Daily Archives: 16. November 2020

16.11.2020 - 21:45 [ ORF ]

Trump dürfte weitere Soldaten aus Afghanistan abziehen

Der ehemalige Heeresoffizier Douglas Macgregor wurde zum leitenden Berater des geschäftsführenden Verteidigungsministers Christopher Miller ernannt. Macgregor ist ein ausgesprochener Kritiker der Einsätze im Irak und in Afghanistan.

16.11.2020 - 21:01 [ France24 ]

Macron walks diplomatic tightrope while hosting Trump ally Pompeo

Le Drian said Friday that he would raise the concerns of France – which has been hit by a number of jihadist attacks – over Trump’s plans to speed up the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

16.11.2020 - 20:39 [ MDR ]

Verfassungsschutzchef Kramer will für Bundestag kandidieren

Thüringens SPD-Chef Georg Maier begrüßte die Pläne von Kramer, in die Politik zu wechseln. Maier schränkte aber ein, es sei ausgeschlossen, gleichzeitig für eine Partei um ein Bundestagsmandat zu kämpfen und als Thüringens oberster Verfassungsschützer zu amtieren. Dies gelte spätestens für die heiße Wahlkampfphase.

16.11.2020 - 19:50 [ Kurier.at ]

So versteckte das BVT einen mutmaßlichen Kriegsverbrecher in Österreich

Zehn Monate lang musste die Justiz mit dem BVT streiten, um schließlich Anfang Oktober 2020 doch noch Zugriff auf die Festplatte eines Verfassungsschützers zu bekommen. Diese 57 Gigabyte werden derzeit ausgewertet.

16.11.2020 - 19:37 [ ORF.at ]

BVT soll syrischen Kriegsverbrecher geschützt haben

Laut dem „Kurier“ hatte der Syrer für den BVT keinen unmittelbaren Nutzen gehabt, sei er doch weder als Informant noch als Quelle geführt worden. „Der einzige Sinn war wohl, dem Mossad einen Gefallen zu tun“, hieß es. Die Zeitung verwies auch darauf, dass der General während seines Österreich-Aufenthaltes auch nach Russland gereist sei, und wertet das als Beleg dafür, dass er kein Regimegegner gewesen sein kann.

16.11.2020 - 19:25 [ apnews.com ]

AP FACT CHECK: Trump wrong on Georgia voter signature checks

When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.

When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system.

16.11.2020 - 19:21 [ azcentral.com ]

Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger fires back against Trump’s false claims about election

After a barrage of unfounded claims from President Donald Trump questioning various aspects of Georgia’s voting system, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger fired back.

In a series of Facebook posts from the Secretary of State page, Raffensperger, a Republican, …

16.11.2020 - 19:09 [ theGuardian.com ]

EU faces crisis as Hungary and Poland veto seven-year budget

The EU is facing a crisis after Hungary and Poland vetoed the bloc’s historic €1.8tn (£1.6tn) budget and coronavirus recovery plan over attempts to link funding to respect for democratic norms.

The move unravels months of negotiations over the scale and terms of the EU’s spending and sets the stage for a stormy videoconference meeting of the bloc’s leaders on Thursday.

16.11.2020 - 18:57 [ Spiked ]

Brexit is bigger than Boris or any Downing Street bunfight

As the Brexit process reaches crisis point (again), the real issue is not ‘Carrie v Dom’, but elite domination or democracy? Is Johnson prepared to stick to his guns and see through the clean-break Brexit we voted for? Or is he getting ready to give in to the demands of the Remainer establishment and the EU? Brexit is far bigger than the survival of Boris and the Downing Street pecking order.

16.11.2020 - 18:55 [ Spiked ]

Boris’s bizarre self-isolation stunt: Why is the PM self-isolating when he has already had Covid?

Self-isolation is intended to reduce the spread of Covid. But Boris’s decision runs totally counter to logic.

16.11.2020 - 18:50 [ ORF ]

Polen und Ungarn blockieren EU-Finanzpaket

Polen und Ungarn haben ihre Drohungen wahr gemacht und ein Veto gegen die EU-Finanzplanung bis 2027 und das damit zusammenhängende CoV-Hilfspaket eingelegt.

16.11.2020 - 18:49 [ theNewEuropean.co.uk ]

Think tank says country might face Brexit ‚in name only‘ following Cummings‘ departure from Number 10

He continued: „Dom Cummings‘ presence at the centre of the government‘s policy programme gave Brexiteers confidence that Brexit would take place in a meaningful way.“

Instead, he warned that the loss „makes post-Brexit Britain more likely to be very similar to a Britain inside the EU, and possibly worse“.

16.11.2020 - 18:40 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚This is all going to end in tears for Boris‘: Tory MPs and ex-aides say ‚nightmare to work with‘ Carrie Symonds should be more like Philip May and ‚keep a lower profile‘ – as PM‘s allies warn his future in No10 depends on the success of his ‚reset‘

‚Once you step up to the mark you become a target, which isn‘t going to help anyone,‘ one MP told MailOnline.

A former Tory adviser – who is no fan of Mr Cummings – described the events of the past week as ‚unreal‘, saying Ms Symonds had been an ‚absolute nightmare‘ to work with in the past.

16.11.2020 - 18:36 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Dominic Cummings‘s exit is great news for the BBC – and a disaster for any hope of serious reform

The taxi that took Dominic Cummings away from Downing Street for the last time was carrying more than just the Prime Minister’s ex-chief adviser; it also carried away any realistic hope that the Johnson government might deliver on reform of the BBC. With Cummings gone the chances that there will be any serious assault on the Corporation’s privileges and prerogatives are severely diminished.

16.11.2020 - 15:46 [ NPR.org ]

House Democrats Dissect What Went Wrong And How To Rebound From Losses

House Democrats started this month hoping, and preparing, to gain seats in the election. Instead, their once-robust majority in the House has dwindled, and Democrats are on track to begin next year with the slimmest majority in decades.

Now members on the progressive left and Democratic Party moderates are again at odds over whose policies won in 2020 and how they should govern as a party.

16.11.2020 - 13:40 [ ChronicleLive.co.uk ]

UK‘s Covid-19 Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine on course to be ready by end of 2020

The UK has ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine – enough for the entire population

16.11.2020 - 12:43 [ BBC ]

RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world‘s largest trading bloc

Fifteen countries have formed the world‘s largest trading bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

16.11.2020 - 11:14 [ NLTimes.nl ]

U.S spied on allies, including Netherlands, through Denmark

According to the Danish broadcaster, the NSA and Danish military service FE signed an agreement in 2008, which stated that the Americans would help Denmark tap internet cables in the European country. In return, the NSA gained access to internet cables to Eastern Europe. Together they processed the data in a data center near Copenhagen Airport, which was built for that purpose.

But the United States also used that internet access to spy on Denmark itself, and surrounding countries including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, the whistleblower, a former employee of the FE, said to DR.

16.11.2020 - 11:11 [ privateinternetaccess.com ]

The head of Denmark’s spy program has been fired for snooping on citizens and lying about it


The government in Denmark has fired 3 top officials from the country’s foreign intelligence agency, the Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), following revelations from a whistleblower. The officials, including the head of the agency, Lars Finden, have been “relieved of duty for the time being” following the release of a trove of documents. The documents detailed that the FE has been illegally spying on Danish citizens in the last six years and were released by an unnamed whistleblower to the independent regulator of Danish security services which is known as Tilsynet med Efterretningstjenesterne (TET).

16.11.2020 - 11:03 [ Zeit.de ]

Dänemark hilft NSA beim Ausspähen von Dänen

Denn genau wie der deutsche Bundesnachrichtendienst ist auch der dänische Auslandsgeheimdienst, der zugleich der militärische Geheimdienst des Landes ist, vor Jahren eine Kooperation mit der National Security Agency eingegangen. Und genau wie einst dem BND droht durch diese Kooperation nun dem dänischen Dienst, ja dem gesamten Land ein Skandal: Denn offenbar ist längst nicht alles legal, was dort geschieht.

16.11.2020 - 11:01 [ ORF.at ]

Opposition stimmte gegen Lockdown

Für den Lockdown ab Dienstag gibt es nun auch parlamentarisch grünes Licht. Der Hauptausschuss stimmte am Sonntag für die Maßnahmen – allerdings ohne die Stimmen der Opposition. Auch die SPÖ, die vor zwei Wochen dem Teil-Lockdown noch zugestimmt hatte, verweigerte nun die Unterstützung. Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner kritisierte – wie auch NEOS-Chefin Beate Meinl-Reisinger – vor allem das Schließen der Schulen. Die FPÖ sprach von „Isolationshaft“.