Archiv: David Cameron

17.04.2024 - 20:32 [ ]

After meeting Herzog, UK’s Cameron says it’s clear Israel will respond to Iran attack

British Foreign Minister David Cameron said Wednesday that it was clear Israel had made a decision to respond to Iran’s unprecedented weekend drone and missile attack and he hoped the retaliation would be carried out in a way that minimized escalation.

08.03.2024 - 21:24 [ David Cameron / Twitter ]

People in Gaza are in desperate humanitarian need. Alongside the US, the UK and partners have announced we will open a maritime corridor to deliver aid directly to Gaza. We continue to urge Israel to allow more trucks into Gaza as the fastest way to get aid to those who need it.

12.02.2024 - 20:44 [ Times of Israel ]

UK slaps sanctions on West Bank settlers for ‘egregious’ violence, following US move

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the four targeted Israeli settlers, one of whom was also included in the US sanctions, were involved in “egregious abuses of human rights.”

“Extremist Israeli settlers are threatening Palestinians, often at gunpoint, and forcing them off land that is rightfully theirs,” he added. “This behavior is illegal and unacceptable.”

31.01.2024 - 16:10 [ New York Times ]

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Signals Willingness to Recognize Palestinian State Sooner

Mr. Cameron, speaking to the Conservative Middle East Council, an organization that promotes discussion about the region among the Conservative Party, said on Monday that showing progress toward a two-state solution was essential to negotiating peace, and called Israel’s security policies of the last three decades “a failure.”

The British government has long held the position that it would only recognize a Palestinian state at the “right time” in the peace process with Israel, and Mr. Cameron’s comments, in London, suggested that Britain may be aiming to do that sooner.

31.01.2024 - 16:02 [ CBS News ]

U.K. mulls recognizing a Palestinian state to advance two-state solution, defuse Israel-Hamas war

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, the U.K. has joined others — not, however, the U.S. — in calling for an immediate pause in the fighting, as well as the release of all hostages being held in Gaza and the provision of humanitarian aid to the war-torn Palestinian territory.

But „most important of all,“ Cameron told the Arab ambassadors, „is to give the Palestinian people a political horizon.“

Cameron, a former U.K. prime minister, said it was essential to demonstrate to Palestinians and the wider region that „there is going to be irreversible progress to a two-state solution and, crucially, the establishment of a Palestinian state.“

30.01.2024 - 14:10 [ Sam Sokol / Twitter ]

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron says that the UK would consider recognizing a Palestinian state in order to bring about an “irreversible” peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

30.01.2024 - 14:00 [ ]

UK considering recognizing Palestinian state, says David Cameron

The U.K. is considering a push to recognize a Palestinian state at the United Nations, Foreign Secretary David Cameron said, as he tries to sell a plan aimed at ending the war in Gaza.

The former prime minister — drafted into the foreign affairs brief by his boss Rishi Sunak last year — said the move could bring about “irreversible progress to a two-state solution.”

20.01.2024 - 05:22 [ Dearbhla Minogue, Lawyer @GLAN_LAW / Twitter ]

Palestinian human rights organisation @alhaq_org has forced the gov’t to answer a legal challenge and tell the Court why it has kept granting weapons licences to Israel. The response shows why it was necessary. We @GLAN_LAW are proud to represent them – the pressure is building.

20.01.2024 - 05:11 [ Zarah Sultana MP, Proud to be the Labour MP for Coventry South / Twitter ]

NEW: The government hid from Parliament the Foreign Office‘s „serious concerns“ about Israel‘s compliance with International Humanitarian Law in Gaza, according to newly-released court papers. This should be national news – and it should end arms sales to Israel.

The papers show that at the start of the war the Foreign Office set up an internal International Humanitarian Law assessment process.

On 10 November it judged: “the volume of strikes, total death toll, as well as proportion of those who are children raise serious concerns”. 2/12

It also said: „the government’s current inability to come to a clear assessment on Israel’s record of compliance with International Humanitarian Law poses significant policy risks”.

But look at what Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said to me just 4 days later… 3/12

In Parliament on 14 November, I asked Mitchell if British-made weapons had been used in violation of international law in Gaza.

He replied reassuring me of Israel‘s commitment to international law, even though just 4 days earlier his department registered serious concerns. 4/12

Mitchell said: „The member will know that the President of Israel has made it clear that his country will abide by International Humanitarian Law“.

These court papers reveal that his own department, the UK Foreign Office, doubted the Israeli President‘s words.

20.01.2024 - 04:51 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: UK‘s Cameron okayed arms sales to Israel despite Foreign Office legal concerns

The Export Control Joint Unit – a cross-departmental body that oversees UK‘s export controls and licensing for military and dual-use items – told Cameron on 8 December that he had three options when it came to advising whether export licenses for sales to Israel should be approved.

He could either not suspend them, but keep them under careful review; suspend where it was assessed items might be used to carry out Israeli military options in the conflict in Gaza; or suspend all licenses.

Cameron decided on 12 December that he was satisfied Israel was committed to complying with international humanitarian law, according to the filing.

10.01.2024 - 10:48 [ Times of Israel ]

UK’s foreign minister worried Israel may have breached international law in Gaza

Britain’s Foreign Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday he was worried that Israel might have breached international law in its war on terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that though the advice he had received so far was that Israel was compliant, there were still questions to answer.

02.01.2024 - 18:48 [ ]

Lebanese PM urges UK for ‘maximum pressure’ on Israel


Lebanon’s Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has urged the UK to place “maximum pressure” on Israel to end its campaign on Gaza and the Lebanese border.

In a meeting with UK Foreign Minister David Cameron on Thursday, Mikati warned that the “Israeli provocations in southern Lebanon could lead to deteriorating conditions and a full-scale war in the region as a whole.”

14.12.2023 - 17:52 [ ]

UK’s David Cameron slaps travel bans on ‘extremist’ Israeli settlers

The U.K. is banning violent Israeli settlers from entering the country, Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced Thursday, in a bid to “make sure our country cannot be a home for people who commit these intimidating acts.”

In a post on social media, Cameron — the former British prime minister reappointed to the Cabinet last month — said “extremist settlers, by targeting and killing Palestinian civilians, are undermining security and stability for both Israelis and Palestinians.”

14.12.2023 - 17:18 [ David Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs / Twitter ]

Extremist settlers, by targeting and killing Palestinian civilians, are undermining security and stability for both Israelis and Palestinians. Israel must take stronger action to stop settler violence and hold the perpetrators accountable. We are banning those responsible for settler violence from entering the UK to make sure our country cannot be a home for people who commit these intimidating acts.

18.09.2023 - 18:41 [ ]

Cameron’s internet filter goes far beyond porn – and that was always the plan

(23 December 2013)

Through secretive negotiations with ISPs, the coalition has divided the internet into ‚acceptable‘ and ‚unacceptable‘ categories and cut people off from huge swathes of it at the stroke of a key.

18.09.2023 - 18:32 [ ]

UK Advisor Involved In Britain’s Internet Filter Arrested For Child Porn

(Mar 4, 2014)

Britain has come under fire for its Internet filtering program, which can inadvertently block sensitive culture topics that overlap with common porn terms. The program accidentally “led to the creation of filters that not only cover hardcore pornography, but hate speech, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, dating, nudity, violence, gambling, social networking, file-sharing, games and more,” explained Wired UK.

Despite the embarrassing arrest, there is no announced plan to revise the Internet filtering program.

16.08.2022 - 18:30 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Warum das Atomabkommen für den Iran von Anfang an wertlos war

(14.Mai 2018)

Die Vetomächte im U.N.-Sicherheitsrat, Russland, China, Großbritannien, Frankreich und die Vereinigten Staaten machten am 20. Juli 2015 das gesamte internationale Atomabkommen für den Iran wertlos. Und sie wussten es.

18.06.2020 - 17:47 [ ]

The REAL reason Boris Johnson is so fearful of ditching two-metre rule: Doom-monger advisers led by grim private polls, and the terror of being blamed for a new spike are paralysing the PM, write ANDREW PIERCE and RICHARD KAY

If Boris is to rediscover the vim and vigour that brought him into Downing Street then the role of the new committee examining the distancing rule is crucial. It is being chaired by a civil servant, Simon Case, the new permanent secretary at No 10, who until a month ago was working for Prince William.

A former private secretary to both David Cameron and Theresa May and a one-time director of strategy at GCHQ, Mr Case was brought in to coordinate the Government’s pandemic response – a sure sign that it had not been working well.

The Cambridge-educated mandarin is used to the trickiest of political problems.

20.10.2019 - 14:02 [ New York Times ]

U.S. and Allies Say Syria Leader Must Step Down

(18. August 2011)

“We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way,” Mr. Obama said in a written statement released Thursday morning after coordination with allies in Europe. “He has not led. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”

Almost simultaneously, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany issued a joint statement urging Mr. Assad “to face the reality of the complete rejection of his regime by the Syrian people and to step aside in the best interests of Syria and the unity of its people.” Canada made a similar appeal, as did the European Union.

16.10.2019 - 18:08 [ Washington Post ]

Assad must go, Obama says


As Obama issued his statement, the leaders of France, Germany and Britain joined him in calling on Assad “to face the reality of the complete rejection of his regime by the Syrian people and to step aside.”

Obama had spoken to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron over the past two weeks to discuss calling for Assad’s resignation and to coordinate steps on sanctions.

20.09.2019 - 11:05 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Cameron Calls for Remainers to Accept Referendum Result

“But of course in the end, the country voted to leave. You might not like that and I might not like that, and many people watching this programme may think that was the wrong choice. But we are a democracy.

We decided to hold a referendum, we voted in an election for a party that wanted a referendum, we voted nine out of ten MPs for a referendum, we held the referendum. That’s the choice that we made, and that is the future for Britain.“

14.09.2019 - 10:25 [ ]

David Cameron says Brexit referendum result left him ‚hugely depressed‘ and he ‚thinks about it‘ every day

David Cameron was so confident about winning the EU referendum vote for Remain that he boasted to fellow EU leaders that he was a “lucky” prime minister who knew “how to win”. The shock of losing the vote, and his career as prime minister, caused Mr Cameron to become “hugely depressed”, he has disclosed, in a fascinating account of how and why he inadvertently set Britain on course for Brexit.

09.03.2019 - 16:05 [ Washington Post ]

Assad must go, Obama says

(18.8.2011) As Obama issued his statement, the leaders of France, Germany and Britain joined him in calling on Assad “to face the reality of the complete rejection of his regime by the Syrian people and to step aside.”

Obama had spoken to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron over the past two weeks to discuss calling for Assad’s resignation and to coordinate steps on sanctions.