Archiv: British EU Exit Referendum (2016)

20.12.2023 - 16:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

After 2016 — first Brexit, then Trump‘s win — Western elites decided populations could no longer be trusted with basic freedoms: they choose and think wrong. That‘s what led to the censorship/“disinformation“ regime. Now they‘re barring the leading candidate from running:

Imagine if Biden wins with Trump banned or jailed: US sermons about „democracy,“ or condemning Putin imprisoning Navalny, will be seen as an even bigger joke than now.

One of the West‘s key dissidents (Assange) is jailed. They censor dissent. Now they‘re trying to ban Trump.

It‘s always been a huge propagandistic mystery that the US media succeeds in convincing Americans that the US Govt defends freedom as it props up the worst dictators (Saudi, Egypt, etc.).

They‘re now escalating it in desperation: first after 2016, now seeing Trump/Biden polls.

Fear of free populations is a global trend. In Brazil, they imprisoned Lula in 2018 when leading all polls, then banned Bolsonaro from running.

In Pakistan, CIA engineered removal and imprisonment of Imran Khan.

All Western countries are increasing online speech controls.

23.06.2021 - 12:19 [ ]

Irrational fear of Covid has crushed Brexit Britain‘s buccaneering spirit

Five years after the Brexit vote, the pandemic response has suffocated the boosterism that was one of the driving forces behind the Leave campaign. On our own, freed of the EU straitjacket, we would flourish by demonstrating a quintessentially British can-do spirit. Instead, we are still exhorted to cower behind the national sofa by leaders terrified of what the future might bring.

07.05.2021 - 09:34 [ ]

Tories take Hartlepool in historic Red Wall by-election victory

Sir Keir’s critics point to the voting history of Dr Paul Williams, Labour’s candidate in Hartlepool, who voted to Remain in the EU referendum.

Hartlepool is one of the UK’s strongest Brexit-supporting constituencies, with 70 per cent voting to leave in 2016.

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

24.12.2020 - 17:29 [ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom / Twitter ]

WATCH LIVE: My update on our future partnership with the European Union.

24.12.2020 - 17:24 [ UK Prime Minister / Twitter ]

The United Kingdom has agreed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. See what this deal means for you

09.12.2020 - 17:55 [ ]

STEPHEN GLOVER: When will Europe get it? Britain is determined to have its sovereignty back, come what may

Supported by other leaders, President Emmanuel Macron wants an independent Britain to obey future EU regulations — and be fined if it doesn’t.

Do they expect Boris Johnson to cave in during the next 24 hours? If so, they are tragically mistaken.

02.02.2020 - 11:36 [ Spiked ]

A glorious victory for democracy: Brexit is the most stirring political achievement of the postwar period.

We did it. Against all the odds. Against the barbs and defamations and underhand tactics of a hysterical establishment. Against a Remainer Parliament that had been hell-bent on reversing what we voted for. Against the best efforts of Remainer agitators at home and the bureaucratic machine in Brussels to prevent our democratic voice from being heard.

01.02.2020 - 12:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER VERFALL DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (XIII): Rausgeworfen von Großbritannien

Gestern nun, am 31. Januar 2020, feierte die Mehrheit für alle Briten den neuen „Independence Day“ des Vereinigten Königreichs. Es brauchte dazu erst ……..

01.02.2020 - 09:19 [ ZDF ]

Brexit-Blog zum Nachlesen – Großbritannien verlässt die EU

Die britische EU-Mitgliedschaft ist Geschichte. Nach den Feiern beginnen die Gespräche über die künftigen Beziehungen. Alles rund um den historischen Moment zum Nachlesen im Blog.

31.01.2020 - 07:01 [ ]

The ins and outs of Britain‘s 47 tortured years with the EU

The United Kingdom had been trying to join the European Economic Community since 1961, but had been rejected twice by French President Charles de Gaulle, who argued that Britain was “incompatible” and harboured a “deep-seated hostility” to any pan-European project.

Once de Gaulle stepped down in 1969, the way was clear for the UK to enter the club on the third time of trying.

31.01.2020 - 06:39 [ Tagesschau ]

EU-Austritt Großbritanniens: Der Brexit-Day ist da

Freitag, 24. Juni 2016. Es ist zwanzig vor fünf am Morgen, als der Moderator der BBC den Briten sagt, was sie wirklich wollen.

„Die Entscheidung von 1975 zum Eintritt in den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum ist durch das Referendum revidiert worden. Das britische Volk hat gesprochen, und die Antwort heißt: Wir sind raus.“

Dreieinhalb Jahre, zwei Premierminister und zwei Unterhauswahlen später ist es nun so weit.

31.01.2020 - 06:18 [ ]

Today at 11pm, after 30 years of resistance, the great people of the UK will have finally got Brexit done

Forty-seven years and 30 days after we joined. Three decades since the rot set in with the drive towards a United States of Europe. Seven years after David Cameron promised a referendum and 3½ traumatic years since Leave won it. It is hard to exaggerate the magnitude of this moment.

24.01.2020 - 20:54 [ ]

Boris Johnson signs Withdrawal Agreement in historic moment for UK and EU

Boris Johnson has signed the Withdrawal Agreement Bill that will bring the UK out of the EU on January 31.

The bill has taken two Conservative governments under two different prime ministers and more than a year to pass in Parliament.

Mr Johnson said it was a „fantastic moment“ that „delivers the result of the 2016 referendum and brings to an end far too many years of argument and division“.

25.12.2019 - 11:29 [ ]

Britisches Wahlergebnis bestätigt schleichenden Tod der Labour Party

Dieser Zusammenbruch im Norden war wohl das außergewöhnlichste Einzelergebnis der Wahl. Im Nordosten, Nordwesten, Yorkshire und Humber gingen 26 Sitze von Labour an die Tories über, viele davon in den Bergbauregionen. Neun der verlorenen Sitze hatte Labour seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ohne Unterbrechung inne. Die Partei verlor außerdem den Sitz für Bolsover, den der über 80-jährige Dennis Skinner 49 Jahre lang innehatte.

Die Stimmengewinne der Tories waren dort am größten, wo beim Referendum 2016 die meisten Wähler für den Brexit gestimmt hatten. Sie reichten von zwei Prozent in Gebieten mit weniger als 45 Prozent pro-Brexit-Stimmen bis zu acht Prozent in Gebieten, in denen über 60 Prozent für den Brexit gewesen waren.

20.12.2019 - 16:41 [ Tagesschau ]

EU-Austritt: Britisches Unterhaus stimmt für Brexit-Gesetz

Nun wird das Gesetz noch in den Ausschüssen beraten. Dafür sind nach den Weihnachtsferien Anfang Januar drei weitere Debattentage vorgesehen, am 7., 8. und 9. Januar. Danach muss auch das Oberhaus noch zustimmen, damit Großbritannien die EU zum 31. Januar tatsächlich geregelt verlassen kann.

20.12.2019 - 15:59 [ ]

BREXIT BEGINS! Britain on way to Brexit as MPs FINALLY back Boris Johnson’s deal just days before Christmas

BRITAIN is officially on its way to leaving the EU on January 31 today after MPs finally backed Boris Johnson‘s Brexit deal by a huge majority of 124.

There were loud cheers across the chamber as MPs opted by 358 – 234 to deliver the new deal after three years of dithering and delay.

20.12.2019 - 15:54 [ BBC ]

Brexit: MPs back Johnson‘s bill

MPs have backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s plan for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January.

They voted 358 to 234 in favour of the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill, which now goes on to further scrutiny in the House of Commons and House of Lords.

17.12.2019 - 21:49 [ ]

Tories now more popular with working class voters than middle class ones, reveals election poll

The Tories under Boris Johnson are now more popular with the working classes than the middle classes, according to a new poll.

17.12.2019 - 21:45 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

‘If Labour is to ever win back the traditional working-class, it must stop treating them as though they were some kind of embarrassing elderly relative.’ My @UnHerd take on Labour’s implosion.

17.12.2019 - 21:41 [ BBC Newsnight ‏/ Twitter ]

“Labour may die. It’s lost its home, it’s lost its heartlands… what we need in terms of leadership is people who are prepared to recognise the scale of the defeat… Labour is in danger of becoming completely irrelevant to the conversation.” – Labour’s Lord Glasman

17.12.2019 - 16:16 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson tells Cabinet ‚we will repay the trust‘ of working-class Leave voters in first meeting after landslide victory – with new clause to Brexit bill that rules out delaying departure from EU rules beyond 2020 by LAW

– Boris Johnson has held the first meeting of his new Cabinet since election saying ‚you ain‘t seen nothing yet‘
– The government has revealed that it is amending withdrawal legislation to stop any further delays to Brexit
– The new legislation would rule out any extension of the post-Brexit transition period beyond December 2020
– Officials have also strongly rejected any speculation that Boris Johnson could opt to embrace a softer Brexit
– Mr Johnson last night posed with 109 new Conservative MPs who will help him to deliver Brexit by January 31

16.12.2019 - 16:42 [ BBC ]

General election 2019: MPs‘ vote on Brexit bill planned for Friday

The bill is expected to pass through Parliament in time to meet Boris Johnson‘s promise for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January.

15.12.2019 - 11:07 [ Labour Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

The lesson of the last 3 years is that our elites, in a very broad sense, are deeply hostile to the democratic principle – visible in their support for EU, and in their ruthless campaign to squash a vote against it.

15.12.2019 - 10:42 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

Seeing a lot of tweets from Labour activists saying, “We just need to fight harder next time.” No. Labour did not get smashed for want of effort by activists. It got smashed because it lost the trust of the working-class. Until this is admitted, we cannot move forward.

15.12.2019 - 10:21 [ John Mann / ]

The arrogance and detachment of Corbyn’s middle class fan club was a factor in every seat Labour lost

The arrogance and detachment of Corbyn’s middle class fan club was a factor in every seat that Labour lost. And they were so away with the fairies that in a Bassetlaw they predicted a 1200 Labour majority on the eve of the election.

It is 95 years since Bassetlaw last elected a Conservative…

13.12.2019 - 14:40 [ ]

Politologin: Narrativ von der Pro-EU-Mehrheit in Großbritannien ist tot

STANDARD: Auf dem Kontinent herrscht ja bisweilen das Narrativ vor, dass die Mehrheit der Briten eigentlich gerne in der EU bleiben möchte.

Goes: Spätestens jetzt wissen wir, dass dieses Narrativ tot ist. Eigentlich war die Wahl am Donnerstag das Ende eines Prozesses, der beim Referendum 2016 begonnen hat.

13.12.2019 - 14:28 [ Tagesschau ]

„Werden viel von hässlichen Engländern hören“ Wie erklären Sie sich diesen enormen Sieg für Johnson?

Anthony Glees: Wenn man die Stimmen der Parteien, die für ein Verbleiben in der europäischen Union waren, zusammenzählt, kommt man auf 52 Prozent. 48 Prozent waren für die Brexit-Befürworter.

13.12.2019 - 13:40 [ Sky News / Youtube ]

Watch the moment Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson lost her sea

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson lost her East Dunbartonshire seat after 12 years of being the serving MP.

13.12.2019 - 13:11 [ Spectator ]

Watch: Jeremy Corbyn’s resignation speech

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected in Islington North. But after leading his party to a second election loss, the Labour leader also announced that he would stand down before the next campaign.

13.12.2019 - 13:08 [ C4 News FactCheck ‏/ Twitter ]

In terms of seats won, this is Labour‘s worst performance at a general election since 1935.

07.12.2019 - 10:04 [ Spectator ]

This election will change Britain – and Europe – for good

First and most obviously, it will decide whether one of the world’s most famous and powerful states is still independent, or whether it has in reality become a subordinate component of a larger sovereign entity — a question still in doubt. Our independence is not primarily a matter of the details of European laws and regulations, however voluminous; or of the creation of a common citizenship with 27 other states; or even of the intended future development of EU control in still wider areas of government. It is primarily a matter of psychology. Britain voted in 2016 by a clear majority to be an independent state.

23.11.2019 - 10:29 [ Daily Mail ]

Northern heartlands desert Jeremy : Brexit revolt in traditional Labour seats could hand victory to Boris Johnson as poll shows PM is on course to breach ‚Red Wall‘

The Tories are on course to win about 30 seats in Labour‘s English heartlands on December 12 thanks to a dramatic swing against Mr Corbyn‘s party since the 2017 election, according to a Daily Mail poll.

It means the Conservatives are poised to triumph in working-class seats they have rarely – if ever – held, such as Bishop Auckland, Great Grimsby, Rother Valley, Stoke-on-Trent North, Workington and Bassetlaw. All are in areas which voted to leave the EU.

23.11.2019 - 10:16 [ Spectator ]

The Edition: can Remainers unite against Boris?

James Forsyth writes in this issue’s cover article that the Remain side’s inability to unite may well cost them this election and, if Boris Johnson wins, put the last nail in the coffin for Remain. On the podcast, Alastair Campbell also explains why the People’s Vote campaign seems to have imploded in recent weeks.

14.11.2019 - 17:32 [ Spectator ]

What Hillary Clinton doesn’t understand about Brexit

We’re not separating ourselves from Europe, Hillary. We’re separating ourselves from the EU. Europe is a vast continent that has existed for aeons; the EU is a bloated, bureaucratic nightmare that has only existed, in its current form, since 1993. We’ll be fine.

Also, speaking of ‘democracies’ — we voted to leave, and that’s why we’re leaving. That’s how democracy works: you lost the 2016 presidential election and your Euro-chums lost the 2016 EU referendum.

03.11.2019 - 19:20 [ Buzzfeed ]

An Intelligence Report Will Say UK Spy Agencies Found No Evidence Of Russian State Interference In The Outcome Of The Brexit Referendum

One of the sources told BuzzFeed News the finding was categorical.

The report, titled simply „Russia“, is at the centre of a row between some MPs and Downing Street after the committee’s chair, former attorney general Dominic Grieve, urged Boris Johnson to release the report ahead of the Dec. 12 general election, arguing that it was “really unacceptable for the prime minister to sit on it”.

02.11.2019 - 12:38 [ Left of Centre Brexit / Twitter ]

Do we trust Labour? The Labour who will deliver a rigged second referendum?

30.10.2019 - 18:19 [ Telegraph ]

Boris has made a strategic error in reinstating the Brexit blockers

Why, for the fourth time in almost as many years, is the country being invited to go out and vote again? Because, to put it bluntly, the MPs we elected back in 2017 refuse to enact the result of the EU referendum.

29.09.2019 - 10:01 [ ]

‚FOREIGN PLOT‘ No10: launches probe into Remainers who ‘colluded with France and EU’ to write Brexit Surrender Act as MPs ‘plot for Bercow to bypass PM’

Former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, former Chancellor Philip Hammond and ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve are all suspected of being assisted by members of the European Commission, it was reported.

Another source added: “The Government is working on extensive investigations into Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and Hilary Benn [who tabled the Bill] and their involvement with foreign powers and the funding of their activities.

29.09.2019 - 09:21 [ Telegraph ]

Tony Blair lobbied EU for Brexit delay as he led new referendum calls

Tony Blair personally urged the EU‘s chief negotiator to delay Brexit beyond March 29 as Theresa May was insisting to European leaders that she wanted the UK to leave on time, The Telegraph can disclose.

The former prime minister held a private meeting with Michel Barnier in February in which he declared that an extension of the Article 50 notice period would „provide the time required“ for „clarifying“ the type of relationship Britain wanted with the EU.

29.09.2019 - 09:11 [ Daily Mail ]

No 10 probes Remain MPs‘ ‚foreign collusion‘ amid plot to allow John Bercow to send ‚surrender letter‘ to Brussels asking for a delay to Brexit

Downing Street has launched a major investigation into alleged links between foreign governments and the MPs behind the ‚Surrender Act‘ which could force Boris Johnson to delay Brexit, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Sources said No 10 took the unprecedented action after officials received intelligence that the MPs, including former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, had received help drafting the Bill from members of the French Government and the European Union.

26.09.2019 - 15:44 [ ]

Johnson: Brexit will happen on October 31 and I won‘t resign over Supreme Court ruling

When asked how he could both obey the law and ensure Brexit by October 31, Mr Johnson said: „If you’ll forgive me, I don’t want to tip the hand of the UK government more than Parliament has already required us to do so.“

26.09.2019 - 15:34 [ Spectator ]

MPs and the outrage game

For three years the UK Parliament has been unable to act on the 2016 referendum result. It was never clear what they were hoping to achieve if they got an extra three days, weeks or months.

But the Parliament that reassembled yesterday managed to live down to even what low expectations there might have been.