Archiv: US Navy Seals

15.09.2024 - 16:32 [ ]

Venezuela: Ausländer wegen „Destabilisierung“ festgenommen

Die venezolanischen Behörden haben sechs Ausländer aus den USA und Europa wegen angeblicher Pläne zur „Destabilisierung“ des Landes festgenommen und der US-Regierung eine Beteiligung an Umsturzplänen vorgeworfen. Wie die Regierung in Caracas mitteilte, wurden drei US-Bürger, zwei Spanier und ein Tscheche festgenommen.

Die Verdächtigen hätten „Gewaltakte“ gegen Präsident Nicolás Maduro und dessen Regierung geplant, sagte Innenminister Diosdado Cabello bei einer Pressekonferenz

15.09.2024 - 16:08 [ ]

Cabello on terrorist plan: María Corina Machado is behind the entire operation

“They went with this tropicalized character,” Cabello said in relation to the US intentions to use a person with the same Latin American phenotype, seeking not to repeat the gringo mercenaries of Caucasian morphology.

“It is important to know that this person worked in special Navy SEAL units focused on Latin America, because they are made up of people who speak Spanish perfectly, like this person,” he explained.

The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace added that two citizens of Spanish origin, a Czech citizen and an American expert in computer hacking are also in custody.

15.09.2024 - 15:30 [ ]

Terrorist plot led by active US military officer revealed

„We know that the United States Government is linked to this operation because during the investigation we have found out how, in Orlando, Florida, in one of these parcel services, in the warehouses, the FBI was there and we have that video (…) they allowed that operation to continue,“ he said.


“A few days ago we captured some people who were talking about throwing grenades and explosives at the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some terrorists and criminals from the opposition are taking refuge. This perfectly reversed the fact that if the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some gentlemen and ladies from the opposition are, were attacked, it was immediately obvious that the person who would be blamed would be the Government of Venezuela,” he warned.

15.09.2024 - 14:42 [ CNN ]

Venezuela says US Navy SEAL among foreigners arrested over alleged CIA ‘operation’ to assassinate Maduro

“The CIA is at the forefront of this operation,” Cabello said in the news conference, claiming that Spain’s National Intelligence Center was also involved. “That does not surprise us at all,” he said.

He alleged that the operation had “very clear objectives of assassinating President Nicolás Maduro” and other high-ranking Venezuelan politicians including himself and the vice president.

The State Department denied the claims. A spokesperson confirmed on Saturday a member of the US military had been arrested in Venezuela, and that the department was “aware of unconfirmed reports of two additional US citizens detained” in the country.

22.01.2024 - 06:11 [ Associated Press ]

Military ends rescue search for Navy SEALs lost in maritime raid on ship with Iranian weapons

According to officials, the Jan. 11 raid targeted an unflagged ship carrying illicit Iranian-made weapons to the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Officials have said that as the team was boarding the ship, one of the SEALs went under in the heavy seas, and a teammate went in to try and save him.


The U.S. Navy ultimately sunk the ship carrying the weapons after deeming it unsafe, Central Command said. The ship’s 14 crew were detained.

04.08.2023 - 07:04 [ ABC News ]

2 US Navy sailors arrested for allegedly spying for China

„The charges demonstrate [China‘s] determination to obtain information that is critical to our national defense by any means so it can be used to their advantage,“ Olsen continued. „The alleged conduct also represents a violation of the solemn obligation of members of our military to defend our country to safeguard our secrets and to protect their fellow service members.“

It was not immediately clear if either Wei or Zhao had retained attorneys who could comment on their behalf. They have not yet entered pleas.

Both Wei and Zhao had their initial court appearances later on Thursday:

30.08.2022 - 16:37 [ New York Times ]

Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs

An often heard unofficial adage in the SEALs holds that, “if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.”

During BUD/S, he said, the “enemy” to be outfoxed is the course itself.

“No one can do everything the instructors ask, so you have to learn how to cheat to get through,” he said. “Everyone knows it happens. The point is to learn how to not get caught.”

“Basically, you are selecting for guys who are willing to cheat,” he added.

05.01.2022 - 10:59 [ Washington Post ]

Judge grants relief to Navy SEALs who refused coronavirus vaccine, sued Biden administration

A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction on Monday blocking the Defense Department from taking action against a group of 35 Navy sailors who had refused to get a coronavirus vaccine, raising questions on how it might shape the Pentagon’s requirement that all U.S. troops get vaccinated.

04.05.2021 - 20:23 [ Time Magazine ]

President Biden Made the Right Choice to Withdraw from Afghanistan

We all know theoretically that “sunk costs are sunk,” but when those costs are friends and teammates, it isn’t easy to walk away. There’s no way ever to quantify the loss of over 2,200 American servicemen and women, 3,800 American contractors, and 100,000 Afghans over two decades. The stoic philosophers like Epictetus and Aurelius taught to detach without being vacuous but that isn’t always the easiest advice to follow. Like all SEALs and service members of my era, I’ve buried far too many friends. We best honor them by making a stoic and intelligent choice today, not by sacrificing and investing more in a mission no longer central to our national security.

28.04.2021 - 23:37 [ Dave deCamp / ]

Navy SEALs Shifting Focus Away From Counterterrorism to Face Russia and China

The 2018 National Defense Strategy outlined the US military‘s shift away from counterterrorism towards so-called ‚great power competition‘

07.03.2020 - 06:32 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Navy to redesignate USNS Hershel ‚Woody‘ Williams so SEALs can attack from it

The slight change in its name means the ship can legally carry out offensive military operations such as allowing Marines or Navy SEALs to launch attacks directly from the ship. A USNS ship under the command of a civilian can engage in combat only if it is defending itself.

28.12.2019 - 19:09 [ The Hill ]

Navy SEALs who turned in Gallagher: He is ‚freaking evil‘

“Tell the truth, don’t lie or embellish,” one member told the others in a group text in 2017, when they first reportedly tried to report the chief. “That way, he can’t say that we slandered him in any way.”

28.12.2019 - 19:05 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

Fellow Navy SEALs slam former chief Edward Gallagher in newly released video

Video obtained by The New York Times shows members of SEAL Team 7 criticizing their former platoon chief Edward Gallagher, who was accused of murdering a teenage ISIS member. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin joined CBSN with the latest details.

28.12.2019 - 14:47 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Leaked Video of SEALs Calling Eddie Gallagher „Evil“

Gallagher‘s war crimes case gained national attention after President Donald Trump controversially intervened on his behalf, ignoring Pentagon leaders who had told the President such a move could damage the integrity of the military judicial system.
„The guy is freaking evil,“ Special Operator First Class Craig Miller said of Gallagher during his interview with Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents, the Times reported.“

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, John Fugelsang

28.12.2019 - 14:39 [ The Weekly ‏/ Twitter ]

“Nobody touch him. He’s mine.” Navy SEAL videos and text messages reveal why some of Chief Edward Gallagher’s own men were upset about his actions in Iraq.

28.12.2019 - 14:32 [ The Weekly ‏/ Twitter ]

A new documentary from #TheWeeklyNYT now on @Hulu: Videos reveal new details about the case of Edward Gallagher, a Navy SEAL accused by his own men of war crimes and whose defenders include President Trump.

Also watch this Sunday on @FXNetworks.

27.12.2019 - 14:57 [ New York Times ]

Anguish and Anger From the Navy SEALS Who Turned In Edward Gallagher

Asked whether the chief had a bias against Middle Eastern people, Special Operator Scott replied, “I think he just wants to kill anybody he can.”

Some of the SEALs said they came to believe that the chief was purposefully exposing them to enemy fire to bait ISIS fighters into revealing their positions. They said the chief thought that casualties in the platoon would increase his chances for a Silver Star.

28.11.2019 - 21:48 [ Washington Post ]

Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here’s what I’ve learned because of it.

President Trump involved himself in the case almost from the start. Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig; I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important. Eventually, the president ordered me to have him transferred to the equivalent of an enlisted barracks. I came to believe that Trump’s interest in the case stemmed partly from the way the defendant’s lawyers and others had worked to keep it front and center in the media.

25.11.2019 - 18:57 [ ]

Navy-SEALs-Affäre: US-Marine-Chef im Streit gefeuert

Der Marinestaatssekretär kam der Rücktrittsaufforderung wenig später nach. In einem im US-Medien veröffentlichten Brief begründete er seinen Rückzug damit, dass er und Trump nicht mehr dasselbe Verständnis von Ordnung und Disziplin hätten und er nicht guten Gewissens einem Befehl folgen könne, der den „heiligen Eid“ zum Schutz der Verfassung der USA verletze.

25.11.2019 - 18:51 [ LA Times ]

Defense secretary says Trump ordered him to allow SEAL to keep status

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Monday that President Trump gave him a direct order to allow a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes to retire without losing his SEAL status.

Esper told reporters at the Pentagon that Trump’s verbal order was the reason Esper announced Sunday that Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher would be allowed to retire with his trident pin, retaining his status as a SEAL.

25.11.2019 - 18:47 [ ]

Defense secretary fires Navy chief over SEAL war crimes case

Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday asked for the resignation of Navy Secretary Richard Spencer over his handling of a controversial war crimes case.

Esper told The Washington Post in a statement Sunday that he was „deeply troubled“ by reports that Spencer had reached out to White House officials promising that an accused Navy SEAL would be allowed to retire as a SEAL despite his conviction for posing with the corpse of a slain enemy combatant.

19.10.2019 - 10:25 [ Daily Mail ]

Pentagon DELETES files about Osama bin Laden raid after transferring them to CIA where they can‘t be made public


– Military files about the Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden‘s hideout have been purged from Pentagon computers
– Associated Press requested information on the raid some 20 times in 2011 but requests were rejected
– A line in an inspector general‘s draft report states the files were purged from the defense department to another government department to prevent certain information about the raid being made public
– The sentence was removed from the final report released weeks ago

19.10.2019 - 10:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

Admiral William McRaven: der Letzte der Viererbande


Auf dem U.S.-Luftwaffenstützpunkt McDill Air Force Base in Tampa in Florida residiert noch unangefochten der Herrscher über die grösste geheime internationale Schattenarmee – mächtiger als der U.S.-Präsident als Oberkommandierender der U.S.-Streitkräfte mitsamt seinem Verteidigungsminister – wo er seine Befugnisse unkontrollierbar immer weiter ausbaut.

20.08.2019 - 18:02 [ Jerusalem Post ]

IDF‘s Shayetet 13, US Special Forces complete joint exercise – watch

Dubbed “Nobel Rose,” the drill simulated various scenarios where troops had to take over a hijacked ship vessel and extracting troops from enemy territory.

10.08.2019 - 20:09 [ CNN ]

Top intel official interrupted meeting to urge his deputy to resign

When discussing his attempt to replace Coats with Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe on July 30, the President told reporters that intelligence community needed „somebody like that that‘s strong and can really rein it in. As you‘ve all learned, the intelligence agencies have run amok. They‘ve run amok.“

09.08.2019 - 05:56 [ ]

Trump ernennt neuen Geheimdienstkoordinator

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat einen neuen Geheimdienstkoordinator gefunden: Der derzeitige Direktor des Terrorabwehrzentrums, Joseph Maguire, werde dieses Amt geschäftsführend ab dem 15. August übernehmen, twitterte Trump gestern Abend(Ortszeit).

09.08.2019 - 02:21 [ Wikipedia ]

Joseph Maguire

Maguire is highly revered as a leader in the U.S. Navy SEAL community.

On August 8, 2019, President Donald Trump announced that Maguire would become Acting Director of National Intelligence on August 15, 2019.

09.08.2019 - 02:16 [ Donald J. Trump / Twitter ]

I am pleased to inform you that the Honorable Joseph Maguire, current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will be named Acting Director of National Intelligence, effective August 15th. Admiral Maguire has a long and distinguished….

04.07.2019 - 02:20 [ junge Welt ]

Freispruch für den Serienkiller

Kriegsverbrechen des US-Elitesoldaten Edward Gallagher bleiben ungesühnt. Unterstützung durch Trump und US-Navy

03.07.2019 - 10:18 [ New York Times ]

Navy SEALs Were Warned Against Reporting Their Chief for War Crimes


On the morning of May 4, 2017, Iraqi troops brought in an Islamic State fighter who had been wounded in the leg in battle, SEALs told investigators, and Chief Gallagher responded over the radio with words to the effect of “he’s mine.” The SEALs estimated that the captive was about 15 years old. A video clip shows the youth struggling to speak, but SEAL medics told investigators that his wounds had not appeared life-threatening.

A medic was treating the youth on the ground when Chief Gallagher walked up without a word and stabbed the wounded teenager several times in the neck and once in the chest with his hunting knife, killing him, two SEAL witnesses said.

Iraqi officers who were at the scene told Navy investigators that they did not see the captive die, but disputed the stabbing account, saying it seemed out of character for the chief.

Minutes after the death, Chief Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Portier, gathered some nearby SEALs for a re-enlistment ceremony, snapping photos of the platoon standing over the body.

03.07.2019 - 09:57 [ Navy Times ]

Thanks to SEAL’s immunity deals, confessed killer unlikely to be charged


Prosecutors were convinced that Gallagher stabbed the detainee to death and they knew that Scott was next to him that day, monitoring the boy’s vitals, so he became a very valuable witness, according to internal files provided to Navy Times.

But Scott told prosecutors and Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents that he didn’t want to participate in the trial and later threatened to remain silent during a Feb. 11 reinterview session with them, a policy he vowed to continue on the stand to protect his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

So Navy Region Southwest and the U.S. Department of Justice granted him testimonial immunity to hurdle his Fifth Amendment protections and force him to talk to investigators and later testify in court.

03.07.2019 - 09:51 [ Al Jazeera ]

US Navy SEAL acquitted of murder in war crimes trial

The prosecution‘s case was dealt a major blow when a witness said that it was he, not Gallagher, who had put an end to the captive ISIL fighter‘s life.

Corey Scott, a first class petty officer, testified that while he had seen Gallagher stab the wounded fighter in the neck in May 2017, he had killed the boy afterwards.

He testified that he covered the victim‘s breathing tube with his thumb and then watched him die.

Scott said he did so to spare the boy – who prosecutors say was about 15 years old – from suffering or being tortured by Iraqi forces.

21.05.2019 - 02:16 [ Jason Ditz / ]

Trump könnte US-Soldaten amnestieren, die wegen Kriegsverbrechen angeklagt oder verurteilt wurden

Sie massenhaft zu entschuldigen, riskiert jedoch die militärische Disziplin, da es dann noch weniger Grund für die Soldaten gibt, die Regeln zu befolgen, wenn sie denken, dass sie nach der Tat begnadigt werden.

21.05.2019 - 02:13 [ Jason Ditz / ]

Trump May Pardon US Troops Accused or Convicted of War Crimes

These are cases treated as controversial among some Republicans, who believe the troops were punished for “doing their jobs.” Pardoning them en masse, however, will risk military discipline, since there’s even less reason for troops to follow the rules if they figure they’ll get pardoned after the fact.

28.04.2019 - 21:57 [ Rudaw ]

Elite US Navy SEAL facing war crimes charges for killings in Iraq

Stabbing a teenage prisoner to death, picking off a young girl and an old man with a sniper rifle and firing a heavy machinegun into a residential area: these are some of the charges facing an elite US Navy SEAL on trial for war crimes while deployed in Iraq.

24.04.2019 - 06:18 [ New York Times ]

Navy SEALs Were Warned Against Reporting Their Chief for War Crimes

Stabbing a defenseless teenage captive to death. Picking off a school-age girl and an old man from a sniper’s roost. Indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine-gun fire.

Navy SEAL commandos from Team 7’s Alpha Platoon said they had seen their highly decorated platoon chief commit shocking acts in Iraq. And they had spoken up, repeatedly. But their frustration grew as months passed and they saw no sign of official action.

22.02.2019 - 10:27 [ ]

USAID mulls proposal to train aid workers as special forces

(19.2.2019) In order to gauge potential interest in the idea of RED Teams, the study’s authors consulted with representatives from a variety of military and civilian agencies where development officers might be embedded — including the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team Six.

RED Team officers, the report explains, would carry out development activities, but they would also have training and expertise that are not typically included in USAID job requirements.

22.11.2018 - 05:01 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Second Navy SEAL is charged in alleged Iraq war crime cover-up

Evidence was presented in a San Diego military courtroom Tuesday to determine whether a Navy SEAL platoon commander will be tried on charges that he failed to act when made aware of atrocities allegedly committed by another SEAL during a 2017 deployment in Iraq.

03.04.2018 - 10:33 [ Radio Utopie ]

Syrien-Invasion: U.S.A. und Vereinigtes Königreich rücken unter wildem Schattenboxen mit sich selber weiter vor

(25.8.2014) U.S.A. und Vereinigtes Königreich geben Einsatz von Sonderkommandos auf Territorium von Irak und Syrien bekannt und warten auf Beifall.