Archiv: China-Papier für Ende des Ukraine-Krieges / China-Paper for ending the Ukraine War

23.01.2025 - 23:35 [ ]

Trump urges Putin to ‘make a deal’ to end the war in Ukraine

He also said he hoped China can help end the war, and Trump reiterated later on Thursday that he thinks China has power over Russia.

“It’s a very big trading partner. But, Russia supplies a lot of energy to China and China pays them a lot of money for that, and I think they have a lot of power over Russia. So. I think Russia should want to make a deal. Maybe they want to make a deal. I think, from what I hear, Putin would like to see me meet as soon as we can. I’d meet immediately,” he said in the Oval Office.

17.04.2024 - 05:28 [ ]

China, Germany send strong message of mutually beneficial cooperation to stabilize world: Global Times editorial

The two sides not only had in-depth discussions on current China-Germany relations but also exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest, reaching consensus on issues such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestine-Israel conflict. As China and Germany are respectively the second and third largest economies in the world, the consolidation and development of their relations carries significance that goes beyond the bilateral scope, and has a major impact on the Eurasian continent and the entire world, Xi said, calling on the two countries to view and develop bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective, and work together to inject greater stability and certainty into the world.

17.04.2024 - 05:22 [ Xinhua ]

Xi schlägt vier Grundsätze zur Lösung der Ukraine-Krise vor

Xi traf sich mit dem zu Besuch weilenden deutschen Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz in Beijing, und die beiden führenden Politiker tauschten sich in ihren Gesprächen eingehend über die Krise in der Ukraine aus.

Xi betonte, dass in der derzeitigen Situation alle Parteien zusammenarbeiten sollten, um den Frieden so schnell wie möglich wiederherzustellen, damit der Konflikt nicht außer Kontrolle gerate. Zu diesem Zweck schlug er vier Grundsätze vor.

20.03.2024 - 23:15 [ ]

Aussage zu „Einfrieren des Kriegs“: Mützenich bleibt dabei

Laut Mützenich könnte aller Voraussicht nach China auf Russland einwirken für eine mögliche Lösung. „Wir müssen China davon überzeugen, dass die Volksrepublik ein existenzielles und wirtschaftliches Interesse hat, stärker im von Russland zu verantwortenden Krieg diplomatisch aktiv zu werden.“ China habe wahrscheinlich noch einen gewissen Einfluss auf Russland. „Diese Debatten muss die Politik doch führen, anstatt darüber zu reden, wo die Schrauben beim ‚Taurus‘ sitzen. Die Optionen, wie ein militärischer Konflikt beendet werden kann, die werden am Ende politische sein.“

13.07.2023 - 15:00 [ ]

Vilnius Summit Communiqué

(11 Jul. 2023)

11. We fully support Ukraine’s right to choose its own security arrangements. Ukraine’s future is in NATO. We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognise that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan.


23. The People’s Republic of China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values. The PRC employs a broad range of political, economic, and military tools to increase its global footprint and project power, while remaining opaque about its strategy, intentions and military build-up. The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security. The PRC seeks to control key technological and industrial sectors, critical infrastructure, and strategic materials and supply chains. It uses its economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence. It strives to subvert the rules-based international order, including in the space, cyber and maritime domains.

17.06.2023 - 15:17 [ ]

Putin to have bilateral meeting with South African president later on Saturday — Kremlin

„Judging by the schedule, after visiting Kiev [South African President Cyril] Ramaphosa will be the first to come here, President of the Union of the Comoros Azali Assoumani will be here, as well as Senegalese President Macky Sall, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbuly. There will also be representatives of Congo and Uganda. This will be the African delegation that visited Kiev on the previous year, holding a meeting with [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky,“ Peskov added.

17.06.2023 - 15:01 [ ]

Some countries’ peace proposals on Ukraine contain ‘ideas that could work’ — Zakharova

„I reiterate that we are thankful to every country, every state or every public figure – because many initiatives were personally proposed by prominent figures, internationalists; we are grateful to everyone, who speaks about peace, who speaks about [peaceful] settlement and, who wants to be useful regarding this issue,“ she said.

„There are interesting ideas, which may work. There are ideas that are in sync with our approaches, and, for instance, it includes the Chinese initiative,“ she continued.

17.06.2023 - 14:40 [ ]

Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa: I think in a year we will see completely different architecture of support among African countries in UN

“A lot depends on our activity in the region, on dialogues and contacts at different levels, on Minister Kuleba‘s direct tour and on the upcoming visit of the presidents of African countries. But, I emphasize: we should not expect that a change in the positions of countries will occur in the short term. This is a ‘long game.’ And it requires strength, enthusiasm and faith. I believe that in the end it will become absolutely clear to African countries that Ukraine is fighting for the same values, freedoms, and rights for which these countries have been fighting and shedding blood for many years,” the ambassador said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

28.05.2023 - 00:05 [ ]

Full text: China‘s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis


1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. All parties should jointly uphold the basic norms governing international relations and defend international fairness and justice. Equal and uniform application of international law should be promoted, while double standards must be rejected.

2. Abandoning the Cold War mentality. The security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others. The security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocs. The legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries must be taken seriously and addressed properly. There is no simple solution to a complex issue. All parties should, following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and bearing in mind the long-term peace and stability of the world, help forge a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture. All parties should oppose the pursuit of one‘s own security at the cost of others‘ security, prevent bloc confrontation, and work together for peace and stability on the Eurasian Continent.

3. Ceasing hostilities. Conflict and war benefit no one. All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions, and prevent the crisis from deteriorating further or even spiraling out of control. All parties should support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible, so as to gradually deescalate the situation and ultimately reach a comprehensive ceasefire.

27.05.2023 - 23:15 [ China Radio International ]

Chinas Sondergesandter trifft deutschen Diplomaten zu Ukraine und bilateralen Beziehungen in Berlin


Einer Pressemitteilung des chinesischen Außenministeriums von Donnerstag zufolge sagte Li während des Gesprächs, Chinas Position in der Ukraine-Frage sei konsistent und klar, wobei der Kern die Förderung von Friedensgesprächen und einer politischen Lösung sei. Es gebe kein Allheilmittel und alle Parteien müssten ihren Teil dazu beitragen, günstige Bedingungen für die Wiederaufnahme von Friedensgesprächen zu schaffen, indem sie gegenseitiges Vertrauen aufbauten.

China unterstütze die Bemühungen der europäischen Länder, die Ursachen der Krise zu bekämpfen und eine Lösung sowohl für die Symptome als auch für die Ursachen zu finden, um dauerhaften Frieden und Sicherheit auf dem europäischen Kontinent zu gewährleisten, so Li weiter. China sei bereit, weiterhin einen engen Austausch mit der deutschen Seite zu pflegen sowie den von den Spitzenpolitikern beider Länder erzielten Konsens umzusetzen, um der Welt mehr Stabilität und positive Energie zu verleihen

25.05.2023 - 20:29 [ ]

China‘s Ukraine Envoy To Visit Russia On Friday

Moscow: China‘s Ukraine envoy Li Hui is due to hold talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Friday, the Russian foreign ministry said.

20.05.2023 - 14:51 [ ]

Deputy FM Wojciech Gerwel met with Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui

Li Hui is scheduled to travel to Berlin, Paris, and Moscow. China is encouraging Ukraine to engage in peace talks.

20.05.2023 - 14:13 [ @LIGAnet_eng / Nitter ]

Polish Deputy FM Wojciech Gerwel, at a meeting with China‘s special envoy Li Hui, called on Beijing to put pressure on the Kremlin to end the war against Ukraine and abandon nuclear blackmail, according to the statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry

19.05.2023 - 12:40 [ CNN ]

China’s special envoy met Zelensky during two-day Ukraine visit, Beijing says

n its statement Thursday morning, China’s Foreign Ministry confirmed Li had met Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officials.

Li reiterated that China is willing to serve as a peace broker for resolving the Ukrainian crisis, on the basis of its previously stated positions on the war.

18.05.2023 - 04:54 [ South China Morning Post ]

Ukraine war: China’s peace envoy adds Brussels to his European tour after meeting in Kyiv

Li travelled to Kyiv via Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday, and is expected to return to the Polish capital on Thursday, staying until Sunday.

On Wednesday, Li met Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who said the talks focused on his country’s territorial integrity.

18.05.2023 - 04:33 [ ]

Kyiv says insisted on territorial integrity talks with China envoy

In the meeting with Li, Kuleba “emphasized that Ukraine does not accept any proposals that would involve the loss of its territories or the freezing of the conflict.”

He praised the “importance” of China’s mediating role, including in the Black Sea Initiative that allowed for the resumption of grain exports through the Black Sea, and in nuclear safety.

The two sides also agreed to “intensify dialogue on key issues.”

16.05.2023 - 19:20 [ CHAU Wun Liong / Nitter ]

There are still no photos or press release on Li Hui arriving in Kyiv. A bit strange. He started his journey from Monday, I guess it should not take so much time to reach Ukraine.

Or did Beijing deliberately keep low profile on that as no results are guaranteed at this moment?

16.05.2023 - 18:30 [ SNN / Nitter ]

China‘s special envoy on Ukraine affairs Li Hui will visit Warsaw following his trip to Kiyv to strengthen China‘s role as the mediator in the Ukrainian crisis. Beijing has for long urged an immediate political solution to the war in Ukraine.

15.05.2023 - 15:48 [ Kyiv Post ]

Chinese Envoy to Arrive in Kyiv on Tuesday

A Ukrainian government official told AFP that China’s high-ranking diplomat Li Hui “will be in Kyiv May 16 and 17.”

Beijing had announced his visit last week, saying Li would also visit Russia and other European nations.

12.05.2023 - 22:04 [ ]

China‘s special envoy to visit Ukraine and related countries to promote political solution to crisis

China‘s special envoy for Eurasian affairs Li Hui will visit Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany and Russia, starting on May 15, to communicate with all parties on a political solution to the Ukraine crisis, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced at a press conference on Friday.

Chinese experts said Li‘s upcoming visits demonstrate China‘s efforts to bring about a political settlement to the Ukraine crisis, showing China‘s objective and fair stance as a responsible power.

12.05.2023 - 22:01 [ ]

Chinese MFA’s special rep Li Hui to travel to Ukraine, Russia and Europe

Chinese MFA’s special rep Li Hui to travel to Ukraine, Russia and Europe

Chinese Foreign Ministry Special Representative Li Hui will travel to Ukraine, Russia, and European countries from May 15 to discuss the settlement of the situation around Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

12.05.2023 - 21:50 [ ]

Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Chinas Sondergesandter soll vermitteln

China entsendet ab nächster Woche einen Sondergesandten in die Ukraine und nach Russland, um zu einer politischen Lösung zwischen den Konfliktparteien beizutragen. Das teilte das chinesische Außenministerium mit. Demnach werde Li Hui, Chinas Sonderbeauftragter für eurasische Angelegenheiten und ehemaliger Botschafter in Moskau, auch Polen, Frankreich und Deutschland besuchen.

09.05.2023 - 05:14 [ ]

China, EU ramp up high-level exchanges, ‚close interactions help guide objective perception of China amid noise from US‘

The Ukraine crisis will also be an important topic during the visits of senior Chinese officials to Europe, as it is a geopolitical event that has affected global security governance and the global situation, analysts said.

09.05.2023 - 04:58 [ ]

China warnt EU: „Gefährliche“ Sanktionen

Bereits am Mittwoch werden die ständigen Vertreter der 27 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten in Brüssel über das weitere Vorgehen beraten. Dem Vernehmen nach soll das neue Sanktionspaket noch in diesem Monat beschlossen werden.

08.05.2023 - 10:55 [ Newsweek ]

Kissinger Predicts China Involvement Will Lead to Ukraine Peace Talks

In an interview with CBS News‘ Ted Koppel that aired on Sunday, Kissinger sounded confident that China would help change the tide of the ongoing war.

„Now that China has entered the negotiation, it will come to a head, I think, by the end of the year,“ he said. „We will be talking about negotiating processes and even actual negotiations.“

06.05.2023 - 23:01 [ Washington Post ]

The U.S. warms to a role for China in resolving the Ukraine war

(May 3, 2023)

When I asked Blinken about working with China to achieve a stable outcome in Ukraine, he gave a surprisingly frank answer: “In principle, there’s nothing wrong with that if we have a country, whether it’s China or other countries that have significant influence that are prepared to pursue a just and durable peace. … We would welcome that, and it’s certainly possible that China would have a role to play in that effort. And that could be very beneficial.”

Blinken said there were some “positive” items in the 12-point peace plan that China announced in February.

06.05.2023 - 22:51 [ ]

China and Russian-Friendly States Support UN Resolution Addressing Russian Aggression


The mentioned paragraph in the preambular part of the resolution reads: “Recognizing also that the unprecedented challenges now facing Europe include the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and against Georgia prior to that, and the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe, call for strengthened cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe…”. The resolution aims to promptly restore and maintain peace and security while respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of any state.

06.05.2023 - 22:49 [ ]

China backs UN resolution mentioning Russian aggression

(May 1, 2023)

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe” with 122 votes, including China. Several other “Russia-friendly” countries, such as Kazakhstan, Armenia, India, and Brazil, also voted in favor.

27.04.2023 - 14:09 [ ]

Xi says dialogue only viable way out for Ukraine crisis

Xi said he appreciated President Zelensky‘s repeated expression of emphasis on the development of China-Ukraine ties and cooperation with China, and thanked Ukraine for providing considerable assistance for the evacuation of Chinese citizens last year.

Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, said Xi, is the political foundation of the bilateral ties.

He called on both sides to focus on the future, keep on viewing and making plans for bilateral relations from a long-term perspective, and extend the tradition of mutual respect and treating each other with sincerity, so as to propel the development of the China-Ukraine strategic partnership.

27.04.2023 - 14:01 [ ]

Zelenskyy following call with Xi Jinping: There can be no peace at expense of territorial compromises

„No one wants peace more than the Ukrainian people. We are on our land and fighting for our future, exercising our inalienable right to self-defense. Peace must be just and sustainable, based on the principles of international law and respect for the UN Charter. There can be no peace at the expense of territorial compromises. The territorial integrity of Ukraine must be restored within the 1991 borders,“ Zelenskyy said.

27.04.2023 - 13:54 [ Oberösterreichische Nachrichten - ]

China will Vermittler sein: Xi Jinping telefonierte erstmals mit Selenskyj


Erstmals seit der russischen Invasion in die Ukraine hat Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj telefoniert.

In dem Gespräch am Mittwoch kündigte Xi an, einen Sonderbeauftragten nach Kiew und in andere Länder schicken zu wollen, um sich mit allen Parteien über eine politische Lösung auszutauschen.

27.04.2023 - 13:48 [ USA Today ]

Ukraine Zelenskyy, China‘s Xi have ‚long‘ call; White House says chat ‚a good thing‘: Updates

White House spokesman John Kirby called the direct communication between Xi and Zelenskyy “a good thing.” The Biden administration, he said, has been stressing the importance of China getting the Ukrainian perspective.

“Now, whether that‘s going to lead to some sort of meaningful peace movement or plan or proposal, I just don‘t think we know that right now,” Kirby told reporters.

27.04.2023 - 13:45 [ ]

Xi, Zelenskyy talk on ties, Ukraine crisis on phone

Xi said in the phone call that China will send a special representative of the Chinese government on Eurasian affairs to visit Ukraine and other countries to conduct in-depth communication with all parties on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi stressed that China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a responsible major country, will not choose to be a bystander to the Ukraine crisis, or „add fuel to the fire,“ or use the crisis as an opportunity to make profit.

21.04.2023 - 11:00 [ The Kyiv Independent / Nitter ]

Zelensky said that he gave „straight messages“ through the diplomatic channels that he wanted to speak with China‘s leader Xi Jinping but didn‘t get a response. “I did not get a proposal from China to mediate. I didn’t get a proposal to meet,” he said.

(Mar 25, 2023)

15.04.2023 - 02:47 [ ]

China, Brazil share positive roles in peace, development

Xi and Lula also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and both agreed that dialogue and negotiations are the only feasible way for settling it. They appealed to more countries to play a constructive role for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

15.04.2023 - 02:39 [ China Radio International ]

Xi Jinping: China will chinesisch-brasilianischen Beziehungen in der neuen Ära eine neue Zukunft eröffnen

Die beiden Staatschefs tauschten sich auch über die Ukraine-Krise aus. Beide Seiten waren sich einig, dass Dialog und Verhandlungen der einzig gangbare Weg aus der Krise in der Ukraine seien und dass alle Bemühungen, die zu einer friedlichen Lösung der Krise beitragen, gefördert und unterstützt werden sollten. Sie riefen mehr Länder dazu auf, eine konstruktive Rolle bei der Förderung einer politischen Lösung der Krise in der Ukraine zu spielen, und beschlossen, die Kommunikation in dieser Hinsicht fortzusetzen.

15.04.2023 - 02:24 [ Al Jazeera ]

Call on ‘aggressor’ Russia to end war, Germany urges China

Qin said on Friday that China believed “the only way to resolve the Ukraine crisis is to promote peace and talks”.

“The Ukrainian crisis has developed up to this day, and the lessons are profound, worthy of deep reflection by all parties. Territory is indivisible, and security is also indivisible,” he said.

“Without recognition of the security interests of a particular party, crises and conflicts are inevitable,” he added.

15.04.2023 - 02:21 [ ]

Germany asks Beijing to stop Russia’s war in Ukraine

During a press conference on Friday, Annalena Baerbock urged China to ask “the Russian aggressor to stop the war” in Ukraine, saying “no other country has more influence” on Moscow.

“I have to say openly that I wonder why the Chinese position so far does not include a request to the Russian aggressor to stop the war”, she added.

15.04.2023 - 01:50 [ ZDF ]

Baerbock in China : „Ein Mann kann den Krieg morgen beenden“

Kein Land habe mehr Einfluss auf Russland als China, so Baerbock. Und es sei gut, dass China signalisiert habe, sich für eine Lösung zu engagieren, erklärte sie weiter. Doch zufrieden sei sie damit nicht:

„Aber ich muss offen sagen, dass ich mich frage, warum die chinesische Positionierung bisher nicht die Aufforderung an den Aggressor Russlands beinhaltet, den Krieg zu stoppen.“

14.04.2023 - 09:40 [ ]

Macron Stands By China Comments After Drawing Criticism

“This is something the president stands by entirely,” a French diplomat told reporters, according to Reuters.

Macron’s warning that Europe shouldn’t be “America’s followers” is part of his vision for Europe to have “strategic autonomy” from the US, an idea that some EU officials support.

Charles Michel, the head of the EU’s European Council, said “quite a few” European leaders think like Macron when it comes to the relationship with the US.

13.04.2023 - 06:25 [ Zero Hedge ]

Macron Says Europe Should Reduce Dependence On US Dollar, Seek ‚Strategic Autonomy‘


But perhaps most notable was his suggestion that Europe needs to reduce its dependence on the „extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar,“ a line which both Moscow and Beijing have been emphasizing.

„If the tensions between the two superpowers heat up … we won’t have the time nor the resources to finance our strategic autonomy and we will become vassals,“ he said.

13.04.2023 - 05:29 [ Wall Street Journal ]

China’s Xi Plans to Speak With Zelensky for First Time Since Ukraine War Broke Out

Mr. Xi is considering visiting other European countries as part of his trip to Russia, though his full itinerary has yet to be confirmed, according to the people.

A direct conversation with Mr. Zelensky, if it happens, would mark a significant step in Beijing’s efforts to play peacemaker in Ukraine, which have so far been met with skepticism in Europe.

11.04.2023 - 02:30 [ ]

Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers,’ says Macron

ABOARD COTAM UNITÉ (FRANCE’S AIR FORCE ONE) — Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview on his plane back from a three-day state visit to China.

Speaking with POLITICO and two French journalists after spending around six hours with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his trip, Macron emphasized his pet theory of “strategic autonomy” for Europe, presumably led by France, to become a “third superpower.”

05.04.2023 - 09:32 [ Radio China International ]

China ist bereit, mit Europa Austausch und Kommunikation über eine politische Lösung der Ukraine Krise zu pflegen

(04.04.2023 17:22:58)

Mao Ning sagte, China sei keine Partei in der Ukraine-Krise, sondern ein entschiedener Befürworter und aktiver Förderer einer friedlichen Lösung der Krise. China hoffe, dass die europäische Seite strategische Autonomie und politische Weisheit zeige und entschlossene Schritte unternehme, um langfristigen Frieden und Sicherheit in Europa zu erreichen.

01.04.2023 - 22:45 [ Reuters ]

In Beijing, Spanish PM urges Xi to speak with Ukraine‘s Zelenskiy


Sanchez on Thursday praised two aspects of China‘s position paper – „its complete and categorical rejection of not only the use but even the threat to use nuclear weapons“ and its respect for territorial integrity.

Sanchez declined to say what Xi had said about the issue.

01.04.2023 - 21:28 [ ]

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Scholz

Wir teilen das Urteil über die russische Aggression als Bruch der Grundnorm des Völkerrechts. Wir teilen auch die Überzeugung, dass es eine prinzipielle politisch-moralische Pflicht gibt, vor aggressiver Gewalt nicht ohne Gegenwehr zurückzuweichen. Doch alles, was sich daraus ableiten lässt, hat Grenzen in anderen Geboten der politischen Ethik.

Zwei solche Grenzlinien sind nach unserer Überzeugung jetzt erreicht: Erstens das kategorische Verbot, ein manifestes Risiko der Eskalation dieses Krieges zu einem atomaren Konflikt in Kauf zu nehmen. Die Lieferung großer Mengen schwerer Waffen allerdings könnte Deutschland selbst zur Kriegspartei machen. Und ein russischer Gegenschlag könnte so dann den Beistandsfall nach dem NATO-Vertrag und damit die unmittelbare Gefahr eines Weltkriegs auslösen. Die zweite Grenzlinie ist das Maß an Zerstörung und menschlichem Leid unter der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung. Selbst der berechtigte Widerstand gegen einen Aggressor steht dazu irgendwann in einem unerträglichen Missverhältnis.

01.04.2023 - 21:25 [ ]

Appell an Scholz: „Die Welt braucht Frieden“

Zahlreiche Sozialdemokraten und Gewerkschafter haben Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz aufgerufen, sich stärker für die Vermittlung eines Waffenstillstandes im Ukraine-Krieg einzusetzen. Aus dem Krieg sei „ein blutiger Stellungskrieg geworden, bei dem es nur Verlierer gibt“, heißt es in einem in der „Frankfurter Rundschau“ und der „Berliner Zeitung“ veröffentlichten Aufruf. Darin steht: „Mit jedem Tag wächst die Gefahr der Ausweitung der Kampfhandlungen. Der Schatten eines Atomkrieges liegt über Europa. Aber die Welt darf nicht in einen neuen großen Krieg hineinschlittern.“

29.03.2023 - 19:53 [ CNN ]

Zelensky invites Chinese leader to visit Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says he wants to enagage directly with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

29.03.2023 - 08:25 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Zelensky invites Xi to visit Ukraine – report

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has extended an invitation to Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

„We are ready to see him here,“ Zelensky told the news agency in an interview.

27.03.2023 - 03:42 [ ]

Turkey to uphold Chinese Ukraine initiative if it promotes peace talks

(26 Mar 00:17)

The top Turkish official confirmed that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning to discuss the settlement of the Ukraine conflict with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky after similar talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier in the day, Putin and Erdogan held phone talks and discussed, among other things, the settlement of the Ukraine conflict.

26.03.2023 - 18:26 [ The Kyiv Independent / Nitter ]

Zelensky said that he gave „straight messages“ through the diplomatic channels that he wanted to speak with China‘s leader Xi Jinping but didn‘t get a response. “I did not get a proposal from China to mediate. I didn’t get a proposal to meet,” he said.

26.03.2023 - 18:20 [ Michael Bociurkiw / Nitter ]

Ukrainian President Zelensky said that he had signaled through diplomatic channels that he would like to talk to Chinese President Xi Jinping. “I did not receive an offer from China to mediate. I did not receive an offer to meet. I also gave a direct signal through diplomatic channels that I want to talk to the Chinese leader” – Ukrainska Pravda #ukraine

25.03.2023 - 08:32 [ ]

China’s Foreign Ministry avoids answering questions about Xi Jinping’s talks with Zelensky


China maintains communication with all interested parties regarding the „Ukrainian issue“.

This was stated by the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People‘s Republic of China, Mao Ning, during a briefing today, Censor.NET reports with reference to Ukrinform.

25.03.2023 - 08:18 [ @ferozwala / Nitter ]

Zelensky advisor flags obstacle to Xi talks Chinese President Xi Jinping & his Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky may hold negotiations but the preparatory work has stumbled into certain complications, Mikhail #Podoliak, a senior aide to the Ukrainian leader said

22.03.2023 - 12:10 [ Natasha Bertrand, @CNN national security reporter / Nitter ]

A senior Ukrainian official told CNN Tuesday that discussions are underway with China to organize a call between the Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss China’s proposal for a peace plan for Ukraine.

(22 h ago)

22.03.2023 - 11:50 [ ZDF ]

Umstrittenes Positionspapier Xis – Putin: Chinas „Friedensplan“ Basis für Lösung

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat das international skeptisch aufgenommene Ukraine-Papier Chinas gelobt.

„Wir finden, dass viele der Positionen des von China vorgebrachten Friedensplans mit den russischen Ansätzen übereinstimmen.“

Wladimir Putin

Das Papier könne „als Grundlage für eine friedliche Lösung genommen werden können, sobald der Westen und Kiew dazu bereit sind“, sagte Putin am Dienstag im Kreml nach Verhandlungen mit Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping.

22.03.2023 - 11:45 [ ]

Xi-Putin meeting sends important signal to promote peace talks: Global Times editorial

During the meeting with President Putin, President Xi emphasized that „the more difficulties there are, the greater the need to keep space for peace. The more acute the problem is, the more important it is not to give up efforts for dialogue. China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine issue.“ This was positively responded by President Putin, who stated that Russia has carefully studied China‘s position paper on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue and is open to talks for peace. Previously, the Ukrainian side also made positive comments on China‘s stance. Obviously, China‘s persistent peace efforts have produced results, increasing the hope and motivation of the international community‘s peace forces. This is very precious.

22.03.2023 - 11:35 [ New York Times ]

A Chinese summary of the Xi-Putin meeting doesn’t suggest any breakthroughs.

Talks in Moscow on Monday between President Xi Jinping of China and President Vladimir V. Putin covered their plans to strengthen bilateral relations and also the war in Ukraine, according to an official Chinese summary of the meeting that gave no sign that any breakthrough had been reached over the fighting.

21.03.2023 - 03:05 [ ]

Phone call ‘scheduled’ between Xi Jinping and Zelensky

“Let’s reinforce the fact that China has to date had an informal policy of neutrality in this war,” Mr Shmigel told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“It has not directly provided a military support to Russia. There are still open lines of communication between Ukraine and China.”

21.03.2023 - 02:35 [ ]

China: the ten thousand li path to a bipolar world begins with the first steps, or what can Ukraine expect from Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow?

The last but not least. The announcement of the so-called “China‘s 12-point peace plan for Ukraine” is another step by China in which it tries to be on the same level, at least, diplomatically, as the United States.

This is an attempt to really turn into a powerful world player capable of solving crises of a truly planetary scale. This is another step towards the formation of a new pole of power, at least in the imagination of the Chinese themselves.

The harsh negative reaction of the US and EU to China‘s efforts to reach a new mediation level has been palpable. The Western partners of our country are clearly not interested in this.

It is within this framework that the visit of the leader of the People‘s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, to Moscow, should be viewed.

21.03.2023 - 01:58 [ ]

Russia becomes China’s top oil supplier in Jan-Feb; energy acts as ‘ballast stone’ of bilateral trade

It is not the first time for Russia to top China‘s oil supplier list. In 2022, Russia shipped the most crude oil to China on a monthly basis in May and November. In terms of the whole year of 2022, Russia exported a total of 86.25 million tons of oil to China, ranking second after Saudi Arabia‘s 87.49 million tons, according to customs data.

Russia is also China‘s main source of natural gas and coal imports, and the „ballast stone“ role of energy in bilateral trade has been further highlighted, Chinese newspaper the Economic Daily reported on Monday, citing Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui.

21.03.2023 - 01:50 [ ]

Why China is so important for the Russian economy

The Chinese currency, the yuan, has become a major player in Russia’s foreign trade, according to data from the country’s central bank. The share of renminbi in Russia’s import settlements jumped to 23% by the end of last year from only 4% in January 2022. The yuan’s share in export settlements also surged from 0.5% to 16%. At the same time, the two countries have been slashing the share of the US dollar and euro in their bilateral trade.

21.03.2023 - 01:33 [ ]

Russia, China contribute to strengthening multipolar world, says Putin

Putin and Xi Jinping will hold their basic talks on March 21 with the participation of delegations from both countries.

21.03.2023 - 01:29 [ ]

Xi’s visit warmly welcomed by Russia, ‘brings hope of peace for Ukraine crisis’

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow on Monday to kick off his three-day state visit, with the warm hospitality of the Russian side expressed through the high-standard welcoming ceremony arranged for the Chinese president upon his arrival. Experts from both China and Russia said the visit will be symbolic and have global significance, as it will not only greatly promote the development of bilateral ties, but also bring hope and confidence for a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis.

Upon his arrival, Xi said in a written statement at Moscow‘s Vnukovo airport, „It gives me great pleasure to once again set foot on the soil of Russia, our friendly neighbor, and pay a state visit to the Russian Federation at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.“

14.03.2023 - 03:47 [ BBC ]

Ukraine war: Zelensky wants Xi Jinping meeting following China‘s peace plan


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he plans to meet China‘s leader Xi Jinping to discuss Beijing‘s proposals on ending the war in Ukraine.

Speaking on the first anniversary of Russia‘s full-scale invasion, he said the proposal signalled that China was involved in the search for peace.

14.03.2023 - 03:08 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

Xi Jinping could visit Vladimir Putin next week, earlier than expected

The Chinese foreign ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The Kremlin said it had nothing to announce yet. Ukraine’s president’s office did not immediately respond.

13.03.2023 - 18:01 [ ]

Xi Jinping plans to talk with Zelenskyy after visit to Moscow – media

„Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter,“ the edition said on Monday.

As expected, the conversation with Zelenskyy will be held virtually.

03.03.2023 - 12:40 [ CODEPINK / Nitter ]

BREAKING: The House is holding a special hearing to fearmonger over China, featuring China hawks from the Trump administration like H.R. McMaster. CODEPINK just disrupted them to call for an end to the warmongering – #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy!


03.03.2023 - 12:25 [ ]

US hypes joint sanctions on China over ‚military aid to Russia‘ smears, ‚wooing allies for bloc confrontation‘

Washington is reportedly consulting US allies to impose sanctions on China in a coordinated manner „if China provides military support for Russia“ – an unwarranted smear by the US that has intensified in recent weeks.

Observers said on Thursday that the US‘ intentions behind the „open secret“ are crystal clear, including but not limited to justifying US sanctions and other anti-China deeds, undermining China‘s peaceful stance on the conflict to stain China‘s international image, as well as hijacking allies for a bloc confrontation taking shape.