Archiv: Sondergesetze / Notstandsgesetze / Ermächtigungsgesetze / Entwürfe (international) / emergency laws / enabling acts / drafts

20.12.2024 - 22:04 [ Adalah ]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Arab Leadership in Israel Appeals to Supreme Court Against Law Allowing Education Ministry to Dismiss Teachers and Cut Funding to Palestinian Schools Over Alleged “Support of Terrorism”

(December 17, 2024)

In the petition, Adalah Attorney Salam Irsheid argued that the law is clearly racist in intent, especially given the widespread persecution and criminalization of hundreds of Palestinian citizens by Israeli authorities and other entities since the outbreak of the war 7 October 2023, for merely expressing entirely lawful opinions. The law’s deliberate vagueness, and the fact that it only addresses “incitement to terrorism”—which is used almost exclusively to target Palestinians—while excluding incitement to violence or racism, highlights its discriminatory purpose. By granting broad, unchecked powers to political and administrative authorities, the law enables punitive actions to be taken against Palestinian educators for expressing views that fall outside the mainstream consensus, thereby severely undermining their basic right to freedom of expression. Adalah further argued that the law breaches the principle of the separation of powers, as it grants the Education Ministry the authority to infringe on teachers’ rights to freedom of expression and occupation, effectively requiring a determination of whether they have committed a criminal offense, even if no charges have been filed against them.

20.12.2024 - 21:48 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Petition to Supreme Court; Far-Right Govt Consider Bill Banning Left and Arab Campus Groups

Hadash MKs opposed the proposed legislation, calling it “dime-store fascist populism and McCarthyism.” According to Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman, “The Knesset is advancing two bills targeting critical students and professors, aimed primarily at Palestinian and leftist voices in academia. These bills seek to silence any remaining voices resisting the government’s policies of occupation and war. This marks another step in the fascist agenda to suppress any real opposition to the extreme right. Heads of universities, professors, and students recognize the danger of such legislation and are voicing their opposition.

On past week, the Knesset plenum, in a preliminary reading, passed a proposed law that would amend the Students Rights Law, allowing most Israeli higher education institutions to implement gender separation. MK Son Har-Melech proposed the law, which 55 members of the Knesset (MKs) supported and 45 MKs opposed.

13.12.2024 - 20:49 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist Minister Ben Gvir Wants to Deport Hadash MK Ayman Odeh

Calling Odeh the “representative of the terrorists in the Knesset,” Ben Gvir posts a video of the lawmaker’s remarks and quips that soon legislation allowing for the deportation of the families of terrorists “will soon also apply to you.”

Latterly, Odeh published on X, “Ben Gvir, you are a disgusting liar. The only convicted supporter of terrorism in the Knesset is you. My terrible shock and condemnation of the murder of innocent people on October 7 was sharp and clear, and unlike you, I also support the families of the hostages in Gaza and their demand to put an end to the war. These are my positions throughout the war. And unlike you, I do not differentiate between blood and blood, between child and child, and do not support the supremacy of a people, but equality between peoples. So, to the question of which of us represents the interests of all citizens in the country, the answer seems to be clear.”

25.11.2024 - 00:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Ministers back bill to privatize Kan public broadcaster, call for Haaretz boycott

Only hours after the cabinet voted unanimously on Sunday to support a boycott of the left-wing Haaretz daily, the Ministerial Committee on Legislation gave its backing to a bill mandating the privatization of the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation within two years, effectively closing down the public broadcaster.

The private member’s bill, sponsored by Likud MK Tally Gotliv, would require the government to issue a tender for the purchase of the television and radio networks controlled by the IPBC, which operates the Kan public broadcaster and Reshet Bet radio, among others.

25.11.2024 - 00:28 [ Associated Press ]

Israel cracks down on Palestinian citizens who speak out against the war in Gaza

Ahmed Khalefa’s life turned upside down after he was charged with inciting terrorism for chanting in solidarity with Gaza at an anti-war protest in October 2023.

The lawyer and city counselor from central Israel says he spent three difficult months in jail followed by six months detained in an apartment. It’s unclear when he’ll get a final verdict on his guilt or innocence. Until then, he’s forbidden from leaving his home from dusk to dawn.

08.11.2024 - 21:02 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel ]

Deportation of Families of Terrorists: Questions and Answers – On the night of November 7, 2024 the Knesset approved the Deportation of Families of Terrorists Law, 5785-2024.

The Knesset held a series of discussions about the proposed law. Professionals representing government ministries and the Knesset‘s legal counsel stated clearly that this is unconstitutional legislation that cannot be implemented, and if it reaches judicial review it will be revoked. Knesset members from right-wing parties nonetheless decided to advance it, though they are well aware that it is a populist bill not worth the paper it is written on, in order to set the stage for a confrontation between the Knesset, professional groups, and the Supreme Court.

What are the problems with the law? This is not a law at all: it is a populist pamphlet, which, like many other things this terrible Knesset is doing, is intended to mark Arab citizens and residents as disloyal, whose presence is contingent on containment.

08.11.2024 - 20:12 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Passes McCarthyistic Law Allowing Far-Right Government to Fire Teachers

The bill was attacked during the debate in the plenum by Hadash-Ta’al MK Ahmad Tibi, who retweeted a statement by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) arguing that its purpose was “to regulate the discourse in schools and to harm teachers whose statements and worldview do not coincide with those of the education minister and the political parties controlling the Education Ministry.”

“The purpose of the law is to threaten teachers and principals of Arab schools, to mark them and make them a target for surveillance and persecution,” the rights group stated, arguing that the tools already at its disposal before the current law were “adequate and sufficient.” “The law severely violates the rights to expression, employment and pedagogical autonomy of teachers and administrators,” it added. The teachers’ unions also opposed the bill.

02.11.2024 - 21:21 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Witch Hunt in Israel Against Peace Activists and Haaretz Editor

Israel’s Justice Minister Yariv Levin has announced Thursday, October 31, he’s pushing a bill to impose 20-year prison sentences on Israelis who advocate for sanctions against the country or its leaders. In other words: 20-year prison sentence for exercising freedom of speech in Israel.

The far-right government craziness in Israel is intensifying after a “Call for International Pressure,” initiated by Academy for Equality activists, was wide-world published last week and signed by over three thousands petitioners, including a group of leading Israeli academics, among them: Anat Matar, Smadar Ben-Natan, Moshé Behar, Tamir Sorek, Rafi Greenberg, Shira Klein, Lior Sternfeld, Ophira Gamliel, Hilla Dayan, Regev Nathansohn, Uri Hadar, Snait Gissis, Amalia Saar, Avishai Ehrlich, Efraim Davidi, Maya Rosenfeld, Avraham Oz, Ronnen Ben-Arie, Yael Berda, Anat Biletzki, Sivan Rajuan Shtang, Hannan Hever, Orly Lubin, Raz Chen-Morris, Hannah Safran, Revital Madar, Ilana Hairston, Amos Goldberg, Tamar Hager and Miriam Eliav-Feldon.

The petition stated, “We, Israeli citizens, living in Israel and abroad, are calling on the international community – the United Nations and its institutions, the United States, the European Union, the Arab League and all the countries of the world – to intervene immediately and apply every possible sanction… put real pressure on Israel for an immediate ceasefire.”

02.11.2024 - 20:58 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Advances Legislation to Disqualify Hadash and Arab Lawmakers

Among the acts that would be construed as support for terror would be visiting the family of an attack suspect.

According to the proposal sponsored by Likud MK Ofir Katz, a candidate can be banned by the Central Election Committee without needing the final approval of the High Court of Justice, as is currently required. The proposed law is at base to ban Hadash and Arab parties from participating in the election, as well as weaken the Supreme Court’s power to overturn the decision. Furthermore, since left-wing and Arab voters do not belong to the right-wing camp, blocking participation of Hadash and Arab parties will also benefit the current far-right governing coalition electorally and increase its chances to win the next election.

31.10.2024 - 12:12 [ Times of India / Youtube ]

Israel Parliament Fight: Ben-Gvir, Other Israeli Knesset Members Clash Over Deportation Bill

A Knesset committee session on a controversial bill that proposes deporting relatives of terrorists erupted into a heated altercation, involving shouting and personal insults. The session escalated after MK Ofer Cassif opposed the bill, leading to a tense exchange with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who labeled Cassif a “terrorist.”

31.10.2024 - 12:05 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Following Stormy Debate, Knesset Advances Bill to Expel Family Members of ‘Terrorists’

The bill would give authority to the interior minister, after holding an arraignment, to expel the family member “to the territory of the Gaza Strip, or a different expulsion destination, depending on the circumstances.” The expulsion would apply for seven to 15 years for an Israeli citizen and 10 to 20 years for a noncitizen. According to the bill, the Israel Police has “all of the authorities given to it by law, including the authority to enter any place, remove from it any person, and use reasonable force to do so.”

The debate before the vote was heated, as far-right MKs who supported the bill accused MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), who opposed the bill, of being a “terrorism supporter.” At one point, Knesset ushers had to physically stand between Cassif and MK Almog Cohen (Otzma Yehudit) who brutally attacked the Communist lawmaker.

As Cassif entered the hearing, a woman told the Cassif that he should be “ashamed of his position,” and far-right lawmakers began shouting at Cassif, with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir calling him a “terrorist.” As Cassif addressed the committee, which he called a “gathering of fascists,” lawmakers screamed at him to leave and called on chairman Ofir Katz (Likud) to have him removed from the room. “Lucky you didn’t bring your pager,” one MK quipped, referring to the mass attack attributed to Israel that saw thousands of Hezbollah pagers explode on the men carrying them.”

29.09.2024 - 19:46 [ Akademie der Künste ]

Zur geplanten Resolution zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland – Ein Appell

Die öffentlich gewordene Fassung der geplanten Resolution „Nie wieder ist jetzt: Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland schützen, bewahren und stärken“ erfüllt uns jedoch mit großer Sorge. Nach ersten juristischen Einschätzungen kollidiert sie mit dem Grundgesetz, bringt eine mannigfaltige Rechtsunsicherheit, zweifelhafte Praktikabilität und die Gefahr der Diskriminierung mit sich. Durch die autoritative Verwendung der sehr weitreichenden und gleichzeitig unscharfen IHRA-Arbeitsdefinition als Regulierungsinstrument, sowie durch die unklare Frage faktischer Bindung einer Bundestags-Resolution, droht sie enorme Verunsicherung mit sich zu bringen und zum Verstummen jener Stimmen zu führen, die durch entsprechende Ansätze geschützt werden sollen. Ein immenser Schaden für unsere Demokratie wäre die Folge. Doch der Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus gebührt eine Resolution, die mit der demokratisch freiheitlichen Grundordnung in Einklang steht.

29.09.2024 - 19:30 [ Dorthe Engelcke / Middle East Eye ]

Germany‘s weaponised fight against antisemitism is eroding democracy

Civil society groups, artists and academics, myself included, have criticised the draft resolution in an open letter. We are particularly worried about the threat it presents to freedom of speech, alongside academic and artistic freedoms, while failing to achieve the goal it rightly sets itself.

The draft resolution recommends adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s definition of antisemitism as the standard for evaluating state funding requests and determining whether a project is antisemitic.

21.04.2024 - 09:20 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Verfassungswidriger Ausnahmezustand, Gewaltenteilung außer Kraft, Staat will Repression noch eskalieren

(24. August 2020)

Da der Staat, sein auf die Bevölkerung losgelassener geheimdienstlicher Komplex und dessen eingebettete Contralinke auf der Suche nach Ketzern alias “Verschwörungstheoretiker”, nur noch daran interessiert erscheinen alle einzukassieren und zu kriminalisieren, die sich diesen Staatsstreich nicht gefallen lassen, hier für die bereits Geblitzdingsten in der Republik eine Gegenmaßnahme – zur Erinnerung an die fundamentalsten Dinge, die sie gerade versuchen zu verdrängen.

1. Ist der vor fünf Monaten vom Staat unter Anglizismen-Blödelei (“Lockdown”, “Social Distancing”) ausgerufene Ausnahmezustand verfassungsgemäß?



2. Ist die Gewaltenteilung, wie vom Grundgesetz dem Staat diktiert, in Deutschland derzeit in Kraft?


Abgesehen von der bereits erwähnten Kollaboration des Bundesverfassungsgerichts mit dem Ausnahmezustand durch Verschleppung der Verfassungsklagen – redet noch irgendjemand außer Radio Utopie vom Parlament? Wo ist dieser Sauhaufen überhaupt, in der “Krise”, die die gesamte Gesellschaft lähmt und ihrer Verfassungsrechte beraubt?

Er ist im Urlaub!


Das Parlament kontrolliert die Regierung. Das nennt man parlamentarische Demokratie.

Die Regierung hat lediglich die Kompetenz Gesetze umzusetzen, nicht mit Verordnungen um sich zu schmeissen und gleich die ganze Demokratie außer Kraft zu setzen.

Das “Robert Koch Institut” ist eine Regierungsbehörde. Eine Re-gier-ungs-be-hör-de.

Hat der Bundestag oder dessen “Ausschuss für Gesundheit”, von dem Sie nie gehört haben, zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt die Angaben der Regierungsbehörde “Robert Koch Institut” kontrolliert?

Sind innerhalb des gesamten fünfmonatigen Ausnahmezustands, oder gar vorher, die gewählten Abgeordneten des Parlaments auch nur ein einziges Mal bei dieser zu drei heiligen Buchstaben aus dem Morgenlande geronnenen Behörde aufgetaucht und haben irgendetwas, auch nur eine der auserwählten Zahlen denen sich diese Bananenrepublik zu Füßen geworfen hat, tatsächlich überprüft? Haben sie kontrolliert, woher dieses ganze neue Zahlentestament überhaupt stammt, wer es zusammengezählt oder einfach erzählt hat? Haben sie Akten studiert, Datenbanken durchforstet, vor Ort, so als ginge es für sie um einen Steuernachlass von 500 Euro wegen eines neuen, potentiell absetzbaren Smart Devices in ihrer 7-Zimmer-Villa, also praktisch um ihr Leben?


21.04.2024 - 09:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Coronavirus: Einen kleinen Staatsstreich spielen

(21. März 2020)

Man darf nun spekulieren, dass morgen explizit Kretschmann alles daran setzen wird, der vom üblichen Verdächtigen Schäuble (Rückblick: “Einmal einkaufen, schon ´ne Grundgesetzänderung“) betriebenen Verfassungsänderung zuzuarbeiten. Wenn das, zumindest vorläufig, wieder nicht gelingt, wie beim Versuch Schäubles im Bundestag, wird versucht werden das Infektionsschutzgesetz so zu verändern, dass es zumindest die bisherigen staatlichen Maßnahmen im Nachhinein legalisiert und, aus staatlicher Sicht, “bestenfalls” der Bundesregierung erlaubt, demnächst nach eigenem Ermessen zu bestimmen wann sie Bevölkerung und Parlament gnädig gestattet sich zu versammeln, zu arbeiten, oder aus dem Haus zu gehen.

Und das nennt man dann einen Putsch.

08.04.2024 - 19:15 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu’s judicial ‘reform’ threatens to bulldoze the Declaration of Independence

(21 February 2023)

Our Declaration of Independence promises that the State of Israel “will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture…”

As of today, those foundational commitments and guarantees are under direct and tangible threat, from the very government charged with upholding them.

28.01.2024 - 16:34 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Generalstreik und Massenproteste in Argentinien gegen Präsident Milei

Hunderttausende Menschen haben am Mittwoch in ganz Argentinien gegen die Politik der Regierung und des Präsidenten Javier Milei sowie dessen „Notstandsdekrete“ protestiert. Gleichzeitig galt ein bis Mitternacht andauernder zwölfstündiger Generalstreik im ganzen Land. Zahlreiche Gewerkschaften und weitere zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen bezeugten weltweit ihre Solidarität mit den Protesten. Von Christian Dürr.

02.01.2024 - 19:52 [ Haaretz ]

Decisive Majority of Israel‘s High Court Justices Declares Netanyahu‘s Judicial Coup Dead

The warnings against a razor-thin vote, which would tear the people apart in a time of war, turned out to be mendacious manipulation. Netanyahu is more interested in the next decision: the law preventing the attorney general from declaring him unfit for office

01.01.2024 - 19:46 [ ]

Israel: Oberstes Gericht kippt Kernelement von Justizreform

Die von der Regierung seit ihrer Vereidigung vor einem Jahr massiv vorangetriebene Justizreform hatte die israelische Gesellschaft tief gespalten. Über Monate gingen immer wieder Hunderttausende von Menschen auf die Straße, um dagegen zu protestieren – sie sahen im Vorgehen der Regierung eine Gefahr für Israels Demokratie.

Netanyahus Regierung argumentierte dagegen, das Gericht sei in Israel zu mächtig, man wolle lediglich ein Gleichgewicht wiederherstellen.

01.01.2024 - 18:28 [ ]

Israel: High Court strikes down law repealing the ‚reasonableness standard,‘ a key plank of the govt‘s judicial reform

The reasonableness law, an amendment to Basic Law: The Judiciary, prohibits courts, including the High Court, from reviewing government and ministerial decisions using the „reasonableness“ standard. This standard permits the court to annul decisions based on substantive issues with the considerations behind them.

It was passed last year amid furious protests that saw hundreds of thousands Israelis take to rallies in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and elsewhere across Israel.

01.01.2024 - 18:11 [ ]

Israeli Supreme Court strikes down Bibi‘s controversial judicial overhaul law

– Twelve out of 15 Supreme Court judges ruled that the court has the authority to conduct judicial oversight on basic laws and intervene in extreme cases when the Knesset oversteps its legislative authority.

– The law was the first piece of legislation of Netanyahu‘s judicial overhaul — a plan that destabilized Israel‘s economy, military and foreign relations.

The Supreme Court struck down the law in an 8-7 vote.

01.01.2024 - 18:04 [ Times of Israel ]

In historic 1st, High Court strikes down Basic Law amendment, voiding reasonableness law

Twelve of the 15 justices agree the court does have the authority to strike down Basic Laws.

01.01.2024 - 17:33 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Strap in, everybody: Israel‘s Supreme Court announces it will issue its ruling on Netanyahu‘s cancellation of the Reasonableness Law at 18:45, in less than an hour.

(38 min ago)

01.01.2024 - 17:15 [ Times of Israel ]

High Court to strike down reasonableness law in ruling tonight, reports say

Hebrew media outlets report that the High Court of Justice will publish its ruling on the government’s “reasonableness law” this evening and that it will strike down the controversial legislation, which is an amendment to Basic Law: The Judiciary.

This would be the first time the court strikes down any aspect of one of Israel’s Basic Laws, which have quasi-constitutional status.

01.01.2024 - 17:07 [ Times of Israel ]

Shas set to push law allowing High Court to delay reasonableness ruling

Lawmakers from the Shas coalition party are reportedly seeking to advance a bill that would temporarily extend the time in which High Court justices can publish rulings on petitions, allowing the bench to postpone a decision that is widely expected to strike down a piece of the government’s judicial overhaul.

In an unprecedented leak, a draft ruling published last week previewed the court’s intention to strike down, by an 8-7 vote, a law limiting the court’s ability to reverse government and ministerial decisions based on the doctrine of reasonableness.

29.12.2023 - 04:55 [ New York Magazine ]

What Israel Lost Before October 7 – The worst year in the country’s history began with Netanyahu’s return to power.

Owing to the massive demonstrations that drew hundreds of thousands of Israelis into the streets, Netanyahu succeeded in passing only one law, aimed at neutering the highest court’s powers of judicial review. After a delay caused by the war, Israel’s supreme court is scheduled to hear petitions against this law in January. The protests “saved Israel,” Peled Nakash said. “We were the nation’s safety net.”

A lieutenant commander in the naval reserves, Peled Nakash was one of hundreds of senior officers who announced they would refuse to serve if Israel ceased to be a democracy — all of whom reported for duty when called after October 7. Her group, Brothers and Sisters in Arms, vociferously denounced Netanyahu for risking Israeli security by dividing society so deeply.

29.12.2023 - 04:12 [ ]

Israeli Court Decries ‘Leaks’ of Ruling on Netanyahu’s Legal Overhaul

“The judiciary views very severely the leak of parts of draft rulings that have not been completed,” acting Supreme Court President Uzi Vogelman said of the leak. “The attempt to influence pending proceedings and to harm public trust in the judiciary and its dedicated judges and employees will not succeed.” The final ruling is expected to arrive midway through January.

28.12.2023 - 16:52 [ Times of Israel ]

Bombshell leaked draft ruling shows High Court set to nix key judicial overhaul law

The report drew immediate, heated reactions, with coalition members chastising the expected decision and casting it as undermining the national unity being displayed during the ongoing war against Hamas. The group that petitioned for the law to be nullified claimed the leak was an attempt to intimidate the justices and push them to change their ruling and not void the legislation.

28.12.2023 - 16:41 [ ]

Israeli High Court poised to strike down judicial ‚reasonableness‘ clause

The leaked draft revealed an apparent 8-7 split among the 15-justice panel, indicating eight justices in favor of annulling the law and seven against

28.12.2023 - 16:29 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Israeli High Court Justices Poised to Nullify Key Judicial Coup Law Passed Last Summer

The justices who reportedly support the nullification are: former president Esther Hayut, current care-taker president Uzi Vogelman, Isaac Amit, Anat Baron, Ofer Grosskopf, Chaled Kabub, Daphne Barak-Erez and Ruth Ronnen.

The opponents are reported to be Noam Sohlberg, Yechiel Meir Kasher, Yosef Elron, Alex Stein, Yael Willner, David Mintz and Gila Canfy Steinitz.

28.12.2023 - 16:00 [ ]

Israeli High Court prepares to strike down Basic Law

Each judge will now read the opinions of the other justices before a final decision is reached. There is a chance, though slim, that the result will be different if a justice changes his or her mind after reading the other verdicts, Channel 12 reported.

07.11.2023 - 17:03 [ Haaretz ]

With Netanyahu‘s Coup in Full Swing, His Trial Is Stuttering. Not by Accident


The trial and the coup are now simultaneously underway, but while the first is lumbering along, the second is galloping forward. The hearings in the Jerusalem District Court will resume only after Passover. Until the judges return from their hiatus, the wings of the High Court of Justice might be clipped, the Judicial Appointments Committee might be under full control of the politicians, or Israel might be in the throes of a historic constitutional crisis.

16.10.2023 - 12:40 [ Haaretz ]

Likud Minister Formulates Emergency Regulations to Imprison Citizens Who ‚Harm National Morale‘

Communications Minister Karhi is promoting regulations that would allow him to direct police to arrest civilians, remove them from their homes, or seize their property if he believes they have spread information that could harm national morale or served as the basis for enemy propaganda

10.09.2023 - 15:42 [ Times of Israel ]

Judiciary vs executive: Israel’s branches of government set for unprecedented clash

Although the High Court has heard petitions against Basic Laws before, it has never heard a case against a law specifically designed to limit the High Court’s own powers, and the powers of the judiciary more broadly, nor has it done so amid such internal political turmoil over the balance of power between the branches of government.

Because of the extremely sensitive nature of the case and the highly explosive impact the court’s ruling may have, the entire bench of 15 High Court justices will hear the petitions, a judicial panel unprecedented in size in Israel’s history.

09.09.2023 - 18:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Government tells High Court nullifying ‘reasonableness’ law will result in ‘anarchy’

In its brief, the government argues that the court lacks statutory authority to annul Israel’s quasi-constitutional Basic Laws, and therefore any such verdict would be based on unlegislated and unclear “basic principles.”

“All government institutions may argue that they have the right to determine what these principles mean. It is a short path from here to anarchy,” the brief said

09.09.2023 - 18:22 [ Times of Israel ]

Masses expected at 36th week of anti-overhaul protests ahead of key court showdown

An unprecedented full 15-justice panel of the High Court is slated to hear the petitions against the law on September 12. A variety of government ministers and other figures have warned of the potential for chaos if the court strikes down the law passed by the Knesset to curb the court’s authority, setting up a potential constitutional crisis.

Demonstrations are to be held at dozens of locations across the country. The Tel Aviv protest begins with a march from Habima Square to the central rally at Kaplan Street at 8 p.m.

28.08.2023 - 23:55 [ Jerusalem Post ]

High Court hearings will be a battle for Israel‘s future – opinion

Just a month before she retires, Supreme Court President Esther Hayut will conduct the battle of her life, and the decision she presides over will shape the life of the entire nation.

The announcement of the government’s narrowing of the Reasonableness Standard was received by Hayut in Germany, where she was visiting along with a group of Supreme Court justices. They cut short the visit and returned to Israel.

22.08.2023 - 18:00 [ Times of Israel ]

High Court rejects government request to delay hearing on ‘reasonableness’ law

Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rothman, chair of the Knesset’s Consitution, Law and Justice Committee and a key architect of the judicial overhaul, said the court’s refusal to grant an extension was another example of why its powers need to be curbed.

“The High Court has no limits,” he tweeted. “I wanted with all my heart to believe the High Court is not deliberately striving to create a constitutional crisis as part of its war to preserve its excessive power, and at the cost of dragging the State of Israel into dysfunction.”

22.08.2023 - 17:03 [ ]

BVerfG, Beschluss des Ersten Senats vom 19. November 2021 – 1 BvR 781/21 -, Rn. 1-306,

Soweit die Beschwerdeführenden in den Verfahren 1 BvR 781/21 und 1 BvR 854/21 sich durch die Ausgangsbeschränkung nach § 28b Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 2 IfSG in ihrem Recht auf Freizügigkeit aus Art. 11 Abs. 1 GG verletzt sahen, genügt der bloße Vortrag, sich nachts nicht mehr frei im Bundesgebiet bewegen zu dürfen oder dass ein Eingriff in die Freizügigkeit „auf der Hand“ liege, den Begründungsanforderungen nicht. Insbesondere zeigen sie nicht anhand der verfassungsrechtlichen Maßstäbe (vgl. dazu BVerfGE 134, 242 <323 ff. Rn. 251 ff.>) auf, inwieweit die Freizügigkeit durch die angegriffene Maßnahme verletzt sein soll. Ebenso wenig genügt der pauschale Vortrag des Beschwerdeführers im Verfahren 1 BvR 854/21, eine Verletzung der Versammlungsfreiheit (Art. 8 GG) durch die Ausgangsbeschränkungen liege „auf der Hand“. Auch der Beschwerdeführer zu 3) im Verfahren 1 BvR 805/21 zeigt, soweit es ihm um die Möglichkeit des Fotografierens bei Dämmerung und Dunkelheit geht, eine mögliche Verletzung der Kunstfreiheit (Art. 5 Abs. 3 GG) durch § 28b Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 2 IfSG nicht substantiiert auf.

Im Verfahren 1 BvR 798/21 genügt die Verfassungsbeschwerde den Darlegungsanforderungen nicht, soweit eine Verletzung der körperlichen Unversehrtheit (Art. 2 Abs. 2 Satz 1 GG), des Gleichheitsgrundsatzes (Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG) und der Menschenwürde (Art. 1 Abs. 1 GG) des Beschwerdeführers gerügt wird. Der Beschwerdeführer zeigt nicht auf, dass der täglich verbleibende Zeitraum von 19 Stunden für sportliche Betätigung im Freien nicht ausreicht, um diesen für die gesundheitsförderlichen Effekte des Sports zu nutzen.


aa) Der eine Einschränkung der Fortbewegungsfreiheit „durch Gesetz“ nicht enthaltende Wortlaut der Schrankenregelungen in Art. 2 Abs. 2 Satz 3 und Art. 104 Abs. 1 Satz 1 GG könnte nahelegen, dass dem parlamentarischen Gesetzgeber Eingriffe in dieses Freiheitsrecht unmittelbar durch Gesetz nicht zugänglich sind. Zwingend ist dieses Verständnis des Wortlauts aber nicht. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat der weitgehend gleichlautenden Schrankenausgestaltung in Art. 10 Abs. 2 Satz 1 GG keine solche Bedeutung zugemessen und einen Eingriff in Art. 10 Abs. 1 GG unmittelbar durch Gesetz für damit vereinbar gehalten (vgl. BVerfGE 125, 260 <313>).

Aus der Entstehungsgeschichte ergibt sich kein klares Bild zu der Frage, ob aus der allein Eingriffe „aufgrund eines Gesetzes“ gestattenden Schrankenregelung ein Verwaltungsvorbehalt folgt (vgl. Bumke, Der Grundrechtsvorbehalt, 1998, S. 199). Bei Berücksichtigung der Entstehungsgeschichte der Grundrechtsschranken im Parlamentarischen Rat kann dem Wortlaut der entsprechenden Schrankenausgestaltung ebenfalls kein starkes Gewicht zukommen. Es fehlte an einem System der verschiedenen Schrankenregelungen in dem Sinne, dass Gehalt und Wirkungen des Verfassungstextes bei gleicher sprachlicher Fassung jeweils gleich zu verstehen wären und umgekehrt (vgl. Hermes, in: Merten/Papier, HGRe, Bd. III, 2009, § 63 Rn. 3). Erwägungen des Redaktionsausschusses des Parlamentarischen Rates zur Schrankengestaltung, man bevorzuge die Formulierung „auf Grund eines Gesetzes“, weil bei der Wendung „durch Gesetz“ Beschränkungen nur durch ein Gesetz angeordnet werden könnten und eine gesetzliche Ermächtigung einer Behörde ausgeschlossen sei (Deutscher Bundestag und Bundesarchiv , Der Parlamentarische Rat 1948-1949, Band 7 – Entwürfe zum Grundgesetz, 1995, S. 211 f.), lassen sich vielmehr dahin verstehen, dass bei der Formulierung „auf Grund eines Gesetzes“ der gesetzesunmittelbare wie auch der durch die Verwaltung vermittelte Eingriff als möglich erachtet wurde, aber nicht umgekehrt die Legislative von der unmittelbaren Regelung ausgeschlossen sein sollte.


Die prozeduralen und materiellen Sicherungen des Art. 104 Abs. 1 GG sind in den Fällen erforderlich, in denen die staatliche Gewalt unmittelbaren körperlichen Zugriff auf eine Person hat. Da nunmehr aber auch gesetzliche Maßnahmen, die für sich genommen niemals körperliche Zwangswirkung zu entfalten vermögen, als Eingriffe gelten können, wenn von ihnen dem körperlichen Zwang ähnliche Wirkungen ausgehen (oben Rn. 246), hat dies Konsequenzen für das Verständnis des Schrankenvorbehalts. Nichts spricht dafür, dass Art. 2 Abs. 2 Satz 2 und Art. 104 Abs. 1 GG nach ihrem Zweck gegenüber dem Gesetzgeber ein absolutes, uneinschränkbares Recht begründen soll. Wird der Gesetzgeber selbst unmittelbar an dieses Grundrecht gebunden, muss er umgekehrt auch von der vorgesehenen Beschränkungsmöglichkeit Gebrauch machen können. Der Schrankenvorbehalt steht dem nicht entgegen. Bei Eingriffen in die Fortbewegungsfreiheit unmittelbar durch Gesetz droht kein mit dem Schutzzweck der Schranken unvereinbarer Verlust an Rechtsschutz. Die gesetzliche Anordnung des Freiheitseingriffs schafft keine Lage, die die Schutzmechanismen des Art. 104 Abs. 1 Satz 1 zweiter Halbsatz und Satz 2 GG auslösen müsste. Teleologische Gründe sprechen daher bei einem erweiterten Eingriffsverständnis dagegen, die Schrankenregelungen in Art. 2 Abs. 2 Satz 3 und Art. 104 Abs. 1 Satz 1 GG kompetenziell als Verwaltungsvorbehalt auszulegen.


Umfassende Ausgangsbeschränkungen kommen nur in einer äußersten Gefahrenlage in Betracht. Hier war die Entscheidung des Gesetzgebers für die hier angegriffenen Maßnahmen in der konkreten Situation der Pandemie und nach den auch in diesen Verfahren durch die sachkundigen Dritten bestätigten Erkenntnissen zu den Wirkungen der Maßnahmen und zu den großen Gefahren für Leben und Gesundheit tragfähig begründet und mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar.

Die Entscheidung ist einstimmig ergangen.


14.08.2023 - 16:15 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Pro-democracy Protest Leaders Gather Forces Ahead of Key High Court Hearings

Pro-democracy protesters are expected to gather in the coming week near the northern moshav of Ramot during the Netanyahu couple‘s planned vacation in the area. Another demonstration is expected at the launching of central Israel‘s Gush Dan region light rail system, as well as continued preparations for the possibility of a general strike by Israel‘s largest trade union, major corporations and the academy in the event of a judicial clash between the government and the High Court.

09.08.2023 - 13:25 [ Haaretz ]

38 Human Rights Orgs Petition High Court to Strike Down Judicial Overhaul Law

The petition was signed, among others, by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Aguda for LGBT rights, Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, Kav LaOved for disadvantaged workers, The Association for Ethiopian Jews, and the Adalah organization for Arab minority rights in Israel.

Several petitions against the law have already been filed, among else by the Israel Bar Association, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the Civic-Democratic organization and the Darkenu organization.

Additionally, private individuals, including military personnel, former Knesset members, and social activists, have submitted petitions against the law.

09.08.2023 - 12:05 [ Washington Post ]

Why Israel Is Bitterly Split Over a Judiciary Overhaul

(August 8, 2023 at 10:09 a.m. EDT)

4. What else is planned?

• Changing the way judges are chosen. Currently, Supreme Court justices are selected by a committee made up of two ministers, two lawmakers (one of whom is traditionally from the opposition), two members of the bar association and three justices. The government wants to increase the role of politicians in picking judges but the details are still being debated. Some suggestions are to shift the balance of legal professionals and politicians on the committee, others to remove the judges and bar members entirely, replacing them with a mix of coalition and opposition politicians. Netanyahu says he will seek consensus and will wait till November before making his next move.

09.08.2023 - 10:59 [ ]

Netanyahu attempting to deter justices, judicial officials say

(August 7, 2023 / 23:03)

Officials in Israel‘s legal system said on Monday that they heard a threat from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he said he would complete legislation to change the way judges are selected after a bill already making its way through the Knesset requires only a final vote.

The panel for selecting judges now comprises three Supreme Court justices, two Cabinet ministers, two parliamentarians and two lawyers. A vote of at least 7-2 is required to approve an appointment, a threshold designed to encourage compromise.

08.08.2023 - 13:55 [ Institute for National Security Studies - ]

Normalization for Proliferation? The Saudi Nuclear Strategy and the Price of Peace with Israel

(March 19, 2023)

In general, the Saudis wish to present themselves as Iran’s equals, and if Iran can enrich uranium, say the Saudis, then so can we. In addition, the Saudis want to keep all their nuclear options open, even if they are not intending to work on the development of nuclear weapons immediately.

08.08.2023 - 13:39 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s government to back Biden in bid to win Senate support for Saudi pact

Recently, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, after stops in Riyadh and Jerusalem and voicing strong support for Saudi-Israel normalization, said that he would support the Biden administration plan to meet Saudi prerequisites, culminating in Saudi Arabia formally acknowledging Israel.

Beyond a defense pact, the Saudis also have raised requests with the US for civilian nuclear capabilities, advanced weaponry, and beyond. Israeli agreement would be crucial for these components. Historically, Israel has been wary, particularly regarding the nuclear aspect

08.08.2023 - 13:33 [ ]

Jeffries tells Netanyahu that he hopes the PM will seek a broad consensus on judicial reform

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Jerusalem on Monday that he hoped the current government would seek “a broad consensus across the ideological spectrum” before any further changes are made relating to its plans to overhaul the country’s judiciary.

08.08.2023 - 13:29 [ ]

Jeffries: US support for Israel above judicial reform

US House of Representatives Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said on Monday in Jerusalem that judicial reform should have no bearing on American military support for Israel.

Speaking to Israeli journalists about the divisive domestic debate regarding the ruling coalition‘s legislative initiative, the New York lawmaker expressed the importance of maintaining Israel‘s qualitative military edge „regardless of where Israel lands in terms of the judicial reform effort.“

07.08.2023 - 10:20 [ ]

Israel’s High Court sets new hearing on law shielding PM Netanyahu

The first hearing was held on Thursday. The court was presented with arguments by the law’s critics, who fear that the amendment was designed to personally protect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from potential impeachment as he is facing several corruption cases.

The justices instructed the state to respond to these arguments and scheduled a follow-up hearing for September 28. According to the court’s statement, the case will be heard by an expanded panel of 11 justices, up from three justices.

04.08.2023 - 18:28 [ Times of Israel ]

High Court calls PM recusal law ‘clearly personal,’ indicates it may intervene

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut observed that the “fingerprints” of a plan designed to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from being ordered to recuse himself were “very clear,” while her fellow panel member Justice Uzi Vogelman said simply that “the fact is the law is personal.”

The court’s three most senior justices presided over Thursday’s five-hour hearing, in a case in which, for the first time ever, the attorney general has joined petitioners in asking for a Basic Law to be canceled.

04.08.2023 - 18:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Mafioso Ministers Gave Israelis a Foretaste of Tyranny

When cabinet ministers, under the leadership and guidance of the prime minister and justice minister, two human demons who have taken over the state, insult and denounce the High Court of Justice merely for hearing petitions (which it could end up rejecting), Israel can no longer be seen as a democratic, liberal state. Nor is it Jewish, because what Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir and Eliyahu and Strock represent is not Judaism. It is messianism, racism and degradation.

04.08.2023 - 09:14 [ Haaretz ]

Crisis, Coup, Dictatorship? Netanyahu‘s Assault on Israel‘s Democracy, the Protest Movement and What’s Next

Suiting the unprecedented times, all 15 justices of the Supreme Court will sit in September to decide the fate of the law. All eyes will be on the court in Jerusalem, not least those of Israel’s extraordinary pro-democracy protest movement, which has vowed to protect the rule of law, while the prime minister serially refuses to state for the record that he will commit to the court’s ruling.

Beyond Israel’s borders, the world is watching this momentous battle against illiberalism and autocracy, whether as inspiration or as a portent for their own societies.

01.08.2023 - 09:19 [ ]

Netanyahu still not committing to abiding by Supreme Court ruling

Netanyahu, who has refused to answer questions from the Israeli media has been giving interviews to American Networks. „I think we have to follow two rules. One is that Israeli governments abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court and the at the same time the Supreme Court respects the basic laws which are the closes thing we have to a constitution. I think we should keep both principles.“

01.08.2023 - 09:06 [ ]

Israel: Oberster Gerichtshof plant Anhörung zu Justizreform

Der Staat Israel hat keine Verfassung und fußt dagegen auf einer Sammlung von Grundgesetzen.

Bei der im Parlament beschlossenen Abschaffung des sogenannten Angemessenheitsstandards handelt es sich um eine Änderung eines dieser Grundgesetze. In Israels Geschichte wurde bisher noch nie ein vergleichbares Gesetz vom Obersten Gericht einkassiert. Sollte dies nun geschehen und die Regierung die Entscheidung nicht akzeptieren, droht dem Land eine Staatskrise.

01.08.2023 - 09:04 [ Haaretz ]

In First, All 15 of Israel’s Supreme Court Justices Will Hear Petitions on Judicial Coup Law Curbing Its Power

After the abolishment of the reasonableness clause last week, the High Court did not issue an interim injunction to freeze the amendment to the law. According to Justice David Mintz’s decision, the hearing will take place after the court’s recess, before the departure of Justices Hayut and Anat Baron, who are considered liberal judges, in October.

It was also decided that the government and the Knesset will submit their responses to the petitions up to ten days before the hearing.

29.07.2023 - 06:45 [ ]

Netanyahu: Supreme Court striking down Reasonableness bill ‚uncharted territory‘

„We had to put Israeli democracy back on an equal footing with other democracies. The essence of democracy is the balance between the will of the majority and the rights of the minority. This balance has been violated over the last 20 years, because we have the most activist court on the planet,“ Netanyahu declared.

He also referred to the „internal debate going on right now in the United States about the powers of the Supreme Court, about whether it‘s abusing its powers, whether they should be curtailed.“

29.07.2023 - 06:38 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu won’t commit to abiding by ruling if Supreme Court blocks controversial law

(Fri July 28)

“What you’re talking about is a situation, or potential situation, where in American terms, the United States’ Supreme Court would take a constitutional amendment and say that it’s unconstitutional, Netanyahu said. “That’s the kind of the kind of spiral that you’re talking about, and I hope we don’t get to that.”

The so-called “reasonableness” law is an amendment to one of Israel’s Basic Laws, which exist in place of a formal constitution.

26.07.2023 - 15:07 [ CNN ]

Israel’s Supreme Court says it will not block law that limits its power – for now

The so-called reasonableness law, part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to weaken the judiciary, has now entered into force.

26.07.2023 - 14:52 [ ]

Supreme Court won‘t stop first phase of judicial reform

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court will discuss the lack of meetings by the Judicial Selection Committee in September.

26.07.2023 - 12:05 [ Haaretz ]

The Next Step in Netanyahu‘s Legal Coup Will Make Every Minister an Emperor


Thanks to a law that Israel inherited from the British Mandate dictatorship, the interior minister holds the power to disband a municipality. The minister is barred from using it in the year preceding local elections. But once those elections are over later this year, this government can depose as many mayors and local and regional council heads as it wants. It can eliminate city council members and replace them with government loyalists.

The interior minister can easily find a pretext for “faulty performance” in any locale. And what will the deposed mayors do then? The Supreme Court will be unable to deem the decision to fire them “unreasonable,” because this standard will no longer be available.

26.07.2023 - 12:00 [ New York Times ]

In Israel, the Worst May Be Yet to Come


The new law certainly does damage to Israel’s democracy — for example, it opens the door to corruption — but whether the court will determine it denies the democratic nature of the state is very much an open question.

A more plausible scenario is that the Supreme Court will wait it out to see if other components of the proposed overhaul will pass, especially those dealing with judicial appointments, weakening the independence of legal counsels within government ministries, and limits on judicial review of legislation.

25.07.2023 - 22:31 [ Times of Israel ]

Attorney general asks High Court to strike down law shielding Netanyahu from recusal

The bill, she pointed out, was submitted to the Knesset just days after the petitions were filed against Netanyahu, and observed that just hours after the legislation was passed into law the prime minister announced he was directly involving himself in the judicial overhaul agenda.

As such, it was designed specifically to allow Netanyahu to evade the conflict of interests agreement he signed back in 2020 which was authorized by the High Court, in order to allow him to continue serving as prime minister.

25.07.2023 - 21:51 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s AG Objects to Law Preventing Netanyahu From Being Declared Unfit for Office

The conflict of interest agreement, signed in 2020, states that Netanyahu has conflicts of interest concerning appointments in the law enforcement system, given his trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. This means Netanyahu is barred from making judicial appointments, or getting involved in legislative matters that may impact his ongoing trial. Netanyahu signed the arrangement three years ago when then-attorney general Avichai Mandelblit drew up the arrangement to prevent Netanyahu from being declared unfit for office.

After passing the law, Netanyahu publicly stated that he would not stop his judicial overhaul and would be directly involved in the process despite the conflict of interest agreement.

25.07.2023 - 21:43 [ Haaretz ]

High Court Must Decide if It Will Defend the Last Embers of Israeli Democracy or Help It Commit Suicide

Such a nightmarish spectacle had never been seen in Israel: The president, the prime minister, the chairman of the opposition and the head of the country‘s largest labor federation were trading proposals on the issue of judicial review as if they were cryptocurrency.

25.07.2023 - 13:27 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Medical Association Begins 24-hour Strike Over Judicial Overhaul

Israel‘s Medical Association began a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, after the Netanyahu-led coalition passed a controversial bill revoking the Supreme Court‘s authority to overturn government decisions deemed unreasonable on Monday afternoon.

As a result of the strike, hospitals across Israel are operating in „Shabbat mode,“ or on a weekend schedule, which includes emergency care only.

24.07.2023 - 21:29 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel Medical Association announces 24-hour strike over reasonableness law

The Israel Medical Association has announced it will hold a 24-hour strike starting tomorrow, in response to the passage of the reasonableness law.

24.07.2023 - 21:12 [ Times of Israel ]

Top enforcement official tells TV: Country lost democracy due to PM’s trial

Today, 8:33 pm

A top law enforcement official tells Channel 12 he believes the government’s aim in eliminating the reasonableness standard is now to appoint “a general prosecutor who is ‘one of ours.‘”

“It’s all about who will close [Netanyahu’s] criminal case,” the unnamed official says.

“This is what the country has lost its democracy for. Awful.”

24.07.2023 - 20:10 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Democratic Crisis: Can Israel‘s Supreme Court Disqualify the First Law of Netanyahu‘s Judicial Coup?

Until now, the High Court has never invalidated any Basic Law. Only “regular laws” that violate Basic Laws have been disqualified. Therefore, striking down the legislation passed Monday would be an unprecedented move.

24.07.2023 - 20:02 [ ]

Israel Bar Association petitioning Supreme Court to cancel reasonableness law if passed in Knesset

Bechar also announced that the Bar Association may cease providing services to its members as an act of protest against the “anti-democratic legislative process.” Bechar said that “a desire to harm the ability of the Court’s use of the reasonableness standard is a serious danger to Israeli democracy. The public has unequivocally directed us to act against attacks on democracy, and that is exactly what we intend to do.”

24.07.2023 - 18:37 [ ]

Police battle protesters blocking roads in Jerusalem after Knesset approves bill limiting Supreme Court

Tens of thousands of protesters are filling the Jerusalem streets in front of the Knesset building and blocked Begin highway, the main thoroughfare through Jerusalem, late Monday afternoon after the Knesset passed the first legislation as part of its judicial overhaul push, a law limiting the oversight power of the Supreme Court over the executive and legislative branches.