Archiv: ThyssenKrupp (war corporation)

20.03.2023 - 14:39 [ Times of Israel ]

A year after its launch, details of submarine affair probe’s work yet to surface

(28 January 2023)

However, as of this time, the name of only one witness has been publicly announced — Amos Gilad, who was the director of the Defense Ministry’s Political-Military Affairs Bureau at the time of the purchase of the submarines.

The names of any other witnesses, if they exist, are unknown. Nor is it known how many times a week the commission meets, and which of the panel members are present when it does.

20.03.2023 - 14:37 [ Tal Schneider טל שניידר تال شنايدر / Nitter ]

A year after its launch, details of the submarine affair probe’s work have yet to surface While the identities of the witnesses and the materials studied remain unknown, some believe staying under the radar may save panel from being torpedoed by Netanyahu

20.03.2023 - 14:27 [ Haaretz ]

‚I‘m Comfortable With My Decisions, but Uncomfortable Talking About Them‘: Netanyahu’s Account in Submarine Affair Revealed

(Sep 25, 2022)

The most serious accusation by Ya’alon was that Netanyahu had concealed from him and the army brass the fact that he had given former German Chancellor Angela Merkel a green light to sell advanced submarines to Egypt. “This could reach the level of treason,” the former defense minister said. In his statement, details of which became known to Haaretz, Netanyahu reversed his opposition to the sale of the submarines in a one-to-one conversation with Merkel, but refused to say why.

20.03.2023 - 14:22 [ Haaretz,com / Nitter ]

‚I don’t know what Thyssenkrupp is‘: Netanyahu’s account in submarine affair revealed

(26 Sep 2022)

20.03.2023 - 14:20 [ ]

Angeblicher U-Boot-Deal mit Ägypten: Berlin beschwört gute Beziehungen zu Israel


Auch dieser Export gilt als hochumstritten. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen ist Kanzlerin Angela Merkel den Israelis weit entgegengekommen: Berlin übernimmt demnach nicht nur ein Drittel der Kosten, sondern stundet auch den israelischen Anteil bis 2015.

Der SPIEGEL hatte auch über eine atomare Bestückung der Boote berichtet.

12.04.2022 - 17:57 [ Times of Israel ]

Hearings in submarine affair probe to be open to public, despite state’s request

(15 March 2022)

The state commission of inquiry, approved by the cabinet in January, will consist of five panelists headed by former Supreme Court president Asher Grunis.

It is tasked with examining a murky $2 billion deal to purchase submarines from the German shipbuilder Thyssenkrupp. More specifically, it will attempt to evaluate the procedures and decision-making employed by the political echelon related to the sensitive procurement, conducted under the government of former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

11.10.2021 - 15:03 [ Times of Israel ]

Bennett said to tell Merkel Israel wants to advance controversial submarine deal

An unnamed senior Israeli official told Hebrew media that while hosting Merkel for a private dinner at the end of her two-day visit to Israel, Bennett said that he had ordered a reexamination of the deal and that the defense establishment had concluded that the Dolphin-type submarines are necessary.

16.09.2021 - 15:55 [ ORF ]

Neuer Sicherheitspakt als Signal an China

Die USA und Australien sind neben dem bilateralen Verhältnis auch über die Partnerschaft „Five Eyes“ (fünf Augen) der Geheimdienste verbunden. Zu dem Bündnis gehören Australien, Neuseeland, Kanada, Großbritannien und die USA.

01.02.2021 - 17:58 [ ]

Deutsche U-Boote: Waffenhilfe für Erdogan

Der griechische Verteidigungsminister soll sich demnach bei dem Gespräch am vergangenen Mittwoch an seine deutsche Kollegin mit der Forderung oder der Bitte gewandt haben, den Bau der sechs U-Boote des Typs 214, die an die Türkei geliefert werden sollen, zu stoppen. Denn die U-Boote könnten von der Regierung Erdogan dazu benutzt werden, „eine expansionistische Politik der Türkei in der Ägais und im östlichen Mittelmeer zu verfolgen“.

Kramp-Karrenbauer soll dies abgelehnt haben. Der Bau könne nicht gestoppt werden, auch nicht verzögert, weil der Hersteller Thyssen seit 2002 durch Verträge gebunden sei.

27.09.2020 - 20:47 [ Al-Monitor ]

Egypt boosts naval power in deal with German shipbuilder

The company said that it will built the frigate in cooperation with the German naval shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), as per the contract signed between the two sides, which also stipulates that the Egyptian naval force would acquire four Meko A-200EN frigates.

18.06.2020 - 11:45 [ Haaretz ]

Will Germany Be Bombing Afghanistan With Israeli Drones?

Israel’s drone deals with Germany began in 2009, when it first leased drones to the German army for use in Afghanistan. Seven years later there was a similar transaction, this time to operate the drones in Mali.

16.03.2020 - 11:48 [ Portal ]

Marine in Brasilien ordert Kriegsschiffe: Thyssenkrupp an Großauftrag beteiligt

Ein Konsortium um die Werftentochter von Thyssenkrupp wird in Brasilien vier Kriegsschiffe des Typs Tamandaré produzieren. Die Verträge waren am 5. März zwischen dem zuständigen brasilianischen Staatskonzern Emgepron und dem Konsortium Aguas Azuis in Rio de Janeiro unterzeichnet worden.

06.03.2020 - 04:06 [ Reuters ]

Thyssenkrupp, Embraer to build four frigates for Brazil Navy

The Brazilian navy website said the four-ship program will cost about $2 billion.

03.03.2020 - 15:16 [ Haaretz ]

Top Israeli Military Brass to Be Indicted in Submarine Affair


Prosecutors said in December they intended to file an indictment in the case against the key suspects in the affair: former naval chief Eliezer Merom; Netanyahu’s attorney and confidant David Shimron; and Ganor.

The suspicions published in December said Ganor and Bar-Yosef, who got to know each other during their military service, met in 2009 when Bar-Yosef proposed they cooperate to advance Ganor’s being named as ThyssenKrupp’s agent in Israel, because he “wanted to get some monetary value out of it.”

08.12.2019 - 18:00 [ Haaretz ]

Needed: A Commission of Inquiry Into the Submarine Affair

The corruption involved in the purchase of submarines and ships from the German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp makes it among the worst such affairs in Israel’s history. It involves bribery, fraud, breach of trust and money laundering by a criminal network that functioned at the highest levels of Israel’s government and business people between 2009 and 2019 , funnelling government funds from the defense budget into private pockets, by swaying decisions regarding purchases from the German shipbuilder.

06.12.2019 - 16:47 [ Haaretz ]

Damage to Israel‘s Security Inflicted by Submarine Affair Will Linger for Decades

The agreement with ThyssenKrupp included provisions for what would happen if corruption were discovered on the German end; in that situation, the corporation would be able to cancel the existing deals. But it included no provisions on what would happen if corruption were discovered on the Israeli end.

06.12.2019 - 16:37 [ ]

Netanyahu lawyer to be charged with money-laundering: judiciary

Israel‘s attorney general said Thursday he intends to charge the personal lawyer of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with money-laundering in the state‘s purchase of submarines from German firm Thyssenkrupp.

The justice ministry said that charges were also expected against a businessman who represented the firm in Israel and against a former head of the Israeli navy.

18.09.2019 - 11:16 [ ]

Report: Mandelblit Won’t Reopen Case 3000 Investigation


Blue and White party candidates have in recent days sent many messages to Mandelblit demanding that the case be reopened and that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s role in the affair be re-examined.

Mandelblit wrapped up his investigation in Case 3000 months ago, concluding that Netanyahu was not involved in influence peddling in the sale of submarines by the German company ThyssenKrupp to Israel.

13.09.2019 - 20:27 [ junge Welt ]

Kriegsschiffe für Ägypten aus Bremerhaven

Abgeschlossen habe den milliardenschweren Deal die Kieler Werft Thyssen-Krupp-Marine-Systems, wie das Magazin am Freitag abend berichtete. Demnach hat das Unternehmen die Rönner-Gruppe mit dem Bau von drei Schiffen beauftragt.

16.07.2019 - 15:46 [ ]

Türkei erhält deutsche Kriegswaffen im Wert von 180 Millionen Euro

Bei den Waffen für die Türkei handelt es sich den Angaben zufolge ausschließlich um „Ware für den maritimen Bereich“. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass es um Material für sechs U-Boote der Klasse 214 geht, die in der Türkei unter maßgeblicher Beteiligung des deutschen Konzerns ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) gebaut werden. Die Bundesregierung hatte die Lieferung von Bauteilen bereits 2009 genehmigt und den Export mit einer sogenannten Hermes-Bürgschaft in Höhe von 2,49 Milliarden Euro abgesichert.

30.05.2019 - 12:56 [ Haaretz ]

Even Netanyahu Knows It’s Over

Netanyahu may win the new election but it will be too late to push through the High Court override and the immunity from prosecution: Who will sign a coalition agreement with someone on his political deathbed?

18.05.2019 - 10:24 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

18.05.2019 - 10:06 [ Hamodia ]

Report: Mandelblit Won’t Reopen Case 3000 Investigation


Part of Ganor’s testimony involved allegations that Netanyahu gave his consent to the sale of advanced submarines by ThyssenKrupp to Egypt, and that the Prime Minister had misled investigators by telling them that he had shared with Mandelblit information on why the sale was necessary – even though he was unwilling to tell them, because it was a “state secret.” Blue and White candidates have in recent days accused Netanyahu of a coverup,

13.05.2019 - 18:59 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Assault on Judiciary Will Lead to Rule Without Restraint

If the new government now being formed is based on an agreement to enact an override clause that would let the Knesset annul court rulings that overturn legislation and decisions by government agencies, we must go to war to defend our homes. Not only, or even primarily, the Supreme Court’s home, but the home of each and every one of us.

We’ve already learned that a right-wing coalition will dance to the tune of the far-right, which Bezalel Smotrich, now reinforced by Itamar Ben-Gvir and Meir Kahane’s legacy will celebrate. Woe to us if our lives and rights are in their hands without anyone having the power to curb them.

13.05.2019 - 08:29 [ Richard C. Schneider, Editor-at-Large ARD German TV / Twitter ]

Surprise, surprise: Despite AG Mandelblit‘s previous refusal he might now postpone Netanyahu‘s indictment hearing from July to September


13.05.2019 - 08:24 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Pushes Law to Neutralize High Court Oversight and Uphold His Immunity

Likud has gathered a number of expert opinions regarding the legal systems of Canada and England, countries where the parliament can pass laws over the objection of the Supreme Court.

12.05.2019 - 22:45 [ Times of Israel ]

Mandelblit said leaning toward accepting delay to PM’s hearing

AG reportedly set to agree to several weeks’ deferral; Justice Ministry official: ‘No one is under any illusions: Netanyahu wants to buy time to arrange immunity for himself’

11.05.2019 - 14:51 [ Partners for Progressive Israel ‏/ Twitter ]

Once that‘s accomplished, she writes, Netanyahu‘s govt will move to pass a series of laws that give the PM immunity from indictment/prosecution, and in exchange give the far-right parties the pro-annexation laws they crave. 2/2

11.05.2019 - 14:45 [ Partners for Progressive Israel ‏ / Twitter ]

In e-blast to @meretzparty supporters, chair Tamar Zandberg warns that Netanyahu‘s next coalition will try to pass an ‚override clause‘ that would allow it to effectively ignore High Court rulings. 1/2

11.05.2019 - 01:50 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Scorched earth legal battle between PM, AG- analysis

Of course, Mandelblit pointed out that he had signaled he would make a decision by February, before the Prime Minister declared early elections and dared the attorney-general to back-off.

Mandelblit, who slow-walked the investigations against Netanyahu for years, is no longer willing to play-ball.

10.05.2019 - 09:30 [ Middle East Monitor ]

At Netanyahu’s request, Israel Attorney General agrees to release corruption evidence after election


According to a statement by Israel’s Ministry of Justice yesterday, Mandelblit has “decided to accept the request of the prime minister’s attorneys to delay the delivery of investigation materials in the cases related to the prime minister until after the election date [on 9 April],” Haaretz reported.

The statement added that Netanyahu had made the request “out of concern that evidentiary material could leak to the media and potentially affect public sentiment” ahead of the election.

05.05.2019 - 12:29 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Partners Are Blackmailing Him – and a New Election Won‘t Save Him

The looming indictments have made Netanyahu more amenable to pressure than ever

31.03.2019 - 22:59 [ Knut Mellenthin / junge Welt ]

Geschmiertes U-Boot-Geschäft

Israelische Ermittlungen erreichen trotz Blockade der Bundesregierung Deutschland

31.03.2019 - 12:48 [ Ofir Gendelman / Twitter ]

PM Netanyahu: I have ordered that IDF forces remain fully deployed around the Gaza Strip. This includes tanks, artillery, ground forces & the air force. We are prepared for any scenario and–if need be–an extensive campaign. We will do what needs to be done for Israel‘s security

31.03.2019 - 10:44 [ Haaretz ]

The Law Designed to Close the Cases Against Netanyahu

“You can scream till you’re blue in the face that it’s the end of democracy, but until 2005 this was the law of the land,” Smotrich said. He’s not lying – a law provided immunity from prosecution to MKs, including the prime minister, with the lifting of such immunity requiring a Knesset majority. But he’s playing innocent.

31.03.2019 - 10:38 [ Israel Nachrichten ‏/ Twitter ]

Mandelblit wird im Fall 3000 (U-Boot-Affaire) nicht erneut Ermitteln


31.03.2019 - 10:24 [ ]

Report: Mandelblit Won’t Reopen Case 3000 Investigation


Mandelblit wrapped up his investigation in Case 3000 months ago, concluding that Netanyahu was not involved in influence peddling in the sale of submarines by the German company ThyssenKrupp to Israel. Interest in the case was revived after state witness Miki Ganor last week recanted his testimony, that he had bribed several officials to agree to the purchase.

31.03.2019 - 10:18 [ Jerusalem Post ]

AG denies Netanyahu told him why Egypt submarine deal green-lighted


The Jerusalem Post has also spoken to sources indicating that one reason Netanyahu might have gone along with the Egypt deal was that it was expected that Egypt would succeed in acquiring submarines. In that case, it was preferred that they acquire a design Israel was familiar with as opposed to a less familiar design from Japan, France, South Korea or others.

30.03.2019 - 16:09 [ ‏/ Twitter ]

Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit is expected next month to indict Netanyahu, pending a hearing, on charges of bribery


25.03.2019 - 05:23 [ Haaretz ]

Attorney General Contradicts Netanyahu‘s Claim: I Was Not Told the ‚State Secret‘ Behind Sale of Submarine to Egypt

Netanyahu said Saturday that he hadn‘t informed the security establishment because there are ‚things that even the defense minister and the chief of staff don’t need to know‘ but claimed he has told the AG – who now denies it

24.03.2019 - 10:43 [ Haaretz ]

On Live TV, Netanyahu Admits Approving Submarine Sale to Egypt Because of ‚State Secret‘

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied any financial connection to the sale of German submarines to Egypt on Saturday evening and said his reasons for approving the sale are „state secrets.“ In addition, Netanyahu admitted that the decision was made without the involvement of the defense minister and the chief of staff.

23.03.2019 - 16:22 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Submarine Affair Was Already Serious. Then Netanyahu Opened a Pandora‘s Box

The stench in the submarine affair is colossal. According to many former defense establishment officials, not necessarily among the leaders of Kahol Lavan, this is one of the biggest corruption cases in the country’s history. Netanyahu opened yet another Pandora’s box when in his request for funding, it turned out he made huge profits from an investment in shares, the approval of which raises big questions, to say the least.

20.03.2019 - 10:18 [ Haaretz ]

State‘s Witness Arrested After Retracting Testimony in Israel‘s Submarine Affair

In November, the police announced that it found sufficient evidence to charge Netanyahu‘s lawyer, David Shimron, with facilitating bribery in the affair.

Shimron, who is also Netanyahu‘s cousin, began representing Ganor in 2009. Police say Ganor used the family connection to Netanyahu to advance ThyssenKrupp’s interests in what became a deal worth nearly $2 billion for the company.

06.03.2019 - 20:37 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Tödliches Sicherheitszertifikat

Vale ist ein wichtiger Kooperationspartner unter anderem von ThyssenKrupp; der deutsche Konzern hat im vergangenen Jahr in Parauapebas in der Region Carajás ein Servicezentrum für den Bergbau eröffnet.[7] Vale hat darüber hinaus Kredite in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe von der Deutschen Bank erhalten.[8] Die Geschäftsbeziehungen zu dem Unternehmen, das gemeinsam mit dem TÜV Süd die Verantwortung für die Dammbruchkatastrophe mit vermutlich mehr als 300 Todesopfern trägt, sind kein Zufall: Deutschland bezieht 55 Prozent seiner Eisenerzimporte aus Brasilien.

13.11.2018 - 16:04 [ Handelsblatt Global ‏/ Twitter ]

Much of the evidence is derived from ThyssenKrupp’s middleman, Miki Ganor, who turned state’s witness in exchange for a lesser sentence. @thyssenkrupp_en @netanyahu #submarines #bribery


13.11.2018 - 16:02 [ Haaretz ]

Israel’s Submarine Affair: A Tale That Goes From Netanyahu to Gas Fields to Iran

(9.11.2018) Haaretz’s crime reporter and defense expert answer questions on the corruption case in which the police seek indictments on people close to the prime minister

09.11.2018 - 06:14 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Schmutziger U-Boot-Deal

Die Polizei empfiehlt, in Zusammenhang mit dem Kauf von U-Booten aus Deutschland Anklage gegen sechs Personen zu erheben. Es geht um Bestechung, Geldwäsche und Betrug. Betroffen sind mehrere Leute aus dem Umfeld von Premier Netanjahu.