Daily Archives: 2. November 2023

02.11.2023 - 21:43 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Wie prognostiziert: Israel will deutsche “Inspektoren” in Gaza und droht anderenfalls mit neuem Massaker

(7. August, 2014)

Die Botschaft des sicherlich proasiatischen ex-Türstehers aus Moldawien Lieberman ist klar: “Gebt uns Soldaten, ihr Deutschen, ihr Führer des Imperiums über den Kontinent, sonst bringen wir weiter Palästinenser um und ihr seid Schuld! Ihr seid schuld! Wie immer!”

Wie berichtet, war die Fußmatte Israels, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, schon in den letzten Tagen voran gekrochen und hatte sich seinen Lieblingsfaschisten lang hin auf den Weg gelegt. Am 3. August versprach der Außenminister von Deutschland in der Springer AG seinen Herrn und Meistern die “Herrschaft der Hamas” in ihrer Kolonie Gaza zu brechen und redete diesbezüglich von einer “Reaktivierung” des seit 2005 aktiven und erst kürzlich von der “Europäischen Kommission” bis 2015 verlängerten Mandats der Polizeimission E.U.B.A.M.

In seiner ganzen bräsigen Robotortour von uns mal wieder kalt erwischt, faselte Steinmeiers Auswärtiges Amt dann gestern etwas von einer Entsendung “unbewaffneter” (!) deutscher Polizisten nach Gaza, offensichtlich um ein Bundestagsmandat zu umgehen.

Heute nun statt der Fälschung Steinmeier und seiner von ihm übernommenen Fantompartei S.P.D. das Original: der Faschist Avigdor Lieberman.

Der Außenminister des Jerusalemer Regimes, dem bereits ein Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag droht und gegen das der Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen eine Untersuchungskommission wegen mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen verhängt hat, machte denn auch völlig klar, was er von den angeforderten deutschen “Inspektoren” erwartet und was der Kolonie Gaza droht wenn dort nicht gespurt und sich gefälligst wieder unterworfen wird, wie anno dünnemal unter der Fatah und ihrer “Autonomiebehörde”: ein neues Massaker.

02.11.2023 - 21:33 [ Peter Martin and Jennifer Jacobs / Bloomberg ]

US and Israel Weigh Peacekeepers for the Gaza Strip After Hamas

(October 31, 2023)

The US and Israel are exploring options for the future of the Gaza Strip, including the possibility of a multinational force that may involve American troops if Israeli forces succeed in ousting Hamas, people familiar with the matter said.

02.11.2023 - 21:27 [ Jennifer Jacobs, Sr. White House reporter for Bloomberg News / Twitter ]

NEWS: Officials exploring future options for Gaza, including oversight by countries from region, possibly backed by troops from US, UK, Germany, France, sources tell @PeterMartin_PCM & me.


Or: peacekeeping force modeled on MFO. Or: temporary UN governance.

02.11.2023 - 19:55 [ Tagesschau.de ]

ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Mehrheit in großer Sorge wegen Nahost


Diese militärische Reaktion Israels auf die Terroranschläge bewerten 35 Prozent der deutschen Wahlberechtigten als angemessen; acht Prozent geben an, dass die Reaktion nicht weit genug gehe. Somit halten 43 Prozent der Bundesbürger das Agieren der israelischen Armee für angemessen oder nicht ausreichend, während 41 Prozent sagen, dass der Gegenschlag der israelischen Armee zu weit geht.

02.11.2023 - 19:50 [ DataforProgress.org ]

Voters Agree the U.S. Should Call for a Ceasefire and De-Escalation of Violence in Gaza to Prevent Civilian Deaths

(October 20, 2023)

A new Data for Progress poll, fielded as part of our national omnibus survey from October 18 to 19, finds that 66% of voters “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree” with the following statement:

The U.S. should call for a ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza. The U.S. should leverage its close diplomatic relationship with Israel to prevent further violence and civilian deaths.

This includes 80% of Democrats, 57% of Independents, and 56% of Republicans.

02.11.2023 - 19:46 [ Ann MacLeod / Twitter ]

Huge majority oppose UK Government policy and support Israel/Hamas ceasefire – poll

(Oct 19, 2023)

02.11.2023 - 19:35 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel-Palestine war: UK poll finds 76 percent want an immediate ceasefire


Only eight percent of respondents said there shouldn‘t be a ceasefire with 16 percent saying they didn‘t know.

The poll was conducted on 19 October by UK-based YouGov polling company and surveyed 2,685 adults.

02.11.2023 - 19:23 [ Sarah Wilkinson / Twitter ]

The day that @Pal_action rammed the gate of Leicester’s israeli arms factory & brought israeli drone makers to their knees #ShutElbitDown

(Oct 20, 2023)

02.11.2023 - 19:16 [ Palestine Action / Twitter ]

Leonardo supplies Israel with Apache Helicopters and parts for their F-35 fighter jets, used to bombard Gaza. Today, we’re shutting them down in London!

02.11.2023 - 19:10 [ Wikipedia ]


In der Balfour-Deklaration vom 2. November 1917 erklärte sich Großbritannien einverstanden mit dem 1897 festgelegten Ziel des Zionismus, in Palästina eine „nationale Heimstätte“ des jüdischen Volkes zu errichten. Namensgeber war der damalige britische Außenminister Arthur James Balfour. Mit der Deklaration sollten auch die Rechte bestehender nicht-jüdischer Gemeinschaften gewahrt bleiben. Damals befand sich Palästina noch im Machtbereich der Osmanen. Die damalige britische Regierung unter Lloyd George versprach sich von der Zusage an die zionistische Bewegung Vorteile in der Mobilisierung zusätzlicher Ressourcen während des Krieges und auch langfristige strategische Vorteile.

02.11.2023 - 19:00 [ PalestineAction.org ]

Palestine Action Strike Britain’s Foreign Office and Occupy Leonardo On Balfour 106

Today, on the 106th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, activists from Palestine Action targeted Britain’s foreign office and are currently occupying the weapons firm Leonardo at their London HQ. Leonardo’s London offices have been covered in red paint, to symbolise the Palestinian bloodshed by their weaponry, whilst one activist remains on top of the company’s front overhang. Elsewhere, the Foreign Office in London was sprayed in messages including ‘Britain Guilty’ and ‘Fuck Balfour.

02.11.2023 - 18:45 [ CodePink / Twitter ]

Biden has requested a whopping $105 billion in supplementary funding to pay for multiple, active and impending wars that Congress was originally voting on. This is on top of the already massive $886 billion war budget.

What‘s everything in Genocide Joe‘s latest request?

First, it‘s important to note the disputes on this. House Republicans want a bill just for Israel, while Democrats say they need it packaged with the other wars (with Russia and China). Both parties agree they want more war.

So, what‘s in Biden‘s request?

To start, $14.3 BILLION for the genocide in Gaza…

02.11.2023 - 18:29 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

@SecBlinken Hey is this you?

02.11.2023 - 18:22 [ CodePink / Twitter ]

ICYMI: This morning, as @SecBlinken & @SecDef asked @SenateApprops for even MORE money for Israel‘s genocide in Palestine, CODEPINK & other groups confronted them. The Biden administration has blood on their hands. CEASEFIRE NOW!


02.11.2023 - 18:08 [ NewsAlerts Global / Twitter ]

“I can‘t hear you, darlings.” Heartbreaking video of a Palestinian father searching for his children who were killed by Israeli bombing in the Bureij refugee camp, south of Gaza City.

02.11.2023 - 18:05 [ Jalal / Twitter ]

Another massacre in Bureij refugee camp, central Gaza. Israeli forces use ??supplied JDAM ordinance to flatten another residential block in the densely populated camp. Eight homes flattened. Scores reportedly between killed, injured, under the rubble.

(4 hours ago)

This is horrifying! No where is safe.

02.11.2023 - 18:00 [ Times of Gaza / Twitter ]

Palestinian child comforts her younger siblings as they lost their parents in the lsraeli bombing.


02.11.2023 - 17:29 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

Watch the moment Palestinian doctor Ghada Abu Eida recognised her daughter among those injured in an Israeli attack while working in Gaza’s Indonesian hospital

02.11.2023 - 17:14 [ Ariel Bernstein / Twitter ]

Tonight Khalil was killed by Israeli bombings in the south of the Gaza Strip. He was an English teacher. peace activist. We spoke together in front of audiences about the situation in Gaza. about the need to find a solution. In reality I will no longer meet him. Maybe in the sky


02.11.2023 - 16:38 [ B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم / Twitter ]

توثيق: مستوطنون يضرمون النار في محلات تجارية وسيارات على مدخل قرية دير شرف في محافظة نابلس، مقطع فيديو من قبل ساعة.

02.11.2023 - 16:35 [ B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم / Twitter ]

תיעוד: מתנחלים מציתים חנויות ומכוניות בכניסה לכפר דיר שרף באזור שכם, התיעוד מלפני שעה קלה

02.11.2023 - 16:31 [ B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم / Twitter ]

Video: settlers torching shops and cars at the entrance to the village Deir Sharf, Nablus area, a short while ago

(2 hours ago)

02.11.2023 - 16:25 [ Dylan Griffith / Twitter ]

Israeli settlers, with the protection of IDF soldiers throw stones at passing Palestinian cars on the roads outside of Deir Sharaf.

02.11.2023 - 15:50 [ Torah Judaism / Twitter ]

Today, during a police raid to take down Palestinian flags in the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood, Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, the Israeli policemen were recorded attacking residents and knocking residents down on the road, hitting, and punching them in the face.


Police violence against ultra-Orthodox Jews continues constantly, Zionists constantly attack Jews, this must stop.

The only crime of these Jews is that they stand with the Palestinian people and are against Zionism.

02.11.2023 - 14:45 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Chile, Colombia, Jordan recall Israel ambassadors after Bolivia cuts ties

Chile, Colombia and Jordan announced Wednesday that they are recalling their respective ambassadors to Israel for consultations over Israel‘s bombardment of the Gaza Strip. These decisions come one day after the Bolivian government announced it was severing diplomatic ties with Israel, making it the first country to take such a step since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that killed 1,400 Israelis.

02.11.2023 - 14:42 [ Al Jazeera ]

‘Genocide’, Colombia says as Latin American states condemn Israel over Gaza

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has condemned Israel’s bombardments of Gaza, calling its war in the besieged Palestinian enclave that has so far killed more than 9,000 people “genocide”.

Petro’s remarks came in a post on X on Wednesday, accompanied by a picture of victims of the Israeli air attack on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza that killed at least 195 people. At least 120 people are also missing, according to Gaza’s officials.

02.11.2023 - 13:55 [ CNN / Youtube ]

CNN anchor asks IDF spokesman where Palestinians were supposed to go after strike. Hear his response

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus talks with CNN‘s Erin Burnett after a blast, targeting a Hamas commander, in a neighborhood of the Jabalya refugee camp left catastrophic damage and killed dozens of people.

02.11.2023 - 13:34 [ CNN ]

Biden facing tough questions over Israel’s strikes on civilians

Jeremy Konyndyk, president of Refugees International who formerly worked in the Obama administration at USAID, said Tuesday that the attack on Jabalya refugee camp was a “clear-cut war crime.”

“It shows wanton disregard for the legal obligation to minimize civilian harm in targeting military objectives. It is the latest of many such attacks by the IDF,” Konyndyk said on X. “This in turn underscores that Netanyahu is making a mockery of Biden’s repeated pleas to follow the laws of war – without any acknowledgement of that reality by the US.”

02.11.2023 - 03:30 [ DarumaIkyu / Twitter ]

Israeli Military around Gaza was Withdrawn Prior to the Hamas Attack so that 60% to 80% of the Area around Gaza was Not Protected by the Usual Forces – according to Israeli Journalist, Efrat Fenigson: ‚Something is Very Wrong Here‘

(Oct 9, 2023)

02.11.2023 - 02:35 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israel accused of war crimes as Gaza camp is bombed again | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Nov 1, 2023 #Aljazeeraenglish #News

One day after Israel launched a major air attack on Gaza’s most heavily populated refugee camp, it has bombed it again.

02.11.2023 - 02:12 [ Washington Post ]

Israeli strikes on Gaza refugee camp offer glimpse of war’s destruction

“The entire area was wiped out,” Masoud told The Washington Post by phone, hours after a series of Israeli strikes devastated his neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip, flattening several residential buildings and leaving gaping craters in the concrete.

More than 110 people were killed and hundreds more wounded in the attack, according to doctors at two nearby hospitals, in what appeared to be the deadliest aerial assault by Israel since the war began. The final toll remained unclear, Palestinian officials said, because victims were still trapped under the rubble.