Archiv: jaja.. / kiss your ass yourself

04.01.2024 - 12:17 [ White House ]

A Joint Statement from the Governments of the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom

Let our message now be clear: we call for the immediate end of these illegal attacks and release of unlawfully detained vessels and crews. The Houthis will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways. We remain committed to the international rules-based order and are determined to hold malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks.

03.11.2023 - 18:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Projectile flying horizontally hits French news agency’s Gaza bureau, causes damage

(Today, 6:48 pm)

Asking a question at Secretary of State Blinken’s press conference earlier today, AFP’s Leon Bruneau described the incident as “apparently a missile strike.”

03.11.2023 - 18:49 [ Times of Israel ]

Pentagon confirms that US conducting drone flights over Gaza to locate hostages

(Today, 5:25 pm)

“In support of hostage recovery efforts, the US is conducting unarmed UAV flights over Gaza, as well as providing advice and assistance to support our Israeli partner as they work on their hostage recovery efforts,” Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder says in a statement.

27.04.2023 - 17:43 [ ]

Wegner zum Regierenden Bürgermeister gewählt

Im dritten Anlauf genügte eine einfache Mehrheit. 86 der insgesamt 159 Parlamentsmitglieder stimmten für Wegner und besiegelten so den Wechsel im Amt des Regierungschefs.

23.09.2022 - 04:03 [ ]

Israeli Prime Minister Lapid backs two-state solution in UN speech

Why it matters: It‘s the first time Lapid as prime minister has given a speech backing a two-state solution. Lapid made clear that the establishment of a Palestinian state must have security arrangements for Israel.

It‘s also the first time since 2017 that an Israeli prime minister has publicly expressed support for a two-state solution.
Flashback: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed support for the two-state solution in a speech in May 2009.

29.08.2022 - 13:44 [ ]

Bundesregierung: Habeck sagt Änderung der Gasumlage zu

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck hat eine Änderung der geplanten Gasumlage zugesagt. Mit der Änderung soll verhindert werden, dass von diesen Zusatzzahlungen der Gaskunden auch Unternehmen profitieren, die dies wirtschaftlich nicht benötigen.

15.06.2022 - 08:39 [ Florian Fade / ]

Koalitionspläne: Mehr Kontrolle über die Geheimdienste

Zumindest bei der sogenannten „Hackerbehörde“ aber könnte es nun schnell gehen. Die Zentrale Stelle für die Informationstechnik im Sicherheitsbereich (ZITiS) soll technische Werkzeuge wie „Staatstrojaner“ für Polizeien und Geheimdienste entwickeln. Bislang aber agiert die Einrichtung mit Sitz in München, von der nicht einmal Bundestagsabgeordnete und Fachpolitiker so genau wissen, was dort eigentlich gemacht wird, ohne eigenes Gesetz. Das soll sich nun ändern.

15.03.2022 - 15:01 [ יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel ]

Israel will not be a route to bypass sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States & other western countries.


@IsraelMFA is coordinating the issue together with partners including the Bank of Israel, @Israel_MOF, @Misrad_Calcala, the Airports Authority, @Energy_IL, & others.

21.02.2022 - 04:01 [ Mikhail Ulyanov, Representative of Russia Flag of Russia to International Organizations in Vienna / Twitter ]

In my view the deal will be finalised by the end of February.

02.02.2022 - 03:30 [ Boris Johnson / ]

PM statement at Ukraine press conference: 1 February 2022

But we have to face a grim reality which is that as we stand here today Volodmyr, more than 100,000 Russian troops are gathering on your border in perhaps the biggest demonstration of hostility towards Ukraine in our lifetimes.

And the potential deployment dwarves the 30,000 troops Russia sent to invade Crimea in 2014. Since that time of course, as everybody knows, more than 13,000 Ukrainians have been killed and Ukraine has been plunged into nearly a decade of war.

It goes without saying that a further Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a political disaster, a humanitarian disaster, in my view would also be, for Russia, for the world, a military disaster as well. And the potential invasion completely flies in the face of President Putin’s claims to be acting in the interest of the Ukrainian people.

06.09.2021 - 17:33 [ ]

Fauci: ‚Dramatic Data‘ From Israel Support COVID-19 Boosters


„And after 14 to 20 days, a 70% to 84% reduction in the risk of infection. There is no doubt from the dramatic data from the Israeli study that the boosts that are being now done there and contemplated here, support very strongly the rationale for such an approach.“

06.09.2021 - 17:32 [ New York Post ]

Pfizer COVID vaccine prevents 94% of asymptomatic infection, study reveals

(March 11, 2021)

Real-world data from Israel has revealed that Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine is 94 percent effective in preventing asymptomatic cases, the companies said Thursday.

Using data from Israel’s vaccination campaign between Jan. 17 and March 16, the vaccine was also found to prevent 97 percent of symptomatic disease, severe disease and death, the drugmakers said.

28.08.2021 - 12:38 [ Washington Post ]

Biden receives inconclusive intelligence report on covid origins

The report falls short of concluding whether the coronavirus jumped from animal to human, or might have accidentally escaped from a lab in China

28.08.2021 - 12:24 [ ]

Bericht der US-Geheimdienste: Corona-Ursprung bleibt ungeklärt

Rund drei Monate lang hatten US-Geheimdienste im Auftrag von US-Präsident Joe Biden zum Ursprung des Coronavirus recherchiert. Jetzt liegt ihr Bericht vor – doch zu einem eindeutigen Ergebnis sind sie nicht gekommen. Ob das Virus aus einem Labor stamme oder von einem Tier auf den Menschen übergesprungen sei, sei offen, hieß es. Beides seien „plausible Hypothesen“.

04.08.2021 - 08:50 [ White House ]

Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Incoming Israeli National Security Advisor Dr. Eyal Hulata


Mr. Sullivan congratulated Dr. Hulata on his new role and emphasized that he looks forward to working together to strengthen all aspects of the U.S.-Israel partnership. Mr. Sullivan and Dr. Hulata discussed the strategic challenges in the region, including the threat posed by Iran, and agreed to consult closely on these issues.

04.08.2021 - 08:25 [ ]

Golf von Oman: Rätsel um mögliche Tankerentführung

Laut unbestätigten Refinitiv-Schiffverfolgungsdaten sollen mehrere Öltanker ein automatisches Statussignal gesendet haben, laut dem sie aufgrund außergewöhnlicher Umstände manövrierunfähig sein sollen.

18.11.2019 - 12:43 [ ]

CBI hears from party leaders as Tories, Labour and Lib Dems try to win business votes

In a bid to secure support from industry ahead of polling day on December 12, the leaders of the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats will each make a speech on stage at the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) Annual Conference at the InterContinental London – The O2.