Archiv: Umfragen / polls / surveys

14.09.2024 - 22:38 [ Reuters ]

New Israeli poll shows Netanyahu‘s party advancing

Netanyahu‘s right-wing coalition with a clutch of nationalist-religious and ultra-Orthodox parties would lose any election held now, with 53 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 58 for the main opposition bloc, according to the poll.

14.09.2024 - 18:35 [ ]

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Don‘t know

09.09.2024 - 18:00 [ ]

Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

Demoralized by the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, Palestinian American Samia Assed found in Vice President Kamala Harris’ ascension — and her running mate pick — “a little ray of hope.”

That hope, she said, shattered during last month’s Democratic National Convention, where a request for a Palestinian American speaker was denied and listening to Harris left her feeling like the Democratic presidential nominee will continue the U.S. policies that have outraged many in the anti-war camp.

09.09.2024 - 17:49 [ New York Times ]

State of the Race: A Dead Heat With 8 Weeks to Go

According to the New York Times polling averages, Kamala Harris and Donald J. Trump are locked in an extremely tight contest heading into their first debate Tuesday. Neither candidate has a clear lead in the battleground states likeliest to decide the Electoral College.

01.09.2024 - 18:55 [ Newsweek ]

Kamala Harris Trails Donald Trump in 5 New Battleground Polls

While Harris has seen waves of enthusiasm for her 2024 bid since she was endorsed by President Joe Biden after he ended his reelection campaign, the surveys showing her not beating Trump in battleground states are largely consistent with polling companies‘ previous results.

Elsewhere, InsiderAdvantage swing-state polling shows that Trump is ahead of Harris in all but one of the remaining four major swing states.

25.04.2024 - 07:55 [ Xinhua ]

Junge Deutsche unzufrieden mit Politik und sozioökonomischer Entwicklung: Erhebung

Zwei von drei jungen Deutschen zwischen 14 und 29 Jahren sind besorgt über die Verbraucherpreise, die in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen sind. Etwa die Hälfte macht sich Sorgen um teuren Wohnraum und hat Angst vor Altersarmut, so die Trendstudie „Jugend in Deutschland“.

„Die Aussicht auf ein gutes Leben schwindet“, sagte Simon Schnetzer, Autor und Herausgeber der Umfrage unter 2.042 Personen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen „eine tiefsitzende mentale Verunsicherung mit Verlust des Vertrauens in die Beeinflussbarkeit der persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen“, betonte er.

25.04.2024 - 06:43 [ Washington Post ]

How Americans felt about campus protests against the Vietnam War

There is no guarantee that history will eventually vindicate the positions of protesters. But it does seem safe to assume that the positions, not the protests, are what will be remembered.

18.04.2024 - 17:35 [ ]

Forsa: Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre …

CDU 31 %
SPD 16 %
Grüne 12 %
FDP 5 %
Linke –
AfD 17 %
FW –
BSW 5 %
Sonstige 14 %
Nichtwähler/ Unentschl. 23 %

30.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Gantz‘s prospects remain stable while trust in Netanyahu‘s leadership declines – poll

Along with polling for the distribution of mandates in the Knesset, respondents were asked about leadership and who they deemed fit to lead Israel as prime minister. These results remained similar to last week‘s, with 45% of respondents supporting a Gantz premiership, while support for Netanyahu as prime minister decreased by four points, currently at 34%.

30.03.2024 - 18:16 [ ]

Voting intentions in a general election in the United Kingdom from July 2017 to March 2024

he next UK general election is expected in 2024, but may take place as late as January 2025. Unlike many other democracies, general elections in the UK have no fixed date, with the power to call one resting with the Prime Minister, although this must be done at least every five years. While the last election in 2019 was held in the winter, it is unlikely that Sunak will wait until then to call an election, with a Spring or Autumn election in 2024 the most likely scenario.

28.03.2024 - 20:41 [ Fox News ]

Trump tells Israel to ‚finish up‘ Gaza offensive because nation is ‚losing a lot of support‘


Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, sat down for an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom about the ongoing military invasion — and warned that the world was growing tired of the conflict.

„You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done,“ he told the newspaper.

He continued, „We’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on, and I will say Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world. You are losing a lot of support.“

28.03.2024 - 20:25 [ Gallup ]

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza


Although Americans rate Biden‘s handling of the conflict poorly, his overall job approval rating is no lower now than before the conflict began. The issue does not register highly when Americans are asked to name the most important problem facing the U.S. Nor does it rank highly when Americans rate each of several international issues as critical threats to U.S. vital interests.

01.03.2024 - 20:33 [ ]

From February 22 to 26, 2024, Data for Progress conducted a survey of 1,232 U.S. likely voters nationally using web panel respondents.

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

Strongly approve 18
Somewhat approve 21
Somewhat disapprove 16
Strongly disapprove 43

2. Some members of Congress recently proposed the Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act. This bill would ban members of Congress, their spouses, and dependents from trading stocks or having any financial interests in companies that have contracts with the Department of Defense.
Do you support or oppose this proposal?

Strongly support 61
Somewhat support 21
Somewhat oppose 7
Strongly oppose 3
Don‘t know 8


5. Do you support or oppose the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza?

Strongly support 37
Somewhat support 30

Somewhat oppose 12
Strongly oppose 10
Don‘t know 11

01.03.2024 - 20:26 [ ]

Voters Support the U.S. Calling for Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and Conditioning Military Aid to Israel


A new survey from Data for Progress asked likely U.S. voters about various foreign policy issues, particularly related to the ongoing war in Gaza.

When asked if they approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the Israel-Palestine conflict, voters disapprove by a -21-point margin, with 57% disapproving and 36% approving. This margin has increased since Data for Progress started polling this question in early November, with approval highest in late November after the last temporary ceasefire began.

15.02.2024 - 17:32 [ ]

Umfragen Sachsen (#ltwsn): Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …


CDU 30 %
SPD 7 %
AfD 35 %
FW –
Sonstige BSW 8 %Son 9 %

09.02.2024 - 20:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden and Starmer will pay a heavy price for supporting Israel‘s war in Gaza

We can be sure of one thing. History is going to be a much harsher judge of those political leaders who justified and tolerated the ethnic cleansing now going on in Gaza.

Biden and Starmer’s refusal to call for a ceasefire and their refusal to back the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel should take steps to comply with the Genocide Convention, will produce an indelible stain on their careers.

Neither man sees the danger they are in over Gaza. But then neither did Bush or Blair when they invaded Iraq.

09.02.2024 - 00:05 [ Washington Post ]

Democrats sound alarm, take action against Biden’s third-party threats

A recent five-way national poll by Quinnipiac University that named Biden, former president Donald Trump, attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scholar Cornel West and activist Jill Stein showed the combined third-party candidates drawing nearly 1 in 5 voters.

05.02.2024 - 11:45 [ ]

Forget No Labels. Biden’s Third-Party Peril is on the Left.

Biden’s deep-seated fear: that Netanyahu is eager to drag the U.S. into a wider war in the Middle East, a conflict that would ensure American weapons keep flowing to the region, troops soon follow and, in the maelstrom, international pressure on him to agree to a Gaza cease-fire and his domestic political difficulties both dissipate.

Not that the president would ever say such things in public.

05.02.2024 - 11:36 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden said to have called Netanyahu a ‘bad fucking guy’: Report

Politico cited White House officials on events surrounding Biden’s support for Israel in the war against Hamas and the political backlash with some in his party and amongst voters.

The report says that Biden has „grown suspicious“ of Netanyahu as the war continues, and says that Biden‘s fear is that „Netanyahu is eager to drag the US into a wider war in the Middle East.“

Biden‘s spokesman Andrew Bates denied the report, replying that „the president did not say that, nor would he,“ and added that Biden and Netanyahu have „a decades-long relationship that is respectful in public and in private“.

23.01.2024 - 11:40 [ ]

Umfragen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (#ltwmv)

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …

23.01.2024 - 03:20 [ ]

New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost


Because Morning Consult conducts opt-in online surveys every day, analysts were able to see how public opinion in various countries shifted in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks. Their surveys are conducted in 43 different countries on all six continents and used to anticipate market trends for their clients.

21.01.2024 - 07:22 [ Washington Post ]

Growing number of Senate Democrats question Biden’s Israel strategy


The growing willingness of establishment Democrats to criticize or push back on Israel — a move that would have come with serious political ramifications just a few months ago — signals a shift in the politics of the party since the war in Gaza began more than 100 days ago. Senators from swing states, including Georgia, Wisconsin and Minnesota, have signed on to some of these measures as polls show a notable drop in support for Biden among young, Muslim and Arab American voters over his handling of the issue.

17.01.2024 - 22:31 [ Sulaiman Ahmed, Investigative Journalist, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics / Twitter ]


17.01.2024 - 22:24 [ ]

Halten Sie das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen nach den Terroranschlägen der Hamas im Oktober 2023 für gerechtfertigt?


Nach einer Umfrage aus dem Januar 2024 hielten rund 25 Prozent der Befragten das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen für gerechtfertigt. Im Herbst 2023 hielten noch rund 50 Prozent der Befragten das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen für gerechtfertigt.

16.01.2024 - 20:36 [ ]

Biden and Trump Evenly Matched in U.S. Favorable Ratings

(January 9, 2024)

The same poll measured Americans’ overall impressions of Trump’s chief rivals for the Republican presidential nomination — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley — as well as independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy easily tops the list with a 52% favorable rating, while Haley and DeSantis are each viewed favorably by about a third.

16.01.2024 - 20:21 [ ]

Poll shows RFK Jr. with highest favorability in 2024 race

Who is the most favorable candidate running for president this year?

According to the latest Gallup poll, it’s not either of the current party frontrunners, President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump.

16.01.2024 - 20:16 [ ]

Spoiler alert? Poll has RFK Jr. grabbing 22 percent against Biden and Trump


A recent poll shows him with 22 percent support in a hypothetical three-way race against President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Biden, by contrast, would take 39 percent of the vote, and Trump would come away with 36 percent, according to the Quinnipiac University’s survey

16.01.2024 - 20:08 [ ]

Gallup: Independent Numbers Dominate; Parties Continue to Slip

Gallup reports that in 2023 the percentage of US voters who self-identified as independent tied a record-high average of 43% — first set in 2014. Meanwhile, party identification continues to slip.

14.01.2024 - 22:38 [ RNC Research / Twitter ]

ABC POLL: „Just 28% think that President Biden has the mental sharpness to effectively serve for another term“

14.01.2024 - 22:35 [ ABC News ]

Trump tops his opponents while Biden hits a new low in approval ahead of Iowa caucus: POLL

Biden leads Trump, by 15 points, in one of three attributes tested in the survey — being honest and trustworthy. Forty-one percent say this describes Biden, vs. 26% who say it applies to Trump. That‘s down from a high of 38% for Trump, last reached in April 2017, three months into his presidency, and it‘s a point from his low on honesty and trustworthiness.

Trump comes back, though, with advantages in two other areas. Forty-seven percent say he has the mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president, compared with 28% who say this of Biden.

14.01.2024 - 03:51 [ Reuters ]

New German leftist party could take up to 14% of vote, poll shows

leftist politician who quit Germany‘s Left party and this week set up her own could win as much as 14% of the vote in national elections, dealing heavy blows to both conservatives and the far right, a new poll has found.

14.01.2024 - 03:45 [ ]

Umfrage-Hammer: Neue Wagenknecht-Partei fast so stark wie SPD


Die neue Partei der langjährigen deutschen Linken-Politikerin Sahra Wagenknecht würde einer Umfrage zufolge aus dem Stand auf 14 Prozent kommen.

13.01.2024 - 22:26 [ GallupNews / Twitter ]

Before the U.S. and other countries launched airstrikes on Thursday targeting Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, few Yemenis approved of the leadership of the U.S. or Iran. However, Yemenis in 2023 were twice as likely to approve of the U.S. (26%) as Iran (13%).

09.01.2024 - 16:15 [ And I / Twitter ]

„Eine INSA-Umfrage für BILD zeigt: 69 Prozent der Befragten unterstützen die Bauern-Proteste gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampel-Regierung!“

03.01.2024 - 09:31 [ Council on American-Islamic Relations ]

CAIR Says President Biden Is ‘Ignoring the American People and Enabling Genocide’ After Bypassing Congress to Arm Israel Again


President Joe Biden once again bypassed Congress to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel, despite growing domestic and international outrage over Israel’s mass killing of more than 21,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, and including hundreds of UN workers, journalists and medical personnel.

[NOTE: Yesterday, CAIR welcomed the launch of a case by South Africa in the United Nations’ top court accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.]

23.12.2023 - 22:36 [ Newsweek ]

It‘s Becoming Clear. Israel Could Cost Joe Biden Re-Election

Now, a new poll by the New York Times/ Siena College has found that nearly 75 percent of a sample of young voters aged between 18 and 29 disapprove of how the Democrat is handling the conflict. The same proportion believe Israel isn‘t doing enough to prevent civilian casualties in Gaza and 44 percent said Israel should end its military campaign even if Hamas is not defeated, to 39 percent who said it should continue.

It also found that 27 percent of young people sympathize with Israel while 47 percent sympathize with Palestinians.

23.12.2023 - 22:15 [ ]

Support for Israel declining among American public – poll

A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday indicates that two months after Hamas‘s October 7 attack on Israel, American voters are divided on whether the United States should send more military aid to Israel, with 45 percent of respondents saying yes compared to 46 percent who are opposed.

20.12.2023 - 14:59 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

I’m not a Trump supporter (if I were, I wouldn’t be running against him!) But I want to beat him in a fair election, not because he was kicked off the ballot. Let the voters choose, not the courts!

20.12.2023 - 14:50 [ New York Times ]

Colorado Voters Share Sense of Unease After Court Disqualifies Trump

“I think it disenfranchises voters,” said Jeremy Loew, a longtime defense lawyer in Colorado Springs who described himself as a progressive who had never voted for Mr. Trump. “Our whole system is built around people running for office and letting the voters decide.”

“We can’t just kick people off the ballot because they have been accused of something,” he added.

20.12.2023 - 14:42 [ Newsweek ]

Donald Trump Gets Some of the Best News of His Year

Young voters who have shifted away from Biden are not necessarily voting for Trump, who is also staunchly pro-Israel and opposes student loan relief. A November New York Times/Siena College poll found that 34 percent of young voters plan to back Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an independent. That poll surveyed 3,662 registered voters across six battleground states from October 22 to November 3.

20.12.2023 - 14:32 [ New York Times ]

How Much Is Biden’s Support of Israel Hurting Him With Young Voters?

As recently as this summer, a poll with Donald J. Trump leading among young voters would have been eye-popping.

Now, it’s increasingly familiar — and our new New York Times/Siena College national survey released Tuesday morning is no exception.

For the first time, Mr. Trump leads President Biden among young voters in a Times/Siena national survey, 49 percent to 43 percent. It’s enough to give him a narrow 46-44 lead among registered voters overall.

20.12.2023 - 13:12 [ USA Today ]

UN Security Council vote on Gaza resolution delayed; most US voters disapprove of Biden‘s handling of war: Updates

The survey showed 44% of all those surveyed said Israel should stop its military campaign to protect against civilian casualties, while 39% said Israel should continue to fight despite the rising death toll of Palestinian civilians. But 48% of all voters surveyed said they believed Israel was not taking enough precautions to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza.

09.12.2023 - 13:05 [ ]

Let‘s Reclaim Our Country

My opponents have Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the defense contractors, but I‘ve got something that‘s more powerful than all these vested interests. I have you.

09.12.2023 - 12:55 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

The latest polls show me ahead of Biden and Trump among voters under age 45. But I need your help getting on the ballot in all 50 states. Let’s break the two-party system and bring real change to America. Go to and donate today!

09.12.2023 - 12:50 [ Vanity Fair ]

A Batshit Number of Young Swing State Voters Think RFK Jr. Should Be President

As you’ve probably heard by now, a very scary poll released on Sunday shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 election to the four-time indicted insurrection enthusiast Donald Trump in five out of six major battleground states. That’s obviously a wildly disturbing prospect; it would be like asking someone if they’d like to catch a movie after work or have a rusty crowbar shoved up their ass, and then seeing them choosing the latter. But possibly even more surprising? How popular anti-vaxxer candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among voters.

09.12.2023 - 11:52 [ ]

Voters Want the U.S. to Call for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and to Prioritize Diplomacy

(December 5, 2023)

Sixty-one percent of likely voters, including a majority of Democrats (76%) and Independents (57%) and a plurality of Republicans (49%), support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza.

After voters are presented with arguments for and against a permanent ceasefire, a majority of them still support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire by an +18-point margin.

09.12.2023 - 11:20 [ New York Times ]

The War in Gaza Is Splintering the Democratic Party

(November 17, 2023)

Already, there are signs that the party is fracturing over Israel. According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, about three-quarters of Democrats want a cease-fire, but few in the Democratic establishment share their views. Last week, in a rare gesture of defiance, more than 100 congressional staffers walked out to demand that their bosses back a cease-fire. More than 500 alumni of Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and Democratic Party staff members have signed a letter imploring Biden to call for a cease-fire, saying, “If you fail to act swiftly, your legacy will be complicity in the face of genocide.”

09.12.2023 - 10:41 [ ]

David Pratt: Joe Biden‘s foreign policy could cost him the election

(December 7, 2023)

In recent days, vice president Kamala Harris – remember her? – has declared that “Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians”, while defence secretary Lloyd Austin delivered the assessment that Israel risks “strategic defeat” unless it protects Palestinians in Gaza.

Talk about too little too late, or perhaps a more appropriate metaphor would be running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

09.12.2023 - 10:06 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Despite PM Netanyahu‘s vast personal & political efforts to clear his name and blame the army and its commanders for the disaster of October 7 only 19% of Israelis believe he should remain in post. 72% believe he should resign– 41% after the war, 31% immediately.
