The acting president’s remarks come after a second warrant was issued last Tuesday, allowing the president to be detained for questioning about the martial law incident for up to 48 hours.
Archiv: International
CIO tells Defense Ministry, PSS not to impede next attempt to arrest Yoon
The letters were sent by the CIO two weeks after it obtained warrants to search the presidential residence in Yongsan District, central Seoul, and take Yoon into custody over his short-lived imposition of martial law on Dec. 3.
A CIO-led attempt to execute the warrant on Jan. 3 failed in the face of resistance from a combined force of 200 PSS and military personnel who blocked investigators and police from gaining access to the presidential residence.
Yoon will nicht zu erster Anhörung im Amtsenthebungsverfahren erscheinen
Nach dem Verfassungsgerichtsgesetz soll im Falle der Abwesenheit des Angeklagten ein neuer Termin festgelegt werden. Sollte er auch den neuen Termin versäumen, kann die Verhandlung ohne ihn laufen.
Who’s the traitor here?
(January 8, 2025)
Eighteen People Power Party (PPP) lawmakers who broke through police barricades to vote in favor of repealing martial law have since been labeled traitors. So too have the 12 alleged lawmakers who supported President Yoon‘s impeachment. Recently, acting President Choi Sang-mok faced similar accusations after appointing two Constitutional Court justices. But this raises a critical question: Who is betraying whom?
Without the actions of those 18 lawmakers, the PPP would remain tarnished by its complicity in shielding martial law. Without Choi’s decision, the impeachment trial could have descended into a legal quagmire, leaving the nation paralyzed.
Parents of soldiers irate over using sons as ‚human shield‘ to prevent Yoon‘s arrest
The Ministry of National Defense reportedly conveyed to the Presidential Security Service (PSS) on Jan. 3 that deploying the 55th Guard Corps to block the arrest was inappropriate. On Thursday, the PSS reportedly responded that it „understood“ the ministry’s position.
A ministry official said soldiers from the 55th Guard Corps would not be deployed again to obstruct similar attempts to execute the president’s arrest warrant. However, the ministry clarified that it was not considering withdrawing the battalion from its assignment under the PSS.
Supreme Court refuses to delay Trump’s hush money sentencing
Trump turned to the high court in a last-ditch effort to stop the hearing, citing the conservative majority’s explosive opinion in July that granted him and other former presidents immunity from criminal prosecution for their official acts.
But five of the nine justices said Trump’s immunity concerns about evidence presented at his trial can be addressed “in the ordinary course on appeal.”
Polizei lässt vor neuem Verhaftungsversuch gegen Yoon Kommandeure antreten
Es gab kritische Stimmen, nach denen beim ersten Versuch der Verhaftung von Yoon am 3. Januar zu wenig Personal im Einsatz gewesen sei. Demnach wird damit gerechnet, dass beim zweiten Versuch das Einsatzpersonal stark aufgestockt wird.
Yoons Verteidiger fordern Anklage oder Beantragung von Untersuchungshaftbefehl
(Update: 2025-01-08 15:45:31)
Die Verteidiger machten zugleich deutlich, dass sie nicht akzeptieren würden, sollte ein solcher Befehl beim Bezirksgericht Seoul West beantragt werden. Denn nicht dieses Gericht, sondern das Bezirksgericht Seoul Zentral sei das zuständige Gericht für das Büro für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO).
Gericht erlässt weiteren Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol
(Update: 2025-01-08 15:45:43)
Das Bezirksgericht Seoul West hat einem weiteren Antrag auf einen Haftbefehl gegen den suspendierten Präsidenten Yoon Suk Yeol stattgegeben.
Das Büro für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO) gab diese Bewilligung am Dienstag bekannt. Der erste Haftbefehl war am Vortag abgelaufen.
Justin Trudeau to step down as PM following Liberal leadership race
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is stepping down as Liberal leader, and is proroguing Parliament as the Liberal Party of Canada embarks on the journey to replace him.
In an historic announcement outside his official Rideau Cottage residence, Trudeau declared his intention to stay on as prime minister until a new leader is chosen.
Next Thursday in Berlin: A Meeting with Prominent Activists in the Anti-War Movement in Israel
A meeting with Reem Hazan and Sapir Sluzker-Amran, two prominent activists in the anti-war movement in Israel, who are fighting against Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza and advocating for an end to the occupation will be held in Germany next Thursday, January 9, 2025, 18:00 at Heiners Bar, Weserstraße 58, Berlin-Neukölln 12045.
In a conversation hosted by the Berlin-based group Israelis für Frieden (Israelis for Peace), Hazan and Sluzker-Amran will discuss the link between Israel’s current war crimes and the deep-rooted heritage of discrimination and oppression within Israeli society—targeting the Arab-Palestinian minority as well as Mizrahi Jews and other marginalized communities, and their analysis and experiences from the past 15 months of struggles against intense state violence and oppression within a public opinion that supports the war. In addition, they will share their perspectives on the situation and potential paths toward a future of equality and peace for both Palestinians and Israelis.
Yoon’s Lawyer: Yoon to Attend Constitutional Court Hearing to Testify
Under the Constitutional Court Act, the parties to the case must attend the oral argument sessions.
If one of the parties does not appear at the first session, the court will adjourn the trial and set a new date.
If the party does not appear on the second session as well, the trial can proceed without the party.
Controversy as Syria‘s de-facto ruler declines to shake hands with German FM Annalena Baerbock
Baerbock and her French counterpart Jean-Noel Barrot visited Syria in a sign of support for the transitional government, where they expressed willingness to help the war-torn country after Bashar al-Assad’s regime was toppled last month, making them the first European officials to do so.
Police and soldiers from Guatemala, El Salvador arrive for Haiti mission
The 83 security personnel included an advance team of eight soldiers from El Salvador and the first 75 of 150 military police officers from Guatemala.
While the Salvadorans will be providing casualty and medical evacuations in support of the Kenya-led Multinational Security Support mission, the Guatemalans will be joining operations to take down Haiti’s gangs.
Security Council welcomes five new non-permanent members
The Security Council on 2 January welcomed Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia as the five newly elected non-permanent members for the 2025–2026 term. (,,,)
The five newly elected countries will join Algeria, Guyana, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, and Slovenia as non-permanent members of the Council.
Trump Congratulates Mike Johnson For Winning House Speaker Vote
The election of a House speaker had largely been seen as a rubber stamp action in modern times, though former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., needed 15 rounds of voting held over multiple days to win his speakership in 2023, prior to his historic ousting later that year, ushering in Johnson’s speakership. In addition to Trump’s endorsement, Johnson captured another endorsement from Tesla chief and Trump ally Elon Musk.
South Korea acting president to move quickly to fill Constitutional Court vacancies amid political turmoil
(January 1, 2024)
The Yonhap News Agency evaluates that, despite one vacant seat in the Constitutional Court, the main obstacle to President Yoon Seok-yeol’s impeachment trial has been resolved, as the same eight judges who presided over the dismissal of former President Park Geun-hye in 2016 have been appointed.
According to Article 22 of the Korean Constitutional Court Act, the Constitutional Court requires the consent of six judges to cite the impeachment petition, and seven people to hear the case.
Investigators Fail to Arrest Yoon after Hourslong Standoff with Secret Service
The CIO told reporters that its investigators were confronted by around 200 secret service officials and troops, who formed a human wall some 200 meters ahead of Yoon’s residence.
A few CIO prosecutors were eventually allowed to approach the residence to present the arrest warrant to secret service chief Park Chong-jun around 10:10 a.m., but he denied access to the residence, citing presidential security regulations.
About 100 officials from the CIO and the police had been in the presidential compound during the standoff.
Vollstreckung von Haftbefehl gegen Yoon unterbrochen
Die Entscheidung traf das Büro für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO) am Freitagnachmittag.
Das CIO begründete die Entscheidung mit der fortgesetzten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Sicherheitsdienst des Präsidenten. Daher gehe das Büro davon aus, dass die Vollstreckung des Haftbefehls de facto unmöglich sei.
Wegen der Besorgnis über die Sicherheit der vor Ort eingesetzten Mitarbeiter stelle es die Vollstreckung ein, fuhr das Büro fort.
US-Außenminister Blinken wird am Sonntag zu Abschiedsbesuch in Südkorea erwartet
Einer diplomatischen Quelle zufolge wird Blinken am Montag zu einem Gespräch mit Außenminister Cho Tae-yul zusammenkommen.
Blinken wird dabei voraussichtlich das feste Bündnis zwischen Südkorea und den USA hervorheben. Er wird sich möglicherweise auch zur kurzzeitigen Verhängung des Kriegsrechts am 3. Dezember und der Demokratie in Südkorea äußern.
Gericht erlässt Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon
Es ist das erste Mal in der Verfassungsgeschichte Südkoreas, dass ein Haftbefehl gegen einen amtierenden Präsidenten erlassen wurde.
Das CIO wird voraussichtlich die Residenz von Präsident Yoon aufsuchen, um den Haftbefehl zu vollstrecken.
Poll: 68% of Israelis Dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s Far-Right Govt
(December 29, 2024)
A Channel 12 poll published on Friday, December 27, and held ahead of the far-right government’s two-year anniversary on Sunday finds that 68 percent of the public disapprove of its performance, as opposed to just 26% who approve and six percent who say they didn’t know.
In addition, according to this week’s Maariv poll if new Knesset elections were held today the opposition earned 72 seats, including six for Hadash-Ta’al. Survey respondents were asked for whom they would vote said Netanyahu’s Likud and the rest of the ruling coalition far-right parties emerged with a combined 48 seats, one fewer than last week. The coalition has 64 seats and therefore needs at least 13 more seats to form a government.
Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon beantragt
Das gemeinsame Ermittlungsteam des Büros für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO), der Polizei und des Verteidigungsministeriums teilte am Montag mit, um Mitternacht beim Bezirksgericht Seoul West einen Haftantrag gegen Yoon gestellt zu haben.
Es ist das erste Mal in der Verfassungsgeschichte Südkoreas, dass ein Haftbefehl gegen einen amtierenden Staatspräsidenten beantragt wurde.
Das CIO hatte zuvor Yoon wegen Hochverrats und Machtmissbrauchs im Zusammenhang mit der Verhängung des Kriegsrechts am 3. Dezember dreimal vorgeladen.
Parlament stimmt für Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Interimspräsident Han
Der Parlamentschef Woo Won-shik erklärte vor der Abstimmung, dass der Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Premierminister Han Duck-soo gemäß Artikel 65 Absatz 2 der Verfassung eine einfache Mehrheit der Abgeordneten erfordere.
Verfassungsgericht beendet erste vorbereitende Anhörung im Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Yoon
Das Richtergremium gab die Streitpunkte bekannt, die im Amtsenthebungsverfahren behandelt werden sollen. Dazu zählen die Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts am 3. Dezember und die Veröffentlichung der Proklamation Nummer 1 durch den Kriegsrechtskommandeur.
Weitere Streitpunkte sind die Blockade der Nationalversammlung durch die Mobilisierung des Militärs und der Polizei, die Behinderung der Aktivitäten des Parlaments, die Truppenmobilisierung sowie die Durchsuchung der Nationalen Wahlkommission ohne Durchsuchungsbefehl.
Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Han vor Plenum der Nationalversammlung vorgelegt
Die Demokratische Partei (DP) hat auf der Plenarsitzung der Nationalversammlung am Donnerstag über einen Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen den kommissarischen Präsidenten Han Duck-soo berichtet.
Dies erfolgte unmittelbar, nachdem Han öffentlich angekündigt hatte, die Ernennung neuer Richter am Verfassungsgericht zu verschieben, bis Regierungspartei und Opposition eine Einigung gefunden haben.
Polizei befragte Interimspräsident Han wegen Kriegsrechts-Verhängung
(December 20, 2024)
Ein für die Ermittlungen zur Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts am 3. Dezember zuständiges gemeinsames Team von drei Strafverfolgungsstellen hat mittlerweile den geschäftsführenden Präsidenten Han Duck-soo befragt.
Wie ein daran beteiligtes Sonderermittlungsteam der Polizei am Freitag bekannt gab, wurden bisher neun der zwölf Personen vernommen, die bei einer kurz vor der Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts abgehaltenen Kabinettssitzung anwesend gewesen waren.
Biden commutes most federal death row sentences to life in prison before Trump takes office
“President Biden has an opportunity to make history by addressing the racist and unjust federal death penalty system and keep an early campaign promise he made to the American people,” Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said this month after the ACLU and more than 130 other civil and human rights organizations sent Biden a letter urging him to commute the sentences of those on death row.
Scheidender US-Präsident Biden: 37 Todesurteile in Haftstrafen umgewandelt
Fortschritte in der Forensik sowie Enthüllungen über Justizirrtümer stellen die vermeintliche Schuld bereits hingerichteter Sträflinge infrage.
Gleichzeitig wird die Diskriminierung im Strafjustizsystem kritisiert – denn Studien zeigen, dass die Todesstrafe eher verhängt wird, wenn die Opfer weiß sind. Außerdem erhalten Schwarze bei ähnlichen Verbrechen oft härtere Strafen als Weiße. Auch die Qualität der Rechtsvertretung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle und führt oft zu Ungleichheiten.
Turkey, Allies Violate Extended Ceasefire With Syrian Kurds, Dozens Killed
Turkey and their allies, collectively known as the Syrian National Army (SNA), hold territory in Syria’s northeast, but have gained considerable influence having backed the Islamist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the takeover of most of the country. HTS officials are already suggesting that stamping out Kurdish separatists is a near-term goal, and that Turkish involvement in Syria’s reconstruction is a priority.
US officials have been trying to reassure the Kurds that they don’t face any immediate threats to existence from Turkey’s allies, despite Turkish officials saying the “elimination” of the SDF’s largest faction, the YPG, is their strategic goal.
No talk of ceasefire between Turkey and US-backed SDF in Syria, Turkey says
(December 19, 2024)
There is no talk of a ceasefire deal between Turkey and the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria, contrary to a U.S. announcement, a Turkish defence ministry official said on Thursday.
The State Department had said…
Verfassungsgericht hält erste Beratung zu Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Yoon ab
Das Verfassungsgericht hatte diesbezügliche Schriftstücke an Yoon übersandt, stieß jedoch wegen mangelnder Kooperation des Präsidialamtes auf Schwierigkeiten bei der Zustellung.
Unter anderem wurde der Amtsenthebungsbeschluss der Nationalversammlung per Post an das Präsidialamt gesendet. Der Empfang wurde jedoch mit der Begründung abgelehnt, dass der Empfänger nicht anwesend sei.
Trudeau faces frustrated MPs after Chrystia Freeland‘s shock resignation
This is just the latest challenge for Trudeau, who has endured a very tumultuous six months.
The party lost two federal byelections in formerly rock-solid Liberal ridings in Toronto and Montreal this summer.
He also faced a caucus revolt earlier this fall, when about 25 of his own MPs wrote to Trudeau demanding he resign to save the party from electoral ruin.
South Korea’s ruling party backs impeachment as president refuses to step down over martial law
The People Power Party (PPP) had initially refused to back impeachment, hoping instead Yoon would resign from office. But its leadership said attempts to persuade him had made no progress.
“We tried to find a better way than impeachment, but that other way is invalid,” party leader Han Dong-hoon said. “Suspending the president from his duties through impeachment is the only way for now, to defend democracy and the republic.”
Zweiter Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Yoon im Plenum des Parlaments vorgelegt
Für die Verabschiedung eines Amtsenthebungsantrags gegen einen Staatspräsidenten müssen wenigstens zwei Drittel der Abgeordneten dafür stimmen.
Das Oppositionslager verfügt über 192 der 300 Parlamentssitze. Sollten wenigstens acht PPP-Abgeordnete für den Antrag stimmen, wird der Antrag angenommen.
Bangladesh has assured action against perpetrators of violence concerning minorities, Foreign Secretary Misri tells parliamentary panel
It was the first high-level visit from India to Bangladesh since Sheikh Hasina was deposed as Prime Minister in August this year and since the interim government, led by Muhammad Yunus, assumed office.
There have been multiple attacks on Hindus and other minorities by extremist elements in Bangladesh. There also have been cases of arson and looting of minorities‘ homes and vandalism and desecration of deities and temples.
CPB, BSD concerned over incitement of sectarian unrest
The leaders of Communist Party of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Samajtantrik Dal- BSD on Wednesday expressed concern over provocation of sectarian unrest in the country.
They also expressed concern over the deteriorating law and order situation in several areas across the country.
Präsident Yoon lehnt in Fernsehansprache Rücktritt ab
Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hat einen Rücktritt abgelehnt.
Stattdessen wolle er bis zum Ende kämpfen, erklärte er in einer am Donnerstag im Fernsehen übertragenen Ansprache und rechtfertigte dabei die Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts in der letzten Woche.
Nationaler Polizeichef und Seouler Polizeichef festgenommen
Das Sonderermittlungsteam des Nationalen Ermittlungsbüros teilte mit, dass es Cho Ji-ho, Generalkommissar der Nationalen Polizeibehörde, und Kim Bong-sik, Leiter der Seouler Polizeibehörde, gegen 3.50 Uhr am Mittwoch ohne Haftbefehl wegen Rebellionsvorwurf festgenommen habe.
Cho und Kim wird vorgeworfen, nach der Verhängung des Kriegsrechts durch Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol Polizeibeamte angewiesen zu haben, das Gelände der Nationalversammlung abzusperren, um Abgeordnete am Betreten des Parlaments zu hindern.
Senegal ‚making progress‘ convincing military regimes in Sahel to remain with Ecowas
(December 9, 2024)
According to the bloc, the departure of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger becomes effective one year after the announcement, in January 2025.
The trio have formed the Alliance of Sahel States after severing ties with France and pivoting towards Russia.
Democrats left fuming over Biden’s decision to pardon his son — after he repeatedly said he wouldn’t
President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son has left some Democrats fuming over his choice to repeatedly and unequivocally claim that he would never take that step, even though a pardon long appeared possible to Hunter Biden’s legal team.
Multiple officials who recently worked for Joe Biden said they never believed the president or White House aides speaking on his behalf when they insisted in recent months that a pardon for Hunter Biden was off the table.
Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previous pledges not to
President Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, sparing the younger Biden a possible prison sentence for federal felony gun and tax convictions and reversing his past promises not to use the extraordinary powers of the presidency for the benefit of his family.
New political phase: France pushes for swift presidential election in Lebanon after ceasefire agreement
In this context, French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian has arrived for his sixth visit to Beirut since the presidential vacancy began. His discussions will include meetings with Berri, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, several members of parliament, and ambassadors from the Quintet committee.
According to LBCI sources, Le Drian is not expected to present any new proposals but will urge Lebanese officials to elect a president as soon as possible. Paris believes that a presidential election would send a strong message that Lebanon is working to rebuild its constitutional institutions.
Trump „suggested meeting with S. Korean leader 3-4 times first“: S. Korean nat‘l security advisor
South Korea‘s top security advisor says U.S President-elect Donald Trump proposed an in-person meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol a few times during their phone talks earlier this month.
National Security Advisor Shin Won-sik told a local broadcaster on Sunday that he had been present during the call and that Mr. Trump had taken the initial step of suggesting a face-to-face meeting to President Yoon.