sensitive nature.

“As soon as we became aware of the material divulged to the reporter, we engaged Politico at the highest levels to prevent the publication of information that would put our troops and our operations at the airport at greater risk. We condemn the unlawful disclosure of classified information and oppose the publication of a story based on it while a dangerous operation is ongoing.”

01.09.2021 - 12:32 [ ]

Exclusive: Pentagon prepared for ‘mass casualty’ attack at Kabul Airport hours before explosion


Commanders calling in from Kabul relayed that the Abbey Gate, where American citizens had been told to gather in order to gain entrance to the airport, was “highest risk,” and detailed their plans to protect the airport.

“I don’t believe people get the incredible amount of risk on the ground,” Austin said, according to the classified notes.

On a separate call at 4 that afternoon, or 12:30 a.m. on Thursday in Kabul, the commanders detailed a plan to close Abbey Gate by Thursday afternoon Kabul time. But the Americans decided to keep the gate open longer than they wanted in order to allow their British allies, who had accelerated their withdrawal timeline, to continue evacuating their personnel, based at the nearby Baron Hotel.

31.08.2021 - 15:48 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Afghanistan: Inszenierung militärischer Evakuierung

Die Inszenierung erreichte ihren Höhepunkt mit der Ankunft eines Großteils des Deutschen Kontingents der „Evakuierungsmission“ auf dem Fliegerhorst Wunstorf, wo die ankommenden Militärtransporter A400M von Wasserfontänen der Flughafenfeuerwehr begrüßt wurden, die Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer (die bereits von Taschkent aus mitgeflogen war) dem Brigadegeneral Arlt vermeintlich spontan um den Hals fiel und dieser mit umgehängten G36 vor Kameras und Mikrofon trat.

30.08.2021 - 09:30 [ Al Jazeera ]

Afghanistan: Children among civilians killed in US drone attack

The United States’s Central Command (CENTCOM) said it was aware of “reports of civilian casualties” following the drone attack, which it said hit “multiple suicide bombers” who were preparing to attack the ongoing evacuations at the Kabul airport.

29.08.2021 - 19:04 [ Al Jazeera ]

Erdogan says Turkey to maintain diplomatic presence in Kabul

The Turkish embassy in Kabul has returned to its building in the city and Ankara will maintain its diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

NATO countries have been pulling out their diplomatic missions in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s victory two weeks ago.

29.08.2021 - 18:09 [ Tagesschau ]

Kabul: US-Militär fliegt Luftangriff gegen IS

Das US-Militär hat nach eigenen Angaben in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul einen Luftangriff durchgeführt, um eine „unmittelbare Bedrohung“ für den Flughafenbetrieb durch Terroristen abzuwenden.

27.08.2021 - 03:42 [ Gary Buckley / Twitter ]

Mr Dutton said the blasts occurred at the Baron Hotel and Abbey Gate airport entrance, where Australians were being brought through, but that Australian soldiers were safe.

27.08.2021 - 03:41 [ Lucas Tomlinson, Covering the Pentagon for Fox News / Twitter ]

Suicide bombing outside the Baron hotel near Abbey Gate is where 169 Americans were rescued late last week by 3 Army chinook helicopters.

27.08.2021 - 02:55 [ ]

IS-Terror am Flughafen Kabul

Die US-Botschaft hatte US-Bürger, die sich am Abbey Gate, East Gate oder North Gate aufhielten, in der Nacht zu Donnerstag dazu aufgerufen, das Gebiet „sofort“ zu verlassen. Großbritanniens Staatssekretär im Verteidigungsministerium, James Heappey, sprach noch am Morgen von der Drohung eines „ernsthaften, unmittelbaren, tödlichen Angriffs“ binnen Stunden auf den Flughafen oder die von westlichen Truppen genutzten Zentren.

27.08.2021 - 02:44 [ ]

The sea of humanity continues to flow towards the airport. Afghans with paperwork have to traverse flooded streets, Taliban checkpoints, then a British checkpoint, before even getting processed for evacuation near Abbey Gate. #Afghanistan


27.08.2021 - 02:37 [ AL Jazeera ]

Afghanistan: US, allies warn of ‘terror threat’ at Kabul airport

(26 Aug 2021)

The US Embassy in Kabul issued an alert advising US citizens to avoid travelling to the airport and said those already at the gates should leave immediately. It cited unspecified “security threats”.

The British Foreign Office issued a similar advisory, telling people in the area of the airport to “move away to a safe location”, adding, “There is an ongoing and high threat of terrorist attack.”

Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also urged Australians and Afghans with a visa for Australia to leave the area, warning of a “very high threat of a terrorist attack” at the airport.

27.08.2021 - 02:28 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon hints at more rescues outside Kabul airport, amid new security concerns and evacuation bottleneck

(August 21, 2021)

Kirby’s comments followed the disclosure that U.S. troops, traveling aboard Chinook helicopters, left the airport Thursday to retrieve 169 Americans from a nearby hotel.

27.08.2021 - 02:22 [ USA Today ]

Graphics and satellite images show how the complex and dangerous evacuation from Kabul airport works

(Published 4:52 PM UTC Aug. 26, 2021 Updated 8:44 PM UTC Aug. 26, 2021)

Arriving at the airport and passing through a security gate is the first step. Approaching the airport through snarled traffic and Taliban roadblocks was already difficult, but now entry may now be impossible after U.S. forces closed all gates due to an apparent attack.

American citizens who show up at the gates of Hamid Karzai International Airport would find a seat on one of the last flights out, but just about anybody else would be left behind, according to a U.S. official who is familiar with the operation but not authorized to speak publicly.

Outside the airport, desperation mounts for American citizens and Afghans who aided U.S. troops. U.S. special operators swooped into a neighborhood in Kabul to scoop up about 20 Americans unable to reach the airport, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said Wednesday.

25.08.2021 - 17:44 [ MDR ]

Bundestag stimmt Evakuierungsmission der Bundeswehr in Kabul zu

In einer Sondersitzung stimmten 539 Abgeordnete für den Einsatz von bis zu 600 Bundeswehrsoldaten. Neun Abgeordnete stimmten dagegen, 90 enthielten sich. Das Mandat ist bis zum 30. September befristet.

23.08.2021 - 11:13 [ ]

Ein Toter in Kabul: Bundeswehr an Schusswechsel beteiligt

Nach Angaben der Bundeswehr kam es zu dem Schusswechsel gegen 04.15 Uhr (MESZ) am Nordtor des Airports. Das Tor ist jedoch geschlossen. Die deutsche Botschaft hatte erst kurz zuvor gewarnt, dass es an den Zugängen immer noch sehr häufig zu gefährlichen Situationen und bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen komme.

23.08.2021 - 10:59 [ BBC ]

Afghan killed in Kabul airport gun battle

It‘s not clear who started the fighting and German officials said the three Afghans were hurt by „unknown attackers“.

The Afghan forces are thought to be part of an army contingent who have been helping international forces, having refused to surrender to the Taliban.

23.08.2021 - 09:50 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on Tropical Storm Henri and the Evacuation Operation in Afghanistan

Our first priority in Kabul is getting American citizens out of the country as quickly and as safely as possible. At my direction, the State Department continues to reach out to the remaining Americans we have identified by phone, e-mail, and other means to ascertain their whereabouts and their plans.

We’re executing a plan to move groups of these Americans to safety and to safely and effectively move them to the airport compound.

For security reasons, I’m not going to go into the detail of what these plans entail, but I will say again today that I have said before: Any American who wants to get home will get home.

We’ve also been evacuating the citizens of our NATO Allies and our partners, including their diplomats, their embassy staff who remain in Afghanistan and to get them back to their homes as well.

And as we do this, we’re also working to move our Afghan allies, who stood with us side by side, and other vulnerable Afghans such as women leaders and journalists, out of the country.

23.08.2021 - 09:26 [ Washington Post ]

Biden says safe zone around Kabul airport to expand, as Pentagon enlists commercial airlines to aid evacuations

In recent days, the Qatari ambassador to Afghanistan has escorted small groups of Americans into the airport, according to two people familiar with the effort who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive operation. American citizens have been instructed to meet at rally points in the city, and the ambassador then accompanies them to guarantee safe passage, these people said. Qatar has served as an intermediary between the United States and the Taliban at several stages of the American withdrawal, sponsoring peace talks and serving as the first point of refuge for many evacuees.

23.08.2021 - 09:03 [ ]

Biden emphasizes that Afghan refugees will be vetted before entering US

Biden outlined how Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants who assisted the U.S. military are being transported from Kabul to transit centers in Qatar, Germany, Kuwait, and Spain so they can complete their paperwork and undergo background checks.

22.08.2021 - 13:37 [ ]

Lage in Afghanistan: Mehrere Tote bei Massenpanik

Der Sender CNN berichtet von der Gefahr eines Anschlags der Terrorgruppe „Islamischer Staat“ und beruft sich dabei auf Quellen aus dem US-Verteidigungsministerium. Der Sprecher des Pentagons wollte bei einer Pressekonferenz dazu keine Details nennen. Die USA wollen eigentlich zum 31. August den Abzug ihrer Truppen abschließen. Daher drängt die Zeit: Die Luftbrücke könnte dann nicht mehr aufrechterhalten werden.

22.08.2021 - 13:36 [ New York Post ]

Fatal stampede reported amid Kabul airport mayhem

The US Embassy said on Saturday that American citizens in Afghanistan should stay away from Kabul’s airport, the only way out, “because of potential security threats outside the gates.”

The advisory directly contradicted President Biden’s insistence on Friday that Americans could proceed to the airport freely.

22.08.2021 - 13:33 [ ]

#Afghanistan: Panic Rises As US Told Citizens To Stay Away From Kabul Airport Due To Possible Islamic State Attack

The Genius Media Nigeria reports that a security alert on Saturday told US citizens to stay away due to possible “security threats outside the gates”.

22.08.2021 - 13:26 [ Fox News ]

New ISIS threat in Afghanistan prompted US warning in Kabul: Defense officials


A new threat from the Islamic State’s (ISIS) branch in Afghanistan prompted a new warning from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul that urged Americans to not come to the besieged airport in Kabul, officials confirmed to Fox News on Saturday.

22.08.2021 - 13:18 [ New York Post ]

US Embassy in Afghanistan tells citizens to stay away from Kabul airport


The development directly contradicts President Biden’s insistence Friday that Americans could proceed to the airport freely from the Afghan capital and that an “agreement” with the Taliban had been reached over the issue.

21.08.2021 - 13:42 [ The Post Millennial / Twitter ]

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald talks to Tucker Carlson about the way the media and others have turned on Biden following the Afghanistan withdrawal

21.08.2021 - 11:28 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on Evacuations in Afghanistan

Now, Justin Sink of Bloomberg.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You just said that you would keep a laser-focus on counterterrorism efforts and that you don’t see as great of a threat of terrorism from Afghanistan as other parts of the world. But if you and your administration so badly misassessed how quickly the Taliban would sweep through Afghanistan and we no longer have an embassy there from which to run intelligence operations, how can you at all be confident of your assessment of the risk of terrorism and the ability of the U.S. to conduct over-the-horizon missions to keep it in check? Can you tell Americans that they’re safe and will remain safe from terror attacks in Afghanistan?

THE PRESIDENT: I think you’re comparing apples and oranges. One question was whether or not the Afghan forces we trained up would stay and fight in their own civil war they had going on.

No one — I shouldn’t say “no one” — the consensus was that it was highly unlikely that in 11 days they’d collapse and fall, and the leader of Afghanistan would flee the country.

20.08.2021 - 16:58 [ ]

Dominic Raab claims colleague couldn‘t make Afghan call due to ‚deteriorating situation‘

He said: „The UK Government’s overriding priority has been to secure Kabul airport so that flights can leave.

„The call was delegated to a Minister of State because I was prioritising security and capacity at the airport on the direct advice of the Director and the Director General overseeing the crisis response.

„In any event, the Afghan Foreign Minister agreed to take the call, but was unable to because of the rapidly deteriorating situation.“

20.08.2021 - 16:31 [ ]

Where was Dominic Raab? Accusations he was ‘too busy’ for Afghanistan call on Crete beach holiday, explained

It has been reported that help for interpreters who supported British troops was delayed because Mr Raab was “unavailable” to make a call to call Afghan foreign minister Hanif Atmar on Friday.

Mr Raab reportedly delegated the call to a junior minister.

19.08.2021 - 11:21 [ ]

Deutscher Botschafter führt erste Gespräche mit Taliban

Maas zufolge versucht die Bundesregierung derzeit, auch über Drittstaaten wie Katar Einfluss auf die Taliban zu nehmen. Derzeit gebe es aber noch „keine belastbaren Sicherheitszusagen“, dass die Taliban afghanische Staatsangehörige frei zum Flughafen in Kabul passieren lassen, sagte Maas.

18.08.2021 - 18:43 [ ]

Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai holds talks with senior Taliban leader

A Taliban commander and senior leader of the Haqqani Network militant group, Anas Haqqani, met for talks with former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a Taliban official told Reuters on Wednesday. Karzai was accompanied by Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Afghan National Reconciliation Council.

18.08.2021 - 17:44 [ ]

Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani revealed to be in United Arab Emirates after fleeing ‘with helicopter full of cash’

A spokesman for the Russian embassy in Kabul, Nikita Ishchenko, was quoted as saying: “The collapse of the regime…is most eloquently characterised by how Ghani escaped from Afghanistan: four cars were filled with money, they tried to shove another part of the money into a helicopter, but not everything fit.

Asked by the Associated Press about how he knew the details of Ghani’s departure, Mr Ishchenko said “well, we are working here,” without offering any more details.

18.08.2021 - 17:14 [ ]

Evakuierung in Afghanistan: Kabinett billigt Bundeswehreinsatz in Kabul

Das Kabinett hat das Mandat für den Evakuierungseinsatz der Bundeswehr auf den Weg gebracht – der Bundestag soll kommende Woche abstimmen.

18.08.2021 - 17:02 [ ]

First Dutch evacuated on rescue flights from Kabul

On Tuesday, Kaag told NOS broadcaster that although a Dutch military plane was able to land, the short turnaround time at the airport controlled by American troops meant that they were unable to board. ‘There was a half-hour slot to get people on the tarmac,’ she said. ‘Lots of people were there, and at the airport gates, with their families. I think it is awful.’ She had called for the 6,000 American troops, who have been sent back into Afghanistan after their withdrawal, to allow people more time for boarding.

18.08.2021 - 16:53 [ ]

Afghanistan ++ Niederländer verpassen Evakuierungsflug ++

Erneut chaotische Szenen am Flughafen Kabul: Mehrere niederländische Staatsangehörige wurden auf dem Weg zu ihrem Evakuierungsflug vom US-Militär aufgehalten. Hunderte Menschen harren weiter rund um den Airport Kabul aus.

17.08.2021 - 09:10 [ Ramona Lenz / Twitter ]

Es ist zum Schreien: Unser Partner aus #Kabul, der vor ca 60 Minuten sicher mit dem #A400M in #Taschkent gelandet ist, bestätigt: Es waren max 10 Leute an Bord! WEIL DIE ANDEREN AM FLUGHAFEN NICHT AUF DER LISTE STANDEN!? Nicht Euer Ernst, @BMVg_Bundeswehr @AuswaertigesAmt !?!?!?

(vor 7 Stunden)

17.08.2021 - 09:00 [ New Day / Twitter ]

CNN‘s @clarissaward reports on what Afghanistan looks like as the Taliban take over.

17.08.2021 - 08:48 [ ]

Pentagon spokesman insists the Kabul airport chaos was NOT a failure – after US used helicopters to herd away Afghans and stowaways fell to their deaths off planes

– Pentagon spokesman John Kirby insisted Monday that the Kabul airport chaos earlier in the day did not constitute a failure
– American troops killed two armed Afghan nationals on the airfield who had stormed to try to get on planes
– Three fell to their deaths after climbing onto the fuselage of a C-17 jet in the desperate hope of holding on as the plane took off
– The bloodied bodies of another three Afghan nationals were left on the runway after the plane took off

17.08.2021 - 08:42 [ ]

Afghans fall from US Military planes after clinging to aircrafts taking off, 7 killed in airport chaos

In another video, hundreds of people could be seen running alongside a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane as it moved down a runway. Some clung to the side of the jet just before takeoff. Another video showed several falling through the air as the airplane rapidly gained altitude over the city.

Senior military officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing operation, told The Associated Press that the chaos left seven dead, including several who fell from the flight.

17.08.2021 - 08:26 [ Washington Examiner / Twitter ]

Reporters peppered Defense Department officials with questions at a briefing following President Joe Biden‘s address to the nation. „How do you determine where the responsibility lies for this failure?“

16.08.2021 - 16:27 [ Jennifer Hansler, covering the State Department for @CNN / Twitter ]

US military flights have resumed at the Kabul airport for now, a US defense official tells @barbarastarrcnn

16.08.2021 - 15:52 [ France24 ]

Russian ambassador to meet Taliban in Kabul Tuesday

Russia said its ambassador to Afghanistan will meet with the Taliban in Kabul on August 17 and that it will decide on whether to recognise the new government based on its conduct.

16.08.2021 - 15:36 [ ]

Afghanistan LIVE: UK and US evacuation suspended – runway not secure after airport breach

The British government vowed to evacuate hundreds of Britons and eligible Afghan nationals but their efforts have been suspended due to crowds of people invading the runway.

16.08.2021 - 15:14 [ Fasil M / Twitter ]

All news outlets is telling us that the airport is secured by US 4000 troops. Where are they?

16.08.2021 - 15:02 [ Björn Müller, editor for ´loyal´ @DieReserve as well @NDRinfo @tazgezwitscher @faznet @n_ost @esutde @bpb_de / Twitter ]

#Bundeswehr EvacOp #Afghanistan #Kabul: Undankbare Aufgabe für die Kräfte der DSK/Luftlandebrigade1 (wohl verstärkte Kompanie von circa 200 Fallschirmjägern): – Perimeter um 2 A400M sichern – Zügige Aufnahme durchführen – Stürmung der Maschinen verhindern

16.08.2021 - 14:46 [ Joyce Karam, Joyce Karam ]

Scenes of absolute desperation in #Kabul airport today: Afghan civilians chase & cling to US C-17 plane in last attempt to flee Afghanistan. At least one body fell from aircraft wing, after a stampede by runway. Very dark moment for country:

16.08.2021 - 12:00 [ @paykhar / Twitter ]

Three cars LOADED with bags of $$$ have been found left behind in #Kabul as president #AshrafGhani escaped the country.


Join @awsanzar & me in 30 minutes from now for another #afghaneyelive where we will cover developing situation in #Afghanistan

16.08.2021 - 09:16 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Exclusive: Taliban enters Afghan presidential palace | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Taliban fighters have entered Afghanistan’s presidential palace in Kabul hours after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.

15.08.2021 - 20:41 [ ]

Taliban-Vormarsch ++ Evakuierung von Deutschen beginnt heute ++

Nach Schüssen am Internationalen Flughafen von Kabul ist der kommerzielle Luftverkehr dort offenbar eingestellt worden. Das meldet die Nachrichtenagentur AP unter Berufung auf US-Militärkreise. Nach wie vor werden demnach aber Menschen mit Militärmaschinen in Sicherheit gebracht.

15.08.2021 - 20:20 [ / Twitter ]

JUST IN – U.S. Embassy in #Kabul issues security alert: „Reports of the airport taking fire. Shelter in place. Do not come to the Embassy or airport at this time.“

15.08.2021 - 19:58 [ BBC ]

Live: Taliban enter Kabul as Afghan government collapses

– A Taliban spokesman says their fighters have been ordered to enter the city to prevent looting
– Reports from Kabul say the Taliban have seized the presidential palace
– Earlier they were told to refrain from violence and allow safe passage for anyone wanting to leave
– Eyewitnesses say the militants met little resistance along the way to the capital

15.08.2021 - 12:46 [ ]

Escape from Kabul: Diplomats flee US Embassy in Chinook helicopters as Taliban fighters storm Afghan capital – in stark echoes of the Fall of Saigon

– Helicopter – believed to be US Air Force Chinook – seen flying over Kabul today from the US Embassy in Kabul
– It comes as Taliban closes in on the Afghan capital with shots heard on outskirts before fighters stormed city
– Around 3,000 US troops have been sent into city to aid with US evacuation, while British troops also deployed
– It is believed around 500 British staff needed to be evacuated and by Saturday the number was in ‚the tens‘

15.08.2021 - 12:26 [ ]

Taliban Fighters Enter Kabul As Helicopters Land At U.S. Embassy

Taliban fighters entered the outskirts of the Afghan capital on Sunday and said they were awaiting a „peaceful transfer“ of the city after promising not to take it by force, but panicked residents raced to the leave, with workers fleeing government offices and helicopters landing at the U.S. Embassy.

15.08.2021 - 11:40 [ ]

Taliban rücken in Kabul ein

Die Islamisten stießen von allen Seiten vor, teilte das Ministerium am Sonntag mit. Die Taliban sind nach eigenen Angaben noch nicht in die Stadt eingedrungen. Vielmehr verhandle man mit der afghanischen Regierung über eine friedliche Übergabe der Hauptstadt Kabul.

14.08.2021 - 15:07 [ Hindustan Times ]

Taliban seizes Logar province near Kabul, launch attack on Mazar-e-Sharif


The Taliban seized a province just south of Afghanistan‘s capital and launched a multi-pronged assault early Saturday on a major city in the north defended by powerful former warlords, Afghan officials said.

The insurgents have captured much of northern, western, and southern Afghanistan in a breakneck offensive less than three weeks before the United States is set to withdraw its last troops,

14.08.2021 - 15:04 [ Hadees Pardes / Twitter ]

President Ghani arrived in #MazareSharifcity, Balkh province, this morning where he will meet officials to discuss the security situation in the north, an official said. #Afghanistan


14.08.2021 - 15:03 [ ]

Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum leaves for Mazar-e-Sharif


Marshal (Afghan National Army) Abdul Rashid Dostum on Tuesday left Kabul for Mazar-e-Sharif after the fall of the eighth province Baghlan to the Taliban. Ehsan Nairo, Dostum´s spokesman, confirmed the news and said that the trip to Mazar-e-Sharif was coordinated with the help of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

14.08.2021 - 08:53 [ Pentagon - ]

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby Holds a Press Briefing on Afghanistan

MR. KIRBY: What I‘d say, Mike — what I‘d say to that, Mike, is what I‘ve been saying for the last few days, that the Afghan forces have advantages, they have capability to protect their territory and their people, they have the capacity to do that.

What — what I think the Afghan people want to see and what they deserve to see is the leadership and the will to use those advantages to their benefit.

Thanks, everybody, going to have to go now.


Q: … can you clarify the numbers one more time, so I have no mistakes? 3,000 going into the airport, 1,000 first going to Qatar and then to Afghanistan to help with SIVs, or staying in Qatar?

MR. KIRBY: No — no, I said the — the 1,000 enablers will go to Qatar for right now. I can‘t predict whether there‘ll be onward movement from there. Right now, they‘re going to Qatar …

Q: And the 3,500 …

MR. KIRBY: … again, for helping process, and then 3,000 to the airport in the next few days and then there‘ll be a reserve force out of Bragg that will — that will stage out of Kuwait, and that‘s roughly 3,500 to 4,000.

Q: And all of that‘s in addition to the 650 who are there …

MR. KIRBY: That is correct.

08.07.2021 - 18:29 [ Ron Paul / ]

Es ist Saigon in Afghanistan

Im April berechnete das Cost of War Project der Brown University die Gesamtkosten des Afghanistan-Krieges auf mehr als zwei Billionen Dollar. Das bedeutet, dass Millionen von Amerikanern für ein vorhersehbar gescheitertes Projekt ärmer gemacht worden sind. Es bedeutet auch, dass Tausende von gut vernetzten Auftragnehmern und Unternehmen, die um den US-Kapitolgürtel herum lauern und den Krieg vorantreiben, viel, viel reicher geworden sind.