Daily Archives: 18. Januar 2020

18.01.2020 - 23:35 [ Ilhan Omar, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

I am honored to launch my re-election campaign with the support of my predecessor and friend @keithellison, a man who fights for Minnesotans every day. Together, we’re going to keep pursuing a bold progressive vision for the America we deserve.

18.01.2020 - 23:28 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Our campaign is not just about defeating Trump and electing Bernie Sanders president. It‘s about creating an unprecedented movement for justice in this country. Join me, @NaomiAKlein & @johncusack in NH:

18.01.2020 - 23:06 [ Colin Todhunter / Global Research ]

Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture

To evaluate the pro-GMO lobby’s rhetoric that GE is needed to ‘feed the world’, we first need to understand the dynamics of a globalised food system that fuels hunger and malnutrition against a backdrop of (subsidised) food overproduction. We must acknowledge the destructive, predatory dynamics of capitalism and the need for agri-food giants to maintain profits by seeking out new (foreign) markets and displacing existing systems of production with ones that serve their bottom line. And we need to reject a deceptive ‘haughty imperialism’ within the pro-GMO scientific lobby which aggressively pushes for a GMO ‘solution’.

18.01.2020 - 22:41 [ Volker Birk ‏/ Twitter ]

Zur Erinnerung im Fall #Amri #breitscheidplatz #UA1BT

18.01.2020 - 18:53 [ junge Welt ]

Glaubwürdig belastet

Daran hatte auch Oberstaatsanwältin Claudia Gorf teilgenommen. »In der Besprechung ging es von Anfang an hoch her«, erinnerte sie sich am Donnerstag im Zeugenstand des Ausschusses. M. habe ihr noch am Abend nach der kontroversen Diskussion mit den BKA-Beamten von dem Vier-Augen-Gespräch berichtet.

18.01.2020 - 17:59 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia‘s Anti-Imperialist Army School Renamed After Che‘s Assassins

„Bolivians are not anti-anything,“ Bolivia’s Interim Defense Minister Luis Fernando Lopez declared to media in La Paz, while explaining that the anti-imperialist orientation with which Morales launched this academy in 2016 „did not fit with military doctrine.“

18.01.2020 - 17:10 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Putsch-Regierung in Bolivien schickt wieder Militär auf die Straße

Hierzu informierte De-facto-Präsidentin Áñez, dass ein „technisches Team“ der US-Agentur für internationale Entwicklung (Usaid) sich mit Behördenvertretern getroffen habe, um „Hilfen für den Wahlprozess“ zu vereinbaren.

18.01.2020 - 16:58 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Argentinien: Kein diplomatischer Status mehr für „Sondergesandte“ von Guaidó

Sie war im Januar des vergangenen Jahres von Venezuelas selbsternanntem Interimspräsidenten Juan Guaidó als seine „Gesandte“ eingesetzt und von der rechtskonservariven Regierung unter Mauricio Macri anerkannt worden.

18.01.2020 - 16:19 [ Oilprice.com ]

Mnuchin: US Works With China To Cut Off All Iranian Oil Imports

The United States is working closely with China to have it cut off altogether imports of Iranian crude oil, as the U.S. steps up sanctions pressure on the Iranian regime, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, told Fox News’ ‘Sunday Morning Futures’.

18.01.2020 - 16:17 [ Oilprice.com ]

China Turns Its Back On Iran’s Crude Oil


This year’s turbulent events in the Middle East—a major source of oil supply for the world’s largest oil importer, China—have had Beijing scrambling to salvage the Iran nuclear deal after the U.S. assassinated Tehran’s top military commander.

At the same time, China has significantly reduced its crude oil imports from Iran in recent months because of the U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

18.01.2020 - 15:12 [ Yahoo.com ]

Assange ‚denied access‘ to lawyers in UK

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been denied access to evidence and even basic items like paper and pens by British prison officials, putting his US extradition case on the brink of judicial review, his lawyer has warned.

Solicitor Gareth Pierce was shocked to learn that District Judge Vanessa Baraitser only intended to allow the defence team one hour to review evidence with the Australian in the holding cells at the Westminster Magistrates Court on Monday.

18.01.2020 - 13:42 [ Haaretz ]

Ayman Odeh, the Israeli Left’s Natural Leader

Now that Meretz and Labor have banded together and don’t face any real danger, Odeh wants to take a small bite out of its electorate, not to swallow them, just a little bite to complete a 15-seat slate and carry out his vision to define the Joint List as the real social-political left.

And he’s doing so the same way left-wing leaders have worked through the generations, using the right quote and the right moment, and from the right poem.

18.01.2020 - 12:36 [ theHill.com ]

DNC announces new criteria for New Hampshire debate

The option notably also gives an opportunity to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to make the debate stage.

Since Bloomberg is self-funding his campaign, he failed to meet the DNC‘s donor threshold for previous debates. If he wins at least one delegate in Iowa, he would have an opportunity to debate in New Hampshire.

18.01.2020 - 12:22 [ theHill.com ]

Poll: Sanders holds 5-point lead over Buttigieg in New Hampshire

Sanders registered 23 percent support among Democratic primary voters in the state, a slight drop from the 26 percent he carried in a similar poll conducted in November. But Buttigieg also fell from 22 percent support in November to 18 percent, giving Sanders a bigger lead.

Rounding out the top four in New Hampshire are former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who tied for third place at 14 percent support each.

18.01.2020 - 12:22 [ Moms 4 Housing ‏/ Twitter ]

11 homeless people died in Berkeley in 2019. 136 died in Alameda County.

#HousingNOW #HousingIsAHumanRight #EvictTheSpeculators #StandWithTheMoms #HoldThemAccountable

18.01.2020 - 12:20 [ Truthdig.com ]

What Separates Sanders From Warren (and Everybody Else)

In the Democratic primaries, only one candidate has deliberately chosen to use “working class” over “middle class.” Not surprisingly, that candidate is Sen. Bernie Sanders.

18.01.2020 - 11:54 [ Ayanna Pressley ]

Sign up to volunteer for Ayanna Pressley‘s re-election campaign!

2020 is going to be a year of unprecedented organizing and activism and we need you with us to mobilize like never before.

Will you commit to signing up and volunteering for Ayanna’s re-election campaign right now?

18.01.2020 - 11:49 [ theHill.com ]

Ayanna Pressley‘s ‚squad‘ of congresswomen offers support after she opens up about alopecia

Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) praised fellow “squad” member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) on Thursday after she opened up about her alopecia journey and revealed her bald head for the first time publicly.

18.01.2020 - 10:58 [ Newsweek ]

Killing Soleimani Was a ‚Violation of National and International Law,‘ Former Nuremberg War Crimes Prosecutor Says

The U.S. strike that killed Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani flouted both national and international law, according to a former lawyer who helped prosecute Nazi leaders at the post-World War II Nuremberg trials.

Benjamin B. Ferencz, 99, wrote to The New York Times this week expressing his opposition to the drone strike that killed Soleimani and several others outside Baghdad International Airport earlier this month.

18.01.2020 - 10:43 [ Prospect.org ]

Trump’s War Against Iran Is an Impeachable Offense

What the president has already done justifies a third article of impeachment.

18.01.2020 - 10:21 [ theHill.com ]

Pompeo to investigate charges of surveillance against Yovanovitch

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said he will investigate allegations that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was under surveillance by private American citizens intent on her removal from Kyiv and possibly threatening harm.

18.01.2020 - 10:03 [ CNN ]

New documents from Lev Parnas show more texts about possible surveillance of former US ambassador to Ukraine

The Belgian country-code number sends Hyde a screenshot of an official photo of Yovanovitch. The Belgium number, whose identity is not known, writes „My contacts are checking,“ adding, „I will give you the address next week.“
Hyde replied, „Awesome.“
In another series of texts, the Belgian number tells Hyde at 2:05 p.m., „Nothing has changed she is still not moving they check today again,“ shortly adding, „It‘s confirmed we have a person inside.“

18.01.2020 - 04:01 [ The Hill ]

Sanders to headline Iowa event amid impeachment trial

Sanders this week said he was concerned about losing time on the campaign trail during the weeks-long trial.

“I would rather be in Iowa today. There’s a caucus there in 2 1/2 weeks. I’d rather be in New Hampshire and Nevada and so forth. But I swore a constitutional oath as a United States senator to do my job and I’m here to do my job,” he said Thursday.

18.01.2020 - 02:49 [ Armenia News ]

Armenia 3rd President expresses condolences on death of ex-National Security Service chief

… The investigation into the death of Georgi Kutoyan must be in the focus and under the supervision of the public, taking into consideration the position that he held in the country in the past.”

18.01.2020 - 02:40 [ ORF ]

Ex-Chef des armenischen Geheimdiensts tot aufgefunden

Der 39-Jährige war ein Vertrauter von Ex-Präsident Sersch Sarkissian und leitete den SNB von 2016 bis zu seiner Entlassung im Mai 2018.

18.01.2020 - 02:36 [ Trend.az ]

At least two die in plane crash in Chile

According to authorities, the plane had taken off from La Victoria Airfield in the city of Colina, Chacabuco province, for a local flight and crashed soon afterward, with the aircraft‘s pilot and a passenger perishing in the accident.

18.01.2020 - 02:01 [ Tagesschau ]

EU erwägt Militäreinsatz in Libyen

Die Konferenz in Berlin soll Libyen eine dauerhafte Waffenruhe bringen. Um diese gegebenenfalls zu überwachen, schließt die EU auch einen Militäreinsatz nicht aus. Die Abschlusserklärung des Treffens ist offenbar fast fertig.

18.01.2020 - 00:37 [ The Korea Times ]

Seoul exploring own way to contribute security in Hormuz

However, President Moon Jae-in has expressed a cautious stance on the issue. In a New Year press conference, Tuesday, he said, „Regarding the Hormuz question, there are complex factors to be considered. We need to think about our alliance with the U.S. as well as our relations with Iran. We will take all of these into consideration as we look for a realistic solution.“

18.01.2020 - 00:25 [ The Japan Times ]

Opposition grills LDP on risks facing Japan‘s SDF mission to Mideast

“Rule of law is extremely important for Japan. (The government) should not accept what the U.S. argues just because it is the U.S. that says so,” Gemba said.