Daily Archives: 23. September 2020

23.09.2020 - 18:11 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Part 2 of Lula‘s video on why the attempted extradition and prosecution of Assange is so dangerous, and why the relative silence of western media outlets — including those that partnered with WikiLeaks to publish these documents — is so shameful:

23.09.2020 - 18:02 [ Nils Melzer / Twitter ]

Having investigated this case in my capacity as the #UN #SRTorture, I am absolutely convinced that, if extradited to the USA, #Assange will be exposed to an unfair trial & conditions of detention amounting to #Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

23.09.2020 - 17:38 [ Joe Lauria / Consortium News ]

LIVE UPDATES: ASSANGE HEARING DAY TWELVE—Lewis Challenges Diagnosis of Assange’s Autism

Court is in session. Today’s defense witnesses are to be Dr. Quinton Deeley, an honorary consultant psychiatrist in the National Autism Unit, Adult ADHD Service, and Behavioural Genetics and Autism Assessment Clinic & Paul Mullen, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Monash University, Melbourne.

23.09.2020 - 17:27 [ Craig Murray / Consortium News ]

ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Craig Murray: Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing—Day 11

The only possible conclusion from yesterday’s testimony is that the performance of the representative of the United States Government was, in and of itself, full and sufficient evidence that there is no possibility that Julian Assange will receive fair consideration and treatment of his mental health issues within the United States system. The US government has just demonstrated that to us, in open court, to perfection.

23.09.2020 - 12:33 [ antikriegTV / Youtube ]

Wurde Chavez von der NSA ermordet? Internetaktivist Appelbaum @ CCC – Chaos Communication Congress


Was wenn ich euch sagen würde, dass die NSA über eine spezielle Technologie verfügt, Energie in euch hineinzubeamen und in die Computersysteme um euch herum?
Würdet ihr mir glauben, oder wären das Verschwörungstheorien eines Verrückten?

Als ich Julian Assange davon berichtet habe, sagte er:
Ich wette, dass die Leute um Hugo Chavez sich jetzt fragen, was sein Krebserkrankung ausgelöst hat.

Ich antwortete, dass ich daran noch gar nicht gedacht hab.
Aber ich habe bisher noch keine Daten darüber gefunden,
inwiefern diese Technologie sich negativ auf die Gesundheit der Menschen auswirkt.

Hat die NSA irgendwelche Tests durchgeführt um zu beweisen,
dass es sicher ist, Menschen auf eine kurze Distanz mit 1 Kilowatt starker RF-Energie zu bestrahlen.

Dies ist ein Dauer-Radarwellen-Generator. Man kann es lokalisieren, weil es 1-2 Gigahertz erzeugt.

Das ist der ganze Zyklus. Zuerst bestrahlen sie jemanden mit Radarwellen, dann stirbt man an Krebs, dann hat man gewonnen.

kommt zur Pressekonferenz in 30 Minuten.

Man kann alles fragen.
Grundsätzlich stehe ich zur Verfügung bis man mich umbringt.

23.09.2020 - 12:14 [ Rebecca Vincent / Twitter ]

Kopelman said Assange’s auditory hallucinations tell him things like “you’re worthless”, “you’re nothing”, “you’re dust”, “you’re dead”, and to kill himself.

The prosecution argued these were self-reported. Kopelman pointed out hallucinations are always self-reported. 13/

23.09.2020 - 12:09 [ Wired ]

Army Yanks ‚Voice-To-Skull Devices‘ Site


The Army‘s very strange webpage on „Voice-to-Skull“ weapons has been removed. It was strange it was there, and it‘s even stranger it‘s gone.

23.09.2020 - 12:06 [ US Army / Federation of American Scientists ]

voice to skull devices

Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.

23.09.2020 - 11:55 [ Heise.de ]

Psychiater: Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange ist suizidgefährdet

Nach Aussagen eines Psychiaters ist der im Gefängnis sitzende Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange akut suizidgefährdet. Es gebe ein „hohes Risiko“, dass der 49-Jährige sich das Leben nehmen wolle, berichtete der Psychiater Michael Kopelman am Dienstag vor dem Londoner Old Bailey-Gericht, nachdem er Assange etwa 20 Mal in seiner Untersuchungshaft besucht hatte. Der bereits seit mehr als einem Jahr im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Belmarsh eingesperrte Assange leide seit längerer Zeit an Halluzinationen und höre etwa Stimmen, die sagten „Wir kommen, um dich zu holen“.

23.09.2020 - 11:55 [ Rebecca Vincent / Twitter ]

Prosecutor James Lewis also attempted to discredit UN Special Rapporteur on Torture @NilsMelzer , dismissing his report after visiting Assange at Belmarsh prison as “palpable nonsense”. Melzer’s report detailed the effects of psychological torture on Assange. 19/

23.09.2020 - 11:54 [ ORF ]

Heer überwacht erneut Botschaften

Die derzeit eingesetzten Berufssoldaten der Militärpolizei aus Wien sind in diesem Einsatz der Landespolizeidirektion Wien zugeordnet, das Militärkommando Wien übernimmt die militärische Führung.

23.09.2020 - 11:28 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Institut für Menschenrechte in Chile beklagt schleppende Aufklärung staatlicher Gewalt

Rund elf Monate nach Beginn des sozialen Aufstands im Oktober des vergangenen Jahres prangert das chilenische Institut für Menschenrechte (INDH) die langsame Bearbeitung der Klagen wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen an.

23.09.2020 - 11:02 [ ZDF ]

Ex-Geheimdienstmann – Das Rätsel um Klaus-Dieter Fritsche

Was macht Ex-Geheimdienstkoordinator des Kanzleramts und Ex-Wirecard-Lobbyist Klaus-Dieter Fritsche für das österreichische Innenministerium? Ein Rätsel. Linke fordern Aufklärung.

23.09.2020 - 07:03 [ ny1.com ]

World Powers Set to Take Stage, Virtually, at UN General Assembly

The U.N.’s first virtual meeting of world leaders was set to start Tuesday with prerecorded speeches from some of the planet‘s biggest powers, kept at home by the coronavirus pandemic that will likely be a dominant theme at their video gathering this year.

23.09.2020 - 05:00 [ NCSC / Twitter ]

Foreign actors & cybercriminals likely to spread disinfo on 2020 election results, per @FBI , @CISAgov . They could create new websites, change existing ones, create or share social media content to spread false info to discredit process.

23.09.2020 - 04:38 [ International Telecommunication Union ]

The ITU 2020 Global CyberDrill, September-November 2020

The main objectives of this CyberDrill are as follows:

– Provide situational awareness to key public and private sector participants who lead their firms, organizations, or jurisdictions during a cyber disruption;- Bring the CERT/CIRT/CSIRT community together in a unified exercise to build global response and recovery capabilities;
– Test operational resiliency key concepts across CSIRT/CIRT/CERT community;
– Identify, exercise, and foster the improvement of processes, procedures, interactions and information sharing mechanisms that exist or should exist among CERTs/CSIRTs, SOCs, agencies, public bodies, and across regional organizations responsible for crisis management and regulatory bodies;
– Exercise coordination mechanisms, information sharing efforts, the development of shared situation awareness, and decision-making procedures of the cybersecurity community during cyber events; and,
– Raise awareness of other cyber exercise initiatives.​

23.09.2020 - 04:30 [ Nigerian Army Resource Centre / Twitter ]

Happening now at the Nigerian Army Resource Centre is CYBER drill by Organization Of Islamic Conference and Computer Emergency Response Team ( OIC CERT) . The Drill is aimed at intimating the ICT Department of the Center on the need to be Cyber security conscious.

23.09.2020 - 04:30 [ Oman News Center / Youtube ]

The Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill

The Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill
Report: Saleh bin Khalfan Al RahbiThe Sultanate hosts the 8th Arab Regional & OIC-CERT Cyber Drill

23.09.2020 - 04:16 [ mcit.gov.eg ]

Egypt Partakes in ITU 2020 Global CyberDrill- Arab Regional Dialogue

Egypt, represented by the Egyptian Computer Emergency Response Team (EG-CERT), is participating in the “CyberDrill 2020 – Arab Region Regional Dialogue: CIRTs and lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis,” organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), online, on September 22.

The Global CyberDrill is a capacity building event which aims to enhance the communication and incident response capabilities of participating teams and promote collective efforts by national Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs).

23.09.2020 - 03:50 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Meets Kushner in Washington Discusses Israel‘s Military Edge, Additional Peace Deals

Gantz is also expected to meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and other Pentagon officials in Washington on Tuesday, the Defense Ministry said Monday.

Gantz is also set to discuss international policy vis-à-vis Iran and strategy for stopping its expansion and entrenchment in the Middle East.

23.09.2020 - 03:40 [ Spiked ]

We need to take back control from the government

Covid authoritarianism is out of control. It’s time the people pushed back.

23.09.2020 - 03:31 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Army could be used to help police enforce coronavirus laws, warns Boris Johnson

Today‘s fresh plan includes:

– A 10pm curfew for all pubs across England – and they will be made to offer table service by law.
– There will be a significant cap on the number of guests allowed at weddings.
– But businesses and schools will be able to stay open as No10 attempts to stave off a second lockdown.
– A dramatic increase in enforcement measures to make sure people are obeying the Rule of Six.
– More fines could be slapped on those flouting the rules with on-the-spot closures for venues that fail to follow the rules.
– Facemasks will be made compulsory for staff in hospitality and close contact places – and taxis too


23.09.2020 - 03:24 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Brexit: Boris Johnson clears crucial Commons hurdle in bid to push through Internal Market Bill

The Brexit legislation enabling Boris Johnson to alter key parts of the Withdrawal Agreement cleared a major Commons hurdle on Tuesday night….

23.09.2020 - 00:10 [ ORF ]

Brexit: Johnsons Gesetz nimmt weitere Hürde

Eine Mehrheit der Abgeordneten stimmte einem Kompromiss des Premiers mit seinen Kritikern zu, sodass gestern in London keine formelle Abstimmung mehr über deren Antrag stattfinden musste.