The suit was filed against Smith & Wesson, Beretta Firearms, Century International Arms, Colt, Glock and Ruger. These companies manufacture weapons that are “most often recovered in Mexico,” the complaint states.
Daily Archives: 4. August 2021
Pesticide threat to bees likely ‚underestimated‘: study
The study published in Nature also found that pesticide interaction was likely to be „synergistic“, meaning that their combined impact was greater than the sum of their individual effects.
These „interactions between multiple agrochemicals significantly increase bee mortality,“ said co-author Harry Siviter, of the University of Texas at Austin.
Malaysian PM to seek confidence vote in parliament
Malaysia‘s Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said on Wednesday that he will seek a confidence vote in September to decide if he commands majority support among members of the country‘s lower house of parliament.
Muhyiddin said in a televised speech that he still held the support of a majority of members of parliament (MPs) and had informed the country‘s King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah.
China sends two multimedia satellites into orbit
The launch was the 382nd flight mission for the Long March series carrier rockets.
Caceres Murder Accomplice Should Receive Stiffer Sentence
On Tuesday, the family of Berta Caceres asked Honduras‘ Sentencing Court to send Roberto Castillo to 25 years in prison for the murder of the Indigenous environmentalist in March 2016.
Rheinmetall: Allzeithoch
Dass es besonders der Rüstungssparte von Rheinmetall blendend geht, ist leider schon länger immer wieder Thema. Nun meldet dpa sogar ein Allzeithoch für die erste Jahreshälfte:
Nina‘s unfortunate loss is further proof that working with the Democrats is a dead end road for folks seeking to challenge the status quo. Democrats will spend millions of dollars (at a time like this!) and pull out all the stops to undermine candidates fighting for the people.
Bernie Sanders kickoff rally in Brooklyn – Nina Turner‘s great speech!
(Mar 2, 2019)
Nina Turner gave another unbelievable emotional speech for Bernie Sanders! Preach on!
JUST IN: Nina Turner Vows To Continue Progressive Journey After Losing Ohio Congressional Primary
Nina Turner gives a passionate election night speech following her loss in the special Congressional primary in Ohio‘s 11th District.
Thank you @ninaturner for your fearlessness and your unrelenting commitment to truth telling. These are the qualities that make you powerful and there is no super pac that can change that.
We knew this would be an uphill battle from the moment we started this campaign. While we didn’t cross the river, we inspired thousands to dream bigger and expect more. We couldn’t overcome the influence of dark money, but we left our mark on OH11 and this nation.
Nina lost for a very simple reason. In the closing stretch THIS happened: „Democratic Majority for Israel, a hybrid PAC/super PAC that has spent $1.2 million on ads supporting Brown and opposing Turner“ – & the ads viciously lied about her. The lies stuck
Turner Vs. Brown: A Showdown Between Progressive And Establishment Dems
The special election in Ohio featuring candidates Nina Turner and Shontel Brown has become a reportedly „acrimonious and bitter“ battle between the progressive and establishment wings of the Democratic party, as these factions go all out to support their preferred candidate. Journalists Eugene Robinson and Jeremy W. Peters join The ReidOut with their analysis.
There‘s a fight for the future of the Democratic Party happening in Ohio
South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN recently that Biden needed all the allies he could get in the House, a clear shot at Turner‘s past negative comments about the 46th President.
Third Way, a centrist Democratic group, is spending $500,000 on a series of ads driving that same message.
Indo-Pazifik: Gewöhnung
Johannes Peters, Leiter der Abteilung Maritime Strategie und Sicherheit am Kieler Institut für Sicherheitspolitik, sieht darin auch eine an die Bevölkerung gerichtete Botschaft.
Sommer der Freiheit – Verboten!
Es gibt ganz offensichtlich mehr als das, was von Teilen der deutschen Linken (sichtbar) übriggeblieben ist. Würde dieser Teil der deutschen Linken auch gegen Leute vorgehen, die gegen Gesundheitspass und Impfpflicht zu Hunderttausenden auf die Straße gehen? Würden sie auch in Paris an der Straße stehen und die Demonstranten als „Schwurbler“ und „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ diffamieren?
Wisst ihr wie es ist, auf jeden Schritt achten zu müssen? Damit man keine Liliputaner zertrampelt?
(kein spezifisches Datum)
Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Incoming Israeli National Security Advisor Dr. Eyal Hulata
Mr. Sullivan congratulated Dr. Hulata on his new role and emphasized that he looks forward to working together to strengthen all aspects of the U.S.-Israel partnership. Mr. Sullivan and Dr. Hulata discussed the strategic challenges in the region, including the threat posed by Iran, and agreed to consult closely on these issues.
Bennett taps senior Mossad officer Hulata as national security adviser
Hulata, 45, served as the head of the Mossad’s Department of Strategic and Political Planning and its Technology Department.
Golf von Oman: Rätsel um mögliche Tankerentführung
Laut unbestätigten Refinitiv-Schiffverfolgungsdaten sollen mehrere Öltanker ein automatisches Statussignal gesendet haben, laut dem sie aufgrund außergewöhnlicher Umstände manövrierunfähig sein sollen.
Hannity slams New York City‘s vaccine passport protocol
„Nevermind medical privacy, your medical privacy, nevermind your doctor-patient confidentiality. Anyone who‘s vaccinated and is allowed to attend indoor activities will soon have to share their personal, medical documents with employees at every restaurant, every bar, every sporting event, every concert and other random strangers all across New York City.“
Along with vaccine requirements, NHI Director Dr. Francis Collins told CNN that parents should wear masks with their children in their own homes, sparking outrage.
Chicago won’t require vaccine passports like New York for now, but ‘we’ll be watching to see how this plays out,’ health commissioner says
Dr. Allison Arwady called New York’s move “appropriate” and praised Chicago businesses who independently implemented such a practice. But New York City was a lot less resistant at the idea of a vaccine passport than Chicago has been, she said.
New York verlangt Impfnachweise
In der US-Metropole New York dürfen bald nur noch geimpfte Menschen Fitnessstudios und die Innenräume von Restaurants betreten. Bürgermeister Bill de Blasio erklärte, die neue Regelung werde über mehrere Wochen im August und September eingeführt.
Damit ist New York die erste Großstadt in den USA, die solche Beschränkungen verhängt.
„Wir wussten, dass wir gejagt werden“
Einen Tag nach seinem Verschwinden in Kiew ist der belarusische Aktivist Witaly Schischow tot aufgefunden worden. Mitstreiter Schischows vermuten, dass der belarusische Geheimdienst dahinter steckt.Die Polizei arbeitet mit Hochdruck an dem Fall, der nicht nur in der belarusischen Diaspora für Entsetzen sorgt. Videoaufnahmen von Kameras entlang der Joggingstrecke, von der der Aktivist am Montag nicht zurückkehrte, werden ausgewertet. Mögliche Augenzeugen werden befragt.