Daily Archives: 10. Mai 2019
In türkischem Gefängnis: Deniz Yücel erhebt Foltervorwurf
Er halte es für „unvorstellbar, dass ein Gefängnisdirektor es wagen würde, in einem Fall, mit dem sich der Staatspräsident persönlich befasst, derart eigenmächtig zu handeln.“ Die „Sonderbehandlung“, so Yücels Schlussfolgerung, sei auf Initiative Erdogans hin erfolgt.
Weiter sagt der 45-Jährige aus, er habe nach den Vorfällen Strafanzeige in der Türkei erstattet. Die Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft seien jedoch eingestellt worden, ohne dass er angehört worden sei.
Die Studien
Diese vier Studien berichten über Erfahrungen aus den USA und sind dazu geeignet verstehen zu lernen mit welchen Konsequenzen wir zu rechnen haben, sollte das Personenbeförderungsgesetz nach den Wünschen “neuer Anbieter” auf dem Personenbeförderungsmarkt geändert werden!
Wir haben diese Studien zum besseren Verständnis ins Deutsche übertragen.
Börsengang in New York: Uber sammelt acht Milliarden ein
Dahinter steckt eine im Grunde simple Idee: Wenn der Fahrdienstleister erfolgreich sein wird, winken aufgrund einer Quasi-Monopolstellung fantastische Gewinne und eine Vervielfachung des künftigen Unternehmenswerts. Im Börsenprospekt geht der Konzern davon aus, dass der globale Markt für Uber eine potenzielle Größe von 5.700 Milliarden Dollar in 175 Ländern habe.
Are we a sovereign nation, or merely Trump‘s poodle?
Huawei was the pretext, but you couldn’t help but think that Iran was the primary motive for Mike Pompeo’s decidedly undiplomatic visit to London this week. The US Secretary of State’s public dressing down was for Britain one of the most humiliating episodes – and there have been plenty of them of late – I’ve seen in a long time, and can only really be excused in the context of the paralysing chaos into which British government has descended these past two years.
Can Yanis Varoufakis save Europe? – video
As the European parliamentary elections approach, is anyone listening?
European Parliament voting intention:
BREX: 28% (+11)
LAB: 26% (-7)
CON: 14% (-4)
LDEM: 11% (+2)
CHUK: 8% (-1)
GRN: 6% (+1)
UKIP: 2% (-3)
via @ComRes, 01 – 07 May Chgs. w/ 16 Apr
Tabs: https://www.comresglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Final-Centrum-Campaign-Electoral-Calc-Tables.pdf
‚I‘m a Lib Dem‘ says top Brussels Eurocrat Guy Verhofstadt as he joins leader Vince Cable to campaign for the European elections – and predicts ‚huge support for Remain‘
– The European Parliament‘s Brexit co-ordinator came to London today
– He said he was backing the party because it opposed Brexit and ‚nationalism‘
– The former Belgian PM predicted a Remain surge in the May 23 elections
Europe must never repeat Brexit, says Guy Verhofstadt
Appearing alongside the Liberal Democrat leader, Vince Cable, at a European election campaign event in Camden, north London, on Friday morning, the leader of the Alliance for Liberals and Democrats for Europe said he wanted to send a message to people on the continent to “never repeat Brexit again”.
Referendum über Privatisierung in Paris
Gegner der geplanten Privatisierung der Pariser Flughafengesellschaft ADP haben eine wichtige rechtliche Hürde genommen und damit der Regierung von Premierminister Édouard Philippe einen Dämpfer versetzt. Der französische Verfassungsrat billigte am Donnerstag abend in Paris einen Vorstoß von zusammen rund 250 Abgeordneten und Senatoren für ein Referendum.
European stocks rise from a 6-week low on hopes of trade
European stocks rose on Friday, recovering from a six-week low as investors hope the United States and China can still resolve their trade dispute, even as a planned increase in US tariffs on Chinese imports comes into effect.
What trade war? China stocks jump after tariff hike
Acknowledging that continued talks on Friday stateside will be „positive,“ Nick Marro, analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said …
1927 Restored Version Original Sound
The propaganda war on the gilets jaunes
Last week, during a raucous May Day protest, the gilets jaunes ransacked Paris’s Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. Thirty-two protesters were arrested. This was an ‘attack’ by ‘anti-capitalist, ultra-left militants’, according to France’s interior minister Christophe Castaner.
Except it wasn’t.
Sitzungswochen im Deutschen Bundestag 2019
MPs get ANOTHER 11 days off: First we failed to leave EU on March 29, then Westminster took the whole of Easter off… now it‘s holiday time again
The Whitsun recess will come only a month after MPs returned to Parliament following their 11-day Easter break. The break will mean MPs will not be in Westminster in the aftermath of the European elections on May 23.
The Tory party is disintegrating, collective responsibility has broken down, yet Theresa May goes on
The few Tory MPs who claim to understand how she thinks believe that it has at last percolated through to her that, were she to walk out after the catastrophic local election results, she would merely compound the view of herself as one of the worst prime ministers in history. They think she feels that if she can get a deal to leave the European Union, however bad it might be and by whatever means, she might yet slough off some of her iniquity.
At Netanyahu’s request, Israel Attorney General agrees to release corruption evidence after election
According to a statement by Israel’s Ministry of Justice yesterday, Mandelblit has “decided to accept the request of the prime minister’s attorneys to delay the delivery of investigation materials in the cases related to the prime minister until after the election date [on 9 April],” Haaretz reported.
The statement added that Netanyahu had made the request “out of concern that evidentiary material could leak to the media and potentially affect public sentiment” ahead of the election.
1,700 Gazans Could Face Amputations Due to the Lack in Health Funding, UN Warns
A lack of health funding in Gaza means 1,700 people shot by Israeli security forces may have to have amputations in the next two years, Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Occupied Palestinian Territory, told reporters on Wednesday.
Trump’s peace plan sets conditions for surrender, Palestinians tell UNSC
“We cannot afford not to engage with any peace efforts. But the US administration efforts cannot be characterized, nor can qualify as peace efforts,” Maliki told an UNSC Arria-Formula meeting that was organized by Indonesia.
“All indicates this far, that this is not a peace plan, but rather conditions for surrender. There is no amount of money that can make it acceptable.
China deeply regrets U.S. tariff hike, vows countermeasures: Chinese delegation
China will have to take necessary countermeasures, said the delegation, which is currently in Washington for the 11th round of China-U.S. high-level economic and trade consultations.
Trump Increases China Tariffs as Trade Deal Hangs in the Balance
Mr. Trump’s decision to proceed with the tariff increase came after a pivotal round of trade talks in Washington on Thursday night failed to produce an agreement to forestall the higher levies. The White House said talks would resume again on Friday but it remains uncertain whether the two sides can bridge the differences that have arisen over the past week.
Liu He für elfte chinesisch-amerikanische Handelskonsultationen in Washington eingetroffen
Das Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der KP Chinas und stellvertretender Ministerpräsident der Volksrepublik, Liu He, ist am Donnerstag für die elfte Runde der chinesisch-amerikanischen Handelskonsultationen in Washington eingetroffen.
Trotz Handelsgesprächen: USA erhöhen Zölle gegen China
Bis zum vergangenen Wochenende sprach vieles für eine Einigung im Handelskonflikt. Dann gab es aber offenbar einen heftigen Streit über Formulierungen in einem Entwurf für ein Abkommen zwischen beiden Seiten. US-Regierungskreisen zufolge hat China bei nahezu allen Punkten einen Rückzieher gemacht. In einer fast 150-seitigen Vorlage habe China systematisch Passagen gestrichen, die zu Kernforderungen der US-Seite gehörten.
Die Kriegsmacht: Deutsche Angriffskriege verstoßen gegen Grundgesetz und Völkerrecht — und werden dennoch geführt. Teil 5.
Als „Sündenfall“ der Nachkriegsgeschichte wurde der Kriegseinsatz der Bundeswehr in Jugoslawien oft beschrieben. Statt Reue und Umkehr wurden danach aber nur noch weitere Sünden draufgepackt. Unser Autor hat sie in den bisherigen Folgen seiner Artikelreihe ausführlich beschrieben: den Afghanistankrieg, der jetzt nach 18 Jahren wohl bald als verloren angesehen werden muss, den zweiten Krieg der USA gegen den Irak und den Angriffskrieg gegen Libyen. Im fünften und letzten Teil geht er nun auf die Beteiligung Deutschlands am Krieg gegen Syrien ein. Auch hier zeigten sich die scheinbar lammfrommen deutschen Außenpolitiker als verkleidete Wölfe. Deutschland war aktiv beteiligt an nachrichtendienstlichen Angriffen auf Syrien, an einem umfangreichen Propaganda- und Wirtschaftskrieg und an der Unterstützung einer höchst dubiosen syrischen Opposition.
Credit card interest rates are outrageously high. With @RepAOC, we are introducing legislation to challenge the greed of Wall Street and protect consumers across America.
Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Propose 15% Cap on Credit Card Interest
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused banks of acting as “modern-day loan sharks” and called on Congress to enact a federal limit of 15% on credit card interest rates.
The two self-identified democratic-socialists are set to propose legislation on Thursday capping rates on credit card and other consumer loans and letting post offices offer low-cost basic financial services, such as loans and checking and savings accounts.
Shunned in New York, Brazil leader plans to meet Bush, Cruz in Texas
Separately, Bolsonaro’s spokesman said on Thursday that the decision to visit Dallas followed an invitation from Bush.
Unlike New York City’s De Blasio, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings has said he will welcome Bolsonaro to the city.
UN envoy for Sudan meets transitional council
On the same day, the head of the military council received the African Union Special Envoy for Sudan Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt to discuss the Council efforts to transfer power to civilians as he has to brief the Peace and Security Council next week.
Gunmen shoot deputy Héctor Olivares outside Congress, kill another official
A national lawmaker was shot and injured near the Congress building on Thursday morning, as gunmen attacked deputy Héctor Olivares and a fellow La Rioja provincial government official.
State Dept approves possible $3 billion sale of Apache helicopters to Qatar
The authorities of Qatar asked earlier to purchase 24 of the AH-64E helicopters.
In 2016, the Boeing Company has won a two-thirds-of-a-billion dollar US Army foreign military sales contract to supply the Gulf Arab nation of Qatar with 24 Apache ground-support helicopters. According to the US Department of Defence, work on the contract is being implemented in Mesa, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of 31 May 2020.