Archiv: Richter / Richterinnen / Gerichte / courts / judges

08.01.2025 - 11:36 [ ]

Yoons Verteidiger fordern Anklage oder Beantragung von Untersuchungshaftbefehl

(Update: 2025-01-08 15:45:31)

Die Verteidiger machten zugleich deutlich, dass sie nicht akzeptieren würden, sollte ein solcher Befehl beim Bezirksgericht Seoul West beantragt werden. Denn nicht dieses Gericht, sondern das Bezirksgericht Seoul Zentral sei das zuständige Gericht für das Büro für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO).

08.01.2025 - 11:25 [ ]

Gericht erlässt weiteren Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol

(Update: 2025-01-08 15:45:43)

Das Bezirksgericht Seoul West hat einem weiteren Antrag auf einen Haftbefehl gegen den suspendierten Präsidenten Yoon Suk Yeol stattgegeben.

Das Büro für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO) gab diese Bewilligung am Dienstag bekannt. Der erste Haftbefehl war am Vortag abgelaufen.

31.12.2024 - 08:35 [ ]

Gericht erlässt Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon

Es ist das erste Mal in der Verfassungsgeschichte Südkoreas, dass ein Haftbefehl gegen einen amtierenden Präsidenten erlassen wurde.

Das CIO wird voraussichtlich die Residenz von Präsident Yoon aufsuchen, um den Haftbefehl zu vollstrecken.

02.09.2024 - 16:56 [ El Pais ]

Israel’s anti-Netanyahu strike ends early and fails to bring the country to a standstill

The strike began at 05:00 local time and was expected to last 24 hours but at midday a court ordered it to end, considering it “political” and “unrelated” to the issue for which it had been called. Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David announced to the labor court that he was considering a petition to suspend it that would end the action at 18.00. However, the court ordered the strike to end at 2:30 p.m. and Bar-David responded by urging workers to return to their posts.

During its short duration, the strike failed to paralyze Israel.

29.04.2024 - 07:15 [ New York Times ]

Israeli Officials Believe I.C.C. Is Preparing Arrest Warrants Over War

The Israeli officials did not disclose the nature of the information that led them to be concerned about potential I.C.C. action, and the court did not comment on the matter.

Arrest warrants from the court would probably be seen in much of the world as a humbling moral rebuke, particularly to Israel, which for months has faced international backlash over its conduct in Gaza, including from President Biden, who called it “over the top.”

26.03.2024 - 21:15 [ Anadolu Agency ]

Top UN court likely to issue tough decision against Israel for ongoing attacks on Gaza

The world court will rule on the requested additional measures in the coming days, which may include criticism of Israel as well as requests for additional monitoring reports, according to the KAN broadcaster report.

However, observers in Israel believe that no additional orders, such as a cessation of the war on Gaza, will be issued, but that the court will take a critical tone toward Israel, which is unusual, said the broadcaster.

Earlier on Monday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza …

15.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Al Jazeera ]

Haiti President Moise’s widow, ex-PM among 50 charged in his assassination


Joseph and the former director-general of the national police, Leon Charles, were also found to have “sufficient indications” of involvement in the killing. AyiboPost specified that the document did not clearly identify the masterminds of the assassination, nor their financiers.

15.03.2024 - 18:11 [ Associated Press ]

The widow and aides of assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moïse are indicted in his killing


A judge in Haiti responsible for investigating the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse has indicted his widow, Martine Moïse, ex-prime minister Claude Joseph and the former chief of Haiti’s National Police, Léon Charles, among others, according to a report obtained Monday.

Others who face charges including murder are Christian Emmanuel Sanon, a Haitian-American pastor who visualized himself as Haiti’s next president and said he thought Moïse was only going to be arrested; Joseph Vincent, a Haitian-American and former informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; Dimitri Hérard, presidential security chief; John Joël Joseph, a former Haitian senator; and Windelle Coq, a Haitian judge whom authorities say is a fugitive.

08.03.2024 - 23:55 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ausgang der Assange-Anhörung weiter ungewiss

Der letzte Montag war der Tag, bis zu dem die Anwälte von Anklage und Verteidigung die von den beiden Richtern in der letzten Anhörung geforderten Dokumente einreichen konnten. Nun geht die Ungewissheit weiter, denn die Richter hatten in der Anhörung Ende Februar in London keine Anhaltspunkte gegeben, bis wann sie entscheiden wollen, ob sie Julian Assanges Antrag auf eine Berufung in seinem Auslieferungsverfahren stattgeben.

17.02.2024 - 20:24 [ ]

Pro-Palestinian groups file legal action against German politician over Gaza war

The charges, filed at five prosecutor offices across Germany, cite Beck‘s statements on social media, in opinion pieces and media interviews in which he expressed support for Israel‘s military operation in Gaza, calling for making humanitarian aid conditional on Hamas freeing Israeli hostages.

17.02.2024 - 20:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Pro-Palestine groups file criminal charges of hate and war crime denial against German politician

Palestine Speaks and Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East filed the charges against Volker Beck, a former member of parliament and head of the German-Israeli Society.

„This is the first step in holding public figures who publicly make genocidal statements legally accountable,“ the groups posted on Instagram.

13.02.2024 - 17:14 [ Heidi Bachram / Twitter ]

The women who put images of paragliders on themselves during pro-Palestinian protests were defended in court by an ex-Guardian journalist. Apparently they were just cultural references to freedom. How stupid do they think we are?

13.02.2024 - 17:06 [ ]

„the met‘s acting detective sergeant michael beskine admitted his team had not done any research into possible alternative meanings for the images – instead accepting the interpretation of a social media account called harry‘s place, which first posted photos of the women.“

(search results)

13.02.2024 - 17:04 [ Darren Grimes / Twitter ]

Three women who displayed images of paragliders during a protest in central London have been found guilty of supporting a proscribed terrorist organisation.

Paragliders were used by Hamas to breach the Gaza/Israel border during the terror attacks on 7 October where a large number of civilians were killed, and others were taken hostage.

12.02.2024 - 16:42 [ The Rights Forum ]

Rechter: Nederland moet uitvoer F-35-onderdelen naar Israël stoppen

De Nederlandse regering moet de export van onderdelen van F-35-gevechtsvliegtuigen naar Israël binnen zeven dagen stoppen. Dat bepaalt het Gerechtshof Den Haag. De uitspraak is conform de eis van Oxfam Novib, PAX en The Rights Forum.

12.02.2024 - 16:30 [ Associated Press ]

Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop exports of F-35 parts to Israel, citing war in Gaza

The exports must cease within seven days.

The decision came as Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte traveled to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the conflict.

23.01.2024 - 15:00 [ ]

World Court to decide on ‚provisional measures‘ to stop Gaza war in coming days

Less than two weeks after the opening of hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as part of a petition lodged by South Africa against Israel for alleged „genocide“ in the Gaza Strip, the court is anticipated to deliver in the coming days a ruling on the petitioner‘s request for a provisional order to halt the war.

09.01.2024 - 16:30 [ ]

Lokführerstreik ab heute – Eilantrag der Bahn abgelehnt

Das Gericht hat einen Eilantrag der Bahn auf einstweilige Verfügung in erster Instanz abgelehnt, wie es am Montagabend mitteilte. „Die GDL ist nicht offenkundig tarifunfähig“, sagte die Vorsitzende Richterin zur Begründung. Die Deutsche Bahn AG zweifelt das an, hat aber in der Vergangenheit zahlreiche Verträge mit der GDL abgeschlossen.

20.12.2023 - 14:59 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

I’m not a Trump supporter (if I were, I wouldn’t be running against him!) But I want to beat him in a fair election, not because he was kicked off the ballot. Let the voters choose, not the courts!

20.12.2023 - 14:50 [ New York Times ]

Colorado Voters Share Sense of Unease After Court Disqualifies Trump

“I think it disenfranchises voters,” said Jeremy Loew, a longtime defense lawyer in Colorado Springs who described himself as a progressive who had never voted for Mr. Trump. “Our whole system is built around people running for office and letting the voters decide.”

“We can’t just kick people off the ballot because they have been accused of something,” he added.

16.09.2023 - 02:10 [ Newsweek ]

Courts Strike a Blow Against White House‘s Social Media Censorship | Opinion

The plaintiffs in the case, led by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, eminent doctors, and others alleged that under guise of combating „mis-, dis-, and mal-information,“ the Biden White House and nearly a dozen federal agencies have, alongside private-sector cutouts, cajoled and colluded with Big Tech platforms to silence millions of Americans. The topics social media platforms have censored at the government‘s direction, measuring likely hundreds of millions of posts, range from the Hunter Biden laptop story, to matters of election integrity, to virtually every aspect of the coronavirus pandemic.

06.09.2023 - 21:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Netanyahu demanded exclusion of recusal law from potential overhaul freeze

The compromise, as reported, aimed to freeze all further judicial overhaul legislation in return for granting the coalition more power on the Judicial Selection Committee in the form of veto power on the selection of the Supreme Court president and lower court judges.

But today’s report says Netanyahu was adamant that any freeze still allow a potential “override clause” to be legislated with a regular majority, in the event that the High Court of Justice nullifies the government’s law shielding the premier from being ordered by courts or the attorney general to step down.

28.08.2023 - 22:00 [ Washington Post ]

All the times Trump’s trials conflict with the 2024 election campaign

Scheduling this trial is particularly complicated since Trump is a defendant in three other criminal cases. In New York — where Trump faces state charges related to repayment of hush money given to an adult-film star during the 2016 presidential campaign — a judge also set the trial date for March 2024.

Trump’s federal trial in Florida is set to begin in May 2024.

28.08.2023 - 21:25 [ ]

This Is Going to Be a Mess

That means that Trump could become the presumptive GOP nominee in the 2024 presidential election at the same time as his lawyers are in court for his trial for seeking to steal the last election. Neither political scientists nor legal scholars have really anticipated such a scenario, so no technical term exists to describe it, but I can suggest one: a huge mess.

28.08.2023 - 21:20 [ ABC News ]

Donald Trump‘s federal election interference trial set for March 2024

The judge overseeing the former president’s federal election case ignored Trump’s request to postpone the trial until 2026.

26.07.2023 - 12:05 [ Haaretz ]

The Next Step in Netanyahu‘s Legal Coup Will Make Every Minister an Emperor


Thanks to a law that Israel inherited from the British Mandate dictatorship, the interior minister holds the power to disband a municipality. The minister is barred from using it in the year preceding local elections. But once those elections are over later this year, this government can depose as many mayors and local and regional council heads as it wants. It can eliminate city council members and replace them with government loyalists.

The interior minister can easily find a pretext for “faulty performance” in any locale. And what will the deposed mayors do then? The Supreme Court will be unable to deem the decision to fire them “unreasonable,” because this standard will no longer be available.

26.07.2023 - 12:00 [ New York Times ]

In Israel, the Worst May Be Yet to Come


The new law certainly does damage to Israel’s democracy — for example, it opens the door to corruption — but whether the court will determine it denies the democratic nature of the state is very much an open question.

A more plausible scenario is that the Supreme Court will wait it out to see if other components of the proposed overhaul will pass, especially those dealing with judicial appointments, weakening the independence of legal counsels within government ministries, and limits on judicial review of legislation.

25.07.2023 - 13:55 [ ]

Ecuador: Spionageberichte von UC Global über Rafael Correa sollen an CIA gegangen sein

UC Global wurde ursprünglich von der ecuadorianischen Regierung unter Correa mit der Sicherheit in der Botschaft des Andenstaates in London betraut, in der Julian Assange 2012 Zuflucht suchte. Im Schatten ihres eigentlichen Auftrags belauschte die Firma damals mehrere Gespräche zwischen Assange und seinen Anwälten und Besuchern, kopierten die Daten ihrer elektronischen Geräte und gaben die erlangten Informationen an den US-Auslandsgeheimdienst CIA weiter. Im August 2022 verklagten deshalb Anwältinnen von Assange und zwei Journalisten den CIA, dessen Ex-Chef Mike Pompeo und UC Global.

21.07.2023 - 15:52 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

21.07.2023 - 15:42 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Is Fulfilling the Doomsday Prophecy of This Supreme Court Justice

“There already are legislative initiatives meant to increase political involvement in appointing judges, as well as curtailing the Supreme Court’s authority, apparently for the purpose of preventing judicial review of government actions…all I can say is this: first, this is a crude threat, unseen heretofore by the judiciary, meant apparently to influence its rulings; second, these steps are a surefire recipe for critically damaging democracy and for perpetuating corruption.”

These pointed words were written in 2008 by Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levi, who was part of the panel hearing a petition against a decision by then-Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to grant a lenient plea bargain to former President Moshe Katsav.

19.07.2023 - 20:54 [ ]

A Spanish security company allegedly spied on Rafael Correa at the request of the CIA | The newspaper El País published documents from a case pending in Madrid

In another part of the article published by the Spanish newspaper it is stated that Morales allegedly spied on Correa’s two daughters through computer viruses installed on his phones in 2014 when he was still in government. The two iPhone 5s delivered by UC Global to Sofia and Anne had “Trojan horses” from the Tradesegur company installed. These Trojans allowed full control over their messages and conversations while the girls studied in France without their parents knowing.

18.07.2023 - 17:50 [ El Pais ]

Spanish company that spied on Assange allegedly informed CIA about meetings held by Latin American leaders

David Morales, owner of the Spanish security company UC Global, S.L., which spied on Julian Assange during the Wikileaks founder’s time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also allegedly spied for the CIA on meetings held in 2018 by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (2007-2017), with former presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay – Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff and José Mujica – according to a new examination of his MacBook laptop ordered by Spanish Judge Santiago Pedraz, who has been investigating Morales for three years.

10.07.2023 - 12:16 [ ]

Journalisten wehren sich gegen Abhören des Pressetelefons

Im konkreten Fall wehren sich nun die drei Journalisten Ronen Steinke (SZ), Henrik Rampe (frei) und Jörg Poppendieck (rbb) gegen die Abhörmaßnahme. Sie alle hatten sich laut der Pressemitteilung über das Telefon mit der Klimagruppe ausgetauscht. Ronen Steinke, rechtspolitischer Korrespondent der Süddeutschen Zeitung, sagt: „Journalistengespräche abhören, ununterbrochen, monatelang, und die Abgehörten auch hinterher darüber im Dunkeln lassen – ein solcher Übergriff des Staates höhlt die Pressefreiheit aus. Vertrauliche Gespräche sind für unabhängigen Journalismus essenziell.“

08.07.2023 - 14:20 [ Haaretz ]

Hollywood Mogul Milchan Treated His Netanyahu Testimony as He Treats Everything Else: A Commodity

With careful consideration, it is plausible to suggest that Milchan‘s decision may have been influenced by the judges‘ proposal to withdraw the bribery charge in Case 4000, which was presented just before his testimony. The witness perceived this case to overshadow his own involvement, often remarking that the magnitude of „hundreds of millions of dollars“ cannot be compared to indulgences in cigars and champagne. This positioning allowed Milchan to assume a supporting role in the unfolding narrative, but an unexpected turn of events thrust him into the spotlight. Being fluent in the language of power, it appears that Milchan recognized Netanyahu‘s resurgent influence and chose not to risk challenging him.

05.07.2023 - 12:04 [ Fox News ]

Biden likely violated First Amendment during COVID-19 pandemic, federal judge says

A U.S. District Court judge is temporarily preventing White House officials from meeting with tech companies about social media censorship, arguing that such actions in the past were likely First Amendment violations.

The Tuesday injunction by Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty was in response to recent lawsuits from Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general. The suits allege that the White House coerced or „significantly encourage[d]“ tech companies to suppress free speech during the COVID-19 pandemic.

05.07.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

Judge limits Biden administration in working with social media companies

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana granted the injunction in response to a 2022 lawsuit brought by attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri. Their lawsuit alleged that the federal government overstepped in its efforts to convince social media companies to address postings that could result in vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or affect elections.

04.07.2023 - 19:04 [ Times of Israel ]

Opposition leaders say advancing ‘reasonableness’ bill harms Israelis

Despite breaking off compromise talks last month, Yesh Atid and National Unity party heads say that it is still “possible to reach agreements, it is possible to make changes in the judicial system for the good of Israeli citizens and not for the tyranny of the majority and corrupt appointments.”

04.07.2023 - 18:43 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Four MKs apply to vacant Judicial Selection Committee spot as repeat vote nears

The nine-member Judicial Selection Committee includes three High Court justices, one of whom is the chief justice; two ministers, one of whom is the justice minister; two Knesset members; and two representatives of the Israel Bar Association (IBA). One each of the judges, ministers, MKs and IBA representatives must be a woman.

The committee is responsible for appointing judges at all levels of Israel‘s civil court system.

26.06.2023 - 13:46 [ Haaretz ]

Is Israel Prepared to Prosecute Its Prime Minister?

For this saga to end now, one of two things has to happen: Either the prosecution has to withdraw the indictment, or Netanyahu has to admit to some of the charges and leave office immediately. But the prime minister is now breathing easy and praising the judges whom he previously suspected of being leftists. And Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, who views the court’s position as a colossal mistake, is currently determined to go all the way, including to the Supreme Court.

25.06.2023 - 11:44 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

GOOD MORNING from the Jerusalem District Court, where Milchan– I kid you not– will provide testimony via @Zoom.

25.06.2023 - 11:38 [ Haaretz ]

Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan Testifies From Brighton at Netanyahu‘s Corruption Trial

Prosecution and defense lawyers are questioning Milchan from a hotel conference room in Brighton. While no journalists were allowed to attend, Netanyahu’s wife Sara, on a private visit to Britain, will sit in on Milchan’s testimony. His testimony is being aired in a Jerusalem courtroom for the judges, journalists and other attendees.

23.06.2023 - 12:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Film mogul Milchan to testify at Netanyahu trial Sunday, as AG said to mull deal

Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan, a key witness in one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption cases, is set to testify at the premier’s corruption trial via video link from Brighton, England, beginning on Sunday.

The film producer is a witness in Case 1000 — one of three in which Netanyahu faces charges — involving suspicions that the premier illicitly accepted gifts including cigars and champagne from Milchan and another billionaire, James Packer.

23.06.2023 - 12:44 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s AG Will Discuss Possibility of Netanyahu Plea Deal as Next Step in Bribery Trial

According to the report, during a routine hearing at the Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday, the judges engaged in a fifteen-minute discussion with the State Prosecutor‘s Office and Netanyahu‘s defense team and the other defendants, Shaul and Iris Elovich.

The judges reportedly emphasized that „the good of the state requires a settlement.“

23.06.2023 - 12:39 [ Times of Israel ]

Reports: Judges in Netanyahu trial tell prosecution bribery charge has little chance


According to Walla and Channel 13, the judges convened with state prosecutors and Netanyahu’s defense team in their chambers in order to discuss the complexities involved in substantiating the bribery charge against the prime minister in Case 4000, the most significant of the three cases against Netanyahu that make up the trial.

Also known as the Bezeq-Walla case, it focuses on allegations that Netanyahu, during a previous tenure as prime minister, authorized regulatory decisions that financially benefited Bezeq telecommunications giant shareholder Shaul Elovitch by hundreds of millions of shekels.