Archiv: Nancy Pelosi

04.10.2023 - 08:45 [ Fox News ]

Nancy Pelosi evicted from her private office in the Capitol by interim House speaker

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was evicted from her private Capitol office by the new speaker pro-tempore.

Fox News Digital confirmed that House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., gave the order to Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway by Wednesday.

08.06.2023 - 01:27 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

01.04.2023 - 22:22 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

22.11.2022 - 15:10 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

18.11.2022 - 12:02 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

18.11.2022 - 11:47 [ @CertsVA 7h / Nitter ]

all those endless wars for profit that she just sat back and abdicated power to the executive branch to run wild with.

pelosi even admitted on tv that she knew „WMDs in Iraq“ was a lie prior to the invasion and chose not to stop and impeach bush.

18.11.2022 - 10:37 [ @vfxwrkr / Nitter ]

Why is America so much worse off than it was 25 years ago?

18.11.2022 - 10:26 [ Jimmy Dore / Nitter ]

She’s going down as someone who amassed over $100 million dollars while in office.

“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook” – Harry Truman

18.11.2022 - 10:01 [ ]

End of an era: Pelosi steps down as House Democratic leader

After leading the Democrats for the last two decades, the House Speaker announced Thursday that she will step down next year from her spot at the top of the party, closing a momentous run for the most powerful woman in U.S. history while clearing the way for a younger generation of up-and-coming lawmakers to climb into the leadership ranks.

28.08.2022 - 14:29 [ Washington Post ]

Fighting between U.S. troops and militias draws scrutiny to Syria role


President Biden’s order to strike targets belonging to Iranian-backed groups reflects a decision to act — “to protect and defend the safety of our personnel, to degrade and disrupt the ongoing series of attacks against the United States and our partners, and to deter the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran-backed militia groups from conducting or supporting further attacks on United States personnel and facilities,” the president said in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Since Army Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla took over U.S. Central Command in April, there has been a push to ensure that Iran cannot carry out attacks against U.S. forces and assets with impunity, according to a person familiar with planning, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

28.08.2022 - 12:00 [ CNN ]

US sends two warships through Taiwan Strait, in first transit since Pelosi trip

The guided-missile cruisers USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville were on Sunday making the voyage „through waters where high seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law,“ the US 7th Fleet in Japan said in a statement.

It said the transit was „ongoing“ and that there had been „no interference from foreign military forces so far.“

15.08.2022 - 08:46 [ @PeoplesParty_US / Nitter ]

How dare they put their countries so close to our military bases!

15.08.2022 - 08:23 [ ]

US keeps provoking tensions in Straits with lawmakers‘ sneaky visit, to face ‚firm countermeasures‘

Just 12 days after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island of Taiwan, a delegation of US lawmakers made a sudden visit to the island on Sunday, further proving that the US is the one that makes repeated provocations and keeps tensions from easing, said Chinese experts.

They stressed that China will definitely impose sanctions on the visiting lawmakers as a countermeasure, as the country has always been firmly opposed to any collusion between the US and Taiwan secessionists.

15.08.2022 - 08:11 [ ]

US-Delegation in Taiwan: China verärgert

Chinas Verärgerung über den Besuch der US-Delegation äußerte sich in einem Kommentar, den die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua veröffentlichte. In dem Beitrag mit dem Titel „US-Politiker sollten aufhören, bei der Taiwan-Frage mit dem Feuer zu spielen“ wurden die fünf Parlamentarier als „Opportunisten“ geschmäht, die Taiwan aus eigennützigen Motiven hinsichtlich der Kongresszwischenwahlen im November besuchten.

08.08.2022 - 12:43 [ ]

Secessionists must not spoil the word ‚peace‘: Global Times editorial

The current situation is entirely caused by Pelosi and American politicians. China has made the utmost diplomatic efforts before, repeatedly warning the US of the seriousness and danger of Pelosi‘s visit to Taiwan. However, the US turned a deaf ear, went its own way, and even deliberately ignored China‘s emphasis – „Those who play with fire will perish by it“ – as no more than an often-used metaphor. Now they are manipulating the public opinion by complaining maliciously about China‘s „overreaction,“ doesn‘t the move come from their previous serious underestimation of China‘s determination and will?

It is both ironic and absurd that the key points of Washington‘s current accusations against China are only appropriate for the US itself, as if the US thinks of these wordings when looking in the mirror.

08.08.2022 - 12:29 [ Radio China - ]

Östliches Regionalkommando setzt gemeinsame Übungen im Gewässer und Luftraum um die Taiwan-Insel fort

Das östliche Regionalkommando der chinesischen Volksbefreiungsarmee (VBA) hat am Montag die gemeinsamen Übungen im Gewässer und Luftraum um die Insel Taiwan fortgesetzt.

Schwerpunktmäßig werden U-Boot-Abwehr- und maritime Angriffseinsätze geübt.

08.08.2022 - 12:28 [ ]

„Kampfübungen“ rund um Taiwan: China setzt Manöver überraschend fort

Über der vorgelagerten taiwanischen Insel Kinmen, die nur zwei Kilometer von der chinesischen Küste entfernt liegt, sei am Sonntagabend auch wieder eine chinesische Drohne entdeckt worden, berichtete das Verteidigungsministerium in Taipeh. Seit den 50er Jahren hatte es keinen chinesischen Überflug der Insel mehr gegeben.

In anderen Seegebieten im Norden im Golf von Bohai und im Gelben Meer sowie im Süden im Südchinesischen Meer vor der Küste der Provinz Guangdong sind diese Woche auch weitere Manöver geplant.

05.08.2022 - 13:51 [ Washington Post ]

The U.S.-China crisis over Taiwan was wholly predictable

As Jeffrey Bader, President Barack Obama’s top adviser on Asia, has noted of the Biden team: Despite having criticized Trump’s foreign policy bitterly, “when it comes to the greatest foreign policy challenge facing the United States — how to deal with the rise of China — [Biden officials] have continued and mimicked Trump’s destructive approach.”

Bader added, “This has prompted glee among departed Trump officials, who proudly declare themselves innovators and the Biden administration unimaginative and dutiful implementers.”

Ryan Hass, another top Obama China expert, argued that “communication channels for managing tensions have collapsed.”

05.08.2022 - 13:34 [ ]

China decides to impose sanctions on U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — In response to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi‘s egregious provocation, China decides to adopt sanctions on Pelosi and her immediate family members in accordance with relevant laws of the People‘s Republic of China, a foreign ministry spokesperson announced Friday.

05.08.2022 - 06:53 [ Radio China - ]

Wang Yi: China lehnt Provokationen und politisches Glücksspiel der USA in der Taiwan-Frage entschieden ab

Der chinesische Außenminister nannte die USA „den größten Zerstörer des Friedens in der Taiwan-Straße und den größten Unruhestifter der regionalen Stabilität“ und appellierte an alle Parteien, die Ursache und den Inhalt der gegenwärtigen Krise zu erkennen sowie sich gemeinsam den Risiken und Provokationen der US-Seite entgegenzustellen.

Bei einem Treffen mit dem kambodschanischen Premierminister Hun Sen in Phnom Penh hatte Wang am Mittwoch erklärt, die Provokation der USA in der Taiwan-Frage sei kein Zufall, sondern eine sorgfältig geplante Farce, die das hässliche Gesicht des Verrats offenbare.

05.08.2022 - 06:46 [ ZDF ]

Äußerungen zu Taiwan : China legt Protest gegen Baerbock ein

Angesichts der Spannungen um Taiwan hatte die Grünen-Politikerin am Montag in New York vor einer Eskalation gewarnt:

Wir akzeptieren nicht, wenn das internationale Recht gebrochen wird und ein größerer Nachbar völkerrechtswidrig seinen kleineren Nachbarn überfällt – und das gilt natürlich auch für China.

04.08.2022 - 20:14 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The US Military Was Just Used To Help A Dementia Patient Try To Start WW3

Here is a transcript of what Nancy Pelosi’s brain said:

“In our earliest days at our founding of our country, Benjamin Franklin, our presidency, said, freedom and democracy. Freedom and democracy, one thing, security here. If we don’t have- we can’t have either, if we don’t have both.”

Of course Benjamin Franklin was neither a president of the United States nor a “presidency”, and the quote Nancy’s floundering brain was reaching for was “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” These are not difficult things to remember or articulate for someone with functioning gray matter.

This is right up there with other famous neural malfunctions by the speaker, like her “Bernie loves hearing” gibberish from last year or her bizarre “Good morning, Sunday morning” restart in the middle of an interview a couple of years ago, and it calls to mind a DC pharmacist’s casual remark in 2017 that he had filled prescriptions to treat Alzheimer’s disease for some powerful decision makers on Capitol Hill.

04.08.2022 - 19:54 [ Radio China - ]

China reagiert auf Erklärung der G7- und EU-Außenminister

Die Sprecherin des chinesischen Außenministeriums, Hua Chunying, hat am Donnerstag auf die gemeinsame Erklärung der Außenminister der G7-Gruppe und des Hohen Vertreters der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik am Mittwoch reagiert.

Hua sagte, die G7-Außenminister dachten wohl, sie lebten in der Zeit der Vereinigten acht Staaten vor über 120 Jahren.

04.08.2022 - 19:37 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Die Welt brennt und die USA zündeln weiter

Zuletzt erkannte der US-Präsident Donald Trump – seiner antichinesischen Rhetorik zum Trotz – 2017 die Ein-China-Politik der Volksrepublik als auch für die USA bindende Richtlinie an.

Dies änderte sich Stück für Stück mit der Amtsübernahme von Joe Biden. Biden war der erste US-Präsident seit der Wende der US-China-Politik in den späten 1970ern, der zu seiner Amtseinführung offiziell einen Gesandten Taiwans empfing. Im letzten Jahr erklärte er dann, dass die USA Taiwan im Falle eines Angriffs Chinas militärisch beistehen würden – das war überraschend, da das offizielle Beistandsabkommen 1980 ausgelaufen ist und nie verlängert wurde. Mit Bidens Amtsübernahme setzten sich auch die Waffenlieferungen der USA nach Taiwan nahtlos fort, die bereits unter seinen Vorgängern Obama und Trump stets neue Rekordzahlen erreicht hatten.

02.08.2022 - 19:49 [ ]

Umstrittener Besuch: US-Politikerin Pelosi in Taiwan gelandet

Die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Pelosi, ist trotz chinesischer Drohungen in Taiwan gelandet. Peking warnte von einem „Spiel mit dem Feuer“ und kündigte Manöver rund um die Insel Taiwan an.

02.08.2022 - 19:34 [ Radio China - ]

Erklärung des chinesischen Außenministeriums zum Besuch von Pelosi in Taiwan

Im Jahr 1979 haben sich die Vereinigten Staaten im Gemeinsamen Kommuniqué China-USA über die Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen klar dazu verpflichtet: „Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika erkennen die Regierung der Volksrepublik China als die alleinige rechtmäßige Regierung Chinas an. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das Volk der Vereinigten Staaten kulturelle, kommerzielle und andere inoffizielle Beziehungen mit dem Volk von Taiwan unterhalten.“ Der Kongress als Teil der US-Regierung ist von Natur aus verpflichtet, die Ein-China-Politik der US-Regierung strikt einzuhalten und sich jeglichen offiziellen Austauschs mit Chinas Taiwan-Region zu enthalten. China ist seit jeher gegen den Besuch von US-Kongressmitgliedern in Taiwan. Und die US-Exekutive hat die Aufgabe, einen solchen Besuch zu verhindern. Da Sprecherin Pelosi die amtierende Vorsitzende des US-Kongresses ist, stellen ihr Besuch und ihre Aktivitäten in Taiwan, in welcher Form und aus welchem Grund auch immer, eine große politische Provokation dar. China akzeptiert dies absolut nicht, und das chinesische Volk lehnt dies entschieden ab.

02.08.2022 - 19:28 [ / Nitter ]

NOW – Pelosi has arrived in #Taiwan despite China‘s stark warnings.

(2 hours ago)

02.08.2022 - 16:59 [ Reuters ]

Chinese warplanes take to skies, US warships on move before expected Pelosi visit to Taiwan

Chinese warplanes buzzed the line dividing the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday shortly before the expected arrival in Taipei of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a visit that has pushed friction between Washington and Beijing to a new level.

The Chinese leadership has repeatedly warned against Pelosi, a long-time critic of Beijing, making a trip to self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its own.

02.08.2022 - 06:29 [ Radio China - ]

Schifffahrtswarnung: Befahren einiger Gewässer im Südchinesischen Meer und Bohai-Meer verboten

Die chinesische maritime Behörde hat eine Schifffahrtswarnung herausgegeben, wonach von Dienstag 00:00 Uhr bis Samstag 24:00 Uhr in einigen Gewässern des Südchinesischen Meers eine militärische Übung durchgeführt wird. Daher ist ein Befahren jener Gewässer verboten. Zudem findet seit Montag 14:00 Uhr und bis Donnerstag 24:00 Uhr im Norden des Bohai-Meers eine Schießenübung mit scharfer Munition statt. Ein Einfahren in diese Gewässer ist ebenfalls verboten.

02.08.2022 - 06:24 [ ]

PLA is not afraid to fight for defending sovereignty and security: Global Times editorial

The Chinese army has not fought a war for nearly 40 years. Such a long period of peace has been won by the joint efforts of the Party, the government, the PLA and all Chinese people. It has created basic conditions for China‘s comprehensive and rapid development and is worthy of being cherished and safeguarded.

But at the same time we need to keep reminding ourselves to maintain distance and vigilance against the naive mind-set that wishes for absolute pacifism. We must avoid the situation in which people no longer know how to fight after living in peace for so long. For a major country like China, the consequence of having a relaxed mentality on national defense construction is unthinkable.

02.08.2022 - 05:04 [ ]

China‘s military marks 95th anniversary as US Speaker‘s potential Taiwan visit looms

„We would like to tell the United States once again that China is standing by, the Chinese People‘s Liberation Army will never sit idly by, and China will take resolute responses and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,“ he said during a regular press briefing.

As to what exactly the measures will be, the world should „wait and see“, he added.

Over the weekend, various nationalistic commentators had alluded to supporting a military response.

02.08.2022 - 04:37 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Warns China Not to Turn Pelosi’s Expected Trip to Taiwan Into a ‘Crisis’

“There is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with longstanding U.S. policy into some sort of crisis or conflict, or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait,” John F. Kirby, a National Security Council spokesman, told reporters. “Meanwhile,” he added, “our actions are not threatening and they break no new ground. Nothing about this potential visit — potential visit, which oh, by the way, has precedent — would change the status quo.”

01.08.2022 - 18:06 [ Radio China - ]

China warnt USA erneut vor Pelosi-Besuch in Taiwan

Zhao Lijian wies darauf hin, dass die Volksbefreiungsarmee Chinas niemals untätig zusehen werde. China werde entschlossen starke Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen, um seine Souveränität und territoriale Integrität zu schützen. Die USA sollten sich an das Ein-China-Prinzip und die drei gemeinsamen Kommuniqués halten, die Verpflichtung von US-Präsident Joe Biden erfüllen, die „Unabhängigkeit Taiwans“ nicht zu unterstützen und keinen Pelosi-Besuch in Taiwan organisieren.

01.08.2022 - 17:32 [ ]

Chinese FM spokesperson urges Biden not to allow Pelosi‘s visit to Taiwan

Zhao reiterated at Monday‘s press conference that China has repeatedly expressed to the US its serious concerns and solemn position that it firmly opposes Pelosi‘s visit to the island, as it could cause serious consequences. China also believes that the US must have been fully aware of the strong and clear message delivered by the Chinese side.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden spoke via telephone for over two hours on Thursday, during which Xi emphasized that it is the firm will of the 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard China‘s national sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan issue. „Those who play with fire will perish by it,“ Xi warned Biden.

01.08.2022 - 17:19 [ CNN ]

Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to a senior Taiwanese government official and a US official, despite warnings from Biden administration officials, who are worried about China‘s response to such a high-profile visit.

31.07.2022 - 15:28 [ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House ]

Pelosi to Lead Congressional Delegation to Indo-Pacific Region

“Today, our Congressional delegation travels to the Indo-Pacific to reaffirm America’s strong and unshakeable commitment to our allies and friends in the region,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “In Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, our delegation will hold high-level meetings to discuss how we can further advance our shared interests and values, including peace and security, economic growth and trade, the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, human rights and democratic governance. Under the strong leadership of President Biden, America is firmly committed to smart, strategic engagement in the region, understanding that a free and flourishing Indo-Pacific is crucial to prosperity in our nation and around the globe.”

Speaker Pelosi continued, “After a fuel stop in Hawaii, we were honored with a briefing from USINDOPACOM Leadership, as well as a visit to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and the USS Arizona.

31.07.2022 - 15:25 [ Washington Post ]

Nancy Pelosi announces Asia trip itinerary with no mention of Taiwan

Pelosi on Sunday set off for the Indo-Pacific, where she is leading a delegation of five Democratic lawmakers focused on “mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance” in the region, according to a news release from her office.

The delegation will visit Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, according to the release.

31.07.2022 - 04:53 [ ]

Don’t say we didn’t warn you – Symposium of China’s top think tank sends classic, pre-war warning to provocative Pelosi

Sending fighter jets to intercept Pelosi‘s plane, declaring air and maritime zones around the island of Taiwan as restriction zones for military exercises … China‘s responses will be systematical and not limited to small scale given the severity of Pelosi‘s move and the damage to the political trust of China-US relations, Yang Mingjie, head of the Institute of Taiwan Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

31.07.2022 - 04:23 [ ]

US aircraft carrier returns to South China Sea after port call in Singapore

„USS Ronald Reagan and her strike group are underway, operating in the South China Sea following a successful port visit to Singapore,“ Reuters quoted Commander Hayley Sims as saying.

The carrier „is continuing normal, scheduled operations as part of her routine patrol in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific,“ she added.

31.07.2022 - 04:00 [ Fox News ]

China announces live-fire naval exercises ahead of possible Pelosi Taiwan visit

Pelosi could become the highest-ranking American elected official to visit Taiwan since 1997.

Chinese officials have exploded with anger at the proposition, saying that such a visit would violate the One China Policy and would constitute aiding an illegal rebellion. If Pelosi does attempt to visit Taiwan, one Chinese state media personality even suggested shooting down her plane.

The Chinese exercises were to take place over a 13-hour period, according to state media.

18.02.2022 - 09:30 [ Logan Ratick / Twitter ]

Members of Congress attending the Munich Security Congress this weekend.

14 Senators (8 D‘s, 6 R‘s)

Democrat Reps. (not on this list) also attending: Speaker Pelosi, Adam Smith, Schiff, Deutch, Lee, McCollum, Himes, Keating, Maloney, Swalwell, Gallego, Moulton, Khanna, Kim

18.02.2022 - 08:59 [ Haaretz ]

Pelosi Headed to Israel With Iran, Ukraine on the Agenda

(Feb. 14, 2022)

Pelosi will head the congressional delegation set to visit the Knesset on Wednesday, over two years since her last official visit to Jerusalem, with the Iran talks in Vienna sure to be on the agenda. She will be accompanied by key lawmakers related to foreign relations, appropriations and intelligence — including Reps. Adam Schiff, Ted Deutch, Barbara Lee, Bill Keating, Eric Swalwell, Ro Khanna and Andy Kim.

01.10.2021 - 19:10 [ ]

Pelosi Suffers Humiliating Setback, Forced to Call Off Spending Bill Vote as Democrats Quarrel

A House vote on a $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill was called off Thursday by Speaker Nancy Pelosi as feuding Democrats could not unite.

The $1 trillion package already has passed the Senate with bipartisan support, and even has the support of a majority of House members. However, passage of the bill is being held up by a $3.5 trillion spending package that progressives want and moderates oppose.

01.10.2021 - 19:03 [ ]

Pelosi delays infrastructure vote as Democrats struggle to reach deal

(Updated: 09/30/2021 10:54 PM EDT)

Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed off a planned vote on a bipartisan infrastructure bill late Thursday after top Democrats in the House, Senate and the White House failed to reach a deal to pass the legislation.

Pelosi and other top Democrats engaged in hours of frenetic negotiations, hoping to produce a bicameral deal on President Joe Biden’s broader social spending package, which progressives had demanded in exchange for their votes on the Senate-passed infrastructure bill.

29.09.2021 - 09:43 [ ]

Left warns Pelosi they‘ll take down Biden infrastructure bill

Liberals on Tuesday fired a shot across the bow at Democratic leaders by warning that a bipartisan infrastructure bill cannot pass the House as long as Senate centrists remain noncommittal on the larger social benefits package at the heart of President Biden‘s agenda.

29.09.2021 - 09:42 [ ABC News ]

Progressive Democrats vow to defy Pelosi, vote no on infrastructure bill

Progressive Democrats on Tuesday starkly warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders that their position on President Joe Biden‘s infrastructure agenda remains unchanged: Without a deal on a broader, social policy bill, they do not intend to support a bipartisan infrastructure bill that Pelosi wants to bring to a vote this Thursday.

28.09.2021 - 15:36 [ MSNBC ]

Joe Biden‘s Build Back Better Agenda is being held up by moderate Democrats

It’s only when the ground buckles and snaps in an earthquake that we’re aware that the land had already been moving. Moderate Democrats in Washington must similarly be wondering what happened as they struggle to accept that they are no longer the dominant force in the party.

After years of being relegated to an afterthought and being told that moving too quickly or too far to the left would alienate voters, progressives are firmly in the driver‘s seat in Washington.

28.09.2021 - 15:15 [ Washington Post ]

Why are moderate Democrats okay with killing Biden’s legislative agenda?

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and a handful of House Democrats oppose letting Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices, which would save more than $500 billion over 10 years. (Incidentally, three of the Democrats opposing the idea have received $1.6 million in donations from the pharmaceutical industry.) The New York Times also reports that Sinema “has privately told colleagues she will not accept any corporate or income tax rate increases,” while Manchin remains opposed to the current plan’s proposed corporate tax rate.

28.09.2021 - 15:14 [ NBC News ]

Pelosi says Biden‘s infrastructure bill can‘t wait for social safety net bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats on Monday that passage of the $550 billion infrastructure bill must not wait for President Joe Biden‘s multitrillion-dollar safety net bill, saying the larger package is not yet ready for a vote.

29.06.2021 - 11:01 [ Manu Raju / Twitter ]

Dems seem to be OK with the airstrikes Biden ordered over the weekend.

Pelosi says they appear „targeted and proportional“
Schiff says he believes they are „appropriate and reasonable“
Kaine said today it appears to be „classic“ self-defense

28.02.2021 - 09:15 [ Steve Herman / Twitter ]

There was congressional notification prior to the US airstrike on #Syria, @PentagonPresSec tells reporters.


„The Department of Defense briefed Congressional leadership before the action last night,“ confirms @PressSec
. „The administration has been briefing the Hill at the Member- and staff-level today. There will be a full classified briefing early next week at the latest.“

28.02.2021 - 08:55 [ ]

Biden administration to give Congress full classified briefing on Syria strikes by next week


“The Department of Defense briefed Congressional leadership before the action last night. The Administration has been briefing the Hill at the Member- and staff-level today. There will be a full classified briefing early next week at the latest,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement.

06.01.2021 - 21:24 [ Washington Post ]

Pelosi has requested deployment of National Guard troops to Capitol

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has requested National Guard troops be deployed to clear and secure the Capitol, a senior Democratic aide said Wednesday.

04.01.2021 - 10:55 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

House PROGRESSIVES just reelected Nancy Pelosi. Only corporate Democrats voted against her. #ForceTheVote was our best chance for a House vote on Medicare for all. The Democratic Party cannot be reformed. It‘s time for a #PeoplesParty!

04.01.2021 - 10:48 [ ]

Pelosi bleibt Vorsitzende im US-Repräsentantenhaus

Die 80-Jährige wurde gestern bei der konstituierenden Sitzung der Kongresskammer mit knapper Mehrheit für zwei weitere Jahre im Amt bestätigt.

04.01.2021 - 10:37 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

DSA Deny Their Own Manifesto Of Advocating #ForceTheVote


We demand that every progressive in Congress refuse to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House until she publicly pledges to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote in January:

04.01.2021 - 10:34 [ ]

Pelosi wins Speakership for fourth time in dramatic vote

Heading into the vote, there were also open questions surrounding the intentions of several incoming progressive lawmakers — including Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) — who had knocked off Democratic incumbents in the primaries and had declined to forecast how they‘d vote in the Speaker‘s race.

In the end, however, those newcomers declined to go after Pelosi, citing a need for Democrats to unite heading into the new Congress.

31.12.2020 - 04:55 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

#ForceTheVote Town Hall

30.12.2020 - 19:10 [ ]

#ForceTheVote Town Hall

Dear progressive members of Congress,

We invite you to join us at a live town hall meeting on Wednesday at 8:30 pm ET to discuss forcing a vote on Medicare for all.

Tens of millions of Americans are struggling without health care in the middle of a pandemic and we have a fleeting opportunity to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote. Medicare for all is overwhelmingly popular and forcing the vote has enormous support in the progressive movement. Please join thousands of your biggest supporters to discuss #ForceTheVote.

30.12.2020 - 19:00 [ @JohnKramarz / Twitter ]

Here‘s #MyStory , or at least one of them, to #ForceTheVote on #M4A Thanks @jimmy_dore for forcing this issue!

30.12.2020 - 18:53 [ Sherrie Scott / Twitter ]

Hey @jimmy_dore This is #MyStory let’s #ForceTheVote

30.12.2020 - 18:42 [ BJG / Twitter ]

Ms. Wood‘s daughter Charlie was born premature. The cost of keeping her alive has been devastating. It turned Ms. Wood from an ACA advocate into a Medicare for All advocate. Please listen to her testimony from last year‘s committee hearings on #MedicareForAll. #ForceTheVote

30.12.2020 - 18:32 [ Jonathan Gartin / Twitter ]

#ForceTheVote #MyStory #MedicareForAll #NewGenMindSet #publicpressure #townhall

30.12.2020 - 18:24 [ @healthcarety / Twitter ]

#ForceTheVote #MyM4AStory #MyStory #MedicareForAll #MultipleSclerosis @0rf @ForceTheVoteM4A

30.12.2020 - 18:19 [ William, The Sim / Twitter ]

Let‘s make something happen for once. #MyStory #ForceTheVote

30.12.2020 - 18:07 [ Lady Long Limbs / Twitter ]

It‘s tough to condense #MyStory on why I believe in #ForceTheVote , but I gave it my best shot

The short version is that I‘m tired of seeing people suffer in one of the most powerful countries in the world, and it‘s time to hold our representatives accountable for change.

30.12.2020 - 17:56 [ ]

2 new members of the progressive ‚Squad‘ won‘t say whether they‘ll support Nancy Pelosi‘s fourth bid for house speaker


Reps.-elect Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman on Sunday declined to state in a CNN interview whether they would support California Rep. Nancy Pelosi‘s bid to be reelected as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

30.12.2020 - 03:30 [ Katie / Twitter ]

There’s no reason for a progressive to vote to confirm Pelosi as speaker again without concessions. Period. @AOC @AyannaPressley @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @PramilaJayapal @RoKhanna do what we elected you to do and force the vote! #ReplacePelosiJan3 #ForceM4ALLVote

30.12.2020 - 03:00 [ Tamburlaine / Twitter ]

You do realize that not only can the Squad #ForceTheVote on M4A, they can even #ReplacePelosiJan3 with *ZERO RISK* of a GOP Speaker? They need 5-8 holdouts. The GOP doesn‘t have the votes. And this isn‘t being discussed at all. Why?