Meanwhile, Joel Holliday, president of the Barrick Gold Company, said they seek to build a strong and long-term partnership with Egypt, as „Egypt is on the way to build a strong mineral industry.“
Daily Archives: 27. Juli 2021
SecDef Austin Heads to Southeast Asia With Eye on China
The US wants to form stronger partnerships in the region to counter China
Top US and Chinese Diplomats Hold ‘Frank and Open Discussion’
The meeting came amid heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing and marked the first high-level meeting since Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Alaska in March. Sherman met with Wang and Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng.
Top-Diplomaten aus den USA und China führen „offene und freimütige Diskussion“
Die stellvertretende Außenministerin Wendy Sherman traf sich am Montag in der chinesischen Stadt Tianjin mit Chinas Top-Diplomaten und führte eine „offene und freimütige Diskussion“, wie das Außenministerium es nannte.
Das Treffen fand inmitten verschärfter Spannungen zwischen Washington und Peking statt und war das erste hochrangige Treffen seit dem Treffen von Außenminister Antony Blinken mit dem chinesischen Außenminister Wang Yi im März in Alaska. Sherman traf sich mit Wang und dem stellvertretenden Außenminister Xie Feng.
Blinken in India for talks dominated by Afghan turmoil, China
Top US diplomat Antony Blinken arrived Tuesday in India for talks dominated by turmoil in Afghanistan and common worries about China, while also touching on New Delhi‘s rights record.
Blinken, in his first India visit as secretary of state, was due to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Wednesday before flying to Kuwait.
Ukraine: SWP pro Waffenlieferungen
Dass die beiden Autoren das gut finden, ist eine Sache, dass sie aber lediglich angeben, solche Lieferungen würden gegen keine internationalen Verträge verstoßen, ist schon gewagt. Schließlich „vergessen“ sie die nationalen und europäischen Rüstungsexportrichtlinien, die Waffenlieferungen in Krisengebiete untersagen
Mali-Luftschläge: Untersuchung
Es ist schon wieder einige Zeit vergangen, seit die französische Armee in Mali Anfang des Jahres eine Hochzeitsgesellschaft bombardiert und zahlreiche Opfer verursacht hatte
Canada installs first indigenous governor general, highlights reconciliation
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named Mary Simon – a former journalist, ambassador, and Inuit community advocate – to serve as the representative in Canada of its head of state, Queen Elizabeth, earlier this month.
Pegasus-Abhörskandal erschüttert in Mexiko erneut die Gesellschaft
Wie Amerika21 berichtete konnte 2017 nachgewiesen werden, dass die Software Pegasus der israelischen Firma NSO Group zur Fernüberwachung von Smartphones in Mexiko dazu verwendet wurde, um Regierungskritiker:innen, Journalist:innen und Menschenrechtsaktivist:innen zu überwachen, darunter auch die Rechtsvertreter:innen der Familien der gewaltsam verschwundenen 43 Studenten von Ayotzinapa.
Kolumbien: Killer schießt auf deutsche Sympathisantin der Proteste in Cali
Die Frankfurterin Rebecca Linda Marlene Sprößer hat am Donnerstag in Cali ein Attentat überlebt.
Süd- und Nordkorea stellen Kommunikationsleitungen wieder her
Süd- und Nordkorea hätten vereinbart, um 10 Uhr am 27. Juli ihre bisher unterbrochenen Kommunikationsleitungen wiederherzustellen, und das erste Telefonat geführt, teilte Park Soo-hyun, der Chefsekretär für öffentliche Kommunikation im südkoreanischen Präsidialamt, mit.
Die Staatschefs Süd- und Nordkoreas hätten seit April mehrmals Briefe ausgetauscht und über eine Erholung der innerkoreanischen Beziehungen gesprochen.
U.S. Lawmakers Call for Punitive Measures Against Israeli NSO Over Spyware Allegations
Finally, the four House Democrats call to „investigate and assess the possible targeting of American journalists, aid works, diplomats and others’ with NSO Group‘s Pegasus spyware, determine whether America’s national security was harmed, and take steps to protect all Americans, including federal employees, from the threat posed by the growing mercenary spyware industry.“
Let‘s give pingdemic the boot: Boss of High Street chemist Boots calls for scheme to be scrapped as he reveals one in five stores now have half the usual staff
Sebastian James is one of the most prominent business leaders so far to speak out in support of the Daily Mail campaign to stop vital workers being compelled to isolate unnecessarily.
In an interview with the Mail, he revealed that staff absence rates have increased by 50 per cent throughout his chain‘s 2,330 stores, which offer important pharmacy services to the public.
UK‘s daily Covid cases drop for the SIXTH day in a row: Infections plummet 38% to 24,950 and deaths fall 24% to 14 – but No10 warns we‘re ‚not out of the woods yet‘ despite virus declining in every region of England
The Government and its scientific advisers had been expecting cases to rocket to at least 100,000 every day this autumn, with top SAGE member ‚Professor Lockdown‘ Neil Ferguson claiming they could even top 200,000.
But daily infections now appear to be falling or levelling off in every region of England. The North East, a hotspot for the Indian ‚Delta‘ variant, was the first to see its outbreak peak on July 14, according to the data.
Exclusive: Over half of Covid hospitalisations tested positive after admission
Experts said it meant the national statistics, published daily on the government website and frequently referred to by ministers, may far overstate the levels of pressures on the NHS.
The leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid had tested positive by the time they were admitted.
Biden announces end of combat mission in Iraq as he shifts US foreign policy focus
„I think things are going well. Our role in Iraq will be … to be available to continue to train, to assist, to help, and to deal with ISIS — as it arrives. But we‘re not going to be, by the end of the year, in a combat mission,“ the President later said.
Biden kündigt Ende von Kampfhandlungen im Irak an
Die USA würden sich Ende des Jahres nicht mehr in Kampfeinsätzen im Irak befinden.
„Unsere Zusammenarbeit gegen den Terrorismus wird auch in dieser neuen Phase weitergehen.“ Die Rolle der USA bestehe weiterhin in der Unterstützung des Irak im Umgang mit der Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS), sagte Biden weiter.
FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots
Questioning the FBI‘s role in 1/6 was maligned by corporate media as deranged. But only ignorance about the FBI or a desire to deceive could produce such a reaction.
U.S., China Leave Room to Talk After Contentious Meeting
The U.S. and China left open the possibility of a summit between their presidents despite a contentious day of talks between officials from both sides in the city of Tianjin.
Technology – China Crackdown Rocks Investors: ‘Everybody’s in the Crosshairs’
The crash in tutoring stocks that began late last week spread Monday across the tech sector and beyond, after authorities confirmed reports they would ban a swathe of the education industry from making profits. It’s the government’s most extreme step yet to rein in private businesses that regulators blame for exacerbating inequality, increasing financial risk and — in the case of some tech titans –- challenging Beijing’s authority.