Daily Archives: 30. November 2019

30.11.2019 - 21:19 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

“Primary voters have always had special appreciation for veteran candidates, & that’s why voters are giving Tulsi a look. They admire her service…& anyone watching the race knows this candidate doesn’t back down from a fight.“ Great interview on New Hampshire evening news WMUR

30.11.2019 - 21:07 [ APA.at ]

ESA erhielt Zuspruch für Rekordbudget von 14,4 Milliarden Euro

Die Europäische Weltraumbehörde ESA hat für die kommenden Jahre ein Rekordbudget erhalten. Die 22 ESA-Mitgliedstaaten einigten sich bei ihrer Ministerratskonferenz im spanischen Sevilla darauf, die Behörde in den kommenden fünf Jahren mit insgesamt 14,4 Milliarden Euro auszustatten.

30.11.2019 - 20:32 [ Consortium News ]

JOHN PILGER: Visiting Britain’s Political Prisoner

“I think I’m going out of my mind,” Julian Assange told John Pilger at Belmarsh Prison. “No you’re not,” Pilger responded. “Look how you frighten them, how powerful you are.”

30.11.2019 - 20:19 [ Tagesschau ]

Malta nach Mord an Journalistin: Ein Staat im Ausnahmezustand

So weit ist es gekommen: In einem EU-Staat beraten Minister, ob einer der einflussreichsten Wirtschaftsbosse der Insel nicht angeklagt wird, der behauptet, den wirklichen Drahtzieher eines Mordes zu kennen. Und der nennt einen Mann, der bis vor wenigen Tagen Mitglied der Regierung war, dann erst zurücktrat, schließlich festgenommen wurde, heute Nacht wieder auf freien Fuß kam und – so sagt es die maltesische Polizei – auch erst einmal nicht wieder verhaftet werden soll.

30.11.2019 - 20:02 [ Ilhan Omar, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

Walmart made $9.86 billion last year. Surely, they can afford to pay employees working over the long Thanksgiving weekend extra. America doesn’t suffer from scarcity — we suffer from greed.

30.11.2019 - 19:51 [ Washington Post ]

Ilhan Omar’s opponent barred by Twitter after suggesting congresswoman should be hanged

Twitter has shut down the accounts of Danielle Stella, a Republican challenger to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in Omar’s bid for reelection, after Stella twice tweeted about hanging the congresswoman.

The campaign account for Stella, a candidate in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, posted Tuesday that “If it is proven @IlhanMN passed sensitive info to Iran, she should be tried for #treason and hanged.”

30.11.2019 - 19:30 [ MSNBC ]

Michael Moore on the state of the 2020 race

New national polling shows a shifting of the 2020 Democratic race as Warren‘s surge slips and Biden retakes the lead. Michael Moore joins Steve Kornacki to discuss the good and bad news for the top Democratic candidates.

30.11.2019 - 19:24 [ ORF.at ]

Minister Scholz gescheitert: SPD hat neues Führungsduo

Der frühere nordrhein-westfälische Finanzminister Walter-Borjans und die Bundestagsabgeordnete aus Baden-Württemberg gewannen die Stichwahl des Mitgliederentscheids mit 53,06 Prozent der Stimmen, wie die SPD am Samstag mitteilte. Scholz und die Brandenburger Abgeordnete Geywitz kamen lediglich auf 45,33 Prozent. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag bei rund 54 Prozent.

30.11.2019 - 15:48 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon moves forward with Saudi defense mission


The Pentagon’s deployment of new radar, air defense and other military assets to the Gulf nation was discussed during talks Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held with Saudi officials this week.

Milley, in his first visit to this key U.S. ally since becoming President Trump’s chief military adviser this fall, met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other leaders during his visit.

30.11.2019 - 15:30 [ Middle East Monitor ]

US worried Israel may attack Iran to save Netanyahu


According to Harel, Israel is afraid that the US will desert the Iran issue while America is worried Israel may carry out a unilateral attack against Tehran, forcing Washington into a war.

Harel warned that it is impossible to separate the internal Israeli chaos from the Iran issue; in particular with regards to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s indictment and his failure to form a government.

30.11.2019 - 15:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tabu hinter „Verschwörungstheorie“: Hierarchie und Befehlskette


Um in der real existierenden Weltordnung Kriege, Attentate oder einen (schleichenden) Staatstreich durchzuführen oder zu vernebeln, braucht es lediglich eine entsprechend mächtige Hierarchie, sowie Individuen, die sie entweder benutzen, manipulieren oder sich hinter ihr verstecken können.

30.11.2019 - 15:08 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Proteste im Iran: Verschwörungstheorien aus Teheran

200.000 Menschen haben sich nach Regierungsangaben an den landesweiten Protesten beteiligt. Damit wären es möglicherweise die größten seit 40 Jahren, seit die Islamische Republik ausgerufen wurde. Die Gewalt habe zugenommen auf beiden Seiten, finde der Teheraner Politikwissenschaftler. „Und wenn nichts unternommen wird, dann ist nicht klar, was passiert. Die nächsten Proteste könnten noch gewalttätiger werden.“

30.11.2019 - 15:01 [ Pentagon ]

Milley Says Middle Eastern Nations Want U.S. Involved in Region

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley also discussed the need for deterrence regarding Iran. Milley spoke with military and civilian leaders in Israel, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq on this four-day trip.

30.11.2019 - 14:58 [ breakingisraelnews.com ]

US General Hints at War With Iran As US Troops Mass on Border


„I wouldn’t discount anything from Iran,” he said. “When a nation behaves that irresponsibly, you have to be very cautious when you evaluate what they might do in the future.”

McKenzie noted that Iran increased its military spending from its recent low in 2014 to $27.3 billion, or six percent of GDP, in 2018.

30.11.2019 - 14:51 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley visited Israel, met IDF chief Kochavi


The general’s trip comes as part of a series of visits by several high ranking military chiefs including the head of the US Air Force Gen. David Goldfien, USAFE (United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa) Commander Gen. Jeffery L. Harrigian and the Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) Gen. Kenneth McKenzie.

30.11.2019 - 12:57 [ Politicshome.com ]

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn agree election campaign must continue despite terror attack

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn agreed in a phone call on Friday evening that the democratic process must not be disrupted by the incident, which took place on London Bridge.

30.11.2019 - 11:24 [ Hans de Vreij, Dutch journalist ‏/ Twitter ]

I like catchy names for military missions. The latest one? The ‚European-led mission Awareness Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH)‘. Almost as catchy as ‚International Maritime Security Construct (IMSC)‘ in the same Strait of Hormuz. EMASOH comprises France and the Netherlands, for now.

30.11.2019 - 11:18 [ Junge Welt ]

Niederländische Marine in Persischen Golf

Die Initiative für den Einsatz sei von Frankreich ausgegangen, berichtete das Ministerium. Die Mission »Awareness Strait of Hormuz« umfasse den westlichen Teil des Golfs von Oman, den Osten des Arabischen Golfs und die Straße von Hormus.

30.11.2019 - 11:16 [ watchjerusalem.co.il ]

France Postures to Confront Iran

On Sunday, leaders, foreign ministers and defense officials from around the world gathered in Bahrain to attend the Manama Dialogue organized by the International Institute of Strategic Studies. At the meeting, French Defense Minister Florence Parly said France intends to fill the void created by a “deliberate, gradual U.S. disengagement” from the Middle East.

Jerusalem Post Middle East analyst Seth Frantzman called Parly’s speech a “shot across the bow of U.S. policy” and a “signal” that France is seeking “a deeper role” in Middle East security.

30.11.2019 - 11:13 [ 7D News / Twitter ]

A leading policy forum, the Manama Dialogue which is organised by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Bahrain, convened Friday November 22nd, to discuss the major political issues of the day, including the threats raised by Iran.


30.11.2019 - 10:54 [ Bundestag.de ]

45,05 Milliarden Euro für das Bundesministerium der Verteidigung


Bei der SPD-Fraktion stieß der Verteidigungshaushalt auf ein geteiltes Echo. Einerseits begrüßte auch sie die steigenden Ausgaben, zugleich warnte sie jedoch davor, zu starr auf das Zwei-Prozent-Ziel der Nato zu schauen. Eine solche Diskussion werde „im luftleeren Raum“ geführt, monierte die Verteidigungspolitikerin Siemtje Möller(SPD). Ziel sei es, die Bundeswehr ausreichend auszurüsten. Das Zwei-Prozent-Ziel sei schließlich auch erreicht, wenn das Bruttoinlandsprodukt sinke.

30.11.2019 - 10:39 [ Verteidigungsministerium ‏/ Twitter ]

#Bundestag berät #Verteidigungsetat 2020 – der #Verteidigungshaushalt soll gegenüber dem #Budget von 2019 um 4,2 Prozent auf insgesamt 45,1 Milliarden Euro steigen.


Weitere Informationen findest du hier: https://t.co/jrtbADkJDo

30.11.2019 - 10:19 [ Zeit,de ]

Verteidigungsetat könnte auf mehr als 50 Milliarden Euro steigen


Der Nato sollen für das Bündnis relevante Investitionen und Kosten in Höhe von voraussichtlich 50,36 Milliarden Euro gemeldet werden. Das erfuhr die Nachrichtenagentur dpa aus Nato-Kreisen in Brüssel, Militärkreise in Berlin bestätigten der dpa die Zahlen.

30.11.2019 - 10:06 [ ahvalnews.com ]

Nukes in Turkey will be on minds in London NATO summit: The Economist

Italy and Turkey host between 60 and 70 bombs each, but “the bombs that most worry American officials are stored in vaults at İncirlik air base” in the southern Turkish province of Adana, The Economist said.

30.11.2019 - 09:46 [ Daily Mail ]

London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan, 28, was jailed for eight years in 2012 for plotting to BOMB the stock exchange in Mumbai-style attack – but was RELEASED last year and had an ankle tag on when he stabbed a man and a woman

He was released on licence in December 2018 and was still wearing a monitoring tag at the time of yesterday‘s attack. The Parole Board was supposed to rule when Khan was safe to be released but claims it had no involvement and he ‚appears to have been released automatically‘.

30.11.2019 - 03:09 [ Reuters ]

Suriname President Bouterse convicted of murder for 1982 executions

A court in Suriname on Friday convicted President Desi Bouterse of murder for the execution of 15 opponents in 1982 following a coup to seize power, sentencing the man who has dominated the former Dutch colony’s recent history to 20 years in prison.

30.11.2019 - 02:54 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia: Human Rights Defenders Mission Harrassed Upon Arrival

On Friday, the Mercosur Parliament‘s Human Rights Commission also arrived in Bolivia to make contact with the victims of repression and prepare a report, which will be presented at the session of that regional integration mechanism on Dec. 9.

„The Mercosur Parliament decided that its Human Rights Commission will carry out a public hearing to have a broader vision and elaborate a report,“ Argentine parliamentarian Cecilia Merchan said.

30.11.2019 - 02:46 [ teleSUR ]

US Stands by Colombia Govt during Protests, Pompeo tells Duque

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressed „steadfast support“ to Colombia‘s far-right government as it faces public protests and marches against economic austerity plans, corruption and police violence, President Ivan Duque in a phone call on Wednesday, according to a State Department spokeswoman.

30.11.2019 - 02:41 [ teleSUR ]

Colombia‘s Indigenous Peoples Join National Strike in Bogota

Indigenous organizations like the Cric from the Cauca province, arrived at the capital Thursday in order to support the workers, students, and campesinos that have so far been the core of the national protests against the conservative government.

30.11.2019 - 02:27 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Breiter Widerstand gegen Verkauf der .org-Domain