Daily Archives: 4. November 2023

04.11.2023 - 23:54 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live Tracker

Here are the latest casualty figures as of October November 4, 1:45pm local time (10:45 GMT):


– Killed: At least 9,488
– Including at least:
– 3,900 children
– 2,509 women

Injured: At least 24,158
– Including at least:
– 6,360 children
– 4,891 women

Occupied West Bank

– Killed: At least 145
– Injured: At least 2,100


– Killed: At least 1,430
– Injured: At least 5,600

04.11.2023 - 23:50 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Yossi (missed surname) on @ReshetBet. Sister killed by Hamas. Niece & nephew– 3 years & 10 months– kidnapped to Gaza. He hasn‘t heard from Netanyahu hostage czar. „The state collapsed.“ –But you‘re interviewed by world media, right? „They ask how I feel about Gazan children.“

04.11.2023 - 23:44 [ Yoav Groweiss يوآف غروفايس / Twitter ]

אב שכול מכפר עזה, רפ״ק במילואים, מדבר על גבורת שוטרי הדרום ופונה מדם לבו אל ממ״ז ירושלים בבקשה לשמור על זכות ההפגנה ולהימנע מאלימות כלפי המפגינים.

04.11.2023 - 23:37 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Now in front of @Netanyahu‘s residence at 35 Gaza Road, Jerusalem, thousands demanding Netanyahu‘s ouster (@rozolyo)

04.11.2023 - 23:25 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

There are at least two protests in Jerusalem. Demonstrators near Netanyahu‘s official residence have broken through police lines. Across from the billionaire‘s mansion where Netanyahu is holing up, signs read „Bibi Traitor of the Nation“ „Netanyahu Guilty“ and „Debacle 2023.“

04.11.2023 - 23:03 [ Potere al Popolo / Twitter ]

10.000 people are demonstrating in Rome in solidarity with Palestine, demanding an end to the bombing of Gaza. #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow

04.11.2023 - 22:52 [ Robert Carter / Twitter ]

Despite a vile ban on pro-Palestine protests in France, thousands have massed in support of Gaza in Paris.

04.11.2023 - 22:51 [ Mousavian / Twitter ]

Berlin Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters take to the streets of Berlin waving flags and demanding an end to Israeli strikes on Gaza. “Save Gaza,” “Stop genocide” and “Ceasefire” were emblazoned on marchers’ placards, according to AFP journalists.

“Save Gaza,” “Stop genocide” and “Ceasefire” were emblazoned on marchers’ placards, according to AFP journalists.

04.11.2023 - 22:31 [ AA.com.tr ]

Cease-fire now: Tens of thousands in London hold rally in solidarity with Palestine

During the demonstration, protesters shouted against Western leaders like Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden, criticizing their support for Israel.

The protest also saw many pro-Palestinian signs, including: „Bombing kids is not self-defense,“ „Cease-fire now,“ and „No peace, no justice.“

Jewish demonstrators also protested the actions of Israel’s government with banners saying “Jews say stop genocide of Palestinians“ and „Jews for a free Palestine.“

04.11.2023 - 22:15 [ Anthony Hughes / Twitter ]

BREAKING: The pro-Palestine protest in Washington D.C. is becoming so large, that the planned meeting location of Freedom Plaza can no longer hold the crowd. They‘re taking to the street and some can be seen marching. Police are present on the ground.

(2 hours ago)

04.11.2023 - 20:50 [ Daniel Neun / Twitter ]

Colonial politics: Kill the moderates, support the extremists and rulers. Then scaremonger your homegrown morons.

(Aug 14, 2013 / no specific date)

04.11.2023 - 20:25 [ Christiane Amanpour, @CNN Chief International Anchor / Twitter ]

On the anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, I delve into my vault of archive reporting to reflect on his legacy as a martyr for peace.

You can watch The Amanpour Archive on my new show #TheAmanpourHour on @CNN every Saturday at 11am ET.

04.11.2023 - 20:15 [ Monica Marks / Twitter ]

Today marks the anniversary of former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination by a right-wing extremist who opposed the Oslo Accords. It was a watershed moment. 28 years later, the views of Rabin’s assassin are more powerful in Israel & peace farther away than ever.

04.11.2023 - 20:00 [ Palestinian Youth Movement / Twitter ]

Incredible scene here at Freedom Plaza right now. As speeches kick off, tens of thousands prepare to #MarchOnWashington. In our thousands, in our millions WE ARE ALL PALESTINIAN

04.11.2023 - 19:55 [ CNN ]

Palestinian American family mourns 42 relatives killed in a single day in Gaza


Thousands of miles away from the brutality of war in Gaza, Tariq Hamouda and his wife Manal are in disbelief over the loss of three generations of their family.

The Palestinian Americans, who live in Maple Grove, Minnesota, say it’s been over a week since they learned 42 relatives were killed in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and they’re still unable to fully comprehend the news.

04.11.2023 - 19:32 [ Yasmine Taeb / Twitter ]

Beautiful seeing all the different contingent groups at DC #March4Palestine #CeasefireNOW

04.11.2023 - 19:24 [ BreakThroughNews.org/donate/ ]

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04.11.2023 - 19:06 [ restream.io ]

How to sound better on live streams

(no specific date)

In this article, we sum up all the key points about audio, how to sound better on live streams, and how to avoid big fails on air.

04.11.2023 - 18:59 [ Palestinian Youth Movement / Twitter ]

Dr. @HatemBazian speaking now: “We want freedom and freedom is what we will get for Palestinians.” “As we celebrated the end of apartheid in South Africa, we will celebrate the end of settler colonialism in Palestine.” #MarchOnWashington #FreePalestine

04.11.2023 - 18:53 [ Palestinian Youth Movement / Twitter ]

Jasmine Nicole Williams from Artists Against Apartheid speaking on art as a liberatory practice from Palestine to the Congo to Haiti. “Free Palestine and free all oppressed people.”

04.11.2023 - 18:35 [ BreakThrough News / Twitter ]

Free Palestine! National March on Washington Live Coverage

04.11.2023 - 18:02 [ France24.com ]

Turkey recalls envoy to Israel, ‚writes off‘ Netanyahu

Palestinian ally Turkey had been mending torn relations with Israel until last month‘s start of the Israel-Hamas war.

But its tone hardened against both Israel and its Western supporters — particularly the United States — as the fighting escalated and the death toll among Palestinian civilians soared.

04.11.2023 - 18:01 [ Washington Post ]

Honduras recalls ambassador to Israel as it condemns civilian Palestinian toll in war

(November 3, 2023)

Bolivia’s government severed diplomatic relations with Israel on Tuesday, accusing it of carrying out “crimes against humanity” in Gaza. Chile and Colombia also recalled their own ambassadors to Israel as they criticized the Israeli offensive against Hamas militants.

04.11.2023 - 18:00 [ Al Jazeera ]

Bahrain recalls ambassador from Israel amid escalating assault on Gaza

(November 2, 2023)

The statement from the government in Manama made no mention of cutting economic relations, although it did say that flights between the two countries were temporarily suspended.

04.11.2023 - 13:00 [ BreakThrough News / Youtube ]

Free Palestine! National March on Washington Live Coverage

Join BreakThrough News for our LIVE on-the-ground coverage of the National March on Washington to demand a free Palestine.

This historic action is being cosponsored by Palestinian Youth Movement, Al-Awda (The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition), American Muslim Alliance, ANSWER Coalition, The Peoples Forum, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, US Palestinian Community Network, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Maryland to Palestine, Palestinian-American Community Center, and National Students for Justice in Palestine, and is endorsed by hundreds of others.

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ Answer Coalition ]

MEDIA ALERT: Washington DC to host the largest mobilization in support of Palestine in US history

When: 1:00 pm, Saturday, November 4, 2023

Where: Freedom Plaza, Washington D.C.

Washington DC, November 3, 2023 – The US capital is gearing up for the largest mobilization in support of Palestine in the country’s history. Tens of thousands of activists are boarding buses from cities as far as Chicago, Houston, and Tampa to participate in the historic march.

Over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in its intense bombing campaign of the Gaza strip. According to a report released today by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has used 25,000 tons of explosives on Gaza since October 7, equivalent to two nuclear bombs. This has continued unrelenting despite calls from world leaders and millions of people across the world for an end to this genocidal violence.

The hundreds of thousands converging in Washington DC will join people from across the globe to demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to all US aid to Israel, and an end to the over 16-year siege on Gaza.

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ CodePink.org ]

National March on Washington: Free Palestine

Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE!

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ PeoplesForum.org ]

National March on Washington: Free Palestine

Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE! Join the tens of thousands people, from every corner of the United States, who are converging for a truly massive National March on Washington D.C. on Saturday, November 4.

04.11.2023 - 11:58 [ PewResearch.org ]

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy 60 Years After the March on Washington

(August 10, 2023)

On Aug. 28, 1963, about 250,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his historic “I Have a Dream” speech advocating for economic and civil rights for Black Americans.

04.11.2023 - 11:40 [ Washington Post ]

Here’s what to know about the pro-Palestinian rally in D.C. on Saturday

Thousands of people are expected to rally Saturday in Washington, joining a push from people across the world to demand both a cease-fire in the Israel-Gaza war and an end to U.S. aid to Israel.

Brian Becker, the executive director of the ANSWER Coalition, one of the organizers of the march, said he hopes this gathering will be “the largest demonstration in support of the Palestinian people in the history of the United States.”

04.11.2023 - 10:41 [ US Campaign for Palestinian Rights ]


USCPR is a political home for all who believe that freedom for the Palestinian people is an integral part of achieving our collective liberation. We provide resources and strategic support to the U.S.-based Palestine solidarity movement, channeling grassroots power into positive change in U.S. policy and public opinion. We work with local organizers and activists, policymakers, movement leaders, media, and advocacy organizations to advance a rights-based, accountability and justice-oriented framework from the U.S. to Palestine.

04.11.2023 - 10:13 [ @USCPR_ US Campaign for Palestinian Rights / Twitter ]

Capitol Police arrested activists in @SenWarren‘s, @SenMarkey‘s, @SenSanders‘s, @SenJeffMerkley‘s, and @SenBrianSchatz‘s offices. 180 human rights activists held sit-ins at 8 senators‘ offices at risk of arrest. They took a stand to stop Israel‘s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

04.11.2023 - 10:02 [ Cornel West, one of America's most provocative public intellectuals / Twitter ]

People are hungry for change. They want good policies over partisan politics. We need to break the grip of the duopoly and give power to the people. I‘m running as an Independent candidate for President of the United States to end the iron grip of the ruling class and ensure true democracy! Join us Volunteer. Donate. Sign up

04.11.2023 - 10:00 [ CornelWest2024.com ]

We need visionary and courageous presidential leadership

Brother Cornel West is a living embodiment of the power of an independent mind, forever reminding us that greatness is born of the courage to stand apart and speak one‘s truth. Even as a young child, he exhibited the remarkable qualities that would define his life‘s journey and the path to the presidency. In the third grade, he fearlessly stood up to his teacher, challenging her ideas and defying the conventional norms of his time. This act of defiance was not an anomaly but a testament to his calling — the commitment to independent thinking.

Throughout his life, he has fearlessly questioned the status quo, challenged the prevailing narratives, and championed the causes of justice and equality. His unwavering commitment to independent thought and his unapologetic pursuit of truth have made him a revered figure, inspiring others to follow their path, think critically, and never back down from the pursuit of a more just and enlightened world.

04.11.2023 - 01:35 [ American Muslims for Palestine / Twitter ]

The world is witnessing Israel and the US jointly committing genocide in Gaza with no remorse and no humanity. The world will never be the same, nor the reputation of the US.

#CeasefireNow #GazaGenocide

04.11.2023 - 00:45 [ American Muslims for Palestine / Twitter ]

American citizens in Gaza targeted by Israeli forces while traveling to the crossing after given instructions by the U.S. Embassy.

04.11.2023 - 00:34 [ Paleo Arkouda / Twitter ]

Israel trying to kill ‘as many Palestinians as possible’ as pressure mounts, analyst says

04.11.2023 - 00:25 [ Logo Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Al Jazeera has released footage from the Saftawi School massacre, and the visuals are profoundly heart-wrenching. Pieces of dead bodies scattered, blood staining the school‘s walls. Medical sources estimate that 20 to 30 Palestinians including children were slaughtered

04.11.2023 - 00:14 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

At least 20 Palestinians killed and dozens more wounded in an Israeli air attack on a UN-run school in northern Gaza, says the Ministry of Health.

(2 hours ago)

04.11.2023 - 00:09 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

Utterly shocked by reports of attacks on ambulances evacuating patients close to Al-Shifa hospital in #Gaza, leading to deaths, injuries and damage. We reiterate: patients, health workers, facilities, and ambulances must be protected at all times. Always. Ceasefire NOW. #NotATarget

(5 hours ago)