Daily Archives: 13. November 2019

13.11.2019 - 23:46 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Qatar signs agreement to supply gas to China

Qatar Petroleum (QP) has signed a ten-year agreement to supply 800,000 metric tonnes of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) annually to China’s Wanhua Chemical Group, the company announced yesterday.

The company said that the agreement will go into effect starting January 2020 and last ten years.

13.11.2019 - 23:33 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Egypt, UAE among biggest buyers of German arms

Egypt has become the second biggest customer of the German weapons industry with €800 million ($880 million) in purchases, according to the government’s arms exports report for the first half of this year.

The UAE, another actor involved in the Yemen conflict, ranked sixth among the biggest customers, with Berlin approving the sale of more than €206 million (over $226 million) worth of arms exports to this country.

13.11.2019 - 22:21 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Thierry Breton – Der Konzernchef als Marktwächter

Thierry Breton war bis vor wenigen Tagen Chef des IT-Konzerns Atos. Ab Dezember soll er als Binnenmarktkommissar der wichtigste Digitalpolitiker der EU werden. Das ist umstritten.

13.11.2019 - 22:03 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Modemzwang: Warum die Debatte um die Routerfreiheit wieder hochkocht

Eigentlich ist seit Jahren alles klar: Nutzer können selbst auswählen, mit welchem Modem oder Router sie ins Internet gehen. Netzbetreiber betonen, die Routerfreiheit seither umzusetzen – und wollen sie trotzdem wieder abschaffen. Die Gerätehersteller schütteln erstaunt den Kopf.

13.11.2019 - 21:29 [ teleSUR ]

„OAS Is a Tool of the US Empire“: Bolivia‘s Evo Morales

Right-wing opposition politicians, however, summoned themselves to a meeting in the former Mining Bank at the Murillo Square, where only people who support the coup are being allowed to enter.

In an absolutely notorious and public way, the Police gathered around the private building to prevent the entry of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) Senator and First President of the Senate Adriana Salvatierra, who under the Constitution is next in presidential succession line after Morales and ousted Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera.

13.11.2019 - 20:39 [ antikrieg.com ]

Der bolivianische Putsch ist kein Putsch – weil die USA ihn wollten

Armeegeneräle, die im Fernsehen auftauchen, um den Rücktritt und die Verhaftung eines gewählten zivilen Staatsoberhauptes zu fordern, erscheinen wie ein Lehrbuchbeispiel für einen PUTSCH. Und doch präsentieren die Konzernmedien die Ereignisse am Wochenendes in Bolivien sicherlich nicht als solchen.

13.11.2019 - 20:36 [ FAIR ]

The Bolivian Coup Is Not a Coup—Because US Wanted It to Happen

(11.11.2019) Army generals appearing on television to demand the resignation and arrest of an elected civilian head of state seems like a textbook example of a coup. And yet that is certainly not how corporate media are presenting the weekend’s events in Bolivia.

13.11.2019 - 19:20 [ Tagesschau ]

Rüstungsexporte auf Rekordkurs

Der Wert der genehmigten Rüstungsexporte ist in Wirklichkeit jedoch noch höher. Experte Otfried Nassauer weist darauf hin, dass man zu all dem auch noch den deutschen Produktionsanteil von Sammelausfuhrgenehmigungen addieren müsse. Solche Genehmigungen werden deutschen Firmen etwa zur Vereinfachung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei Gemeinschaftsprojekten erteilt. Sie werden statistisch getrennt erfasst.

13.11.2019 - 19:10 [ ORF ]

BVT: Ermittler wollten Zugriff auf Handy von NEOS-Mandatarin

Die Beschlagnahmung des Handys einer Abgeordneten wäre ein drastischer Eingriff in das freie Mandat. Wohl auch deshalb lehnte die Staatsanwaltschaft Wien das Begehren des BAK ab.

13.11.2019 - 18:46 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador Ends Agreement to Receive Cuban Doctors

Cuban doctors had come to Ecuador with extensive experience to take care of patients in public services all over the Andean country. They helped to strengthen the education system of medicine and allowed to better serve the population, especially lower-income citizens.

13.11.2019 - 18:32 [ teleSUR ]

Chile: Repression Reaches Levels Similar to Pinochet Era

After completing an “emergency mission” in Chile, European Parliament Members Miguel Urban and Idoia Villanueva on Wednesday reported that this South American country suffers repression levels similar to those seen in the last three years of the Augusto Pinochet‘s dictatorship (1973-1990).

13.11.2019 - 18:24 [ Fefe.de ]

Habt ihr euch Intel Cascade Lake Prozessoren gekauft, um nicht mehr von ZombieLoad betroffen zu sein? Dann seid ihr auf Intels Getrickse reingefallen

„Natürlich kann uns Intel nicht sagen, was wir machen sollen. Wir sind eine unabhängige Universität. Aber Intel kollaboriert mit der Uni, finanziert Doktoranden und ermöglicht, dass die Suche nach Sicherheitslücken an der Uni stattfinden kann. Als unabhängige Universität fragen wir uns allerdings schon, warum das Embargo so lange dauern muss.“

13.11.2019 - 18:11 [ teleSUR ]

Argentina‘s Congress to Discuss Texts Rejecting Coup in Bolivia

The calls in both houses of the Parliament were motivated by the silence that the Macri administration has maintained so far with regard to the Bolivian events, which Argentinian lawmakers have described as „intolerable facts which cannot be accepted under any circumstances or with any excuse.“

13.11.2019 - 18:04 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Treffen der Puebla-Gruppe in Argentinien vom Putsch in Bolivien überschattet

Bei der vom 8. bis 10. November in der argentinischen Hauptstadt abgehaltenen Zusammenkunft waren 32 dem progressiven Lager zuzurechnende politische Führungspersonen aus zwölf Ländern anwesend. Unter den Teilnehmern befanden sich etwa die früheren Präsidenten Brasiliens, Uruguays, Paraguays und Kolumbiens, Dilma Rousseff, Pepe Mujica, Fernando Lugo und Ernesto Samper, sowie der uruguayische Präsidentschaftskandidat für die Frente Amplio, Daniel Martínez. Gastgeber war der designierte Präsident Argentiniens, Alberto Fernández. Boliviens Vizepräsident Álvaro García Linera hatte seine Teilnahme aufgrund der aktuellen politischen Ereignisse absagen müssen.

13.11.2019 - 17:55 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Berlin and the Coup

Although Bolivia is not one of the focus countries of Germany‘s Latin American activities, Berlin has nevertheless maintained good relations with the white, relatively prosperous Santa Cruz elites. Oscar Ortiz Antelo is currently playing a central role. He is the former administrator of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Santa Cruz, and years earlier had held a leading position with Andina, the Bolivian subsidiary of Spain‘s Repsol petrolem company YPF.

13.11.2019 - 17:46 [ German Foreign Policy ]

November Drumming

(11.11.2019) Leading German politicians are calling for a more aggressive German and EU foreign and military policy, in the run-up to tomorrow‘s Bundeswehr public oath-taking ceremony. „Europe must learn the language of power,“ says Ursula von der Leyen, the designated EU Commission President

13.11.2019 - 17:42 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutschlands Interventionsbilanz (I)

Während der Bundeswehreinsatz im Irak die Spaltung des Landes vorantreibt (in Erbil), zahllose zivile Todesopfer mitverantwortet (durch Luftaufklärung etwa für die Schlacht um Mossul) und (in Taji) Soldaten ausbildet, deren Kameraden Proteste niederschießen, dringt die Bundesregierung mit aller Kraft darauf, die Auslandsoperationen der Bundeswehr massiv auszuweiten

13.11.2019 - 16:15 [ ORF.at ]

F: Proteste nach Selbstverbrennung eines Studenten

Nach der Selbstverbrennung eines Studenten in Frankreich weiten sich die Proteste gegen prekäre Lebensbedingungen aus. Die Hochschule in Lyon, an welcher der 22-Jährige studierte, blieb wegen einer Blockadeaktion heute geschlossen.

13.11.2019 - 16:12 [ RFI ]

French student’s self-immolation provokes anti-poverty rallies

University students demonstrated against precarious living conditions in cities around France on Tuesday, four days after a 22-year-old student set himself on fire in apparent protest of policies of President Emmanuel Macron and his own financial troubles.

13.11.2019 - 16:05 [ Solidaires Étudiant-e-s Lyon / Twitter ]

À l‘instar de notre camarade, nous vous invitons à témoigner de la précarité étudiante sur #LaPrécaritéTue.


13.11.2019 - 15:57 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Student sets himself on fire in France over struggle of living on £388 a month

(11. November 2019)

The 22-year-old man posted on social media about his financial difficulties just hours before he attempted to self-immolate in front of a university restaurant in Lyon on Saturday.

The man, who is a student at Lyon 2 University, said he could no longer carry on living on €450 (£388) a month.

13.11.2019 - 15:41 [ Ansa.it ]

Venice on its knees as floods devastate city

„We are faced with total, apocalyptic devastation,“ Veneto Governor Luca Zaia told Mediaset television.
„I‘m not exaggerating; 80% of the city is under water, the damage is unimaginable“. Premier Giuseppe Conte is due to arrive in the city to assess the situation on Wednesday and Zaia said he would stay the night. I

13.11.2019 - 15:37 [ ORF.at ]

Hochwasser: „Apokalyptische Zerstörung“ in Venedig

Weite Teile der Stadt sind unter Wasser, darunter auch die weltberühmte Basilika auf dem Markusplatz. Wie der Präsident der Region, Luca Zaia, am Mittwoch mitteilte, seien von dem Hochwasser nicht nur 80 Prozent der Stadt betroffen – es habe auch eine „totale, apokalyptische Zerstörung“ hinterlassen.

13.11.2019 - 15:31 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Proteste in Hongkong: „Am Rande des totalen Zusammenbruchs“

Am Montag hatten Aktivisten zu einem Generalstreik aufgerufen, seitdem herrscht in der ehemaligen britischen Kolonie teilweise Chaos. Die Hongkonger Polizei geht hart gegen die Demonstranten vor, bekommt die Lage aber nicht in den Griff.

Ein Polizeisprecher verurteilte das gewaltsame Vorgehen der Demonstranten scharf. Die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der chinesischen Sonderverwaltungsregion befinde sich „am Rande des totalen Zusammenbruchs“, sagte Kong Wing-Cheung von der Hongkonger Polizei.

13.11.2019 - 15:29 [ Heise.de ]

Warum es in Bolivien einen Putsch gab

Trotz dieser Entwicklung, ungeachtet des Umstandes, dass Morales sein Mandat noch bis Januar innehat und Bolivien zum ersten Mail seit dem Ende der Militärdiktaturen der 1980er Jahre nicht mehr demokratisch regiert ist, wird ein Staatsstreich von der bolivianischen Opposition in Teilen der westlichen Presse in Abrede gestellt. Eine Aufklärung in vier Punkten.

13.11.2019 - 11:25 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

This Brexit election will decide if we can call ourselves a true democracy

Few general elections can properly be described as historic. Fewer still mark a watershed in the way we are governed – perhaps one a century. In 1831, the victory of the Whigs under Earl Grey ensured that the old constitution would be reformed and a slow movement towards popular government began. The election of 1910, won by the Liberals, marked a victory of “the People” over “the Peers” and heralded full democracy.

13.11.2019 - 10:22 [ Zeit.de ]

USA ziehen Botschaftspersonal aus Bolivien ab

Nach dem Rücktritt von Evo Morales hat sich Jeanine Añez zur Interimspräsidentin erklärt – und löste damit neue Unruhen aus. Die USA warnen vor Reisen in das Land.

13.11.2019 - 10:10 [ LA Times ]

As Morales arrives in Mexico, Bolivian opposition senator declares herself interim president

Emerging from a Mexican air force jet in Mexico City, Morales was met on the tarmac by Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard, who embraced the man who has led Bolivia for almost 14 years.

Hours later in a meeting of Bolivian legislators, nobody from the Morales’ ruling party was present to object when Jeanine Añez promoted herself to the head of the Senate, a position that she said put her in line to be the country’s president, since both Morales and his vice president had resigned.

13.11.2019 - 09:17 [ Haaretz ]

Amid Gaza Escalation, Netanyahu-Gantz ‚Crisis Government‘ Closer Than Ever

Until now, it seemed the entire political system was fumbling all the way to another election, and that perhaps this was our new system of government – elections and yet more elections, devoid of either victory or significance. But on Tuesday, Israelis woke up to a historic moment. A “crisis government” led by Netanyahu, with the participation of Benny Gantz and his Kahol Lavan party, now seems like the most probable outcome.

13.11.2019 - 09:11 [ Haaretz ]

Gaza Escalation Makes Minority Government in Israel a Distant Prospect

We’ve gotten used to the racist aroma that wafts from the written and oral statements of Israel’s prime minister about the Arab minority. The same goes for the naked cynicism of the man who is willing to kiss the feet of racist messianic politicians, Kahanists, xenophobes and persecutors of children, just so they’ll support his government. But it wouldn’t be too much to expect for him to calm down his campaign, knowing that in a few short hours, hundreds of missiles would rain down on people in the Gaza border communities and points north.

13.11.2019 - 08:05 [ MSNBC ]

Biden endorsed by 133 former national security officials from 7 different administrations

Former VP Joe Biden and his campaign are touting the endorsement of over 130 national security, foreign service and military officials who have served across seven different administrations.

13.11.2019 - 07:59 [ theHill.com ]

GOP senators warn against Trump firing intelligence community official

The New York Times reported Tuesday afternoon that Trump has discussed firing Atkinson because the intelligence official found a whistleblower’s complaint about Trump‘s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky credible and took action to advance it.

13.11.2019 - 07:53 [ New York Times ]

US Troops at Syria Base Say They‘ll Keep Pressure on IS

Speaking at a remote base in Syria where the Bradleys arrived last week, he said „our primary way that we do that“ is through working with the U.S. partners, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

The deployment of the mechanized force comes after US troops pulled out from northeastern Syria, making way for a Turkish offensive against Kurdish fighters that began last month. Only several miles away from the base, fighting between Turkish-allied fighters and the SDF was ongoing, …

13.11.2019 - 07:50 [ ORF.at ]

Syrien: USA halten an Bündnis mit Rebellen fest

Die USA halten an ihrer Allianz mit der von der Kurden-Miliz YPG angeführten Syrischen Demokratischen Streitkräfte (SDF) fest. „Es gibt keine Absicht, dass diese Zusammenarbeit beendet wird“, sagte ein hochrangiger Regierungsvertreter.

13.11.2019 - 07:46 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Erdogan bei Trump: Ein schwieriger Gast im Weißen Haus

US-Präsident Trump empfängt heute den türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan. Auch wenn die persönliche Chemie stimmt – die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden NATO-Partnern stecken in einer tiefen Krise.

13.11.2019 - 07:43 [ Bloomberg ]

Erdogan Wants New Era With U.S. on Security Before Meeting Trump

Speaking Tuesday before traveling to Washington, Erdogan said he wants to “start a new era over common security issues” with the U.S. “We are in agreement with Trump to solve problems and develop our ties despite the foggy weather in our relations,” Erdogan told a televised news conference at the airport in Ankara.

13.11.2019 - 07:17 [ theHill.com ]

Democrats face make-or-break moment on impeachment

In many respects, the hearings are a simple public relations campaign. Democrats have already heard this week’s witnesses testify for hours privately; now they’re taking those stories to the televised world in hopes of captivating viewers and bringing voter sentiment behind the notion that Trump abused his power and should become just the third president in the country’s history to be impeached.

13.11.2019 - 02:06 [ KBS ]

US-Kommandeur: Beendigung von GSOMIA kann als Signal der Schwäche aufgefasst werden

Das Allgemeine Abkommen über den Austausch militärischer Informationen (GSOMIA) sei eine klare Botschaft gewesen, dass Südkorea und Japan ihren Geschichtsstreit zugunsten von Sicherheit in der Region beiseiteschieben können, hieß es weiter.

Das Abkommen wird am 22. November auslaufen, da Südkorea im August entschieden hatte, dieses nicht zu verlängern.

13.11.2019 - 01:57 [ Antiwar.com ]

Bring Our Troops Home events in DC on November 12-13

I would like to invite you to take part in a 2-day series of meetings and events in Washington, D.C., on November 12-13, sponsored by Bring Our Troops Home. Bring Our Troops Home is a newly-formed advocacy organization dedicated to ending the cycle of Endless Wars and the policy of automatic military intervention.

This group of leaders and military veterans believe that supporting America’s troops is not the same as supporting a foreign policy of endless intervention in other people’s civil wars.

13.11.2019 - 01:38 [ TruthDig ]

Nation‘s Largest Nurses Union Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

Pointing to his tireless advocacy on behalf of Medicare for All, his bold proposals to combat the climate crisis, and his commitment to “putting people above profits,” National Nurses United—the largest union of registered nurses in the U.S.—announced Tuesday morning that it is endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

13.11.2019 - 01:33 [ TruthDig ]

Court: Warrantless Searches of Phones Violate Fourth Amendment

A federal court in Boston has ruled that warrantless U.S. government searches of the phones and laptops of international travelers at airports and other U.S. ports of entry violate the Fourth Amendment.

Tuesday’s ruling in U.S. District Court came in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation on behalf of 11 travelers whose smartphones and laptops were searched without individualized suspicion at U.S. ports of entry.

13.11.2019 - 01:24 [ Truthout ]

Biden’s Support of Iraq War Shows How He Would Run the White House

Biden’s support for the invasion seems to demonstrate a belief that the United States need not abide by its international legal obligations, including those prohibiting wars of aggression. As a result, his support for the invasion of Iraq is not simply a “mistake.” It is very relevant and says a lot about what kind of president he would be.