Archiv: (offene) Briefe / Appelle / (open) letters / appeals

15.09.2024 - 01:15 [ SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire / ]


To Our Guild Leadership and Staff:

We are proud rank-and-file union and trade association members from every corner of our industry — working on screen, stage, set, and in the field — united in solidarity with the global call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a just, lasting peace. As artists and storytellers, we cannot stand idly by as our industry refuses to tell the story of Palestinian humanity.

Following SAG-AFTRA’s statement in sympathy with Israel regarding October 7, many SAG-AFTRA and sister guild members have watched in horror as the Israeli government wages a war of collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza — killing over 40,000 Palestinians, injuring over 90,000 more, forcibly displacing 2 million people, and openly targeting members of the press and their families. As the IDF continues its assault on “safe zones,” schools, and hospitals, and as civilians in Gaza die from starvation, dehydration, and lack of medical supplies and fuel, major human rights groups have labeled these acts as war crimes, human rights atrocities, and even genocide. The UN has described Gaza as a “graveyard for children” — and estimate that by mid-July “half of the population — more than a million people — could face death and starvation.” As of now, there is no end in sight — only escalation, death, and destruction.

15.09.2024 - 01:06 [ Hollywood Reporter ]

Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef and More Call on SAG-AFTRA Leaders to Protect Pro-Palestine Members From Being Blacklisted (Exclusive)

SAG-AFTRA members Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef, Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera and Cynthia Nixon are among the hundreds of union members calling on their organization’s leadership to keep people from being blacklisted for their views on Palestine.

In a statement provided with an open letter from organization SAG-AFTRA and Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire, members claim their numerous attempts to communicate with leadership about their concerns and work on a ceasefire statement together have been consistently ignored. When asked, SAG-AFTRA declined to comment on the claim or the letter.

31.08.2024 - 21:03 [ CodePink ]

Tell the Women of the Senate: Arms Embargo NOW!

During the DNC in Chicago, we made our demand for an arms embargo on Israel clear. Time and time again, we heard politicians — including Sen. Tammy Duckworth who told us back in October that she would continue sending weapons to Israel — posing as advocates for women and reproductive rights while arming Israel. They can’t hide from one undeniable fact: Genocide is not feminist.

Send a letter to the women of the Senate below and tell them: We Need an Arms Embargo on Israel NOW!

30.08.2024 - 09:31 [ Jordan Times ]

King, in call with German chancellor, urges end to Israeli attacks in West Bank

His Majesty reaffirmed that Jordan will not allow for a regional war to unfold on its land, nor accept any actions that threaten its stability, the statement said.
The King also noted the importance of creating a political horizon to achieve just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution.

27.08.2024 - 13:00 [ Reporters Without Borders ]

Dear High Representative / Vice-President Borrell and Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis,

(August 26, 2024)

Our organizations are writing to request that the European Union take action against the Israeli authorities’ unprecedented killing of journalists and other violations of media freedom, in contravention of Israel’s human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL) obligations. These are part of widespread and systematic abuses committed by Israeli authorities in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and elsewhere, as documented or acknowledged by Israeli, Palestinian and international NGOs, UN experts, the International Court of Justice, and in a request for arrest warrants by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. These violations should trigger the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement and further EU targeted
sanctions against those responsible. Regrettably, the EU 27 governments are yet to unanimously acknowledge, attribute, and condemn the Israeli forces’ crimes in Gaza.

30.04.2024 - 00:30 [ ]

Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza

We, the undersigned organizations, stand in solidarity with the students nationwide and globally who are bravely protesting in encampments and otherwise to condemn Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza–actions which human rights organizations, a federal U.S. court, and the International Court of Justice have said “plausibly” constitute genocide.


In solidarity, US

18 Million Rising

198 methods

Adalah Justice Project

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association


Afghans For A Better Tomorrow

Alliance of Baptists

American Baptist Churches USA

American Friends Service Committee

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

American Muslim Bar Association

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)

Arab American Civic Council

Arab American Institute

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Better to Speak

Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls

Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU)

Blue Future

Borderlands for Equity

Borderlands Resource Initiative

Brooklyn For Peace

CAIR Action

CAIR California

CAIR Minnesota

CAIR Oklahoma


California Coalition for Women Prisoners

Cameroon American Council

Carceral Tech Resistance Network

Ceasefire Democrats

Ceasefire Now NJ

Center for Constitutional Rights

Center for Protest Law & Litigation @ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund

Chicago Area Peace Action

Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy

Christians for a Free Palestine

Civic Ark

Civil Liberties Defense Center


Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP)

Council on American-Islamic Relations

CWA-News Guild Local 38010

Defending Rights & Dissent

Delaware Democratic Socialists of America

Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights

Detention Watch Network

Disciples Palestine Israel Network

Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)

Doctors Against Genocide

Dream Defenders

Dutch Scholars for Palestine

Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine

En Conjunto

Faith for Black Lives

Faith in Texas

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fight for the Future

For All

Freedom Oklahoma

Freedom To Thrive

Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)

Future Coalition

Gen-Z for Change

Gender Justice Action and Gender Justice

Get Free

Global Campaign to Reclaim People‘s Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity

Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine

Green New Deal Network

Greenpeace USA

Hawai‘i for Palestine

Health Justice Commons

Highlander Research and Education Center

Hindus for Human Rights

Historians for Peace and Democracy

IfNotNow Movement

IfNotNow New Jersey

Immigrant Defense Project

Immigrant Justice Network

Immigrants Act Now

Indiana Center for Middle East Peace

Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project

Interfaith Ceasefire

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

International Mayan League

InterReligious Task Force on Central America

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Islamophobia Studies Center

Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawai’i

Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ)

Just Foreign Policy

Justice Democrats

Just Futures Law

Justice for All

Kairos USA

Libyan American Alliance

LittleSis / Public Accountability Initiative

Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community

Long Island Progressive Coalition

Make the Road Nevada

Malaya Georgia

Massachusetts Peace Action

Mennonite Action

Mennonite Action WA

Migrant Roots Media

Minnesota Peace Project


Movement for Black Lives

MPower Change Action Fund

MSA West

Muslim Advocates

Muslim Community Network

Muslim Counterpublics Lab

Muslim Power Building Project

Muslims for Just Futures

Muslims for Progressive Values

National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA)

National Iranian American Council

National Lawyers Guild

National Lawyers Guild – St. Louis Chapter

National Partnership for New Americans

New Hampshire Veterans for Peace

New York City Veterans For Peace

The New Justice Project Minnesota

North American Students of Cooperation

No Separate Justice

The Oakland Institute

Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth

Our Revolution

Palestine American League

Palestine Legal

Palestinian Feminist Collective

Partners for Palestine

Pax Christi New York State

Pax Christi USA

Pediatricians for Palestine

Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies

Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)

Project ANAR

Project South

Peace Action

Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

Reparation Education Project

Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment

Rising Majority

RootsAction Education Fund

The Social Justice Center

Sound Vision

Starr King School for the Ministry

Students and Faculty for Justice in Palestine at the University of Hawai’i (SFJP)

Sunrise Movement

Sur Legal Collaborative

TakeAction Minnesota

Tech Justice Law Project

The Gathering for Justice

The Hague Peace Projects

Transnational Institute

The Uncommitted National Movement

UndocuBlack Network

Unitarian Universalist Association

Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship

Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice

Unitarian Universalist Mass Action

Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice (UUYACJ)

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East

United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network

United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)

Until Freedom

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Veterans For Peace

We Are All America

The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center

Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center

Working Families Party

World BEYOND War

Young Democrats of America Black Caucus

Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus

Youth Leadership Institute

30.04.2024 - 00:24 [ Huffington Post ]

185 Human Rights Groups Demand Universities End Crackdowns on Gaza Protests

A coalition of 185 social justice and religious groups published an open letter Monday expressing support for the campus protest encampments sweeping the country in opposition to Israel’s siege of Gaza, and calling on university administrators to end the brutal crackdowns of the student-led demonstrations.

27.04.2024 - 18:42 [ ]

APRIL 22 Letter from Jewish Faculty Against the Weaponization of Antisemitism

Dear President Mills and Provost Dopico,

We write this public letter as Jewish faculty at NYU requesting that the university administration discontinue its practice of relying on specious charges of antisemitism when adjudicating matters of student conduct and faculty discipline concerning pro-Palestinian speech and protest. This matter has particular urgency as just this morning a coalition of NYU students has established an encampment in solidarity with Gaza, and already NYU has taken steps to limit and constrain their speech and mobility.

We reject outright the administration’s insistence that criticism of Israeli state policy is inherently antisemitic and so constitutes discrimination. There is nothing Jewish about supporting Israel’s destruction of Gaza or about the US bombs that have killed more than 10,000 children there, nor is it antisemitic to denounce Israeli state violence or to protest American imperialism. Moreover, by adopting a cheapened idea of “antisemitic” hate speech defined by the very same right wing political figures who have given energy and legitimacy to neo-fascist groups across the US and to the McCarthyite anti-intellectual assault on higher education unfolding today, the university degrades the discourse of antisemitism itself. With this in mind, we request that the university reverse all punitive Office of Equal Opportunity decisions in disciplinary proceedings that have depended upon the erroneous equation of anti-Israel speech with antisemitism.

21.04.2024 - 16:24 [ Netzwerk Friedenskooperative ]

Appell unterzeichnen: EU-Atombombe? Nicht mit uns!

Die aktuelle Diskussion um eine europäische oder sogar deutsche Atombombe ist erschreckend und brandgefährlich. Wir erteilen diesen Gedankenspielen eine klare Absage und fordern aus folgenden Gründen die leichtsinnig geführte und überflüssige Debatte sofort zu beenden:

Der Nichtverbreitungsvertrag (NVV) als auch der Zwei-plus-Vier Vertrag verbieten es Deutschland eigene Atomwaffen zu besitzen. Der NVV, den alle EU-Staaten unterzeichnet haben, macht auch eine EU-Atombombe unmöglich. Die Forderung nach einer EU- oder deutschen Bombe unterläuft das Völkerrecht und die internationale Ordnung.

18.04.2024 - 18:02 [ Kyiv Independent ]

Germany launches new Ukraine air defense initiative, appeals to EU and NATO allies

Berlin has already appealed to EU and NATO partners as well as other unspecified countries, as Russia‘s intensifying aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities continue to highlight the growing shortage of sufficient air defense systems.

A Russian missile attack on the city of Chernihiv on the morning of April 17 killed at least 17 people.

„This would not have happened if Ukraine had received enough air defense equipment and if the world‘s determination to counter Russian terror was also sufficient,“ President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Telegram.

18.04.2024 - 17:55 [ ]

Bundesregierung startet Initiative für mehr Flugabwehr

Die Bundesregierung startet eine neue Initiative, um der Ukraine weiteres Gerät zur Flugabwehr bereitzustellen. Dazu hätten sich Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock und Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius an Partner gewandt, teilten Sprecher beider Ministerien mit. Die Adressaten seien Partner bei NATO und Europäischer Union sowie auch Drittstaaten, sagt ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts, ohne dabei konkreter werden zu wollen.

08.04.2024 - 18:53 [ ]

Philosophy for Palestine

(November 1, 2023)

To focus, as we do here, on the actions of the Israeli state and the unflagging support it receives from the US and its allies, is neither to celebrate violence, nor to equivocate on the value of innocent lives. Civilian deaths, regardless of nationality, are tragic and unacceptable. Yet to act as though the history of violence began with Hamas’s attacks on October 7, 2023 is to display a reckless indifference to history as well as to both Palestinian and Israeli lives. In order for violence to stop, the conditions that produce violence must stop.

The blockade of Gaza has lasted 16 years; the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has lasted 56 years; the dispossession of Palestinians of their lands and homes across historic Palestine has lasted three-quarters of a century, since the 1948 establishment of Israel as an ethno-supremacist state. It is not without reason that observers—including both international and Israeli human rights groups—now characterize Israel’s control over the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as a system of apartheid.

08.03.2024 - 00:10 [ ]

„We will not be complicit in Israel’s grave violation of international law.“


We, the undersigned parliamentarians, declare our commitment to end our nations’ arms sales to the State of Israel.

Our bombs and bullets must not be used to kill, maim, and dispossess Palestinians. But they are: we know that lethal weapons and their parts, made or shipped through our countries, currently aid the Israeli assault on Palestine that has claimed over 30,000 lives across Gaza and the West Bank.

We cannot wait. Following the interim ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Genocide Convention case against the State of Israel, an arms embargo has moved beyond a moral necessity to become a legal requirement.

We will not be complicit in Israel’s grave violation of international law. The ICJ ordered Israel not to kill, harm or “deliberately [inflict] on the [Palestinians] conditions of life calculated to bring about… physical destruction.” They have refused. Instead, they press on with a planned assault on Rafah that the Secretary General of the United Nations has warned will „exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare.“

Today, we take a stand. We will take immediate and coordinated action in our respective legislatures to stop our countries from arming Israel.


07.03.2024 - 22:06 [ Common Dreams ]

Just Two US Lawmakers Sign International Statement Demanding Arms Embargo on Israel


The statement‘s signatories include legislators from Israel‘s top allies and weapons suppliers, including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Canada. Just two U.S. lawmakers—Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.)—backed the statement.

The statement includes six signatories from Germany, which is facing an International Court of Justice (ICJ) case alleging complicity in genocide against Palestinians.

The lawmakers argued that an arms embargo on Israel is both „a moral necessity“ and „a legal requirement,“ given the ICJ‘s interim ruling in late January.

07.03.2024 - 21:22 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

200 Legislators from 13 Countries Oppose Arms Exports to Israel


Amid the deadly war in Gaza, over 200 legislators from 11 countries unite to oppose their countries’ arms exports to Israel. In a declaration published by the Progressive International parliamentarians declared “our commitment to end our nations’ arms sales to the State of Israel.”

“Our bombs and bullets must not be used to kill, maim, and dispossess Palestinians. But they are: we know that lethal weapons and their parts, made or shipped through our countries, currently aid the Israeli assault on Palestine that has claimed over 30,000 lives across Gaza and the West Bank. We cannot wait. Following the interim ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Genocide Convention case against the State of Israel, an arms embargo has moved beyond a moral necessity to become a legal requirement.

07.02.2024 - 21:00 [ UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office (OCHA) ]

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture urges UK government to halt imminent extradition of Julian Assange

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Alice Jill Edwards, today urged the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) to halt the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the United States of America.

She called on British authorities to consider Julian Assange’s appeal based on substantial fears that, if extradited, he would be at risk of treatment amounting to torture or other forms of ill-treatment or punishment.

01.02.2024 - 11:10 [ United Nations ]

‘We cannot abandon the people of Gaza’: chiefs of UN agencies and NGOs unite in appeal for UNRWA

The IASC signatories to the appeal are:

– Martin Griffiths, Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
– Qu Dongyu, Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
– Jane Backhurst, Chair, ICVA (Christian Aid)
– Jamie Munn, Executive Director, International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
– Amy E. Pope, Director General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
– Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
– Paula Gaviria Betancur, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (SR on HR of IDPs)
– Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
– Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
– Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
– Michal Mlynár, Executive Director a.i., United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
– Catherine Russell, Executive Director, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
– Sima Bahous, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN Women
– Cindy McCain, Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP)
– Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO)

01.02.2024 - 07:40 [ Tony Fumano / Twitter ]

NEVER AGAIN, TO ANYONE So simple, yet so difficult for some.

01.02.2024 - 07:30 [ Jewish Voice for Peace / Twitter ]

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, a JVP member and Holocaust survivor calls on President Biden to stop subsidizing the Israeli war machine that perpetuates these massacres in Gaza and asks for an immediate ceasefire.


18.01.2024 - 06:20 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) / Twitter ]

Last night‘s events in Tel Aviv paint a disturbing picture: the Tel Aviv police are becoming highly influenced by Ben Gvir‘s sentiments regarding protestors. From the accounts of demonstrators, including videos and testimonies, it is evident that severe violence, dismantling of signs, political persecution, and incitement against protesters are becoming disturbingly routine.

We urge the Attorney General not to remain silent when the police transform into a political tool, targeting those who dissent from the government‘s stance.

Particularly in times of war, it is crucial to safeguard freedom of expression and the right to protest.

17.01.2024 - 23:41 [ European Jewish Congress / Twitter ]

26-year-old Noa Argamani was abducted on October 7th from the Supernova music festival. Liora, her mother, is battling brain cancer and implores Hamas to show mercy, granting her the chance to reunite with her daughter before her inevitable passing. Every day can be her last.


07.01.2024 - 02:12 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Public Figures Sign onto Letter Opposing Dehumanization of Gazans, Palestinians, Muslims, Israelis and Jews

The signatories include authors David Grossman and Iris Leal; MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), philosophers Slavoj Žižek, Eva Illouz, Axel Honneth and Kohei Saito; former Members of Knesset Dov Khenin (Hadash) and Mossi Raz (Meretz); human rights activists Ruchama Marton, Att. Michael Sfard, Ziv Stahl, Avi Dabush, B’tselem Director Yuli Novak and Breaking the Silence Director Avner Gvaryahu; singer Achinoam Nini, actor and director Itay Tiran, and actors Esti Zakheim, Ala Dakka, Yossi Zabari and Menashe Noy; filmmakers Ari Folman, Avi Mograbi, Nadav Lapid, Avigail Sperber and the Heiman brothers; lawyer Daniel Hacklai; choreographer Ohad Naharin, director and choreographer Avshalom Pollak; scholar and journalist Tomer Persico, and many others.

05.01.2024 - 19:54 [ Rami Ayari / Twitter ]

In Letter to #UNSC, @LebanonUN calls on the #UN to condemn #Israel‘s Jan 2 strike on #Beirut which killed #Hamas Deputy Chief Saleh al-Arouri.

#Lebanon calls it the most dangerous chapter of Israeli attacks on its sovereignty as it hit a crowded residential area of its capital and says pressure must be put on Israel „in order to prevent the conflict from escalating and plunging the entire region into a comprehensive and destructive war that will be difficult to contain.“ The letter adds that „this is a matter of concern because it may lead to an expansion of the conflict and destabilize regional peace and security. Once again, Israel provides clear evidence of its commitment to pursuing a policy of aggression and violence in resolving conflicts“ which is contrary with the principles of the UN Charter. The letter also notes continuing threats by Israeli officials that they could destroy Lebanon.

18.12.2023 - 18:59 [ Middle East Eye ]

Over 1,500 theatre workers call for the release of theatre staff in Jenin

The two theatre staff were detained by Israeli forces from the occupied West Bank city of Jenin during a raid on 13 December.

The open letter, circulated by Culture Workers Against Genocide, condemns the violent assault on Jenin’s Freedom Theatre, where Israeli soldeirs attacked the facility, shot at the building, destroyed offices and assaulted staff members.

The letter states that approximately 100 other Palestinians taken hostage from Jenin remain in detention.

15.12.2023 - 15:30 [ ]

Dear President Biden: The humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip


Dear President Biden,

The war in the Gaza Strip has been underway for more than nine weeks, ever since Hamas carried out its horrific and criminal attack on Israeli civilians, which included killing more than 1,200 people and kidnapping some 250 to Gaza – among them Israeli civilians, foreign nationals and children. Immediately after the attack, and in a speech you later gave in Israel, you made it clear that Israel has the right to defend itself, while emphasizing it must do so only in accordance with the provisions of international law, and particularly the rules of war.

We, Israeli human rights organizations and civil society groups, must at this stage state with a heavy heart that our government has chosen to ignore your advice and similar statements by US officials. This letter does not address the grave suspicions of Israeli violations of international humanitarian law during the war, but centers on the extreme humanitarian crisis developing in Gaza and the urgent need to change Israel’s policy on this issue.

15.12.2023 - 15:24 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israeli Human Rights Organizations to President Biden: Stop the Humanitarian Catastrophe


Among the signatories: Academia for Equality, Akevot – Institute for Israeli Palestinian Conflict Research, B’Tselem, Bimkom, Breaking the Silence, Combatants for Peace, Gisha, HaMoked – Center for the Defense of the Individual, Jordan Valley Activists, Looking the Occupation in the Eye, Machsom Watch, Parents Against Child Detentions, Psychoative, Rabbis for Human Rights, Social Workers for Peace and Welfare, Yesh Din and Zazim -Community Action.

12.12.2023 - 16:27 [ Amnesty International ]

Ahead of the UNGA vote for a ceasefire today, we reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire in the OPT and Israel to halt civilian bloodshed and to curb devastating humanitarian suffering in Gaza. Sign our petition for a ceasefire now

15.11.2023 - 06:55 [ Suella Braverman MP / Twitter ]

My letter to the Prime Minister

14.11.2023 - 10:17 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Medical teams demonstrated at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younes, expressing solidarity with their colleagues in northern Gaza, a plea emerges: „Today, we witness our colleagues facing a siege to death in Shifa, Indonesi & Quds Hospital. We urgently call upon the world to intervene”

10.11.2023 - 22:54 [ @Sarah_Hassan94 / Twitter ]

I just translated this appeal from Al-Rantisi Hospital which is surrounded by the Israeli tanks right now! Please retweet let this appeal reach all the world.

19.10.2023 - 22:35 [ ]

To: International institutes, ambassadors to Israel, world leaders and humanitarian organizations Humanitarian Corridor to Gaza – Access to the Hostages now!

At this moment international humanitarian organizations are in Gaza. We want to enable them quick access to hostages taken from Israel to Gaza, especially children, women, the elderly and families. This is possible only for a short window of opportunity – before a possible IDF ground excursion into Gaza. We can‘t afford to lose any time!


Every one of you that joins this initiative is important – add your name and continue sharing.

17.10.2023 - 21:54 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Very Important!! [@DonaldDBinder], undersecretary to the heads of churches in Jerusalem, 2 days ago warned in a clear statement the Israeli military from continuing to bomb their Hospital in Gaza He clearly stated that the IDF bombed it & damaged mammography & nurse sections

15.10.2023 - 23:19 [ Palestinian Ministry of Health ]

Ministry of Health in Gaza launches an urgent distress appeal to the countries of the world in order to send volunteer medical delegations

Ministry of Health in Gaza launches an urgent distress appeal to the countries of the world in order to send volunteer medical delegations from all specialties to rescue the wounded of the Israeli aggression in the hospitals of the Gaza Strip, whose medical crews have either killed or displaced

Dr.Ashraf Alqudra
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health

01.09.2023 - 12:05 [ Ghadir Hani / Times of Israel ]

Don’t leave me to bear this alone

A few weeks ago, I was among the organizers of the March of the Dead in Tel Aviv. 147 coffins signifying all the Arabs killed this year were carried by young Arab men and women. Many Jews marched with us and along with great sadness we had hope that we were not alone. But for the members of the families – the orphans – this is not enough. In many of these murder cases, the victim’s family live next to the murderer who is not charged by the police because there is a lack of evidence or proof. Imagine a situation where a despicable murderer walks free alongside relatives of the murdered. What human society could allow this to occur?

10.08.2023 - 12:54 [ ]

Kommunistische Partei Chiles: Aufruf zum Gedenken an den 50. Jahrestag des Staatsstreiches

Ein Aufruf an die älteren Menschen, Zeugen und Überlebende der Geschichte; an die Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter, die unseren täglichen Reichtum schaffen, an die Frauen und an die chilenische Jugend, Erbauerin der Gegenwart und der Zukunft. An sie alle richtet sich dieser Aufruf.

Vor 50 Jahren ging der Regierungspalast Moneda in Flammen auf, mit Maschinengewehren beschossen von niederträchtigen Händen, bombardiert aus der Luft und vom Boden aus, dank der Aktion der Militärs, die ihren Eid verrieten und den Putsch an jenem Morgen des 11. September 1973 heraufbeschworen…

23.07.2023 - 11:50 [ ]

Protest march to Jerusalem: IDF reservists declare service strike

„We, graduates of Israel‘s wars, feel like „the eve of the Yom Kippur war“ and are showing a bright red ‘stop’ sign to you and your government.“

On Sunday, following the conclusion of today‘s march, the protesters plan to hold a „Prayer for the Nation“ at the Western Wall, followed by another march to the Knesset. Later that afternoon, the protesters intend to officially establish a „Democracy Outpost“ in Sacher Park.

22.07.2023 - 22:31 [ Times of Israel ]

Dozens of ex-security chiefs: Netanyahu ‘directly responsible for harm to security’

Comparing the current climate to “the eve of the Yom Kippur War,” a highly traumatic event for Israel, the signatories said they were “holding up a bright red stop sign in front of you and your government.”

The signatories include former IDF chiefs Ehud Barak, Moshe Ya’alon and Dan Halutz; former Mossad heads Nahum Admoni, Efraim Halevy, Shabtai Shavit, Danny Yatom and Tamir Pardo; former Shin Bet directors Carmi Gillon, Yuval Diskin and Nadav Argaman; several former police commissioners and prison service leaders; and many former military generals.

22.07.2023 - 13:55 [ Haaretz ]

Hundreds of Reserve Officers From Elite IDF Intel Unit 8200 to Netanyahu: Overhaul ‚Enhances Security Risks‘

„As elected public representatives and commanders, you have a duty to demonstrate leadership and spirit in this critical hour, to stop the hastiness, and to foster a broad social and public consensus on fundamental issues related to the nature of the State of Israel,“ the officers stated. „This is our warning, do not ignore it.“

Gallant is trying to delay the Knesset vote on a crucial piece of the judicial overhaul legislation planned for next week, out of concern that proceeding with the plan to weaken the judiciary will harm military readiness.

21.07.2023 - 16:10 [ Haaretz ]

Over 1,000 Israeli Air Force Personnel to Suspend Reserve Duty if Netanyahu‘s Judicial Coup Continues


„The [judicial overhaul] legislation, which allows the government to act in an extremely unreasonable manner, will harm the security of the State of Israel, will break the trust and violate our consent to continue risking our lives – and will very sadly leave us with no choice but to refrain from volunteering for reserve duty,“ a letter penned by 1,142 reserve officers read. It was sent to Knesset members, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi and IAF Commander Tomer Bar.

16.07.2023 - 07:39 [ Times of Israel ]

Public health staff plan strike if overhaul not halted – report

(13 July 2023)

Over a thousand doctors on Thursday penned a letter to the union’s chair, Zion Hagay, urging him to declare a strike until the “complete trashing of the overhaul,” charging that the plans will harm “the quality of medicine in Israel, will harm patients, and undermine the great achievements of Israeli medicine.”

“We are not ready to turn into the intellectuals, scientists, and educated of Germany in 1933,” the letter read, likening potential consequences of the overhaul to the Nazis’ purge of intellectuals during their rise to power.

14.06.2023 - 08:08 [ Campaign For Peace, Disarmament & Common Security - ]

Peace by peaceful means. Ceasefire and negotiations now! Statement from the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, 2023.

We support all negotiations that stand for the logic of peace instead of the illogic of war.

We affirm our support for Ukrainian civil society who are defending their rights. We commit ourselves to strengthening the dialogue with those in Russia and Belarus who are putting their lives at risk opposing war and protecting democracy.

We call on civil society in all countries to join us in a week of global mobilization (Saturday 30th September – Sunday 8th October 2023) for an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end this war.

Vienna, June 11th, 2023

“We must all do our share, that we may be equal to the task of peace.” – Albert Einstein

14.06.2023 - 08:01 [ CodePink ]

Vienna’s International Summit for Peace in Ukraine Issues a Global Call for Action

During the weekend of June 10-11 in Vienna, Austria, over 300 people representing peace organizations from 32 countries came together for the first time since the Russian invasion of Ukraine to demand an end to the fighting. In a formal conference declaration, participants declared, “We are a broad and politically diverse coalition that represents peace movements and civil society. We are firmly united in our belief that war is a crime against humanity and there is no military solution to the current crisis.”

To amplify their call for a ceasefire, Summit participants committed themselves to organizing Global Weeks of Action–protests, street vigils and political lobbying–during the days of September 30-October 8.

28.05.2023 - 10:47 [ ]

Supermarkets ‚to be urged to cap price on some foods‘

The scheme would aim to get retailers charging the lowest possible amount for some basic products like milk and bread, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

A Number 10 source said the plans are at „drawing board stage“ and would not involve government-imposed price controls.

22.04.2023 - 13:09 [ BBC ]

WhatsApp and other messaging apps oppose ‚surveillance‘


Mr Hodgson, of UK company Element, called the proposals a „spectacular violation of privacy… equivalent to putting a CCTV camera in everyone‘s bedroom“.

Mr Cathcart has told BBC News WhatsApp would rather be blocked in the UK than weaken the privacy of encrypted messaging.

Ms Whittaker has said the same – Signal „would absolutely, 100% walk“ should encryption be undermined.

22.04.2023 - 12:44 [ ]

Online Safety Bill: Große Messenger stemmen sich gemeinsam gegen britische Chatkontrolle


Es könne kein „britisches Internet“ oder eine Version der Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung geben, die speziell auf das Vereinigte Königreich zugeschnitten ist. Die britische Regierung müsse das Gesetz deswegen dringend überarbeiten.

Der offene Brief enthält keine Ankündigung, was die Messenger machen würden, sollte die britische Regierung den Forderungen nicht nachkommen. In der Vergangenheit hatten aber einzelne Messenger-Anbieter aufgezeigt, in welche Richtung ihre Reaktion gehen würde. So will Threema es auf einen Rausschmiss ankommen lassen, und WhatsApp hatte einen Rückzug aus Großbritannien ins Spiel gebracht.

22.04.2023 - 12:36 [ ]

Open Letter to the British Government on the Online Safety Bill


Global providers of end-to-end encrypted products and services cannot weaken the security of their products and services to suit individual governments. There cannot be a “British internet,” or a version of end-to-end encryption that is specific to the UK.

The UK Government must urgently rethink the Bill, revising it to encourage companies to offer more privacy and security to its residents, not less. Weakening encryption, undermining privacy, and introducing the mass surveillance of people’s private communications is not the way forward.

Signed by those who care about keeping our conversations secure:

Matthew Hodgson, CEO, Element
Alex Linton, Director, OPTF/Session
Meredith Whittaker, President, Signal
Martin Blatter, CEO, Threema
Ofir Eyal, CEO, Viber
Will Cathcart, Head of WhatsApp at Meta
Alan Duric, CTO, Wire

19.04.2023 - 10:11 [ Sudan Tribune ]

UNHCR commissioner calls immediate cessation of hostilities in Sudan

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, has called for an immediate end to hostilities in Sudan and urged the Sudan Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to return to negotiations.

11.04.2023 - 11:01 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter ]

As Julian Assange begins 5th year detained for publishing at the UK‘s harshest prison, over 30 UK Parliamentarians from six parties, as well as independent MPs and Lords, write letter to US Attorney General requesting he ‚ends the extradition proceedings against Julian Assange‘

04.04.2023 - 08:00 [ Fox News ]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges fellow House members to demand DOJ drop charges against Julian Assange

The letter, which was obtained by The Intercept, is currently circulating among members as they are urged to sign it and has not yet been sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Democratic Reps. Jamaal Bowman, N.Y., Ilhan Omar, Minn., and Cori Bush, Mo., have signed the letter. The office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said she intends to sign the letter.

01.04.2023 - 21:28 [ ]

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Scholz

Wir teilen das Urteil über die russische Aggression als Bruch der Grundnorm des Völkerrechts. Wir teilen auch die Überzeugung, dass es eine prinzipielle politisch-moralische Pflicht gibt, vor aggressiver Gewalt nicht ohne Gegenwehr zurückzuweichen. Doch alles, was sich daraus ableiten lässt, hat Grenzen in anderen Geboten der politischen Ethik.

Zwei solche Grenzlinien sind nach unserer Überzeugung jetzt erreicht: Erstens das kategorische Verbot, ein manifestes Risiko der Eskalation dieses Krieges zu einem atomaren Konflikt in Kauf zu nehmen. Die Lieferung großer Mengen schwerer Waffen allerdings könnte Deutschland selbst zur Kriegspartei machen. Und ein russischer Gegenschlag könnte so dann den Beistandsfall nach dem NATO-Vertrag und damit die unmittelbare Gefahr eines Weltkriegs auslösen. Die zweite Grenzlinie ist das Maß an Zerstörung und menschlichem Leid unter der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung. Selbst der berechtigte Widerstand gegen einen Aggressor steht dazu irgendwann in einem unerträglichen Missverhältnis.