Daily Archives: 12. November 2020

12.11.2020 - 23:54 [ Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com ]

Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

Investigation found one third of the team worked for organizations that receive funding from weapons makers

12.11.2020 - 23:27 [ Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com ]

Trump’s Pentagon Shake-Up Could Lead to Troop Withdrawals

A major overhaul at the Pentagon that was started with the firing of former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper could be part of President Trump’s plan to carry out last-minute troop withdrawals from countries like Afghanistan, sources have told several media outlets.

12.11.2020 - 23:08 [ Rep. Andy Biggs / Antiwar.com ]

GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Urges President Trump To Bring Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

Under your leadership, our nation has achieved unprecedented prosperity. Now, as we observe Veterans Day, I hope you will look abroad and continue to strategically draw down our nation’s military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq.


I commend your efforts so far to bring our engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq to an end, including your bold decision to open negotiations with the Taliban and your ambitious plan to remove thousands of United States servicemembers from these two countries. I urge you to continue to aggressively pursue these and all other related efforts in the coming weeks. What greater gift could we give the American people as we head into the holiday season?


Andy Biggs
Member of Congress, Arizona 5th District

12.11.2020 - 22:35 [ ORF ]

Afghanistan: Chaotischer US-Abzug befürchtet

„Ich fürchte, dass die Personen, die Trump jetzt eingesetzt hat, ihm zum spontanen und nicht ausreichend geplanten Abzug aller US-Truppen aus Afghanistan noch vor Weihnachten raten werden“, sagte Stavridis dem Magazin „Der Spiegel“.

12.11.2020 - 20:14 [ France24 ]

6 Americans among 8 dead in Sinai helicopter crash: peacekeeping force

A helicopter crash in Egypt‘s Sinai Peninsula involving a multi-national observer force killed eight people on Thursday — six Americans, a French national and a Czech citizen, the force said.

12.11.2020 - 15:57 [ Craig Murray ]

American Presidents

But Trump has not been defeated by a Bernie Sanders; he has been defeated by a corrupt political hack backed to the hilt by the large majority of the billionaire owned media, financed out of Wall street and with no intention of pursuing anything other than neo-liberal economic policies. It is also the firm re-establishment of the rule of the security state and the military-industrial complex. Trump’s instinctive isolationism made him an enemy of the security state interest which spent a great deal of time in trying to undermine its President.

With Biden we will return to business as usual, and that means war and invasions. Under Trump we have had no new wars started, even if he continued old ones with little control.

12.11.2020 - 15:52 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Biden bedeutet US-amerikanische Normalität: „Krieg und Invasionen“

Der britische Ex-Botschafter Craig Murray warnt vor falschen Hoffnungen auf eine Regentschaft der US-Demokraten. Er kritisiert zwar scharf Donald Trumps „zynische Manipulationen“ – die Niederlage des US-Präsidenten bedeute aber auch „die Wiederherstellung der Herrschaft des militärisch-industriellen Komplexes“. Unter Joe Biden werde „Business As Usual“ einkehren – und das bedeute Krieg.

12.11.2020 - 15:14 [ Haaretz ]

The Electoral Math Behind Netanyahu‘s Sudden Affinity for Arab Lawmakers

Last Thursday, in an interview with Radio Anas, Abbas said he wouldn’t dismiss supporting legislation to freeze Netanyahu’s trial. The choice of Matanyahu Englman as state comptroller was attributed to the “defection” of Ra’am members from the opposition ranks, in addition to Abbas’ support for canceling the vote that approved the establishment of an inquiry committee on the submarine procurements.

12.11.2020 - 15:03 [ ORF.at ]

U-Ausschuss brachte „Ibiza-Video“-Beschwerde bei VfGH ein

Die von SPÖ, NEOS, FPÖ und Grünen unterstützte Forderung nach Herausgabe des ungekürzten „Ibiza-Videos“ an den Untersuchungsausschuss ist heute beim Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH) eingebracht worden. Die Höchstrichter und Höchstrichterinnen müssen nun „tunlichst“ binnen vier Wochen darüber entscheiden, ob die Justiz Video und Transkript ungeschwärzt übermitteln muss.

12.11.2020 - 14:54 [ ZDF ]

Streit um Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Ungarn droht EU mit Etatblockade

In der EU eskaliert der Streit über ein Instrument zur Ahndung von Verstößen gegen die Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur teilte Ungarn mit, dem EU-Finanzpaket für die kommenden sieben Jahre nicht zustimmen zu können. Grund sei, dass die zusätzlich geplante Konditionalitätsregelung zum Schutz des EU-Haushalts gegen Absprachen der Staats- und Regierungschefs aus dem Monat Juli verstoße.

12.11.2020 - 12:17 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Volksanwalt prüft Terror-Ermittlungspannen

. Man agiere dabei als „Kontrollorgan des Parlaments“, betonte Rosenkranz in einer Aussendung. Es müsse Klarheit geschaffen werden, wenn der Verdacht im Raum stehe, „dass fehlerloses Agieren durch die zuständigen Behörden und die daraus resultierenden Maßnahmen seitens der Justiz den Terroranschlag verhindern hätte können“, erklärte er.

12.11.2020 - 12:13 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Terroranschlag: Attentäter stand kurz vor Stellungstermin bei Bundesheer

In der Zwischenzeit ist ebenfalls laut Medienberichten bekannt geworden, dass der Attentäter kurz vor seinem Stellungstermin gestanden haben sollen. Der Sprecher des Bundesheeres bestätigte, dass er diesen unmittelbar vor sich gehabt haben soll.

12.11.2020 - 12:00 [ ORF.at ]

Anti-Terror-Pläne: Opposition skeptisch bis zurückhalten

Vorgesehen ist unter anderem, dass potenzielle terroristische Gefährder in den Maßnahmenvollzug kommen und damit bis zur Deradikalisierung eingesperrt werden können. (..)

Zudem soll ein „explizites strafrechtliches Verbot des politischen Islam in Österreich“ kommen, so Integrationsministerin Susanne Raab (ÖVP). Wie genau dieses ausgestaltet werden soll, ließ sie offen.

12.11.2020 - 11:12 [ HeraldScotland.com ]

Top Scots academic warns ministers not to prioritise Pfizer vaccine

The vaccine, which is thought to be effective against Covid-19 in nine out of 10 people, could be ready for distribution by next month but it needs to be stored at -80C for it to work.

This ‚ultra-cold‘ state is part of the logistical challenge facing the country, particularly if the vaccine is manufactured overseas.

The professor, from the university‘s Centre for Sustainable Road Freight, explained that it may make more sense to prioritise the AstraZenica Oxford vaccine which can be made in the UK.

12.11.2020 - 11:09 [ Mark Sanders / Twitter ]

So the Pfizer vaccine is expected to be up to seven times more expensive than the Oxford one, reports the Times.

Welcome to profit first, morals later America.

12.11.2020 - 11:01 [ eastdevonwatch.org ]

Oxford v Pfizer: how costs and logistics could still see Oxford’s vaccine win out

Matt Hancock has warned the mass distribution would be a “colossal exercise” involving not just the NHS but the Armed Forces.

The Health Secretary acknowledged there was “enormous complexity” in administering the Pfizer vaccine.

12.11.2020 - 10:06 [ theGuardian.com ]

Vaccine taskforce chief may benefit from £49m UK investment

She is expected to leave her post at the end of the year, according to a government source who said her contract ran until January 2021 and she had always intended to leave at that point.

12.11.2020 - 09:26 [ NPR.org ]

Pfizer CEO Sold Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Vaccine News, Raising Questions

Daniel Taylor, an expert in insider trading and an associate professor of accounting at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has closely monitored stock trades by executives at companies developing coronavirus vaccines. He told NPR that the close timing between the adoption of Bourla‘s stock plan and the press release looked „very suspicious.“

„It‘s wholly inappropriate for executives at pharmaceutical companies to be implementing or modifying 10b5-1 plans the business day before they announce data or results from drug trials,“ Taylor said.

12.11.2020 - 09:06 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Corona-Impfstoffdosen: Intransparente Verhandlungen

Deutschland habe sich „bis zu 100 Millionen“ Dosen des Biontech-Impfstoffs gesichert, so Gesundheitsminister Spahn. Dabei sieht der EU-Verteilungsschlüssel nur 56 Millionen Dosen vor. Gibt es heimliche Deals?

12.11.2020 - 08:47 [ ORF.at ]

Ausgangsbeschränkungen bis 22. November verlängert

Der Hauptausschuss des Nationalrates hat gestern einer Verlängerung der seit 3. November geltenden Ausgangsbeschränkungen um weitere zehn Tage zugestimmt. Das berichtete die Parlamentskorrespondenz heute Abend. ÖVP, Grüne und SPÖ waren dafür.

12.11.2020 - 04:33 [ Reuters ]

Australia to appoint special investigator to examine possible prosecution of military in Afghanistan

Morrison said the special investigator was needed as the probe into the actions of some of Australia’s military in Afghanistan was so complex that it would overwhelm and distract the country’s normal criminal prosecutor.

12.11.2020 - 03:05 [ Santa Barbara Independent ]

Veterans Serve for Peace

Veterans Day began as Armistice Day. At the11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the butchery of the first world war paused. At the time it was considered the end of the war to end all wars. Sadly it has not been so!

12.11.2020 - 02:26 [ The Sudan Tribune ]

Moscow endorses deal on Russian naval base in eastern Sudan

After the collapse of the al-Bashir regime in April 2019, the Sudanese government did not withdraw from the agreement. The head of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, during a visit to Russia in October 2019 called for strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

12.11.2020 - 02:16 [ Tagesschau ]

Äthiopien berichtet von 500 Toten

Die TPLF war die dominante Partei in der Parteienkoalition, die Äthiopien mehr als 25 Jahre lang mit harter Hand regierte. Dies änderte sich, als Abiy Ahmed 2018 an die Macht kam: Der Ministerpräsident brachte Reformen auf den Weg, entfernte Funktionäre der alten Garde und gründete eine neue Partei, der die zuvor in der Parteienkoalition vertretene TPLF nicht beitrat.

12.11.2020 - 00:05 [ The Hill ]

New Pentagon chief hires adviser who wants quick withdrawal from Afghanistan

Trump has reportedly been frustrated with the pace of the troop withdrawal, and weeks prior to the presidential election asserted on Twitter that forces would be home by Christmas.