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11.02.2025 - 10:59 [ Times of Israel ]

Families of captives Matan Zangauker, Nimrod Cohen sue for full text of hostage deal

(February 9, 2025)

The families of hostages Matan Zangauker and Nimrod Cohen on Sunday petitioned the High Court demanding it order the government to publish the Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal agreed with Hamas in its entirety.

The agreement has been published only in part.

26.01.2025 - 15:59 [ Middle East Eye ]

Full text of the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Lebanon

(November 27,2024)

10. Israel and Lebanon will report any alleged violations to the Mechanism and Unifil without prejudice to their respective rights to communicate directly with the UN Security Council. The Mechanism will develop appropriate procedures to consult, inspect, gather information, and assist in ensuring the enforcement of these commitments.

11. Upon the commencement of the cessation of hostilities according to paragraph one, Lebanon will deploy its official military and security forces to all borders, and to all regulated and non-regulated land, air and sea border crossings. In addition, the LAF will deploy forces, set road blocks and checkpoints on all the roads and bridges along the line delineating the Southern Litani Area.

12. Upon the commencement of the cessation of hostilities according to paragraph one, Israel will withdraw its forces in a phased manner south of the Blue Line, and in parallel the LAF will deploy to positions in the Southern Litani Area shown in the attached LAF Deployment Plan, and will commence the implementation of its obligations under the commitments, including the dismantling of unauthorised sites and infrastructure and confiscating unauthorised arms and related materiel. The Mechanism will co-ordinate execution by the Israel Defence Forces and LAF of the specific and detailed plan for the phased withdrawal and deployment in these areas, which should not exceed 60 days.

26.01.2025 - 06:21 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel-Gaza ceasefire: Full text of agreement

(January 15, 2025)

7. Return of unarmed internally displaced (Netzarim Corridor):

a. The return is agreed based on the 27 May 2024 agreement section 3-a and 3-b.

b. On day 7, the internally displaced pedestrians will be allowed to return north, without carrying arms and without inspection via Rashid street. On day 22, they will be allowed to return north from the Salahudin street as well, without inspection.

C. On day 7, vehicles and any non-pedestrian traffic will be allowed to return north of Netzarim corridor after vehicle inspection which will be performed by a private company which will be determined by the mediators in sync with the Israeli side, based on an agreed upon mechanism.

20.01.2025 - 19:31 [ ]

Donald Trump is the 47th president. Read his full inaugural speech

Here’s the transcript of his full speech.

18.01.2025 - 03:25 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel-Gaza ceasefire: Full text of agreement

Here is the full text of the new details in the agreement obtained by Middle East Eye:

27.11.2024 - 19:25 [ Middle East Eye ]

Full text of the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Lebanon

Announcement of a Cessation of Hostilities and Related Commitments on Enhanced Security Arrangements and Towards the Implementation of UNSCR 1701

After discussions with the governments of the republic of Lebanon (hereinafter „Lebanon“) and the state of Israel (hereinafter „Israel“), the United States of America and France understand that Lebanon and Israel seek a sustainable end to the current escalation of hostilities across the Blue Line and are each prepared to take steps to promote conditions for a permanent and comprehensive solution. These understandings reflect steps to which Israel and Lebanon are committed in order to implement fully UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1701, recognising that UNSCR 1701 also calls for full implementation of its predecessor UNSC resolutions, including „disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon“, so that the only forces authorised to carry arms in Lebanon will be the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), Internal Security Forces, Directorate of General Security, General Directorate of State Security, Lebanese Customs and Municipal Police (hereinafter “Lebanon‘s official military and security forces“). To that end, the US and France understand the following…

18.09.2024 - 22:05 [ United Nations ]

UN General Assembly demands Israel end ‘unlawful presence’ in Occupied Palestinian Territory

Click here for the full text of the resolution and here for our live coverage of the meeting.

18.09.2024 - 00:10 [ ]

United Nations General Assembly A/ES-10/L.31/Rev.1: Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

1. Welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 19 July 2024 on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

2. Demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which constitutes a wrongful act of a continuing character entailing its international responsibility, and do so no later than 12 months from the adoption of the present resolution;

3. Demands that Israel comply without delay with all its legal obligations under international law, including as stipulated by the International Court of Justice, by, inter alia:

(a) Withdrawing all its military forces from the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including its airspace and maritime space;

(b) Putting an end to its unlawful policies and practices, including ceasing immediately all new settlement activity, evacuating all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory and dismantling the parts of the wall constructed by Israel that are situated in the Territory, and repealing all legislation and measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation, including those which discriminate against the Palestinian people, as well as all measures aimed at modifying the demographic composition, character and status of any parts of the Territory, including all measures violating the historic status quo at the holy sites of Jerusalem;

(c) Returning the land and other immovable property, as well as all assets seized from any natural or legal person since its occupation started in 1967, and all cultural property and assets taken from Palestinians and Palestinian institutions;

(d) Allowing all Palestinians displaced during the occupation to return to their original place of residence;

(e) Making reparation for the damage caused to all the natural and legal persons concerned in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

(f) Immediately complying with obligations under international law indicated in the respective provisional measures orders of the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide7 (South Africa v. Israel) in relation to the right of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip to be protected from all acts within the scope of articles II and III of the Convention;

(g) Not impeding the Palestinian people from exercising its right to self-determination, including its right to an independent and sovereign State, over the entirety of the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

16.09.2024 - 18:40 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

This news agency is on strike – until one of the most important UN resolutions of the last 57 years is public available!

Anadolu has seen it.
Reuters has seen it.

A resolution, the so-called „Palestine Authority“ would „likely“ bring into the United Nations General Assembly. Alleged content: the Israeli occupation force has to leave Palestine within a year (and therefor 58 years too late).

Now – where is the resolution?

16.09.2024 - 14:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Palästina und die Unabhängigkeit: Eine unnötige Verzögerung

(30. Dezember 2014)

Es ist die alte Regel des Imperialismus und seiner sadistischen Handlanger: Wenn Du schon verloren hast, quatsch Deinen Gegner zu und organisiere, dass dieser sich selbst ermordet, ruiniert, zerstört, oder zumindest seine Chancen, Vorteile und Talente. Genau das geschieht seit Jahren mit den europäischen Demokratien. Genau das geschieht heute Nacht (1, 2) im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen mit Palästina.

Die Resolution, die Mahmud Abbas und die “Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation” nicht selbst in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen konnten und sich daher an die Monarchie Jordanien wandten, ist gut. Sie ist, im Vergleich zur Resolution der P.L.O. vom 17. Dezember, sogar noch verbessert wurden. Ostjerusalem wurde eben nicht verraten und verkauft. Im Gegenteil, die Resolution beinhaltet im Entscheidungstext (“decides”) unter Punkt 2:

“eine gerechte Lösung des Status von Jerusalem als der Hauptstadt der zwei Staaten, die die legitimen Anliegen beider Parteien erfüllt und die Freiheit des Betens beschützt.”

Angekündigt wurde diese Resolution von Mahmud Abbas bereits vor fast einem halben Jahr, in seiner Rede am 26. September in der Allgemeinen Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Abbas damals wörtlich:

“Während der letzten zwei Wochen, unterhielten Palästina (Anm.: Abbas Autonomiebehörde) und die Arabische Gruppe intensive Kontakte mit den verschiedenen regionalen Gruppen in den Vereinten Nationen, um die Einbringung eines Resolutionsentwurfs bezüglich des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts für dessen Annahme durch den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen vorzubereiten und die Bemühungen um Frieden voranzutreiben.”

Nur zur Erinnerung: das war mitten in einem durch die Regierung Israels angerichteten Massaker im aufständischen Teil Palästinas, dem Gazastreifen, in das zum wiederholten Male Bodentruppen der Kolonialmacht Israel versuchten einzumarschieren, in Absprache mit den Regierungen in Berlin und Washington bezüglich einer “Demilitarisierung” des Gazastreifens und dem damit verbundenen absehbaren Versuch deutsche “Inspektoren” als Besatzungsmacht einzubinden.

Das war vor einem halben Jahr.

Seitdem passierte durch Abbas Behörde und die P.L.O. hinsichtlich der Resolution gar nichts, außer das in regelmäßigen Abständen immer wieder behauptet wurde, jaja, jetzt aber. Jetzt aber.

Jetzt werde man die Unabhängigkeits-Resolution in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen. Bloß 36 Jahre nach der eigenen Unabhängigkeitserklärung. Nur noch ein halbes Jahr lang schwätzen. Bloß noch ein halbes Jahr.

Am 17. Dezember stellt die P.L.O. ihre Resolution vor und versteckte diese auf ihrer Webseite so gut es ging. Ich fand sie erst Tage später. Meines Wissens nach verlinkte kein einziges palästinensisches Portal die Resolution oder verwies auch nur darauf, auch nicht die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur WAFA.

Als stattdessen Mahmud Abbas schon wieder vor der Presse auftauchte und irgendetwas als Begleitmusik zu seinem Nichtstun erzählte, schrieb ich dazu am 21. Dezember des Jahres 2014 in Kurzform meine Meinung. Als es dann nach Weihnachten am 29. Dezember endlich hieß, die palästinensische Resolution werde nun tatsächlich in den Sicherheitsrat eingebracht, zum Erstaunen “westlicher Dipomaten”, dachte ich, na endlich. Jetzt kann´s losgehen.

Nur zur Erklärung: Einbringen heisst nicht abstimmen. Gerade wenn drei Tage später am 1. Januar 2015 fünf Staaten neues Mitglied im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat werden, von denen vier – Angola, Venezuela, Spanien und Malaysien – Palästina wahrscheinlich ihre Stimme geben würden und die Chancen auf einen Sieg damit erheblich steigen. Die palästinensische Unabhängigkeits-Resolution, die durch Annahme im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat völkerrechtlich verbindlich und rechtsgültig wäre, braucht 9 Stimmen von 15 Mitgliedern.

Ich hatte bereits während des Putsches in der Ukraine und des anschließenden Aufbaus der Neurussland-Falle den Eindruck, als lese nur eine Klientel meine Artikel tatsächlich und sorge

“umgehend dafür, dass genau das Gegenteil von dem geschah was ich in diesen mit aller Bescheidenheit empfohlen hatte.”

Ich sehe, genau jetzt, diese Sadisten und Faschisten im seit Ausbruch des Terrorkrieges in 2001 mit Geld, Macht und Spielzeugen für Kranke vollgelaufenen “Sicherheits”-Apparat vor mir, auch in Jerusalem, auch in New York, wie sie versuchen die Palästinenser – neben den Kurden das Volk was noch immer für deren geostrategische Spielchen hergehalten und gelitten hat – ein weiteres Mal auf das Dreckigste zu betrügen………

21.04.2024 - 09:50 [ ]

Heinz Bude und der Umbau der Gesellschaft

(1. März 2024)

Gestern habe ich ein Video aus einer Diskussionsveranstaltung zur Aufarbeitung der Coronakrise geschnitten. Die Diskussionsveranstaltung fand bereits am 24. Januar 2024 an der Universität Graz statt unter dem Titel “Gesellschaft im Ausnahmezustand – Was lernen wir aus der Coronakrise?“. Auf dem Podium waren Heinz Bude (Uni Kassel), Alexander Bogner (ÖAW Wien) und Klaus Kraemer (Uni Graz). Moderiert wurde die Diskussion von Daphne Hruby (freie Mitarbeiterin beim ORF.


Heinz Bude: Jetzt noch einmal aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert. Wir haben gesagt, wir mussten, wir müssen ein Modell finden, um Folgebereitschaft herzustellen, das so ein bisschen wissenschaftsähnlich ist. Und das war diese Formel „Flatten the curve“, dass wir gesagt haben „Wie können wir die Leute zu überzeugen, mitzutun?“ Wir sagen denen, es sieht so nach Wissenschaft aus, ne? Man sagt, „wenn ihr, wenn ihr schön diszipliniert seid, könnt ihr die Kurve verändern“. Das heißt quasi man kann – es gibt eine Veranschaulichung von individuellen Verhaltensveränderungen in einer Art von wissenschaftlicher Darstellbarkeit. Das war in dieser, in dieser Form mit drin. Das haben wir geklaut von einem Wissenschaftsjournalisten haben wir nicht selber erfunden. Aber wir fanden das irgendwie toll, dass man so, also dass man so ein quasi Wissenschaftsargument noch in der Art der Erzeugung von… (Heinz Bude wird an dieser Stelle unterbrochen. Der weitere Redebeitrag setzt wenige Minuten später wieder ein)

Also das ist glaube ich jetzt ein ganz wichtiger Punkt. Meiner Ansicht nach laufen wir auf wieder singuläre Krisen absehbar hinaus. In unserer gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung. Nehmen wir nur Extremwetterereignisse und singuläre Krisen, die ich vor Augen sehe, werden damit zu tun haben, dass man auf individuelles Verhalten zugreifen muss. Also indem etwa bei Extremwetterereignissen wird man Leute evakuieren müssen. Man wird Leuten sagen müssen, Du kannst dein Haus nicht mehr an dieser Stelle aufbauen. Und man wird Zwang ausüben müssen auf Leute, die sagen, ich habe aber andere Informationen, ich lasse mich hier nicht evakuieren. Und zwar legitimen Zwang. Wir werden mit Situationen vermehrt zu tun haben in der Zukunft. Solche Art von Krisen, die individuelle Verhaltensveränderungen verlangen, wenn man den Krisen als Gesellschaft in kollektiver Handlungsfähigkeit standhalten will. Und das ist das entscheidende Argument. Können wir das überhaupt in einer modernen liberalen Gesellschaft? Geht das eigentlich? Und muss man da nicht hinterrücks ganz furchtbare Dinge wie Angstkommunikation, also sozialpsychologische Dinge benutzen, um solche Arten von Folgebereitschaften zur Veränderung von individuellem Verhalten vorzunehmen? Das ist ein Unterschied, als ob man eine Krise wie 2008/2009 durch eine Stellschraubenveränderung in Bezug auf die Finanzmärkte lösen kann. Das ist eine andere Sorte von Krisenlösung. Die Krisenlösungen, die uns bevorstehen, haben den Charakter von Kriegen, sie haben den Charakter von Pandemien, und die haben den Charakter von Extremwetterereignissen. Das ist absehbar. Auch Europa wird in mittlerer Frist noch wieder Kriege haben. Und da sind die Dinge, wo man sich überlegen muss, Welche Art von Vorratsreflexion sozialwissenschaftlicher Art braucht man auf diese absehbare Herausforderung, die vor uns steht?

09.04.2024 - 17:15 [ International Court of Justice / Internationaler Gerichtshof ]

Public sitting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Salam presiding, in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)

he PRESIDENT: Please be seated. The sitting is open.

The Court meets this morning to hear the single round of oral argument of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by the Republic of Nicaragua in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany).

I now give the floor to the Agent of Germany, Ms Tania von Uslar-Gleichen. You have the floor, Madam.



1. Members of the Court, it is an honour to address you today and to open the oral proceedings for the Federal Republic of Germany.

2. Monsieur le Président, Madame la Vice-Présidente, permettez-moi au début de vous féliciter chaleureusement pour votre élection.

3. Germany comes to these proceedings as a friend of the Court and a firm believer in the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Proceedings before this Court are rightly noted for their deep and serious engagement with the law and the facts.

4. Respect for, as well as the promotion of, international law are cornerstones of Germany’s constitution and of its foreign policy. Germany has always been an advocate for the promotion and strengthening of international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles…

08.04.2024 - 18:04 [ International Court of Justice / Internationaler Gerichtshof ]

Public sitting held on Monday 8 April 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Salam presiding, in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)

The Government of the Republic of Nicaragua is represented by:

HE Mr Carlos José Argüello Gómez, Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Nicaragua to the international organizations based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, member of the International Law Commission,

as Agent and Counsel;

Mr Alain Pellet, Emeritus Professor of the University Paris Nanterre, former Chairperson of the International Law Commission, member and former President of the Institut de droit international,

Mr Daniel Müller, Founding Partner of FAR Avocats, member of the Paris Bar,

as Counsel and Advocates;

Ms Claudia Loza Obregon, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua,
Mr Ysam Soualhi, PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Angers,

as Assistant Counsel;

Ms Sherly Noguera de Argüello, Consul General of the Republic of Nicaragua,

as Administrator;

Ms Kassandra Gómez Pineda, First Secretary, Permanent Representation of the Republic of
Nicaragua to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,

Mr Pedro Hernández Balladarez, Financial Administrative Officer, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,

HE Mr Ammar Hijazi, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates for Multilateral Affairs of the State of Palestine,

HE Mr Omar Awadallah, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates for the United Nations and Specialized Agencies of the State of Palestine,

Mr Federico Argüello Noguera,

as Members of the Delegation.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is represented by:

Ms Tania von Uslar-Gleichen, Legal Adviser and Director-General for Legal Affairs, Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany,

as Agent;

Ms Wiebke Rückert, Director for Public International Law, Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany,

27.02.2024 - 03:00 [ International Court of Justice ]

Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for Advisory Opinion) Conclusion of the public hearings held from 19 to 26 February 2024

THE HAGUE, 26 February 2024. The public hearings on the request for an advisory opinion in respect of the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, concluded today.

During the hearings, the State of Palestine, 49 Member States of the United Nations and three international organizations presented oral statements (in the following order): Palestine,
South Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Russian Federation, France, The Gambia, Guyana, Hungary, China, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, Qatar, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye, Zambia, League of Arab States, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, African Union, Spain, Fiji and the Maldives.

The verbatim records of the hearings, including the lists of participating delegations, are
available on the case page on the Court’s website. High-resolution video clips and still photos produced by the Registry during the hearings are available free of charge and free of copyright for editorial, non-commercial use, on the Multimedia page on the Court’s website.

The Court will now begin its deliberation.

The Court’s advisory opinion will be delivered at a public sitting, the date of which will be
announced in due course.

27.02.2024 - 02:30 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Monday 26 February 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace

60. In view of the foregoing arguments and recalling the relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, the Republic of Türkiye respectfully calls upon the nternational Court of Justice to declare the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, illegal under international law. Israel must also respect the historical status quo in the holy places in Jerusalem.


The PRESIDENT: I thank the delegation of Zambia for its presentation. I invite the next participating delegation, the League of Arab States, to address the Court and I call Mr Abdel Hakim El Rifai to the podium.


1. Thank you, Mr President, honourable Members of the Court, it is a great honour and privilege to appear before you today, on behalf of the League of Arab States.

2. I would like to read a statement by His Excellency Mr Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.

3. The League of Arab States attaches high importance to the present proceedings, hoping that they contribute to safeguarding the principles of international law, to uphold the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and end the last oppressive, expansionist, apartheid, settler-colonial occupation, still standing in the twenty-first century.

4. The persistence of this occupation, acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, crimes against humanity, displacement of populations, imprisonment of Palestinians behind illegal segregation walls, expansion of illegal settlements, creating new political realities on the ground aiming at complicating the dismantling of the occupation ⎯ all ⎯ will never discourage Palestinians from claiming their legitimate inalienable rights.

5. The insistence on placing Israel above the law, through the politicization of accountability and adopting double standards in the application of justice is a direct threat to international peace and stability.

6. Ending Israel’s total impunity, and subjecting it ⎯ like any other State ⎯ to the universal rules of international law, will help annul its pretexts to systematically reject peace initiatives, the most serious of which is the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which offered full normalization of relations with all Arab States, in exchange of Israel only respecting its already established obligations, under the bodies of international law, human rights law, and the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.

27.02.2024 - 02:20 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Friday 23 February 2024, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace

President Salam presiding,

on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for advisory opinion submitted by the General Assembly of the United Nations)

22.02.2024 - 19:25 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Thursday 22 February 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace

President Salam presiding,

on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for advisory opinion submitted by the General Assembly of the United Nations)

22.02.2024 - 19:15 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Wesdnesday 21 February 2024, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace,

President Salam presiding,
on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for advisory opinion submitted by the General Assembly of the United Nations)

22.02.2024 - 19:07 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Tuesday 20 February 2024, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace

President Salam presiding,
on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
(Request for advisory opinion submitted by the General Assembly of the United Nations)

20.02.2024 - 10:30 [ International Court of Justice ]

Public sitting held on Monday 19 February 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace

33. The only State besides Fiji to defend Israel is the United States. This is not surprising. Whatever offences against international law Israel commits, the United States comes forward to shield it from accountability. Here, the United States attempts to defend Israel, not by arguing that the occupation is lawful, but that it is neither lawful nor unlawful. To reach this conclusion, the United States argues that belligerent occupation is governed exclusively by international humanitarian law and not by the United Nations Charter or general international law. In its own words: “Although international humanitarian law imposes obligations on belligerents in their conduct of an occupation, it does not provide for the legal status of an occupation to be lawful or unlawful.“

20.02.2024 - 10:25 [ Molly Quell, International law for @CourthouseNews / Twitter ]

Reichler says that only Fiji and the US have argued in favour of the occupation.


15.11.2023 - 21:42 [ Newsweek ]

Van Jones Booed at March for Israel—Speech in Full

„I also pray that Hamas ends its reign of terror,“ he said. „I have to say, I‘m a peace guy, I‘m a peace guy, I pray for peace. No more rockets from Gaza, and no more bombs falling down on the people of Gaza. God protect the children. God protect the children. Let‘s end all the horror and all the heartbreak in the hold land. Let‘s end all of it.

„But, I‘ll be honest in closing. When I think about what‘s happening over there, I don‘t feel powerful to do something about what‘s happening over there,“ Jones continued, as the audience began to chant: „No ceasefire.“

„What I do feel powerful is to maybe do something about what‘s happening here. Let‘s take a stand here against anti-Jewish bigotry. Let‘s take a stand against Muslims,“ he said, appearing to lose his train of thought mid-sentence as the crowd chants.

16.10.2023 - 18:45 [ CBS News ]

President Joe Biden: The 2023 60 Minutes interview transcript

Scott Pelley: Do you believe that Hamas must be eliminated entirely?

President Biden: Yes, I do. But there needs to be a Palestinian authority. There needs to be a path to a Palestinian state.

That path, called „the two state solution,“ has been U.S. policy for decades. It would create an independent nation next to Israel for 5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza and on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Scott Pelley: And you believe Israel would pursue that after what‘s occurred–

President Biden: Not now. Not now. Not now, but– but I think Israel understands that a significant portion of Palestinian people do not share the views of Hamas and Hezbollah.

22.02.2023 - 08:49 [ Kreml ]

Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

Launch new projects, earn money, work hard for Russia, invest in enterprises and jobs, and help schools and universities, science and healthcare, culture and sports. In this way, you will increase your wealth and will also win the respect and gratitude of the people for a generation ahead. The state and society will certainly support you.

Let us consider this as a message for your business: get moving in the right direction.

To be continued.

18.08.2021 - 09:29 [ Al Jazeera ]

Transcript of Taliban’s first news conference in Kabul

“We have expelled the foreigners and I would like to congratulate the whole nation on this.

This is pride, not only for a limited number of people. This is a proud moment for the whole nation. This kind of pride is rare when it can be achieved. The whole nation, after the whole history of the nation and therefore, on the base of this I would like to congratulate the whole nation and I would like to welcome you.

Freedom and independence seeking is a legitimate right of every nation. The Afghans also use their legitimate right after 20 years of struggle for freedom and for emancipating the country from occupation, this was our right and we achieved this right.“

23.06.2021 - 12:23 [ Haaretz ]

Release the Transcripts of Israel‘s COVID Cabinet Meetings

The Supreme Court is currently deliberating over Haaretz’s petition, drafted by attorney Tal Lieblich, to release transcripts of cabinet and ministerial committee meetings on the coronavirus. For more than a year, this battle has been wending its way through the courts. In addition to its demand that the full transcripts be released for public scrutiny, the petition seeks to mount a challenge in principle to a rule that automatically defines all ministerial meetings as classified – a rule that leads to documentation being buried in the archives for at least 30 years.

26.09.2020 - 13:10 [ Ben Crump, Trial Lawyer for Justice / Twitter ]

12 of Breonna Taylor‘s neighbors NEVER heard police announce themselves before breaking down her door. Did they get a voice at the Grand Jury proceedings? @KYOAG , if you have nothing to hide, release the transcripts so we know the FULL TRUTH of what was presented!

26.09.2020 - 12:55 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

Family of Breonna Taylor hold press conference in Louisville – watch live


Attorney Ben Crump, co-counsels Sam Aguiar and Lonita Baker, and the family of Breonna Taylor hold a press conference at Jefferson Square Park in Louisville, Kentucky

26.09.2020 - 12:48 [ ]

Breonna Taylor‘s family, lawyers blast Daniel Cameron over lack of charges in her death

Palmer‘s attorneys, Ben Crump, Lonita Baker and Sam Aguiar, specifically called on Cameron to release the grand jury transcript and recording to show what evidence and recommendations he presented.

„What we also want is for you to quit dodging the question. You were asked at the press conference (Wednesday): Did you make a recommendation“ to the grand jury, Baker asked. „You refused to answer. Answer the question: Did you even present any charges regarding Breonna Taylor to the grand jury?“

19.07.2020 - 18:18 [ Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss / Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee ]

Welcome to the ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.

Dear fellow citizens,

Welcome to the ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee. If Parliament does not do it, we, the citizens, are called upon to do it ourselves.

As the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, we will investigate why these restrictive measures were imposed upon us in our country as part of CoVid-19, why people are suffering now and whether there is proportionality of the measures to this disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We have serious doubts that these measures are proportionate. This needs to be examined, and since the parliaments – neither the opposition parties nor the ruling parties – have not convened a committee and it is not even planned, it is high time that we took this into our own hands. We will invite and hear experts here in the Corona speaker group. These are experts from all areas of life: medicine, social affairs, law, economics and many more.

Well-known experts have already agreed to be part of it. In addition to the speaker group, my colleague Prof. HADITSCH and my colleague Dr. SCHIFFMANN, I would also like to introduce myself. My name is Heiko SCHÖNING, I’m an ordinary doctor from Hamburg. My personal motivation is that I am a father, like many others in this country who have children. And we see that our children are suffering now, not just because the playgrounds have been closed, but because they are separated. And it‘s worse for the adults.

We ask ourselves: Why are people no longer allowed to visit their parents in retirement homes? Is there such a great risk of infection? Do we really have a killer virus here? Do we have rabies or do we have the plague? We have serious doubts that this is the case! We do not have the plague! What really helps us in this context is decency and honesty, as the famous Nobel Prize winner Albert
CAMUS already expressed in his wonderful book „The Plague“. We want to make sure that the ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, is based on honesty and transparency.

03.11.2019 - 11:14 [ CNN ]

Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump‘s push for stolen emails

The release, received by CNN on Saturday, includes 274 pages of Mueller team interview notes, emails and other documents related to the cooperation of Gates, former top campaign official Steve Bannon and former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen. Both Cohen and Gates pleaded guilty to criminal charges from Mueller.

28.09.2019 - 10:26 [ Washington Post ]

‘Almost a spy’: Transcript and video of Trump’s remarks at private U.N. event about whistleblower

„So the whistleblower came out and said nothing. Said: ‘A couple of people told me he had a conversation with Ukraine.’ We’re at war. These people are sick. They’re sick. And nobody’s called it out like I do. I don’t understand. People are afraid to call it out. They’re afraid to say that the press is crooked. We have a crooked press. We have a dishonest media. So now they’re devastated, but they’ll always find something. I’m sure there’ll be something they’ll find in this report that will suit their lie. But basically that person never saw the report, never saw the call. Never saw the call. Heard something, and decided that he or she or whoever the hell it is — sort of like, almost, a spy.“

25.09.2019 - 17:59 [ ]

READ: Transcript of Trump‘s call with Ukrainian president

The Trump administration on Wednesday released a five-page transcript of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The White House had faced mounting pressure to release the transcript amid scrutiny over reports that Trump urged Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.